Some Communication Problems of KB Controlled Manufacturing Systems
Some Communication Problems of KB Controlled Manufacturing Systems
Some Communication Problems of KB Controlled Manufacturing Systems
George L. Kovács and János Nacsa
CIM Research Laboratory, Computer and Automation Research Institute of HAS,
1518 Budapest POB 63, Hungary
It would have been also possible to define A simple example of the method can be seen in the
independent procedures to all cases when an Fig. 3. When the user wants to take a box to a
MMS services should be used. In this case the given place he or she should push the button of the
whole MMS functionality would be mouse above the place. A G2 'user-defined-action'
implemented within the gateway. It is the belongs to the place which starts the next-move
solution without any MLGO support. procedure. It will pick up the parameters of a start-
The third solution reduced the number of the program-invocation MMS service from the
necessary objects and procedures to some MLGO and call the GSI mms-serv external
general terms. It uses limited number of procedure that sends the request to the robot across
external GSI procedure calls also, but give a the gateway. This method is rather general and
rather general (few limitations) interface other MMS Application Enabler programs at the
towards MMS. market are using similar solutions (EasyMAP,
PLACE3, a place
Operation "StartPI"
Color gray Param 3
Weight 30
a place Position 3 Last value -1 6. KNOWLEDGE BASED CONTROL OF AN
Remote appl "pc.mms"
step Mms object type prog-inv
Mms object name "R-GET"
start next-move Domain ""
(user,PLACE3) Named type "" In the last two years a CAD/CAM integrated robot
programming system (PROARC) was developed in
co-operation with German and Hungarian
participants in the frame of an EC East-West
project (Weck et al, 1995). The goal of the system
call mms-serv(operation, is to assist arc-welding with robots in SMEs mostly
remote-appl,object,domain, for small and medium lot sizes with a PC based,
type, param) across mygsi-1 interactive, off-line robot programming system.
Fig. 3. Realization of MMS within the G2 system Most commercially available systems are either too
expensive, or cannot provide enough features for
arc-welding. CAD/CAM integration means that
after adding the necessary technological especially not for the first two modules. In the
information to the AutoCAD based geometric Modelling Module basically the welding-cell and
design the appropriate programs provide automatic its components are inputed into the system. The
program generation and remote control for the Welding Planning Module provides the capabilities
applied robot to execute the welding tasks. to associate seams to the modelled workpieces and
The PROARC system can be divided into different to generate all movements during the welding
modules: Modelling, Welding Planning, Program session. The Program Generation generates the
Generation and Communication. In this functional robot specific code including some system and
division of the system the different phases of an environment specific features as well. The
offline session are mapped. However, the Communication Module provides the connection
underlying structure is not that separable, to the robot controller.
PROARC system G2
AutoCAD R13 ADS function calls Welding
AutoCAD requests
Modelling and welding
planning module
STEP file families
Communication module
MMS network
Fig. 4. shows the connections of the KB based can assist of re-using welding settings or even
control and the PROARC system where the pieces of robot program parts.
original communication module of PROARC has The present system supports already the
been replaced with the KB control module. This unskilled user with offering default values of
modification will lead us to integrate more parts the different welding variables, but a
into the KB and then the real features and power of knowledge based tool could grow the capacity
the integrated KB tool will appear. of this feature.
There are several possibilities to increase the Recently the system uses only a simple tactile
‘intelligence’ of the recent PROARC system: sensor to provide safe welding. The intelligent
The similarities of the workpiece families evaluation of sensor-information could help in
could be managed and analyzed in a more making the system more reliable by means of
sophisticated way even if this feature is a analysis and forecasting procedures.
special one in the PROARC. The intelligent The area we have already dealt with assists in
comparison of workpieces in the design phase performing the control tasks of the system. It
means that the Communication Module of the
PROARC system is completely replaced a G2 8. REFERENCES
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