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Aws Iot Greengrass: Developer Guide

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AWS IoT Greengrass

Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

AWS IoT Greengrass: Developer Guide

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AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Table of Contents
What Is AWS IoT Greengrass? .............................................................................................................. 1
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software .............................................................................................. 2
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Versions ....................................................................................... 2
AWS IoT Greengrass Groups ........................................................................................................ 6
Devices in AWS IoT Greengrass .................................................................................................... 8
SDKs ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Supported Platforms and Requirements ...................................................................................... 11
AWS IoT Greengrass Downloads ................................................................................................. 16
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software .................................................................................... 16
AWS IoT Greengrass Snap Software .................................................................................... 19
AWS IoT Greengrass Docker Software ................................................................................. 21
AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK Software .............................................................................. 22
AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning Runtimes and Precompiled Libraries ............................. 22
AWS IoT Greengrass ML SDK Software ................................................................................ 23
We Want to Hear from You ....................................................................................................... 23
AWS IoT Greengrass Core .......................................................................................................... 24
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File ........................................................................ 24
Endpoints Must Match the Certificate Type .......................................................................... 45
Connect on Port 443 or Through a Network Proxy ............................................................... 46
Write Directory ................................................................................................................ 52
Message Quality of Service ................................................................................................ 54
MQTT Message Queue ...................................................................................................... 55
Client IDs for MQTT Connections with AWS IoT .................................................................... 58
Activate Automatic IP Detection ......................................................................................... 59
Start Greengrass on System Boot ....................................................................................... 62
Archive a Core Software Installation ................................................................................... 62
See Also .......................................................................................................................... 63
Getting Started with AWS IoT Greengrass ........................................................................................... 64
Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 64
Create an AWS Account ............................................................................................................. 65
Module 1: Environment Setup for Greengrass .............................................................................. 65
Setting Up a Raspberry Pi ................................................................................................. 65
Setting Up an Amazon EC2 Instance ................................................................................... 70
Setting Up Other Devices .................................................................................................. 75
Module 2: Installing the AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software .......................................................... 76
Configure AWS IoT Greengrass on AWS IoT ......................................................................... 77
Start AWS IoT Greengrass on the Core Device ...................................................................... 81
Module 3 (Part 1): Lambda Functions on AWS IoT Greengrass ........................................................ 84
Create and Package a Lambda Function .............................................................................. 84
Configure the Lambda Function for AWS IoT Greengrass ....................................................... 88
Deploy Cloud Configurations to a Core Device ..................................................................... 93
Verify the Lambda Function Is Running on the Device ........................................................... 94
Module 3 (Part 2): Lambda Functions on AWS IoT Greengrass ........................................................ 97
Create and Package the Lambda Function ........................................................................... 97
Configure Long-Lived Lambda Functions for AWS IoT Greengrass ........................................... 99
Test Long-Lived Lambda Functions ................................................................................... 100
Test On-Demand Lambda Functions ................................................................................. 105
Module 4: Interacting with Devices in an AWS IoT Greengrass Group ............................................. 109
Create AWS IoT Devices in an AWS IoT Greengrass Group .................................................... 110
Configure Subscriptions ................................................................................................... 113
Install the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python ........................................................................ 114
Test Communications ...................................................................................................... 119
Module 5: Interacting with Device Shadows ............................................................................... 122
Configure Devices and Subscriptions ................................................................................. 123

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Download Required Files ................................................................................................. 126

Test Communications (Device Syncs Disabled) .................................................................... 126
Test Communications (Device Syncs Enabled) ..................................................................... 129
Module 6: Accessing Other AWS Services ................................................................................... 131
Configure the Group Role ................................................................................................ 132
Create and Configure the Lambda Function ....................................................................... 134
Configure Subscriptions ................................................................................................... 138
Test Communications ...................................................................................................... 140
Module 7: Simulating Hardware Security Integration ................................................................... 142
Install SoftHSM .............................................................................................................. 142
Configure SoftHSM ......................................................................................................... 143
Import the Private Key .................................................................................................... 144
Configure the Greengrass Core ......................................................................................... 144
Test the Configuration .................................................................................................... 147
See Also ........................................................................................................................ 147
OTA Updates of AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software ........................................................................... 148
Greengrass OTA Update Agent ................................................................................................. 149
Integration with Init Systems ................................................................................................... 152
OTA Self-Update with Managed Respawn .......................................................................... 152
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Update with Managed Respawn ................................................... 152
OTA Update Agent Self-Update ................................................................................................ 153
Greengrass Core Software Update ............................................................................................ 153
Deploy AWS IoT Greengrass Groups .................................................................................................. 154
Deploying Groups from the AWS IoT console ............................................................................. 155
Deploying Groups with the AWS IoT Greengrass API ................................................................... 156
Overview of the Group Object Model ........................................................................................ 157
Groups .......................................................................................................................... 157
Group Versions ............................................................................................................... 157
Group Components ......................................................................................................... 158
Updating Groups ............................................................................................................ 159
See Also ................................................................................................................................ 160
Get Deployment Notifications .................................................................................................. 160
Group Deployment Status Change Event ........................................................................... 160
Prerequisites for Creating EventBridge Rules ...................................................................... 161
Configure Deployment Notifications (Console) .................................................................... 162
Configure Deployment Notifications (CLI) .......................................................................... 162
Configure Deployment Notifications (AWS CloudFormation) ................................................. 163
See Also ........................................................................................................................ 163
Reset Deployments ................................................................................................................. 163
Reset Deployments from the AWS IoT console ................................................................... 164
Reset Deployments with the AWS IoT Greengrass API .......................................................... 164
See Also ........................................................................................................................ 165
Create Bulk Deployments ........................................................................................................ 165
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 166
Create and Upload the Bulk Deployment Input File ............................................................. 166
Create and Configure an IAM Execution Role ...................................................................... 167
Allow Your Execution Role Access to Your S3 Bucket ........................................................... 169
Deploy the Groups .......................................................................................................... 170
Test the Deployment ...................................................................................................... 171
Troubleshooting Bulk Deployments ................................................................................... 173
See Also ....................................................................................................................... 174
Run Local Lambda Functions ........................................................................................................... 175
SDKs ..................................................................................................................................... 175
Migrating Cloud-Based Lambda Functions ......................................................................... 177
Function Aliases and Versions .................................................................................................. 177
Controlling Greengrass Lambda Function Execution .................................................................... 178
Running a Lambda Function as Root ................................................................................. 180

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Considerations When Choosing Lambda Function Containerization ........................................ 181

Setting the Default Access Identity for Lambda Functions in a Group ..................................... 183
Setting Default Containerization for Lambda Functions in a Group ........................................ 184
Communication Flows ............................................................................................................. 184
Communication Using MQTT Messages ............................................................................. 184
Other Communication Flows ............................................................................................ 185
Retrieve the Input Topic (or Subject) ......................................................................................... 185
Lifecycle Configuration ............................................................................................................ 187
Lambda Executables ............................................................................................................... 187
Create a Lambda Executable ............................................................................................ 188
Run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker Container .......................................................................... 189
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 190
Get the AWS IoT Greengrass Container Image from Amazon ECR .......................................... 190
Create and Configure the Greengrass Group and Core ......................................................... 193
Run AWS IoT Greengrass Locally ...................................................................................... 193
Configure "No container" Containerization for the Group ..................................................... 197
Deploy Lambda Functions to the Docker Container ............................................................. 197
(Optional) Deploy Devices that Interact with Greengrass in the Docker Container ..................... 197
Stopping the AWS IoT Greengrass Docker Container ........................................................... 197
Troubleshooting AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker Container ................................................. 198
Access Local Resources .................................................................................................................... 200
Supported Resource Types ....................................................................................................... 200
Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 201
Volume Resources Under the /proc Directory ..................................................................... 201
Group Owner File Access Permission ......................................................................................... 201
See Also ........................................................................................................................ 202
Using the CLI ......................................................................................................................... 202
Create Local Resources .................................................................................................... 202
Create the Greengrass Function ........................................................................................ 204
Add the Lambda Function to the Group ............................................................................ 205
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................. 206
Using the Console .................................................................................................................. 207
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 207
Create a Lambda Function Deployment Package ................................................................. 207
Create and Publish a Lambda Function ............................................................................. 208
Add the Lambda Function to the Group ............................................................................ 211
Add a Local Resource to the Group ................................................................................... 213
Add Subscriptions to the Group ....................................................................................... 214
Deploy the Group ........................................................................................................... 216
Test Local Resource Access .............................................................................................. 217
Perform Machine Learning Inference ................................................................................................. 221
How AWS IoT Greengrass ML Inference Works ............................................................................ 221
Machine Learning Resources .................................................................................................... 221
Supported Model Sources ................................................................................................ 222
Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 224
Runtimes and Precompiled Framework Libraries for ML Inference ................................................. 224
Amazon SageMaker Neo Deep Learning Runtime ................................................................ 224
MXNet Versioning ........................................................................................................... 225
MXNet on Raspberry Pi ................................................................................................... 225
TensorFlow Model-Serving Limitations on Raspberry Pi ....................................................... 225
How to Configure Machine Learning Inference ........................................................................... 226
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 226
Configure the Raspberry Pi .............................................................................................. 226
Install the MXNet Framework ........................................................................................... 227
Create a Model Package .................................................................................................. 228
Create and Publish a Lambda Function ............................................................................. 228
Add the Lambda Function to the Group ............................................................................ 232

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Add Resources to the Group ............................................................................................ 234

Add a Subscription to the Group ...................................................................................... 238
Deploy the Group ........................................................................................................... 239
Test the App .................................................................................................................. 240
Next Steps ..................................................................................................................... 243
Configuring an NVIDIA Jetson TX2 .................................................................................... 243
How to Configure Optimized Machine Learning Inference ............................................................ 244
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 226
Configure the Raspberry Pi .............................................................................................. 245
Install the Amazon SageMaker Neo Deep Learning Runtime ................................................. 246
Create an Inference Lambda Function ............................................................................... 246
Add the Lambda Function to the Group ............................................................................ 250
Add a Neo-Optimized Model Resource to the Group ........................................................... 251
Add Your Camera Device Resource to the Group ................................................................. 252
Add Subscriptions to the Group ....................................................................................... 254
Deploy the Group ........................................................................................................... 255
Test the Example ............................................................................................................ 240
Configuring an Intel Atom ............................................................................................... 258
Configuring an NVIDIA Jetson TX2 .................................................................................... 259
Troubleshooting AWS IoT Greengrass ML Inference ............................................................. 242
Next Steps ..................................................................................................................... 262
Deploy Secrets to the Core .............................................................................................................. 263
Secrets Encryption .................................................................................................................. 264
Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 264
Specify the Private Key for Secret Encryption ............................................................................. 265
Allow AWS IoT Greengrass to Get Secret Values ......................................................................... 266
See Also ................................................................................................................................ 267
Work with Secret Resources ..................................................................................................... 267
Creating and Managing Secrets ........................................................................................ 267
Using Local Secrets ......................................................................................................... 270
How To Create a Secret Resource (Console) ................................................................................ 272
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 273
Create a Secrets Manager Secret ...................................................................................... 273
Add a Secret Resource to a Group .................................................................................... 274
Create a Lambda Function Deployment Package ................................................................. 276
Create a Lambda Function ............................................................................................... 277
Add the Function to the Group ........................................................................................ 278
Attach the Secret Resource to the Function ....................................................................... 278
Add Subscriptions to the Group ....................................................................................... 279
Deploy the Group ........................................................................................................... 280
Test the Function ........................................................................................................... 281
See Also ........................................................................................................................ 282
Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors ...................................................................... 283
Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 284
Using AWS IoT Greengrass Connectors ...................................................................................... 284
Configuration Parameters ........................................................................................................ 286
Parameters Used to Access Group Resources ...................................................................... 286
Updating Connector Parameters ....................................................................................... 286
Inputs and Outputs ................................................................................................................ 287
Input Topics ................................................................................................................... 287
Logging ................................................................................................................................. 288
AWS-Provided Greengrass Connectors ....................................................................................... 288
CloudWatch Metrics ........................................................................................................ 289
Device Defender ............................................................................................................. 296
IoT Analytics .................................................................................................................. 299
Kinesis Firehose .............................................................................................................. 307
ML Feedback .................................................................................................................. 315

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

ML Image Classification ................................................................................................... 326

ML Object Detection ....................................................................................................... 343
Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter ......................................................................................... 354
Raspberry Pi GPIO .......................................................................................................... 365
Serial Stream ................................................................................................................. 370
ServiceNow MetricBase Integration ................................................................................... 378
SNS .............................................................................................................................. 384
Splunk Integration .......................................................................................................... 389
Twilio Notifications ......................................................................................................... 395
Get Started with Connectors (Console) ...................................................................................... 403
.................................................................................................................................... 403
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 404
Create a Secrets Manager Secret ...................................................................................... 404
Add a Secret Resource to a Group .................................................................................... 405
Add a Connector to the Group ......................................................................................... 406
Create a Lambda Function Deployment Package ................................................................. 407
Create a Lambda Function ............................................................................................... 408
Add a Function to the Group ........................................................................................... 409
Add Subscriptions to the Group ....................................................................................... 410
Deploy the Group ........................................................................................................... 411
Test the Solution ............................................................................................................ 412
See Also ........................................................................................................................ 413
Get Started with Connectors (CLI) ............................................................................................ 413
.................................................................................................................................... 413
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 415
Create a Secrets Manager Secret ...................................................................................... 415
Create a Resource Definition and Version ........................................................................... 416
Create a Connector Definition and Version ......................................................................... 416
Create a Lambda Function Deployment Package ................................................................. 417
Create a Lambda Function ............................................................................................... 418
Create a Function Definition and Version ........................................................................... 420
Create a Subscription Definition and Version ...................................................................... 420
Create a Group Version ................................................................................................... 421
Create a Deployment ...................................................................................................... 422
Test the Solution ............................................................................................................ 423
See Also ........................................................................................................................ 425
Greengrass Discovery RESTful API ..................................................................................................... 426
Request ................................................................................................................................. 426
Response ............................................................................................................................... 427
Authorization ......................................................................................................................... 427
Example Discover Response Documents ..................................................................................... 427
Implement Custom OPC-UA Support ................................................................................................ 430
Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................... 431
Set Up a Test OPC-UA Server ................................................................................................... 431
Create an OPC-UA Adapter Lambda Function That Interacts with the OPC-UA Server ....................... 432
Test the OPC-UA Adapter Lambda Function ............................................................................... 434
Next Steps ............................................................................................................................. 435
AWS IoT Greengrass Security ........................................................................................................... 436
Configuring Greengrass Security ............................................................................................... 437
Minimal AWS IoT Policy for the AWS IoT Greengrass Core Device .......................................... 437
Security Principals .................................................................................................................. 439
Device Connection Workflow .................................................................................................... 441
Greengrass Messaging Workflow .............................................................................................. 441
Certificate Rotation on the MQTT Core Server ............................................................................ 442
TLS Cipher Suites Support ....................................................................................................... 442
Greengrass Service Role .......................................................................................................... 443
Manage the Service Role (Console) ................................................................................... 443

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Manage the Service Role (CLI) .......................................................................................... 446

See Also ........................................................................................................................ 448
Hardware Security .................................................................................................................. 448
Requirements ................................................................................................................. 449
Hardware Security Configuration ...................................................................................... 450
Provisioning Practices .................................................................................................... 452
Supported Cipher Suites .................................................................................................. 454
Configure OTA Updates ................................................................................................... 454
Backward Compatibility ................................................................................................... 455
Hardware Without PKCS#11 Support ................................................................................ 455
See Also ........................................................................................................................ 456
Monitoring ..................................................................................................................................... 457
CloudWatch Logs .................................................................................................................... 457
File System Logs .................................................................................................................... 458
Default Logging Configuration ................................................................................................. 458
Configure Logging for AWS IoT Greengrass ................................................................................ 459
Configure Logging (Console) ............................................................................................ 459
Configure Logging (API) .................................................................................................. 459
Configuration Example .................................................................................................... 460
Logging Limitations ................................................................................................................ 461
Transactions per Second .................................................................................................. 461
Memory ......................................................................................................................... 461
Clock Skew .................................................................................................................... 461
Disk Usage ..................................................................................................................... 461
Log Loss ........................................................................................................................ 462
Logging AWS IoT Greengrass API Calls with AWS CloudTrail ......................................................... 462
AWS IoT Greengrass Information in CloudTrail ................................................................... 462
Understanding AWS IoT Greengrass Log File Entries ............................................................ 463
See Also ........................................................................................................................ 465
CloudTrail Logs ...................................................................................................................... 465
Tagging Your Greengrass Resources .................................................................................................. 466
Tag Basics .............................................................................................................................. 466
Tagging Support (Console) ............................................................................................... 466
Tagging Support (API) ..................................................................................................... 467
Using Tags with IAM Policies .................................................................................................... 468
Example IAM Policies ...................................................................................................... 468
See Also ................................................................................................................................ 470
AWS CloudFormation Support for AWS IoT Greengrass ........................................................................ 471
Create Resources .................................................................................................................... 471
Deploy Resources ................................................................................................................... 472
Example Template .................................................................................................................. 472
Supported AWS Regions .......................................................................................................... 481
Using AWS IoT Device Tester for AWS IoT Greengrass ......................................................................... 482
AWS IoT Device Tester for AWS IoT Greengrass Versions .............................................................. 483
Earlier IDT Versions for AWS IoT Greengrass ...................................................................... 483
Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................... 485
Download the Latest Version of AWS IoT Device Tester for AWS IoT Greengrass ....................... 485
Create and Configure an AWS Account .............................................................................. 485
Using IDT for Greengrass 1.6.1 and Earlier ......................................................................... 488
Configure Your Device ..................................................................................................... 489
Setting Configuration to Run the AWS IoT Greengrass Qualification Suite ...................................... 495
Configure Your AWS Credentials ....................................................................................... 495
Device Configuration ....................................................................................................... 496
Running Tests ........................................................................................................................ 499
AWS IoT Device Tester for AWS IoT Greengrass Commands .................................................. 499
Understanding Results and Logs ............................................................................................... 499
Viewing Results .............................................................................................................. 500

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Test Group Descriptions .......................................................................................................... 502

IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass Troubleshooting ............................................................................. 504
Error Codes .................................................................................................................... 504
Resolving IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass Errors ..................................................................... 513
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 516
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Issues ............................................................................................... 516
Error: The configuration file is missing the CaPath, CertPath or KeyPath. The Greengrass
daemon process with [pid = <pid>] died. ........................................................................... 517
Error: Failed to parse /<greengrass-root>/config/config.json. ............................................... 518
Error: Error occurred while generating TLS config: ErrUnknownURIScheme ............................. 518
Error: Runtime failed to start: unable to start workers: container test timed out. ...................... 518
Error: Failed to invoke PutLogEvents on local Cloudwatch, logGroup: /GreengrassSystem/
connection_manager, error: RequestError: send request failed caused by: Post http://<path>/
cloudwatch/logs/: dial tcp <address>: getsockopt: connection refused, response: { }. ................ 519
Error: Unable to create server due to: failed to load group: chmod /<greengrass-root>/ggc/
name>:<version>/<file-name>: no such file or directory. ...................................................... 519
The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software doesn't start after you changed from running with no
containerization to running in a Greengrass container. ......................................................... 519
Error: Spool size should be at least 262144 bytes. .............................................................. 520
Error: container_linux.go:344: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:424:
container init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:64: mounting \\\"/greengrass/ggc/socket/
greengrass_ipc.sock\\\" to rootfs \\\"/greengrass/ggc/packages/<version>/rootfs/merged\\\"
at \\\"/greengrass_ipc.sock\\\" caused \\\"stat /greengrass/ggc/socket/greengrass_ipc.sock:
permission denied\\\"\"". ................................................................................................. 520
Error: Greengrass daemon running with PID: <process-id>. Some system components failed to
start. Check 'runtime.log' for errors. .................................................................................. 520
Device shadow does not sync with the cloud. ..................................................................... 520
The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software does not run on Raspberry Pi because user namespace
is not enabled. ............................................................................................................... 521
ERROR: unable to accept TCP connection. accept tcp [::]:8000: accept4: too many open files. ..... 521
Error: Runtime execution error: unable to start lambda container. container_linux.go:259:
starting container process caused "process_linux.go:345: container init caused
\"rootfs_linux.go:50: preparing rootfs caused \\\"permission denied\\\"\"". ............................ 521
Warning: [WARN]-[5]GK Remote: Error retrieving public key data: ErrPrincipalNotConfigured:
private key for MqttCertificate is not set. .......................................................................... 522
Error: Permission denied when attempting to use role arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<role-
name> to access s3 url https://<region>-greengrass-updates.s3.<region>.amazonaws.com/
core/<architecture>/greengrass-core-<distribution-version>.tar.gz. ........................................ 522
The AWS IoT Greengrass core is configured to use a network proxy and your Lambda function
can't make outgoing connections. ..................................................................................... 522
The core is in an infinite connect-disconnect loop. The runtime.log file contains a continuous
series of connect and disconnect entries. ........................................................................... 523
Error: unable to start lambda container. container_linux.go:259: starting container process
caused "process_linux.go:345: container init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:62: mounting \\\"proc\\
\" to rootfs \\\" ............................................................................................................. 523
Error: [ERROR]-runtime execution error: unable to start lambda container. {"errorString":
"failed to initialize container mounts: failed to create overlay fs for container: mounting overlay
at /greengrass/ggc/ packages/<ggc-version>/rootfs/merged failed: failed to mount with
args source=\"no_source\" dest=\"/greengrass/ggc/packages/<ggc-version>/rootfs/merged
\" fstype=\"overlay\" flags=\"0\" data=\"lowerdir=/greengrass/ggc/packages/<ggc-version>/
dns:/,upperdir=/greengr ass/ggc/packages/<ggc-version>/rootfs/upper,workdir=/greengrass/
ggc/packages/<ggc-version>/rootfs/work\": too many levels of symbolic links"} ..................... 524
Error: [DEBUG]-Failed to get routes. Discarding message. ..................................................... 524
Deployment Issues .................................................................................................................. 524
Your current deployment does not work and you want to revert to a previous working
deployment. ................................................................................................................... 525

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

You see a 403 Forbidden error on deployment in the logs. ................................................... 527
A ConcurrentDeployment error occurs when you run the create-deployment command for the
first time. ...................................................................................................................... 527
Error: Greengrass is not authorized to assume the Service Role associated with this account, or
the error: Failed: TES service role is not associated with this account. ..................................... 527
The deployment doesn't finish. ........................................................................................ 527
The deployment doesn't finish, and runtime.log contains multiple "wait 1s for container to
stop" entries. .................................................................................................................. 528
Error: Deployment <deployment-id> of type NewDeployment for group <group-id> failed
error: Error while processing. group config is invalid: 112 or [119 0] don't have rw permission
on the file: <path>. ......................................................................................................... 528
Error: <list-of-function-arns> are configured to run as root but Greengrass is not configured to
run Lambda functions with root permissions. ..................................................................... 528
Error: Deployment <deployment-id> of type NewDeployment for group <group-id> failed
error: Greengrass deployment error: unable to execute download step in deployment. error
while processing: unable to load the group file downloaded: could not find UID based on user
name, userName: ggc_user: user: unknown user ggc_user. ................................................... 529
Error: Deployment <deployment-id> of type NewDeployment for group <group-id> failed
error: process start failed: container_linux.go:259: starting container process caused
"process_linux.go:250: running exec setns process for init caused \"wait: no child processes\"". .. 529
Error: [WARN]-MQTT[client] dial tcp: lookup <host-prefix>-ats.iot.<region>.amazonaws.com:
no such host ... [ERROR]-Greengrass deployment error: failed to report deployment status back
to cloud ... net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded
while awaiting headers) ................................................................................................... 529
Create Group/Create Function Issues ......................................................................................... 530
Error: Your 'IsolationMode' configuration for the group is invalid. .......................................... 530
Error: Your 'IsolationMode' configuration for function with arn <function-arn> is invalid. .......... 531
Error: MemorySize configuration for function with arn <function-arn> is not allowed in
IsolationMode=NoContainer. ............................................................................................ 531
Error: Access Sysfs configuration for function with arn <function-arn> is not allowed in
IsolationMode=NoContainer. ............................................................................................ 531
Error: MemorySize configuration for function with arn <function-arn> is required in
IsolationMode=GreengrassContainer. ................................................................................. 531
Error: Function <function-arn> refers to resource of type <resource-type> that is not allowed in
IsolationMode=NoContainer. ............................................................................................ 531
Error: Execution configuration for function with arn <function-arn> is not allowed. .................. 532
Discovery Issues ..................................................................................................................... 532
Error: Device is a member of too many groups, devices may not be in more than 10 groups ....... 532
AWS IoT Greengrass Core in Docker Issues ................................................................................. 532
Error: Unknown options: -no-include-email ........................................................................ 198
Warning: IPv4 is disabled. Networking will not work. ........................................................... 198
Error: A firewall is blocking file Sharing between windows and the containers. ........................ 198
Error: Cannot create container for the service greengrass: Conflict. The container name "/aws-
iot-greengrass" is already in use. ...................................................................................... 533
Error: [FATAL]-Failed to reset thread's mount namespace due to an unexpected error:
"operation not permitted". To maintain consistency, GGC will crash and need to be manually
restarted. ....................................................................................................................... 533
Troubleshooting with Logs ....................................................................................................... 534
Troubleshooting Storage Issues ................................................................................................ 534
Troubleshooting Messages ....................................................................................................... 535
Troubleshooting Shadow Synchronization Timeout Issues ............................................................ 535
Check the AWS IoT Greengrass Forum ....................................................................................... 536
Document History .......................................................................................................................... 537
Earlier Updates ....................................................................................................................... 541

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

What Is AWS IoT Greengrass?

AWS IoT Greengrass is software that extends cloud capabilities to local devices. This enables devices to
collect and analyze data closer to the source of information, react autonomously to local events, and
communicate securely with each other on local networks. AWS IoT Greengrass developers can use AWS
Lambda functions and prebuilt connectors (p. 283) to create serverless applications that are deployed
to devices for local execution.

The following diagram shows the basic architecture of AWS IoT Greengrass.

AWS IoT Greengrass makes it possible for customers to build IoT devices and application logic.
Specifically, AWS IoT Greengrass provides cloud-based management of application logic that runs on
devices. Locally deployed Lambda functions and connectors are triggered by local events, messages from
the cloud, or other sources.

In AWS IoT Greengrass, devices securely communicate on a local network and exchange messages
with each other without having to connect to the cloud. AWS IoT Greengrass provides a local pub/sub
message manager that can intelligently buffer messages if connectivity is lost so that inbound and
outbound messages to the cloud are preserved.

AWS IoT Greengrass protects user data:

• Through the secure authentication and authorization of devices.

• Through secure connectivity in the local network.
• Between local devices and the cloud.

Device security credentials function in a group until they are revoked, even if connectivity to the cloud is
disrupted, so that the devices can continue to securely communicate locally.

AWS IoT Greengrass provides secure, over-the-air software updates of Lambda functions.

AWS IoT Greengrass consists of:

• Software distributions
• AWS IoT Greengrass Core software
• AWS IoT Greengrass core SDK
• Cloud service
• AWS IoT Greengrass API

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software

• Features
• Lambda runtime
• Shadows implementation
• Message manager
• Group management
• Discovery service
• Over-the-air update agent
• Local resource access
• Local machine learning inference
• Local secrets manager
• Connectors with built-in integration with services, protocols, and software

AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software

The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software provides the following functionality:

• Deployment and local execution of connectors and Lambda functions.

• Secure, encrypted storage of local secrets and controlled access by connectors and Lambda functions.
• MQTT messaging over the local network between devices, connectors, and Lambda functions using
managed subscriptions.
• MQTT messaging between AWS IoT and devices, connectors, and Lambda functions using managed
• Secure connections between devices and the cloud using device authentication and authorization.
• Local shadow synchronization of devices. Shadows can be configured to sync with the cloud.
• Controlled access to local device and volume resources.
• Deployment of cloud-trained machine learning models for running local inference.
• Automatic IP address detection that enables devices to discover the Greengrass core device.
• Central deployment of new or updated group configuration. After the configuration data is
downloaded, the core device is restarted automatically.
• Secure, over-the-air software updates of user-defined Lambda functions.

AWS IoT Greengrass core instances are configured through AWS IoT Greengrass APIs that create and
update AWS IoT Greengrass group definitions stored in the cloud.

AWS IoT Greengrass Core Versions

The following tabs describe what's new and changed in AWS IoT Greengrass Core software versions.

GGC v1.9

1.9.4 - Current version

Bug fixes and improvements:

• General performance improvements and bug fixes.

New features:
• Support for Armv6l. AWS IoT Greengrass Core software v1.9.3 or later can be installed on
Raspbian distributions on Armv6l architectures (for example, on Raspberry Pi Zero devices).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Versions

• OTA updates on port 443 with ALPN. Greengrass cores that use port 443 for MQTT traffic now
support over-the-air (OTA) software updates. AWS IoT Greengrass uses the Application Layer
Protocol Network (ALPN) TLS extension to enable these connections. For more information,
see OTA Updates of AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software (p. 148) and the section called
“Connect on Port 443 or Through a Network Proxy” (p. 46).

Bug fixes and improvements:

• Fixes a bug introduced in v1.9.0 that prevented Python 2.7 Lambda functions from sending
binary payloads to other Lambda functions.
• General performance improvements and bug fixes.

New features:
• Support for OpenWrt. AWS IoT Greengrass Core software v1.9.2 or later can be installed on
OpenWrt distributions with Armv8 (AArch64) and Armv7l architectures. Currently, OpenWrt
does not support ML inference.

Bug fixes and improvements:

• Fixes a bug introduced in v1.9.0 that drops messages from the cloud that contain wildcard
characters in the topic.

New features:
• Support for Python 3.7 and Node.js 8.10 Lambda runtimes. Lambda functions that use
Python 3.7 and Node.js 8.10 runtimes can now run on an AWS IoT Greengrass core. (AWS IoT
Greengrass continues to support the Python 2.7 and Node.js 6.10 runtimes.)
• Optimized MQTT connections. The Greengrass core establishes fewer connections with the
AWS IoT Core. This change can reduce operational costs for charges that are based on the
number of connections.
• Elliptic Curve (EC) key for the local MQTT server. The local MQTT server supports EC keys in
addition to RSA keys. (The MQTT server certificate has an SHA-256 RSA signature, regardless
of the key type.) For more information, see the section called “Security Principals” (p. 439).

Bug fixes and improvements:

• General performance improvements and bug fixes.

GGC v1.8


Fixed an issue with shadow synchronization and device certificate manager reconnection.

General performance improvements and bug fixes.


General performance improvements and bug fixes.


General performance improvements and bug fixes.


General performance improvements and bug fixes.


New features:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Versions

• Configurable default access identity for Lambda functions in the group. This group-level
setting determines the default permissions that are used to run Lambda functions. You can
set the user ID, group ID, or both. Individual Lambda functions can override the default access
identity of their group. For more information, see the section called “Setting the Default
Access Identity for Lambda Functions in a Group” (p. 183).
• HTTPS traffic over port 443. HTTPS communication can be configured to travel over port
443 instead of the default port 8443. This complements AWS IoT Greengrass support for
the Application Layer Protocol Network (ALPN) TLS extension and allows all Greengrass
messaging traffic—both MQTT and HTTPS—to use port 443. For more information, see the
section called “Connect on Port 443 or Through a Network Proxy” (p. 46).
• Predictably named client IDs for AWS IoT connections. This change enables support for
AWS IoT Device Defender and AWS IoT Lifecycle events, so you can receive notifications for
connect, disconnect, subscribe, and unsubscribe events. Predictable naming also makes it
easier to create logic around connection IDs (for example, to create subscribe policy templates
based on certificate attributes). For more information, see the section called “Client IDs for
MQTT Connections with AWS IoT” (p. 58).

Bug fixes and improvements:

• Fixed an issue with shadow synchronization and device certificate manager reconnection.
• General performance improvements and bug fixes.

GGC v1.7


New features:
• Greengrass connectors provide built-in integration with local infrastructure, device protocols,
AWS, and other cloud services. For more information, see Integrate with Services and Protocols
Using Connectors (p. 283).
• AWS IoT Greengrass extends AWS Secrets Manager to core devices, which makes your
passwords, tokens, and other secrets available to connectors and Lambda functions.
Secrets are encrypted in transit and at rest. For more information, see Deploy Secrets to the
Core (p. 263).
• Support for a hardware root of trust security option. For more information, see the section
called “Hardware Security” (p. 448).
• Isolation and permission settings that allow Lambda functions to run without Greengrass
containers and to use the permissions of a specified user and group. For more information, see
the section called “Controlling Greengrass Lambda Function Execution” (p. 178).
• You can run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker container (on Windows, macOS, or Linux) by
configuring your Greengrass group to run with no containerization. For more information, see
the section called “Run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker Container” (p. 189).
• MQTT messaging on port 443 with Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) or
connection through a network proxy. For more information, see the section called “Connect
on Port 443 or Through a Network Proxy” (p. 46).
• The Amazon SageMaker Neo deep learning runtime, which supports machine learning
models that have been optimized by the Amazon SageMaker Neo deep learning compiler.
For information about the Neo deep learning runtime, see the section called “Runtimes and
Precompiled Framework Libraries for ML Inference” (p. 224).
• Support for Raspbian Stretch (2018-06-27) on Raspberry Pi core devices.

Bug fixes and improvements:

• General performance improvements and bug fixes.

In addition, the following features are available with this release:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Versions

• The AWS IoT Device Tester for AWS IoT Greengrass, which you can use to verify that your
CPU architecture, kernel configuration, and drivers work with AWS IoT Greengrass. For more
information, see Using AWS IoT Device Tester for AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 482).
• The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software, AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK, and AWS
IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK packages are available for download through
Amazon CloudFront. For more information, see the section called “AWS IoT Greengrass
Downloads” (p. 16).

Deprecated versions


New features:
• Lambda executables that run binary code on the Greengrass core. Use the new AWS IoT
Greengrass Core SDK for C to write Lambda executables in C and C++. For more information,
see the section called “Lambda Executables” (p. 187).
• Optional local storage message cache that can persist across restarts. You can configure the
storage settings for MQTT messages that are queued for processing. For more information,
see the section called “MQTT Message Queue” (p. 55).
• Configurable maximum reconnect retry interval for when the core device is disconnected. For
more information, see the mqttMaxConnectionRetryInterval property in the section
called “AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File” (p. 24).
• Local resource access to the host /proc directory. For more information, see Access Local
Resources (p. 200).
• Configurable write directory. The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software can be deployed to
read-only and read-write locations. For more information, see the section called “Write
Directory” (p. 52).

Bug fixes and improvements:

• Performance improvement for publishing messages in the Greengrass core and between
devices and the core.
• Reduced the compute resources required to process logs generated by user-defined Lambda

New features:
• AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning (ML) Inference is generally available. You can perform
ML inference locally on AWS IoT Greengrass devices using models that are built and trained in
the cloud. For more information, see Perform Machine Learning Inference (p. 221).
• Greengrass Lambda functions now support binary data as input payload, in addition to JSON.
To use this feature, you must upgrade to AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK version 1.1.0, which
you can download from the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK (p. 22) downloads page.

Bug fixes and improvements:

• Reduced the overall memory footprint.
• Performance improvements for sending messages to the cloud.
• Performance and stability improvements for the download agent, Device Certificate Manager,
and OTA update agent.
• Minor bug fixes.

New features:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Groups

• Over-the-air (OTA) update agent capable of handling cloud-deployed, Greengrass update jobs.
The agent is found under the new /greengrass/ota directory. For more information, see
OTA Updates of AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software (p. 148).
• Local resource access feature allows Greengrass Lambda functions to access local resources,
such as peripheral devices and volumes. For more information, see Access Local Resources
with Lambda Functions and Connectors (p. 200).

New features:
• Deployed AWS IoT Greengrass groups can be reset by deleting Lambda functions,
subscriptions, and configurations. For more information, see the section called “Reset
Deployments” (p. 163).
• Support for Node.js 6.10 and Java 8 Lambda runtimes, in addition to Python 2.7.

To migrate from the previous version of the AWS IoT Greengrass core:
• Copy certificates from the /greengrass/configuration/certs folder to /greengrass/
• Copy /greengrass/configuration/config.json to /greengrass/config/
• Run /greengrass/ggc/core/greengrassd instead of /greengrass/greengrassd.
• Deploy the group to the new core.

Initial version

You can download recent versions of the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software from the section called
“AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software” (p. 16).

AWS IoT Greengrass Groups

An AWS IoT Greengrass group is a collection of settings and components, such as an AWS IoT Greengrass
core, devices, and subscriptions. Groups are used to define a scope of interaction. For example, a group
might represent one floor of a building, one truck, or an entire mining site. The following diagram shows
the components that can make up an Greengrass group.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Groups

In the preceding diagram:

A: AWS IoT Greengrass group definition

A collection of information about the AWS IoT Greengrass group.

B: AWS IoT Greengrass group settings

These include:
• AWS IoT Greengrass group role.
• Certification authority and local connection configuration.
• AWS IoT Greengrass core connectivity information.
• Default Lambda runtime environment. For more information, see the section called “Setting
Default Containerization for Lambda Functions in a Group” (p. 184).
• CloudWatch and local logs configuration. For more information, see Monitoring (p. 457).
C: AWS IoT Greengrass core

The AWS IoT thing that represents the AWS IoT Greengrass core. For more information, see the
section called “AWS IoT Greengrass Core” (p. 24).
D: Lambda function definition

A list of Lambda functions that run locally on the core, with associated configuration data. For more
information, see Run Local Lambda Functions (p. 175).
E: Subscription definition

A list of subscriptions that enable communication using MQTT messages. A subscription defines:
• A message source and message target. These can be devices, Lambda functions, connectors, AWS
IoT, and the local shadow service
• A subject, which is an MQTT topic or topic filter that's used to filter message data.

For more information, see the section called “Greengrass Messaging Workflow” (p. 441).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Devices in AWS IoT Greengrass

F: Connector definition

A list of connectors that run locally on the core, with associated configuration data. For more
information, see Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283).
G: Device definition

A list of AWS IoT things (devices) that are members of the AWS IoT Greengrass group, with
associated configuration data. For more information, see the section called “Devices in AWS IoT
Greengrass” (p. 8).
H: Resource definition

A list of local resources, machine learning resources, and secret resources on the AWS IoT Greengrass
core, with associated configuration data. For more information, see Access Local Resources (p. 200),
Perform Machine Learning Inference (p. 221), and Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).

When deployed, the AWS IoT Greengrass group definition, Lambda functions, connectors, resources, and
subscription table are copied to an AWS IoT Greengrass core device.

Devices in AWS IoT Greengrass

An AWS IoT Greengrass group can contain two types of device:

AWS IoT Greengrass core

A core is an AWS IoT device that runs the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software, which enables it to
communicate directly with the AWS IoT and AWS IoT Greengrass cloud services. A core has its own
certificate used for authenticating with AWS IoT. It has a device shadow and exists in the AWS IoT
device registry. AWS IoT Greengrass cores run a local Lambda runtime, a deployment agent, and
an IP address tracker that sends IP address information to the AWS IoT Greengrass cloud service to
allow Greengrass devices to automatically discover their group and core connection information. For
more information, see the section called “AWS IoT Greengrass Core” (p. 24).
A Greengrass group must contain exactly one core.
AWS IoT device connected to a Greengrass core

Connected devices (also called Greengrass devices) can connect to a core in the same Greengrass
group. Greengrass devices run Amazon FreeRTOS or use the AWS IoT Device SDK (p. 10) or AWS
IoT Greengrass Discovery API (p. 426) to get the connection information for the core. Devices have
their own certificate for authentication, device shadow, and entry in the AWS IoT device registry.
For more information, see the section called “Module 4: Interacting with Devices in an AWS IoT
Greengrass Group” (p. 109).

In a Greengrass group, you can create subscriptions that allow devices to communicate over MQTT
with Lambda functions, connectors, and other devices in the group, and with AWS IoT or the local
shadow service. MQTT messages are routed through the core. If the core device loses connectivity
to the cloud, devices can continue to communicate over the local network. Devices can vary in size,
from smaller microcontroller-based devices to large appliances.
Currently, a Greengrass group can contain up to 200 devices. A device can be a member of
up to 10 groups.

The following table shows how these device types are related.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

The AWS IoT Greengrass core device stores certificates in two locations:

• Core device certificate in /greengrass/certs - The core device certificate is named hash.cert.pem (for
example, 86c84488a5.cert.pem). This certificate is used to authenticate the core when connecting
to the AWS IoT and AWS IoT Greengrass services.
• MQTT core server certificate in /greengrass-root/ggc/var/state/server - The MQTT core server
certificate is named server.crt. This certificate is used for mutual authentication between the local
MQTT service (that's on the Greengrass core) and Greengrass devices before messages are exchanged.

The following AWS-provided SDKs are used to work with AWS IoT Greengrass:

GGC 1.9


Use the AWS SDK to build applications that interact with any AWS service, including Amazon
S3, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS IoT, AWS IoT Greengrass, and more. In the context of AWS IoT
Greengrass, you can use the AWS SDK in deployed Lambda functions to make direct calls to any
AWS service. For more information, see AWS SDKs (p. 176).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

AWS IoT Device SDK

The AWS IoT Device SDK helps devices connect to AWS IoT or AWS IoT Greengrass services.
Devices must know which AWS IoT Greengrass group they belong to and the IP address of the
AWS IoT Greengrass core that they should connect to.

Although you can use any of the AWS IoT Device SDK platforms to connect to an AWS
IoT Greengrass core, only the C++ and Python SDKs provide AWS IoT Greengrass-specific
functionality, such as access to the AWS IoT Greengrass Discovery Service and AWS IoT
Greengrass core root CA downloads. For more information, see AWS IoT Device SDK.
AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK

The AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK enables Lambda functions to interact with the Greengrass
core, publish messages to AWS IoT, interact with the local shadow service, invoke other
deployed Lambda functions, and access secret resources. This SDK is used by Lambda functions
that run on an AWS IoT Greengrass core. For more information, see AWS IoT Greengrass Core
SDK (p. 175).
AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK

The AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK enables Lambda functions to consume machine
learning models that are deployed to the Greengrass core as machine learning resources. This
SDK is used by Lambda functions that run on an AWS IoT Greengrass core and interact with
a local inference service. For more information, see AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning
SDK (p. 176).

GGC 1.8


Use the AWS SDK to build applications that interact with any AWS service, including Amazon
S3, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS IoT, AWS IoT Greengrass, and more. In the context of AWS IoT
Greengrass, you can use the AWS SDK in deployed Lambda functions to make direct calls to any
AWS service. For more information, see AWS SDKs (p. 176).
AWS IoT Device SDK

The AWS IoT Device SDK helps devices connect to AWS IoT or AWS IoT Greengrass services.
Devices must know which AWS IoT Greengrass group they belong to and the IP address of the
AWS IoT Greengrass core that they should connect to.

Although you can use any of the AWS IoT Device SDK platforms to connect to an AWS
IoT Greengrass core, only the C++ and Python SDKs provide AWS IoT Greengrass-specific
functionality, such as access to the AWS IoT Greengrass Discovery Service and AWS IoT
Greengrass core root CA downloads. For more information, see AWS IoT Device SDK.
AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK

The AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK enables Lambda functions to interact with the Greengrass
core, publish messages to AWS IoT, interact with the local shadow service, invoke other
deployed Lambda functions, and access secret resources. This SDK is used by Lambda functions
that run on an AWS IoT Greengrass core. For more information, see AWS IoT Greengrass Core
SDK (p. 175).
AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK

The AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK enables Lambda functions to consume machine
learning models that are deployed to the Greengrass core as machine learning resources. This
SDK is used by Lambda functions that run on an AWS IoT Greengrass core and interact with

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Supported Platforms and Requirements

a local inference service. For more information, see AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning
SDK (p. 176).

GGC 1.7


Use the AWS SDK to build applications that interact with any AWS service, including Amazon
S3, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS IoT, AWS IoT Greengrass, and more. In the context of AWS IoT
Greengrass, you can use the AWS SDK in deployed Lambda functions to make direct calls to any
AWS service. For more information, see AWS SDKs (p. 176).
AWS IoT Device SDK

The AWS IoT Device SDK helps devices connect to AWS IoT or AWS IoT Greengrass services.
Devices must know which AWS IoT Greengrass group they belong to and the IP address of the
AWS IoT Greengrass core that they should connect to.

Although you can use any of the AWS IoT Device SDK platforms to connect to an AWS
IoT Greengrass core, only the C++ and Python SDKs provide AWS IoT Greengrass-specific
functionality, such as access to the AWS IoT Greengrass Discovery Service and AWS IoT
Greengrass core root CA downloads. For more information, see AWS IoT Device SDK.
AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK

The AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK enables Lambda functions to interact with the Greengrass
core, publish messages to AWS IoT, interact with the local shadow service, invoke other
deployed Lambda functions, and access secret resources. This SDK is used by Lambda functions
that run on an AWS IoT Greengrass core. For more information, see AWS IoT Greengrass Core
SDK (p. 175).
AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK

The AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK enables Lambda functions to consume machine
learning models that are deployed to the Greengrass core as machine learning resources. This
SDK is used by Lambda functions that run on an AWS IoT Greengrass core and interact with
a local inference service. For more information, see AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning
SDK (p. 176).

Supported Platforms and Requirements

The following tabs list supported platforms and requirements for the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software.
You can download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software from the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
Software (p. 16) downloads.

GGC v1.9

Supported platforms:

• Architecture: Armv7l
• OS: Linux; Distribution: Raspbian Buster, 2019-07-10. AWS IoT Greengrass might work with
other distributions for a Raspberry Pi, but we recommend Raspbian because it's the officially
supported distribution.
• OS: Linux; Distribution: OpenWrt
• Architecture: Armv8 (AArch64)

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Supported Platforms and Requirements

• OS: Linux; Distribution: Arch Linux

• OS: Linux; Distribution: OpenWrt
• Architecture: Armv6l
• OS: Linux; Distribution: Raspbian Buster, 2019-07-10
• Architecture: x86_64
• OS: Linux; Distribution: Amazon Linux (amzn2-ami-hvm-2.0.20190313-x86_64-gp2), Ubuntu
• Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms can run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker container.
For more information, see the section called “Run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker
Container” (p. 189).


• Minimum 128 MB RAM allocated to the AWS IoT Greengrass core device.
• Linux kernel version:
• Linux kernel version 4.4 or later is required to support running AWS IoT Greengrass with
containers (p. 181).
• Linux kernel version 3.17 or later is required to support running AWS IoT Greengrass without
containers. In this configuration, the default Lambda function containerization for the
Greengrass group must be set to No container. For instructions, see the section called “Setting
Default Containerization for Lambda Functions in a Group” (p. 184).
• GNU C Library (glibc) version 2.14 or later. OpenWrt distributions require musl C Library version
1.1.16 or later.
• The /var/run directory must be present on the device.
• The /dev/stdin, /dev/stdout, and /dev/stderr files must be available.
• Hardlink and softlink protection must be enabled on the device. Otherwise, AWS IoT Greengrass
can only be run in insecure mode, using the -i flag.
• The following Linux kernel configurations must be enabled on the device:
• Namespace:
• Cgroups:

The kernel must support cgroups. The following requirements apply when running AWS IoT
Greengrass with containers (p. 184):
• The memory cgroup must be enabled and mounted to allow AWS IoT Greengrass to set the
memory limit for Lambda functions.
• The devices cgroup must be enabled and mounted if Lambda functions with local resource
access (p. 200) are used to open files on the AWS IoT Greengrass core device.
• Others:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Supported Platforms and Requirements

• The root certificate for Amazon S3 and AWS IoT must be present in the system trust store.
• Libraries that support the AWS Lambda runtime required by the Lambda functions you want to
run locally. Required libraries must be installed on the core and added to the PATH environment
variable. Multiple libraries can be installed on the same core.
• Python version 2.7 for functions that use the Python 2.7 runtime.
• Python version 3.7 for functions that use the Python 3.7 runtime.
• Node.js version 6.10 or later for functions that use the Node.js 6.10 runtime.
• Node.js version 8.10 or later for functions that use the Node.js 8.10 runtime.
• Java version 8 or later for functions that use the Java 8 runtime.
Running Java on an OpenWrt distribution isn't officially supported. However, if your
OpenWrt build has Java support, you might be able to run Lambda functions authored
in Java on your OpenWrt devices.
• The following shell commands (not the BusyBox variants) are required by the over-the-air (OTA)
update agent (p. 149):
• wget
• realpath
• tar
• readlink
• basename
• dirname
• pidof
• df
• grep
• umount
• mv
• gzip
• mkdir
• rm
• ln
• cut
• cat

GGC v1.8

• Supported platforms:
• Architecture: Armv7l; OS: Linux; Distribution: Raspbian Stretch, 2018-06-29. Other versions
might work with AWS IoT Greengrass, but we recommend this because it is the officially
supported distribution.
• Architecture: x86_64; OS: Linux; Distribution: Amazon Linux (amzn-ami-
hvm-2016.09.1.20170119-x86_64-ebs), Ubuntu 14.04 – 16.04
• Architecture: Armv8 (AArch64); OS: Linux; Distribution: Arch Linux
• Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms can run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker container.
For more information, see the section called “Run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker
Container” (p. 189). 13
AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Supported Platforms and Requirements

• Linux platforms can run a version of AWS IoT Greengrass with limited functionality using the
Greengrass snap, which is available through Snapcraft. For more information, see the section
called “AWS IoT Greengrass Snap Software” (p. 19).
• The following items are required:
• Minimum 128 MB RAM allocated to the AWS IoT Greengrass core device.
• Linux kernel version:
• Linux kernel version 4.4 or later is required to support running AWS IoT Greengrass with
containers (p. 181).
• Linux kernel version 3.17 or later is required to support running AWS IoT Greengrass without
containers. In this configuration, the default Lambda function containerization for the
Greengrass group must be set to No container. For instructions, see the section called
“Setting Default Containerization for Lambda Functions in a Group” (p. 184).
• GNU C Library (glibc) version 2.14 or later.
• The /var/run directory must be present on the device.
• The /dev/stdin, /dev/stdout, and /dev/stderr files must be available.
• Hardlink and softlink protection must be enabled on the device. Otherwise, AWS IoT Greengrass
can only be run in insecure mode, using the -i flag.
• The following Linux kernel configurations must be enabled on the device:
• Namespace:
• Cgroups:

The kernel must support cgroups. The following requirements apply when running AWS IoT
Greengrass with containers (p. 184):
• The memory cgroup must be enabled and mounted to allow AWS IoT Greengrass to set the
memory limit for Lambda functions.
• The devices cgroup must be enabled and mounted if Lambda functions with local resource
access (p. 200) are used to open files on the AWS IoT Greengrass core device.
• Others:
• The root certificate for Amazon S3 and AWS IoT must be present in the system trust store.
• The following items are conditionally required:
• Libraries that support the AWS Lambda runtime required by the Lambda functions you want to
run locally. Required libraries must be installed on the core and added to the PATH environment
variable. Multiple libraries can be installed
14 on the same core.
• Python version 2.7 for functions that use the Python 2.7 runtime.
AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Supported Platforms and Requirements

• Node.js version 6.10 or later for functions that use the Node.js 6.10 runtime.
• Java version 8 or later for functions that use the Java 8 runtime.
• The following shell commands (not the BusyBox variants) are required by the over-the-air (OTA)
update agent (p. 149):
• wget
• realpath
• tar
• readlink
• basename
• dirname
• pidof
• df
• grep
• umount
• mv
• gzip
• mkdir
• rm
• ln
• cut
• cat

GGC v1.7

• Supported platforms:
• Architecture: ARMv7l; OS: Linux; Distribution: Raspbian Stretch, 2018-06-29. While several
versions may work with AWS IoT Greengrass, we recommend this as it is the officially supported
• Architecture: x86_64; OS: Linux; Distribution: Amazon Linux (amzn-ami-
hvm-2016.09.1.20170119-x86_64-ebs), Ubuntu 14.04 – 16.04
• Architecture: ARMv8 (AArch64); OS: Linux; Distribution: Arch Linux
• Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms can run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker container.
For more information, see the section called “Run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker
Container” (p. 189).
• The following items are required:
• Minimum 128 MB RAM allocated to the AWS IoT Greengrass core device.
• Linux kernel version
• Linux kernel version 4.4 or later is required to support running AWS IoT Greengrass with
containers (p. 181).
• Linux kernel version 3.17 or later is required to support running AWS IoT Greengrass without
containers. In this configuration, the default Lambda function containerization for the
Greengrass group must be set to No container. For instructions, see the section called
“Setting Default Containerization for Lambda Functions in a Group” (p. 184).
• Glibc library version 2.14 or greater.
• The /var/run directory must be present on the device.
• AWS IoT Greengrass requires hardlink and softlink protection to be enabled on the device.
Without this, AWS IoT Greengrass can15only be run in insecure mode, using the -i flag.
• The ggc_user and ggc_group user and group must be present on the device.
AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Downloads

• The following Linux kernel configurations must be enabled on the device:

• Namespace:
• CGroups:
• Others:
• /dev/stdin, /dev/stdout, and /dev/stderr must be enabled.
• The Linux kernel must support cgroups.
• The memory cgroup must be enabled and mounted to allow AWS IoT Greengrass to set the
memory limit for Lambda functions.
• The root certificate for Amazon S3 and AWS IoT must be present in the system trust store.
• The following items may be optional:
• The devices cgroup must be enabled and mounted if Lambda functions with Local Resource
Access (LRA) (p. 200) are used to open files on the AWS IoT Greengrass core device.
• Python version 2.7 is required if Python Lambda functions are used. If so, ensure that it's added
to your PATH environment variable.
• NodeJS version 6.10 or greater is required if Node.JS Lambda functions are used. If so, ensure
that it's added to your PATH environment variable.
• Java version 8 or greater is required if Java Lambda functions are used. If so, ensure that it's
added to your PATH environment variable.
• The following commands are required for Greengrass OTA Update Agent (p. 149): wget,
realpath, tar, readlink, basename, dirname, pidof, df, grep, and umount.

For information about AWS IoT Greengrass limits, see AWS IoT Greengrass Limits in the Amazon Web
Services General Reference.

AWS IoT Greengrass Downloads

You can use the following information to find and download software for use with AWS IoT Greengrass.

AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software

The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software extends AWS functionality onto an AWS IoT Greengrass core
device, enabling local devices to act locally on the data they generate.
AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software


New features in v1.9:

• Support for Python 3.7 and Node.js 8.10 Lambda runtimes. Lambda functions that use Python
3.7 and Node.js 8.10 runtimes can now run on an AWS IoT Greengrass core. (AWS IoT Greengrass
continues to support the Python 2.7 and Node.js 6.10 runtimes.)
• Optimized MQTT connections. The Greengrass core establishes fewer connections with the AWS
IoT Core. This change can reduce operational costs for charges that are based on the number of
• Elliptic Curve (EC) key for the local MQTT server. The local MQTT server supports EC keys in
addition to RSA keys. (The MQTT server certificate has an SHA-256 RSA signature, regardless of
the key type.) For more information, see the section called “Security Principals” (p. 439).
• Support for OpenWrt. AWS IoT Greengrass Core software v1.9.2 or later can be installed on
OpenWrt distributions with Armv8 (AArch64) and Armv7l architectures. Currently, OpenWrt does
not support ML inference.
• Support for Armv6l. AWS IoT Greengrass Core software v1.9.3 or later can be installed on
Raspbian distributions on Armv6l architectures (for example, on Raspberry Pi Zero devices).
• OTA updates on port 443 with ALPN. Greengrass cores that use port 443 for MQTT traffic now
support over-the-air (OTA) software updates. AWS IoT Greengrass uses the Application Layer
Protocol Network (ALPN) TLS extension to enable these connections. For more information, see
OTA Updates of AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software (p. 148) and the section called “Connect on
Port 443 or Through a Network Proxy” (p. 46).

To install the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software on your core device, download the package for
your architecture, distribution, and operating system (OS), and then follow the steps in the Getting
Started Guide (p. 64).

Architecture Distribution OS Link

Armv8 (AArch64) Ubuntu 18.04 Linux Download

Armv8 (AArch64) OpenWrt Linux Download

Armv7l Raspbian Linux Download

Armv7l OpenWrt Linux Download

Armv6l Raspbian Linux Download

x86_64 Linux Linux Download


• New features:
• Configurable default access identity for Lambda functions in the group. This group-level setting
determines the default permissions that are used to run Lambda functions. You can set the user
ID, group ID, or both. Individual Lambda functions can override the default access identity of
their group. For more information, see the section called “Setting the Default Access Identity for
Lambda Functions in a Group” (p. 183).
• HTTPS traffic over port 443. HTTPS communication can be configured to travel over port
443 instead of the default port 8443. This complements AWS IoT Greengrass support for the
Application Layer Protocol Network (ALPN) TLS extension and allows all Greengrass messaging
traffic—both MQTT and HTTPS—to use port 443. For more information, see the section called
“Connect on Port 443 or Through a Network Proxy” (p. 46).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software

• Predictably named client IDs for AWS IoT connections. This change enables support for AWS
IoT Device Defender and AWS IoT Lifecycle events, so you can receive notifications for connect,
disconnect, subscribe, and unsubscribe events. Predictable naming also makes it easier to
create logic around connection IDs (for example, to create subscribe policy templates based
on certificate attributes). For more information, see the section called “Client IDs for MQTT
Connections with AWS IoT” (p. 58).

Bug fixes and improvements:

• Fixed an issue with shadow synchronization and device certificate manager reconnection.
• General performance improvements and bug fixes.

To install the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software on your core device, download the package for
your architecture, distribution, and operating system (OS), and then follow the steps in the Getting
Started Guide (p. 64).

Architecture Distribution OS Link

Armv8 (AArch64) Ubuntu 14.04 - 16.04 Linux Download

Armv7l Raspbian Linux Download

x86_64 Linux Linux Download


• New features:
• Greengrass connectors provide built-in integration with local infrastructure, device protocols,
AWS, and other cloud services. For more information, see Integrate with Services and Protocols
Using Connectors (p. 283).
• AWS IoT Greengrass extends AWS Secrets Manager to core devices, which makes your
passwords, tokens, and other secrets available to connectors and Lambda functions. Secrets are
encrypted in transit and at rest. For more information, see Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).
• Support for a hardware root of trust security option. For more information, see the section
called “Hardware Security” (p. 448).
• Isolation and permission settings that allow Lambda functions to run without Greengrass
containers and to use the permissions of a specified user and group. For more information, see
the section called “Controlling Greengrass Lambda Function Execution” (p. 178).
• You can run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker container (on Windows, macOS, or Linux) by
configuring your Greengrass group to run with no containerization. For more information, see
the section called “Run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker Container” (p. 189).
• MQTT messaging on port 443 with Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) or connection
through a network proxy. For more information, see the section called “Connect on Port 443 or
Through a Network Proxy” (p. 46).
• The Amazon SageMaker Neo deep learning runtime, which supports machine learning
models that have been optimized by the Amazon SageMaker Neo deep learning compiler.
For information about the Neo deep learning runtime, see the section called “Runtimes and
Precompiled Framework Libraries for ML Inference” (p. 224).
• Support for Raspbian Stretch (2018-06-27) on Raspberry Pi core devices.

Bug fixes and improvements:

• General performance improvements and bug fixes.

In addition, the following features are available with this release:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Snap Software

• The AWS IoT Device Tester for AWS IoT Greengrass, which you can use to verify that your
CPU architecture, kernel configuration, and drivers work with AWS IoT Greengrass. For more
information, see Using AWS IoT Device Tester for AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 482).
• The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software, AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK, and AWS IoT Greengrass
Machine Learning SDK packages are available for download through Amazon CloudFront. For
more information, see the section called “AWS IoT Greengrass Downloads” (p. 16).

To install the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software on your core device, download the package for
your architecture, distribution, and operating system (OS), and then follow the steps in the Getting
Started Guide (p. 64).

Architecture Distribution OS Link

Armv8 (AArch64) Ubuntu 14.04 - 16.04 Linux Download

Armv7l Raspbian Linux Download

x86_64 Linux Linux Download

By downloading this software you agree to the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

AWS IoT Greengrass Snap Software

Currently, AWS IoT Greengrass snap software is available for AWS IoT Greengrass core version 1.8 only.

The AWS IoT Greengrass snap software download makes it possible for you to run a version of AWS IoT
Greengrass with limited functionality on Linux cloud, desktop, and IoT environments through convenient
containerized software packages. These packages, or snaps, contain the AWS IoT Greengrass software
and its dependencies. You can download and use these packages on your Linux environments as-is.

The AWS IoT Greengrass snap is updated automatically with new versions of the AWS IoT Greengrass
core software and associated dependencies. You can turn off these automatic updates at any time.
The AWS IoT Greengrass snap allows you to run a version of AWS IoT Greengrass with limited
functionality on your Linux environments. Currently, Java, Node.js, and native Lambda functions
are not supported. Machine learning inference, connectors, and noncontainerized Lambda
functions are also not supported.

Getting Started with AWS IoT Greengrass Snap

Because the prepackaged AWS IoT Greengrass snap is designed to use system defaults, you might need
to perform these other steps:

• The AWS IoT Greengrass snap is configured to use default Greengrass user and group configurations.
This allows it to work easily with Greengrass groups or Lambda functions that run as root. If you need
to use Greengrass groups or Lambda functions that do not run as root, update these configurations
and add them to your system.
• The AWS IoT Greengrass snap uses many interfaces that must be connected before it can operate
normally. These interfaces are connected automatically during setup. If you use other options while
you set up your snap, you might need to connect these interfaces manually.

For more information about the AWS IoT Greengrass snap and these modifications, see Greengrass Snap
Release Notes.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Snap Software

1. Install and upgrade snapd by running the following command in your device's terminal:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade snapd

2. If you need to use Greengrass groups or Lambda functions that do not run as root, update
your default Greengrass user and group configurations, and add them to your system. For
more information about updating user and group configurations with AWS IoT Greengrass, see
??? (p. 183).

• For the Ubuntu Core system:

• To add the ggc_user user, use:

sudo adduser --extrausers --system ggc_user

• To add the ggc_group group, use:

sudo addgroup --extrausers --system ggc_group

• For the Ubuntu classic system:

• To add the ggc_user user to an Ubuntu classic system, omit the --extrausers flag and use:

sudo adduser --system ggc_user

• To add the ggc_group to an Ubuntu classic system, omit the --extrausers flag and use:

sudo addgroup --system ggc_group

3. In your terminal, run the following command to install the Greengrass snap:

sudo snap install aws-iot-greengrass

You can also use the AWS IoT Greengrass snap download link to install the Greengrass snap
locally. If you are installing locally from this file and do not have the associated assertions,
use the --dangerous flag:

sudo snap install --dangerous aws-iot-greengrass*.snap

The --dangerous flag interferes with the AWS IoT Greengrass snap's ability to connect
its required interfaces. If you use this flag, you need to manually connect the required
interfaces using the snap connect command. For more information, see Greengrass Snap
Release Notes.
4. After the snap is installed, run the following command to add your Greengrass certificate and
configuration files:

sudo snap set aws-iot-greengrass gg-certs=/path-to-the-certs/22e592db.tgz

If necessary, you can troubleshoot issues by viewing the AWS IoT Greengrass core logs,
particularly runtime.log. You can print the contents of runtime.log to your terminal by
running the following command:

sudo cat /var/snap/aws-iot-greengrass/current/ggc-writable/var/log/system/


AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Docker Software

5. Run the following command to validate that your setup is functioning correctly:

$ snap services aws-iot-greengrass

You should see the following response:

Service Startup Current Notes

aws-iot-greengrass.greengrassd enabled active -

Your Greengrass setup is now complete. You can now use the AWS IoT Greengrass console, AWS REST
API, or AWS CLI to deploy the Greengrass groups associated with this snap. For information about
using the console to deploy a Greengrass group, see the Deploy Cloud Configurations to an AWS IoT
Greengrass Core Device. For information about using the CLI or REST API to deploy a Greengrass group,
see CreateDeployment in the AWS IoT Greengrass API Reference.

For more information about configuring local resource access with snap AppArmor confinement, using
the snapd REST API, and configuring snap interfaces, see Greengrass Snap Release Notes.

AWS IoT Greengrass Docker Software

AWS provides a Dockerfile and Docker image that make it easier for you to run AWS IoT Greengrass in a
Docker container.


Source code for building custom AWS IoT Greengrass container images. The image can be modified
to run on different platform architectures or to reduce the image size. For instructions, see the
README file.

Choose the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software version.

• Docker v1.9.4.
• Docker v1.8.1.
• Docker v1.7.1.

Docker image

Docker image with the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software and dependencies installed. Prebuilt
images can help you get started quickly and experiment with AWS IoT Greengrass.
• Docker image from Docker Hub.
• Docker image from Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). For more information, see
the section called “Run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker Container” (p. 189).

By downloading this software you agree to the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK Software

AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK Software

Lambda functions use the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK to interact with the AWS IoT Greengrass core
locally. This allows deployed Lambda functions to:

• Exchange MQTT messages with AWS IoT.

• Exchange MQTT messages with connectors, devices, and other Lambda functions in the Greengrass
• Interact with the local shadow service.
• Invoke other local Lambda functions.
• Access secret resources (p. 263).

Download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for your language or platform from GitHub.

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Java

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Node.js
• AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Python
• AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for C

If you're running Python Lambda functions, you can also use pip to install the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
SDK for Python on the core device. Then you can deploy your functions without including the SDK in the
Lambda function deployment package. For more information, see greengrasssdk.
To use pip to install the Python SDK, run the following command in your core device terminal.

pip install greengrasssdk

AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning Runtimes and

Precompiled Libraries
Machine learning runtimes and libraries are required for your ML models to perform inference on
Greengrass devices.

Download the model type for your platform.

Raspberry Pi

Choose the download link for your model type.

By downloading this software you agree to the associated license.

Model type Version License Link

MXNet 1.2.1 Apache License 2.0 Download

TensorFlow 1.4.0 Apache License 2.0 Download

Deep Learning 1.0.0 Greengrass License Download


Chainer 4.0.0 MIT License Download

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass ML SDK Software

Nvidia Jetson TX2

Choose the download link for your model type.

By downloading this software you agree to the associated license.

Model type Version License Link

MXNet 1.2.1 Apache License 2.0 Download

TensorFlow 1.10.0 Apache License 2.0 Download

Deep Learning 1.0.0 Greengrass License Download


Chainer 4.0.0 MIT License Download

Intel Atom

Choose the download link for your model type.

By downloading this software you agree to the associated license.

Model type Version License Link

MXNet 1.2.1 Apache License 2.0 Download

TensorFlow 1.4.0 Apache License 2.0 Download

Deep Learning 1.0.0 Greengrass License Download


Chainer 4.0.0 MIT License Download

AWS IoT Greengrass ML SDK Software

The AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK (p. 176) enables the Lambda functions you author
to consume a local machine learning model and send data to the ML Feedback (p. 315) connector for
uploading and publishing.


• Python 3.7 or 2.7 - Current version.


• Python 2.7.

We Want to Hear from You

We welcome your feedback. To contact us, visit the AWS IoT Greengrass Forum.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core

Configure the AWS IoT Greengrass Core

An AWS IoT Greengrass core is an AWS IoT thing (device). Like other AWS IoT devices, a core exists in the
registry, has a device shadow, and uses a device certificate to authenticate with AWS IoT. The core device
runs the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software, which enables it to manage local processes for Greengrass
groups, such as communication, shadow sync, and token exchange.

The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software provides the following functionality:

• Deployment and local execution of connectors and Lambda functions.

• Secure, encrypted storage of local secrets and controlled access by connectors and Lambda functions.
• MQTT messaging over the local network between devices, connectors, and Lambda functions using
managed subscriptions.
• MQTT messaging between AWS IoT and devices, connectors, and Lambda functions using managed
• Secure connections between devices and the cloud using device authentication and authorization.
• Local shadow synchronization of devices. Shadows can be configured to sync with the cloud.
• Controlled access to local device and volume resources.
• Deployment of cloud-trained machine learning models for running local inference.
• Automatic IP address detection that enables devices to discover the Greengrass core device.
• Central deployment of new or updated group configuration. After the configuration data is
downloaded, the core device is restarted automatically.
• Secure, over-the-air software updates of user-defined Lambda functions.

AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

The configuration file for the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software is config.json. It is located in the
/greengrass-root/config directory.
greengrass-root represents the path where the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software is
installed on your device. If you installed the software by following the steps in the Getting
Started (p. 64) tutorial, then this is the /greengrass directory.
If you use the Easy group creation option from the AWS IoT Greengrass console, then the
config.json file is deployed to the core device in a working state.

You can review the contents of this file by running the following command:

cat /greengrass-root/config/config.json

The following is an example config.json file. This is the version that's generated when you create the
core from the AWS IoT Greengrass console.

GGC v1.9

"coreThing" : {
"caPath" : "root.ca.pem",
"certPath" : "hash.cert.pem",
"keyPath" : "hash.private.key",
"thingArn" : "arn:partition:iot:region:account-id:thing/core-thing-name",
"iotHost" : "host-prefix-ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"ggHost" : "greengrass-ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"keepAlive" : 600

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

"runtime" : {
"cgroup" : {
"useSystemd" : "yes"
"managedRespawn" : false,
"crypto" : {
"principals" : {
"SecretsManager" : {
"privateKeyPath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/hash.private.key"
"IoTCertificate" : {
"privateKeyPath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/hash.private.key",
"certificatePath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/hash.cert.pem"
"caPath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/root.ca.pem"

The config.json file supports the following properties:


Field Description Notes

caPath The path to the AWS IoT For backward compatibility

root CA relative to the with versions earlier than 1.7.0.
/greengrass-root/certs This property is ignored when
directory. the crypto object is present.
Make sure that your
endpoints correspond
to your certificate
type (p. 45).

certPath The path to the core device For backward compatibility

certificate relative to the with versions earlier than 1.7.0.
/greengrass-root/certs This property is ignored when
directory. the crypto object is present.

keyPath The path to the core private For backward compatibility

key relative to /greengrass- with versions earlier than 1.7.0.
root/certs directory. This property is ignored when
the crypto object is present.

thingArn The Amazon Resource Name Find this for your core in the
(ARN) of the AWS IoT thing AWS IoT Greengrass console
that represents the AWS IoT under Cores, or by running
Greengrass core device. the aws greengrass get-
CLI command.

iotHost Your AWS IoT endpoint. Find this in the AWS IoT
console under Settings, or
by running the aws iot
describe-endpoint --
endpoint-type iot:Data-
ATS CLI command.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes

This command returns the
Amazon Trust Services
(ATS) endpoint. For more
information, see the Server
Authentication documentation.
Make sure that your
endpoints correspond
to your certificate
type (p. 45).
Make sure that your
endpoints correspond
to your region.

ggHost Your AWS IoT Greengrass This is your iotHost

endpoint. endpoint with the host prefix
replaced by greengrass (for
example, greengrass-
Use the same AWS Region as
Make sure that your
endpoints correspond
to your certificate
type (p. 45).
Make sure that your
endpoints correspond
to your region.

iotMqttPort Optional. The port number to Valid values are 8883 or 443.
use for MQTT communication The default value is 8883. For
with AWS IoT. more information, see Connect
on Port 443 or Through a
Network Proxy (p. 46).

iotHttpPort Optional. The port number Valid values are 8443 or 443.
used to create HTTPS The default value is 8443. For
connections to AWS IoT. more information, see Connect
on Port 443 or Through a
Network Proxy (p. 46).

ggHttpPort Optional. The port number Valid values are 8443 or 443.
used to create HTTPS The default value is 8443. For
connections to the AWS IoT more information, see Connect
Greengrass service. on Port 443 or Through a
Network Proxy (p. 46).

keepAlive Optional. The MQTT Valid range is between 30 and

KeepAlive period, in seconds. 1200 seconds. The default
value is 600.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes

networkProxy Optional. An object that This can be an HTTP or

defines a proxy server to HTTPS proxy. For more
connect to. information, see Connect on
Port 443 or Through a Network
Proxy (p. 46).


Field Description Notes

Optional. The time (in

postStartHealthCheckTimeout The default timeout is 30
milliseconds) that the seconds (30000 ms).
Greengrass daemon waits after
starting for the health check to


useSystemd Indicates whether your device Valid values are

uses systemd. yes or no. Run the
script in Module 1 (p. 65)
to see if your device uses


The crypto object is added in v1.7.0. It introduces properties that support private key storage
on a hardware security module (HSM) through PKCS#11 and local secret storage. For more
information, see the section called “Security Principals” (p. 439), the section called “Hardware
Security” (p. 448), and Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263). Configurations for private key storage
on HSMs or in the file system are supported.

Field Description Notes

caPath The absolute path to the AWS Must be a file URI of the form:
IoT root CA. file:///absolute/path/
Make sure that your
endpoints correspond
to your certificate
type (p. 45).


OpenSSLEngine Optional. The absolute path to Must be a path to a file on the

the OpenSSL engine .so file file system.
to enable PKCS#11 support on
OpenSSL. This property is required if
you're using the Greengrass
OTA update agent with
hardware security. For more
information, see the section

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes

called “Configure OTA
Updates” (p. 454).

P11Provider The absolute path to the Must be a path to a file on the

PKCS#11 implementation's file system.
libdl-loadable library.

slotLabel The slot label that's used to Must conform to PKCS#11

identify the hardware module. label specifications.

slotUserPin The user pin that's used to Must have sufficient

authenticate the Greengrass permissions to perform C_Sign
core to the module. with the configured private


IoTCertificate The certificate and private key that the core uses to make
requests to AWS IoT.

IoTCertificate The path to the core private For file system storage, must
 .privateKeyPath key. be a file URI of the form:

For HSM storage, must be an

RFC 7512 PKCS#11 path that
specifies the object label.

IoTCertificate The absolute path to the core Must be a file URI of the form:
 .certificatePath device certificate. file:///absolute/path/

MQTTServerCertificate Optional. The private key that the core uses in combination with
the certificate to act as an MQTT server or gateway.

MQTTServerCertificate The path to the local MQTT Use this value to specify your
 .privateKeyPath server private key. own private key for the local
MQTT server.

For file system storage, must

be a file URI of the form:

For HSM storage, must be an

RFC 7512 PKCS#11 path that
specifies the object label.

If this property is omitted, AWS

IoT Greengrass rotates the key
based your rotation settings.
If specified, the customer is
responsible for rotating the

SecretsManager The private key that secures the data key used for encryption.
For more information, see Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes

SecretsManager The path to the local secrets Only an RSA key is supported.
 .privateKeyPath manager private key.
For file system storage, must
be a file URI of the form:

For HSM storage, must be an

RFC 7512 PKCS#11 path that
specifies the object label. The
private key must be generated
using the PKCS#1 v1.5 padding

The following configuration properties are also supported:

Field Description Notes

Optional. The maximum

mqttMaxConnectionRetryInterval Specify this value as an
interval (in seconds) between unsigned integer. The default is
MQTT connection retries if the 60.
connection is dropped.

managedRespawn Optional. Indicates that the Valid values are true or

OTA agent needs to run false. For more information,
custom code before an update. see OTA Updates of AWS
IoT Greengrass Core
Software (p. 148).

writeDirectory Optional. The write directory For more information, see

where AWS IoT Greengrass Configure a Write Directory for
creates all read-write AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 52).

GGC v1.8

"coreThing" : {
"caPath" : "root.ca.pem",
"certPath" : "hash.cert.pem",
"keyPath" : "hash.private.key",
"thingArn" : "arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:thing/core-thing-name",
"iotHost" : "host-prefix-ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"ggHost" : "greengrass-ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"keepAlive" : 600
"runtime" : {
"cgroup" : {
"useSystemd" : "yes"
"managedRespawn" : false,
"crypto" : {
"principals" : {
"SecretsManager" : {
"privateKeyPath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/hash.private.key"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

"IoTCertificate" : {
"privateKeyPath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/hash.private.key",
"certificatePath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/hash.cert.pem"
"caPath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/root.ca.pem"

The config.json file supports the following properties:


Field Description Notes

caPath The path to the AWS IoT For backward compatibility

root CA relative to the with versions earlier than 1.7.0.
/greengrass-root/certs This property is ignored when
directory. the crypto object is present.
Make sure that your
endpoints correspond
to your certificate
type (p. 45).

certPath The path to the core device For backward compatibility

certificate relative to the with versions earlier than 1.7.0.
/greengrass-root/certs This property is ignored when
directory. the crypto object is present.

keyPath The path to the core private For backward compatibility

key relative to /greengrass- with versions earlier than 1.7.0.
root/certs directory. This property is ignored when
the crypto object is present.

thingArn The Amazon Resource Name Find this for your core in the
(ARN) of the AWS IoT thing AWS IoT Greengrass console
that represents the AWS IoT under Cores, or by running
Greengrass core device. the aws greengrass get-
CLI command.

iotHost Your AWS IoT endpoint. Find this in the AWS IoT
console under Settings, or
by running the aws iot
describe-endpoint --
endpoint-type iot:Data-
ATS CLI command.

This command returns the

Amazon Trust Services
(ATS) endpoint. For more
information, see the Server
Authentication documentation.
Make sure that your
endpoints correspond

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes

to your certificate
type (p. 45). Make
sure your endpoints
correspond to your
AWS Region.

ggHost Your AWS IoT Greengrass This is your iotHost

endpoint. endpoint with the host prefix
replaced by greengrass (for
example, greengrass-
Use the same AWS Region as
Make sure that your
endpoints correspond
to your certificate
type (p. 45). Make
sure your endpoints
correspond to your
AWS Region.

iotMqttPort Optional. The port number to Valid values are 8883 or 443.
use for MQTT communication The default value is 8883. For
with AWS IoT. more information, see Connect
on Port 443 or Through a
Network Proxy (p. 46).

iotHttpPort Optional. The port number Valid values are 8443 or 443.
used to create HTTPS The default value is 8443. For
connections to AWS IoT. more information, see Connect
on Port 443 or Through a
Network Proxy (p. 46).

ggHttpPort Optional. The port number Valid values are 8443 or 443.
used to create HTTPS The default value is 8443. For
connections to the AWS IoT more information, see Connect
Greengrass service. on Port 443 or Through a
Network Proxy (p. 46).

keepAlive Optional. The MQTT Valid range is between 30 and

KeepAlive period, in seconds. 1200 seconds. The default
value is 600.

networkProxy Optional. An object that This can be an HTTP or

defines a proxy server to HTTPS proxy. For more
connect to. information, see Connect on
Port 443 or Through a Network
Proxy (p. 46).


Field Description Notes


AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes

useSystemd Indicates whether your device Valid values are

uses systemd. yes or no. Run the
script in Module 1 (p. 65)
to see if your device uses


The crypto object is added in v1.7.0. It introduces properties that support private key storage
on a hardware security module (HSM) through PKCS#11 and local secret storage. For more
information, see the section called “Security Principals” (p. 439), the section called “Hardware
Security” (p. 448), and Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263). Configurations for private key storage
on HSMs or in the file system are supported.

Field Description Notes

caPath The absolute path to the AWS Must be a file URI of the form:
IoT root CA. file:///absolute/path/
Make sure that your
endpoints correspond
to your certificate
type (p. 45).


OpenSSLEngine Optional. The absolute path to Must be a path to a file on the

the OpenSSL engine .so file file system.
to enable PKCS#11 support on
OpenSSL. This property is required if
you're using the Greengrass
OTA update agent with
hardware security. For more
information, see the section
called “Configure OTA
Updates” (p. 454).

P11Provider The absolute path to the Must be a path to a file on the

PKCS#11 implementation's file system.
libdl-loadable library.

slotLabel The slot label that's used to Must conform to PKCS#11

identify the hardware module. label specifications.

slotUserPin The user pin that's used to Must have sufficient

authenticate the Greengrass permissions to perform C_Sign
core to the module. with the configured private


IoTCertificate The certificate and private key that the core uses to make
requests to AWS IoT.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes

IoTCertificate The path to the core private For file system storage, must
 .privateKeyPath key. be a file URI of the form:

For HSM storage, must be an

RFC 7512 PKCS#11 path that
specifies the object label.

IoTCertificate The absolute path to the core Must be a file URI of the form:
 .certificatePath device certificate. file:///absolute/path/

MQTTServerCertificate Optional. The private key that the core uses in combination with
the certificate to act as an MQTT server or gateway.

MQTTServerCertificate The path to the local MQTT Use this value to specify your
 .privateKeyPath server private key. own private key for the local
MQTT server.

For file system storage, must

be a file URI of the form:

For HSM storage, must be an

RFC 7512 PKCS#11 path that
specifies the object label.

If this property is omitted, AWS

IoT Greengrass rotates the key
based your rotation settings.
If specified, the customer is
responsible for rotating the

SecretsManager The private key that secures the data key used for encryption.
For more information, see Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).

SecretsManager The path to the local secrets Only an RSA key is supported.
 .privateKeyPath manager private key.
For file system storage, must
be a file URI of the form:

For HSM storage, must be an

RFC 7512 PKCS#11 path that
specifies the object label. The
private key must be generated
using the PKCS#1 v1.5 padding

The following configuration properties are also supported:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes

Optional. The maximum

mqttMaxConnectionRetryInterval Specify this value as an
interval (in seconds) between unsigned integer. The default is
MQTT connection retries if the 60.
connection is dropped.

managedRespawn Optional. Indicates that the Valid values are true or

OTA agent needs to run false. For more information,
custom code before an update. see OTA Updates of AWS
IoT Greengrass Core
Software (p. 148).

writeDirectory Optional. The write directory For more information, see

where AWS IoT Greengrass Configure a Write Directory for
creates all read-write AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 52).

GGC v1.7

"coreThing" : {
"caPath" : "root.ca.pem",
"certPath" : "hash.cert.pem",
"keyPath" : "hash.private.key",
"thingArn" : "arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:thing/core-thing-name",
"iotHost" : "host-prefix-ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"ggHost" : "greengrass-ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"keepAlive" : 600
"runtime" : {
"cgroup" : {
"useSystemd" : "yes"
"managedRespawn" : false,
"crypto" : {
"principals" : {
"SecretsManager" : {
"privateKeyPath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/hash.private.key"
"IoTCertificate" : {
"privateKeyPath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/hash.private.key",
"certificatePath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/hash.cert.pem"
"caPath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/root.ca.pem"

The config.json file supports the following properties:


Field Description Notes

caPath The path to the AWS IoT For backward compatibility

root CA relative to the with versions earlier than 1.7.0.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes

/greengrass-root/certs This property is ignored when
directory. the crypto object is present.
Make sure that your
endpoints correspond
to your certificate
type (p. 45).

certPath The path to the core device For backward compatibility

certificate relative to the with versions earlier than 1.7.0.
/greengrass-root/certs This property is ignored when
directory. the crypto object is present.

keyPath The path to the core private For backward compatibility

key relative to /greengrass- with versions earlier than 1.7.0.
root/certs directory. This property is ignored when
the crypto object is present.

thingArn The Amazon Resource Name Find this for your core in the
(ARN) of the AWS IoT thing AWS IoT Greengrass console
that represents the AWS IoT under Cores, or by running
Greengrass core device. the aws greengrass get-
CLI command.

iotHost Your AWS IoT endpoint. Find this in the AWS IoT
console under Settings, or
by running the aws iot
describe-endpoint --
endpoint-type iot:Data-
ATS CLI command.

This command returns the

Amazon Trust Services
(ATS) endpoint. For more
information, see the Server
Authentication documentation.
Make sure that your
endpoints correspond
to your certificate
type (p. 45). Make
sure your endpoints
correspond to your
AWS Region.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes

ggHost Your AWS IoT Greengrass This is your iotHost

endpoint. endpoint with the host prefix
replaced by greengrass (for
example, greengrass-
Use the same AWS Region as
Make sure that your
endpoints correspond
to your certificate
type (p. 45). Make
sure your endpoints
correspond to your
AWS Region.

iotMqttPort Optional. The port number to Valid values are 8883 or 443.
use for MQTT communication The default value is 8883. For
with AWS IoT. more information, see Connect
on Port 443 or Through a
Network Proxy (p. 46).

keepAlive Optional. The MQTT Valid range is between 30 and

KeepAlive period, in seconds. 1200 seconds. The default
value is 600.

networkProxy Optional. An object that This can be an HTTP or

defines a proxy server to HTTPS proxy. For more
connect to. information, see Connect on
Port 443 or Through a Network
Proxy (p. 46).


Field Description Notes


useSystemd Indicates whether your device Valid values are

uses systemd. yes or no. Run the
script in Module 1 (p. 65)
to see if your device uses


The crypto object, added in v1.7.0, introduces properties that support private key storage on a
hardware security module (HSM) through PKCS#11 and local secret storage. For more information,
see the section called “Hardware Security” (p. 448) and Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).
Configurations for private key storage on HSMs or in the file system are supported.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes

caPath The absolute path to the AWS Must be a file URI of the form:
IoT root CA. file:///absolute/path/
Make sure that your
endpoints correspond
to your certificate
type (p. 45).


OpenSSLEngine Optional. The absolute path to Must be a path to a file on the

the OpenSSL engine .so file file system.
to enable PKCS#11 support on
OpenSSL. This property is required if
you're using the Greengrass
OTA update agent with
hardware security. For more
information, see the section
called “Configure OTA
Updates” (p. 454).

P11Provider The absolute path to the Must be a path to a file on the

PKCS#11 implementation's file system.
libdl-loadable library.

slotLabel The slot label that's used to Must conform to PKCS#11

identify the hardware module. label specifications.

slotUserPin The user pin that's used to Must have sufficient

authenticate the Greengrass permissions to perform C_Sign
core to the module. with the configured private


IoTCertificate The certificate and private key that the core uses to make
requests to AWS IoT.

IoTCertificate The path to the core private For file system storage, must
 .privateKeyPath key. be a file URI of the form:

For HSM storage, must be an

RFC 7512 PKCS#11 path that
specifies the object label.

IoTCertificate The absolute path to the core Must be a file URI of the form:
 .certificatePath device certificate. file:///absolute/path/

MQTTServerCertificate Optional. The private key that the core uses in combination with
the certificate to act as an MQTT server or gateway.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes

MQTTServerCertificate The path to the local MQTT Use this value to specify your
 .privateKeyPath server private key. own private key for the local
MQTT server.

For file system storage, must

be a file URI of the form:

For HSM storage, must be an

RFC 7512 PKCS#11 path that
specifies the object label.

If this property is omitted, AWS

IoT Greengrass rotates the key
based your rotation settings.
If specified, the customer is
responsible for rotating the

SecretsManager The private key that secures the data key used for encryption.
For more information, see Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).

SecretsManager The path to the local secrets Only an RSA key is supported.
 .privateKeyPath manager private key.
For file system storage, must
be a file URI of the form:

For HSM storage, must be an

RFC 7512 PKCS#11 path that
specifies the object label. The
private key must be generated
using the PKCS#1 v1.5 padding

The following configuration properties are also supported:

Field Description Notes

Optional. The maximum

mqttMaxConnectionRetryInterval Specify this value as an
interval (in seconds) between unsigned integer. The default is
MQTT connection retries if the 60.
connection is dropped.

managedRespawn Optional. Indicates that the Valid values are true or

OTA agent needs to run false. For more information,
custom code before an update. see OTA Updates of AWS
IoT Greengrass Core
Software (p. 148).

writeDirectory Optional. The write directory For more information, see

where AWS IoT Greengrass Configure a Write Directory for
AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 52).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes

creates all read-write

Deprecated versions

The following versions of the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software are not supported. This information
is included for reference purposes only.

GGC v1.6

"coreThing": {
"caPath": "root-ca-pem",
"certPath": "cloud-pem-crt",
"keyPath": "cloud-pem-key",
"thingArn": "arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:thing/core-thing-name",
"iotHost": "host-prefix.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"ggHost": "greengrass.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"keepAlive": 600,
"mqttMaxConnectionRetryInterval": 60
"runtime": {
"cgroup": {
"useSystemd": "yes|no"
"managedRespawn": true,
"writeDirectory": "/write-directory"

If you use the Easy group creation option from the AWS IoT Greengrass console, then
the config.json file is deployed to the core device in a working state that specifies
the default configuration.

The config.json file supports the following properties:

Field Description Notes

caPath The path to the AWS IoT Save the file under
root CA relative to the /greengrass-root/certs.

certPath The path to the AWS Save the file under

IoT Greengrass core /greengrass-root/certs.
certificate relative to the

keyPath The path to the AWS IoT Save the file under
Greengrass core private key /greengrass-root/certs.
relative to /greengrass-
root/certs directory.

thingArn The Amazon Resource Name Find this for your core in the
(ARN) of the AWS IoT thing AWS IoT Greengrass console

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes

that represents the AWS IoT under Cores, or by running
Greengrass core device. the aws greengrass
version CLI command.

iotHost Your AWS IoT endpoint. Find this in the AWS IoT
console under Settings, or
by running the aws iot
describe-endpoint CLI

ggHost Your AWS IoT Greengrass This value uses the format
endpoint. greengrass.iot.region.amazonaws.co
Use the same region as

keepAlive The MQTT KeepAlive This is an optional value. The

period, in seconds. default is 600.

The maximum interval (in

mqttMaxConnectionRetryInterval Specify this value as an
seconds) between MQTT unsigned integer. This is an
connection retries if the optional value. The default is
connection is dropped. 60.

useSystemd Indicates whether your device Valid values are

uses systemd. yes or no. Run the
script in Module 1 (p. 65)
to see if your device uses

managedRespawn An optional over-the-air Valid values are true or

(OTA) updates feature, this false. For more information,
indicates that the OTA agent see OTA Updates of AWS
needs to run custom code IoT Greengrass Core
before an update. Software (p. 148).

writeDirectory The write directory where This is an optional value.

AWS IoT Greengrass creates For more information,
all read-write resources. see Configure a Write
Directory for AWS IoT
Greengrass (p. 52).

GGC v1.5

"coreThing": {
"caPath": "root-ca-pem",
"certPath": "cloud-pem-crt",
"keyPath": "cloud-pem-key",
"thingArn": "arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:thing/core-thing-name",
"iotHost": "host-prefix.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"ggHost": "greengrass.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"keepAlive": 600
"runtime": {
"cgroup": {

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

"useSystemd": "yes|no"
"managedRespawn": true

The config.json file exists in /greengrass-root/config and contains the following


Field Description Notes

caPath The path to the AWS IoT Save the file under the
root CA relative to the /greengrass-root/certs
/greengrass-root/certs folder.

certPath The path to the AWS Save the file under the
IoT Greengrass core /greengrass-root/certs
certificate relative to the folder.

keyPath The path to the AWS IoT Save the file under the
Greengrass core private key /greengrass-root/certs
relative to /greengrass- folder.
root/certs folder.

thingArn The Amazon Resource Name Find this for your core in the
(ARN) of the AWS IoT thing AWS IoT Greengrass console
that represents the AWS IoT under Cores, or by running
Greengrass core device. the aws greengrass
version CLI command.

iotHost Your AWS IoT endpoint. Find this in the AWS IoT
console under Settings, or
by running the aws iot

ggHost Your AWS IoT Greengrass This value uses the format
endpoint. greengrass.iot.region.amazonaws.co
Use the same region as

keepAlive The MQTT KeepAlive This is an optional value. The

period, in seconds. default value is 600 seconds.

useSystemd Indicates whether your device Valid values are

uses systemd. yes or no. Run the
script in Module 1 (p. 65)
to see if your device uses

managedRespawn An optional over-the-air For more information,

(OTA) updates feature, this see OTA Updates of AWS
indicates that the OTA agent IoT Greengrass Core
Software (p. 148).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes

needs to run custom code
before an update.

GGC v1.3

"coreThing": {
"caPath": "root-ca-pem",
"certPath": "cloud-pem-crt",
"keyPath": "cloud-pem-key",
"thingArn": "arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:thing/core-thing-name",
"iotHost": "host-prefix.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"ggHost": "greengrass.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"keepAlive": 600
"runtime": {
"cgroup": {
"useSystemd": "yes|no"
"managedRespawn": true

The config.json file exists in /greengrass-root/config and contains the following


Field Description Notes

caPath The path to the AWS IoT Save the file under the
root CA relative to the /greengrass-root/certs
/greengrass-root/certs folder.

certPath The path to the AWS Save the file under the
IoT Greengrass core /greengrass-root/certs
certificate relative to the folder.

keyPath The path to the AWS IoT Save the file under the
Greengrass core private key /greengrass-root/certs
relative to /greengrass- folder.
root/certs folder.

thingArn The Amazon Resource Name You can find this value in the
(ARN) of the AWS IoT thing AWS IoT Greengrass console
that represents the AWS IoT under the definition for your
Greengrass core. AWS IoT thing.

iotHost Your AWS IoT endpoint. You can find this value in
the AWS IoT console under

ggHost Your AWS IoT Greengrass You can find this value in
endpoint. the AWS IoT console under

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes

Settings with greengrass.

keepAlive The MQTT KeepAlive This is an optional value. The

period, in seconds. default value is 600 seconds.

useSystemd A binary flag, if your device Values are yes or no. Use the
uses systemd. dependency script in Module
1 (p. 65) to see if your
device uses systemd.

managedRespawn An optional over-the-air For more information,

(OTA) updates feature, this see OTA Updates of AWS
indicates that the OTA agent IoT Greengrass Core
needs to run custom code Software (p. 148).
before an update.

GGC v1.1

"coreThing": {
"caPath": "root-ca-pem",
"certPath": "cloud-pem-crt",
"keyPath": "cloud-pem-key",
"thingArn": "arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:thing/core-thing-name",
"iotHost": "host-prefix.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"ggHost": "greengrass.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"keepAlive": 600
"runtime": {
"cgroup": {
"useSystemd": "yes|no"

The config.json file exists in /greengrass-root/config and contains the following


Field Description Notes

caPath The path to the AWS IoT Save the file under the
root CA relative to the /greengrass-root/certs
/greengrass-root/certs folder.

certPath The path to the AWS Save the file under the
IoT Greengrass core /greengrass-root/certs
certificate relative to the folder.

keyPath The path to the AWS Save the file under the
IoT Greengrass core /greengrass-root/certs
private key relative to the folder.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File

Field Description Notes


thingArn The Amazon Resource Name You can find this value in the
(ARN) of the AWS IoT thing AWS IoT Greengrass console
that represents the AWS IoT under the definition for your
Greengrass core. AWS IoT thing.

iotHost Your AWS IoT endpoint. You can find this value in
the AWS IoT console under

ggHost Your AWS IoT Greengrass You can find this value in
endpoint. the AWS IoT console under
Settings with greengrass.

keepAlive The MQTT KeepAlive This is an optional value. The

period, in seconds. default value is 600 seconds.

useSystemd A binary flag, if your device Values are yes or no. Use the
uses systemd. dependency script in Module
1 (p. 65) to see if your
device uses systemd.

GGC v1.0

In AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.0, config.json is deployed to greengrass-root/


"coreThing": {
"caPath": "root-ca-pem",
"certPath": "cloud-pem-crt",
"keyPath": "cloud-pem-key",
"thingArn": "arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:thing/core-thing-name",
"iotHost": "host-prefix.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"ggHost": "greengrass.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"keepAlive": 600
"runtime": {
"cgroup": {
"useSystemd": "yes|no"

The config.json file exists in /greengrass-root/configuration and contains the

following parameters:

Field Description Notes

caPath The path to the AWS IoT Save the file under the
root CA relative to the /greengrass-root/
/greengrass-root/ configuration/certs
configuration/certs folder.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Endpoints Must Match the Certificate Type

Field Description Notes

certPath The path to the AWS Save the file under the
IoT Greengrass core /greengrass-root/
certificate relative to the configuration/certs
/greengrass-root/ folder.

keyPath The path to the AWS Save the file under the
IoT Greengrass core /greengrass-root/
private key relative to the configuration/certs
/greengrass-root/ folder.

thingArn The Amazon Resource Name You can find this value in the
(ARN) of the AWS IoT thing AWS IoT Greengrass console
that represents the AWS IoT under the definition for your
Greengrass core. AWS IoT hing.

iotHost Your AWS IoT endpoint. You can find this value in
the AWS IoT console under

ggHost Your AWS IoT Greengrass You can find this value in
endpoint. the AWS IoT console under
Settings with greengrass.

keepAlive The MQTT KeepAlive This is an optional value. The

period, in seconds. default value is 600 seconds.

useSystemd A binary flag if your device Values are yes or no. Use the
uses systemd. dependency script in Module
1 (p. 65) to see if your
device uses systemd.

Endpoints Must Match the Certificate Type

Your AWS IoT and AWS IoT Greengrass endpoints must correspond to the certificate type of the root CA
certificate on your device.

If you're using an Amazon Trust Services (ATS) root CA certificate (preferred), you must use ATS
endpoints. ATS endpoints include the ats segment, as shown in the following syntax for the AWS IoT


In some AWS Regions, AWS IoT Greengrass also currently supports legacy Verisign endpoints and root
CA certificates for backward compatibilty. For more information, see AWS IoT Greengrass in the Amazon
Web Services General Reference.

If you're using a legacy Verisign root CA certificate, we recommend that you create an ATS endpoint and
use an ATS root CA certificate instead. For more information, see Server Authentication in the AWS IoT
Developer Guide. Otherwise, make sure to use the corresponding legacy endpoints. For example, the
following syntax is used for legacy AWS IoT endpoints:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Connect on Port 443 or Through a Network Proxy


If your endpoints and certificate type do not match, authentication attempts between AWS IoT and AWS
IoT Greengrass fail.

Endpoints in config.json
On an AWS IoT Greengrass core device, in the config.json (p. 24) file, the AWS IoT and AWS IoT
Greengrass endpoints are specified in the coreThing object. The iotHost property represents the
AWS IoT endpoint. The ggHost property represents the AWS IoT Greengrass endpoint. In the following
example snippet, these properties specify ATS endpoints.

"coreThing" : {
"iotHost" : "abcde1234uwxyz-ats.iot.us-west-2.amazonaws.com",
"ggHost" : "greengrass-ats.iot.us-west-2.amazonaws.com",

AWS IoT endpoint

You can get your AWS IoT endpoint by running the aws iot describe-endpoint CLI command with
the appropriate --endpoint-type parameter.
• To return an ATS signed endpoint, run:

aws iot describe-endpoint --endpoint-type iot:Data-ATS

• To return a legacy Verisign signed endpoint, run:

aws iot describe-endpoint --endpoint-type iot:Data

AWS IoT Greengrass endpoint

Your AWS IoT Greengrass endpoint is your iotHost endpoint with the host prefix
replaced by greengrass. For example, the ATS signed endpoint is greengrass-
ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com. This uses the same region as your AWS IoT endpoint.

Connect on Port 443 or Through a Network Proxy

This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 and later.

AWS IoT Greengrass communicates with AWS IoT using the MQTT messaging protocol with TLS client
authentication. By convention, MQTT over TLS uses port 8883. However, as a security measure, restrictive
environments might limit inbound and outbound traffic to a small range of TCP ports. For example, a
corporate firewall might open port 443 for HTTPS traffic, but close other ports that are used for less
common protocols, such as port 8883 for MQTT traffic. Other restrictive environments might require all
traffic to go through an HTTP proxy before connecting to the internet.

To enable communication in these scenarios, AWS IoT Greengrass allows the following configurations:

• MQTT with TLS client authentication over port 443. If your network allows connections to port 443,
you can configure the core to use port 443 for MQTT traffic instead of the default port 8883. This can
be a direct connection to port 443 or a connection through a network proxy server.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Connect on Port 443 or Through a Network Proxy

AWS IoT Greengrass uses the Application Layer Protocol Network (ALPN) TLS extension to enable this
connection. As with the default configuration, MQTT over TLS on port 443 uses certificate-based client

When configured to use a direct connection to port 443, the core supports over-the-air (OTA)
updates (p. 148) for AWS IoT Greengrass software. This support requires AWS IoT Greengrass Core
v1.9.3 or later.
• HTTPS communication over port 443. AWS IoT Greengrass sends HTTPS traffic over port 8443 by
default, but you can configure it to use port 443.
• Connection through a network proxy. You can configure a network proxy server to act as an
intermediary for connecting to the AWS IoT Greengrass core. Only basic authentication and HTTP and
HTTPS proxies are supported.

The proxy configuration is passed to user-defined Lambda functions through the http_proxy,
https_proxy, and no_proxy environment variables. User-defined Lambda functions must use these
passed-in settings to connect through the proxy. Common libraries used by Lambda functions to make
connections (such as boto3 or cURL and python requests packages) typically use these environment
variables by default. If a Lambda function also specifies these same environment variables, AWS IoT
Greengrass doesn't override them.
Greengrass cores that are configured to use a network proxy don't support OTA
updates (p. 148).

To configure MQTT over port 443

This feature requires AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 or later.

This procedure allows the core to use port 443 for MQTT messaging.

1. Run the following command to stop the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon:

cd /greengrass-root/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd stop

2. Open greengrass-root/config/config.json for editing as the su user.

3. In the coreThing object, add the iotMqttPort property and set the value to 443, as shown in the
following example.

"coreThing" : {
"caPath" : "root.ca.pem",
"certPath" : "12345abcde.cert.pem",
"keyPath" : "12345abcde.private.key",
"thingArn" : "arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:thing/core-thing-name",
"iotHost" : "abcd123456wxyz-ats.iot.us-west-2.amazonaws.com",
"iotMqttPort" : 443,
"ggHost" : "greengrass-ats.iot.us-west-2.amazonaws.com",
"keepAlive" : 600

4. Start the daemon.

cd /greengrass-root/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Connect on Port 443 or Through a Network Proxy

To configure HTTPS over port 443

This feature requires AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.8 or later.

This procedure configures the core to use port 443 for HTTPS communication.

1. Run the following command to stop the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon:

cd /greengrass-root/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd stop

2. Open greengrass-root/config/config.json for editing as the su user.

3. In the coreThing object, add the iotHttpPort and ggHttpPort properties, as shown in the
following example.

"coreThing" : {
"caPath" : "root.ca.pem",
"certPath" : "12345abcde.cert.pem",
"keyPath" : "12345abcde.private.key",
"thingArn" : "arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:thing/core-thing-name",
"iotHost" : "abcd123456wxyz-ats.iot.us-west-2.amazonaws.com",
"iotHttpPort" : 443,
"ggHost" : "greengrass-ats.iot.us-west-2.amazonaws.com",
"ggHttpPort" : 443,
"keepAlive" : 600

4. Start the daemon.

cd /greengrass-root/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

To configure a network proxy

This feature requires AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 or later.

This procedure allows AWS IoT Greengrass to connect to the internet through an HTTP or HTTPS
network proxy.

1. Run the following command to stop the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon:

cd /greengrass-root/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd stop

2. Open greengrass-root/config/config.json for editing as the su user.

3. In the coreThing object, add the networkProxy (p. 49) object, as shown in the following

"coreThing" : {

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Connect on Port 443 or Through a Network Proxy

"caPath" : "root.ca.pem",
"certPath" : "12345abcde.cert.pem",
"keyPath" : "12345abcde.private.key",
"thingArn" : "arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:thing/core-thing-name",
"iotHost" : "abcd123456wxyz-ats.iot.us-west-2.amazonaws.com",
"ggHost" : "greengrass-ats.iot.us-west-2.amazonaws.com",
"keepAlive" : 600,
"networkProxy": {
"noProxyAddresses" : ",www.mywebsite.com",
"proxy" : {
"url" : "https://my-proxy-server:1100",
"username" : "Mary_Major",
"password" : "pass@word1357"

4. Start the daemon.

cd /greengrass-root/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

networkProxy object

Use the networkProxy object to specify information about the network proxy. This object has the
following properties.

Field Description

noProxyAddresses Optional. A comma-separated list of IP addresses

or host names that are exempt from the proxy.

proxy The proxy to connect to. A proxy has the following


• url. The URL of the proxy server, in the format

• scheme. The scheme. Must be http or
• userinfo. Optional. The user name and
password information. If specified, the
username and password fields are ignored.
• host. The host name or IP address of the
proxy server.
• port. Optional. The port number. If not
specified, the following default values are
• http: 80
• https: 443
• username. Optional. The user name to use to
authenticate to the proxy server.
• password. Optional. The password to use to
authenticate to the proxy server.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Connect on Port 443 or Through a Network Proxy

Whitelisting Endpoints
Communication between Greengrass devices and AWS IoT or AWS IoT Greengrass must be authenticated.
This authentication is based on registered X.509 device certificates and cryptographic keys. To allow
authenticated requests to pass through proxies without additional encryption, whitelist the following

Endpoint Port Description

greengrass.region.amazonaws.com 443 Used for

control plane
for group

prefix-ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com MQTT: 8883 or 443 Used for

data plane
or HTTPS: 8443 or 443 operations
for device
prefix.iot.region.amazonaws.com management,
such as
shadow sync.

one or both
on whether
your core and
devices use
Trust Services
root CA
legacy root CA
certificates, or
both. For more
see the
section called
Must Match
the Certificate
Type” (p. 45).

greengrass- 8443 or 443 Used for device

ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com discovery
greengrass.iot.region.amazonaws.com one or both
on whether
your core and

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Connect on Port 443 or Through a Network Proxy

Endpoint Port Description

devices use
Trust Services
root CA
legacy root CA
certificates, or
both. For more
see the
section called
Must Match
the Certificate
Type” (p. 45).
ca as
in the
in the

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Write Directory

Endpoint Port Description

*.s3.amazonaws.com 443 Used for

and over-the-
air updates.
This format
includes the
* character
prefixes are
internally and
might change
at any time.

logs.region.amazonaws.com 443 Required if the

group is
configured to
write logs to

Configure a Write Directory for AWS IoT Greengrass

This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.6 and later.

By default, the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software is deployed under a single root directory where AWS
IoT Greengrass performs all read and write operations. However, you can configure AWS IoT Greengrass
to use a separate directory for all write operations, including creating directories and files. In this case,
AWS IoT Greengrass uses two top-level directories:

• The greengrass-root directory, which you can leave as read-write or optionally make read-only.
This contains the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software and other critical components that should remain
immutable during runtime, such as certificates and config.json.
• The specified write directory. This contains writable content, such as logs, state information, and
deployed user-defined Lambda functions.

This configuration results in the following directory structure.

Greengrass root directory

|-- certs/
| |-- root.ca.pem
| |-- hash.cert.pem
| |-- hash.private.key
| |-- hash.public.key
|-- config/
| |-- config.json
|-- ggc/
| |-- packages/
| |-- package-version/
| |-- bin/

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Write Directory

| |-- daemon
| |-- greengrassd
| |-- lambda/
| |-- LICENSE/
| |-- release_notes_package-version.html
| |-- runtime/
| |-- java8/
| |-- nodejs8.10/
| |-- python3.7/
| |-- core/

Write Directory

|-- packages/
| |-- package-version/
| |-- ggc_root/
| |-- rootfs_nosys/
| |-- rootfs_sys/
| |-- var/
|-- deployment/
| |-- group/
| |-- group.json
| |-- lambda/
| |-- mlmodel/
|-- var/
| |-- log/
| |-- state/

To configure a write directory

1. Run the following command to stop the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon:

cd /greengrass-root/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd stop

2. Open greengrass-root/config/config.json for editing as the su user.

3. Add writeDirectory as a parameter and specify the path to the target directory, as shown in the
following example.

"coreThing": {
"caPath": "root-CA.pem",
"certPath": "hash.pem.crt",
"writeDirectory" : "/write-directory"

You can update the writeDirectory setting as often as you want. After the setting is
updated, AWS IoT Greengrass uses the newly specified write directory at the next start, but
doesn't migrate content from the previous write directory.
4. Now that your write directory is configured, you can optionally make the greengrass-
root directory read-only. For instructions, see To Make the Greengrass Root Directory Read-
Only (p. 54).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Message Quality of Service

Otherwise, start the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon:

cd /greengrass-root/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

To make the Greengrass root directory read-only

Follow these steps only if you want to make the Greengrass root directory read-only. The write directory
must be configured before you begin.

1. Grant access permissions to required directories:

a. Give read and write permissions to the config.json owner.

sudo chmod 0600 /greengrass-root/config/config.json

b. Make ggc_user the owner of the certs and system Lambda directories.

sudo chown -R ggc_user:ggc_group /greengrass-root/certs/

sudo chown -R ggc_user:ggc_group /greengrass-root/ggc/packages/1.9.4/lambda/

The ggc_user and ggc_group accounts are used by default to run system Lambda
functions. If you configured the group-level default access identity (p. 183) to use
different accounts, you should give permissions to that user (UID) and group (GID)
2. Make the greengrass-root directory read-only by using your preferred mechanism.
One way to make the greengrass-root directory read-only is to mount the directory
as read-only. However, to apply over-the-air (OTA) updates to the AWS IoT Greengrass
Core software in a mounted directory, the directory must first be unmounted, and then
remounted after the update. You can add these umount and mount operations to the
ota_pre_update and ota_post_update scripts. For more information about OTA
updates, see the section called “Greengrass OTA Update Agent” (p. 149) and the section
called “AWS IoT Greengrass Core Update with Managed Respawn” (p. 152).
3. Start the daemon.

cd /greengrass-root/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

If the permissions from step 1 aren't set correctly, then the daemon won't start.

Message Quality of Service

In the AWS IoT Greengrass environment, local devices, Lambda functions, connectors, and system
components can communicate with each other and with the cloud. All communication goes through
the core. Messages destined for local targets use a quality of service (QoS) level that is different from
messages destined for the cloud.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
MQTT Message Queue

• Messages with local targets use QoS 0. The core makes one attempt to send a message to its
target. It doesn't store messages or confirm delivery. Messages can be dropped anywhere between
Although direct communication between Lambda functions doesn't use MQTT messaging, the
behavior is the same.
• Messages with cloud targets use QoS 1. The core sends these messages to the spooler system
component, which sends them to the cloud using QoS 1. This allows the spooler to manage the MQTT
message queue (p. ). If message delivery isn't confirmed by AWS IoT, the message is spooled to
be retried later (unless the queue is full). For more information, see the section called “MQTT Message
Queue” (p. 55).
Although QoS 1 is used internally to manage the queue, message publishers can send MQTT
messages with QoS 0 only.

MQTT Message Queue

MQTT messages that are destined for cloud targets are queued to await processing. Queued messages
are processed in first in first out (FIFO) order. After a message is processed and published to the cloud,
the message is removed from the queue. AWS IoT Greengrass manages the queue by using a system
GGCloudSpooler Lambda function.

Configure the MQTT Message Queue

This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.6 and later.

You can configure AWS IoT Greengrass to store unprocessed messages in memory or in a local storage
cache. Unlike in-memory storage, the local storage cache has the ability to persist across core restarts
(for example, after a group deployment or a device reboot), so AWS IoT Greengrass can continue to
process the messages. You can also configure the storage size.
Versions 1.5.0 and earlier use in-memory storage with a queue size of 2.5 MB. You cannot
configure storage settings for earlier versions.

The following environment variables for the GGCloudSpooler Lambda function are used to define
storage settings.

• GG_CONFIG_STORAGE_TYPE. The location of the message queue. The following are valid values:
• FileSystem. Store unprocessed messages in the local storage cache. When the core restarts,
queued messages are retained for processing. Messages are removed after they are processed.
• Memory (default). Store unprocessed messages in memory. When the core restarts, queued
messages are lost.

This option is optimized for devices with restricted hardware capabilities. When using this
configuration, we recommend that you deploy groups or restart the device when the service
disruption is the lowest.

• GG_CONFIG_MAX_SIZE_BYTES. The storage size, in bytes. This value can be any non-negative integer
greater than or equal to 262144 (256 KB); a smaller size prevents the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
software from starting. The default size is 2.5 MB. When the size limit is reached, the oldest queued
messages are replaced by new messages.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
MQTT Message Queue

To Cache Messages in Local Storage

To configure AWS IoT Greengrass to cache messages to the file system so they persist across core
restarts, you create a function definition version where the GGCloudSpooler function specifies the
FileSystem storage type. You must use the AWS IoT Greengrass API to configure the local storage
cache. You can't do this in the console.

The following procedure uses the create-function-definition-version CLI command to

configure the spooler to save queued messages to the file system. It also configures a 2.6 MB queue size.

1. Get the IDs of the target Greengrass group and group version. In this procedure, we assume that
you're updating the configuration of the latest group and group version. The following command
returns the most recently created group.

aws greengrass list-groups --query "reverse(sort_by(Groups, &CreationTimestamp))[0]"

Or, you can query by name. Group names are not required to be unique, so multiple groups might be

aws greengrass list-groups --query "Groups[?Name=='MyGroup']"

You can also find these values in the AWS IoT console. The group ID is shown on the group's
Settings page. Group version IDs are shown on the group's Deployments page.
2. Copy the Id and LatestVersion values from the target group in the output.
3. Get the latest group version.

• Replace group-id with the Id that you copied.

• Replace latest-group-version-id with the LatestVersion that you copied.

aws greengrass get-group-version \

--group-id group-id \
--group-version-id latest-group-version-id

4. From the Definition object in the output, copy the CoreDefinitionVersionArn and the ARNs
of all other group components except FunctionDefinitionVersionArn. You use these values
when you create a new group version.
5. From the FunctionDefinitionVersionArn in the output, copy the ID of the function definition.
The ID is the GUID that follows the functions segment in the ARN, as shown in the following


You can optionally create a function definition by running the create-function-
definition command, and then copy the ID from the output.
6. Add a function definition version to the function definition.

• Replace function-definition-id with the Id that you copied for the function definition.
• Replace arbitrary-function-id with a name for the function, such as spooler-function.
• Add any Lambda functions that you want to include in this version to the functions array. You
can use the get-function-definition-version command to get the Greengrass Lambda
functions from an existing function definition version.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
MQTT Message Queue

Make sure that you specify a value for GG_CONFIG_MAX_SIZE_BYTES that's greater than
or equal to 262144. A smaller size prevents the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software from

aws greengrass create-function-definition-version \

--function-definition-id function-definition-id \
--functions '[{"FunctionArn":
"arn:aws:lambda:::function:GGCloudSpooler:1","FunctionConfiguration": {"Environment":
"spooler","MemorySize": 32768,"Pinned": true,"Timeout": 3},"Id": "arbitrary-function-

7. Copy the Arn of the function definition version from the output.
8. Create a group version that contains the system Lambda function.

• Replace group-id with the Id for the group.

• Replace core-definition-version-arn with the CoreDefinitionVersionArn that you
copied from the latest group version.
• Replace function-definition-version-arn with the Arn that you copied for the new
function definition version.
• Replace the ARNs for other group components (for example,
SubscriptionDefinitionVersionArn or DeviceDefinitionVersionArn) that you copied
from the latest group version.
• Remove any unused parameters. For example, remove the --resource-definition-version-
arn if your group version doesn't contain any resources.

aws greengrass create-group-version \

--group-id group-id \
--core-definition-version-arn core-definition-version-arn \
--function-definition-version-arn function-definition-version-arn \
--device-definition-version-arn device-definition-version-arn \
--logger-definition-version-arn logger-definition-version-arn \
--resource-definition-version-arn resource-definition-version-arn \
--subscription-definition-version-arn subscription-definition-version-arn

9. Copy the Version from the output. This is the ID of the new group version.
10. Deploy the group with the new group version.

• Replace group-id with the Id that you copied for the group.
• Replace group-version-id with the Version that you copied for the new group version.

aws greengrass create-deployment \

--group-id group-id \
--group-version-id group-version-id \
--deployment-type NewDeployment

To update the storage settings, you use the AWS IoT Greengrass API to create a new function definition
version that contains the GGCloudSpooler function with the updated configuration. Then add the
function definition version to a new group version (along with your other group components) and deploy
the group version. If you want to restore the default configuration, you can create a function definition
version that doesn't include the GGCloudSpooler function.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Client IDs for MQTT Connections with AWS IoT

This system Lambda function isn't visible in the console. However, after the function is added to the
latest group version, it's included in deployments that you make from the console (unless you use the API
to replace or remove it).

Client IDs for MQTT Connections with AWS IoT

This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.8 and later.

The AWS IoT Greengrass core opens MQTT connections with AWS IoT for operations such as shadow sync
and certificate management. For these connections, the core generates predictable client IDs based on
the core thing name. Predictable client IDs can be used with monitoring, auditing, and pricing features,
including AWS IoT Device Defender and AWS IoT lifecycle events. You can also create logic around
predictable client IDs (for example, subscribe policy templates based on certificate attributes).

GGC v1.9

Two Greengrass system components open MQTT connections with AWS IoT. These components use
the following patterns to generate the client IDs for the connections.

Operation Client ID pattern

Deployments core-thing-name

Example: MyCoreThing

Use this client ID for connect, disconnect,

subscribe, and unsubscribe lifecycle event

MQTT message exchange with AWS IoT core-thing-name-cnn

Example: MyCoreThing-c01

nn is an integer that starts at 00 and increments

with each new connection to a maximum of of
05. The number of connections is determined
by the number of devices that sync their
shadow state with AWS IoT (maximum 200 per
group) and the number of subscriptions with
cloud as their source in the group (maximum
50 per group).

The spooler system component makes

connections with AWS IoT to exchange
messages for subscriptions with a cloud source
or target. The spooler also acts as proxy for
message exchange between AWS IoT and the
local shadow service and device certificate

GGC v1.8

Several Greengrass system components open MQTT connections with AWS IoT. These components
use the following patterns to generate the client IDs for the connections.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Activate Automatic IP Detection

Operation Client ID pattern

Deployments core-thing-name

Example: MyCoreThing

Use this client ID for connect, disconnect,

subscribe, and unsubscribe lifecycle event

MQTT message exchange with AWS IoT core-thing-name-spr

Example: MyCoreThing-spr

Shadow sync core-thing-name-snn

Example: MyCoreThing-s01

nn is an integer that starts at 00 and increments

with each new connection to a maximum of
03. The number of connections is determined
by the number of devices (maximum 200
devices per group) that sync their shadow state
with AWS IoT (maximum 50 subscriptions per

Device certificate management core-thing-name-dcm

Example: MyCoreThing-dcm

Duplicate client IDs used in simultaneous connections can cause an infinite connect-disconnect
loop. This can happen if another device is hard-coded to use the core device name as the client
ID in connections. For more information, see this troubleshooting step (p. 523).

Greengrass devices are also fully integrated with the Fleet Indexing service of AWS IoT Device
Management. This allows you to index and search for devices based on device attributes, shadow state,
and connection state in the cloud. For example, Greengrass devices establish at least one connection
that uses the thing name as the client ID, so you can use device connectivity indexing to discover which
Greengrass devices are currently connected or disconnected to AWS IoT. For more information, see Fleet
Indexing Service in the AWS IoT Developer Guide.

Activate Automatic IP Detection

You can configure AWS IoT Greengrass to enable automatic discovery of your AWS IoT Greengrass
core using the IPDetector system Lambda function. This feature can also be enabled by choosing
Automatic detection when deploying your group from the console for the first time, or from the group
settings page in the console at any time.

The following procedure uses the create-function-definition-version CLI command to

configure automatic discovery of the Greengrass core.

1. Get the IDs of the target Greengrass group and group version. In this procedure, we assume that
you're updating the configuration of the latest group and group version. The following command
returns the most recently created group.

aws greengrass list-groups --query "reverse(sort_by(Groups, &CreationTimestamp))[0]"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Activate Automatic IP Detection

Or, you can query by name. Group names are not required to be unique, so multiple groups might be

aws greengrass list-groups --query "Groups[?Name=='MyGroup']"

You can also find these values in the AWS IoT console. The group ID is shown on the group's
Settings page. Group version IDs are shown on the group's Deployments page.
2. Copy the Id and LatestVersion values from the target group in the output.
3. Get the latest group version.

• Replace group-id with the Id that you copied.

• Replace latest-group-version-id with the LatestVersion that you copied.

aws greengrass get-group-version \

--group-id group-id \
--group-version-id latest-group-version-id

4. From the Definition object in the output, copy the CoreDefinitionVersionArn and the ARNs
of all other group components except FunctionDefinitionVersionArn. You use these values
when you create a new group version.
5. From the FunctionDefinitionVersionArn in the output, copy the ID of the function definition
and the function definition version:


You can optionally create a function definition by running the create-function-
definition command, and then copy the ID from the output.
6. Use the get-function-definition-version command to get the current definition state.
Use the function-definition-id you copied for the function definiton. For example,

aws greengrass get-function-definition-version

--function-definition-id function-definition-id
--function-definition-version-id function-definition-version-id

Make a note of the listed function configurations. You will need to include these when creating a
new function definition version in order to prevent loss of your current definition settings.
7. Add a function definition version to the function definition.

• Replace function-definition-id with the Id that you copied for the function definition. For
example, 4d941bc7-92a1-4f45-8d64-EXAMPLEf76c3.
• Replace arbitrary-function-id with a name for the function, such as auto-detection-
• Add all Lambda functions that you want to include in this version to the functions array, such as
any listed in the previous step.

aws greengrass create-function-definition-version \

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Activate Automatic IP Detection

--function-definition-id function-definition-id \
--region us-west-2

8. Copy the Arn of the function definition version from the output.
9. Create a group version that contains the system Lambda function.

• Replace group-id with the Id for the group.

• Replace core-definition-version-arn with the CoreDefinitionVersionArn that you
copied from the latest group version.
• Replace function-definition-version-arn with the Arn that you copied for the new
function definition version.
• Replace the ARNs for other group components (for example,
SubscriptionDefinitionVersionArn or DeviceDefinitionVersionArn) that you copied
from the latest group version.
• Remove any unused parameters. For example, remove the --resource-definition-version-
arn if your group version doesn't contain any resources.

aws greengrass create-group-version \

--group-id group-id \
--core-definition-version-arn core-definition-version-arn \
--function-definition-version-arn function-definition-version-arn \
--device-definition-version-arn device-definition-version-arn \
--logger-definition-version-arn logger-definition-version-arn \
--resource-definition-version-arn resource-definition-version-arn \
--subscription-definition-version-arn subscription-definition-version-arn

10. Copy the Version from the output. This is the ID of the new group version.
11. Deploy the group with the new group version.

• Replace group-id with the Id that you copied for the group.
• Replace group-version-id with the Version that you copied for the new group version.

aws greengrass create-deployment \

--group-id group-id \
--group-version-id group-version-id \
--deployment-type NewDeployment

If you want to manually input the IP address of your AWS IoT Greengrass core, you can complete this
tutorial with a different function definition that does not include the IPDetector function. This will
prevent the detection function from locating and automatically inputting your AWS IoT Greengrass core
IP address.

This system Lambda function isn't visible in the Lambda console. After the function is added to the latest
group version, it's included in deployments that you make from the console (unless you use the API to
replace or remove it).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Start Greengrass on System Boot

Configure the Init System to Start the Greengrass

It's a good practice to set up your init system to start the Greengrass daemon during boot, especially
when managing large fleets of devices.

There are different types of init system, such as initd, systemd, and SystemV, and they use similar
configuration parameters. The following example is a service file for systemd. The Type parameter is
set to forking because greengrassd (which is used to start Greengrass) forks the Greengrass daemon
process, and the Restart parameter is set to on-failure to direct systemd to restart Greengrass if
Greengrass enters a failed state.
To see if your device uses systemd, run the check_ggc_dependencies script as described
in Module 1 (p. 65). Then to use systemd, make sure that the useSystemd parameter in
config.json (p. 24) is set to yes.

Description=Greengrass Daemon

ExecStart=/greengrass/ggc/core/greengrassd start
ExecReload=/greengrass/ggc/core/greengrassd restart
ExecStop=/greengrass/ggc/core/greengrassd stop


For information about how to create and enable a service file for systemd on a Raspberry Pi, see
SYSTEMD in the Raspberry Pi documentation.

Archive an AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software

When you upgrade to a new version of the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software, you can archive the
currently installed version. This preserves your current installation environment so you can test a new
software version on the same hardware. This also makes it easy to roll back to your archived version for
any reason.

To archive the current installation and install a new version

1. Download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software (p. 16) installation package that you want to
upgrade to.
2. Copy the package to the destination core device. For instructions that show how to transfer files, see
this step (p. 81).
You copy your current certificates, keys, and configuration file to the new installation later.

Run the commands in the following steps in your core device terminal.
3. Make sure that the Greengrass daemon is stopped on the core device.

a. To check whether the daemon is running:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
See Also

ps aux | grep -E 'greengrass.*daemon'

If the output contains a root entry for /greengrass/ggc/packages/ggc-version/bin/

daemon, then the daemon is running.
This procedure is written with the assumption that the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
software is installed in the /greengrass directory.
b. To stop the daemon:

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd stop

4. Move the current Greengrass root directory to a different directory.

sudo mv /greengrass /greengrass_backup

5. Untar the new software on the core device. Replace the os-architecture and version
placeholders in the command.

sudo tar –zxvf greengrass-os-architecture-version.tar.gz –C /

6. Copy the archived certificates, keys, and configuration file to the new installation.

sudo cp /greengrass_backup/certs/* /greengrass/certs

sudo cp /greengrass_backup/config/* /greengrass/config

7. Start the daemon:

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

Now, you can make a group deployment to test the new installation. If something fails, you can restore
the archived installation.

To restore the archived installation

1. Stop the daemon.

2. Delete the new /greengrass directory.
3. Move the /greengrass_backup directory back to /greengrass.
4. Start the daemon.

See Also
• the section called “Hardware Security” (p. 448)

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Getting Started with AWS IoT

This tutorial includes several modules designed to show you AWS IoT Greengrass basics and help you get
started quickly. This tutorial covers:

• The AWS IoT Greengrass programming model.

• Fundamental concepts, such as AWS IoT Greengrass cores, groups, and subscriptions.
• The deployment process for running AWS Lambda functions at the edge.

To complete this tutorial, you need the following:

• A Mac, Windows PC, or UNIX-like system.

• An Amazon Web Services (AWS) account. If you don’t have one, see the section called “Create an AWS
Account” (p. 65).
• The use of an AWS Region that supports AWS IoT Greengrass. For the list of supported regions for
AWS IoT Greengrass, see AWS Regions and Endpoints in the AWS General Reference.
Make a note of your AWS Region to ensure that it is consistently used throughout this tutorial.
Inadvertently switching AWS Regions during the tutorial can create problems. The last
exercise in this tutorial is written with the assumption that you are using the US East (N.
Virgina) Region.
• A Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, or Raspberry Pi 3 Model B/B+, with a 8 GB microSD card, or an Amazon EC2
instance. Because AWS IoT Greengrass should ideally be used with physical hardware, we recommend
that you use a Raspberry Pi.
Run the following command to get the model of your Rasberry Pi:

cat /proc/cpuinfo

Near the bottom of the listing, make a note of the value of the Revision attribute and then
consult the Which Pi have I got? table. For example, if the value of Revision is a02082, the
table shows the Pi is a 3 Model B.
Run the following command to determine the architecture of your Raspberry Pi:

uname -m

For this tutorial, the result should be greater than or equal to armv71.
• Basic familiarity with Python.

Although this tutorial is intended to run AWS IoT Greengrass on a Raspberry Pi, AWS IoT Greengrass
also supports other platforms. For more information, see the section called “Supported Platforms and
Requirements” (p. 11).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create an AWS Account

Create an AWS Account

If you don't have an AWS account, follow these steps:

1. Open the AWS home page, and choose Create an AWS Account.
If you've signed in to AWS recently, you might see Sign In to the Console instead.
2. Follow the online instructions. Part of the sign-up procedure involves receiving a phone call and
entering a PIN using your phone keypad.
Before you begin, make sure that your account has administrative permissions.

Module 1: Environment Setup for Greengrass

This module shows you how to get an out-of-the-box Raspberry Pi, Amazon EC2 instance, or other device
ready to be used by AWS IoT Greengrass as your AWS IoT Greengrass core device.

Before you begin, read the requirements (p. 64) for this tutorial.

This module should take less than 30 minutes to complete.

• Setting Up a Raspberry Pi (p. 65)
• Setting Up an Amazon EC2 Instance (p. 70)
• Setting Up Other Devices (p. 75)

To learn how to use AWS IoT Greengrass running in a prebuilt Docker container, see the section
called “Run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker Container” (p. 189).

Setting Up a Raspberry Pi
If you are setting up a Raspberry Pi for the first time, you must follow all of these steps. Otherwise, you
can skip to step 9. However, we recommend that you re-image your Raspberry Pi with the operating
system as recommended in step 2.

1. Download and install an SD card formatter such as SD Memory Card Formatter or PiBakery. Insert
the SD card into your computer. Start the program and choose the drive where you have inserted
your SD card. You can perform a quick format of the SD card.
2. Download the Raspbian Buster operating system as a zip file.
3. Using an SD card-writing tool (such as Etcher), follow the tool's instructions to flash the downloaded
zip file onto the SD card. Because the operating system image is large, this step might take some
time. Eject your SD card from your computer, and insert the microSD card into your Raspberry Pi.
4. For the first boot, we recommend that you connect the Raspberry Pi to a monitor (through HDMI),
a keyboard, and a mouse. Next, connect your Pi to a micro USB power source and the Raspbian
operating system should start up.
5. You might want to configure the Pi's keyboard layout before you continue. To do so, choose the
Raspberry icon in the upper-right, choose Preferences and then choose Mouse and Keyboard
Settings. Next, on the Keyboard tab, choose Keyboard Layout, and then choose an appropriate
keyboard variant.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Setting Up a Raspberry Pi

6. Next, connect your Raspberry Pi to the internet through a Wi-Fi network or an Ethernet cable.
Connect your Raspberry Pi to the same network that your computer is connected to, and be
sure that both your computer and Raspberry Pi have internet access before you continue. If
you're in a work environment or behind a firewall, you might need to connect your Pi and
your computer to the guest network to get both devices on the same network. However,
this approach might disconnect your computer from local network resources, such as your
intranet. One solution is to connect the Pi to the guest Wi-Fi network and to connect your
computer to the guest Wi-Fi network and your local network through an Ethernet cable. In
this configuration, your computer should be able to connect to the Raspberry Pi through
the guest Wi-Fi network and your local network resources through the Ethernet cable.
7. You must set up SSH on your Pi to remotely connect to it. On your Raspberry Pi, open a terminal
window and run the following command:

sudo raspi-config

You should see the following:

Scroll down and choose Interfacing Options and then choose P2 SSH. When prompted, choose
Yes. (Use the Tab key followed by Enter). SSH should now be enabled. Choose OK. Use the Tab key
to choose Finish and then press Enter. If the Raspberry Pi doesn't reboot automatically, run the
following command:

sudo reboot

8. On your Raspberry Pi, run the following command in the terminal:

hostname -I

This returns the IP address of your Raspberry Pi.

For the following, if you receive an ECDSA key fingerprint message (Are you sure you
want to continue connecting (yes/no)?), enter yes. The default password for the
Raspberry Pi is raspberry.

If you are using macOS, open a terminal window and enter the following:

ssh pi@IP-address

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Setting Up a Raspberry Pi

IP-address is the IP address of your Raspberry Pi that you obtained by using the hostname -I

If you are using Windows, you need to install and configure PuTTY. Expand Connection, choose
Data, and make sure that Prompt is selected:

Next, choose Session, enter the IP address of the Raspberry Pi, and then choose Open using default

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Setting Up a Raspberry Pi

If a PuTTY security alert is displayed, choose Yes.

The default Raspberry Pi login and password are pi and raspberry, respectively.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Setting Up a Raspberry Pi

If your computer is connected to a remote network using VPN, you might have difficulty
connecting from the computer to the Raspberry Pi using SSH.
9. You are now ready to set up the Raspberry Pi for AWS IoT Greengrass. First, run the following
commands from a local Raspberry Pi terminal window or an SSH terminal window:

sudo adduser --system ggc_user

sudo addgroup --system ggc_group

10. To improve security on the Pi device, enable hardlink and softlink (symlink) protection on the
operating system at startup.

a. Navigate to the 98-rpi.conf file.

cd /etc/sysctl.d

If you don't see the 98-rpi.conf file, follow the instructions in the README.sysctl
b. Use a text editor (such as Leafpad, GNU nano, or vi) to add the following two lines to the end
of the file. You might need to use the sudo command to edit as root (for example, sudo nano

fs.protected_hardlinks = 1
fs.protected_symlinks = 1

c. Reboot the Pi.

sudo reboot

After about a minute, connect to the Pi using SSH and then run the following command to
confirm the change:

sudo sysctl -a 2> /dev/null | grep fs.protected

You should see fs.protected_hardlinks = 1 and fs.protected_symlinks = 1.

11. Edit your command line boot file to enable and mount memory cgroups. This allows AWS IoT
Greengrass to set the memory limit for Lambda functions. Cgroups are also required to run AWS IoT
Greengrass in the default containerization (p. 181) mode.

a. Navigate to your boot directory.

cd /boot/

b. Use a text editor to open cmdline.txt. Append the following to the end of the existing line,
not as a new line.

cgroup_enable=memory cgroup_memory=1

c. Now reboot the Pi.

sudo reboot

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Setting Up an Amazon EC2 Instance

Your Raspberry Pi should now be ready for AWS IoT Greengrass.

12. To make sure that you have all required dependencies, download and run the Greengrass
dependency checker from the AWS IoT Greengrass Samples repository on GitHub. These commands
unzip and run the dependency checker script in the Downloads directory.

cd /home/pi/Downloads
mkdir greengrass-dependency-checker-GGCv1.9.x
cd greengrass-dependency-checker-GGCv1.9.x
wget https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-greengrass-samples/raw/master/greengrass-
unzip greengrass-dependency-checker-GGCv1.9.x.zip
cd greengrass-dependency-checker-GGCv1.9.x
sudo modprobe configs
sudo ./check_ggc_dependencies | more

Where more appears, press the Spacebar key to display another screen of text.
This tutorial requires Python 2.7. The check_ggc_dependencies script might produce
warnings about the missing optional Node.js and Java prerequisites. You can ignore these

For information about the modprobe command, run man modprobe in the terminal.

Your Raspberry Pi configuration is complete. Continue to the section called “Module 2: Installing the
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software” (p. 76).

Setting Up an Amazon EC2 Instance

This section provides instructions for setting up your Amazon EC2 instance.
Although you can complete these modules using an Amazon EC2 instance, AWS IoT Greengrass
should ideally be used with physical hardware. We recommend that you use a Raspberry Pi for
these tutorials.

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and launch an Amazon EC2 instance using an Amazon
Linux AMI. For information about Amazon EC2 instances, see the Amazon EC2 Getting Started Guide.
2. After your Amazon EC2 instance is running, enable port 8883 to allow incoming MQTT
communications so that other devices can connect with the AWS IoT Greengrass core.

a. In the navigation pane of the Amazon EC2 console, choose Security Groups.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Setting Up an Amazon EC2 Instance

b. Select the security group for the instance that you just launched, and then choose the Inbound

c. Choose Edit.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Setting Up an Amazon EC2 Instance

To enable port 8883, you add a custom TCP rule to the security group. For more information,
see Adding Rules to a Security Group in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
d. On the Edit inbound rules page, choose Add Rule, enter the following settings, and then
choose Save.

• For Type, choose Custom TCP Rule.

• For Port Range, enter 8883.
• For Source, choose Anywhere.
• For Description, enter MQTT Communications.

3. Connect to your Amazon EC2 instance.

a. In the navigation pane, choose Instances, choose your instance, and then choose Connect.
b. Follow the instructions on the Connect To Your Instance page to connect to your instance by
using SSH and your private key file.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Setting Up an Amazon EC2 Instance

You can use PuTTY for Windows or Terminal for macOS. For more information, see Connect to Your
Linux Instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
4. After you are connected to your Amazon EC2 instance, create user ggc_user and group

sudo adduser --system ggc_user

sudo groupadd --system ggc_group

If the adduser command isn't available on your system, use the following command.

sudo useradd --system ggc_user

5. To improve security on the device, ensure that hardlink and softlink (symlink) protections are
enabled on the operating system at start up.
The steps for enabling hardlink and softlink protection vary by operating system. Consult
the documentation for your distribution.

a. Run the following command to check if hardlink and softlink protections are enabled:

sudo sysctl -a | grep fs.protected

If hardlinks and softlinks are set to 1, your protections are enabled correctly. Proceed to step 6.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Setting Up an Amazon EC2 Instance

Softlinks are represented by fs.protected_symlinks.
b. If hardlinks and softlinks are not set to 1, enable these protections. Navigate to your system
configuration file.

cd /etc/sysctl.d

c. Using your favorite text editor (Leafpad, GNU nano, or vi), add the following two lines to the
end of the system configuration file. On Amazon Linux 1, this is the 00-defaults.conf file.
On Amazon Linux 2, this is the 99-amazon.conf file. You might need to change permissions
(using the chmod command) to write to the file, or use the sudo command to edit as root (for
example, sudo nano 00-defaults.conf).

fs.protected_hardlinks = 1
fs.protected_symlinks = 1

d. Reboot the Amazon EC2 instance.

sudo reboot

After a few minutes, connect to your instance using SSH and then run the following command
to confirm the change.

sudo sysctl -a | grep fs.protected

You should see that hardlinks and softlinks are set to 1.

6. Extract and run the following script to mount Linux control groups (cgroups). This allows AWS IoT
Greengrass to set the memory limit for Lambda functions. Cgroups are also required to run AWS IoT
Greengrass in the default containerization (p. 181) mode.

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tianon/cgroupfs-
mount/951c38ee8d802330454bdede20d85ec1c0f8d312/cgroupfs-mount > cgroupfs-mount.sh
chmod +x cgroupfs-mount.sh
sudo bash ./cgroupfs-mount.sh

Your Amazon EC2 instance should now be ready for AWS IoT Greengrass.
7. To make sure that you have all required dependencies, download and run the Greengrass
dependency checker from the AWS IoT Greengrass Samples repository on GitHub. These commands
unzip and run the dependency checker script.

mkdir greengrass-dependency-checker-GGCv1.9.x
cd greengrass-dependency-checker-GGCv1.9.x
wget https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-greengrass-samples/raw/master/greengrass-
unzip greengrass-dependency-checker-GGCv1.9.x.zip
cd greengrass-dependency-checker-GGCv1.9.x
sudo ./check_ggc_dependencies | more

This tutorial requires Python 2.7. The check_ggc_dependencies script might produce
warnings about the missing optional Node.js and Java prerequisites. You can ignore these

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Setting Up Other Devices

Your Amazon EC2 instance configuration is complete. Continue to the section called “Module 2: Installing
the AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software” (p. 76).

Setting Up Other Devices

If you're new to AWS IoT Greengrass, we recommend that you use a Raspberry Pi or an Amazon EC2
instance as your core device, and follow the setup steps (p. 65) appropriate for your device. To use
a different device or platform, follow the steps in this section. For information about supported device
platforms, see Greengrass Core Platform Compatibility.

1. If your core device is an NVIDIA Jetson TX2, you must first flash the firmware with the JetPack 3.3
installer. If you're configuring a different device, skip to step 2.
The JetPack installer version that you use is based on your target CUDA Toolkit version.
The following instructions use JetPack 3.3 and CUDA Toolkit 9.0 because the TensorFlow
v1.10.1 and MXNet v1.2.1 binaries (that AWS IoT Greengrass provides for machine
learning inference on a Jetson TX2) are compiled against this version of CUDA. For more
information, see Perform Machine Learning Inference (p. 221).

a. On a physical desktop that is running Ubuntu 16.04 or later, flash the firmware with the JetPack
3.3 installer, as described in Download and Install JetPack (3.3) in the NVIDIA documentation.

Follow the instructions in the installer to install all the packages and dependencies on the
Jetson board, which must be connected to the desktop with a Micro-B cable.
b. Reboot your board in normal mode, and connect a display to the board.
When you use SSH to connect to the Jetson board, use the default user name (nvidia)
and the default password (nvidia).
2. Run the following commands to create user ggc_user and group ggc_group. The commands you
run differ, depending on the distribution installed on your core device.

• If your core device is running OpenWrt, run the following commands:

opkg install shadow-useradd

opkg install shadow-groupadd
useradd --system ggc_user
groupadd --system ggc_group

• Otherwise, run the following commands:

sudo adduser --system ggc_user

sudo addgroup --system ggc_group

If the addgroup command isn't available on your system, use the following command.

sudo groupadd --system ggc_group

3. To make sure that you have all required dependencies, download and run the Greengrass
dependency checker from the AWS IoT Greengrass Samples repository on GitHub. These commands
unzip and run the dependency checker script.

mkdir greengrass-dependency-checker-GGCv1.9.x
cd greengrass-dependency-checker-GGCv1.9.x
wget https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-greengrass-samples/raw/master/greengrass-

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Module 2: Installing the AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software

unzip greengrass-dependency-checker-GGCv1.9.x.zip
cd greengrass-dependency-checker-GGCv1.9.x
sudo ./check_ggc_dependencies | more

The check_ggc_dependencies script runs on AWS IoT Greengrass supported platforms
and requires the following Linux system commands: printf, uname, cat, ls, head, find,
zcat, awk, sed, sysctl, wc, cut, sort, expr, grep, test, dirname, readlink, xargs,
strings, uniq.
For more information, see the dependency checker's Readme.
4. Install all required dependencies on your device, as indicated by the dependency checker output. For
missing kernel-level dependencies, you might have to recompile your kernel. For mounting Linux
control groups (cgroups), you can run the cgroupfs-mount script. This allows AWS IoT Greengrass
to set the memory limit for Lambda functions. Cgroups are also required to run AWS IoT Greengrass
in the default containerization (p. 181) mode.

If no errors appear in the output, AWS IoT Greengrass should be able to run successfully on your
This tutorial requires Python 2.7. The check_ggc_dependencies script might produce
warnings about the missing optional Node.js and Java prerequisites. You can ignore these

For the list of AWS IoT Greengrass requirements and dependencies, see Supported Platforms and
Requirements (p. 11).

Module 2: Installing the AWS IoT Greengrass Core

This module shows you how to install the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software on your chosen device. This
tutorial provides instructions for setting up a Raspberry Pi, but you can use any supported device. You
can download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software from the AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software (p. 16)
downloads. This procedure includes steps for configuring and starting the software on your device.

The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software provides the following functionality:

• Deployment and local execution of connectors and Lambda functions.

• Secure, encrypted storage of local secrets and controlled access by connectors and Lambda functions.
• MQTT messaging over the local network between devices, connectors, and Lambda functions using
managed subscriptions.
• MQTT messaging between AWS IoT and devices, connectors, and Lambda functions using managed
• Secure connections between devices and the cloud using device authentication and authorization.
• Local shadow synchronization of devices. Shadows can be configured to sync with the cloud.
• Controlled access to local device and volume resources.
• Deployment of cloud-trained machine learning models for running local inference.
• Automatic IP address detection that enables devices to discover the Greengrass core device.
• Central deployment of new or updated group configuration. After the configuration data is
downloaded, the core device is restarted automatically.
• Secure, over-the-air software updates of user-defined Lambda functions.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure AWS IoT Greengrass on AWS IoT

Before you begin, make sure that you have completed Module 1 (p. 65).

This module should take less than 30 minutes to complete.

• Configure AWS IoT Greengrass on AWS IoT (p. 77)
• Start AWS IoT Greengrass on the Core Device (p. 81)

Configure AWS IoT Greengrass on AWS IoT

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console on your computer and open the AWS IoT console. If this is
your first time opening this console, choose Get started.
2. Choose Greengrass.
If you don't see the Greengrass node in the navigation pane, change to an AWS Region
that supports AWS IoT Greengrass. For the list of supported regions, see AWS Regions and
Endpoints in the AWS General Reference.

3. On the Welcome to AWS IoT Greengrass page, choose Create a Group.

An AWS IoT Greengrass group (p. 6) contains settings and other information about its components,
such as devices, Lambda functions, and connectors. A group defines how its components can interact
with each other.
For an example that uses the AWS IoT Greengrass API to create and deploy a group, see the
gg_group_setup package from GitHub.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure AWS IoT Greengrass on AWS IoT

4. If prompted, on the Greengrass needs your permission to access other services dialog box, choose
Grant permission to allow the console to create or configure the Greengrass service role for you.
You must use a service role to authorize AWS IoT Greengrass to access other AWS services on your
behalf. Otherwise, deployments fail.

The AWS account you used to sign in must have permissions to create or manage the IAM role. For
more information, see the section called “Greengrass Service Role” (p. 443).
5. On the Set up your Greengrass group page, choose Use easy creation to create a group and an
AWS IoT Greengrass core (p. 24).

Each group requires a core, which is a device that manages local IoT processes. A core needs a
certificate and keys that allow it to access AWS IoT and an AWS IoT policy that allows it to perform
AWS IoT and AWS IoT Greengrass actions. When you choose the Use easy creation option, these
security resources are created for you and the core is provisioned in the AWS IoT registry.

6. Enter a name for your group (for example, MyFirstGroup), and then choose Next.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure AWS IoT Greengrass on AWS IoT

7. Use the default name for the AWS IoT Greengrass core, and then choose Next.

8. On the Run a scripted easy Group creation page, choose Create Group and Core.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure AWS IoT Greengrass on AWS IoT

AWS IoT creates an AWS IoT Greengrass group with default security policies and configuration files
for you to load onto your device.
9. Download your core's security resources and configuration file. On the confirmation page, under
Download and store your Core's security resources, choose Download these resources as a tar.gz.
The name of your downloaded tar.gz file starts with a 10-digit hash that's also used for the
certificate and key file names.

Download the security resources before you choose Finish.
10. After you download the security resources, choose Finish.

The group configuration page is displayed in the console:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Start AWS IoT Greengrass on the Core Device

11. Download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software (p. 16) installation package. Choose the CPU
architecture and distribution (and operating system, if necessary) that best describe your core
device. For example:

• For Raspberry Pi Model B or B+, download the Armv7l for Raspbian package.
• For an Amazon EC2 instance, download the x86_64 for Linux package.
• For NVIDIA Jetson TX2, download the Armv8 (AArch64) for Ubuntu package.
• For Intel Atom, download the x86_64 for Linux package.

Start AWS IoT Greengrass on the Core Device

This tutorial provides instructions for starting AWS IoT Greengrass on your Raspberry Pi, but you
can use any supported device.

In a previous step (p. 80), you downloaded two files to your computer:

• greengrass-OS-architecture-1.9.4.tar.gz. This compressed file contains the AWS IoT

Greengrass Core software that runs on the core device.
• hash-setup.tar.gz (for example, c6973960cc-setup.tar.gz). This compressed file contains
security certificates that enable secure communications between AWS IoT and the config.json file
that contains configuration information specific to your AWS IoT Greengrass core and the AWS IoT

1. If you don't know the IP address of your AWS IoT Greengrass core device, open a terminal on the
AWS IoT Greengrass core device and run the following command:
This command might not return the correct IP address for some devices. Consult the
documentation for your device to retrieve your device IP address.

hostname -I

2. Transfer the two compressed files from your computer to the AWS IoT Greengrass core device.
Choose your operating system for steps that show how to transfer files to your Raspberry Pi device.
The file transfer steps vary, depending on device or EC2 instance.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Start AWS IoT Greengrass on the Core Device

For a Raspberry Pi, the default user name is pi and the default password is raspberry.
For an NVIDIA Jetson TX2, the default user name is nvidia and the default password is


To transfer the compressed files from your computer to a Raspberry Pi AWS IoT Greengrass
core device, use a tool such as WinSCP or the PuTTY pscp command. To use the pscp command,
open a Command Prompt window on your computer and run the following:

cd path-to-downloaded-files
pscp -pw Pi-password greengrass-OS-architecture-1.9.4.tar.gz pi@IP-address:/home/pi
pscp -pw Pi-password hash-setup.tar.gz pi@IP-address:/home/pi

The version number in this command must match the version of your AWS IoT
Greengrass Core software package.

To transfer the compressed files from your Mac to a Raspberry Pi AWS IoT Greengrass core
device, open a Terminal window on your computer and run the following commands. The path-
to-downloaded-files is typically ~/Downloads.
You might be prompted for two passwords. If so, the first password is for the Mac's
sudo command and the second is the password for the Raspberry Pi.

cd path-to-downloaded-files
scp greengrass-OS-architecture-1.9.4.tar.gz pi@IP-address:/home/pi
scp hash-setup.tar.gz pi@IP-address:/home/pi

The version number in this command must match the version of your AWS IoT
Greengrass Core software package.
UNIX-like system

To transfer the compressed files from your computer to a Raspberry Pi AWS IoT Greengrass core
device, open a terminal window on your computer and run the following commands:

cd path-to-downloaded-files
scp greengrass-OS-architecture-1.9.4.tar.gz pi@IP-address:/home/pi
scp hash-setup.tar.gz pi@IP-address:/home/pi

The version number in this command must match the version of your AWS IoT
Greengrass Core software package.
Raspberry Pi web browser

If you used the Raspberry Pi's web browser to download the compressed files, the files should
be in the Pi's ~/Downloads folder (for example, /home/pi/Downloads). Otherwise, the
compressed files should be in the Pi's ~ folder (for example, /home/pi).
3. Open a terminal on the AWS IoT Greengrass core device and navigate to the folder that contains the
compressed files (for example, cd /home/pi).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Start AWS IoT Greengrass on the Core Device

cd path-to-compressed-files

4. Decompress the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software and the security resources.

• The first command creates the /greengrass directory in the root folder of the AWS IoT
Greengrass core device (through the -C / argument).
• The second command copies the certificates into the /greengrass/certs folder and the
config.json (p. 24) file into the /greengrass/config folder (through the -C /greengrass

sudo tar -xzvf greengrass-OS-architecture-1.9.4.tar.gz -C /

sudo tar -xzvf hash-setup.tar.gz -C /greengrass

The version number in this command must match the version of your AWS IoT Greengrass
Core software package.
5. Review Server Authentication in the AWS IoT Developer Guide and choose the appropriate root
CA certificate. We recommend that you use Amazon Trust Services (ATS) endpoints and ATS root
CA certificates. Certificates enable your device to communicate with AWS IoT using the MQTT
messaging protocol over TLS.

Make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass core device is connected to the internet, and then download
the root CA certificate to your core device.
Your root CA certificate type must match your endpoint. Use an ATS root CA certificate with
an ATS endpoint (preferred) or a Verisign root CA certificate with a legacy endpoint. Only
some AWS Regions support legacy endpoints. For more information, see the section called
“Endpoints Must Match the Certificate Type” (p. 45).

For ATS endpoints (preferred), download the appropriate ATS root CA certificate. The following
example downloads AmazonRootCA1.pem. The wget -O parameter is the capital letter O.

cd /greengrass/certs/
sudo wget -O root.ca.pem https://www.amazontrust.com/repository/AmazonRootCA1.pem

For legacy endpoints, download a Verisign root CA certificate. Although legacy endpoints
are acceptable for the purposes of this tutorial, we recommend that you create an ATS
endpoint and download an ATS root CA certificate.

cd /greengrass/certs/
sudo wget -O root.ca.pem https://www.symantec.com/content/en/us/enterprise/

You can run the following command to confirm that the root.ca.pem file is not empty:

cat root.ca.pem

If the root.ca.pem file is empty, check the wget URL and try again.
6. Start AWS IoT Greengrass on your core device.

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Module 3 (Part 1): Lambda
Functions on AWS IoT Greengrass

sudo ./greengrassd start

You should see a Greengrass successfully started message. Make a note of the PID.
To set up your core device to start AWS IoT Greengrass on system boot, see the section
called “Start Greengrass on System Boot” (p. 62).

You can run the following command to confirm that the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software
(daemon) is functioning. Replace PID-number with your PID:

ps aux | grep PID-number

You should see an entry for the PID with a path to the running Greengrass daemon (for example,
/greengrass/ggc/packages/1.9.4/bin/daemon). If you run into issues starting AWS IoT
Greengrass, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).

Module 3 (Part 1): Lambda Functions on AWS IoT

This module shows you how to configure a Lambda function and deploy it to your AWS IoT Greengrass
core device. It contains information about MQTT messaging, subscriptions, deployments on AWS IoT
Greengrass, and Lambda function configurations.

Part 1 of this module shows you how to deploy a Lambda function on the AWS IoT Greengrass core that
sends Hello World messages to the AWS IoT Greengrass cloud. Part 2 (p. 97) covers the differences
between on-demand and long-lived Lambda functions running on the AWS IoT Greengrass core.

Before you begin, make sure that you have completed Module 1 (p. 65) and Module 2 (p. 76) and
have a running AWS IoT Greengrass core device.

Module 3 (Part 1) (p. 84) and Module 3 (Part 2) (p. 97) should take approximately 30 minutes each
to complete.

• Create and Package a Lambda Function (p. 84)
• Configure the Lambda Function for AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 88)
• Deploy Cloud Configurations to an AWS IoT Greengrass Core Device (p. 93)
• Verify the Lambda Function Is Running on the Device (p. 94)

Create and Package a Lambda Function

To run on an AWS IoT Greengrass core, a Python Lambda function requires the AWS IoT Greengrass
Core SDK for Python. For this tutorial, you include the greengrasssdk folder in the Lambda function
deployment package.
If you're running Python Lambda functions, you can also use pip to install the AWS IoT
Greengrass Core SDK for Python on the core device. Then you can deploy your functions without
including the SDK in the Lambda function deployment package. For more information, see

In this section, you:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Package a Lambda Function

• Download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Python to your computer (not the AWS IoT
Greengrass core device). For this tutorial, you download the SDK on GitHub from the AWS IoT
Greengrass Core SDK (p. 22) downloads page.
• Get the Python Lambda function (named greengrassHelloWorld.py) from the downloaded SDK.
• Create a Lambda function deployment package named hello_world_python_lambda.zip that
contains greengrassHelloWorld.py and the greengrasssdk folder.
• Use the Lambda console to upload the hello_world_python_lambda.zip package.
• Use the AWS IoT console to transfer the package to the AWS IoT Greengrass core device (during group

1. Download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Python from the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
SDK (p. 22) downloads page.
2. Unzip the downloaded package to get the Lambda function code and the SDK.

The Lambda function in this module uses:

• The greengrassHelloWorld.py file in examples\HelloWorld. This is your Lambda function

• The greengrasssdk folder. This is the SDK.

The following code is from greengrassHelloWorld.py. (To save space, all code comments have
been removed.) Note that every five seconds, the function publishes one of two possible messages
to the hello/world topic.

import greengrasssdk
import platform
from threading import Timer
import time

client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')
my_platform = platform.platform()

def greengrass_hello_world_run():
if not my_platform:
client.publish(topic='hello/world', payload='Hello world! Sent from Greengrass
client.publish(topic='hello/world', payload='Hello world! Sent from Greengrass
Core running on platform: {}'.format(my_platform))
Timer(5, greengrass_hello_world_run).start()


def function_handler(event, context):


3. Copy greengrasssdk to the HelloWorld folder that contains greengrassHelloWorld.py.

4. To create the Lambda function deployment package, save the greengrassHelloWorld.py file and
the greengrasssdk folder to a compressed .zip file named hello_world_python_lambda.zip.
The .py file and SDK folder must be in the root of the directory.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Package a Lambda Function

For UNIX-like systems (including the Mac terminal), you can use the following command to package
the file and folder:

sudo zip -r hello_world_python_lambda.zip greengrasssdk greengrassHelloWorld.py

Depending on your distribution, you might need to install zip first (for example, by running
sudo apt-get install zip). The installation command for your distribution might be

Now you're ready to create your Lambda function and upload the deployment package.
5. Open the Lambda console and choose Create function.
6. Choose Author from scratch.
7. Name your function Greengrass_HelloWorld, and set the remaining fields as follows:

• For Runtime, choose Python 2.7.

• For Permissions, keep the default setting. This creates an execution role that grants basic Lambda
permissions. This role isn't used by AWS IoT Greengrass.

Choose Create function.

8. Upload your Lambda function deployment package:

a. On the Configuration tab, under Function code, set the following fields:

• For Code entry type, choose Upload a .zip file.

• For Runtime, choose Python 2.7.
• For Handler, enter greengrassHelloWorld.function_handler
b. Choose Upload, and then choose hello_world_python_lambda.zip. (The size of your
hello_world_python_lambda.zip file might be different from what's shown here.)

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Package a Lambda Function

c. Choose Save.

The Test button on the AWS Lambda console doesn't work with this function. The
AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK doesn't contain modules that are required to run your
Greengrass Lambda functions independently in the AWS Lambda console. These
modules (for example, greengrass_common) are supplied to the functions after they
are deployed to your Greengrass core.
To see your uploaded code, from Code entry type, choose Edit code inline.
Publish the Lambda function:

a. From Actions, choose Publish new version.

b. For Version description, enter First version, and then choose Publish.

Create an alias for the Lambda function version:
Greengrass groups can reference a Lambda function by alias (recommended) or by version.
Using an alias makes it easier to manage code updates because you don't have to change

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure the Lambda Function for AWS IoT Greengrass

your subscription table or group definition when the function code is updated. Instead, you
just point the alias to the new function version.

a. From Actions, choose Create alias.

b. Name the alias GG_HelloWorld, set the version to 1 (which corresponds to the version that you
just published), and then choose Create.
AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't support Lambda aliases for $LATEST versions.

Configure the Lambda Function for AWS IoT

You are now ready to configure your Lambda function for AWS IoT Greengrass. In this step, you also
configure a subscription that allows the Lambda function to communicate with AWS IoT and configure
local logging for the Greengrass group.

1. In the AWS IoT console, under Greengrass, choose Groups, and then choose the group that you
created in Module 2 (p. 76).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure the Lambda Function for AWS IoT Greengrass

2. On the group configuration page, choose Lambdas, and then choose Add Lambda.

3. Choose Use existing Lambda.

4. Search for the name of the Lambda you created in the previous step (Greengrass_HelloWorld, not
the alias name), select it, and then choose Next:

5. For the version, choose Alias: GG_HelloWorld, and then choose Finish. You should see the
Greengrass_HelloWorld Lambda function in your group, using the GG_HelloWorld alias.
6. Choose the ellipsis (…), and then choose Edit Configuration:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure the Lambda Function for AWS IoT Greengrass

7. On the Group-specific Lambda configuration page, make the following changes:

• Set Timeout to 25 seconds. This Lambda function sleeps for 20 seconds before each invocation.
• For Lambda lifecycle, choose Make this function long-lived and keep it running indefinitely.

A long-lived Lambda function starts automatically after AWS IoT Greengrass starts and
keeps running in its own container (or sandbox). This is in contrast to an on-demand Lambda
function, which starts when invoked and stops when there are no tasks left to execute. For
more information, see the section called “Lifecycle Configuration” (p. 187).
8. Keep the default values for all other fields, such as Run as, Containerization, and Input payload
data type, and choose Update to save your changes. For information about Lambda function
properties, see the section called “Controlling Greengrass Lambda Function Execution” (p. 178).

Next, create a subscription that allows the Lambda to send MQTT messages to AWS IoT.

A Greengrass Lambda function can exchange MQTT messages with:

• Devices (p. 8) in the Greengrass group.

• Connectors (p. 283) in the group.
• Other Lambda functions in the group.
• AWS IoT.
• The local shadow service. For more information, see the section called “Module 5: Interacting with
Device Shadows” (p. 122).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure the Lambda Function for AWS IoT Greengrass

The group uses subscriptions to control how these entities can communicate with each other.
Subscriptions provide predictable interactions and a layer of security.

A subscription consists of a source, target, and topic. The source is the originator of the message.
The target is the destination of the message. The topic allows you to filter the data that is sent
from the source to the target. The source or target can be a Greengrass device, Lambda function,
connector, device shadow, or AWS IoT.
A subscription is directed in the sense that messages flow in a specific direction: from the
source to the target. To allow two-way communication, you must set up two subscriptions.

The Greengrass_HelloWorld Lambda function sends messages only to the hello/world topic
in AWS IoT, as shown in the following greengrassHelloWorld.py code snippet:

def greengrass_hello_world_run():
if not my_platform:
client.publish(topic='hello/world', payload='Hello world! Sent from Greengrass
client.publish(topic='hello/world', payload='Hello world! Sent from Greengrass
Core running on platform: {}'.format(my_platform))
Timer(5, greengrass_hello_world_run).start()

Because the Greengrass_HelloWorld Lambda function sends messages only to the hello/
world topic in AWS IoT, you only need to create one subscription from the Lambda function to AWS
IoT, as shown next.
9. On the group configuration page, choose Subscriptions, and then choose Add your first

10. In Select a source, choose Select. Then, on the Lambdas tab, choose Greengrass_HelloWorld as the

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure the Lambda Function for AWS IoT Greengrass

11. For Select a target, choose Select. Then, on the Service tab, choose IoT Cloud, and then choose

12. For Topic filter, enter hello/world, and then choose Next.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Deploy Cloud Configurations to a Core Device

13. Choose Finish.

14. Configure the group's logging settings. For this tutorial, you configure AWS IoT Greengrass system
components and user-defined Lambda functions to write logs to the file system of the core device.
For more information, see Monitoring (p. 457).

a. On the group configuration page, choose Settings.

b. For Local logs configuration, choose Edit.
c. On the Configure Group logging page, choose Add another log type.
d. For event source, choose User Lambdas and Greengrass system, and then choose Update.
e. Keep the default values for logging level and disk space limit, and then choose Save.

Deploy Cloud Configurations to an AWS IoT

Greengrass Core Device
1. Make sure that your AWS IoT Greengrass core device is connected to the internet. (For example, see
if you can successfully navigate to a webpage.)
2. Make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon is running on your core device. Run the following
commands in your core device terminal.

a. To check whether the daemon is running:

ps aux | grep -E 'greengrass.*daemon'

If the output contains a root entry for /greengrass/ggc/packages/1.9.4/bin/daemon,

then the daemon is running.
b. To start the daemon:

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

Now you're ready to deploy the Lambda function and subscription configurations to your AWS IoT
Greengrass core device.
3. In the AWS IoT console, on the group configuration page, from Actions, choose Deploy.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Verify the Lambda Function Is Running on the Device

4. On the Configure how devices discover your core page, choose Automatic detection. This enables
devices to automatically acquire connectivity information for the core, such as IP address, DNS, and
port number. Automatic detection is recommended, but AWS IoT Greengrass also supports manually
specified endpoints. You're only prompted for the discovery method the first time that the group is

The first deployment might take a few minutes. When the deployment is complete, you should see
Successfully completed in the Status column on the Deployments page:
The deployment status is also displayed below the group's name on the page header.

For troubleshooting help, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).

Verify the Lambda Function Is Running on the Device

1. From the navigation pane of the AWS IoT console, choose Test.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Verify the Lambda Function Is Running on the Device

2. Choose Subscribe to topic, and configure the following fields:

• For Subscription topic, enter hello/world. (Don't choose Subscribe to topic yet.)
• For Quality of Service, choose 0.
• For MQTT payload display, choose Display payloads as strings.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Verify the Lambda Function Is Running on the Device

3. Choose Subscribe to topic.

Assuming the Lambda function is running on your device, it publishes messages similar to the following
to the hello/world topic:

Although the Lambda function continues to send MQTT messages to the hello/world topic, don't
stop the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon. The remaining modules are written with the assumption that it's

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Module 3 (Part 2): Lambda
Functions on AWS IoT Greengrass

You can delete the function and subscription from the group:

• From the Lambdas page, choose the ellipsis (…), and then choose Remove function.
• From the Subscriptions page, choose the ellipsis (…), and then choose Delete.

The function and subscription are removed from the core during the next group deployment.

Module 3 (Part 2): Lambda Functions on AWS IoT

This module shows you how to configure a Lambda function and deploy it to your AWS IoT Greengrass
core device. It contains information about MQTT messaging, subscriptions, deployments on AWS IoT
Greengrass, and Lambda function configurations.

Part 1 (p. 84) of this module described how to deploy a Lambda function on a AWS IoT Greengrass
core that sends Hello World messages to AWS IoT. This part explores the differences between on-
demand and long-lived Lambda functions running on the AWS IoT Greengrass core.

Before you begin, make sure you have completed Module 1 (p. 65), Module 2 (p. 76), and Module 3
(Part 1) (p. 84).

This module should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

• Create and Package the Lambda Function (p. 97)
• Configure Long-Lived Lambda Functions for AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 99)
• Test Long-Lived Lambda Functions (p. 100)
• Test On-Demand Lambda Functions (p. 105)

Create and Package the Lambda Function

1. Download the Lambda function code to your computer (not the Greengrass core device):

a. In a web browser, open the greengrassHelloWorldCounter.py file on GitHub.

b. Choose Raw to open the unformatted version of the file.

c. Use Ctrl + S (or Command + S for the Mac) to save a copy of the
greengrassHelloWorldCounter.py file. Save the file to a folder that contains the
greengrasssdk folder.

For UNIX-like systems, you can run the following Terminal command to download the
greengrassHelloWorldCounter.py file:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-samples/aws-greengrass-samples/

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Package the Lambda Function

2. Package the greengrassHelloWorldCounter.py file with the SDK into a .zip file, as described
in Module 3 (Part 1) (p. 84). Name the package hello_world_counter_python_lambda.zip.

3. In the Lambda console, create a Python 2.7 function named Greengrass_HelloWorld_Counter,

as described in Module 3 (Part 1) (p. 84). You can use the existing role.
4. Upload your Lambda function deployment package:

a. On the Configuration tab, under Function code, set the following fields:

• For Code entry type, choose Upload a .zip file.

• For Runtime, choose Python 2.7.
• For Handler, enter greengrassHelloWorldCounter.function_handler
b. Choose Upload, and then choose hello_world_counter_python_lambda.zip.

c. At the top of the page, choose Save.

The Test button on the AWS Lambda console doesn't work with this function. The
AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK doesn't contain modules that are required to run your
Greengrass Lambda functions independently in the AWS Lambda console. These
modules (for example, greengrass_common) are supplied to the functions after they
are deployed to your Greengrass core.
5. Publish the first version of the function:

a. From Actions, choose Publish new version. For Version description, enter First version.
b. Choose Publish.
6. Create an alias for the function version:

a. From the Actions menu, choose Create alias, and set the following values:

• For Name, enter GG_HW_Counter.

• For Version, choose 1.
b. Choose Create.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure Long-Lived Lambda
Functions for AWS IoT Greengrass

Aliases create a single entity for your Lambda function that AWS IoT Greengrass devices can
subscribe to without having to update subscriptions with Lambda version numbers every time the
function is modified.

Configure Long-Lived Lambda Functions for AWS IoT

You are now ready to configure your Lambda function for AWS IoT Greengrass.

1. In the AWS IoT console, under Greengrass, choose Groups, and then choose the group that you
created in Module 2 (p. 76).
2. On the group configuration page, choose Lambdas, and then choose Add Lambda.
3. On the Add a Lambda to your Greengrass Group page, choose Use existing Lambda.
4. On the Use existing Lambda page, choose Greengrass_HelloWorld_Counter, and then choose Next.

5. On the Select a Lambda version page, choose Alias: GG_HW_Counter, and then choose Finish.
6. On the Lambdas page, from the … menu, choose Edit Configuration.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Long-Lived Lambda Functions

7. On the configuration page, edit the following properties:

• Set Timeout to 25 seconds. This Lambda function sleeps for 20 seconds before each invocation.
• For Lambda lifecycle, choose Make this function long-lived and keep it running indefinitely.
• Accept the default values for all other fields, such as Run as and Containerization.

8. Choose Update.

Test Long-Lived Lambda Functions

A long-lived (p. 187) Lambda function starts automatically when the AWS IoT Greengrass core starts
and runs in a single container (or sandbox). Any variables or preprocessing that are defined outside of the
function handler are retained for every invocation of the function handler. Multiple invocations of the
function handler are queued until earlier invocations have been executed.

The following code is from greengrassHelloWorldCounter.py. (Code comments are removed for
brevity.) This Lambda function is similar to the greengrassHelloWorld.py function from Part 1 of
this module, but it defines a my_counter variable outside of the function handler.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Long-Lived Lambda Functions

import greengrasssdk
import platform
import time
import json

client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')

my_platform = platform.platform()

my_counter = 0

def function_handler(event, context):

global my_counter
my_counter = my_counter + 1
if not my_platform:
payload=json.dumps({'message': 'Hello world! Sent from Greengrass Core.
Invocation Count: {}'.format(my_counter)})
payload=json.dumps({'message': 'Hello world! Sent from Greengrass Core running
on platform: {}. Invocation Count: {}'
.format(my_platform, my_counter)})

In this step, you create subscriptions that allow the Lambda function and AWS IoT to exchange MQTT
messages. Then you deploy the group and test the function.

1. On the group configuration page, choose Subscriptions, and then choose Add Subscription.
2. Under Select a source, choose the Lambdas tab, and then choose Greengrass_HelloWorld_Counter.
3. Under Select a target, choose the Services tab, choose IoT Cloud, and then choose Next.

4. For Topic filter, enter hello/world/counter. Choose Next, and then choose Finish.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Long-Lived Lambda Functions

This single subscription goes in one direction only: from the Greengrass_HelloWorld_Counter
Lambda function to AWS IoT. To invoke (or trigger) this Lambda function from the cloud, you must
create a subscription in the opposite direction.
5. Follow steps 1 - 4 to add another subscription that uses the following values. This subscription
allows the Lambda function to receive messages from AWS IoT. This subscription is exercised later
when you send a test message to the function from the console.

• For the source, choose Services, and then choose IoT Cloud.
• For the target, choose Lambdas, and then choose Greengrass_HelloWorld_Counter.
• For the topic filter, enter hello/world/counter/trigger.

The /trigger extension is used in this topic filter because you created two subscriptions and don't
want them to interfere with each other.
6. Make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon is running, as described in Deploy Cloud
Configurations to a Core Device (p. 93).
7. On the group configuration page, from Actions, choose Deploy.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Long-Lived Lambda Functions

This deploys the group configuration to your AWS IoT Greengrass core device. For troubleshooting
help, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).
8. After your deployment is complete, return to the AWS IoT console home page and choose Test.
9. Configure the following fields:

• For Subscription topic, enter hello/world/counter.

• For Quality of Service, choose 0.
• For MQTT payload display, choose Display payloads as strings.

10. Choose Subscribe to topic.

Unlike Part 1 (p. 84) of this module, you shouldn't see any messages after you subscribe to
hello/world/counter. This is because the greengrassHelloWorldCounter.py code that
publishes to the hello/world/counter topic is inside the function handler, which runs only when
the function is invoked.

In this module, you configured the Greengrass_HelloWorld_Counter Lambda function to be invoked

when it receives an MQTT message on the hello/world/counter/trigger topic. You can see
this by examining the related subscriptions:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Long-Lived Lambda Functions

The Greengrass_HelloWorld_Counter to IoT Cloud subscription allows the function

to send messages to AWS IoT on the hello/world/counter topic. The IoT Cloud to
Greengrass_HelloWorld_Counter subscription allows AWS IoT to send messages to the function on
the hello/world/counter/trigger topic.
Greengrass_HelloWorld_Counter ignores the content of received messages. It just runs the
code in function_handler, which sends a message to the hello/world/counter topic.
To review this code, see the greengrassHelloWorldCounter.py (p. 100) code listing.
11. To test the long-lived lifecycle, invoke the Lambda function by publishing a message to the hello/
world/counter/trigger topic. You can use the default message.

Every time a message is published to the hello/world/counter/trigger topic, the my_counter

variable is incremented. This invocation count is shown in the messages sent from the Lambda function.
Because the function handler includes a 20-second sleep cycle (time.sleep(20)), repeatedly triggering
the handler queues up responses from the AWS IoT Greengrass core.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test On-Demand Lambda Functions

Test On-Demand Lambda Functions

An on-demand (p. 187) Lambda function is similar in functionality to a cloud-based AWS Lambda
function. Multiple invocations of an on-demand Lambda function can run in parallel. An invocation of
the Lambda function creates a separate container to process invocations or reuses an existing container,
if resources permit. Any variables or preprocessing that are defined outside of the function handler are
not retained when containers are created.

1. On the group configuration page, choose Lambdas.

2. For the Greengrass_HelloWorld_Counter Lambda function, choose Edit Configuration.

3. Under Lambda lifecycle, choose On-demand function, and then choose Update.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test On-Demand Lambda Functions

4. On the group configuration page, from Actions, choose Deploy.

This deploys the group configuration to your AWS IoT Greengrass core device. For troubleshooting
help, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).
5. After your deployment is complete, return to the AWS IoT console home page and choose Test.
6. Configure the following fields:

• For Subscription topic, enter hello/world/counter.

• For Quality of Service, choose 0.
• For MQTT payload display, choose Display payloads as strings.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test On-Demand Lambda Functions

7. Choose Subscribe to topic.

You should not see any messages after you subscribe.
8. To test the on-demand lifecycle, invoke the function by publishing a message to the hello/world/
counter/trigger topic. You can use the default message.

a. Choose Publish to topic three times quickly, within five seconds of each press of the button.

Each publish invokes the function handler and creates a container for each invocation. The
invocation count is not incremented for the three times you triggered the function because each
on-demand Lambda function has its own container/sandbox.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test On-Demand Lambda Functions

b. After approximately 30 seconds, choose Publish to topic. The invocation count should be
incremented to 2. This shows that a container created from an earlier invocation is being reused,
and that preprocessing variables outside of the function handler were stored.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Module 4: Interacting with Devices
in an AWS IoT Greengrass Group

You should now understand the two types of Lambda functions that can run on the AWS IoT Greengrass
core. The next module, Module 4 (p. 109), shows you how devices can interact in an AWS IoT
Greengrass group.

Module 4: Interacting with Devices in an AWS IoT

Greengrass Group
This module shows you how AWS IoT devices can connect to and communicate with an AWS IoT
Greengrass core device. AWS IoT devices that connect to an AWS IoT Greengrass core are part of an AWS
IoT Greengrass group and can participate in the AWS IoT Greengrass programming paradigm. In this
module, one Greengrass device sends a Hello World message to another device in the Greengrass group.

Before you begin, make sure that you have completed Module 1 (p. 65), Module 2 (p. 76), Module 3
(Part 1) (p. 84), and Module 3 (Part 2) (p. 97). You do not need other components or devices.

This module should take less than 30 minutes to complete.

• Create AWS IoT Devices in an AWS IoT Greengrass Group (p. 110)
• Configure Subscriptions (p. 113)
• Install the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python (p. 114)
• Test Communications (p. 119)

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create AWS IoT Devices in an AWS IoT Greengrass Group

Create AWS IoT Devices in an AWS IoT Greengrass

1. In the AWS IoT console, choose Greengrass, choose Groups, and then choose your group.
2. On the group configuration page, choose Devices, and then choose Add your first Device.

3. Choose Create New Device.

4. Register this device as HelloWorld_Publisher, and then choose Next.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create AWS IoT Devices in an AWS IoT Greengrass Group

5. For 1-Click, choose Use Defaults. This option generates a device certificate with attached AWS IoT
policy and public and private key.

6. Create a folder on your computer. Download the certificate and keys for your device into the folder.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create AWS IoT Devices in an AWS IoT Greengrass Group

Make a note of the common hash component in the file names for the HelloWorld_Publisher device
certificate and keys (in this example, bcc5afd26d). You need it later. Choose Finish.
7. Decompress the hash-setup.tar.gz file. For example, run the following command:

tar -xzf hash-setup.tar.gz

On Windows, you can decompress .tar.gz files using a tool such as 7-Zip or WinZip.
8. Choose Add Device and repeat steps 3 - 7 to add a new device to the group.

Name this device HelloWorld_Subscriber. Download the certificates and keys for the
device to your computer. Save and decompress them in the same folder that you created for

Again, make a note of the common hash component in the file names for the
HelloWorld_Subscriber device.

You should now have two devices in your AWS IoT Greengrass group:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure Subscriptions

9. Review Server Authentication in the AWS IoT Developer Guide and choose the appropriate root CA
certificate. We recommend that you use Amazon Trust Services (ATS) endpoints and ATS root CA
certificates. Your root CA certificate type must match your endpoint. Use an ATS root CA certificate
with an ATS endpoint (preferred) or a Verisign root CA certificate with a legacy endpoint. Only some
AWS Regions support legacy endpoints. For more information, see the section called “Endpoints
Must Match the Certificate Type” (p. 45).

Save the root CA certificate as root-ca-cert.pem in the same folder as the certificates and keys
for both devices. All these files should be in one folder on your computer (not on the AWS IoT
Greengrass core device).

• For ATS endpoints (preferred), download the appropriate ATS root CA certificate, such as Amazon
Root CA 1.
• For legacy endpoints, download a Verisign root CA certificate. Although legacy endpoints are
acceptable for the purposes of this tutorial, we recommend that you create an ATS endpoint and
download an ATS root CA certificate.

If you're using a web browser on the Mac and you see This certificate is already installed as
a certificate authority, open a Terminal window and download the certificate into the folder
that contains the HelloWorld_Publisher and HelloWorld_Subscriber device certificates and
keys. For example, if you're using an ATS endpoint, you can run the following command to
download the Amazon Root CA 1 certificate.

cd path-to-folder-containing-device-certificates
curl -o ./root-ca-cert.pem https://www.amazontrust.com/repository/

Run cat root-ca-cert.pem to ensure that the file is not empty. If the file is empty,
check the URL and try the curl command again.

Configure Subscriptions
In this step, you enable the HelloWorld_Publisher device to send MQTT messages to the
HelloWorld_Subscriber device.

1. On the group configuration page, choose Subscriptions, and then choose Add Subscription.
2. Configure the subscription.

• Under Select a source, choose Devices, and then choose HelloWorld_Publisher.

• Under Select a target, choose Devices, and then choose HelloWorld_Subscriber.
• Choose Next.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Install the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python

3. For Topic filter, enter hello/world/pubsub, choose Next, and then choose Finish.
You can delete subscriptions from the previous modules. On the group's Subscriptions
page, choose the ellipsis (…) associated with a subscription, and then choose Delete.
4. Make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon is running, as described in Deploy Cloud
Configurations to a Core Device (p. 93).
5. On the group configuration page, from Actions, choose Deploy.

This deploys the group configuration to your AWS IoT Greengrass core device. For troubleshooting
help, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).

The deployment status is displayed below the group name on the page header. To see deployment
details, choose Deployments.

Install the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python

AWS IoT devices can use the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python to communicate with AWS IoT and AWS
IoT Greengrass core devices (using the Python programming language). For more information, including
requirements, see the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python SDK Readme on GitHub.

1. To install the SDK onto your computer, with all required components, choose your operating system:


1. Open an elevated command prompt and run the following command:

python --version

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Install the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python

If no version information is returned or if the version number is less than 2.7 for Python
2 or less than 3.3 for Python 3, follow the instructions in Downloading Python to install
Python 2.7+ or Python 3.3+. For more information, see Using Python on Windows.
2. Download the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python as a zip file and extract it to an appropriate
location on your computer.

Make a note of the file path to the extracted aws-iot-device-sdk-python-master

folder that contains the setup.py file. In the next step, this file path is indicated by path-
3. From the elevated command prompt, run the following:

cd path-to-SDK-folder
python setup.py install


1. Open a Terminal window and run the following command:

python --version

If no version information is returned or if the version number is less that 2.7 for Python 2 or
less than 3.3 for Python 3, follow the instructions in Downloading Python to install Python
2.7+ or Python 3.3+ . For more information, see Using Python on a Macintosh.
2. In the Terminal window, run the following commands to determine the OpenSSL version:

>>>import ssl
>>>print ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION

Make a note of the OpenSSL version value.

If you're running Python 3, use print(ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION).

To close the Python shell, run the following command:


If the OpenSSL version is 1.0.1 or later, skip to step c (p. 117). Otherwise, follow these

• From the Terminal window, run the following command to determine if the computer is
using Simple Python Version Management:

which pyenv

If a file path is returned, then choose the Using pyenv tab. If nothing is returned, choose
the Not using pyenv tab.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Install the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python

Using pyenv

1. See Python Releases for Mac OS X (or similar) to determine the latest stable Python
version. In the following example, this value is indicated by latest-Python-
2. From the Terminal window, run the following commands:

pyenv install latest-Python-version

pyenv global latest-Python-version

For example, if the latest version for Python 2 is 2.7.14, then these commands are:

pyenv install 2.7.14

pyenv global 2.7.14

3. Close and then reopen the Terminal window and then run the following commands:

>>>import ssl
>>>print ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION

The OpenSSL version should be at least 1.0.1. If the version is less than 1.0.1, then
the update failed. Check the Python version value used in the pyenv install and
pyenv global commands and try again.
4. Run the following command to exit the Python shell:


Not using pyenv

1. From a Terminal window, run the following command to determine if brew is


which brew

If a file path is not returned, install brew as follows:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/


Follow the installation prompts. The download for the Xcode command line
tools can take some time.
2. Run the following commands:

brew update
brew install openssl
brew install python@2

The AWS IoT Device SDK for Python requires OpenSSL version 1.0.1 (or later)
compiled with the Python executable. The brew install python command installs
a python2 executable that meets this requirement. The python2 executable is

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Install the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python

installed in the /usr/local/bin directory, which should be part of the PATH

environment variable. To confirm, run the following command:

python2 --version

If python2 version information is provided, skip to the next step. Otherwise,

permanently add the /usr/local/bin path to your PATH environment variable by
appending the following line to your shell profile:

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

For example, if you're using .bash_profile or do not yet have a shell profile, run
the following command from a Terminal window:

echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

Next, source your shell profile and confirm that python2 --version provides
version information. For example, if you're using .bash_profile, run the following

source ~/.bash_profile
python2 --version

python2 version information should be returned.

3. Append the following line to your shell profile:

alias python="python2"

For example, if you're using .bash_profile or do not yet have a shell profile, run
the following command:

echo 'alias python="python2"' >> ~/.bash_profile

4. Next, source your shell profile. For example, if you're using .bash_profile, run the
following command:

source ~/.bash_profile

Invoking the python command runs the Python executable that contains the
required OpenSSL version (python2) .
5. Run the following commands:

import ssl

The OpenSSL version should be 1.0.1 or later.

6. To exit the Python shell, run the following command:


3. Run the following commands to install the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python:
AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Install the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/aws/aws-iot-device-sdk-python.git
cd aws-iot-device-sdk-python
python setup.py install

UNIX-like system

1. From a terminal window, run the following command:

python --version

If no version information is returned or if the version number is less than 2.7 for Python
2 or less than 3.3 for Python 3, follow the instructions in Downloading Python to install
Python 2.7+ or Python 3.3+. For more information, see Using Python on Unix platforms.
2. In the terminal, run the following commands to determine the OpenSSL version:

>>>import ssl
>>>print ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION

Make a note of the OpenSSL version value.

To close the Python shell, run the following command:


If the OpenSSL version is 1.0.1 or later, skip to the next step. Otherwise, run the
command(s) to update OpenSSL for your distribution (for example, sudo yum update
openssl, sudo apt-get update, and so on).

Confirm that the OpenSSL version is 1.0.1 or later by running the following commands:

>>>import ssl
>>>print ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION

3. Run the following commands to install the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python:

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/aws/aws-iot-device-sdk-python.git
cd aws-iot-device-sdk-python
sudo python setup.py install

2. After the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python is installed, navigate to the samples folder, open the
greengrass folder, and then copy the basicDiscovery.py file to the folder that contains the
HelloWorld_Publisher and HelloWorld_Subscriber device certificates files, as shown in the following
example. (The hash component in your file names are different.)

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Communications

Test Communications
1. Make sure that your computer and the AWS IoT Greengrass core device are connected to the internet
using the same network.

a. On the AWS IoT Greengrass core device, run the following command to find its IP address.

hostname -I

b. On your computer, run the following command using the IP address of the core. You can use
Ctrl + C to stop the ping command.

ping IP-address

Output similar to the following indicates successful communication between the computer and
the AWS IoT Greengrass core device (0% packet loss):

If you're unable to ping an EC2 instance that's running AWS IoT Greengrass, make
sure that the inbound security group rules for the instance allow ICMP traffic for Echo
Request messages. For more information, see Adding Rules to a Security Group in the
Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
On Windows host computers, in the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security app,
you might also need to enable an inbound rule that allows inbound echo requests (for
example, File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-In)), or create one.
2. Get your AWS IoT endpoint.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Communications

a. In the AWS IoT console, in the navigation pane, choose Settings.

b. Under Settings, make a note of the value of Endpoint. You use this value to replace the
AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT placeholder in the commands in the following steps.

Make sure that your endpoints correspond to your certificate type (p. 45).
3. On your computer (not the AWS IoT Greengrass core device), open two command-line (terminal or
command prompt) windows. One window represents the HelloWorld_Publisher device and the other
represents the HelloWorld_Subscriber device.

Upon execution, basicDiscovery.py attempts to collect information on the location of the AWS
IoT Greengrass core at its endpoints. This information is stored after the device has discovered and
successfully connected to the core. This allows future messaging and operations to be executed
locally (without the need for an internet connection).
You can run the following command from the folder that contains the
basicDiscovery.py file for detailed script usage information:

python basicDiscovery.py --help

4. From the HelloWorld_Publisher device window, run the following commands.

• Replace path-to-certs-folder with the path to the folder that contains the certificates, keys,
and basicDiscovery.py.
• Replace AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT with your endpoint.
• Replace the two publisher instances with the hash in the file name for your
HelloWorld_Publisher device.

cd path-to-certs-folder
python basicDiscovery.py --endpoint AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT --rootCA root-ca-cert.pem --
cert publisher.cert.pem --key publisher.private.key --thingName HelloWorld_Publisher
--topic 'hello/world/pubsub' --mode publish --message 'Hello, World! Sent from

You should see output similar to the following, which includes entries such as Published
topic 'hello/world/pubsub': {"message": "Hello, World! Sent from
HelloWorld_Publisher", "sequence": 1}.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Communications

If the script returns an error: unrecognized arguments message, change the single
quotation marks to double quotation marks for the --topic and --message parameters
and run the command again.
To troubleshoot a connection issue, you can try using manual IP detection (p. 121).
5. From the HelloWorld_Subscriber device window, run the following commands.

• Replace path-to-certs-folder with the path to the folder that contains the certificates, keys,
and basicDiscovery.py.
• Replace AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT with your endpoint.
• Replace the two subscriber instances with the hash in the file name for your
HelloWorld_Subscriber device.

cd path-to-certs-folder
python basicDiscovery.py --endpoint AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT --rootCA root-ca-cert.pem --
cert subscriber.cert.pem --key subscriber.private.key --thingName HelloWorld_Subscriber
--topic 'hello/world/pubsub' --mode subscribe

You should see the following output, which includes entries such as Received message
on topic hello/world/pubsub: {"message": "Hello, World! Sent from
HelloWorld_Publisher", "sequence": 1}.

Close the HelloWorld_Publisher window to stop messages from accruing in the HelloWorld_Subscriber

Testing on a corporate network might interfere with connecting to the core. As a workaround, you can
manually enter the endpoint. This ensures that the basicDiscovery.py script connects to the correct
IP address of the AWS IoT Greengrass core device.

To manually enter the endpoint

1. Choose Greengrass, choose Groups, and then choose your group.

2. Choose Settings.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Module 5: Interacting with Device Shadows

3. For Local connection detection, choose Manually manage connection information, and then
choose View Cores for specific endpoint information.
4. Choose your core, and then choose Connectivity.
5. Choose Edit and make sure that you have only one endpoint value. This value must be the IP address
endpoint for port 8883 of your AWS IoT Greengrass core device (for example,
6. Choose Update.

Module 5: Interacting with Device Shadows

This advanced module shows you how AWS IoT Greengrass devices can interact with AWS IoT device
shadows in an AWS IoT Greengrass group. A shadow is a JSON document that is used to store current or
desired state information for a thing. In this module, you discover how one AWS IoT Greengrass device
(GG_Switch) can modify the state of another AWS IoT Greengrass device (GG_TrafficLight) and how
these states can be synced to the AWS IoT Greengrass cloud:

Before you begin, make sure that you have completed Module 1 (p. 65), Module 2 (p. 76), Module 3
(Part 1) (p. 84), and Module 3 (Part 2) (p. 97). You should also understand how to connect devices
to an AWS IoT Greengrass core (Module 4 (p. 109)). You do not need other components or devices.

This module should take about 30 minutes to complete.

• Configure Devices and Subscriptions (p. 123)

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure Devices and Subscriptions

• Download Required Files (p. 126)

• Test Communications (Device Syncs Disabled) (p. 126)
• Test Communications (Device Syncs Enabled) (p. 129)

Configure Devices and Subscriptions

Shadows can be synced to AWS IoT when the AWS IoT Greengrass core is connected to the internet. In
this module, you first use local shadows without syncing to the cloud. Then, you enable cloud syncing.

Each device has its own shadow. For more information, see Device Shadow Service for AWS IoT in the
AWS IoT Developer Guide.

1. From the Devices page, add two new devices in your AWS IoT Greengrass group. For detailed
steps of this process, see the section called “Create AWS IoT Devices in an AWS IoT Greengrass
Group” (p. 110).

• Name the devices GG_Switch and GG_TrafficLight.

• Generate and download the 1-Click default security resources for both devices.
• Make a note of the hash component in the file names of the security resources for the devices. You
use these values later.

2. Decompress the downloaded certificates and keys for both devices into a single folder on your
computer. For example, run the following command for each .tar.gz file.

tar -xzf hash-setup.tar.gz

On Windows, you can decompress .tar.gz files using a tool such as 7-Zip or WinZip.
3. Copy the root-ca-cert.pem file that you downloaded in the previous module (p. 113) to this
4. Make sure that the devices are set to use local shadows. If not, choose the ellipsis (…), and then
choose Make local only.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure Devices and Subscriptions

5. The function code used in this module requires that you manually configure the core's endpoint.

a. On the group configuration page, choose Settings.

b. For Local connection detection, choose Manually manage connection information, and then
choose View Cores for specific endpoint information.
c. Choose your core, and then choose Connectivity.
d. Choose Edit and make sure that you have only one endpoint value. This value must be the
IP address endpoint for port 8883 of your AWS IoT Greengrass core device (for example,
e. Choose Update.
6. Add the subscriptions in the following table to your group. For example, to create the first

a. On the group configuration page, choose Subscriptions, and then choose Add subscription.
b. Under Select a source, choose Devices, and then choose GG_Switch.
c. Under Select a target, choose Services, and then choose Local Shadow Service.
d. Choose Next.
e. For Topic filter, enter $aws/things/GG_TrafficLight/shadow/update
f. Choose Next, and then choose Finish.

The topics must be entered exactly as shown in the table. Although it's possible to use wildcards to
consolidate some of the subscriptions, we don't recommend this practice. For more information, see
Shadow MQTT Topics in the AWS IoT Developer Guide.

Source Target Topic Notes

GG_Switch Local Shadow Service $aws/things/ The GG_Switch sends

GG_TrafficLight/ an update request to
shadow/update update topic.

Local Shadow Service GG_Switch $aws/things/ The GG_Switch needs

GG_TrafficLight/ to know whether the
shadow/update/ update request was
accepted accepted.

Local Shadow Service GG_Switch $aws/things/ The GG_Switch needs

GG_TrafficLight/ to know whether the
shadow/update/ update request was
rejected rejected.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure Devices and Subscriptions

Source Target Topic Notes

GG_TrafficLight Local Shadow Service $aws/things/ The GG_TrafficLight

GG_TrafficLight/ sends an update of its
shadow/update state to the update

Local Shadow Service GG_TrafficLight $aws/things/ The Local Shadow

GG_TrafficLight/ Service sends a
shadow/update/delta received update
to GG_TrafficLight
through the delta

Local Shadow Service GG_TrafficLight $aws/things/ The GG_TrafficLight

GG_TrafficLight/ needs to know
shadow/update/ whether its state
accepted update was accepted.

Local Shadow Service GG_TrafficLight $aws/things/ The GG_TrafficLight

GG_TrafficLight/ needs to know
shadow/update/ whether its state
rejected update was rejected.

The new subscriptions are displayed on the Subscriptions page. To see the full topic path of a
subscription, hover your mouse over the Topic column.

For information about the $ character, see Reserved Topics.
7. Make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon is running, as described in Deploy Cloud
Configurations to a Core Device (p. 93).
8. On the group configuration page, from Actions, choose Deploy.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Download Required Files

This deploys the group configuration to your AWS IoT Greengrass core device. For troubleshooting
help, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).

Download Required Files

1. If you haven’t already done so, install the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python. For instructions, see step
1 in the section called “Install the AWS IoT Device SDK for Python” (p. 114).

This SDK is used by AWS IoT devices to communicate with AWS IoT and with AWS IoT Greengrass
core devices.
2. From the AWS IoT Greengrass samples repository on GitHub, download the lightController.py
and trafficLight.py files to your computer. Save them in the folder that contains the GG_Switch
and GG_TrafficLight device certificates and keys.

The lightController.py script corresponds to the GG_Switch device, and the

trafficLight.py script corresponds to the GG_TrafficLight device.

Test Communications (Device Syncs Disabled)

1. Make sure that your computer and the AWS IoT Greengrass core device are connected to the internet
using the same network.

a. On the AWS IoT Greengrass core device, run the following command to find its IP address.

hostname -I

b. On your computer, run the following command using the IP address of the core. You can use
Ctrl + C to stop the ping command.

ping IP-address

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Communications (Device Syncs Disabled)

Output similar to the following indicates successful communication between the computer and
the AWS IoT Greengrass core device (0% packet loss):

If you're unable to ping an EC2 instance that's running AWS IoT Greengrass, make
sure that the inbound security group rules for the instance allow ICMP traffic for Echo
Request messages. For more information, see Adding Rules to a Security Group in the
Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
On Windows host computers, in the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security app,
you might also need to enable an inbound rule that allows inbound echo requests (for
example, File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-In)), or create one.
2. Get your AWS IoT endpoint.

a. In the AWS IoT console, in the navigation pane, choose Settings.

b. Under Settings, make a note of the value of Endpoint. You use this value to replace the
AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT placeholder in the commands in the following steps.

Make sure that your endpoints correspond to your certificate type (p. 45).
3. On your computer (not the AWS IoT Greengrass core device), open two command-line (terminal or
command prompt) windows. One window represents the GG_Switch device and the other represents
the GG_TrafficLight device.

a. From the GG_Switch device window, run the following commands.

• Replace path-to-certs-folder with the path to the folder that contains the certificates,
keys, and Python files.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Communications (Device Syncs Disabled)

• Replace AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT with your endpoint.

• Replace the two switch instances with the hash in the file name for your GG_Switch device.

cd path-to-certs-folder
python lightController.py --endpoint AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT --rootCA root-ca-cert.pem
--cert switch.cert.pem --key switch.private.key --thingName GG_TrafficLight --
clientId GG_Switch

b. From the GG_TrafficLight device window, run the following commands.

• Replace path-to-certs-folder with the path to the folder that contains the certificates,
keys, and Python files.
• Replace AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT with your endpoint.
• Replace the two light instances with the hash in the file name for your GG_TrafficLight

cd path-to-certs-folder
python trafficLight.py --endpoint AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT --rootCA root-ca-cert.pem --
cert light.cert.pem --key light.private.key --thingName GG_TrafficLight --clientId

Every 20 seconds, the switch updates the shadow state to G, Y, and R, and the light displays its
new state, as shown next.

GG_Switch output:

GG_TrafficLight output:

When executed for the first time, each device script runs the AWS IoT Greengrass discovery service
to connect to the AWS IoT Greengrass core (through the internet). After a device has discovered and
successfully connected to the AWS IoT Greengrass core, future operations can be executed locally.
The lightController.py and trafficLight.py scripts store connection information
in the groupCA folder, which is created in the same folder as the scripts. If you receive
connection errors, make sure that the IP address in the ggc-host file matches the single IP
address endpoint that you configured for your core in this step (p. 124).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Communications (Device Syncs Enabled)

4. In the AWS IoT console, choose your AWS IoT Greengrass group, choose Devices, and then choose

5. Choose Shadow. After the GG_Switch changes states, there should not be any updates to this
shadow topic in Shadow State. That's because the GG_TrafficLight is set to LOCAL SHADOW ONLY
6. Press Ctrl + C in the GG_Switch (lightController.py) device window. You should see that the
GG_TrafficLight (trafficLight.py) window stops receiving state change messages.

Keep these windows open so you can run the commands in the next section.

Test Communications (Device Syncs Enabled)

For this test, you configure the GG_TrafficLight device shadow to sync to AWS IoT. You run the same
commands as in the previous test, but this time the shadow state in the cloud is updated when
GG_Switch sends an update request.

1. In the AWS IoT console, choose your AWS IoT Greengrass group, and then choose Devices.
2. For the GG_TrafficLight device, choose the ellipsis (…), and then choose Sync to the Cloud.

You should receive a notification that the device shadow was updated.
3. On the group configuration page, from Actions, choose Deploy.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Communications (Device Syncs Enabled)

This deploys the group configuration to your AWS IoT Greengrass core device. For troubleshooting
help, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).
4. In your two command-line windows, run the commands from the previous test for the
GG_Switch (p. 127) and GG_TrafficLight (p. 128) devices.
5. Now, check the shadow state in the AWS IoT console. Choose your AWS IoT Greengrass group,
choose Devices, choose GG_TrafficLight, and then choose Shadow.

Because you enabled sync of the GG_TrafficLight shadow to AWS IoT, the shadow state in the cloud
should be updated whenever GG_Switch sends an update. This functionality can be used to expose
the state of a Greengrass device to AWS IoT.

If necessary, you can troubleshoot issues by viewing the AWS IoT Greengrass core logs,
particularly runtime.log:

cd /greengrass/ggc/var/log

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Module 6: Accessing Other AWS Services

sudo cat system/runtime.log | more

You can also view GGShadowSyncManager.log and GGShadowService.log. For more

information, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).

Keep the devices and subscriptions set up. You use them in the next module. You also run the same

Module 6: Accessing Other AWS Services

This advanced module shows you how AWS IoT Greengrass cores can interact with other AWS services
in the cloud. It builds on the traffic light example from Module 5 (p. 122) and adds a Lambda function
that processes shadow states and uploads a summary to an Amazon DynamoDB table.

Before you begin, make sure that you have completed Module 1 (p. 65) through Module 5 (p. 122).
You do not need other components or devices.

This module should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure the Group Role

This module creates and updates a table in DynamoDB. Although most of the operations
are small and fall within the AWS Free Tier, performing some of the steps in this module
might result in charges to your account. For information about pricing, see DynamoDB pricing

• Configure the Group Role (p. 132)
• Create and Configure the Lambda Function (p. 134)
• Configure Subscriptions (p. 138)
• Test Communications (p. 140)

Configure the Group Role

The group role is an IAM role that you create and attach to your group. This role contains the permissions
that your deployed Lambda functions (and connectors (p. 283)) use to access AWS services. For more
information about IAM roles, see the IAM User Guide.

In this step, you create a permissions policy that allows describe, create, and update actions on an
Amazon DynamoDB table. Then, you attach the policy to a new role and associate the role with your
Greengrass group.

First, create a customer-managed policy that grants permissions required by the Lambda function in this

1. In the IAM console, in the navigation pane, choose Policies, and then choose Create policy.
2. On the JSON tab, replace the placeholder content with the following policy. The Lambda function in
this module uses these permissions to create and update a DynamoDB table named CarStats.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "PermissionsForModule6",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:*:*:table/CarStats"

3. Choose Review policy.

4. For Name, enter greengrass_CarStats_Table, and then choose Create policy.

Next, create a role that uses the new policy.

5. In the navigation pane, choose Roles, and then choose Create role.
6. Under Select type of trusted entity, choose AWS service.
7. Under Choose the service that will use this role, choose Greengrass, and then choose Next:
8. Under Attach permissions policies, select the new greengrass_CarStats_Table policy.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure the Group Role

9. Choose Next: Tags, and then choose Next: Review. Tags aren't used in this tutorial.
10. For Role name, enter Greengrass_Group_Role.
11. For Role description, enter Greengrass group role for connectors and user-defined
Lambda functions.

12. Choose Create role.

Now, attach the role to your Greengrass group.

13. In the AWS IoT console, under Greengrass, choose Groups, and then choose your AWS IoT
Greengrass group.
14. Choose Settings, and then choose Add Role.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Configure the Lambda Function

15. Choose Greengrass_Group_Role from your list of roles, and then choose Save.

Create and Configure the Lambda Function

In this step, you create a Lambda function that tracks the number of cars that pass the traffic light. Every
time that the GG_TrafficLight shadow state changes to G, the Lambda function simulates the passing
of a random number of cars (from 1 to 20). On every third G light change, the Lambda function sends
basic statistics, such as min and max, to a DynamoDB table.

1. On your computer, create a folder named car_aggregator.

2. From the AWS IoT Greengrass samples repository on GitHub, download the carAggregator.py
function to the car_aggregator folder. This is your Lambda function code.
3. Run the following command in a command-line window to install the Boto 3 - The AWS SDK for
Python package and its dependencies in the car_aggregator folder. Greengrass Lambda functions
use the AWS SDK to access other AWS services. (For Windows, use an elevated command prompt.)

pip install boto3 -t path-to-car_aggregator-folder

This results in a directory listing similar to the following:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Configure the Lambda Function

4. Compress the contents of the car_aggregator folder into a .zip file named
car_aggregator.zip. (Compress the folder's contents, not the folder.) This is your Lambda
function deployment package.
5. In the Lambda console, create a function named GG_Car_Aggregator, and set the remaining fields
as follows:

• For Runtime, choose Python 2.7.

• For Permissions, keep the default setting. This creates an execution role that grants basic Lambda
permissions. This role isn't used by AWS IoT Greengrass.

Choose Create function.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Configure the Lambda Function

6. Upload your Lambda function deployment package:

a. On the Configuration tab, under Function code, set the following fields:

• For Code entry type, choose Upload a .zip file.

• For Runtime, choose Python 2.7.
• For Handler, enter carAggregator.function_handler
b. Choose Upload, and then choose car_aggregator.zip.
c. Choose Save.

7. Publish the Lambda function, and then create an alias named GG_CarAggregator. For step-by-step
instructions, see the steps to publish the Lambda function (p. 87) and create an alias (p. 87) in
Module 3 (Part 1).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Configure the Lambda Function

8. In the AWS IoT console, add the Lambda function that you just created to your AWS IoT Greengrass

a. On the group configuration page, choose Lambdas, and then choose Add Lambda.
b. Choose Use existing Lambda.

c. Choose GG_Car_Aggregator, and then choose Next.

d. Choose Alias: GG_CarAggregator, and then choose Finish.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure Subscriptions

You can remove other Lambda functions from earlier modules.
9. Edit the Lambda function configuration:

a. Choose the ellipsis (…) associated with the Lambda function, and then choose Edit

b. Under Memory limit, enter 64 MB.

c. Under Lambda lifecycle, choose Make this function long-lived and keep it running
indefinitely, and then choose Update.

Configure Subscriptions
In this step, you create a subscription that enables the GG_TrafficLight shadow to send updated state
information to the GG_Car_Aggregator Lambda function. This subscription is added to the subscriptions
that you created in Module 5 (p. 122), which are all required for this module.

1. On the group configuration page, choose Subscriptions, and then choose Add Subscription.
2. On the Select your source and target page, set the following values:

• For Select a source, choose Services, and then choose Local Shadow Service.
• For Select a target, choose Lambdas, and then choose GG_Car_Aggregator.

Choose Next.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure Subscriptions

3. On the Filter your data with a topic page, for Topic filter, enter the following topic:


4. Choose Next, and then choose Finish.

This module requires the new subscription and the subscriptions (p. 124) that you created in
Module 5.
5. Make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon is running, as described in Deploy Cloud
Configurations to a Core Device (p. 93).
6. On the group configuration page, from Actions, choose Deploy.

This deploys the group configuration to your AWS IoT Greengrass core device. For troubleshooting
help, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Communications

Test Communications
1. On your computer, open two command-line windows. Just as in Module 5 (p. 122), one window is
for the GG_Switch device and the other is for the GG_TrafficLight device. You use them to run the
same commands that you ran in Module 5.

Run the following commands for the GG_Switch device:

cd path-to-certs-folder
python lightController.py --endpoint AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT --rootCA root-ca-cert.pem --
cert switch.cert.pem --key switch.private.key --thingName GG_TrafficLight --clientId

Run the following commands for the GG_TrafficLight device:

cd path-to-certs-folder
python trafficLight.py --endpoint AWS_IOT_ENDPOINT --rootCA root-ca-cert.pem --
cert light.cert.pem --key light.private.key --thingName GG_TrafficLight --clientId

Every 20 seconds, the switch updates the shadow state to G, Y, and R, and the light displays its new
2. The function handler of the Lambda function is triggered on every third green light (every
three minutes), and a new DynamoDB record is created. After lightController.py and
trafficLight.py have run for three minutes, go to the AWS Management Console, and open the
DynamoDB console.
3. Choose US East (N. Virginia) in the AWS Region menu. This is the Region where the
GG_Car_Aggregator function creates the table.
4. In the navigation pane, choose Tables, and then choose the CarStats table.

On the Items tab, you should see entries with basic statistics on cars passed (one entry for every
three minutes). You might need to choose the refresh button to view updates to the table.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Communications

5. If the test is not successful, you can look for troubleshooting information in the Greengrass logs.

a. Switch to the root user and navigate to the log directory. Access to AWS IoT Greengrass logs
requires root permissions.

sudo su
cd /greengrass/ggc/var/log

b. Check runtime.log for errors.

cat system/runtime.log | grep 'ERROR'

c. Check the log generated by the Lambda function.

cat user/region/account-id/GG_Car_Aggregator.log

The lightController.py and trafficLight.py scripts store connection information in

the groupCA folder, which is created in the same folder as the scripts. If you receive connection
errors, make sure that the IP address in the ggc-host file matches the single IP address
endpoint that you configured for your core in this step (p. 124).

For more information, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Module 7: Simulating Hardware Security Integration

This is the end of the basic tutorial. You should now understand the AWS IoT Greengrass programming
model and its fundamental concepts, including AWS IoT Greengrass cores, groups, subscriptions, devices,
and the deployment process for Lambda functions running at the edge.

You can delete the DynamoDB table and the Greengrass Lambda functions and subscriptions. To stop
communications between the AWS IoT Greengrass core device and the AWS IoT cloud, open a terminal
on the core device and run one of the following commands:

• To shut down the AWS IoT Greengrass core device:

sudo halt

• To stop the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon:

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd stop

Module 7: Simulating Hardware Security

This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 and later.

This advanced module shows you how to configure a simulated hardware security module (HSM) for
use with a Greengrass core. The configuration uses SoftHSM, which is a pure software implementation
that uses the PKCS#11 (p. 147) application programming interface (API). The purpose of this module
is to allow you to set up an environment where you can learn and do initial testing against a software-
only implementation of the PKCS#11 API. It is provided only for learning and initial testing, not for
production use of any kind.

You can use this configuration to experiment with using a PKCS#11-compatible service to store your
private keys. For more information about the software-only implementation, see SoftHSM. For more
information about integrating hardware security on an AWS IoT Greengrass core, including general
requirements, see the section called “Hardware Security” (p. 448).
This module is intended for experimentation purposes only. We strongly discourage the use
of SoftHSM in a production environment because it might provide a false sense of additional
security. The resulting configuration doesn't provide any actual security benefits. The keys
stored in SoftHSM are not stored more securely than any other means of secrets storage in the
Greengrass environment.
The purpose of this module is to allow you to learn about the PKCS#11 specification and do
initial testing of your software if you plan to use a real hardware-based HSM in the future.
You must test your future hardware implementation separately and completely before any
production usage because there might be differences between the PKCS#11 implementation
provided in SoftHSM and a hardware-based implementation.

If you need assistance with the onboarding of a supported hardware security module (p. 449), contact
your AWS Enterprise Support representative.

Before you begin, make sure that you completed Module 1 (p. 65) and Module 2 (p. 76) of
the Getting Started tutorial. In this module, we assume that your core is already provisioned and
communicating with AWS. This module should take about 30 minutes to complete.

Install the SoftHSM Software

In this step, you install SoftHSM and the pkcs11 tools, which are used to manage your SoftHSM instance.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure SoftHSM

• In a terminal on your AWS IoT Greengrass core device, run the following command:

sudo apt-get install softhsm2 libsofthsm2-dev pkcs11-dump

For more information about these packages, see Install softhsm2, Install libsofthsm2-dev, and
Install pkcs11-dump.
If you encounter issues when using this command on your system, see SoftHSM version 2
on GitHub. This site provides more installation information, including how to build from

Configure SoftHSM
In this step, you configure SoftHSM.

1. Switch to the root user.

sudo su

2. Use the manual page to find the system-wide softhsm2.conf location. A common location is /
etc/softhsm/softhsm2.conf, but the location might be different on some systems.

man softhsm2.conf

3. Create the directory for the softhsm2 configuration file in the system-wide location. In this example,
we assume the location is /etc/softhsm/softhsm2.conf.

mkdir -p /etc/softhsm

4. Create the token directory in the /greengrass directory.

If this step is skipped, softhsm2-util reports ERROR: Could not initialize the

mkdir -p /greengrass/softhsm2/tokens

5. Configure the token directory.

echo "directories.tokendir = /greengrass/softhsm2/tokens" > /etc/softhsm/softhsm2.conf

6. Configure a file-based backend.

echo "objectstore.backend = file" >> /etc/softhsm/softhsm2.conf

These configuration settings are intended for experimentation purposes only. To see all
configuration options, read the manual page for the configuration file.

man softhsm2.conf

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Import the Private Key

Import the Private Key into SoftHSM

In this step, you initialize the SoftHSM token, convert the private key format, and then import the private

1. Initialize the SoftHSM token.

softhsm2-util --init-token --slot 0 --label greengrass --so-pin 12345 --pin 1234

If prompted, enter an SO pin of 12345 and a user pin of 1234. AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't
use the SO (supervisor) pin, so you can use any value.
2. Convert the private key to a format that can be used by the SoftHSM import tool. For this tutorial,
you convert the private key that you obtained from the Easy Group creation option in Module
2 (p. 76) of the Getting Started tutorial.

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt -in hash.private.key -
out hash.private.pem

3. Import the private key into SoftHSM. Run only one of the following commands, depending on your
version of softhsm2-util.

Raspbian softhsm2-util v2.2.0 syntax

softhsm2-util --import hash.private.pem --token greengrass --label iotkey --id 0000

--pin 12340

Ubuntu softhsm2-util v2.0.0 syntax

softhsm2-util --import hash.private.pem --slot 0 --label iotkey --id 0000 --pin


This command identifies the slot as 0 and defines the key label as iotkey. You use these values in
the next section.

After the private key is imported, you can optionally remove it from the /greengrass/certs directory.
Make sure to keep the root CA and device certificates in the directory.

Configure the Greengrass Core to Use SoftHSM

In this step, you modify the Greengrass core configuration file to use SoftHSM.

1. Find the path to the SoftHSM provider library (libsofthsm2.so) on your system:

a. Get the list of installed packages for the library.

sudo dpkg -L libsofthsm2

The libsofthsm2.so file is located in the softhsm directory.

b. Copy the full path to the file (for example, /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/softhsm/
libsofthsm2.so). You use this value later.
2. Stop the AWS Greengrass daemon.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure the Greengrass Core

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd stop

3. Open the Greengrass configuration file. This is the config.json (p. 24) file in the /greengrass/
config directory.
The examples in this procedure are written with the assumption that the config.json
file uses the format that's generated from the Easy Group creation option in Module
2 (p. 76) of the Getting Started tutorial.
4. In the crypto.principals object, insert the following MQTT server certificate object. Add a
comma where needed to create a valid JSON file.

"MQTTServerCertificate": {
"privateKeyPath": "path-to-private-key"

5. In the crypto object, insert the following PKCS11 object. Add a comma where needed to create a
valid JSON file.

"PKCS11": {
"P11Provider": "/path-to-pkcs11-provider-so",
"slotLabel": "crypto-token-name",
"slotUserPin": "crypto-token-user-pin"

Your file should look similar to the following:

"coreThing" : {
"caPath" : "root.ca.pem",
"certPath" : "hash.cert.pem",
"keyPath" : "hash.private.key",
"thingArn" : "arn:partition:iot:region:account-id:thing/core-thing-name",
"iotHost" : "host-prefix.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"ggHost" : "greengrass.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"keepAlive" : 600
"runtime" : {
"cgroup" : {
"useSystemd" : "yes"
"managedRespawn" : false,
"crypto": {
"PKCS11": {
"P11Provider": "/path-to-pkcs11-provider-so",
"slotLabel": "crypto-token-name",
"slotUserPin": "crypto-token-user-pin"
"principals" : {
"MQTTServerCertificate": {
"privateKeyPath": "path-to-private-key"
"IoTCertificate" : {
"privateKeyPath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/hash.private.key",
"certificatePath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/hash.cert.pem"
"SecretsManager" : {
"privateKeyPath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/hash.private.key"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure the Greengrass Core

"caPath" : "file:///greengrass/certs/root.ca.pem"

To use over-the-air (OTA) updates with hardware security, the PKCS11 object must also
contain the OpenSSLEngine property. For more information, see the section called
“Configure OTA Updates” (p. 454).
6. Edit the crypto object:

a. Configure the PKCS11 object.

• For P11Provider, enter the full path to libsofthsm2.so.

• For slotLabel, enter greengrass.
• For slotUserPin, enter 1234.
b. Configure the private key paths in the principals object. Do not edit the certificatePath

• For the privateKeyPath properties, enter the following RFC 7512 PKCS#11 path (which
specifies the key's label). Do this for the IoTCertificate, SecretsManager, and
MQTTServerCertificate principals.


c. Check the crypto object. It should look similar to the following:

"crypto": {
"PKCS11": {
"P11Provider": "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/softhsm/libsofthsm2.so",
"slotLabel": "greengrass",
"slotUserPin": "1234"
"principals": {
"MQTTServerCertificate": {
"privateKeyPath": "pkcs11:object=iotkey;type=private"
"SecretsManager": {
"privateKeyPath": "pkcs11:object=iotkey;type=private"
"IoTCertificate": {
"certificatePath": "file://certs/core.crt",
"privateKeyPath": "pkcs11:object=iotkey;type=private"
"caPath": "file://certs/root.ca.pem"

7. Remove the caPath, certPath, and keyPath values from the coreThing object. It should look
similar to the following:

"coreThing" : {
"thingArn" : "arn:partition:iot:region:account-id:thing/core-thing-name",
"iotHost" : "host-prefix-ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"ggHost" : "greengrass-ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com",
"keepAlive" : 600

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test the Configuration

For this tutorial, you specify the same private key for all principals. For more information
about choosing the private key for the local MQTT server, see Performance (p. 453). For more
information about the local secrets manager, see Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).

Test the Configuration

• Start the AWS Greengrass daemon.

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

If the daemon starts successfully, then your core is configured correctly.

You are now ready to learn about the PKCS#11 specification and do initial testing with the PKCS#11
API that's provided by the SoftHSM implementation.
Again, it's extremely important to be aware that this module is intended for learning
and testing only. It doesn't actually increase the security posture of your Greengrass
Instead, the purpose of the module is to enable you to start learning and testing in
preparation for using a true hardware-based HSM in the future. At that time, you must
separately and completely test your software against the hardware-based HSM prior
to any production usage, because there might be differences between the PKCS#11
implementation provided in SoftHSM and a hardware-based implementation.

See Also
• PKCS #11 Cryptographic Token Interface Usage Guide Version 2.40. Edited by John Leiseboer and Robert
Griffin. 16 November 2014. OASIS Committee Note 02. http://docs.oasis-open.org/pkcs11/pkcs11-
ug/v2.40/cn02/pkcs11-ug-v2.40-cn02.html. Latest version: http://docs.oasis-open.org/pkcs11/
• RFC 7512

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

OTA Updates of AWS IoT Greengrass

Core Software
This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.3 and later.

The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software is packaged with an agent that can update the core's software
or the agent itself to the latest version. These updates are sent over the air (OTA). OTA updates are the
recommended way to update AWS IoT Greengrass software on your AWS IoT Greengrass core devices.
You can use the AWS IoT console or the CreateSoftwareUpdateJob API to start an update. By using
an OTA update, you can:

• Fix security vulnerabilities.

• Address software stability issues.
• Deploy new or improved features.

You do not have to perform manual steps or have the device that is running the Core software physically
present. In the event of a failed update, the OTA update agent performs a rollback.

To support OTA updates of AWS IoT Greengrass software, your Greengrass core device must:

• Have available local storage three times the amount of the core's runtime usage requirement. For more
information, see AWS IoT Greengrass Core Limits in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
• Not have trusted boot enabled in the partition that contains the Greengrass Core platform software.
(The AWS IoT Greengrass core can be installed and run on a partition with trusted boot enabled, but
cannot perform an OTA update.)
• Have read/write permissions on the partition that contains the Greengrass Core platform software.
• Not be configured to use a network proxy. In AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.9.3 or later, the OTA update
agent supports updates over port 443 when MQTT traffic is configured to use port 443 instead of
the default port 8883. However, the OTA update agent does not support updates through a network
proxy. For more information, see the section called “Connect on Port 443 or Through a Network
Proxy” (p. 46).
• Have a connection to the AWS Cloud.
• Have a correctly configured AWS IoT Greengrass core and appropriate certificates.

Before you launch an OTA update of Greengrass Core software, be aware of the impact on the devices in
your Greengrass group, both on the core device and on client devices connected locally to that core:

• The core shuts down during the update.

• Any Lambda functions running on the core are shut down. If those functions write to local resources,
they might leave those resources in an incorrect state unless shut down properly.
• During the core's downtime, all its connections with the AWS Cloud are lost. Messages routed through
the core by client devices are lost.
• Credential caches are lost.
• Queues that hold pending work for Lambda functions are lost.
• Long-lived Lambda functions lose their dynamic state information and all pending work is dropped.

The following state information is preserved during an OTA update:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Greengrass OTA Update Agent

• Local shadows
• Greengrass logs
• OTA update agent logs

Greengrass OTA Update Agent

The Greengrass OTA update agent is the software component on the device that handles update jobs
created and deployed in the cloud. The Greengrass OTA update agent is distributed in the same software
package as the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software. The agent is located in ./greengrass/ota/
ota_agent/ggc-ota. It creates its logs in /var/log/greengrass/ota/ggc_ota.txt.

You can start the Greengrass OTA update agent by executing the binary manually or by integrating it
as part of an init script such as a systemd service file. The binary should be run as root. When it starts,
the Greengrass OTA update agent listens for Greengrass update jobs from the cloud and executes them
sequentially. The Greengrass OTA update agent ignores all other IoT job types.

Do not start multiple OTA update agent instances because this might cause conflicts.

If your Greengrass core or Greengrass OTA update agent is managed by an init system, see Integration
with Init Systems (p. 152) for related configurations.

CreateSoftwareUpdateJob API

The CreateSoftwareUpdateJob API creates a software update for a core or for several cores. This API
can be used to update the OTA update agent and the Greengrass Core software. It makes use of AWS IoT
jobs, which provide other commands to manage a software update job on a Greengrass core. For more
information, see Jobs.

The following example shows how to use the CLI to create a job that updates the AWS IoT Greengrass
Core software on a core device:

aws greengrass create-software-update-job \

--update-targets-architecture x86_64 \
--update-targets arn:aws::iot:region:123456789012:thing/myDevice \
--update-targets-operating-system ubuntu \
--software-to-update core \
--s3-url-signer-role arn:aws::iam::123456789012:role/IotS3UrlPresigningRole \
--update-agent-log-level WARN \
--amzn-client-token myClientToken1

The create-software-update-job command returns a JSON response that contains the job ID, job
ARN, and software version that was installed by the update:

"IotJobId": "Greengrass-OTA-c3bd7f36-ee80-4d42-8321-a1da0e5b1303",
"IotJobArn": "arn:aws::iot:region:123456789012:job/Greengrass-OTA-c3bd7f36-
"PlatformSoftwareVersion": "1.9.2"

The create-software-update-job command has the following parameters:


The architecture of the core device. Must be one of armv7l, armv6l, x86_64, or aarch64.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Greengrass OTA Update Agent


A list of the targets to which the OTA update should be applied. The list can contain the ARNs of
things that are cores, and the ARNs of thing groups whose members are cores. For more information,
see IoT Thing Groups.

The operating system of the core device. Must be one of ubuntu, amazon_linux, raspbian, or

Specifies whether the core's software or the OTA update agent software should be updated. Must be
one of core or ota_agent.

The IAM role used to presign the S3 URL that links to the AWS IoT Greengrass software update. You
must provide a role that has the appropriate permissions policy attached. The following example
policy allows access to AWS IoT Greengrass software updates in the specified AWS Regions:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowAccessToGreengrassOTAUpdateArtifacts",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

You can also use a wildcard * naming scheme for the Resource property to allow access
to AWS IoT Greengrass software updates. For example, the following format allows access
to software updates for all supported AWS Regions (current and future) that use the aws
partition. Make sure to use the correct partitions for the AWS Regions you want to support.

"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*-greengrass-updates/*"

For more information, see Adding and Removing IAM Policies in the IAM User Guide.

Here is an example AssumeRole policy document with the minimum required trusted entities:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Principal": {
"Service": "iot.amazonaws.com"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Greengrass OTA Update Agent

"Effect": "Allow",
"Sid": "AllowIotToAssumeRole"


(Optional) A client token used to make idempotent requests. Provide a unique token to prevent
duplicate updates from being created due to internal retries.

(Optional) The logging level for log statements generated by the OTA update agent. Must be one of

Here is an example IAM policy with the minimum permissions required to call the API:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowCreateSoftwareUpdateJob",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:us-east-1:123456789012:role/IotS3UrlPresigningRole"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"

Because AWS IoT Greengrass is supported only on a subset of the architecture and operating
system combinations possible with this command, CreateSoftwareUpdateJob rejects
requests except for the following supported platforms:

• ubuntu/x86_64
• ubuntu/aarch64
• amazon_linux/x86_64
• raspbian/armv7l
• raspbian/armv6l
• openwrt/aarch64
• openwrt/armv7l

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Integration with Init Systems

Integration with Init Systems

During an OTA update, binaries, including some that are running, are updated and restarted. This might
cause conflicts if an init system is monitoring the state of either the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software
or the Greengrass OTA update agent during the update. To help integrate the OTA update mechanism
with your monitoring strategies, you can write shell scripts that run before and after an update. To tell
the OTA update agent to run these shell scripts, you must include the "managedRespawn" : true flag
in the ./greengrass/config/config.json file. For example:

"coreThing": {

"runtime": {

"managedRespawn": true

When managedRespawn is set to true, the scripts must exist in the directory. Otherwise, the update
fails. The directory tree should look like the following:

|-- certs
|-- config
| |-- config.json
|-- ggc
|-- usr/scripts
| |-- ggc_pre_update.sh
| |-- ggc_post_update.sh
| |-- ota_pre_update.sh
| |-- ota_post_update.sh
|-- ota

OTA Self-Update with Managed Respawn

As the OTA update agent prepares to do a self-update, if managedRespawn is set to true, the OTA
update agent looks in the ./greengrass/usr/scripts directory for the ota_pre_update.sh script
and runs it.

After the OTA update agent completes the update, it attempts to run the ota_post_update.sh script
from the ./greengrass/usr/scripts directory.

AWS IoT Greengrass Core Update with Managed

As the OTA update agent prepares to do an AWS IoT Greengrass core update, if managedRespawn
is set to true, the OTA update agent looks in the ./greengrass/usr/scripts directory for the
ggc_pre_update.sh script and runs it.

After the OTA update agent completes the update, it attempts to run the ggc_post_update.sh script
from the ./greengrass/usr/scripts directory.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
OTA Update Agent Self-Update

• The user-defined scripts in ./greengrass/usr/scripts should be owned by root and executable

by root only.
• If managedRespawn is set to true, the scripts must exist and return a successful return code.
• If managedRespawn is set to false, the scripts do not run even if present on the device.
• A device that is the target of an update must not run two instances of the OTA update agent for the
same AWS IoT thing. Doing so causes the two agents to process the same jobs, which creates conflicts.

OTA Update Agent Self-Update

Follow these steps to perform a self-update of the OTA update agent:

1. Make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass core device is correctly provisioned with valid config.json
file entries and the required certificates.
2. If the OTA update agent is managed by an init system, in the config.json file, make sure
that managedRespawn property is set to true. Also, make sure the ota_pre_update.sh and
ota_post_update.sh scripts are in the ./greengrass/usr/scripts directory.
3. Run ./greengrass/ota/ota_agent/ggc-ota.
4. Use the CreateSoftwareUpdateJob API to create an OTA self-update job. Make sure the --
software-to-update parameter is set to ota_agent.

Greengrass Core Software Update

Follow these steps to perform an AWS IoT Greengrass Core software update:

1. Make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass core device is correctly provisioned with valid config.json
file entries and the required certificates.
2. If the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software is managed by an init system, in the config.json file, make
sure that managedRespawn property is set to true. Also, make sure the ggc_pre_update.sh and
ggc_post_update.sh scripts are in the ./greengrass/usr/scripts directory.
3. Run ./greengrass/ota/ota_agent/ggc-ota.
4. Use the CreateSoftwareUpdateJob API to create an update job for the Core software. Make sure
the --software-to-update parameter is set to core.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Deploy AWS IoT Greengrass Groups

to an AWS IoT Greengrass Core
AWS IoT Greengrass groups are used to organize entities in your edge environment. Groups also control
how the entities in the group can interact with each other and with the AWS Cloud. For example, only
the Lambda functions in the group are deployed for local execution and only the devices in the group
can communicate using the local MQTT server.

A group must include a core (p. 24), which is an AWS IoT device that runs the AWS IoT Greengrass
Core software. The core acts as an edge gateway and provides AWS IoT Core capabilities in the edge
environment. Depending on your business need, you can also add the following entities to a group:

• Devices. Represented as things in the AWS IoT registry. These devices must run Amazon FreeRTOS or
use the AWS IoT Device SDK (p. 10) or AWS IoT Greengrass Discovery API (p. 426) to get connection
information for the core. Only devices that are members of the group can connect to the core.
• Lambda functions. User-defined serverless applications that execute code on the core. Lambda
functions are authored in AWS Lambda and referenced from a Greengrass group. For more
information, see Run Local Lambda Functions (p. 175).
• Connectors. Predefined serverless applications that execute code on the core. Connectors can provide
built-in integration with local infrastructure, device protocols, AWS, and other cloud services. For more
information, see Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283).
• Subscriptions. Defines the publishers, subscribers, and MQTT topics (or subjects) that are authorized
for MQTT communication.
• Resources. References to local devices and volumes (p. 200), machine learning models (p. 221), and
secrets (p. 263), used for access control by Greengrass Lambda functions and connectors.
• Loggers. Logging configurations for AWS IoT Greengrass system components and Lambda functions.
For more information, see Monitoring (p. 457).

You manage your Greengrass group in the AWS Cloud and then deploy it to a core. The deployment
copies the group configuration to the group.json file on the core device. This file is located in

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Deploying Groups from the AWS IoT console

During a deployment, the Greengrass daemon process on the core device stops and then

Deploying Groups from the AWS IoT console

You can deploy a group and manage its deployments from the group's configuration page in the AWS IoT

To open this page in the console, choose Greengrass and Groups, and then choose your group.

To deploy the current version of the group

• From Actions, choose Deploy.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Deploying Groups with the AWS IoT Greengrass API

To view the deployment history of the group

A group's deployment history includes the date and time, group version, and status of each
deployment attempt.

1. From the navigation pane, choose Deployments.

2. To see more information about a deployment, including error messages, choose the row that
contains the deployment.

To redeploy a group deployment

You might want to redeploy a deployment if the current deployment fails or revert to a different
group version.

1. From the navigation pane, choose Deployments.

2. On the row that contains the deployment, in the Status column, choose the ellipsis (…), and
then choose Re-deploy.

To reset group deployments

You might want to reset group deployments to move or delete a group or to remove deployment
information. For more information, see the section called “Reset Deployments” (p. 163).

• From Actions, choose Reset Deployments.

Deploying Groups with the AWS IoT Greengrass

The AWS IoT Greengrass API provides the following actions to deploy AWS IoT Greengrass groups and
manage group deployments. You can call these actions from the AWS CLI, AWS IoT Greengrass API, or

Action Description

CreateDeployment Creates a NewDeployment or Redeployment


You might want to redeploy a deployment if the

current deployment fails. Or you might want to
redeploy to revert to a different group version.

GetDeploymentStatus Returns the status of a deployment: Building,

InProgress, Success, or Failure.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Overview of the Group Object Model

Action Description
You can configure Amazon EventBridge events
to receive deployment notifications. For
more information, see the section called “Get
Deployment Notifications” (p. 160).

ListDeployments Returns the deployment history for the group.

ResetDeployments Resets the deployments for the group.

You might want to reset group deployments to

move or delete a group or to remove deployment
information. For more information, see the
section called “Reset Deployments” (p. 163).

For information about bulk deployment operations, see the section called “Create Bulk
Deployments” (p. 165).

Overview of the AWS IoT Greengrass Group Object

When programming with the AWS IoT Greengrass API, it's helpful to understand the Greengrass group
object model.

In the AWS IoT Greengrass API, the top-level Group object consists of metadata and a list of
GroupVersion objects. GroupVersion objects are associated with a Group by ID.

Group Versions
GroupVersion objects define group membership. Each GroupVersion references a
CoreDefinitionVersion and other component versions by ARN. These references determine which
entities to include in the group.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Group Components

For example, to include three Lambda functions, one device, and two subscriptions in the group, the
GroupVersion references:

• The CoreDefinitionVersion that contains the required core.

• The FunctionDefinitionVersion that contains the three functions.
• The DeviceDefinitionVersion that contains the device.
• The SubscriptionDefinitionVersion that contains the two subscriptions.

The GroupVersion deployed to a core device determines the entities that are available in the local
environment and how they can interact.

Group Components
Components that you add to groups have a three-level hierarchy:

• A Definition that references a list of DefinitionVersion objects of a given type. For example, a
DeviceDefinition references a list of DeviceDefinitionVersion objects.
• A DefinitionVersion that contains a set of entities of a given type. For example, a
DeviceDefinitionVersion contains a list of Device objects.
• Individual entities that define their properties and behavior. For example, a Device defines the ARN
of the corresponding device in the AWS IoT registry, the ARN of its device certificate, and whether its
local shadow syncs automatically with the cloud.

You can add the following types of entities to a group:

• Connector
• Core
• Device
• Function
• Logger
• Resource
• Subscription

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Updating Groups

The following example DeviceDefinition references three DeviceDefinitionVersion objects that

each contain multiple Device objects. Only one DeviceDefinitionVersion at a time is used in a

Updating Groups
In the AWS IoT Greengrass API, you use versions to update a group's configuration. Versions are
immutable, so to add, remove, or change group components, you must create DefinitionVersion objects
that contain new or updated entities.

You can associate new DefinitionVersions objects with new or existing Definition objects. For
example, you can use the CreateFunctionDefinition action to create a FunctionDefinition
that includes the FunctionDefinitionVersion as an initial version, or you can use the
CreateFunctionDefinitionVersion action and reference an existing FunctionDefinition.

After you create your group components, you create a GroupVersion that contains all DefinitionVersion
objects that you want to include in the group. Then, you deploy the GroupVersion.

To deploy a GroupVersion, it must reference a CoreDefinitionVersion that contains exactly

one Core. All referenced entities must be members of the group. Also, a Greengrass service
role (p. 443) must be associated with your AWS account in the AWS Region where you are deploying
the GroupVersion.
The Update actions in the API are used to change the name of a Group or component Definition

Updating entities that reference AWS resources

Greengrass Lambda functions and secret resources (p. 263) define Greengrass-specific properties
and also reference corresponding AWS resources. To update these entities, you might make changes to
the corresponding AWS resource instead of your Greengrass objects. For example, Lambda functions
reference a function in AWS Lambda and also define lifecycle and other properties that are specific to
the Greengrass group.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
See Also

• To update Lambda function code or packaged dependencies, make your changes in AWS Lambda.
During the next group deployment, these changes are retrieved from AWS Lambda and copied to your
local environment.
• To update Greengrass-specific properties (p. 178), you create a FunctionDefinitionVersion that
contains the updated Function properties.

Greengrass Lambda functions can reference a Lambda function by alias or version
ARN. If you reference the alias ARN (recommended), you don't need to update your
FunctionDefinitionVersion (or SubscriptionDefinitionVersion) when you create
a new function version in AWS Lambda. For more information, see the section called “Function
Aliases and Versions” (p. 177).

See Also
• the section called “Get Deployment Notifications” (p. 160)
• the section called “Reset Deployments” (p. 163)
• the section called “Create Bulk Deployments” (p. 165)
• Troubleshooting Deployment Issues (p. 524)

Get Deployment Notifications

Using Amazon EventBridge event rules, you can get notifications about state changes for your
Greengrass group deployments. EventBridge delivers a near real-time stream of system events that
describes changes in AWS resources.

AWS IoT Greengrass emits an event when group deployments change state. You can create an
EventBridge rule that runs for all state transitions or transitions to states you specify. When a
deployment enters a state that triggers a rule, EventBridge invokes the target actions defined in the rule.
This allows you to send notifications, capture event information, take corrective action, or initiate other
events in response to a state change. For example, you can create rules for the following use cases:

• Trigger post-deployment operations, such as downloading assets and notifying personnel.

• Send notifications upon a successful or failed deployment.
• Publish custom metrics about deployment events.

AWS IoT Greengrass emits an event when a deployment enters the following states: Building,
InProgress, Success, and Failure.
Monitoring the status of a bulk deployment (p. 165) operation is not currently supported.
However, AWS IoT Greengrass emits state-change events for individual group deployments that
are part of a bulk deployment.

Group Deployment Status Change Event

The event for a deployment state change uses the following format:


AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Prerequisites for Creating EventBridge Rules

"id":" cd4d811e-ab12-322b-8255-EXAMPLEb1bc8",
"detail-type":"Greengrass Deployment Status Change",
"group-id": "284dcd4e-24bc-4c8c-a770-EXAMPLEf03b8",
"deployment-id": "4f38f1a7-3dd0-42a1-af48-EXAMPLE09681",
"deployment-type": "NewDeployment|Redeployment|ResetDeployment|
"status": "Building|InProgress|Success|Failure"

You can create rules that apply to one or more groups. You can filter rules by one or more of the
following deployment types and deployment states:

Deployment types
• NewDeployment. The first deployment of a group version.
• ReDeployment. A redeployment of a group version.
• ResetDeployment. Deletes deployment information stored in the AWS Cloud and on the AWS
IoT Greengrass core. For more information, see the section called “Reset Deployments” (p. 163).
• ForceResetDeployment. Deletes deployment information stored in the AWS Cloud and reports
success without waiting for the core to respond. Also deletes deployment information stored on
the core if the core is connected or when it next connects.
Deployment states
• Building. AWS IoT Greengrass is validating the group configuration and building deployment
• InProgress. The deployment is in progress on the AWS IoT Greengrass core.
• Success. The deployment was successful.
• Failure. The deployment failed.

It's possible that events might be duplicated or out of order. To determine the order of events, use the
time property.
AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't use the resources property, so it's always empty.

Prerequisites for Creating EventBridge Rules

Before you create an EventBridge rule for AWS IoT Greengrass, you should do the following:

• Familiarize yourself with events, rules, and targets in EventBridge.

• Create and configure the targets invoked by your EventBridge rules. Rules can invoke many types of
target, including:
• Amazon SNS topics
• AWS Lambda functions
• Kinesis streams
• Amazon SQS queues

For more information, see What Is Amazon EventBridge? and Getting Started with Amazon EventBridge
in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure Deployment Notifications (Console)

Configure Deployment Notifications (Console)

Use the following steps to create an EventBridge rule that publishes an Amazon SNS topic when the
deployment state changes for a group. This allows web servers, email addresses, and other topic
subscribers to respond to the event. For more information, see Creating a EventBridge Rule That Triggers
on an Event from an AWS Resource in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

1. Open the Amazon EventBridge console and choose Create rule.

2. Under Name and description, enter a name and description for the rule.
3. Under Define pattern, configure the rule pattern.

a. Choose Event pattern.

b. Choose Pre-defined pattern by service.
c. For Service provider, choose AWS.
d. For Service name, choose Greengrass.
e. For Event type, choose Greengrass Deployment Status Change.
The AWS API Call via CloudTrail event type is based on AWS IoT Greengrass
integration with AWS CloudTrail. You can use this option to create rules triggered by
read or write calls to the AWS IoT Greengrass API. For more information, see the section
called “Logging AWS IoT Greengrass API Calls with AWS CloudTrail” (p. 462).
f. Choose the deployment states that trigger a notification.

• To receive notifications for all state change events, choose Any state.
• To receive notifications for some state change events only, choose Specific state(s), and then
choose the target states.
g. Choose the deployment types that trigger a notification.

• To receive notifications for all deployment types, choose Any state.

• To receive notifications for some deployment types only, choose Specific state(s), and then
choose the target deployment types.
4. Under Select event bus, keep the default event bus options.
5. Under Select targets, configure your target. This example uses an Amazon SNS topic, but you can
configure other target types to send notifications.

a. For Target, choose SNS topic.

b. For Topic, choose your target topic.
c. Choose Add target.
6. Under Tags - optional, define tags for the rule or leave the fields empty.
7. Choose Create.

Configure Deployment Notifications (CLI)

Use the following steps to create an EventBridge rule that publishes an Amazon SNS topic when the
deployment state changes for a group. This allows web servers, email addresses, and other topic
subscribers to respond to the event.

1. Create the rule.

• Replace group-id with the ID of your AWS IoT Greengrass group.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure Deployment Notifications (AWS CloudFormation)

aws events put-rule \

--name TestRule \
--event-pattern "{\"source\": [\"aws.greengrass\"], \"detail\": {\"group-id\":

Properties that are omitted from the pattern are ignored.

2. Add the topic as a rule target.

• Replace topic-arn with the ARN of your Amazon SNS topic.

aws events put-targets \

--rule TestRule \
--targets "Id"="1","Arn"="topic-arn"

To allow Amazon EventBridge to call your target topic, you must add a resource-based
policy to your topic. For more information, see Amazon SNS Permissions in the Amazon
EventBridge User Guide.

For more information, see Events and Event Patterns in EventBridge in the Amazon EventBridge User

Configure Deployment Notifications (AWS

Use AWS CloudFormation templates to create EventBridge rules that send notifications about state
changes for your Greengrass group deployments. For more information, see Amazon EventBridge
Resource Type Reference in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

See Also
• Deploy AWS IoT Greengrass Groups (p. 154)
• What Is Amazon EventBridge? in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide

Reset Deployments
This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.1 and later.

You might want to reset a group's deployments to:

• Delete the group (for example, when the group's core has been reimaged.)
• Move the group's core to a different group.
• Revert the group to its state before any deployments.
• Remove the deployment configuration from the core device.
• Delete sensitive data from the core device or from the cloud.
• Deploy a new group configuration to a core without having to replace the core with another in the
current group.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Reset Deployments from the AWS IoT console

Reset deployments functionality is not available in AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.0.0.
You cannot delete a group that has been deployed using v1.0.0.

The reset deployments operation first cleans up all deployment information stored in the cloud
for a given group. It then instructs the group's core device to clean up all of its deployment related
information as well (Lambda functions, user logs, shadow database and server certificate, but not
the user-defined config.json or the Greengrass core certificates). You cannot initiate a reset of
deployments for a group if the group currently has a deployment with status of In Progress or

Reset Deployments from the AWS IoT console

You can reset group deployments from group configuration page in the AWS IoT console.

1. In the AWS IoT console, choose Greengrass, and then choose Groups.
2. Choose the target group.
3. From Actions, choose Reset Deployments.

Reset Deployments with the AWS IoT Greengrass API

You can use the ResetDeployments action in the AWS CLI, AWS IoT Greengrass API, or AWS SDK to
reset deployments. The examples in this topic use the CLI.

aws greengrass reset-deployments --group-id GroupId [--force]

Arguments for the reset-deployments CLI command:


The group ID. Use the list-groups command to get this value.

Optional. Use this parameter if the group's core device has been lost, stolen, or destroyed. This
option causes the reset deployment process to report success after all deployment information in
the cloud has been cleaned up, without waiting for a core device to respond. However, if the core
device is or becomes active, it also performs cleanup operations.

The output of the reset-deployments CLI command looks like this:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
See Also

"DeploymentId": "4db95ef8-9309-4774-95a4-eea580b6ceef",
"DeploymentArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:us-west-2:106511594199:/greengrass/groups/

You can check the status of the reset deployment with the get-deployment-status CLI command:

aws greengrass get-deployment-status --deployment-id DeploymentId --group-id GroupId

Arguments for the get-deployment-status CLI command:


The deployment ID.


The group ID.

The output of the get-deployment-status CLI command looks like this:

"DeploymentStatus": "Success",
"UpdatedAt": "2017-04-04T00:00:00.000Z"

The DeploymentStatus is set to Building when the reset deployment is being prepared. When the
reset deployment is ready but the AWS IoT Greengrass core has not picked up the reset deployment, the
DeploymentStatus is InProgress.

If the reset operation fails, error information is returned in the response.

See Also
• Deploy AWS IoT Greengrass Groups (p. 154)
• ResetDeployments in the AWS IoT Greengrass API Reference
• GetDeploymentStatus in the AWS IoT Greengrass API Reference

Create Bulk Deployments for Groups

You can use simple API calls to deploy large numbers of Greengrass groups at once. These deployments
are triggered with an adaptive rate that has a fixed upper limit.

This tutorial describes how to use the AWS CLI to create and monitor a bulk group deployment in AWS
IoT Greengrass. The bulk deployment example in this tutorial contains multiple groups. You can use the
example in your implementation to add as many groups as you need.

The tutorial contains the following high-level steps:

1. Create and Upload the Bulk Deployment Input File (p. 166)
2. Create and Configure an IAM Execution Role (p. 167)
3. Allow Your Execution Role Access to Your S3 Bucket (p. 169)
4. Deploy the Groups (p. 170)
5. Test the Deployment (p. 171)

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

To complete this tutorial, you need:

• One or more deployable Greengrass groups. For more information about creating AWS IoT Greengrass
groups and cores, see Getting Started with AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 64).
• The AWS CLI installed and configured on your machine. For information, see the AWS CLI User Guide.
• An S3 bucket created in the same AWS Region as AWS IoT Greengrass. For information, see Creating
and Configuring an S3 Bucket.
Currently, SSE KMS enabled buckets are not supported.

Step 1: Create and Upload the Bulk Deployment

Input File
In this step, you create a deployment input file and upload it to your Amazon S3 bucket. This file is a
serialized, line-delimited JSON file that contains information about each group in your bulk deployment.
AWS IoT Greengrass uses this information to deploy each group on your behalf when you initialize your
bulk group deployment.

1. Run the following command to get the groupId for each group you want to deploy. You enter the
groupId into your bulk deployment input file so that AWS IoT Greengrass can identify each group
to be deployed.
You can also find these values in the AWS IoT console. The group ID is shown on the group's
Settings page. Group version IDs are shown on the group's Deployments page.

aws greengrass list-groups

The response contains information about each group in your AWS IoT Greengrass account:

"Groups": [
"Name": "string",
"Id": "string",
"Arn": "string",
"LastUpdatedTimestamp": "string",
"CreationTimestamp": "string",
"LatestVersion": "string",
"LatestVersionArn": "string"
"NextToken": "string"

Run the following command to get the groupVersionId of each group you want to deploy.

list-group-versions --group-id groupId

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Configure an IAM Execution Role

The response contains information about all of the versions in the group. Make a note of the ID of
the group version you want to use.

"Versions": [
"Arn": "string",
"Id": "string",
"Version": "string",
"CreationTimestamp": "string"
"NextToken": "string"

2. In your computer terminal or editor of choice, create a file, MyBulkDeploymentInputFile, from

the following example. This file contains information about each AWS IoT Greengrass group to be
included in a bulk deployment. Although this example defines multiple groups, for this tutorial, your
file can contain just one.
The size of this file must be less than 100 MB.

{"GroupId":"groupId1", "GroupVersionId":"groupVersionId1",
{"GroupId":"groupId2", "GroupVersionId":"groupVersionId2",
{"GroupId":"groupId3", "GroupVersionId":"groupVersionId3",

Each record (or line) contains a group object. Each group object contains its corresponding
groupId and groupVersionId and a DeploymentType. Currently, AWS IoT Greengrass supports
NewDeployment bulk deployment types only.

Save and close your file. Make a note of the location of the file.
3. Use the following command in your terminal to upload your input file to your Amazon S3 bucket.
Replace the file path with the location and name of your file. For information, see Add an Object to a

aws s3 cp path/MyBulkDeploymentInputFile s3://my-bucket/

Step 2: Create and Configure an IAM Execution Role

In this step, you use the IAM console to create a standalone execution role. You then establish a trust
relationship between the role and AWS IoT Greengrass and ensure that your IAM user has PassRole
privileges for your execution role. This allows AWS IoT Greengrass to assume your execution role and
create the deployments on your behalf.

1. Use the following policy to create an execution role. This policy document allows AWS IoT
Greengrass to access your bulk deployment input file when it creates each deployment on your

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Configure an IAM Execution Role

For more information about creating an IAM role and delegating permissions, see Creating IAM

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "greengrass:CreateDeployment",
"Resource": [

This policy must have a resource for each group or group version in your bulk deployment
input file to be deployed by AWS IoT Greengrass. To allow access to all groups, for
Resource, specify an asterisk:

"Resource": ["*"]

2. Modify the trust relationship for your execution role to include AWS IoT Greengrass. This allows AWS
IoT Greengrass to use your execution role and the permissions attached to it. For information, see
Editing the Trust Relationship for an Existing Role.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": "greengrass.amazonaws.com"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

3. Give IAM PassRole permissions for your execution role to your IAM user. This IAM user is the one
used to initiate the bulk deployment. PassRole permissions allow your IAM user to pass your
execution role to AWS IoT Greengrass for use. For more information, see Granting a User Permissions
to Pass a Role to an AWS Service.

Use the following example to update your trust policy document. Modify this example, as necessary.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Allow Your Execution Role Access to Your S3 Bucket

"Sid": "Stmt1508193814000",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

Step 3: Allow Your Execution Role Access to Your S3

To start your bulk deployment, your execution role must be able to read your bulk deployment input
file from your Amazon S3 bucket. Attach the following example policy to your Amazon S3 bucket so its
GetObject permissions are accessible to your execution role.

For more information, see How Do I Add an S3 Bucket Policy?

"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Id": "examplePolicy",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1535408982966",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": [
"Action": "s3:GetObject",

You can use the following command in your terminal to check your bucket's policy:

aws s3api get-bucket-policy --bucket my-bucket

You can directly modify your execution role to grant it permission to your Amazon S3 bucket's
GetObject permissions instead. To do this, attach the following example policy to your
execution role.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Deploy the Groups

"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket/objectKey"

Step 4: Deploy the Groups

In this step, you start a bulk deployment operation for all group versions configured in your
bulk deployment input file. The deployment action for each of your group versions is of type
You cannot call StartBulkDeployment while another bulk deployment from the same account is
still running. The request is rejected.

1. Use the following command to start the bulk deployment.

We recommend that you include an X-Amzn-Client-Token token in every StartBulkDeployment

request. These requests are idempotent with respect to the token and the request parameters. This
token can be any unique, case-sensitive string of up to 64 ASCII characters.

aws greengrass start-bulk-deployment --cli-input-json "{

"InputFileUri":"URI of file in S3 bucket",
"ExecutionRoleArn":"ARN of execution role",
"AmznClientToken":"your Amazon client token"

The command should result in a successful status code of 200, along with the following response:

"bulkDeploymentId": UUID

Make a note of the bulk deployment ID. It can be used to check the status of your bulk deployment.
Although bulk deployment operations are not currently supported, you can create
Amazon EventBridge event rules to get notifications about deployment status changes
for individual groups. For more information, see the section called “Get Deployment
Notifications” (p. 160).
2. Use the following command to check the status of your bulk deployment.

aws greengrass get-bulk-deployment-status --bulk-deployment-id 1234567

The command should return a successful status code of 200 in addition to a JSON payload of

"BulkDeploymentStatus": Running,

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test the Deployment

"Statistics": {
"RecordsProcessed": integer,
"InvalidInputRecords": integer,
"RetryAttempts": integer
"CreatedAt": "string",
"ErrorMessage": "string",
"ErrorDetails": [
"DetailedErrorCode": "string",
"DetailedErrorMessage": "string"

BulkDeploymentStatus contains the current status of the bulk execution. The execution can have
one of six different statuses:

• Initializing. The bulk deployment request has been received, and the execution is preparing
to start.
• Running. The bulk deployment execution has started.
• Completed. The bulk deployment execution has finished processing all records.
• Stopping. The bulk deployment execution has received a command to stop and will terminate
shortly. You can't start a new bulk deployment while a previous deployment is in the Stopping
• Stopped. The bulk deployment execution has been manually stopped.
• Failed. The bulk deployment execution has encountered an error and terminated. You can find
error details in the ErrorDetails field.

The JSON payload also includes statistical information about the progress of the bulk deployment.
You can use this information to determine how many groups have been processed and how many
have failed. The statistical information includes:

• RecordsProcessed: The number of group records that were attempted.

• InvalidInputRecords: The total number of records that returned a non-retryable error. For
example, this can occur if a group record from the input file uses an invalid format or specifies a
nonexistent group version, or if the execution doesn't grant permission to deploy a group or group
• RetryAttempts: The number of deployment attempts that returned a retryable error. For
example, a retry is triggered if the attempt to deploy a group returns a throttling error. A group
deployment can be retried up to five times.

In the case of a bulk deployment execution failure, this payload also includes an ErrorDetails
section that can be used for troubleshooting. It contains information about the cause of the
execution failure.

You can periodically check the status of the bulk deployment to confirm that it is progressing as
expected. After the deployment is complete, RecordsProcessed should be equal to the number
of deployment groups in your bulk deployment input file. This indicates that each record has been

Step 5: Test the Deployment

Use the ListBulkDeployments command to find the ID of your bulk deployment.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test the Deployment

aws greengrass list-bulk-deployments

This command returns a list of all of your bulk deployments from most to least recent, including your

"BulkDeployments": [
"BulkDeploymentId": 1234567,
"BulkDeploymentArn": "string",
"CreatedAt": "string"
"NextToken": "string"

Now call the ListBulkDeploymentDetailedReports command to gather detailed information about each

aws greengrass list-bulk-deployment-detailed-reports --bulk-deployment-id 1234567

The command should return a successful status code of 200 along with a JSON payload of information:

"BulkDeploymentResults": [
"DeploymentId": "string",
"GroupVersionedArn": "string",
"CreatedAt": "string",
"DeploymentStatus": "string",
"ErrorMessage": "string",
"ErrorDetails": [
"DetailedErrorCode": "string",
"DetailedErrorMessage": "string"
"NextToken": "string"

This payload usually contains a paginated list of each deployment and its deployment status from most
to least recent. It also contains more information in the event of a bulk deployment execution failure.
Again, the total number of deployments listed should be equal to the number of groups you identified in
your bulk deployment input file.

The information returned can change until the deployments are in a terminal state (success or failure).
You can call this command periodically until then.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Troubleshooting Bulk Deployments

Troubleshooting Bulk Deployments

If the bulk deployment is not successful, you can try the following troubleshooting steps. Run the
commands in your terminal.

Troubleshoot input file errors

The bulk deployment can fail in the event of syntax errors in the bulk deployment input file. This returns
a bulk deployment status of Failed with an error message indicating the line number of the first
validation error. There are four possible errors:

InvalidInputFile: Missing GroupId at line number: line number

This error indicates that the given input file line is unable to register the specified parameter. The
possible missing parameters are the GroupId and the GroupVersionId.

InvalidInputFile: Invalid deployment type at line number : line number. Only valid type
is 'NewDeployment'.

This error indicates that the given input file line lists an invalid deployment type. At this time, the only
supported deployment type is a NewDeployment.

Line %s is too long in S3 File. Valid line is less than 256 chars.

This error indicates that the given input file line is too long and must be shortened.

Failed to parse input file at line number: line number

This error indicates that the given input file line is not considered valid json.

Check for concurrent bulk deployments

You cannot start a new bulk deployment while another one is still running or in a non-terminal state.
This can result in a Concurrent Deployment Error. You can use the ListBulkDeployments command
to verify that a bulk deployment is not currently running. This command lists your bulk deployments
from most to least recent.

"BulkDeployments": [
"BulkDeploymentId": BulkDeploymentId,
"BulkDeploymentArn": "string",
"CreatedAt": "string"
"NextToken": "string"

Use the BulkDeploymentId of the first listed bulk deployment to run the GetBulkDeploymentStatus
command. If your most recent bulk deployment is in a running state (Initializing or Running), use
the following command to stop the bulk deployment.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
See Also

aws greengrass stop-bulk-deployment --bulk-deployment-id BulkDeploymentId

This action results in a status of Stopping until the deployment is Stopped. After the deployment has
reached a Stopped status, you can start a new bulk deployment.

Check ErrorDetails
Run the GetBulkDeploymentStatus command to return a JSON payload that contains information
about any bulk deployment execution failure.

"Message": "string",
"ErrorDetails": [
"DetailedErrorCode": "string",
"DetailedErrorMessage": "string"

When exiting with an error, the ErrorDetails JSON payload that is returned by this call contains more
information about the bulk deployment execution failure. An error status code in the 400 series, for
example, indicates an input error, either in the input parameters or the caller dependencies.

Check the AWS IoT Greengrass core log

You can troubleshoot issues by viewing the AWS IoT Greengrass core logs. Use the following commands
to view runtime.log:

cd /greengrass/ggc/var/log
sudo cat system/runtime.log | more

For more information about AWS IoT Greengrass logging, see Monitoring with AWS IoT Greengrass
Logs (p. 457).

See Also
For more information, see the following resources:

• AWS IoT Greengrass CLI Reference

• AWS IoT Greengrass API Reference

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Run Lambda Functions on the AWS

IoT Greengrass Core
AWS IoT Greengrass provides a containerized Lambda runtime environment for user-defined code that
you author in AWS Lambda. Lambda functions that are deployed to an AWS IoT Greengrass core run in
the core's local Lambda runtime. Local Lambda functions can be triggered by local events, messages
from the cloud, and other sources, which brings local compute functionality to connected devices. For
example, you can use Greengrass Lambda functions to filter device data before transmitting the data to
the cloud.

To deploy a Lambda function to a core, you add the function to a Greengrass group (by referencing the
existing Lambda function), configure group-specific settings for the function, and then deploy the group.
If the function accesses AWS services, you also must add any required permissions to the group role.

You can configure parameters that determine how the Lambda functions run, including permissions,
isolation, memory limits, and more. For more information, see the section called “Controlling Greengrass
Lambda Function Execution” (p. 178).
These settings also make it possible to run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker container. For more
information, see the section called “Run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker Container” (p. 189).

The following table lists supported AWS Lambda runtimes and the versions of AWS IoT Greengrass Core
software that they can run on.

Language or platform GGC version

Python 2.7 1.0 or later

Python 3.7 1.9

Java 8 1.1 or later

Node.js 6.10 1.1 or later

Node.js 8.10 1.9

C, C++ 1.6 or later

SDKs for Greengrass Lambda Functions

AWS provides three SDKs that can be used by Greengrass Lambda functions running on an AWS
IoT Greengrass core. These SDKs are contained in different packages, so functions can use them
simultaneously. To use an SDK in a Greengrass Lambda function, include it in your deployment package.

AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK

Enables local Lambda functions to interact with the core to:

• Exchange MQTT messages with AWS IoT.
• Exchange MQTT messages with connectors, devices, and other Lambda functions in the
Greengrass group.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

• Interact with the local shadow service.

• Invoke other local Lambda functions.
• Access secret resources (p. 263).

AWS IoT Greengrass provides the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK in the following languages and
platforms on GitHub.
• AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Java
• AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Node.js
• AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Python
• AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for C

If you're running Python Lambda functions, you can also use pip to install the AWS IoT Greengrass
Core SDK for Python on the core device. Then you can deploy your functions without including the
SDK in the Lambda function deployment package. For more information, see greengrasssdk.
To use pip to install the Python SDK, run the following command in your core device

pip install greengrasssdk

AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK

Enables local Lambda functions to consume machine learning (ML) models that are deployed to
the Greengrass core as ML resources. Lambda functions can use the SDK to invoke and interact
with a local inference service that's deployed to the core as a connector. Lambda functions and ML
connectors can also use the SDK to send data to the ML Feedback connector for uploading and
publishing. For more information, including code examples that use the SDK, see the section called
“ML Image Classification” (p. 326), the section called “ML Object Detection” (p. 343), and the
section called “ML Feedback” (p. 315).

The following table lists supported languages or platforms for SDK versions and the versions of AWS
IoT Greengrass Core software they can run on.

SDK version Language or platform Required Changelog


1.1.0 Python 3.7 or 2.7 1.9.3 or Added

later Python 3.7
and new

1.0.0 Python 2.7 1.7 or later Initial


For download information, see the section called “AWS IoT Greengrass ML SDK Software” (p. 23).

Enables local Lambda functions to make direct calls to AWS services, such as Amazon S3,
DynamoDB, AWS IoT, and AWS IoT Greengrass. To use an AWS SDK in a Greengrass Lambda function,
you must include it in your deployment package. When you use the AWS SDK in the same package

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Migrating Cloud-Based Lambda Functions

as the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK, make sure that your Lambda functions use the correct
namespaces. Greengrass Lambda functions can't communicate with cloud services when the core is

Download the AWS SDKs from the Getting Started Resource Center.

For more information about creating a deployment package, see the section called “Create and Package
a Lambda Function” (p. 84) in the Getting Started tutorial or Creating a Deployment Package in the AWS
Lambda Developer Guide.

Migrating Cloud-Based Lambda Functions

The AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK follows the AWS SDK programming model, which makes it easy to
port Lambda functions that are developed for the cloud to Lambda functions that run on an AWS IoT
Greengrass core.

For example, the following Python Lambda function uses the AWS SDK for Python to publish a message
to the topic some/topic in the cloud:

import boto3

client = boto3.client('iot-data')
response = client.publish(
topic = 'some/topic',
qos = 0,
payload = 'Some payload'.encode()

To port the function for an AWS IoT Greengrass core, in the import statement and client initialization,
change the boto3 module name to greengrasssdk, as shown in the following example:

import greengrasssdk

client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')
response = client.publish(
topic = 'some/topic',
qos = 0,
payload = 'Some payload'.encode()

The AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK supports sending MQTT messages with QoS = 0 only.

The similarity between programming models also makes it possible for you to develop your Lambda
functions in the cloud and then migrate them to AWS IoT Greengrass with minimal effort. Lambda
executables (p. 187) don't run in the cloud, so you can't use the AWS SDK to develop them in the cloud
before deployment.

Reference Lambda Functions by Alias or Version

Greengrass groups can reference a Lambda function by alias (recommended) or by version. Using an alias
makes it easier to manage code updates because you don't have to change your subscription table or
group definition when the function code is updated. Instead, you just point the alias to the new function
version. Aliases resolve to version numbers during group deployment. When you use aliases, the resolved
version is updated to the version that the alias is pointing to at the time of deployment.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Controlling Greengrass Lambda Function Execution

AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't support Lambda aliases for $LATEST versions. $LATEST versions aren't
bound to immutable, published function versions and can be changed at any time, which is counter to
the AWS IoT Greengrass principle of version immutability.

A common practice for keeping your Greengrass Lambda functions updated with code changes is to use
an alias named PRODUCTION in your Greengrass group and subscriptions. As you promote new versions
of your Lambda function into production, point the alias to the latest stable version and then redeploy
the group. You can also use this method to roll back to a previous version.

Controlling Execution of Greengrass Lambda

Functions by Using Group-Specific Configuration
AWS IoT Greengrass provides cloud-based management of Greengrass Lambda functions. You can
configure details of how the Lambda function behaves when it runs in a group. Although a function's
code and dependencies are managed using AWS Lambda, AWS IoT Greengrass supports the following
group-specific configuration settings:

Run as

The access identity used to run each Lambda function. By default, Lambda functions run as the
group's default access identity (p. 183). Typically, this is the standard AWS IoT Greengrass system
accounts (ggc_user and ggc_group). You can change the setting and choose the user ID and group ID
that have the permissions required to run the Lambda function. You can override both UID and GID
or just one if you leave the other field blank. This setting gives you more granular control over access
to device resources. We recommend that you configure your Greengrass hardware with appropriate
resource limits, file permissions, and disk quotas for the users and groups whose permissions are
used to run Lambda functions.

This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 and later.
We recommend that you avoid running as root unless absolutely necessary. When you run a
Lambda function as root, you increase the risk of unintended changes, such as accidentally
deleting a critical file. In addition, running as root increases the risks to your data and
device from malicious individuals. If you do need to run as root, you must update the AWS
IoT Greengrass configuration to enable it. For more information, see the section called
“Running a Lambda Function as Root” (p. 180).
UID (number)

The user ID for the user that has the permissions required to run the Lambda function. This
setting is only available if you choose Run as another user ID/group ID. You can use the getent
passwd command on your AWS IoT Greengrass device to look up the user ID you want to use to
run the Lambda function.
GID (number)

The group ID for the group that has the permissions required to run the Lambda function. This
setting is only available if you choose Run as another user ID/group ID. You can use the getent
group command on your AWS IoT Greengrass device to look up the group ID you want to use to
run the Lambda function.

Choose whether the Lambda function runs with the default containerization for the group, or
specify the containerization that should always be used for this Lambda function. To run without
enabling your device kernel namespace and cgroup, all your Lambda functions must run without

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Controlling Greengrass Lambda Function Execution

containerization. You can accomplish this easily by setting the default containerization for the group.
For information, see the section called “Setting Default Containerization for Lambda Functions in a
Group” (p. 184).

This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 and later.
We recommend that you run Lambda functions in a Greengrass container unless your
use case requires them to run without containerization. When your Lambda functions are
running in a Greengrass container, you can use attached resources, and gain the benefits
of isolation and increased security. Before you change the containerization, see the section
called “Considerations When Choosing Lambda Function Containerization” (p. 181).
Memory limit

The memory allocation for the function. The default is 16 MB.

This setting is not available when you run a Lambda function without containerization.
Lambda functions run without containerization have no memory limit. The memory limit
setting is discarded when you change the Lambda function to run without containerization.

The amount of time before the function or request is terminated. The default is 3 seconds.

A Lambda function lifecycle can be on-demand or long-lived. The default is on-demand.

An on-demand Lambda function starts in a new or reused container when invoked. Requests to the
function might be processed by any available container. A long-lived—or pinned—Lambda function
starts automatically after AWS IoT Greengrass starts and keeps running in its own container (or
sandbox). All requests to the function are processed by the same container. For more information,
see the section called “Lifecycle Configuration” (p. 187).
Read access to /sys directory

Whether the function can access the host's /sys folder. Use this when the function must read device
information from /sys. The default is false.
This setting is not available when you run a Lambda function without containerization. The
value of this setting is discarded when you change the Lambda function to run without
Input payload data type

The expected encoding type of the input payload for the function, either JSON or binary. The default
is JSON.

Support for the binary encoding type is available starting in AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software
v1.5.0 and AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK v1.1.0. Accepting binary input data can be useful for
functions that interact with device data, because the restricted hardware capabilities of devices
often make it difficult or impossible for them to construct a JSON data type.
Lambda executables (p. 187) support the binary encoding type only, not JSON.
Environment variables

Key-value pairs that can dynamically pass settings to function code and libraries. Local environment
variables work the same way as AWS Lambda function environment variables, but are available in
the core environment.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Running a Lambda Function as Root

Resource access policies

A list of up to 10 local resources (p. 200), secret resources (p. 263), and machine learning
resources (p. 221) that the Lambda function is allowed to access, and the corresponding read-
only or read-write permission. In the console, these affiliated resources are listed on the
function's Resources page.
Resource access policies apply only when Lambda functions are run in a Greengrass
container. When you run Lambda functions without containerization, you can directly access
local resources. You can also access secret resources when running without containerization.

Running a Lambda Function as Root

This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 and later.

Before you can run one or more Lambda functions as root, you must first update the AWS IoT Greengrass
configuration to enable support. Support for running Lambda functions as root is off by default. The
deployment fails if you try to deploy a Lambda function and run it as root (UID and GID of 0) and you
haven't updated the AWS IoT Greengrass configuration. An error like the following appears in the
runtime log (greengrass_root/ggc/var/log/system/runtime.log):

[list of function arns] are configured to run as root while Greengrass is not configured to
run lambdas with root permissions

We recommend that you avoid running as root unless absolutely necessary. When you run a
Lambda function as root, you increase the risk of unintended changes, such as accidentally
deleting a critical file. In addition, running as root increases the risks to your data and device
from malicious individuals.

To allow Lambda functions to run as root

1. On your AWS IoT Greengrass device, navigate to the greengrass-root/config folder.

By default, greengrass-root is the /greengrass directory.
2. Edit the config.json file to add "allowFunctionsToRunAsRoot" : "yes" to the runtime field.
For example:

"coreThing" : {
"runtime" : {
"allowFunctionsToRunAsRoot" : "yes"

3. Use the following commands to restart AWS IoT Greengrass:

cd /greengrass/ggc/core
sudo ./greengrassd restart

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Considerations When Choosing
Lambda Function Containerization

Now you can set the user ID and group ID (UID/GID) of Lambda functions to 0 to run that Lambda
function as root.

You can change the value of "allowFunctionsToRunAsRoot" to "no" and restart AWS IoT
Greengrass if you want to disallow Lambda functions to run as root.

Considerations When Choosing Lambda Function

This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 and later.

By default, Lambda functions run inside an AWS IoT Greengrass container. That container provides
isolation between your functions and the host, which offers more security for both the host and the
functions in the container.

We recommend that you run Lambda functions in a Greengrass container unless your use case requires
them to run without containerization. By running your Lambda functions in a Greengrass container, you
have more control over restricting access to resources.

Here are some example use cases for running without containerization:

• You want to run AWS IoT Greengrass on a device that does not support container mode (for example,
because you are using a special Linux distribution or have a kernel version that is too old).
• You want to run your Lambda function in another container environment with its own OverlayFS, but
encounter OverlayFS conflicts when you run in a Greengrass container.
• You need access to local resources with paths that can't be determined at deployment time or whose
paths can change after deployment, such as pluggable devices.
• You have a legacy application that was written as a process and you have encountered issues when
running it as a containerized Lambda function.

Containerization Differences

Containerization Notes

AWS IoT Greengrass container • All AWS IoT Greengrass features are available
when you run a Lambda function in a
Greengrass container.
• Lambda functions that run in a Greengrass
container do not have access to the deployed
code of other Lambda functions, even if they
run with the same group ID. In other words,
your Lambda functions run with greater
isolation from one another.
• Because Lambda functions that run in an
AWS IoT Greengrass container have all child
processes execute in the same container as
the Lambda function, the child processes
are terminated when the Lambda function is

No container • Not all AWS IoT Greengrass features are

available when you run a Lambda function
without containerization. You must access the
file system directly instead of using attached

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Considerations When Choosing
Lambda Function Containerization

Containerization Notes
local device and volume resources (p. 200).
Currently, machine learning (ML) model
resources (p. 221) aren't supported without
• The Lambda function has read-only access to
the deployed code of other Lambda functions
that are running with the same group ID.
• Lambda functions that spawn child processes
in a different process session or with an
overridden SIGHUP (signal hangup) handler,
such as with the nohup utility, are not
automatically terminated by AWS IoT
Greengrass when the parent Lambda function is
• Connectors (p. 283), local device and volume
resources, Lambda function memory limits, and
ML model resources aren't supported when the
default Lambda function containerization for
the Greengrass group is set to No container.
These features require AWS IoT Greengrass to
run with containerization.

Changing the containerization for a Lambda function can cause problems when you deploy it. If you
had assigned local resources to your Lambda function that are no longer available with your new
containerization settings, deployment fails.

• When you change a Lambda function from running in a Greengrass container to running without
containerization, memory limits for the function are discarded. You must access the file system directly
instead of using attached local resources. You must remove any attached resources before you deploy.
• When you change a Lambda function from running without containerization to running in a container,
your Lambda function loses direct access to the file system. You must define a memory limit for each
function or accept the default 16 MB. You can configure those settings for each Lambda function
before you deploy.

To change containerization settings for a Lambda function

1. In the AWS IoT console, choose Greengrass, and then choose Groups.
2. Choose the group that contains the Lambda function whose settings you want to change.
3. Choose Lambdas.
4. On the Lambda function that you want to change, choose the ellipsis (…) and then choose Edit
5. Change the containerization settings. If you configure the Lambda function to run in a Greengrass
container, you must also set Memory limit and Read access to /sys directory.
6. Choose Update to save the changes to your Lambda function.

The changes take effect when the group is deployed.

You can also use the CreateFunctionDefinition and CreateFunctionDefinitionVersion in the AWS IoT
Greengrass API Reference. If you are changing the containerization setting, be sure to update the other
parameters too. For example, if you are changing from running a Lambda function in a Greengrass
container to running without containerization, be sure to clear the MemorySize parameter.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Setting the Default Access Identity
for Lambda Functions in a Group

Determine the Isolation Modes Supported by Your Greengrass

You can use the AWS IoT Greengrass dependency checker to determine which isolation modes
(Greengrass container/no container) are supported by your Greengrass device.

To run the AWS IoT Greengrass dependency checker

1. Download and run the AWS IoT Greengrass dependency checker from the GitHub repository.

wget https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-greengrass-samples/raw/master/greengrass-
unzip greengrass-dependency-checker-GGCv1.9.x.zip
cd greengrass-dependency-checker-GGCv1.9.x
sudo modprobe configs
sudo ./check_ggc_dependencies | more

2. Where more appears, press the Spacebar key to display another page of text.

For information about the modprobe command, run man modprobe in the terminal.

Setting the Default Access Identity for Lambda

Functions in a Group
This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.8 and later.

For more control over access to device resources, you can configure the default access identity used
to run Lambda functions in the group. This setting determines the default permissions given to your
Lambda functions when they run on the core device. To override the setting for individual functions in
the group, you can use the function's Run as property. For more information, see Run as (p. 178).

This group-level setting is also used for running the underlying AWS IoT Greengrass Core software. This
consists of system Lambda functions that manage operations, such as message routing, local shadow
sync, and automatic IP address detection.

The default access identity can be configured to run as the standard AWS IoT Greengrass system
accounts (ggc_user and ggc_group) or use the permissions of another user or group. We recommend
that you configure your Greengrass hardware with appropriate resource limits, file permissions, and disk
quotas for any users and groups whose permissions are used to run user-defined or system Lambda

To modify the default access identity for your AWS IoT Greengrass group

1. In the AWS IoT console, choose Greengrass, and then choose Groups.
2. Choose the group whose settings you want to change.
3. Choose Settings.
4. Under Lambda runtime environment, for Default Lambda function user ID/ group ID, choose
Another user ID/group ID.

When you choose this option, the UID (number) and GID (number) fields are displayed.
5. Enter a user ID, group ID, or both. If you leave a field blank, the respective Greengrass system
account (ggc_user or ggc_group) is used.

• For UID (number), enter the user ID for the user who has the permissions you want to use by
default to run Lambda functions in the group. You can use the getent passwd command on your
AWS IoT Greengrass device to look up the user ID.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Setting Default Containerization
for Lambda Functions in a Group

• For GID (number), enter the group ID for the group that has the permissions you want to use by
default to run Lambda functions in the group. You can use the getent group command on your
AWS IoT Greengrass device to look up the group ID.

Running as the root user increases risks to your data and device. Do not run as root (UID/
GID=0) unless your business case requires it. For more information, see the section called
“Running a Lambda Function as Root” (p. 180).

The changes take effect when the group is deployed.

Setting Default Containerization for Lambda

Functions in a Group
This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 and later.

You can modify the group settings to specify the default containerization for Lambda functions in the
group. You can override this setting for one or more Lambda functions in the group if you want the
Lambda functions to run with containerization different from the group default. Before you change
containerization settings, see the section called “Considerations When Choosing Lambda Function
Containerization” (p. 181).
If you want to change the default containerization for the group, but have one or more
functions that use a different containerization, change the settings for the Lambda functions
before you change the group setting. If you change the group containerization setting first, the
values for the Memory limit and Read access to /sys directory settings are discarded.

To modify containerization settings for your AWS IoT Greengrass group

1. In the AWS IoT console, choose Greengrass, and then choose Groups.
2. Choose the group whose settings you want to change.
3. Choose Settings.
4. Under Lambda runtime environment, change the containerization setting.

The changes take effect when the group is deployed.

Communication Flows for Greengrass Lambda

Greengrass Lambda functions support several methods of communicating with other members of the
AWS IoT Greengrass group, local services, and cloud services (including AWS services).

Communication Using MQTT Messages

Lambda functions can send and receive MQTT messages using a publish-subscribe pattern that's
controlled by subscriptions.

This communication flow allows Lambda functions to exchange messages with the following entities:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Other Communication Flows

• Devices in the group.

• Connectors in the group.
• Other Lambda functions in the group.
• AWS IoT.
• Local Device Shadow service.

A subscription defines a message source, a message target, and a topic (or subject) that's used to
route messages from the source to the target. Messages that are published to a Lambda function are
passed to the function's registered handler. Subscriptions enable more security and provide predictable
interactions. For more information, see the section called “Greengrass Messaging Workflow” (p. 441).
When the core is offline, Greengrass Lambda functions can exchange messages with devices,
connectors, other functions, and local shadows, but messages to AWS IoT are queued. For more
information, see the section called “MQTT Message Queue” (p. 55).

Other Communication Flows

• To interact with local resources and machine learning models on a core device, Greengrass Lambda
functions use platform-specific operating system interfaces. For example, you can use the open
method in the os module in Python 2.7 functions. To allow a function to access a resource, the
function must be affiliated with the resource and granted read-only or read-write permission.
For more information, including AWS IoT Greengrass core version availability, see Access Local
Resources (p. 200) and Perform Machine Learning Inference (p. 221).
If you run your Lambda function without containerization, you cannot use attached local
resources and must access those resources directly. Machine learning resources are not
available for Lambda functions that run without containerization.
• Greengrass Lambda functions can use the AWS SDK to communicate with AWS services. For more
information, see AWS SDK (p. 176).
• Greengrass Lambda functions can use third-party interfaces to communicate with external cloud
services, similar to cloud-based Lambda functions.

Greengrass Lambda functions can't communicate with AWS or other cloud services when the
core is offline.

Retrieve the Input MQTT Topic (or Subject)

AWS IoT Greengrass uses subscriptions to control the exchange of MQTT messages between
devices, Lambda functions, and connectors in a group, and with AWS IoT or the local shadow
service. Subscriptions define a message source, message target, and an MQTT topic used to route
messages. When the target is a Lambda function, the function's handler is invoked when the source
publishes a message. For more information, see the section called “Communication Using MQTT
Messages” (p. 184).

The following example shows how a Lambda function can get the input topic from the context
that's passed to the handler. It does this by accessing the subject key from the context hierarchy
(context.client_context.custom['subject']). The example also parses the input JSON message
and then publishes the parsed topic and message.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Retrieve the Input Topic (or Subject)

In the AWS IoT Greengrass API, the topic of a subscription is represented by the subject

import greengrasssdk
import logging

client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')

OUTPUT_TOPIC = 'test/topic_results'

def get_input_topic(context):
topic = context.client_context.custom['subject']
except Exception as e:
logging.error('Topic could not be parsed. ' + repr(e))
return topic

def get_input_message(event):
message = event['test-key']
except Exception as e:
logging.error('Message could not be parsed. ' + repr(e))
return message

def function_handler(event, context):

input_topic = get_input_topic(context)
input_message = get_input_message(event)
response = 'Invoked on topic "%s" with message "%s"' % (input_topic, input_message)
except Exception as e:

client.publish(topic=OUTPUT_TOPIC, payload=response)


To test the function, add it to your group using the default configuration settings. Then, add the
following subscriptions and deploy the group. For instructions, see the section called “Module 3 (Part 1):
Lambda Functions on AWS IoT Greengrass” (p. 84).




After the deployment is completed, invoke the function.

1. In the AWS IoT console, open the Test page.

2. Subscribe to the test/topic_results topic.
3. Publish a message to the test/input_message topic. For this example, you must include the
test-key property in the JSON messsage.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Lifecycle Configuration

"test-key": "Some string value"


If successful, the function publishes the input topic and message string to the test/
topic_results topic.

Lifecycle Configuration for Greengrass Lambda

The Greengrass Lambda function lifecycle determines when a function starts and how it creates and uses
containers. The lifecycle also determines how variables and preprocessing logic that are outside of the
function handler are retained.

AWS IoT Greengrass supports the on-demand (default) or long-lived lifecycles:

• On-demand functions start when they are invoked and stop when there are no tasks left to execute.
An invocation of the function creates a separate container (or sandbox) to process invocations, unless
an existing container is available for reuse. Data that's sent to the function might be pulled by any of
the containers.

Multiple invocations of an on-demand function can run in parallel.

Variables and preprocessing logic that are defined outside of the function handler are not retained
when new containers are created.

• Long-lived (or pinned) functions start automatically when the AWS IoT Greengrass core starts and run
in a single container. All data that's sent to the function is pulled by the same container.

Multiple invocations are queued until earlier invocations are executed.

Variables and preprocessing logic that are defined outside of the function handler are retained for
every invocation of the handler.

Long-lived Lambda functions are useful when you need to start doing work without any initial input.
For example, a long-lived function can load and start processing an ML model to be ready when the
function starts receiving device data.
Remember that long-lived functions have timeouts that are associated with invocations of
their handler. If you want to execute indefinitely running code, you must start it outside the
handler. Make sure that there's no blocking code outside the handler that might prevent the
function from completing its initialization.
These functions run unless the core stops (for example, during a group deployment or a
device reboot) or the function enters an error state (such as a handler timeout, uncaught
exception, or when it exceeds its memory limits).

For more information about container reuse, see Understanding Container Reuse in AWS Lambda on the
AWS Compute Blog.

Lambda Executables
This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.6 and later.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Executable

A Lambda executable is a type of Greengrass Lambda function that you can use to run binary code in the
core environment. It lets you execute device-specific functionality natively and benefit from the smaller
footprint of compiled code. Lambda executables can be invoked by events, invoke other functions, and
access local resources.

Lambda executables support the binary encoding type only (not JSON), but otherwise you can manage
them in your Greengrass group and deploy them like other Greengrass Lambda functions. However, the
process of creating Lambda executables is different from creating Python, Java, and Node.js Lambda

• You can't use the AWS Lambda console to create (or manage) a Lambda executable. You can create a
Lambda executable only by using the AWS Lambda API.
• You upload the function code to AWS Lambda as a compiled executable that includes the AWS IoT
Greengrass Core SDK for C.
• You specify the executable name as the function handler.

Lambda executables must implement certain calls and programming patterns in their function code. For
example, the main method must:

• Call gg_global_init to initialize Greengrass internal global variables. This function must be called
before creating any threads, and before calling any other AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK functions.
• Call gg_runtime_start to register the function handler with the Greengrass Lambda runtime. This
function must be called during initialization. Calling this function causes the current thread to be
used by the runtime. The optional GG_RT_OPT_ASYNC parameter tells this function to not block, but
instead to create a new thread for the runtime. This function uses a SIGTERM handler.

The following snippet is the main method from the simple_handler.c code example on GitHub.

int main() {
gg_error err = GGE_SUCCESS;

err = gg_global_init(0);
if(err) {
gg_log(GG_LOG_ERROR, "gg_global_init failed %d", err);
goto cleanup;

gg_runtime_start(handler, 0);

return -1;

For more information about requirements, constraints, and other implementation details, see AWS IoT
Greengrass Core SDK for C.

Create a Lambda Executable

After you compile your code along with the SDK, use the AWS Lambda API to create a Lambda function
and upload your compiled executable.
Your function must be compiled with a C89 compatible compiler.

The following example uses the create-function CLI command to create a Lambda executable. The
command specifies:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker Container

• The name of the executable for the handler. This must be the exact name of your compiled executable.
• The path to the .zip file that contains the compiled executable.
• arn:aws:greengrass:::runtime/function/executable for the runtime. This is the runtime for
all Lambda executables.

For role, you can specify the ARN of any Lambda execution role. AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't
use this role, but the parameter is required to create the function. For more information about
Lambda execution roles, see AWS Lambda Permissions Model in the AWS Lambda Developer

aws lambda create-function \

--region aws-region \
--function-name function-name \
--handler executable-name \
--role role-arn \
--zip-file fileb://file-name.zip \
--runtime arn:aws:greengrass:::runtime/function/executable

Next, use the AWS Lambda API to publish a version and create an alias.

• Use publish-version to publish a function version.

aws lambda publish-version \

--function-name function-name \
--region aws-region

• Use create-alias to create an alias the points to the version you just published. We recommend that
you reference Lambda functions by alias when you add them to a Greengrass group.

aws lambda create-alias \

--function-name function-name \
--name alias-name \
--function-version version-number \
--region aws-region

The AWS Lambda console doesn't display Lambda executables. To update the function code, you
must use the AWS Lambda API.

Then, add the Lambda executable to a Greengrass group, configure it to accept binary input data in its
group-specific settings, and deploy the group. You can do this in the AWS IoT Greengrass console or by
using the AWS IoT Greengrass API.

Running AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker Container

This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 and later.

AWS IoT Greengrass can be configured to run in a Docker container.

Connectors, local device and volume resources, and local machine learning model resources
can't be used in a Docker container. These features aren't supported when the Lambda runtime
environment for the Greengrass group is set to No container (p. 181), which is required to run
AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker container.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

You can download a Dockerfile through Amazon CloudFront (p. 21) that has the AWS IoT Greengrass
Core software and dependencies installed. To modify the Docker image to run on different platform
architectures or reduce the size of the Docker image, see the README file in the Docker package

To help you get started quickly and experiment with AWS IoT Greengrass, AWS also provides a prebuilt
Docker image that has the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software and dependencies installed. You can
download the prebuilt image from Docker Hub or Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) and
run it on Windows, macOS, and Linux (x86_64) platforms. This topic describes how to download the
image from Amazon ECR. It contains the following steps:

1. Get the AWS IoT Greengrass Container Image from Amazon ECR (p. 190)
2. Create and Configure the Greengrass Group and Core (p. 193)
3. Run AWS IoT Greengrass Locally (p. 193)
4. Configure "No container" Containerization for the Group (p. 197)
5. Deploy Lambda Functions to the Docker Container (p. 197)
6. (Optional) Deploy Devices that Interact with Greengrass in the Docker Container (p. 197)

To complete this tutorial, the following software and versions must be installed on your host computer.

• Docker, version 18.09 or later. Earlier versions might also work, but version 18.09 or later is preferred.
• Python, version 3.6 or later.
• pip version 18.1 or later.
• AWS CLI version 1.16 or later.
• To install and configure the CLI, see Installing the AWS Command Line Interface and Configuring the
AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
• To upgrade to the latest version of the AWS CLI, run the following command:

pip install awscli --upgrade --user

If you use the MSI installation of the AWS CLI on Windows, be aware of the following:
• If the installation fails to install botocore, try using the Python and pip installation.
• To upgrade to a newer CLI version, you must repeat the MSI installation process.

Step 1: Get the AWS IoT Greengrass Container Image

from Amazon ECR
AWS IoT Greengrass provides a Docker image that has the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software installed.
For steps that show how to pull the container image from Amazon ECR, choose your operating system:

Pull the Container Image (Linux)

Run the following commands in your computer terminal.

1. Get the required login command, which contains an authorization token for the AWS IoT Greengrass
registry in Amazon ECR.

aws ecr get-login --registry-ids 216483018798 --no-include-email --region us-west-2

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Get the AWS IoT Greengrass
Container Image from Amazon ECR

The output is the docker login command that you use in the next step.
2. Authenticate your Docker client to the AWS IoT Greengrass container image in the registry by
running the docker login command from the get-login output. The command should be
similar to the following example.

docker login -u AWS -p abCzYZ123... https://216483018798.dkr.ecr.us-


3. Retrieve the AWS IoT Greengrass container image.

docker pull 216483018798.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/aws-iot-greengrass:latest

The latest tag corresponds to the latest AWS IoT Greengrass container. You can also
pull other versions from the repository. To list all images that are available in the AWS IoT
Greengrass repository, use the aws ecr list-images command. For example:

aws ecr list-images --region us-west-2 --registry-id 216483018798 --repository-

name aws-iot-greengrass

4. Enable symlink and hardlink protection. If you're experimenting with running AWS IoT Greengrass in
a container, you can enable the settings for the current boot only.
You might need to use sudo to run these commands.

• To enable the settings for the current boot only:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/fs/protected_hardlinks

echo 1 > /proc/sys/fs/protected_symlinks

• To enable the settings to persist across restarts:

echo '# AWS Greengrass' >> /etc/sysctl.conf

echo 'fs.protected_hardlinks = 1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo 'fs.protected_symlinks = 1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf

sysctl -p

5. Enable IPv4 network forwarding, which is required for AWS IoT Greengrass cloud deployment
and MQTT communications to work on Linux. In the /etc/sysctl.conf file, set
net.ipv4.ip_forward to 1, and then reload sysctls.

sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf

# set this net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
sudo sysctl -p

You can use the editor of your choice instead of nano.

Pull the Container Image (macOS)

Run the following commands in your computer terminal.

1. Get the required login command, which contains an authorization token for the AWS IoT Greengrass
registry in Amazon ECR.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Get the AWS IoT Greengrass
Container Image from Amazon ECR

aws ecr get-login --registry-ids 216483018798 --no-include-email --region us-west-2

The output is the docker login command that you use in the next step.
2. Authenticate your Docker client to the AWS IoT Greengrass container image in the registry by
running the docker login command from the get-login output. The command should be
similar to the following example.

docker login -u AWS -p abCzYZ123... https://216483018798.dkr.ecr.us-


3. Retrieve the AWS IoT Greengrass container image.

docker pull 216483018798.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/aws-iot-greengrass:latest

The latest tag corresponds to the latest AWS IoT Greengrass container. You can also
pull other versions from the repository. To list all images that are available in the AWS IoT
Greengrass repository, use the aws ecr list-images command. For example:

aws ecr list-images --region us-west-2 --registry-id 216483018798 --repository-

name aws-iot-greengrass

Pull the Container Image (Windows)

Run the following commands in a command prompt. Before you can use Docker commands on Windows,
Docker Desktop must be running.

1. Get the required login command, which contains an authorization token for the AWS IoT Greengrass
registry in Amazon ECR.

aws ecr get-login --registry-ids 216483018798 --no-include-email --region us-west-2

The output is the docker login command that you use in the next step.
2. Authenticate your Docker client to the AWS IoT Greengrass container image in the registry by
running the docker login command from the get-login output. The command should be
similar to the following example.

docker login -u AWS -p abCzYZ123... https://216483018798.dkr.ecr.us-


3. Retrieve the AWS IoT Greengrass container image.

docker pull 216483018798.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/aws-iot-greengrass:latest

The latest tag corresponds to the latest AWS IoT Greengrass container. You can also
pull other versions from the repository. To list all images that are available in the AWS IoT
Greengrass repository, use the aws ecr list-images command. For example:

aws ecr list-images --region us-west-2 --registry-id 216483018798 --repository-

name aws-iot-greengrass

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Configure the Greengrass Group and Core

Step 2: Create and Configure the Greengrass Group

and Core
The Docker image has the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software installed, but you must create a Greengrass
group and core. This includes downloading certificates and the core configuration file.

• Follow the steps in the section called “Configure AWS IoT Greengrass on AWS IoT” (p. 77). Skip the
step where you download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software. The software and its runtime
dependencies are already set up in the Docker image.

Step 3: Run AWS IoT Greengrass Locally

After your group is configured, you're ready to configure and start the core. For steps that show how to
do this, choose your operating system:

Run Greengrass Locally (Linux)

Run the following commands in your computer terminal.

1. Decompress the certificates and configuration file (that you downloaded when you created your
Greengrass group) into a known location, such as /tmp. For example:

tar xvzf hash-setup.tar.gz -C /tmp/

2. Review Server Authentication in the AWS IoT Developer Guide and choose the appropriate root CA
certificate. We recommend that you use Amazon Trust Services (ATS) endpoints and ATS root CA

Run the following commands to download the root CA certificate to the directory where you
decompressed the certificates and configuration file. Certificates enable your device to connect to
AWS IoT over TLS.

Replace /tmp with the path to the directory.

Your root CA certificate type must match your endpoint. Use an ATS root CA certificate with
an ATS endpoint (preferred) or a Verisign root CA certificate with a legacy endpoint. Only
some AWS Regions support legacy endpoints. For more information, see the section called
“Endpoints Must Match the Certificate Type” (p. 45).

• For ATS endpoints (preferred), download the appropriate ATS root CA certificate. The following
example downloads AmazonRootCA1.pem.

cd /tmp/certs/
sudo wget -O root.ca.pem https://www.amazontrust.com/repository/AmazonRootCA1.pem

• For legacy endpoints, download a Verisign root CA certificate. Although legacy endpoints are
acceptable for the purposes of this tutorial, we recommend that you create an ATS endpoint and
download an ATS root CA certificate.

cd /tmp/certs/
sudo wget -O root.ca.pem https://www.symantec.com/content/en/us/enterprise/verisign/

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Run AWS IoT Greengrass Locally

The wget -O parameter is the capital letter O.
3. Start AWS IoT Greengrass and bind-mount the certificates and configuration file in the Docker

Replace /tmp with the path where you decompressed your certificates and configuration file.

docker run --rm --init -it --name aws-iot-greengrass \

--entrypoint /greengrass-entrypoint.sh \
-v /tmp/certs:/greengrass/certs \
-v /tmp/config:/greengrass/config \
-p 8883:8883 \

The output should look like this example:

Setting up greengrass daemon

Validating hardlink/softlink protection
Waiting for up to 30s for Daemon to start

Greengrass successfully started with PID: 10

Run Greengrass Locally (macOS)

Run the following commands in your computer terminal.

1. Decompress the certificates and configuration file (that you downloaded when you created your
Greengrass group) into a known location, such as /tmp. For example:

tar xvzf hash-setup.tar.gz -C /tmp/

2. Review Server Authentication in the AWS IoT Developer Guide and choose the appropriate root CA
certificate. We recommend that you use Amazon Trust Services (ATS) endpoints and ATS root CA

Run the following commands to download the root CA certificate to the directory where you
decompressed the certificates and configuration file. Certificates enable your device to connect to
AWS IoT over TLS.

Replace /tmp with the path to the directory.

Your root CA certificate type must match your endpoint. Use an ATS root CA certificate with
an ATS endpoint (preferred) or a Verisign root CA certificate with a legacy endpoint. Only
some AWS Regions support legacy endpoints. For more information, see the section called
“Endpoints Must Match the Certificate Type” (p. 45).

• For ATS endpoints (preferred), download the appropriate ATS root CA certificate. The following
example downloads AmazonRootCA1.pem.

cd /tmp/certs/
sudo wget -O root.ca.pem https://www.amazontrust.com/repository/AmazonRootCA1.pem

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Run AWS IoT Greengrass Locally

• For legacy endpoints, download a Verisign root CA certificate. Although legacy endpoints are
acceptable for the purposes of this tutorial, we recommend that you create an ATS endpoint and
download an ATS root CA certificate.

cd /tmp/certs/
sudo wget -O root.ca.pem https://www.symantec.com/content/en/us/enterprise/verisign/

The wget -O parameter is the capital letter O.
3. Start AWS IoT Greengrass and bind-mount the certificates and configuration file in the Docker

Replace /tmp with the path where you decompressed your certificates and configuration file.

docker run --rm --init -it --name aws-iot-greengrass \

--entrypoint /greengrass-entrypoint.sh \
-v /tmp/certs:/greengrass/certs \
-v /tmp/config:/greengrass/config \
-p 8883:8883 \

The output should look like this example:

Setting up greengrass daemon

Validating hardlink/softlink protection
Waiting for up to 30s for Daemon to start

Greengrass successfully started with PID: 10

Run Greengrass Locally (Windows)

1. Use a utility such as WinZip or 7-Zip to decompress the certificates and configuration file that
you downloaded when you created your Greengrass group. For more information, see the WinZip

Locate the downloaded hash-setup.tar.gz file on your computer and then decompress the file
into C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\.
2. Review Server Authentication in the AWS IoT Developer Guide and choose the appropriate root CA
certificate. We recommend that you use Amazon Trust Services (ATS) endpoints and ATS root CA

Run the following commands to download the root CA certificate to the directory where you
decompressed the certificates and configuration file. Certificates enable your device to connect to
AWS IoT over TLS.
Your root CA certificate type must match your endpoint. Use an ATS root CA certificate with
an ATS endpoint (preferred) or a Verisign root CA certificate with a legacy endpoint. Only
some AWS Regions support legacy endpoints. For more information, see the section called
“Endpoints Must Match the Certificate Type” (p. 45).

• For ATS endpoints (preferred), download the appropriate ATS root CA certificate. The following
example downloads AmazonRootCA1.pem.
• If you have curl installed, run the following commands in your command prompt.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Run AWS IoT Greengrass Locally

cd C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\certs
curl https://www.amazontrust.com/repository/AmazonRootCA1.pem -o root.ca.pem

• Otherwise, in a web browser, open the Amazon Root CA 1 certificate. Save the document as
root.ca.pem in the C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\certs directory, which contains
the decompressed certificates.
Depending on your browser, save the file directly from the browser or copy the
displayed key to the clipboard and save it in Notepad.
• For legacy endpoints, download a Verisign root CA certificate. Although legacy endpoints are
acceptable for the purposes of this tutorial, we recommend that you create an ATS endpoint and
download an ATS root CA certificate.
• If you have curl installed, run the following commands in your command prompt.

cd C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\certs
curl https://www.symantec.com/content/en/us/enterprise/verisign/roots/VeriSign-
Class%203-Public-Primary-Certification-Authority-G5.pem -o root.ca.pem

• Otherwise, in a web browser, open the Verisign Class 3 Public Primary G5 root CA certificate.
Save the document as root.ca.pem in the C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\certs
directory, which contains the decompressed certificates.
Depending on your browser, save the file directly from the browser or copy the
displayed key to the clipboard and save it in Notepad.
3. Start AWS IoT Greengrass and bind-mount the certificates and configuration file in the Docker
container. Run the following commands in your command prompt.

docker run --rm --init -it --name aws-iot-greengrass --entrypoint /greengrass-

entrypoint.sh -v c:/Users/%USERNAME%/Downloads/certs:/greengrass/certs -v c:/Users/
%USERNAME%/Downloads/config:/greengrass/config -p 8883:8883 216483018798.dkr.ecr.us-

When Docker prompts you to share your C:\ drive with the Docker daemon, allow it to bind-mount
the C:\ directory inside the Docker container. For more information, see Shared drives in the Docker

The output should look like this example:

Setting up greengrass daemon

Validating hardlink/softlink protection
Waiting for up to 30s for Daemon to start

Greengrass successfully started with PID: 10

If the container doesn't open the shell and exits immediately, you can debug the issue by bind-
mounting the Greengrass runtime logs when you start the image. For more information, see the
section called “To Persist Greengrass Runtime Logs Outside of the Docker Container” (p. 198).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure "No container" Containerization for the Group

Step 4: Configure "No container" Containerization for

the Greengrass Group
When you run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker container, all Lambda functions must run without
containerization. In this step, you set the default containerization for the group to No container. You
must do this before you deploy the group for the first time.

1. In the AWS IoT console, choose Greengrass, and then choose Groups.
2. Choose the group whose settings you want to change.
3. Choose Settings.
4. Under Lambda runtime environment, choose No container.
5. Choose Update default Lambda execution configuration. Review the message in the confirmation
window, and then choose Continue.

For more information, see the section called “Setting Default Containerization for Lambda Functions in a
Group” (p. 184).
By default, Lambda functions use the group containerization setting. If you override the No
container setting for any Lambda functions when AWS IoT Greengrass is running in a Docker
container, the deployment fails.

Step 5: Deploy Lambda Functions to the AWS IoT

Greengrass Docker Container
You can deploy long-lived Lambda functions to the Greengrass Docker container.

• Follow the steps in the section called “Module 3 (Part 1): Lambda Functions on AWS IoT
Greengrass” (p. 84) to deploy a long-lived Hello World Lambda function to the container.

Step 6: (Optional) Deploy Devices that Interact with

Greengrass Running in the Docker Container
You can also deploy Greengrass devices that interact with AWS IoT Greengrass when it's running in a
Docker container.

• Follow the steps in the section called “Module 4: Interacting with Devices in an AWS IoT Greengrass
Group” (p. 109) to deploy devices that connect to the core and send MQTT messages.

Stopping the AWS IoT Greengrass Docker Container

To stop the AWS IoT Greengrass Docker container, press Ctrl+C in your terminal or command prompt.
This action sends SIGTERM to the Greengrass daemon process to tear down the Greengrass daemon
process and all Lambda processes that were started by the daemon process. The Docker container is
initialized with /dev/init process as PID 1, which helps in removing any leftover zombie processes. For
more information, see the Docker run reference.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Troubleshooting AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker Container

Troubleshooting AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker

Use the following information to help troubleshoot issues with running AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker

Error: Unknown options: -no-include-email

Solution: This error can occur when you run the aws ecr get-login command. Make sure that you
have the latest AWS CLI version installed (for example, run: pip install awscli --upgrade --
user). If you're using Windows and you installed the CLI using the MSI installer, you must repeat the
installation process. For more information, see Installing the AWS Command Line Interface on Microsoft
Windows in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

Warning: IPv4 is disabled. Networking will not work.

Solution: You might receive this warning or a similar message when running AWS IoT Greengrass on a
Linux computer. Enable IPv4 network forwarding as described in this step (p. 191). AWS IoT Greengrass
cloud deployment and MQTT communications don't work when IPv4 forwarding isn't enabled. For
more information, see Configure namespaced kernel parameters (sysctls) at runtime in the Docker

Error: A firewall is blocking file Sharing between windows and

the containers.
Solution: You might receive this error or a Firewall Detected message when running Docker on a
Windows computer. See the Error: A firewall is blocking file sharing between Windows and the containers
Docker support issue. This can also occur if you are signed in on a virtual private network (VPN) and your
network settings are preventing the shared drive from being mounted. In that situation, turn off VPN
and re-run the Docker container.

For general AWS IoT Greengrass troubleshooting help, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).

Debugging AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker Container

To debug issues with a Docker container, you can persist the Greengrass runtime logs or attach an
interactive shell to the Docker container.

To Persist Greengrass Runtime Logs Outside of the Docker Container

You can run the AWS IoT Greengrass Docker container after bind-mounting the /greengrass/ggc/
var/log directory. The logs persist even after the container exits or is removed.

On Linux or macOS

Stop any Greengrass Docker containers (p. 197) running on the host, and then run the following
command in a terminal. This bind-mounts the Greengrass log directory and starts the Docker

Replace /tmp with the path where you decompressed your certificates and configuration file.

docker run --rm --init -it --name aws-iot-greengrass \

--entrypoint /greengrass-entrypoint.sh \
-v /tmp/certs:/greengrass/certs \
-v /tmp/config:/greengrass/config \

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Troubleshooting AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker Container

-v /tmp/log:/greengrass/ggc/var/log \
-p 8883:8883 \

You can then check your logs at /tmp/log on your host to see what happened while Greengrass was
running inside the Docker container.
On Windows

Stop any Greengrass Docker containers (p. 197) running on the host, and then run the following
command in a command prompt. This bind-mounts the Greengrass log directory and starts the
Docker image.

cd C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads
mkdir log
docker run --rm --init -it --name aws-iot-greengrass --entrypoint /greengrass-
entrypoint.sh -v c:/Users/%USERNAME%/Downloads/certs:/greengrass/certs -v c:/Users/
%USERNAME%/Downloads/config:/greengrass/config -v c:/Users/%USERNAME%/Downloads/log:/
greengrass/ggc/var/log -p 8883:8883 216483018798.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/aws-

You can then check your logs at C:/Users/%USERNAME%/Downloads/log on your host to see
what happened while Greengrass was running inside the Docker container.

To Attach an Interactive Shell to the Docker Container

You can attach an interactive shell to a running AWS IoT Greengrass Docker container. This can help you
investigate the state of the Greengrass Docker container.

On Linux or macOS

While the Greengrass Docker container is running, run the following command in a separate

docker exec -it $(docker ps -a -q -f "name=aws-iot-greengrass") /bin/bash

On Windows

While the Greengrass Docker container is running, run the following commands in a separate
command prompt.

docker ps -a -q -f "name=aws-iot-greengrass"

Replace gg-container-id with the container_id result from the previous command.

docker exec -it gg-container-id /bin/bash

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Supported Resource Types

Access Local Resources with Lambda

Functions and Connectors
This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.3 and later.

With AWS IoT Greengrass, you can author AWS Lambda functions and configure connectors (p. 283) in
the cloud and deploy them to core devices for local execution. On Greengrass cores running Linux, these
locally deployed Lambda functions and connectors can access local resources that are physically present
on the Greengrass core device. For example, to communicate with devices that are connected through
Modbus or CANbus, you can enable your Lambda function to access the serial port on the core device.
To configure secure access to local resources, you must guarantee the security of your physical hardware
and your Greengrass core device OS.

To get started accessing local resources, see the following tutorials:

• How to Configure Local Resource Access Using the AWS Command Line Interface (p. 202)
• How to Configure Local Resource Access Using the AWS Management Console (p. 207)

Supported Resource Types

You can access two types of local resources: volume resources and device resources.

Volume resources

Files or directories on the root file system (except under /sys, /dev, or /var). These include:
• Folders or files used to read or write information across Greengrass Lambda functions (for
example, /usr/lib/python2.x/site-packages/local).
• Folders or files under the host's /proc file system (for example, /proc/net or /proc/stat).
Supported in v1.6 or later. For additional requirements, see the section called “Volume Resources
Under the /proc Directory” (p. 201).
To configure the /var, /var/run, and /var/lib directories as volume resources, first
mount the directory in a different folder and then configure the folder as a volume

When you configure volume resources, you specify a source path and a destination path. The source
path is the absolute path of the resource on the host. The destination path is the absolute path of
the resource inside the Lambda namespace environment. This is the container that a Greengrass
Lambda function or connector runs in. Any changes to the destination path are reflected in the
source path on the host file system.
Files in the destination path are visible in the Lambda namespace only. You can't see them
in a regular Linux namespace.
Device resources

Files under /dev. Only character devices or block devices under /dev are allowed for device
resources. These include:
• Serial ports used to communicate with devices connected through serial ports (for example, /
dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1).
• USB used to connect USB peripherals (for example, /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/bus/usb).
• GPIOs used for sensors and actuators through GPIO (for example, /dev/gpiomem).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

• GPUs used to accelerate machine learning using on-board GPUs (for example, /dev/nvidia0).
• Cameras used to capture images and videos (for example, /dev/video0).
/dev/shm is an exception. It can be configured as a volume resource only. Resources under
/dev/shm must be granted rw permission.

AWS IoT Greengrass also supports resource types that are used to perform machine learning inference.
For more information, see Perform Machine Learning Inference (p. 221).

The following requirements apply to configuring secure access to local resources:

• You must be using AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.3 or later. To create resources for the host's /
proc directory, you must be using v1.6 or later.
• The local resource (including any required drivers and libraries) must be correctly installed on the
Greengrass core device and consistently available during use.
• The desired operation of the resource, and access to the resource, must not require root privileges.
• Only read or read and write permissions are available. Lambda functions cannot perform
privileged operations on the resources.
• You must provide the full path of the local resource on the operating system of the Greengrass core
• A resource name or ID has a maximum length of 128 characters and must use the pattern [a-zA-

Volume Resources Under the /proc Directory

The following considerations apply to volume resources that are under the host's /proc directory.

• You must be using AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.6 or later.
• You can allow read-only access for Lambda functions, but not read-write access. This level of access is
managed by AWS IoT Greengrass.
• You might also need to grant OS group permissions to enable read access in the file system. For
example, suppose your source directory or file has a 660 file permission, which means that only the
owner or user in the group has read (and write) access. In this case, you must add the OS group owner's
permissions to the resource. For more information, see the section called “Group Owner File Access
Permission” (p. 201).
• The host environment and the Lambda namespace both contain a /proc directory, so be sure to avoid
naming conflicts when you specify the destination path. For example, if /proc is the source path, you
can specify /host-proc as the destination path (or any path name other than "/proc").

Group Owner File Access Permission

An AWS IoT Greengrass Lambda function process normally runs as ggc_user and ggc_group. However,
you can give additional file access permissions to the Lambda function process in the local resource
definition, as follows:

• To add the permissions of the Linux group that owns the resource, use the
GroupOwnerSetting#AutoAddGroupOwner parameter or Automatically add OS group
permissions of the Linux group that owns the resource console option.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
See Also

• To add the permissions of a different Linux group, use the GroupOwnerSetting#GroupOwner

parameter or Specify another OS group to add permission console option. The GroupOwner value is
ignored if GroupOwnerSetting#AutoAddGroupOwner is true.

An AWS IoT Greengrass Lambda function process inherits all of the file system permissions of ggc_user,
ggc_group, and the Linux group (if added). For the Lambda function to access a resource, the Lambda
function process must have the required permissions to the resource. You can use the chmod(1)
command to change the permission of the resource, if necessary.

See Also
• AWS IoT Greengrass Limits in the AWS General Reference

How to Configure Local Resource Access Using the

AWS Command Line Interface
This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.3 and later.

To use a local resource, you must add a resource definition to the group definition that is deployed to
your Greengrass core device. The group definition must also contain a Lambda function definition in
which you grant access permissions for local resources to your Lambda functions. For more information,
including requirements and constraints, see Access Local Resources with Lambda Functions and
Connectors (p. 200).

This tutorial describes the process for creating a local resource and configuring access to it using the
AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). To follow the steps in the tutorial, you must have already created a
Greengrass group as described in Getting Started with AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 64).

For a tutorial that uses the AWS Management Console, see How to Configure Local Resource Access
Using the AWS Management Console (p. 207).

Create Local Resources

First, you use the CreateResourceDefinition command to create a resource definition that
specifies the resources to be accessed. In this example, we create two resources, TestDirectory and

aws greengrass create-resource-definition --cli-input-json '{

"Name": "MyLocalVolumeResource",
"InitialVersion": {
"Resources": [
"Id": "data-volume",
"Name": "TestDirectory",
"ResourceDataContainer": {
"LocalVolumeResourceData": {
"SourcePath": "/src/LRAtest",
"DestinationPath": "/dest/LRAtest",
"GroupOwnerSetting": {
"AutoAddGroupOwner": true,
"GroupOwner": ""

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create Local Resources

"Id": "data-device",
"Name": "TestCamera",
"ResourceDataContainer": {
"LocalDeviceResourceData": {
"SourcePath": "/dev/video0",
"GroupOwnerSetting": {
"AutoAddGroupOwner": true,
"GroupOwner": ""

Resources: A list of Resource objects in the Greengrass group. One Greengrass group can have up to 50

Resource#Id: The unique identifier of the resource. The ID is used to refer to a resource in the Lambda
function configuration. Max length 128 characters. Pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+.

Resource#Name: The name of the resource. The resource name is displayed in the Greengrass console.
Max length 128 characters. Pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+.

LocalDeviceResourceData#SourcePath: The local absolute path of the device resource. The source path
for a device resource can refer only to a character device or block device under /dev.

LocalVolumeResourceData#SourcePath: The local absolute path of the volume resource on the

Greengrass core device. This location is outside of the container (p. 178) that the function runs in. The
source path for a volume resource type cannot start with /sys.

LocalVolumeResourceData#DestinationPath: The absolute path of the volume resource inside the

Lambda environment. This location is inside the container that the function runs in.

GroupOwnerSetting: Allows you to configure additional group privileges for the Lambda process. This
field is optional. For more information, see Group Owner File Access Permission (p. 201).

GroupOwnerSetting#AutoAddGroupOwner: If true, Greengrass automatically adds the specified Linux

OS group owner of the resource to the Lambda process privileges. Thus the Lambda process has the file
access permissions of the added Linux group.

GroupOwnerSetting#GroupOwner: Specifies the name of the Linux OS group whose privileges are
added to the Lambda process. This field is optional.

A resource definition version ARN is returned by CreateResourceDefinition. The ARN should be

used when updating a group definition. For example:

"LatestVersionArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:us-west-2:012345678901:/greengrass/
"Name": "MyLocalVolumeResource",
"LastUpdatedTimestamp": "2017-11-15T01:18:42.153Z",
"LatestVersion": "a4d9b882-d025-4760-9cfe-9d4fada5390d",
"CreationTimestamp": "2017-11-15T01:18:42.153Z",
"Id": "ab14d0b5-116e-4951-a322-9cde24a30373",
"Arn": "arn:aws:greengrass:us-west-2:123456789012:/greengrass/definition/resources/

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create the Greengrass Function

Create the Greengrass Function

After the resources are created, use the CreateFunctionDefinition command to create the
Greengrass function and grant the function access to the resource:

aws greengrass create-function-definition --cli-input-json '{

"Name": "MyFunctionDefinition",
"InitialVersion": {
"Functions": [
"Id": "greengrassLraTest",
"FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:012345678901:function:lraTest:1",
"FunctionConfiguration": {
"Pinned": false,
"MemorySize": 16384,
"Timeout": 30,
"Environment": {
"ResourceAccessPolicies": [
"ResourceId": "data-volume",
"Permission": "rw"
"ResourceId": "data-device",
"Permission": "ro"
"AccessSysfs": true

ResourceAccessPolicies: Contains the resourceId and permission which grant the Lambda access to
the resource. A Lambda function can have a maximum of 10 resources.

ResourceAccessPolicy#Permission: Specifies which permissions the Lambda has on the resource. The
available options are rw (read/write) or ro (read-only).

AccessSysfs: If true, the Lambda process can have read access to the /sys folder on the Greengrass core
device. This is used in cases where the Greengrass Lambda needs to read device information from /sys.

Again, CreateFunctionDefinition returns a function definition version ARN. The ARN should be
used in your group definition version.

"LatestVersionArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:us-west-2:012345678901:/greengrass/definition/
"Name": "MyFunctionDefinition",
"LastUpdatedTimestamp": "2017-11-22T02:28:02.325Z",
"LatestVersion": "37f0d50e-ef50-4faf-b125-ade8ed12336e",
"CreationTimestamp": "2017-11-22T02:28:02.325Z",
"Id": "3c9b1685-634f-4592-8dfd-7ae1183c28ad",
"Arn": "arn:aws:greengrass:us-west-2:123456789012:/greengrass/definition/

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add the Lambda Function to the Group

Add the Lambda Function to the Group

Finally, use CreateGroupVersion to add the function to the group. For example:

aws greengrass create-group-version --group-id "b36a3aeb-3243-47ff-9fa4-7e8d98cd3cf5" \

--resource-definition-version-arn "arn:aws:greengrass:us-west-2:123456789012:/
e19a-4c4c-8098-68b79906fb87" \
--core-definition-version-arn "arn:aws:greengrass:us-west-2:123456789012:/
versions/297c419a-9deb-46dd-8ccc-341fc670138b" \
--function-definition-version-arn "arn:aws:greengrass:us-west-2:123456789012:/greengrass/
db1892a33c78" \
--subscription-definition-version-arn "arn:aws:greengrass:us-west-2:123456789012:/

A new group version is returned:

"Arn": "arn:aws:greengrass:us-west-2:012345678901:/greengrass/groups/
"Version": "291917fb-ec54-4895-823e-27b52da25481",
"CreationTimestamp": "2017-11-22T01:47:22.487Z",
"Id": "b36a3aeb-3243-47ff-9fa4-7e8d98cd3cf5"

Your Greengrass group now contains the lraTest Lambda function that has access to two resources:
TestDirectory and TestCamera.

This example Lambda function, lraTest.py, written in Python, writes to the local volume resource:

# Demonstrates a simple use case of local resource access.

# This Lambda function writes a file "test" to a volume mounted inside
# the Lambda environment under "/dest/LRAtest". Then it reads the file and
# publishes the content to the AWS IoT "LRA/test" topic.

import sys
import greengrasssdk
import platform
import os
import logging

# Create a Greengrass Core SDK client.

client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')
volumePath = '/dest/LRAtest'

def function_handler(event, context):

client.publish(topic='LRA/test', payload='Sent from AWS IoT Greengrass Core.')
volumeInfo = os.stat(volumePath)
client.publish(topic='LRA/test', payload=str(volumeInfo))
with open(volumePath + '/test', 'a') as output:
output.write('Successfully write to a file.\n')
with open(volumePath + '/test', 'r') as myfile:
data = myfile.read()
client.publish(topic='LRA/test', payload=data)

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

except Exception as e:
logging.error("Experiencing error :{}".format(e))

These commands are provided by the Greengrass API to create and manage resource definitions and
resource definition versions:

• CreateResourceDefinition
• CreateResourceDefinitionVersion
• DeleteResourceDefinition
• GetResourceDefinition
• GetResourceDefinitionVersion
• ListResourceDefinitions
• ListResourceDefinitionVersions
• UpdateResourceDefinition

• Q: Why does my Greengrass group deployment fail with an error similar to:

group config is invalid:

ggc_user or [ggc_group root tty] don't have ro permission on the file: /dev/tty0

A: This error indicates that the Lambda process doesn't have permission to access the specified
resource. The solution is to change the file permission of the resource so that Lambda can access it.
(See Group Owner File Access Permission (p. 201) for details).
• Q: When I configure /var/run as a volume resource, why does the Lambda function fail to start with
an error message in the runtime.log:

[ERROR]-container_process.go:39,Runtime execution error: unable to start lambda

container_linux.go:259: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:345:
container init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:62: mounting \\\"/var/run\\\" to rootfs \\\"/
greengrass/ggc/packages/1.3.0/rootfs_sys\\\" at \\\"/greengrass/ggc/packages/1.3.0/
caused \\\"invalid argument\\\"\""

A: AWS IoT Greengrass core currently doesn't support the configuration of /var, /var/run, and /
var/lib as volume resources. One workaround is to first mount /var, /var/run or /var/lib in a
different folder and then configure the folder as a volume resource.
• Q: When I configure /dev/shm as a volume resource with read-only permission, why does the Lambda
function fail to start with an error in the runtime.log:

[ERROR]-container_process.go:39,Runtime execution error: unable to start lambda

container_linux.go:259: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:345:
container init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:62: mounting \\\"/dev/shm\\\" to rootfs \\\"/
greengrass/ggc/packages/1.3.0/rootfs_sys\\\" at \\\"/greengrass/ggc/packages/1.3.0/
caused \\\"operation not permitted\\\"\""”

A: /dev/shm can only be configured as read/write. Change the resource permission to rw to resolve
the issue.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Using the Console

How to Configure Local Resource Access Using the

AWS Management Console
This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.3 and later.

You can configure Lambda functions to securely access local resources on the host Greengrass core
device. Local resources refer to buses and peripherals that are physically present on the host, or file
system volumes on the host OS. For more information, including requirements and constraints, see
Access Local Resources with Lambda Functions and Connectors (p. 200).

This tutorial describes how to use the AWS Management Console to configure access to local resources
that are present on an AWS IoT Greengrass core device. It contains the following high-level steps:

1. Create a Lambda Function Deployment Package (p. 207)

2. Create and Publish a Lambda Function (p. 208)
3. Add the Lambda Function to the Group (p. 211)
4. Add a Local Resource to the Group (p. 213)
5. Add Subscriptions to the Group (p. 214)
6. Deploy the Group (p. 216)

For a tutorial that uses the AWS Command Line Interface, see How to Configure Local Resource Access
Using the AWS Command Line Interface (p. 202).

To complete this tutorial, you need:

• A Greengrass group and a Greengrass core (v1.3 or later). To create a Greengrass group or core, see
Getting Started with AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 64).
• The following directories on the Greengrass core device:
• /src/LRAtest
• /dest/LRAtest

The owner group of these directories must have read and write access to the directories. You might use
the following command to grant access:

sudo chmod 0775 /src/LRAtest

Step 1: Create a Lambda Function Deployment

In this step, you create a Lambda function deployment package, which is a ZIP file that contains the
function's code and dependencies. You also download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK to include in the
package as a dependency.

1. On your computer, copy the following Python script to a local file named lraTest.py. This is the
app logic for the Lambda function.

# Demonstrates a simple use case of local resource access.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Publish a Lambda Function

# This Lambda function writes a file "test" to a volume mounted inside

# the Lambda environment under "/dest/LRAtest". Then it reads the file and
# publishes the content to the AWS IoT "LRA/test" topic.

import sys
import greengrasssdk
import platform
import os
import logging

# Create a Greengrass Core SDK client.

client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')
volumePath = '/dest/LRAtest'

def function_handler(event, context):

client.publish(topic='LRA/test', payload='Sent from AWS IoT Greengrass Core.')
volumeInfo = os.stat(volumePath)
client.publish(topic='LRA/test', payload=str(volumeInfo))
with open(volumePath + '/test', 'a') as output:
output.write('Successfully write to a file.\n')
with open(volumePath + '/test', 'r') as myfile:
data = myfile.read()
client.publish(topic='LRA/test', payload=data)
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Experiencing error :{}".format(e))

2. Download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Python from the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
SDK (p. 22) downloads page.
3. Unzip the downloaded package to get the SDK. The SDK is the greengrasssdk folder.
4. Zip the following items into a file named lraTestLambda.zip:

• lraTest.py. App logic.

• greengrasssdk. Required library for all Python Lambda functions.

The lraTestLambda.zip file is your Lambda function deployment package. Now you're ready to
create a Lambda function and upload the deployment package.

Step 2: Create and Publish a Lambda Function

In this step, you use the AWS Lambda console to create a Lambda function and configure it to use your
deployment package. Then, you publish a function version and create an alias.

First, create the Lambda function.

1. In the AWS Management Console, choose Services, and open the AWS Lambda console.
2. Choose Create function.
3. Choose Author from scratch.
4. In the Basic information section, use the following values.

a. For Function name, enter TestLRA.

b. For Runtime, choose Python 2.7.
c. For Permissions, keep the default setting. This creates an execution role that grants basic
Lambda permissions. This role isn't used by AWS IoT Greengrass.
5. Choose Create function.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Publish a Lambda Function

Now, upload your Lambda function deployment package and register the handler.
6. On the Configuration tab for the function, in Function code, use the following values.

a. For Code entry type, choose Upload a .zip file.

b. For Runtime, choose Python 2.7.
c. For Handler, enter lraTest.function_handler.
7. Choose Upload.

8. Choose your lraTestLambda.zip deployment package.

9. At the top of the page, choose Save.

The Test button on the AWS Lambda console doesn't work with this function. The AWS IoT
Greengrass Core SDK doesn't contain modules that are required to run your Greengrass
Lambda functions independently in the AWS Lambda console. These modules (for example,
greengrass_common) are supplied to the functions after they are deployed to your
Greengrass core.
You can see your code in the Function code section by choosing Edit code inline from the
Code entry type menu.

Next, publish the first version of your Lambda function. Then, create an alias for the version.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Publish a Lambda Function

Greengrass groups can reference a Lambda function by alias (recommended) or by version. Using an
alias makes it easier to manage code updates because you don't have to change your subscription
table or group definition when the function code is updated. Instead, you just point the alias to the
new function version.
10. From Actions, choose Publish new version.

11. For Version description, enter First version, and then choose Publish.
12. On the TestLRA: 1 configuration page, from Actions, choose Create alias.

13. On the Create a new alias page, for Name, enter test. For Version, enter 1.
AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't support Lambda aliases for $LATEST versions.
14. Choose Create.

You can now add the Lambda function to your Greengrass group.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add the Lambda Function to the Group

Step 3: Add the Lambda Function to the Greengrass

In this step, you add the function to your group and configure the function's lifecycle.

First, add the Lambda function to your Greengrass group.

1. In the AWS IoT console, choose Greengrass, and then choose Groups.

2. Choose the Greengrass group where you want to add the Lambda function.
3. On the group configuration page, choose Lambdas, and then choose Add Lambda.

4. On the Add a Lambda to your Greengrass Group page, choose Use existing Lambda.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add the Lambda Function to the Group

5. On the Use existing Lambda page, choose TestLRA, and then choose Next.
6. On the Select a Lambda version page, choose Alias:test, and then choose Finish.

Next, configure the lifecycle of the Lambda function.

7. On the Lambdas page, choose the TestLRA Lambda function.

8. On the TestLRA configuration page, choose Edit.

9. On the Group-specific Lambda configuration page, use the following values.

a. For Timeout, choose 30 seconds.

b. Under Lambda lifecycle, select Make this function long-lived and keep it running
indefinitely. For more information, see the section called “Lifecycle Configuration” (p. 187).

Lambda functions that use local resources (as described in this procedure) must run in a
Greengrass container. Otherwise, deployment fails if you try to deploy the function. For
more information, see Containerization (p. 178).
10. At the bottom of the page, choose Update.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add a Local Resource to the Group

Step 4: Add a Local Resource to the Greengrass

In this step, you add a local volume resource to the Greengrass group and grant the function read and
write access to the resource. A local resource has a group-level scope. You can grant permissions for any
Lambda function in the group to access the resource.

1. On the group configuration page, choose Resources.

2. On the Local tab, choose Add a local resource.

3. On the Create a local resource page, use the following values.

a. For Resource name, enter testDirectory.

b. For Resource type, choose Volume.
c. For Source path, enter /src/LRAtest. This path must exist on the host OS.

The source path is the local absolute path of the resource on the file system of the core device.
This location is outside of the container (p. 178) that the function runs in. The path can't start
with /sys.
d. For Destination path, enter /dest/LRAtest. This path must exist on the host OS.

The destination path is the absolute path of the resource in the Lambda namespace. This
location is inside the container that the function runs in.
e. Under Group owner file access permission, select Automatically add OS group permissions of
the Linux group that owns the resource.

The Group owner file access permission option lets you grant additional file access
permissions to the Lambda process. For more information, see Group Owner File Access
Permission (p. 201).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add Subscriptions to the Group

4. Under Lambda function affiliations, choose Select.

5. Choose TestLRA, choose Read and write access, and then choose Done.

6. At the bottom of the page, choose Save. The Resources page displays the new testDirectory

Step 5: Add Subscriptions to the Greengrass Group

In this step, you add two subscriptions to the Greengrass group. These subscriptions enable bidirectional
communication between the Lambda function and AWS IoT.

First, create a subscription for the Lambda function to send messages to AWS IoT.

1. On the group configuration page, choose Subscriptions, and then choose Add Subscription.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add Subscriptions to the Group

2. On the Select your source and target page, configure the source and target, as follows:

a. For Select a source, choose Lambdas, and then choose TestLRA.

b. For Select a target, choose Services, and then choose IoT Cloud.
c. Choose Next.

3. On the Filter your data with a topic page, for Optional topic filter, enter LRA/test, and then
choose Next.

4. Choose Finish. The Subscriptions page displays the new subscription.

Next, configure a subscription that invokes the function from AWS IoT.
5. On the Subscriptions page, choose Add Subscription.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Deploy the Group

6. On the Select your source and target page, configure the source and target, as follows:

a. For Select a source, choose Services, and then choose IoT Cloud.
b. For Select a target, choose Lambdas, and then choose TestLRA.
c. Choose Next.

7. On the Filter your data with a topic page, for Optional topic filter, enter invoke/LRAFunction,
and then choose Next.

8. Choose Finish. The Subscriptions page displays both subscriptions.

Step 6: Deploy the AWS IoT Greengrass Group

In this step, you deploy the current version of the group definition.

1. Make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass core is running. Run the following commands in your
Raspberry Pi terminal, as needed.

a. To check whether the daemon is running:

ps aux | grep -E 'greengrass.*daemon'

If the output contains a root entry for /greengrass/ggc/packages/1.9.4/bin/daemon,

then the daemon is running.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Local Resource Access

The version in the path depends on the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software version
that's installed on your core device.
b. To start the daemon:

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

2. On the group configuration page, choose Deployments, and from Actions, choose Deploy.

Deployment fails if you run your Lambda function without containerization and try to
access attached local resources.
3. On the Configure how devices discover your core page, choose Automatic detection.

This enables devices to automatically acquire connectivity information for the core, such as IP
address, DNS, and port number. Automatic detection is recommended, but AWS IoT Greengrass also
supports manually specified endpoints. You're only prompted for the discovery method the first
time that the group is deployed.

If prompted, grant permission to create the Greengrass service role (p. 443) and associate
it with your AWS account in the current AWS Region. This role allows AWS IoT Greengrass to
access your resources in AWS services.

The Deployments page shows the deployment timestamp, version ID, and status. When completed,
the deployment status is Successfully completed.

For troubleshooting help, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).

Test Local Resource Access

Now you can verify whether the local resource access is configured correctly. To test, you subscribe to the
LRA/test topic and publish to the invoke/LRAFunction topic. The test is successful if the Lambda
function sends the expected payload to AWS IoT.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Local Resource Access

1. On the AWS IoT console home page, in the left pane, choose Test.

2. In the Subscriptions section, for Subscription topic, enter LRA/test. For MQTT payload display,
select Display payloads as strings.
3. Choose Subscribe to topic. Your Lambda function publishes to the LRA/test topic.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Local Resource Access

4. In the Publish section, enter invoke/LRAFunction, and then choose Publish to topic to invoke
your Lambda function. The test is successful if the page displays the function's three message

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Local Resource Access

The test file created by the Lambda function is in the /src/LRAtest directory on the Greengrass core
device. Although the Lambda function writes to a file in the /dest/LRAtest directory, that file is
visible in the Lambda namespace only. You can't see it in a regular Linux namespace. Any changes to the
destination path are reflected in the source path on the file system.

For troubleshooting help, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
How AWS IoT Greengrass ML Inference Works

Perform Machine Learning Inference

This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.6 or later.

With AWS IoT Greengrass, you can perform machine learning (ML) inference at the edge on locally
generated data using cloud-trained models. You benefit from the low latency and cost savings of
running local inference, yet still take advantage of cloud computing power for training models and
complex processing.

To get started performing local inference, see the section called “How to Configure Machine Learning
Inference” (p. 226).

How AWS IoT Greengrass ML Inference Works

You can train your inference models anywhere, deploy them locally as machine learning resources in a
Greengrass group, and then access them from Greengrass Lambda functions. For example, you can build
and train deep-learning models in Amazon SageMaker and deploy them to your Greengrass core. Then,
your Lambda functions can use the local models to perform inference on connected devices and send
new training data back to the cloud.

The following diagram shows the AWS IoT Greengrass ML inference workflow.

AWS IoT Greengrass ML inference simplifies each step of the ML workflow, including:

• Building and deploying ML framework prototypes.

• Accessing cloud-trained models and deploying them to Greengrass core devices.
• Creating inference apps that can access hardware accelerators (such as GPUs and FPGAs) as local
resources (p. 200).

Machine Learning Resources

Machine learning resources represent cloud-trained inference models that are deployed to an AWS IoT
Greengrass core. To deploy machine learning resources, first you add the resources to a Greengrass

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Supported Model Sources

group, and then you define how Lambda functions in the group can access them. During group
deployment, AWS IoT Greengrass retrieves the source model packages from the cloud and extracts them
to directories inside the Lambda runtime namespace. Then, Greengrass Lambda functions use the locally
deployed models to perform inference.

To update a locally deployed model, first update the source model (in the cloud) that corresponds to the
machine learning resource, and then deploy the group. During deployment, AWS IoT Greengrass checks
the source for changes. If changes are detected, then AWS IoT Greengrass updates the local model.

Supported Model Sources

AWS IoT Greengrass supports Amazon SageMaker and Amazon S3 model sources for machine learning

The following requirements apply to model sources:

• S3 buckets that store your Amazon SageMaker and Amazon S3 model sources must not be encrypted
using SSE-C. For buckets that use server-side encryption, AWS IoT Greengrass ML inference currently
supports the SSE-S3 or SSE-KMS encryption options only. For more information about server-side
encryption options, see Protecting Data Using Server-Side Encryption in the Amazon Simple Storage
Service Developer Guide.
• The names of S3 buckets that store your Amazon SageMaker and Amazon S3 model sources must not
include periods (.). For more information, see the rule about using virtual hosted–style buckets with
SSL in Rules for Bucket Naming in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
• Service-level AWS Region support must be available for both AWS IoT Greengrass and Amazon
SageMaker. See the following table.

AWS Region Amazon SageMaker Models Amazon S3 Models

US East (Ohio)

US East (N. Virginia)

US West (Oregon)

Asia Pacific (Mumbai)

Asia Pacific (Seoul)

Asia Pacific (Singapore)

Asia Pacific (Sydney)

Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

EU (Frankfurt)

EU (Ireland)

EU (London)

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Supported Model Sources

• AWS IoT Greengrass must have read permission to the model source, as described in the following

Amazon SageMaker

AWS IoT Greengrass supports models that are saved as Amazon SageMaker training jobs.

If you configured your Amazon SageMaker environment by creating a bucket whose name contains
sagemaker, then AWS IoT Greengrass has sufficient permission to access your Amazon SageMaker
training jobs. The AWSGreengrassResourceAccessRolePolicy managed policy allows access
to buckets whose name contains the string sagemaker. This policy is attached to the Greengrass
service role.

Otherwise, you must grant AWS IoT Greengrass read permission to the bucket where your training
job is stored. To do this, embed the following inline policy in the Greengrass service role. You can list
multiple bucket ARNs.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed ML service that you can use to build and train models using
built-in or custom algorithms. For more information, see What Is Amazon SageMaker? in the Amazon
SageMaker Developer Guide.
Amazon S3

AWS IoT Greengrass supports models that are stored in Amazon S3 as tar.gz or .zip files.

To enable AWS IoT Greengrass to access models that are stored in Amazon S3 buckets, you must
grant AWS IoT Greengrass read permission to access the buckets by doing one of the following:
• Store your model in a bucket whose name contains greengrass.

The AWSGreengrassResourceAccessRolePolicy managed policy allows access to buckets

whose name contains the string greengrass. This policy is attached to the Greengrass service

• Embed an inline policy in the Greengrass service role.

If your bucket name doesn't contain greengrass, add the following inline policy to the service
role. You can list multiple bucket ARNs.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

"Action": [
"Resource": [

For more information, see Embedding Inline Policies in the IAM User Guide.

The following requirements apply for creating and using machine learning resources:

• You must be using AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.6 or later.

• Lambda functions can perform read or read and write operations on the resource. Permissions for
other operations are not available.
• Lambda functions configured with access to ML model resources cannot be running in non-
containerized mode.
• You must provide the full path of the resource on the operating system of the core device.
• A resource name or ID has a maximum length of 128 characters and must use the pattern [a-zA-

Runtimes and Precompiled Framework Libraries

for ML Inference
To help you quickly get started experimenting with ML inference, AWS IoT Greengrass provides runtimes
and precompiled framework libraries.

• Amazon SageMaker Neo deep learning runtime (p. 224) (Greengrass Core Software License
• Apache MXNet (Apache License 2.0)
• TensorFlow (Apache License 2.0)
• Chainer (MIT License)

These runtimes and precompiled libraries can be installed on NVIDIA Jetson TX2, Intel Atom, and
Raspberry Pi platforms. The runtimes and libraries are available from the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine
Learning Runtimes and Precompiled Libraries (p. 22) downloads page. You can install them directly on
your core or include them as part of the software in your Greengrass group.

Be sure to read the following information about compatibility and limitations.

Amazon SageMaker Neo Deep Learning Runtime

You can use the Amazon SageMaker Neo deep learning runtime to perform inference with optimized
machine learning models on your AWS IoT Greengrass devices. These models are optimized using the
Amazon SageMaker Neo deep learning compiler to improve machine learning inference prediction

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
MXNet Versioning

speeds. For more information about model optimization in Amazon SageMaker, see the Amazon
SageMaker Neo documentation.
Currently, you can optimize machine learning models using the Neo deep learning compiler in
specific AWS Regions only. However, you can use the Neo deep learning runtime with optimized
models in all AWS Regions where AWS IoT Greengrass core is supported. For information, see
How to Configure Optimized Machine Learning Inference (p. 244).

MXNet Versioning
Apache MXNet doesn't currently ensure forward compatibility, so models that you train using later
versions of the framework might not work properly in earlier versions of the framework. To avoid
conflicts between the model-training and model-serving stages, and to provide a consistent end-to-end
experience, use the same MXNet framework version in both stages.

MXNet on Raspberry Pi
Greengrass Lambda functions that access local MXNet models must set the following environment


You can set the environment variable in the function code or add it to the function's group-specific
configuration. For an example that adds it as a configuration setting, see this step (p. 232).
For general use of the MXNet framework, such as running a third-party code example, the
environment variable must be configured on the Raspberry Pi.

TensorFlow Model-Serving Limitations on Raspberry

Currently, the AWS IoT Greengrass TensorFlow installer supports installation on 32-bit laptop or desktop
operating systems only. To build TensorFlow on 64-bit platforms, see Installing TensorFlow in the
TensorFlow documentation.

The following recommendations for improving inference results are based on our tests with the 32-
bit Arm precompiled libraries on the Raspberry Pi platform. These recommendations are intended for
advanced users for reference only, without guarantees of any kind.

• Models that are trained using the Checkpoint format should be "frozen" to the protocol buffer format
before serving. For an example, see the TensorFlow-Slim image classification model library.
• Don't use the TF-Estimator and TF-Slim libraries in either training or inference code. Instead, use the
.pb file model-loading pattern that's shown in the following example.

graph = tf.Graph()
graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
with graph.as_default():

For more information about supported platforms for TensorFlow, see Installing TensorFlow in
the TensorFlow documentation.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
How to Configure Machine Learning Inference

How to Configure Machine Learning Inference

Using the AWS Management Console
To follow the steps in this tutorial, you must be using AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.6 or later.

You can perform machine learning (ML) inference locally on a Greengrass core device using data from
connected devices. For information, including requirements and constraints, see Perform Machine
Learning Inference (p. 221).

This tutorial describes how to use the AWS Management Console to configure a Greengrass group to
run a Lambda inference app that recognizes images from a camera locally, without sending data to the
cloud. The inference app accesses the camera module on a Raspberry Pi and runs inference using the
open source SqueezeNet model.

The tutorial contains the following high-level steps:

1. Configure the Rasberry Pi (p. 226).

2. Install the MXNet Framework (p. 227).
3. Create a model package (p. 228).
4. Create and publish a Lambda function (p. 228).
5. Add the Lambda function to the group (p. 232).
6. Add resources to the group (p. 234).
7. Add a subscription to the group (p. 238).
8. Deploy the group (p. 239).

To complete this tutorial, you need:

• Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, or Raspberry Pi 3 Model B/B+, set up and configured for use with AWS IoT
Greengrass. To learn how to set up your Raspberry Pi with AWS IoT Greengrass, see Module 1 and
Module 2 of Getting Started with AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 64).
The Raspberry Pi might require a 2.5A power supply to run the deep learning frameworks that
are typically used for image classification. A power supply with a lower rating might cause the
device to reboot.
• Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 - 8 Megapixel, 1080p. To learn how to set up the camera, see
Connecting the camera in the Raspberry Pi documentation.
• A Greengrass group and a Greengrass core. To learn how to create a Greengrass group or core, see
Getting Started with AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 64).

This tutorial uses a Raspberry Pi, but AWS IoT Greengrass supports other platforms, such as
Intel Atom and NVIDIA Jetson TX2 (p. 243). The example for Jetson TX2 can use static images
instead of images streamed from a camera.

Step 1: Configure the Raspberry Pi

In this step, you install updates to the Rasbian operating system, install the camera module software and
Python dependencies, and enable the camera interface. Run the following commands in your Raspberry
Pi terminal.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Install the MXNet Framework

1. Install updates to Raspbian.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

2. Install the picamera interface for the camera module and other Python libraries that are required for
this tutorial.

sudo apt-get install -y python-dev python-setuptools python-pip python-picamera

3. Reboot the Raspberry Pi.

sudo reboot

4. Open the Raspberry Pi configuration tool.

sudo raspi-config

5. Use the arrow keys to open Interfacing Options and enable the camera interface. If prompted, allow
the device to reboot.
6. Use the following command to test the camera setup.

raspistill -v -o test.jpg

This opens a preview window on the Raspberry Pi, saves a picture named test.jpg to your /home/
pi directory, and displays information about the camera in the Raspberry Pi terminal.

Step 2: Install the MXNet Framework

In this step, you download precompiled Apache MXNet libraries and install them on your Raspberry Pi.
This tutorial uses libraries for the MXNet ML framework, but libraries for TensorFlow are also
available. For more information, including limitations, see the section called “Runtimes and
Precompiled Framework Libraries for ML Inference” (p. 224).

1. On the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning Runtimes and Precompiled Libraries (p. 22)
downloads page, locate MXNet version 1.2.1 for Raspberry Pi. Choose Download.
By downloading this software you agree to the Apache License 2.0.
2. Transfer the downloaded ggc-mxnet-v1.2.1-python-raspi.tar.gz file from your computer to
your Raspberry Pi.
For ways that you can do this on different platforms, see this step (p. 81) in the Getting
Started section. For example, you might use the following scp command:

scp ggc-mxnet-v1.2.1-python-raspi.tar.gz pi@IP-address:/home/pi

3. In your Raspberry Pi terminal, unpack the transferred file.

tar -xzf ggc-mxnet-v1.2.1-python-raspi.tar.gz

4. Install the MXNet framework.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create a Model Package

cd ggc-mxnet-v1.2.1-python-raspi/

You can continue to the section called “Create a Model Package” (p. 228) while the
framework is being installed, but you must wait until the installation is complete before you
proceed to the section called “Create and Publish a Lambda Function” (p. 228).
You can optionally run unit tests to verify the installation. To do so, add the -u option to
the previous command. If successful, each test logs a line in the terminal that ends with ok.
If all tests are successful, the final log statement contains OK. Running unit tests increases
the installation time.

The script also creates a Lambda function deployment package named

greengrassObjectClassification.zip that contains the function code and dependencies. You
upload this deployment package later.
5. When the installation is complete, transfer greengrassObjectClassification.zip to your
computer. Depending on your environment, you can use the scp command or a utility such as

Step 3: Create an MXNet Model Package

In this step, you download files for a sample pretrained MXNet model, and then save them as a .zip
file. AWS IoT Greengrass can use models from Amazon S3, provided that they use the tar.gz or .zip

1. Download the following files to your computer:

• squeezenet_v1.1-0000.params. A parameter file that describes weights of the connectivity.

• squeezenet_v1.1-symbol.json. A symbol file that describes the neural network structure.
• synset.txt. A synset file that maps recognized class IDs to human-readable class names.

All MXNet model packages use these three file types, but the contents of TensorFlow model
packages vary.
2. Zip the three files, and name the compressed file squeezenet.zip. You upload this model package
to Amazon S3 in the section called “Add Resources to the Group” (p. 234).

Step 4: Create and Publish a Lambda Function

In this step, you create a Lambda function and configure it to use the deployment package. Then, you
publish a function version and create an alias.

The Lambda function deployment package is named greengrassObjectClassification.zip. This

is the zip file that was generated during the MXNet framework installation in Step 2: Install the MXNet
Framework (p. 227). It contains an inference app that performs common tasks, such as loading models,
importing Apache MXNet, and taking actions based on predictions. The app contains the following key

• App logic:
• load_model.py. Loads MXNet models.
• greengrassObjectClassification.py. Runs predictions on images that are streamed from the camera.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Publish a Lambda Function

• Dependencies:
• greengrasssdk. The AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Python, used by the function to publish MQTT
The mxnet library was installed on the core device during the MXNet framework

First, create the Lambda function.

1. In the AWS IoT console, in the navigation pane, choose Greengrass, and then choose Groups.

2. Choose the Greengrass group where you want to add the Lambda function.
3. On the group configuration page, choose Lambdas, and then choose Add Lambda.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Publish a Lambda Function

4. On the Add a Lambda to your Greengrass Group page, choose Create new Lambda. This opens the
AWS Lambda console.

5. Choose Author from scratch and use the following values to create your function:

• For Function name, enter greengrassObjectClassification.

• For Runtime, choose Python 2.7.

For Permissions, keep the default setting. This creates an execution role that grants basic Lambda
permissions. This role isn't used by AWS IoT Greengrass.
6. Choose Create function.

Now, upload your Lambda function deployment package and register the handler.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Publish a Lambda Function

7. On the Configuration tab for the greengrassObjectClassification function, for Function

code, use the following values:

• For Code entry type, choose Upload a .zip file.

• For Runtime, choose Python 2.7.
• For Handler, enter greengrassObjectClassification.function_handler.
8. Choose Upload.

9. Choose your greengrassObjectClassification.zip deployment package.

10. Choose Save.

Next, publish the first version of your Lambda function. Then, create an alias for the version.
Greengrass groups can reference a Lambda function by alias (recommended) or by version.
Using an alias makes it easier to manage code updates because you don't have to change
your subscription table or group definition when the function code is updated. Instead, you
just point the alias to the new function version.
11. From the Actions menu, choose Publish new version.

12. For Version description, enter First version, and then choose Publish.
13. On the greengrassObjectClassification: 1 configuration page, from the Actions menu, choose
Create alias.

14. On the Create a new alias page, use the following values:

• For Name, enter mlTest.

• For Version, enter 1.

AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't support Lambda aliases for $LATEST versions.
15. Choose Create.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add the Lambda Function to the Group

Now, add the Lambda function to your Greengrass group.

Step 5: Add the Lambda Function to the Greengrass

In this step, you add the Lambda function to the group and then configure its lifecycle and environment

First, add the Lambda function to your Greengrass group.

1. In the AWS IoT console, open the group configuration page.

2. Choose Lambdas, and then choose Add Lambda.

3. On the Add a Lambda to your Greengrass Group page, choose Use existing Lambda.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add the Lambda Function to the Group

4. Choose greengrassObjectClassification, and then choose Next.

5. On the Select a Lambda version page, choose Alias:mlTest, and then choose Finish.

Next, configure the lifecycle and environment variables of the Lambda function.
6. On the Lambdas page, choose the greengrassObjectClassification Lambda function.

7. On the greengrassObjectClassification configuration page, choose Edit.

8. On the Group-specific Lambda configuration page, use the following values:

• For Memory limit, enter 96 MB.

• For Timeout, enter 10 seconds.
• For Lambda lifecycle, choose Make this function long-lived and keep it running indefinitely.
• For Read access to /sys directory, choose Enable.

For more information, see the section called “Lifecycle Configuration” (p. 187).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add Resources to the Group

9. Under Environment variables, create a key-value pair. A key-value pair is required by functions that
interact with MXNet models on a Raspberry Pi.

For the key, use MXNET_ENGINE_TYPE. For the value, use NaiveEngine.
In your own user-defined Lambda functions, you can optionally set the environment
variable in your function code.
10. Keep the default values for all other properties and choose Update.

Step 6: Add Resources to the Greengrass Group

In this step, you create resources for the camera module and the ML inference model. You also affiliate
the resources with the Lambda function, which makes it possible for the function to access the resources
on the core device.

First, create two local device resources for the camera: one for shared memory and one for the device
interface. For more information about local resource access, see Access Local Resources with Lambda
Functions and Connectors (p. 200).

1. On the group configuration page, choose Resources.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add Resources to the Group

2. On the Local tab, choose Add a local resource.

3. On the Create a local resource page, use the following values:

• For Resource name, enter videoCoreSharedMemory.

• For Resource type, choose Device.
• For Device path, enter /dev/vcsm.

The device path is the local absolute path of the device resource. This path can only refer to a
character device or block device under /dev.
• For Group owner file access permission, choose Automatically add OS group permissions of the
Linux group that owns the resource.

The Group owner file access permission option lets you grant additional file access permissions
to the Lambda process. For more information, see Group Owner File Access Permission (p. 201).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add Resources to the Group

4. Under Lambda function affiliations, choose Select.

5. Choose greengrassObjectClassification, choose Read and write access, and then choose Done.

Next, you add a local device resource for the camera interface.
6. Choose Add another resource.
7. On the Create a local resource page, use the following values:

• For Resource name, enter videoCoreInterface.

• For Resource type, choose Device.
• For Device path, enter /dev/vchiq.
• For Group owner file access permission, choose Automatically add OS group permissions of the
Linux group that owns the resource.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add Resources to the Group

8. Under Lambda function affiliations, choose Select.

9. Choose greengrassObjectClassification, choose Read and write access, and then choose Done.
10. At the bottom of the page, choose Save.

Now, add the inference model as a machine learning resource. This step includes uploading the
squeezenet.zip model package to Amazon S3.

1. On the Resources page for your group, choose Machine Learning, and then choose Add a machine
learning resource.
2. On the Create a machine learning resource page, for Resource name, enter squeezenet_model.

3. For Model source, choose Upload a model in S3.

4. Under Model from S3, choose Select.
5. Choose Upload a model. This opens up a new tab to the Amazon S3 console.
6. In the Amazon S3 console tab, upload the squeezenet.zip file to an Amazon S3 bucket. For
information, see How Do I Upload Files and Folders to an S3 Bucket?

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add a Subscription to the Group

For the bucket to be accessible, your bucket name must contain the string greengrass.
Choose a unique name (such as greengrass-bucket-user-id-epoch-time). Don't use
a period (.) in the bucket name.
7. In the AWS IoT Greengrass console tab, locate and choose your Amazon S3 bucket. Locate your
uploaded squeezenet.zip file, and choose Select. You might need to choose Refresh to update
the list of available buckets and files.
8. For Local path, enter /greengrass-machine-learning/mxnet/squeezenet.

This is the destination for the local model in the Lambda runtime namespace. When you deploy the
group, AWS IoT Greengrass retrieves the source model package and then extracts the contents to
the specified directory. The sample Lambda function for this tutorial is already configured to use this
path (in the model_path variable).
9. Under Lambda function affiliations, choose Select.
10. Choose greengrassObjectClassification, choose Read-only access, and then choose Done.
11. Choose Save.

Using Amazon SageMaker Trained Models

This tutorial uses a model that's stored in Amazon S3, but you can easily use Amazon SageMaker models
too. The AWS IoT Greengrass console has built-in Amazon SageMaker integration, so you don't need
to manually upload these models to Amazon S3. For requirements and limitations for using Amazon
SageMaker models, see the section called “Supported Model Sources” (p. 222).

To use an Amazon SageMaker model:

• For Model source, choose Use an existing SageMaker model, and then choose the name of the
model's training job.
• For Local path, enter the path to the directory where your Lambda function looks for the model.

Step 7: Add a Subscription to the Greengrass Group

In this step, you add a subscription to the group. This subscription enables the Lambda function to send
prediction results to AWS IoT by publishing to an MQTT topic.

1. On the group configuration page, choose Subscriptions, and then choose Add Subscription.

2. On the Select your source and target page, configure the source and target, as follows:

a. In Select a source, choose Lambdas, and then choose greengrassObjectClassification.

b. In Select a target, choose Services, and then choose IoT Cloud.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Deploy the Group

c. Choose Next.

3. On the Filter your data with a topic page, in Topic filter, enter hello/world, and then choose

4. Choose Finish.

Step 8: Deploy the Greengrass Group

In this step, you deploy the current version of the group definition to the Greengrass core device. The
definition contains the Lambda function, resources, and subscription configurations that you added.

1. Make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass core is running. Run the following commands in your
Raspberry Pi terminal, as needed.

a. To check whether the daemon is running:

ps aux | grep -E 'greengrass.*daemon'

If the output contains a root entry for /greengrass/ggc/packages/1.9.4/bin/daemon,

then the daemon is running.
The version in the path depends on the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software version
that's installed on your core device.
b. To start the daemon:

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test the App

2. On the group configuration page, choose Deployments, and from the Actions menu, choose

3. On the Configure how devices discover your core page, choose Automatic detection.

This enables devices to automatically acquire connectivity information for the core, such as IP
address, DNS, and port number. Automatic detection is recommended, but AWS IoT Greengrass also
supports manually specified endpoints. You're only prompted for the discovery method the first
time that the group is deployed.

If prompted, grant permission to create the Greengrass service role (p. 443) and associate
it with your AWS account in the current AWS Region. This role allows AWS IoT Greengrass to
access your resources in AWS services.

The Deployments page shows the deployment timestamp, version ID, and status. When completed,
the status displayed for the deployment should be Successfully completed.

For troubleshooting help, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).

Test the Inference App

Now you can verify whether the deployment is configured correctly. To test, you subscribe to the hello/
world topic and view the prediction results that are published by the Lambda function.
If a monitor is attached to the Raspberry Pi, the live camera feed is displayed in a preview

1. In the AWS IoT console, choose Test.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test the App

2. For Subscriptions, use the following values:

• For the subscription topic, use hello/world.

• For MQTT payload display,choose Display payloads as strings.
3. Choose Subscribe to topic.

If the test is successful, the messages from the Lambda function appear at the bottom of the page.
Each message contains the top five prediction results of the image, using the format: probability,
predicted class ID, and corresponding class name.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test the App

Troubleshooting AWS IoT Greengrass ML Inference

If the test is not successful, you can try the following troubleshooting steps. Run the commands in your
Raspberry Pi terminal.

Check Error Logs

1. Switch to the root user and navigate to the log directory. Access to AWS IoT Greengrass logs
requires root permissions.

sudo su
cd /greengrass/ggc/var/log

2. Check runtime.log or python_runtime.log.

For more information, see the section called “Troubleshooting with Logs” (p. 534).

Unpacking Error in Runtime.log

If runtime.log contains an error similar to the following, make sure that your tar.gz source model
package has a parent directory.

Greengrass deployment error: unable to download the artifact model-arn: Error while
Error while unpacking the file from /tmp/greengrass/artifacts/model-arn/path to /
error: open /greengrass/ggc/deployment/path/model-arn/squeezenet/
squeezenet_v1.1-0000.params: no such file or directory

If your package doesn't have a parent directory that contains the model files, use the following
command to repackage the model:

tar -zcvf model.tar.gz ./model

For example:

#$ tar -zcvf test.tar.gz ./test


Don't include trailing /* characters in this command.

Verify That the Lambda Function Is Successfully Deployed

1. List the contents of the deployed Lambda in the /lambda directory. Replace the placeholder values
before you run the command.

cd /greengrass/ggc/deployment/lambda/arn:aws:lambda:region:account:function:function-
ls -la

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Next Steps

2. Verify that the directory contains the same content as the

greengrassObjectClassification.zip deployment package that you uploaded in Step 4:
Create and Publish a Lambda Function (p. 228).

Make sure that the .py files and dependencies are in the root of the directory.

Verify That the Inference Model Is Successfully Deployed

1. Find the process identification number (PID) of the Lambda runtime process:

ps aux | grep lambda-function-name

In the output, the PID appears in the second column of the line for the Lambda runtime process.
2. Enter the Lambda runtime namespace. Be sure to replace the placeholder pid value before you run
the command.
This directory and its contents are in the Lambda runtime namespace, so they aren't visible
in a regular Linux namespace.

sudo nsenter -t pid -m /bin/bash

3. List the contents of the local directory that you specified for the ML resource.

cd /greengrass-machine-learning/mxnet/squeezenet/
ls -ls

You should see the following files:

32 -rw-r--r-- 1 ggc_user ggc_group   31675 Nov 18 15:19 synset.txt

32 -rw-r--r-- 1 ggc_user ggc_group   28707 Nov 18 15:19 squeezenet_v1.1-symbol.json
4832 -rw-r--r-- 1 ggc_user ggc_group 4945062 Nov 18 15:19 squeezenet_v1.1-0000.params

Next Steps
Next, explore other inference apps. AWS IoT Greengrass provides other Lambda functions that you can
use to try out local inference. You can find the examples package in the precompiled libraries folder that
you downloaded in the section called “Install the MXNet Framework” (p. 227).

Configuring an NVIDIA Jetson TX2

To run this tutorial on an NVIDIA Jetson TX2, you provide source images and configure the Lambda
function. If you're using the GPU, you must also add local device resources.

To learn how to configure your Jetson so you can install the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software, see the
section called “Setting Up Other Devices” (p. 75).

1. Download static PNG or JPG images for the Lambda function to use for image classification. The app
works best with small image files. Alternatively, you can instrument a camera on the Jetson board to
capture the source images.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
How to Configure Optimized Machine Learning Inference

Save your image files in the directory that contains the greengrassObjectClassification.py
file (or in a subdirectory of this directory). This is in the Lambda function deployment package that
you upload in the section called “Create and Publish a Lambda Function” (p. 228).
2. Edit the configuration of the Lambda function to increase the Memory limit value. Use 500 MB for
CPU, or 2048 MB for GPU. Follow the procedure in the section called “Add the Lambda Function to
the Group” (p. 232).
3. GPU only: Add the following local device resources. Follow the procedure in the section called “Add
Resources to the Group” (p. 234).

For each resource:

• For Resource type, choose Device.

• For Group owner file access permission, choose Automatically add OS group permissions of the
Linux group that owns the resource.
• For Lambda function affiliations, grant Read and write access to your Lambda function.

Name Device path

nvhost-ctrl /dev/nvhost-ctrl

nvhost-gpu /dev/nvhost-gpu

nvhost-ctrl-gpu /dev/nvhost-ctrl-gpu

nvhost-dbg-gpu /dev/nvhost-dbg-gpu

nvhost-prof-gpu /dev/nvhost-prof-gpu

nvmap /dev/nvmap

How to Configure Optimized Machine Learning

Inference Using the AWS Management Console
To follow the steps in this tutorial, you must be using AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.6 or later.

You can use the Amazon SageMaker Neo deep learning compiler to optimize the prediction efficiency of
native machine learning inference models in many frameworks. You can then download the optimized
model and install the Amazon SageMaker Neo deep learning runtime and deploy them to your AWS IoT
Greengrass devices for faster inference.

This tutorial describes how to use the AWS Management Console to configure a Greengrass group to
run a Lambda inference example that recognizes images from a camera locally, without sending data
to the cloud. The inference example accesses the camera module on a Raspberry Pi. In this tutorial, you
download a prepackaged model that is trained by Resnet-50 and optimized in the Neo deep learning
compiler. You then use the model to perform local image classification on your AWS IoT Greengrass

The tutorial contains the following high-level steps:

1. Configure the Rasberry Pi (p. 245).

2. Install the Amazon SageMaker Neo deep learning runtime (p. 246).
3. Create an inference Lambda function (p. 246).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

4. Add the Lambda function to the group (p. 250).

5. Add the Amazon SageMaker Neo optimized model resource to the group (p. 251).
6. Add the camera device resource to the group (p. 252).
7. Add subscriptions to the group (p. 254).
8. Deploy the group (p. 255).

To complete this tutorial, you need:

• Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, or Raspberry Pi 3 Model B/B+, set up and configured for use with AWS IoT
Greengrass. To learn how to set up your Raspberry Pi with AWS IoT Greengrass, see Module 1 and
Module 2 of Getting Started with AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 64).
The Raspberry Pi might require a 2.5A power supply to run the deep learning frameworks that
are typically used for image classification. A power supply with a lower rating might cause the
device to reboot.
• Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 - 8 Megapixel, 1080p. To learn how to set up the camera, see
Connecting the camera in the Raspberry Pi documentation.
• A Greengrass group and a Greengrass core. To learn how to create a Greengrass group or core, see
Getting Started with AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 64).

This tutorial uses a Raspberry Pi, but AWS IoT Greengrass supports other platforms, such as Intel
Atom (p. 258) and NVIDIA Jetson TX2 (p. 259).

Step 1: Configure the Raspberry Pi

In this step, you install updates to the Raspbian operating system, install the camera module software
and Python dependencies, and enable the camera interface.

Run the following commands in your Raspberry Pi terminal.

1. Install updates to Raspbian.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

2. Install the picamera interface for the camera module and other Python libraries that are required for
this tutorial.

sudo apt-get install -y python-dev python-setuptools python-pip python-picamera

3. Reboot the Raspberry Pi.

sudo reboot

4. Open the Raspberry Pi configuration tool.

sudo raspi-config

5. Use the arrow keys to open Interfacing Options and enable the camera interface. If prompted, allow
the device to reboot.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Install the Amazon SageMaker Neo Deep Learning Runtime

6. Use the following command to test the camera setup.

raspistill -v -o test.jpg

This opens a preview window on the Raspberry Pi, saves a picture named test.jpg to your current
directory, and displays information about the camera in the Raspberry Pi terminal.

Step 2: Install the Amazon SageMaker Neo Deep

Learning Runtime
In this step, you download the Neo deep learning runtime and install it onto your Raspberry Pi.

1. On the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning Runtimes and Precompiled Libraries (p. 22)
downloads page, locate the Deep Learning Runtime version 1.0.0 for Raspberry Pi. Choose
2. Transfer the downloaded dlr-1.0-py2-armv7l.tar.gz file from your computer to your
Raspberry Pi. You can also use the following scp command with a path to save your file, such as /

scp dlr-1.0-py2-armv7l.tar.gz pi@your-device-ip-address:path-to-save-file

3. Use the following commands to remotely sign in to your Raspberry Pi and extract the installer files.

ssh pi@your-device-ip-address
cd path-to-save-file
tar -xvzf dlr-1.0-py2-armv7l.tar.gz

4. Install the Neo deep learning runtime.

cd dlr-1.0-py2-armv7l/
chmod 755 install-dlr.sh
sudo ./install-dlr.sh

This package contains an examples directory that contains several files you use to run this tutorial.
This directory also contains version 1.2.0 of the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Python. You
can also download the latest version of the SDK from the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK (p. 22)
downloads page.

Step 3: Create an Inference Lambda Function

In this step, you create a deployment package and a Lambda function that is configured to use the
deployment package. Then, you publish a function version and create an alias.

1. On your computer, unzip the downloaded dlr-1.0-py2-armv7l.tar.gz file you previously

copied to your Raspberry Pi.

cd path-to-downloaded-runtime
tar -xvzf dlr-1.0-py2-armv7l.tar.gz

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create an Inference Lambda Function

2. The resulting dlr-1.0-py2-armv7l directory contains an examples folder. It contains

inference.py, the example code used in this tutorial for inference. You can view this code as a
usage example to create your own inference code.

Compress the files in the examples folder into a file named

When you create the .zip file, verify that the .py files and dependencies are in the root of
the directory.

cd path-to-downloaded-runtime/dlr-1.0-py2-armv7l/examples
zip -r optimizedImageClassification.zip .

This .zip file is your deployment package. This package contains the function code and
dependencies, including the code example that invokes the Neo deep learning runtime Python APIs
to perform inference with the Neo deep learning compiler models. You upload this deployment
package later.
3. Now, create the Lambda function.

In the AWS IoT console, in the navigation pane, choose Greengrass, and then choose Groups.

4. Choose the Greengrass group where you want to add the Lambda function.
5. On the group configuration page, choose Lambdas, and then choose Add Lambda.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create an Inference Lambda Function

6. On the Add a Lambda to your Greengrass Group page, choose Create new Lambda. This opens the
AWS Lambda console.

7. Choose Author from scratch and use the following values to create your function:

• For Function name, enter optimizedImageClassification.

• For Runtime, choose Python 2.7.

For Permissions, keep the default setting. This creates an execution role that grants basic Lambda
permissions. This role isn't used by AWS IoT Greengrass.

8. Choose Create function.

Now, upload your Lambda function deployment package and register the handler.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create an Inference Lambda Function

1. On the Configuration tab for the optimizedImageClassification function, for Function code,
use the following values:

• For Code entry type, choose Upload a .zip file.

• For Runtime, choose Python 2.7.
• For Handler, enter inference.handler.
2. Choose Upload.

3. Choose your optimizedImageClassification.zip deployment package.

4. Choose Save.

Next, publish the first version of your Lambda function. Then, create an alias for the version.
Greengrass groups can reference a Lambda function by alias (recommended) or by version.
Using an alias makes it easier to manage code updates because you don't have to change your
subscription table or group definition when the function code is updated. Instead, you just point
the alias to the new function version.

1. From the Actions menu, choose Publish new version.

2. For Version description, enter First version, and then choose Publish.
3. On the optimizedImageClassification: 1 configuration page, from the Actions menu, choose Create

4. On the Create a new alias page, use the following values:

• For Name, enter mlTestOpt.

• For Version, enter 1.

AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't support Lambda aliases for $LATEST versions.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add the Lambda Function to the Group

5. Choose Create.

Now, add the Lambda function to your Greengrass group.

Step 4: Add the Lambda Function to the Greengrass

In this step, you add the Lambda function to the group, and then configure its lifecycle.

First, add the Lambda function to your Greengrass group.

1. On the Add a Lambda to your Greengrass Group page, choose Use existing Lambda.

2. Choose optimizedImageClassification, and then choose Next.

3. On the Select a Lambda version page, choose Alias:mlTestOpt, and then choose Finish.

Next, configure the lifecycle of the Lambda function.

1. On the Lambdas page, choose the optimizedImageClassification Lambda function.

2. On the optimizedImageClassification configuration page, choose Edit.

3. On the Group-specific Lambda configuration page, use the following values:

• For Memory limit, enter 1024 MB.

• For Timeout, enter 10 seconds.
• For Lambda lifecycle, choose Make this function long-lived and keep it running indefinitely.
• For Read access to /sys directory, choose Enable.

For more information, see the section called “Lifecycle Configuration” (p. 187).
4. Choose Update.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add a Neo-Optimized Model Resource to the Group

Step 5: Add a Amazon SageMaker Neo-Optimized

Model Resource to the Greengrass Group
In this step, you create a resource for the optimized ML inference model and upload it to an Amazon S3
bucket. Then, you locate the Amazon S3 uploaded model in the AWS IoT Greengrass console and affiliate
the newly created resource with the Lambda function. This makes it possible for the function to access its
resources on the core device.

1. On your computer, navigate to the Neo deep learning runtime installer package that you unpacked
earlier. Navigate to the resnet50 directory.

cd path-to-downloaded-runtime/dlr-1.0-py2-armv7l/models/resnet50

This directory contains precompiled model artifacts for an image classification model trained with
Resnet-50. Compress the files inside the resnet50 directory to create resnet50.zip.

zip -r resnet50.zip .

2. On the group configuration page for your AWS IoT Greengrass group, choose Resources. Navigate
to the Machine Learning section and choose Add machine learning resource. On the Create a
machine learning resource page, for Resource name, enter resnet50_model.

3. For Model source, choose Upload a model in S3.

4. Under Model from S3, choose Select.
Currently, optimized Amazon SageMaker models are stored automatically in Amazon S3.
You can find your optimized model in your Amazon S3 bucket using this option. For more
information about model optimization in Amazon SageMaker, see the Amazon SageMaker
Neo documentation.
5. Choose Upload a model.
6. On the Amazon S3 console tab, upload your zip file to an Amazon S3 bucket. For information, see
How Do I Upload Files and Folders to an S3 Bucket?
Your bucket name must contain the string greengrass. Choose a unique name (such as
greengrass-dlr-bucket-user-id-epoch-time). Don't use a period (.) in the bucket
7. In the AWS IoT Greengrass console tab, locate and choose your Amazon S3 bucket. Locate your
uploaded resnet50.zip file, and choose Select. You might need to refresh the page to update the
list of available buckets and files.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add Your Camera Device Resource to the Group

8. In Local path, enter /ml_model.

This is the destination for the local model in the Lambda runtime namespace. When you deploy the
group, AWS IoT Greengrass retrieves the source model package and then extracts the contents to
the specified directory.
We strongly recommend that you use the exact path provided for your local path. Using a
different local model destination path in this step causes some troubleshooting commands
provided in this tutorial to be inaccurate. If you use a different path, you must set up
a MODEL_PATH environment variable that uses the exact path you provide here. For
information about environment variables, see AWS Lambda Environment Variables.
9. Under Lambda function affiliations, choose Select.
10. Choose optimizedImageClassification, choose Read-only access, and then choose Done.
11. Choose Save.

Step 6: Add Your Camera Device Resource to the

Greengrass Group
In this step, you create a resource for the camera module and affiliate it with the Lambda function,
allowing the resource to be accessible on the AWS IoT Greengrass core.

1. On the group configuration page, choose Resources.

2. On the Local tab, choose Add local resource.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add Your Camera Device Resource to the Group

3. On the Create a local resource page, use the following values:

• For Resource name, enter videoCoreSharedMemory.

• For Resource type, choose Device.
• For Device path, enter /dev/vcsm.

The device path is the local absolute path of the device resource. This path can refer only to a
character device or block device under /dev.
• For Group owner file access permission, choose Automatically add OS group permissions of the
Linux group that owns the resource.

The Group owner file access permission option lets you grant additional file access permissions
to the Lambda process. For more information, see Group Owner File Access Permission (p. 201).

4. Under Lambda function affiliations, choose Select.

5. Choose optimizedImageClassification, choose Read and write access, and then choose Done.

Next, you add a local device resource for the camera interface.
6. At the bottom of the page, choose Add another resource.
7. On the Create a local resource page, use the following values:

• For Resource name, enter videoCoreInterface.

• For Resource type, choose Device.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add Subscriptions to the Group

• For device path, enter /dev/vchiq.

• For Group owner file access permission, choose Automatically add OS group permissions of the
Linux group that owns the resource.

8. Under Lambda function affiliations, choose Select.

9. Choose optimizedImageClassification, choose Read and write access, and then choose Done.
10. Choose Save.

Step 7: Add Subscriptions to the Greengrass Group

In this step, you add subscriptions to the group. These subscriptions enable the Lambda function to send
prediction results to AWS IoT by publishing to an MQTT topic.

1. On the group configuration page, choose Subscriptions, and then choose Add Subscription.

2. On the Select your source and target page, configure the source and target, as follows:

a. In Select a source, choose Lambdas, and then choose optimizedImageClassification.

b. In Select a target, choose Services, and then choose IoT Cloud.
c. Choose Next.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Deploy the Group

3. On the Filter your data with a topic page, in Optional topic filter, enter /resnet-50/
predictions, and then choose Next.

4. Choose Finish.
5. Add a second subscription. On the Select your source and target page, configure the source and
target, as follows:

a. In Select a source, choose Services, and then choose IoT Cloud.

b. In Select a target, choose Lambdas, and then choose optimizedImageClassification.
c. Choose Next.
6. On the Filter your data with a topic page, in Optional topic filter, enter /resnet-50/test, and
then choose Next.
7. Choose Finish.

Step 8: Deploy the Greengrass Group

In this step, you deploy the current version of the group definition to the Greengrass core device. The
definition contains the Lambda function, resources, and subscription configurations that you added.

1. Make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass core is running. Run the following commands in your
Raspberry Pi terminal, as needed.

a. To check whether the daemon is running:

ps aux | grep -E 'greengrass.*daemon'

If the output contains a root entry for /greengrass/ggc/packages/latest-core-

version/bin/daemon, then the daemon is running.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Deploy the Group

b. To start the daemon:

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

2. On the group configuration page, choose Deployments, and from the Actions menu, choose

3. On the Configure how devices discover your core page, choose Automatic detection.

This enables devices to automatically acquire connectivity information for the core, such as IP
address, DNS, and port number. Automatic detection is recommended, but AWS IoT Greengrass also
supports manually specified endpoints. You're only prompted for the discovery method the first
time that the group is deployed.

If prompted, grant permission to create the Greengrass service role (p. 443) and associate
it with your AWS account in the current AWS Region. This role allows AWS IoT Greengrass to
access your resources in AWS services.

The Deployments page shows the deployment timestamp, version ID, and status. When completed,
the status displayed for the deployment should be Successfully completed.

For troubleshooting help, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test the Example

Test the Inference Example

Now you can verify whether the deployment is configured correctly. To test, you subscribe to the /
resnet-50/predictions topic and publish any message to the /resnet-50/test topic. This triggers
the Lambda function to take a photo with your Raspberry Pi and perform inference on the image it
If a monitor is attached to the Raspberry Pi, the live camera feed is displayed in a preview

1. On the AWS IoT console home page, choose Test.

2. For Subscriptions, choose Subscribe to a Topic. Use the following values. Leave the remaining
options at their defaults.

• For Subscription topic, enter /resnet-50/predictions.

• For MQTT payload display, choose Display payloads as strings.
3. Choose Subscribe to topic.
4. On the /resnet-50/predictions page, specify the /resnet-50/test topic to publish to.
Choose Publish to topic.
5. If the test is successful, the published message causes the Raspberry Pi camera to capture an image.
A message from the Lambda function appears at the bottom of the page. This message contains
the prediction result of the image, using the format: predicted class name, probability, and peak
memory usage.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configuring an Intel Atom

Configuring an Intel Atom

To run this tutorial on an Intel Atom device, you provide source images and configure the Lambda
function. To use the GPU for inference, you must have OpenCL version 1.0 or later installed on your
device. You must also add a local device resource.

1. Download static PNG or JPG images for the Lambda function to use for image classification. The
example works best with small image files.

Save your image files in the directory that contains the inference.py file (or in a subdirectory of
this directory). This is in the Lambda function deployment package that you upload in the section
called “Create an Inference Lambda Function” (p. 246).
If you are using AWS DeepLens, you can choose to instead use the onboard camera or
mount your own camera to capture images and perform inference on them. However, we
strongly recommend you start with static images first.
2. Edit the configuration of the Lambda function. Follow the procedure in the section called “Add the
Lambda Function to the Group” (p. 250).

a. Increase the Memory limit value to 3000 MB.

b. Increase the Timeout value to 2 minutes. This ensures that the request does not time out too
early. It takes a few minutes after setup to run inference.
c. For Read access to /sys directory, choose Enable.
d. For Lambda lifecycle, choose Make this function long-lived and keep it running indefinitely.
3. Add the required local device resource.

a. On the group configuration page, choose Resources.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configuring an NVIDIA Jetson TX2

b. On the Local tab, choose Add a local resource.

c. Define the resource:

• For Resource name, enter renderD128.

• For Resource type, choose Device.
• For Device path, enter /dev/dri/renderD128.
• For Group owner file access permission, choose Automatically add OS group permissions
of the Linux group that owns the resource.
• For Lambda function affiliations, grant Read and write access to your Lambda function.

Configuring an NVIDIA Jetson TX2

To run this tutorial on an NVIDIA Jetson TX2, you provide source images and configure the Lambda
function. To use the GPU for inference, you must install CUDA 9.0 and cuDNN 7.0 on your device when
you image your board with Jetpack 3.3. You must also add local device resources.

To learn how to configure your Jetson so you can install the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software, see the
section called “Setting Up Other Devices” (p. 75).

1. Download static PNG or JPG images for the Lambda function to use for image classification. The
example works best with small image files.

Save your image files in the directory that contains the inference.py file (or in a subdirectory of
this directory). This is in the Lambda function deployment package that you upload in the section
called “Create an Inference Lambda Function” (p. 246).
You can instead choose to instrument a camera on the Jetson board to capture the source
images. However, we strongly recommend you start with static images first.
2. Edit the configuration of the Lambda function. Follow the procedure in the section called “Add the
Lambda Function to the Group” (p. 250).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configuring an NVIDIA Jetson TX2

a. Increase the Memory limit value. To use the provided model in GPU mode, use 2048 MB.
b. Increase the Timeout value to 5 minutes. This ensures that the request does not time out too
early. It takes a few minutes after setup to run inference.
c. For Lambda lifecycle, choose Make this function long-lived and keep it running indefinitely.
d. For Read access to /sys directory, choose Enable.
3. Add the required local device resources.

a. On the group configuration page, choose Resources.

b. On the Local tab, choose Add a local resource.

c. Define each resource:

• For Resource name and Device path, use the values in the following table. Create one device
resource for each row in the table.
• For Resource type, choose Device.
• For Group owner file access permission, choose Automatically add OS group permissions
of the Linux group that owns the resource.
• For Lambda function affiliations, grant Read and write access to your Lambda function.

Name Device path

nvhost-ctrl /dev/nvhost-ctrl

nvhost-gpu /dev/nvhost-gpu

nvhost-ctrl-gpu /dev/nvhost-ctrl-gpu

nvhost-dbg-gpu /dev/nvhost-dbg-gpu

nvhost-prof-gpu /dev/nvhost-prof-gpu

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Troubleshooting AWS IoT Greengrass ML Inference

Name Device path

nvmap /dev/nvmap

Troubleshooting AWS IoT Greengrass ML Inference

If the test is not successful, you can try the following troubleshooting steps. Run the commands in your
Raspberry Pi terminal.

Check error logs

1. Switch to the root user and navigate to the log directory. Access to AWS IoT Greengrass logs
requires root permissions.

sudo su
cd /greengrass/ggc/var/log

2. Check runtime.log for any errors.

cat system/runtime.log | grep 'ERROR'

You can also look in your user-defined Lambda function log for any errors:

cat user/your-region/your-account-id/lambda-function-name.log | grep 'ERROR'

For more information, see the section called “Troubleshooting with Logs” (p. 534).

Verify the Lambda function is successfully deployed

1. List the contents of the deployed Lambda in the /lambda directory. Replace the placeholder values
before you run the command.

cd /greengrass/ggc/deployment/lambda/arn:aws:lambda:region:account:function:function-
ls -la

2. Verify that the directory contains the same content as the optimizedImageClassification.zip
deployment package that you uploaded in Step 3: Create an Inference Lambda Function (p. 246).

Make sure that the .py files and dependencies are in the root of the directory.

Verify the inference model is successfully deployed

1. Find the process identification number (PID) of the Lambda runtime process:

ps aux | grep lambda-function-name

In the output, the PID appears in the second column of the line for the Lambda runtime process.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Next Steps

2. Enter the Lambda runtime namespace. Be sure to replace the placeholder pid value before you run
the command.
This directory and its contents are in the Lambda runtime namespace, so they aren't visible
in a regular Linux namespace.

sudo nsenter -t pid -m /bin/bash

3. List the contents of the local directory that you specified for the ML resource.
If your ML resource path is something other than ml_model, you must substitute that here.

cd /ml_model
ls -ls

You should see the following files:

56 -rw-r--r-- 1 ggc_user ggc_group 56703 Oct 29 20:07 model.json

196152 -rw-r--r-- 1 ggc_user ggc_group 200855043 Oct 29 20:08 model.params
256 -rw-r--r-- 1 ggc_user ggc_group 261848 Oct 29 20:07 model.so
32 -rw-r--r-- 1 ggc_user ggc_group 30564 Oct 29 20:08 synset.txt

Lambda function cannot find /dev/dri/renderD128

This can occur if OpenCL cannot connect to the GPU devices it needs. You must create device resources
for the necessary devices for your Lambda function.

Next Steps
Next, explore other optimized models. For information, see the Amazon SageMaker Neo documentation.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Deploy Secrets to the AWS IoT

Greengrass Core
This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 and later.

AWS IoT Greengrass lets you authenticate with services and applications from Greengrass devices
without hard-coding passwords, tokens, or other secrets.

AWS Secrets Manager is a service that you can use to securely store and manage your secrets
in the cloud. AWS IoT Greengrass extends Secrets Manager to Greengrass core devices, so your
connectors (p. 283) and Lambda functions can use local secrets to interact with services and
applications. For example, the Twilio Notifications connector uses a locally stored authentication token.

To integrate a secret into a Greengrass group, you create a group resource that references the Secrets
Manager secret. This secret resource references the cloud secret by ARN. To learn how to create, manage,
and use secret resources, see the section called “Work with Secret Resources” (p. 267).

AWS IoT Greengrass encrypts your secrets while in transit and at rest. During group deployment, AWS
IoT Greengrass fetches the secret from Secrets Manager and creates a local, encrypted copy on the
Greengrass core. After you rotate your cloud secrets in Secrets Manager, redeploy the group to propagate
the updated values to the core.

The following diagram shows the high-level process of deploying a secret to the core. Secrets are
encrypted in transit and at rest.

Using AWS IoT Greengrass to store your secrets locally offers these advantages:

• Decoupled from code (not hard-coded). This supports centrally managed credentials and helps
protect sensitive data from the risk of compromise.
• Available for offline scenarios. Connectors and functions can securely access local services and
software when disconnected from the internet.
• Controlled access to secrets. Only authorized connectors and functions in the group can access your
secrets. AWS IoT Greengrass uses private key encryption to secure your secrets. Secrets are encrypted
in transit and at rest. For more information, see the section called “Secrets Encryption” (p. 264).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Secrets Encryption

• Controlled rotation. After you rotate your secrets in Secrets Manager, redeploy the Greengrass group
to update the local copies of your secrets. For more information, see the section called “Creating and
Managing Secrets” (p. 267).
AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't automatically update the values of local secrets after cloud
versions are rotated. To update local values, you must redeploy the group.

Secrets Encryption
AWS IoT Greengrass encrypts secrets in transit and at rest.
Make sure that your user-defined Lambda functions handle secrets securely and don't log any
any sensitive data that's stored in the secret. For more information, see Mitigate the Risks
of Logging and Debugging Your Lambda Function in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide.
Although this documentation specifically refers to rotation functions, the recommendation also
applies to Greengrass Lambda functions.

Encryption in transit

AWS IoT Greengrass uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt all communication over the
internet and local network. This protects secrets while in transit, which occurs when secrets are
retrieved from Secrets Manager and deployed to the core. For supported TLS cipher suites, see the
section called “TLS Cipher Suites Support” (p. 442).
Encryption at rest

AWS IoT Greengrass uses the private key specified in config.json (p. 24) for encryption of the
secrets that are stored on the core. For this reason, secure storage of the private key is critical
for protecting local secrets. In the AWS shared responsibility model, it's the responsibility of the
customer to guarantee secure storage of the private key on the core device.

AWS IoT Greengrass supports two modes of private key storage:

• Using hardware security modules. For more information, see the section called “Hardware
Security” (p. 448).
Currently, AWS IoT Greengrass supports only the PKCS#1 v1.5 padding mechanism for
encryption and decryption of local secrets when using hardware-based private keys. If
you're following vendor-provided instructions to manually generate hardware-based
private keys, make sure to choose PKCS#1 v1.5. AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't support
Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP).
• Using file system permissions (default).

The private key is used to secure the data key, which is used to encrypt local secrets. The data key is
rotated with each group deployment.

The AWS IoT Greengrass core is the only entity that has access to the private key. Greengrass
connectors or Lambda functions that are affiliated with a secret resource get the value of the secret
from the core.

These are the requirements for local secret support:

• You must be using AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 or later.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Specify the Private Key for Secret Encryption

• To get the values of local secrets, your user-defined Lambda functions must use AWS IoT Greengrass
Core SDK v1.3.0 or later.
• The private key used for local secrets encryption must be specified in the Greengrass configuration file.
By default, AWS IoT Greengrass uses the core private key stored in the file system. To provide your own
private key, see the section called “Specify the Private Key for Secret Encryption” (p. 265). Only the
RSA key type is supported.
Currently, AWS IoT Greengrass supports only the PKCS#1 v1.5 padding mechanism for
encryption and decryption of local secrets when using hardware-based private keys. If you're
following vendor-provided instructions to manually generate hardware-based private keys,
make sure to choose PKCS#1 v1.5. AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't support Optimal Asymmetric
Encryption Padding (OAEP).
• AWS IoT Greengrass must be granted permission to get your secret values. This allows AWS IoT
Greengrass to fetch the values during group deployment. If you're using the default Greengrass service
role, then AWS IoT Greengrass already has access to secrets with names that start with greengrass-. To
customize access, see the section called “Allow AWS IoT Greengrass to Get Secret Values” (p. 266).
We recommend that you use this naming convention to identify the secrets that AWS IoT
Greengrass is allowed to access, even if you customize permissions. The console uses different
permissions to read your secrets, so it's possible that you can select secrets in the console that
AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't have permission to fetch. Using a naming convention can help
avoid a permission conflict, which results in a deployment error.

Specify the Private Key for Secret Encryption

In this procedure, you provide the path to a private key that's used for local secret encryption. This must
be an RSA key with a minimum length of 2048 bits. For more information about private keys used on the
AWS IoT Greengrass core, see the section called “Security Principals” (p. 439).

AWS IoT Greengrass supports two modes of private key storage: hardware-based or file system-based
(default). For more information, see the section called “Secrets Encryption” (p. 264).

Follow this procedure only if you want to change the default configuration, which uses the core private
key in the file system. These steps are written with the assumption that you created your group and core
as described in Module 2 (p. 76) of the Getting Started tutorial.

1. Open the config.json (p. 24) file that's located in the /greengrass-root/config directory.
greengrass-root represents the path where the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software is
installed on your device. If you installed the software by following the steps in the Getting
Started (p. 64) tutorial, then this is the /greengrass directory.
2. In the crypto.principals.SecretsManager object, for the privateKeyPath property, enter
the path of the private key:

• If your private key is stored in the file system, specify the absolute path to the key. For example:

"SecretsManager" : {
"privateKeyPath" : "file:///somepath/hash.private.key"

• If your private key is stored in a hardware security module (HSM), specify the path using the RFC
7512 PKCS#11 URI scheme. For example:

"SecretsManager" : {

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Allow AWS IoT Greengrass to Get Secret Values

"privateKeyPath" : "pkcs11:object=private-key-label;type=private"

For more information, see the section called “Hardware Security Configuration” (p. 450).
Currently, AWS IoT Greengrass supports only the PKCS#1 v1.5 padding mechanism for
encryption and decryption of local secrets when using hardware-based private keys. If
you're following vendor-provided instructions to manually generate hardware-based
private keys, make sure to choose PKCS#1 v1.5. AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't support
Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP).

Allow AWS IoT Greengrass to Get Secret Values

In this procedure, you add an inline policy to the Greengrass service role that allows AWS IoT Greengrass
to get the values of your secrets.

Follow this procedure only if you want to grant AWS IoT Greengrass custom permissions to your secrets
or if your Greengrass service role doesn't include the AWSGreengrassResourceAccessRolePolicy
managed policy. AWSGreengrassResourceAccessRolePolicy grants access to secrets with names
that start with greengrass-.

1. Run the following CLI command to get the ARN of the Greengrass service role:

aws greengrass get-service-role-for-account --region region

The returned ARN contains the role name.

"AssociatedAt": "time-stamp",
"RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/service-role/role-name"

You use the ARN or name in the following step.

2. Add an inline policy that allows the secretsmanager:GetSecretValue action. For instructions,
see Adding and Removing IAM Policies in the IAM User Guide.

You can grant granular access by explicitly listing secrets or using a wildcard * naming scheme, or
you can grant conditional access to versioned or tagged secrets. For example, the following policy
allows AWS IoT Greengrass to read only the specified secrets.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
See Also

If you use a customer-managed AWS KMS key to encrypt secrets, your Greengrass service
role must also allow the kms:Decrypt action.

For more information about IAM policies for Secrets Manager, see Authentication and Access Control for
AWS Secrets Manager and Actions, Resources, and Context Keys You Can Use in an IAM Policy or Secret
Policy for AWS Secrets Manager in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide.

See Also
• What Is AWS Secrets Manager? in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide
• PKCS #1: RSA Encryption Version 1.5

Working with Secret Resources

AWS IoT Greengrass uses secret resources to integrate secrets from AWS Secrets Manager into a
Greengrass group. A secret resource is a reference to a Secrets Manager secret. For more information, see
Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).

On the AWS IoT Greengrass core device, connectors and Lambda functions can use the secret resource to
authenticate with services and applications, without hard-coding passwords, tokens, or other credentials.

Creating and Managing Secrets

In a Greengrass group, a secret resource references the ARN of a Secrets Manager secret. When the
secret resource is deployed to the core, the value of the secret is encrypted and made available to
affiliated connectors and Lambda functions. For more information, see the section called “Secrets
Encryption” (p. 264).

You use Secrets Manager to create and manage the cloud versions of your secrets. You use AWS IoT
Greengrass to create, manage, and deploy your secret resources.
We recommend that you follow the best practice of rotating your secrets in Secrets Manager.
Then, deploy the Greengrass group to update the local copies of your secrets. For more
information, see Rotating Your AWS Secrets Manager Secrets in the AWS Secrets Manager User

To make a secret available on the Greengrass core

1. Create a secret in Secrets Manager. This is the cloud version of your secret, which is centrally stored
and managed in Secrets Manager. Management tasks include rotating secret values and applying
resource policies.
2. Create a secret resource in AWS IoT Greengrass. This is a type of group resource that references the
cloud secret by ARN. You can reference a secret only once per group.
3. Configure your connector or Lambda function. You must affiliate the resource with a connector or
function by specifying corresponding parameters or properties. This allows them to get the value
of the locally deployed secret resource. For more information, see the section called “Using Local
Secrets” (p. 270).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Creating and Managing Secrets

4. Deploy the Greengrass group. During deployment, AWS IoT Greengrass fetches the value of the cloud
secret and creates (or updates) the local secret on the core.

Secrets Manager logs an event in AWS CloudTrail each time that AWS IoT Greengrass retrieves a secret
value. AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't log any events related to the deployment or usage of local secrets.
For more information about Secrets Manager logging, see Monitor the Use of Your AWS Secrets
Manager Secrets in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide.

Including Staging Labels in Secret Resources

Secrets Manager uses staging labels to identify specific versions of a secret value. Staging labels can
be system-defined or user-defined. Secrets Manager assigns the AWSCURRENT label to the most recent
version of the secret value. Staging labels are commonly used to manage secrets rotation. For more
information about Secrets Manager versioning, see Key Terms and Concepts for AWS Secrets Manager in
the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide.

Secret resources always include the AWSCURRENT staging label, and they can optionally include other
staging labels if they're required by a Lambda function or connector. During group deployment, AWS IoT
Greengrass retrieves the values of the staging labels that are referenced in the group, and then creates or
updates the corresponding values on the core.

Create and Manage Secret Resources (Console)

Creating Secret Resources (Console)
In the AWS IoT Greengrass console, you create and manage secret resources from the Secrets tab on the
group's Resources page. For tutorials that create a secret resource and add it to a group, see the section
called “How To Create a Secret Resource (Console)” (p. 272) and the section called “Get Started with
Connectors (Console)” (p. 403).

Alternatively, the console allows you to create a secret and secret resource when you configure
a connector or Lambda function. You can do this from the connector's Configure parameters
page or the Lambda function's Resources page.

Managing Secret Resources (Console)

Management tasks for the secret resources in your Greengrass group include adding secret resources to
the group, removing secret resources from the group, and changing the set of staging labels (p. 268)
that are included in a secret resource.

If you point to a different secret from Secrets Manager, you must also edit any connectors that use the

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Creating and Managing Secrets

1. On the group configuration page, choose Connectors.

2. From the connector's contextual menu, choose Edit.
3. The Edit parameters page displays a message to inform you that the secret ARN changed. To
confirm the change, choose Save.

If you delete a secret in Secrets Manager, remove the corresponding secret resource from the group and
from connectors and Lambda functions that reference it. Otherwise, during group deployment, AWS IoT
Greengrass returns an error that the secret can't be found. Also update your Lambda function code as

Create and Manage Secret Resources (CLI)

Creating Secret Resources (CLI)
In the AWS IoT Greengrass API, a secret is a type of group resource. The following example creates a
resource definition with an initial version that includes a secret resource named MySecretResource. For
a tutorial that creates a secret resource and adds it to a group version, see the section called “Get Started
with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413).

The secret resource references the ARN of the corresponding Secrets Manager secret and includes two
staging labels in addition to AWSCURRENT, which is always included.

aws greengrass create-resource-definition --name MyGreengrassResources --initial-version '{

"Resources": [
"Id": "my-resource-id",
"Name": "MySecretResource",
"ResourceDataContainer": {
"SecretsManagerSecretResourceData": {
"ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-
"AdditionalStagingLabelsToDownload": [

Managing Secret Resources (CLI)

Management tasks for the secret resources in your Greengrass group include adding secret resources to
the group, removing secret resources from the group, and changing the set of staging labels (p. 268)
that are included in a secret resource.

In the AWS IoT Greengrass API, these changes are implemented by using versions.

The AWS IoT Greengrass API uses versions to manage groups. Versions are immutable, so to add or
change group components—for example, the group's devices, functions, and resources—you must create
versions of new or updated components. Then, you create and deploy a group version that contains
the target version of each component. To learn more about groups, see the section called “AWS IoT
Greengrass Groups” (p. 6).

For example, to change the set of staging labels for a secret resource:

1. Create a resource definition version that contains the updated secret resource. The following example
adds a third staging label to the secret resource from the previous section.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Using Local Secrets

To add more resources to the version, include them in the Resources array.

aws greengrass create-resource-definition --name MyGreengrassResources --initial-version

"Resources": [
"Id": "my-resource-id",
"Name": "MySecretResource",
"ResourceDataContainer": {
"SecretsManagerSecretResourceData": {
"ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-
"AdditionalStagingLabelsToDownload": [

2. If the ID of the secret resource is changed, update connectors and functions that use the secret
resource. In the new versions, update the parameter or property that corresponds to the resource
ID. If the ARN of the secret is changed, you must also update the corresponding parameter for any
connectors that use the secret.
The resource ID is an arbitrary identifier that's provided by the customer.
3. Create a group version that contains the target version of each component that you want to send to
the core.
4. Deploy the group version.

For a tutorial that shows how to create and deploy secret resources, connectors, and functions, see the
section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413).

If you delete a secret in Secrets Manager, remove the corresponding secret resource from the group and
from connectors and Lambda functions that reference it. Otherwise, during group deployment, AWS IoT
Greengrass returns an error that the secret can't be found. Also update your Lambda function code as
needed. You can remove a local secret by deploying a resource definition version that doesn't contain the
corresponding secret resource.

Using Local Secrets in Connectors and Lambda

Greengrass connectors and Lambda functions use local secrets to interact with services and applications.
The AWSCURRENT value is used by default, but values for other staging labels (p. 268) included in the
secret resource are also available.

Connectors and functions must be configured before they can access local secrets. This affiliates the
secret resource with connector or function.


If a connector requires access to a local secret, it provides parameters that you configure with the
information it needs to access the secret.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Using Local Secrets

• To learn how to do this in the AWS IoT Greengrass console, see the section called “Get Started
with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403).
• To learn how to do this with the AWS IoT Greengrass CLI, see the section called “Get Started with
Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413).

For information about requirements for individual connectors, see the section called “AWS-Provided
Greengrass Connectors” (p. 288).

The logic for accessing and using the secret is built into the connector.
Lambda functions

To allow a Greengrass Lambda function to access a local secret, you configure the function's
• To learn how to do this in the AWS IoT Greengrass console, see the section called “How To Create a
Secret Resource (Console)” (p. 272).
• To do this in the AWS IoT Greengrass API, you provide the following information in the
ResourceAccessPolicies property.
• ResourceId: The ID of the secret resource in the Greengrass group. This is the resource that
references the ARN of the corresponding Secrets Manager secret.
• Permission: The type of access that the function has to the resource. Only ro (read-only)
permission is supported for secret resources.

The following example creates a Lambda function that can access the MyApiKey secret resource.

aws greengrass create-function-definition --name MyGreengrassFunctions --initial-

version '{
"Functions": [
"Id": "MyLambdaFunction",
"FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-
"FunctionConfiguration": {
"Pinned": false,
"MemorySize": 16384,
"Timeout": 10,
"Environment": {
"ResourceAccessPolicies": [
"ResourceId": "MyApiKey",
"Permission": "ro"
"AccessSysfs": true

To access local secrets at runtime, Greengrass Lambda functions call the get_secret_value
function from the secretsmanager client in the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK (v1.3.0 or later).

The following example shows how to use the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Python to get a
secret. It passes the name of the secret to the get_secret_value function. SecretId can be
the name or ARN of the Secrets Manager secret (not the secret resource).

import greengrasssdk

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
How To Create a Secret Resource (Console)

# Creating a Greengrass Core SDK client

client = greengrasssdk.client('secretsmanager')

# This handler is called when the function is invoked

# It uses the secretsmanager client to get the value of a secret
def function_handler(event, context):
response = client.get_secret_value(SecretId='greengrass-MySecret-abc')
raw_secret = response.get('SecretString')

For text type secrets, the get_secret_value function returns a string. For binary type secrets, it
returns a base64-encoded string.
Make sure that your user-defined Lambda functions handle secrets securely and don't
log any any sensitive data that's stored in the secret. For more information, see Mitigate
the Risks of Logging and Debugging Your Lambda Function in the AWS Secrets Manager
User Guide. Although this documentation specifically refers to rotation functions, the
recommendation also applies to Greengrass Lambda functions.

The current value of the secret is returned by default. This is the version that the AWSCURRENT
staging label is attached to. To access a different version, pass the name of the corresponding
staging label for the optional VersionStage argument. For example:

import greengrasssdk

# Creating a greengrass core sdk client

client = greengrasssdk.client('secretsmanager')

# This handler is called when the function is invoked

# It uses the secretsmanager client to get the value of a specific secret version
def function_handler(event, context):
response = client.get_secret_value(SecretId='greengrass-MySecret-abc',
raw_secret = response.get('SecretString')

For another example function that calls get_secret_value, see Create a Lambda Function
Deployment Package (p. 276).

How To Create a Secret Resource (Console)

This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 and later.

This tutorial shows how to use the AWS Management Console to add a secret resource to a Greengrass
group. A secret resource is a reference to a secret from AWS Secrets Manager. For more information, see
Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).

On the AWS IoT Greengrass core device, connectors and Lambda functions can use the secret resource to
authenticate with services and applications, without hard-coding passwords, tokens, or other credentials.

In this tutorial, you start by creating a secret in the AWS Secrets Manager console. Then, in the AWS IoT
Greengrass console, you add a secret resource to a Greengrass group from the group's Resources page.
This secret resource references the Secrets Manager secret. Later, you attach the secret resource to a
Lambda function, which allows the function to get the value of the local secret.
Alternatively, the console allows you to create a secret and secret resource when you configure
a connector or Lambda function. You can do this from the connector's Configure parameters
page or the Lambda function's Resources page.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Only connectors that contain parameters for secrets can access secrets. For a tutorial that
shows how the Twilio Notifications connector uses a locally stored authentication token, see the
section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403).

The tutorial contains the following high-level steps:

1. Create a Secrets Manager Secret (p. 273)

2. Add a Secret Resource to a Group (p. 274)
3. Create a Lambda Function Deployment Package (p. 276)
4. Create a Lambda Function (p. 277)
5. Add the Function to the Group (p. 278)
6. Attach the Secret Resource to the Function (p. 278)
7. Add Subscriptions to the Group (p. 279)
8. Deploy the Group (p. 280)

The tutorial should take about 20 minutes to complete.

To complete this tutorial, you need:

• A Greengrass group and a Greengrass core (v1.7 or later). To learn how to create a Greengrass group
and core, see Getting Started with AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 64). The Getting Started tutorial also
includes steps for installing the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software.
• AWS IoT Greengrass must be configured to support local secrets. For more information, see Secrets
Requirements (p. 264).
This includes allowing access to your Secrets Manager secrets. If you're using the default
Greengrass service role, Greengrass has permission to get the values of secrets with names
that start with greengrass-.
• To get the values of local secrets, your user-defined Lambda functions must use AWS IoT Greengrass
Core SDK v1.3.0 or later.

Step 1: Create a Secrets Manager Secret

In this step, you use the AWS Secrets Manager console to create a secret.

1. Sign in to the AWS Secrets Manager console.

For more information about this process, see Step 1: Create and Store Your Secret in AWS
Secrets Manager in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide.
2. Choose Store a new secret.
3. Under Select secret type, choose Other type of secrets.
4. Under Specify the key-value pairs to be stored for this secret:

• For Key, enter test.

• For Value, enter abcdefghi.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add a Secret Resource to a Group

5. Keep DefaultEncryptionKey selected for the encryption key, and then choose Next.
You aren't charged by AWS KMS if you use the default AWS managed key that Secrets
Manager creates in your account.
6. For Secret name, enter greengrass-TestSecret, and then choose Next.
By default, the Greengrass service role allows AWS IoT Greengrass to get the value
of secrets with names that start with greengrass-. For more information, see secrets
requirements (p. 264).
7. This tutorial doesn't require rotation, so choose Disable automatic rotation, and then choose Next.
8. On the Review page, review your settings, and then choose Store.

Next, you create a secret resource in your Greengrass group that references the secret.

Step 2: Add a Secret Resource to a Greengrass Group

In this step, you configure a group resource that references the Secrets Manager secret.

1. In the AWS IoT console, choose Greengrass, and then choose Groups.
2. Choose the group that you want to add the secret resource to.
3. On the group configuration page, choose Resources, and then choose Secret. This tab displays the
secret resources that belong to the group. You can add, edit, and remove secret resources from this

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add a Secret Resource to a Group

Alternatively, the console allows you to create a secret and secret resource when you
configure a connector or Lambda function. You can do this from the connector's Configure
parameters page or the Lambda function's Resources page.
4. Choose Add a secret resource.
5. On the Add a secret resource to your group page, choose Select, and then choose greengrass-

6. On the Select labels (Optional) page, choose Next. The AWSCURRENT staging label represents the
latest version of the secret. This label is always included in a secret resource.
This tutorial requires the AWSCURRENT label only. You can optionally include labels that
are required by your Lambda function or connector.
7. On the Name your secret resource page, enter MyTestSecret, and then choose Save.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Function Deployment Package

Step 3: Create a Lambda Function Deployment

To create a Lambda function, you must first create a Lambda function deployment package that contains
the function code and dependencies. Greengrass Lambda functions require the AWS IoT Greengrass
Core SDK (p. 175) for tasks such as communicating with MQTT messages in the core environment and
accessing local secrets. This tutorial creates a Python function, so you use the Python version of the SDK
in the deployment package.
To get the values of local secrets, your user-defined Lambda functions must use AWS IoT
Greengrass Core SDK v1.3.0 or later.

1. Download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Python from the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
SDK (p. 22) downloads page.
2. Unzip the downloaded package to get the SDK. The SDK is the greengrasssdk folder.
3. Save the following Python code function in a local file named secret_test.py.

import greengrasssdk

# Create SDK clients.

secrets_client = greengrasssdk.client('secretsmanager')
message_client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')
message = ''

# This handler is called when the function is invoked.

# It uses the 'secretsmanager' client to get the value of the test secret using the
secret name.
# The test secret is a text type, so the SDK returns a string.
# For binary secret values, the SDK returns a base64-encoded string.
def function_handler(event, context):
response = secrets_client.get_secret_value(SecretId='greengrass-TestSecret')
secret_value = response.get('SecretString')
if secret_value is None:
message = 'Failed to retrieve secret.'
message = 'Success! Retrieved secret.'

message_client.publish(topic='secrets/output', payload=message)
print('published: ' + message)

The get_secret_value function supports the name or ARN of the Secrets Manager secret for the
SecretId value. This example uses the secret name. For this example secret, AWS IoT Greengrass
returns the key-value pair: {"test":"abcdefghi"}.
Make sure that your user-defined Lambda functions handle secrets securely and don't
log any any sensitive data that's stored in the secret. For more information, see Mitigate
the Risks of Logging and Debugging Your Lambda Function in the AWS Secrets Manager
User Guide. Although this documentation specifically refers to rotation functions, the
recommendation also applies to Greengrass Lambda functions.
4. Zip the following items into a file named secret_test_python.zip. When you create the ZIP file,
include only the code and dependencies, not the containing folder.

• secret_test.py. App logic.

• greengrasssdk. Required library for all Python Greengrass Lambda functions.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Function

This is your Lambda function deployment package.

Step 4: Create a Lambda Function

In this step, you use the AWS Lambda console to create a Lambda function and configure it to use your
deployment package. Then, you publish a function version and create an alias.

1. First, create the Lambda function.

a. In the AWS Management Console, choose Services, and open the AWS Lambda console.
b. Choose Create function and then choose Author from scratch.
c. In the Basic information section, use the following values:

• For Function name, enter SecretTest.

• For Runtime, choose Python 2.7.
• For Permissions, keep the default setting. This creates an execution role that grants basic
Lambda permissions. This role isn't used by AWS IoT Greengrass.
d. At the bottom of the page, choose Create function.
2. Next, register the handler and upload your Lambda function deployment package.

a. On the Configuration tab for the SecretTest function, in Function code, use the following

• For Code entry type, choose Upload a .zip file.

• For Runtime, choose Python 2.7.
• For Handler, enter secret_test.function_handler
b. Choose Upload.
c. Choose your secret_test_python.zip deployment package.
d. Choose Save.
The Test button on the AWS Lambda console doesn't work with this function. The
AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK doesn't contain modules that are required to run your
Greengrass Lambda functions independently in the AWS Lambda console. These
modules (for example, greengrass_common) are supplied to the functions after they
are deployed to your Greengrass core.
You can see your code in the Function code section by choosing Edit code inline from
the Code entry type menu.
3. Now, publish the first version of your Lambda function and create an alias for the version.
Greengrass groups can reference a Lambda function by alias (recommended) or by version.
Using an alias makes it easier to manage code updates because you don't have to change
your subscription table or group definition when the function code is updated. Instead, you
just point the alias to the new function version.

a. From the Actions menu, choose Publish new version.

b. For Version description, enter First version, and then choose Publish.
c. On the SecretTest: 1 configuration page, from the Actions menu, choose Create alias.
d. On the Create a new alias page, use the following values:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add the Function to the Group

• For Name, enter GG_SecretTest.

• For Version, choose 1.

AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't support Lambda aliases for $LATEST versions.
e. Choose Create.

Now you're ready to add the Lambda function to your Greengrass group and attach the secret resource.

Step 5: Add the Lambda Function to the Greengrass

In this step, you add the Lambda function to the Greengrass group in the AWS IoT console.

1. On the group configuration page, choose Lambdas, and then choose Add Lambda.

2. On the Add a Lambda to your Greengrass Group page, choose Use existing Lambda.

3. On the Use existing Lambda page, choose SecretTest, and then choose Next.
4. On the Select a Lambda version page, choose Alias:GG_SecretTest, and then choose Finish.

Next, affiliate the secret resource with the function.

Step 6: Attach the Secret Resource to the Lambda

In this step, you attach the secret resource to the Lambda function in your Greengrass group. This
affiliates the resource with the function, which allows the function to get the value of the local secret.

1. On the group's Lambdas page, choose the SecretTest function.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add Subscriptions to the Group

2. On the function's details page, choose Resources, choose Secret, and then choose Attach a secret

3. On the Attach a secret resource to your Lambda function page, choose Choose secret resource.
4. On the Select a secret resource from your group page, choose MyTestSecret, and then choose

Step 7: Add Subscriptions to the Greengrass Group

In this step, you add subscriptions that allow AWS IoT and the Lambda function to exchange messages.
One subscription allows AWS IoT to invoke the function, and one allows the function to send output data
to AWS IoT.

1. On the group configuration page, choose Subscriptions, and then choose Add Subscription.

2. Create a subscription that allows AWS IoT to publish messages to the function.

On the Select your source and target page, configure the source and target:

a. For Select a source, choose Services, and then choose IoT Cloud.
b. For Select a target, choose Lambdas, and then choose SecretTest.
c. Choose Next.
3. On the Filter your data with a topic page, for Topic filter, enter secrets/input, and then choose
4. Choose Finish.
5. Repeat steps 1 - 4 to create a subscription that allows the function to publish status to AWS IoT.

a. For Select a source, choose Lambdas, and then choose SecretTest.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Deploy the Group

b. For Select a target, choose Services, and then choose IoT Cloud.
c. For Topic filter, enter secrets/output.

Step 8: Deploy the Greengrass Group

Deploy the group to the core device. During deployment, AWS IoT Greengrass fetches the value of the
secret from Secrets Manager and creates a local, encrypted copy on the core.

1. Make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass core is running. Run the following commands in your
Raspberry Pi terminal, as needed.

a. To check whether the daemon is running:

ps aux | grep -E 'greengrass.*daemon'

If the output contains a root entry for /greengrass/ggc/packages/ggc-version/bin/

daemon, then the daemon is running.
The version in the path depends on the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software version
that's installed on your core device.
b. To start the daemon:

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

2. On the group configuration page, choose Deployments, and from the Actions menu, choose

3. On the Configure how devices discover your core page, choose Automatic detection.

This enables devices to automatically acquire connectivity information for the core, such as IP
address, DNS, and port number. Automatic detection is recommended, but AWS IoT Greengrass also
supports manually specified endpoints. You're only prompted for the discovery method the first
time that the group is deployed.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test the Function

If prompted, grant permission to create the Greengrass service role (p. 443) and associate
it with your AWS account in the current AWS Region. This role allows AWS IoT Greengrass to
access your resources in AWS services.

The Deployments page shows the deployment timestamp, version ID, and status. When completed,
the deployment should show a Successfully completed status.

For troubleshooting help, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).

Test the Function

1. On the AWS IoT console home page, choose Test.

2. For Subscriptions, use the following values, and then choose Subscribe to topic.

Property Value

Subscription topic secrets/output

MQTT payload display Display payloads as strings

3. For Publish, use the following values, and then choose Publish to topic to invoke the function.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
See Also

Property Value

Topic secrets/input

Message Keep the default message. Publishing a

message invokes the Lambda function, but the
function in this tutorial doesn't process the
message body.

If successful, the function publishes a "Success" message.

See Also
• Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263)

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Integrate with Services and

Protocols Using Greengrass
This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 and later.

Greengrass connectors are prebuilt modules that help accelerate the development lifecycle for common
edge scenarios. They make it easier to interact with local infrastructure, device protocols, AWS, and other
cloud services. With connectors, you can spend less time learning new protocols and APIs and more time
focusing on the logic that matters to your business.

The following diagram shows where connectors can fit into the AWS IoT Greengrass landscape.

Many connectors use MQTT messages to communicate with devices and Greengrass Lambda functions
in the group, or with AWS IoT and the local shadow service. In the following example, the Twilio
Notifications connector receives MQTT messages from a user-defined Lambda function, uses a local
reference of a secret from AWS Secrets Manager, and calls the Twilio API.

For tutorials that create this solution, see the section called “Get Started with Connectors
(Console)” (p. 403) and the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Greengrass connectors can help you quickly extend device capabilities or create single-purpose devices.
Connectors can make it easier to:

• Implement reusable business logic.

• Interact with cloud and local services, including AWS and third-party services.
• Ingest and process device data.
• Enable device-to-device calls using MQTT topic subscriptions and user-defined Lambda functions.

AWS provides a set of Greengrass connectors that simplify interactions with common services and data
sources. These prebuilt modules enable scenarios for logging and diagnostics, replenishment, industrial
data processing, and alarm and messaging. For more information, see the section called “AWS-Provided
Greengrass Connectors” (p. 288).

The following requirements apply for connectors:

• You must use AWS IoT Greengrass Core software v1.7 or later.
• You must meet the requirements of each connector that you're using. These requirements might
include device prerequisites, required permissions, and limits. For more information, see the section
called “AWS-Provided Greengrass Connectors” (p. 288).
• A Greengrass group can contain only one configured instance of a given connector, but the instance
can be used in multiple subscriptions. For more information, see the section called “Configuration
Parameters” (p. 286).
• Connectors aren't supported when the Greengrass group is configured to run without containerization.
For more information, see the section called “Controlling Greengrass Lambda Function
Execution” (p. 178).

Using AWS IoT Greengrass Connectors

A connector is a type of group component. Like other group components, such as devices and user-
defined Lambda functions, you add connectors to groups, configure their settings, and deploy them to
the AWS IoT Greengrass core. Connectors run in the core environment.

Some connectors can be deployed as simple standalone applications. For example, the Device Defender
connector reads system metrics from the core device and sends them to AWS IoT Device Defender for

Other connectors can be used as building blocks in larger solutions. The following example solution
uses the Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter connector to process messages from sensors and the Twilio
Notifications connector to trigger Twilio messages.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Using AWS IoT Greengrass Connectors

Solutions often include user-defined Lambda functions that sit next to connectors and process the data
that the connector sends or receives. In this example, the TempMonitor function receives data from
Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter, runs some business logic, and then sends data to Twilio Notifications.

To create and deploy a solution, you follow this general process:

1. Map out the high-level data flow. Identify the data sources, data channels, services, protocols, and
resources that you need to work with. In the example solution, this includes data over the Modbus
RTU protocol, the physical Modbus serial port, and Twilio.
2. Identify the connectors to include in the solution, and add them to your group. The example solution
uses Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter and Twilio Notifications. To help you find connectors that apply to
your scenario, and to learn about their individual requirements, see the section called “AWS-Provided
Greengrass Connectors” (p. 288).
3. Identify whether user-defined Lambda functions, devices, or resources are needed, and then create
and add them to the group. This might include functions that contain business logic or process data
into a format required by another entity in the solution. The example solution uses functions to send
Modbus RTU requests and trigger Twilio notifications. It also includes a local device resource for the
Modbus RTU serial port and a secret resource for the Twilio authentication token.
Secret resources reference passwords, tokens, and other secrets from AWS Secrets Manager.
Secrets can be used by connectors and Lambda functions to authenticate with services and
applications. By default, AWS IoT Greengrass can access secrets with names that start with
"greengrass-". For more information, see Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).
4. Create subscriptions that allow the entities in the solution to exchange MQTT messages. If a connector
is used in a subscription, the connector and the message source or target must use the predefined
topic syntax supported by the connector. For more information, see the section called “Inputs and
Outputs” (p. 287).
5. Deploy the group to the Greengrass core.

To learn how to create and deploy a connector, see the following tutorials:

• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413)

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configuration Parameters

Configuration Parameters
Many connectors provide parameters that let you customize the behavior or output. These parameters
are used during initialization, at runtime, or at other times in the connector lifecycle.

Parameter types and usage vary by connector. For example, the SNS connector has a parameter that
configures the default SNS topic, and Device Defender has a parameter that configures the data
sampling rate.

A group version can contain multiple connectors, but only one instance of a given connector at a time.
This means that each connector in the group can have only one active configuration. However, the
connector instance can be used in multiple subscriptions in the group. For example, you can create
subscriptions that allow many devices to send data to the Kinesis Firehose connector.

Parameters Used to Access Group Resources

Greengrass connectors use group resources to access the file system, ports, peripherals, and other local
resources on the core device. If a connector requires access to a group resource, then it provides related
configuration parameters.

Group resources include:

• Local resources (p. 200). Directories, files, ports, pins, and peripherals that are present on the
Greengrass core device.
• Machine learning resources (p. 221). Machine learning models that are trained in the cloud and
deployed to the core for local inference.
• Secret resources (p. 263). Local, encrypted copies of passwords, keys, tokens, or arbitrary text from
AWS Secrets Manager. Connectors can securely access these local secrets and use them to authenticate
to services or local infrastructure.

For example, parameters for Device Defender enable access to system metrics in the host /proc
directory, and parameters for Twilio Notifications enable access to a locally stored Twilio authentication

Updating Connector Parameters

Parameters are configured when the connector is added to a Greengrass group. You can change
parameter values after the connector is added.

• In the console: From the group configuration page, open Connectors, and from the connector's
contextual menu, choose Edit.
If the connector uses a secret resource that's later changed to reference a different secret, you
must edit the connector's parameters and confirm the change.
• In the API: Create another version of the connector that defines the new configuration.

The AWS IoT Greengrass API uses versions to manage groups. Versions are immutable, so to add or
change group components—for example, the group's devices, functions, and resources—you must
create versions of new or updated components. Then, you create and deploy a group version that
contains the target version of each component.

After you make changes to the connector configuration, you must deploy the group to propagate the
changes to the core.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Inputs and Outputs

Inputs and Outputs

Many Greengrass connectors can communicate with other entities by sending and receiving MQTT
messages. MQTT communication is controlled by subscriptions that allow a connector to exchange
data with Lambda functions, devices, and other connectors in the Greengrass group, or with AWS IoT
and the local shadow service. To allow this communication, you must create subscriptions in the group
that the connector belongs to. For more information, see the section called “Greengrass Messaging
Workflow” (p. 441).

Connectors can be message publishers, message subscribers, or both. Each connector defines the MQTT
topics that it publishes or subscribes to. These predefined topics must be used in the subscriptions where
the connector is a message source or message target. For tutorials that include steps for configuring
subscriptions for a connector, see the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403)
and the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413).
Many connectors also have built-in modes of communication to interact with cloud or local
services. These vary by connector and might require that you configure parameters or add
permissions to the group role. For information about connector requirements, see the section
called “AWS-Provided Greengrass Connectors” (p. 288).

Input Topics
Most connectors receive input data on MQTT topics. Some connectors subscribe to multiple topics for
input data. For example, the Serial Stream connector supports two topics:

• serial/+/read/#
• serial/+/write/#

For this connector, read and write requests are sent to the corresponding topic. When you create
subscriptions, make sure to use the topic that aligns with your implementation.

The + and # characters in the previous examples are wildcards. These wildcards allow subscribers to
receive messages on multiple topics and publishers to customize the topics that they publish to.

• The + wildcard can appear anywhere in the topic hierarchy. It can be replaced by one hierarchy item.

As an example, for topic sensor/+/input, messages can be published to topics sensor/id-123/

input but not to sensor/group-a/id-123/input.

• The # wildcard can appear only at the end of the topic hierarchy. It can be replaced by zero or more
hierarchy items.

As an example, for topic sensor/#, messages can be published to sensor/, sensor/id-123, and
sensor/group-a/id-123, but not to sensor.

Wildcard characters are valid only when subscribing to topics. Messages can't be published to topics
that contain wildcards. Check the documentation for the connector to learn about its input or
output topic requirements. For more information, see the section called “AWS-Provided Greengrass
Connectors” (p. 288).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Greengrass connectors contain Lambda functions that write events and errors to Greengrass logs.
Depending on your group settings, logs are written to CloudWatch Logs, the local file system, or both.
Logs from connectors include the ARN of the corresponding function. The following example ARN is
from the Kinesis Firehose connector:


The default logging configuration writes info-level logs to the file system using the following directory


For more information about Greengrass logging, see Monitoring (p. 457).

AWS-Provided Greengrass Connectors

AWS provides the following connectors that support common AWS IoT Greengrass scenarios. For more
information about how connectors work, see the following documentation:

• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)

• Get Started with Connectors (Console) (p. 403) or Get Started with Connectors (CLI) (p. 413)

Connector Description

CloudWatch Metrics (p. 289) Publishes custom metrics to Amazon CloudWatch.

Device Defender (p. 296) Sends system metrics to AWS IoT Device

IoT Analytics (p. 299) Sends data from devices and sensors to AWS IoT

Kinesis Firehose (p. 307) Sends data to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose
delivery streams.

ML Feedback (p. 315) Publishes machine learning model input to the

cloud and output to an MQTT topic.

ML Image Classification (p. 326) Runs a local image classification inference service.
This connector provides versions for several

ML Object Detection (p. 343) Runs a local object detection inference service.
This connector provides versions for several

Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter (p. 354) Sends requests to Modbus RTU devices.

Raspberry Pi GPIO (p. 365) Controls GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi core device.

Serial Stream (p. 370) Reads and writes to a serial port on the core

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
CloudWatch Metrics

Connector Description

ServiceNow MetricBase Integration (p. 378) Publishes time series metrics to ServiceNow

SNS (p. 384) Sends messages to an Amazon SNS topic.

Splunk Integration (p. 389) Publishes data to Splunk HEC.

Twilio Notifications (p. 395) Triggers a Twilio text or voice message.

CloudWatch Metrics Connector

The CloudWatch Metrics connector (p. 283) publishes custom metrics from Greengrass devices to
Amazon CloudWatch. The connector provides a centralized infrastructure for publishing CloudWatch
metrics, which you can use to monitor and analyze the Greengrass core environment, and act on local
events. For more information, see Using Amazon CloudWatch Metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch User

This connector receives metric data as MQTT messages. The connector batches metrics that are in the
same namespace and publishes them to CloudWatch at regular intervals.

This connector has the following versions.

Version ARN

2 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

1 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

For information about version changes, see the Changelog (p. 295).

This connector has the following requirements:

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.7 or later.

• Python version 2.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.
• An IAM policy added to the Greengrass group role that allows the cloudwatch:PutMetricData
action, as shown in the following example.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1528133056761",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
CloudWatch Metrics

For more information, see Adding and Removing IAM Policies in the IAM User Guide and Amazon
CloudWatch Permissions Reference in the IAM User Guide.

Connector Parameters
This connector provides the following parameters:


The maximum number of seconds to wait before publishing batched metrics for a given namespace.
The maximum value is 900. To configure the connector to publish metrics as they are received
(without batching), specify 0.

The connector publishes to CloudWatch after it receives 20 metrics in the same namespace or after
the specified interval.
The connector doesn't guarantee the order of publish events.

Display name in console: Publish interval

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: 0 - 900

Valid pattern: [0-9]|[1-9]\d|[1-9]\d\d|900


The AWS Region to post CloudWatch metrics to. This value overrides the default Greengrass metrics
region. It is required only when posting cross-region metrics.

Display name in console: Publish region

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^$|([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1})


The memory (in KB) to allocate to the connector.

Display name in console: Memory size

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[0-9]+$


The maximum number of metrics across all namespaces to save in memory before they are replaced
with new metrics. The minimum value is 2000.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
CloudWatch Metrics

This limit applies when there's no connection to the internet and the connector starts to buffer the
metrics to publish later. When the buffer is full, the oldest metrics are replaced by new metrics.
Metrics in a given namespace are replaced only by metrics in the same namespace.
Metrics are not saved if the host process for the connector is interrupted. For example, this
can happen during group deployment or when the device restarts.

Display name in console: Maximum metrics to retain

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^([2-9]\d{3}|[1-9]\d{4,})$

Create Connector Example (CLI)

The following CLI command creates a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that contains the
CloudWatch Metrics connector.

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-version

"Connectors": [
"Id": "MyCloudWatchMetricsConnector",
"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/CloudWatchMetrics/
"Parameters": {
"PublishInterval" : "600",
"PublishRegion" : "us-west-2",
"MemorySize" : "16",
"MaxMetricsToRetain" : "2500"

In the AWS IoT Greengrass console, you can add a connector from the group's Connectors page. For
more information, see the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403).

Input Data
This connector accepts metrics on an MQTT topic and publishes the metrics to CloudWatch. Input
messages must be in JSON format.

Topic filter

Message properties

Information about the metric in this message.

The request object contains the metric data to publish to CloudWatch. The metric
values must meet the specifications of the PutMetricData API. Only the namespace,
metricData.metricName, and metricData.value properties are required.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
CloudWatch Metrics

Required: true

Type: object that includes the following properties:


The user-defined namespace for the metric data in this request. CloudWatch uses
namespaces as containers for metric data points.
You can't specify a namespace that begins with the reserved string "AWS/".

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: [^:].*


The data for the metric.

Required: true

Type: object that includes the following properties:


The name of the metric.

Required: true

Type: string

The dimensions that are associated with the metric. Dimensions provide more
information about the metric and its data. A metric can define up to 10 dimensions.

Required: false

Type: array of dimension objects that include the following properties:


The dimension name.

Required: false

Type: string

The dimension value.

Required: false

Type: string

The time that the metric data was received, expressed as the number of milliseconds
since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC. If this value is omitted, the connector uses the
time that it received the message.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
CloudWatch Metrics

Required: false

Type: timestamp

The value for the metric.

CloudWatch rejects values that are too small or too large. Values must be in
the range of 8.515920e-109 to 1.174271e+108 (Base 10) or 2e-360 to
2e360 (Base 2). Special values (for example, NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity) are
not supported.

Required: true

Type: double

The unit of the metric.

Required: false

Type: string

Valid values: Seconds, Microseconds, Milliseconds, Bytes, Kilobytes,

Megabytes, Gigabytes, Terabytes, Bits, Kilobits, Megabits,
Gigabits, Terabits, Percent, Count, Bytes/Second, Kilobytes/
Second, Megabytes/Second, Gigabytes/Second, Terabytes/Second,
Bits/Second, Kilobits/Second, Megabits/Second, Gigabits/Second,
Terabits/Second, Count/Second, None

All limits that are imposed by the CloudWatch PutMetricData API apply to metrics when using
this connector. The following limits are especially important:
• 40 KB limit on API payload
• 20 metrics per API request
• 150 transactions per second (TPS) for the PutMetricData API

For more information, see CloudWatch Limits in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
Example input

"request": {
"namespace": "Greengrass",
"metricName": "latency",
"dimensions": [
"name": "hostname",
"value": "test_hostname"
"timestamp": 1539027324,
"value": 123.0,
"unit": "Seconds"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
CloudWatch Metrics

Output Data
This connector publishes status information as output data.

Topic filter

Example output: Success

The response includes the namespace of the metric data and the RequestId field from the
CloudWatch response.

"response": {
"namespace": "Greengrass",

Example output: Failure

"response" : {
"namespace": "Greengrass",
"error": "InvalidInputException",
"error_message":"cw metric is invalid",

If the connector detects a retryable error (for example, connection errors), it retries the
publish in the next batch.

Usage Example
The following example Lambda function sends an input message to the connector.
This Python function uses the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK (p. 175) to publish an MQTT
message. You can use the following pip command to install the Python version of the SDK on
your core device:

pip install greengrasssdk

import greengrasssdk
import time
import json

iot_client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')
send_topic = 'cloudwatch/metric/put'

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
CloudWatch Metrics

def create_request_with_all_fields():
return {
"request": {
"namespace": "Greengrass_CW_Connector",
"metricData": {
"metricName": "Count1",
"dimensions": [
"name": "test",
"value": "test"
"value": 1,
"unit": "Seconds",
"timestamp": time.time()

def publish_basic_message():
messageToPublish = create_request_with_all_fields()
print "Message To Publish: ", messageToPublish


def function_handler(event, context):


The CloudWatch Metrics connector includes the following third-party software/licensing:

• AWS SDK for Python (Boto 3)/Apache 2.0

This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

The following table describes the changes in each version of the connector.

Version Changes

2 Fix to reduce excessive logging.

1 Initial release.

A Greengrass group can contain only one version of the connector at a time.

See Also
• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413)
• Using Amazon CloudWatch Metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Device Defender

• PutMetricData in the Amazon CloudWatch API Reference

Device Defender Connector

The Device Defender connector (p. 283) notifies administrators of changes in the state of a Greengrass
core device. This can help identify unusual behavior that might indicate a compromised device.

This connector reads system metrics from the /proc directory on the core device, and then publishes
the metrics to AWS IoT Device Defender. For metrics reporting details, see Device Metrics Document
Specification in the AWS IoT Developer Guide.

This connector has the following versions.

Version ARN

2 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

1 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

For information about version changes, see the Changelog (p. 299).

This connector has the following requirements:

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.7 or later.

• Python version 2.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.
• AWS IoT Device Defender configured to use the Detect feature to keep track of violations. For more
information, see Detect in the AWS IoT Developer Guide.
• A local volume resource (p. 200) in the Greengrass group that points to the /proc directory. The
resource must use the following properties:
• Source path: /proc
• Destination path: /host_proc (or a value that matches the valid pattern (p. 297))
• AutoAddGroupOwner: true
• The psutil library installed on the AWS IoT Greengrass core. Use the following command to install it:

pip install psutil

• The cbor library installed on the AWS IoT Greengrass core. Use the following command to install it:

pip install cbor

Connector Parameters
This connector provides the following parameters:


The number of seconds between each cycle of gathering and reporting metrics. The minimum value
is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Device Defender

Display name in console: Metrics reporting interval

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[0-9]*(?:3[0-9][0-9]|[4-9][0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]{3,})$


The ID of the /proc volume resource.

This connector is granted read-only access to the resource.

Display name in console: Resource for /proc directory

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+


The destination path of the /proc volume resource.

Display name in console: Destination path of /proc resource

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: \/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+

Create Connector Example (CLI)

The following CLI command creates a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that contains the
Device Defender connector.

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-version

"Connectors": [
"Id": "MyDeviceDefenderConnector",
"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/DeviceDefender/
"Parameters": {
"SampleIntervalSeconds": "600",
"ProcDestinationPath": "/host_proc",
"ProcDestinationPath-ResourceId": "my-proc-resource"

The Lambda function in this connector has a long-lived (p. 187) lifecycle.

In the AWS IoT Greengrass console, you can add a connector from the group's Connectors page. For
more information, see the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Device Defender

Input Data
This connector doesn't accept MQTT messages as input data.

Output Data
This connector publishes security metrics to AWS IoT Device Defender as output data.

Topic filter

This is the topic syntax that AWS IoT Device Defender expects. The connector replaces the
+ wildcard with the device name (for example, $aws/things/thing-name/defender/
Example output

For metrics reporting details, see Device Metrics Document Specification in the AWS IoT Developer

"header": {
"report_id": 1529963534,
"version": "1.0"
"metrics": {
"listening_tcp_ports": {
"ports": [
"interface": "eth0",
"port": 24800
"interface": "eth0",
"port": 22
"interface": "eth0",
"port": 53
"total": 3
"listening_udp_ports": {
"ports": [
"interface": "eth0",
"port": 5353
"interface": "eth0",
"port": 67
"total": 2
"network_stats": {
"bytes_in": 1157864729406,
"bytes_out": 1170821865,
"packets_in": 693092175031,
"packets_out": 738917180

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
IoT Analytics

"tcp_connections": {
"connections": [
"local_interface": "eth0",
"local_port": 80,
"remote_addr": ""
"local_interface": "eth0",
"local_port": 80,
"remote_addr": ""
"total": 2

This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

The following table describes the changes in each version of the connector.

Version Changes

2 Fix to reduce excessive logging.

1 Initial release.

A Greengrass group can contain only one version of the connector at a time.

See Also
• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413)
• Device Defender in the AWS IoT Developer Guide

IoT Analytics Connector

The IoT Analytics connector sends local device data to AWS IoT Analytics. You can use this connector as
a central hub to collect data from sensors on the Greengrass core device and from connected Greengrass
devices (p. 8). The connector sends the data to AWS IoT Analytics channels in the current AWS account
and Region. It can send data to a default destination channel and to dynamically specified channels.
AWS IoT Analytics is a fully managed service that allows you to collect, store, process, and query
IoT data. In AWS IoT Analytics, the data can be further analyzed and processed. For example,
it can be used to train ML models for monitoring machine health or to test new modeling

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
IoT Analytics

strategies. For more information, see What Is AWS IoT Analytics? in the AWS IoT Analytics User

The connector accepts formatted and unformatted data on input MQTT topics (p. 303). It supports
two predefined topics where the destination channel is specified inline. It can also receive messages
on customer-defined topics that are configured in subscriptions (p. 287). This can be used to route
messages from devices that publish to fixed topics or handle unstructured or stack-dependent data from
resource-constrained devices.

This connector uses the BatchPutMessage API to send data (as a JSON or base64-encoded string)
to the destination channel. The connector can process raw data into a format that conforms to API
requirements. The connector buffers input messages in per-channel queues and asynchronously
processes the batches. It provides parameters that allow you to control queueing and batching behavior
and to restrict memory consumption. For example, you can configure the maximum queue size, batch
interval, memory size, and number of active channels.

This connector has the following versions.

Version ARN

2 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

1 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

For information about version changes, see the Changelog (p. 307).

This connector has the following requirements:

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.7 or later.

• Python version 2.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.
• This connector can be used only in supported AWS Regions. For more information, see the section
called “Limits” (p. 306).
• All related AWS IoT Analytics entities (channels, pipeline, datastores, datasets) and workflows are
created and configured. For more information, see the AWS CLI or console procedures in the AWS IoT
Analytics User Guide.
Destination AWS IoT Analytics channels must use the same account and be in the same AWS
Region as this connector.
• An IAM policy added to the Greengrass group role that allows the
iotanalytics:BatchPutMessage action on destination channels, as shown in the following
example. The channels must be in the current AWS account and Region.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1528133056761",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
IoT Analytics


For more information, see Adding and Removing IAM Policies in the IAM User Guide.


The amount of memory (in KB) to allocate to this connector.

Display name in console: Memory size

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[0-9]+$


The AWS Region that your AWS IoT Analytics channels are created in. Use the same Region as the
This must also match the Region for the channels that are specified in the group
role (p. 300).

Display name in console: Publish region

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^$|([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\\d{1})


The interval (in seconds) for publishing a batch of received data to AWS IoT Analytics.

Display name in console: Publish interval

Required: false

Type: string

Default value: 1

Valid pattern: $|^[0-9]+$


The maximum number of AWS IoT Analytics channels that the connector actively watches for. This
must be greater than 0, and at least equal to the number of channels that you expect the connector
to publish to at a given time.

You can use this parameter to restrict memory consumption by limiting the total number of queues
that the connector can manage at a given time. A queue is deleted when all queued messages are

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
IoT Analytics

Display name in console: Maximum number of active channels

Required: false

Type: string

Default value: 50

Valid pattern: ^$|^[1-9][0-9]*$


The behavior for dropping messages from a channel queue when the queue is full.

Display name in console: Queue drop behavior

Required: false

Type: string


Default value: DROP_NEWEST



The maximum number of messages to retain in memory (per channel) before the messages are
submitted or dropped. This must be greater than 0.

Display name in console: Maximum queue size per channel

Required: false

Type: string

Default value: 2048

Valid pattern: ^$|^[1-9][0-9]*$


The maximum number of messages to send to an AWS IoT Analytics channel in one batch request.
This must be greater than 0.

Display name in console: Maximum number of messages to batch per channel

Required: false

Type: string

Default value: 5

Valid pattern: ^$|^[1-9][0-9]*$


The name of the AWS IoT Analytics channel that this connector uses for messages that are sent to a
customer-defined input topic.

Display name in console: Default channel name

Required: false

Type: string

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
IoT Analytics

Valid pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]$

Create Connector Example (CLI)

The following CLI command creates a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that contains the
IoT Analytics connector.

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-version

"Connectors": [
"Id": "MyIoTAnalyticsApplication",
"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/IoTAnalytics/
"Parameters": {
"MemorySize": "65535",
"PublishRegion": "us-west-1",
"PublishInterval": "2",
"IotAnalyticsMaxActiveChannels": "25",
"IotAnalyticsQueueDropBehavior": "DROP_OLDEST",
"IotAnalyticsQueueSizePerChannel": "1028",
"IotAnalyticsBatchSizePerChannel": "5",
"IotAnalyticsDefaultChannelName": "my_channel"

The Lambda function in this connector has a long-lived (p. 187) lifecycle.

In the AWS IoT Greengrass console, you can add a connector from the group's Connectors page. For
more information, see the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403).

Input Data
This connector accepts data on predefined and customer-defined MQTT topics. Publishers can be
Greengrass devices, Lambda functions, or other connectors.

Predefined topics

The connector supports the following two structured MQTT topics that allow publishers to specify
the channel name inline.
• A formatted message (p. 304) on the iotanalytics/channels/+/messages/put topic. The
IoT data in these input messages must be formatted as a JSON or base64-encoded string.
• An unformatted message on the iotanalytics/channels/+/messages/binary/put topic.
Input messages received on this topic are treated as binary data and can contain any data type.

To publish to predefined topics, replace the + wildcard with the channel name. For example:


Customer-defined topics

The connector supports the # topic syntax, which allows it to accept input messages on any MQTT
topic that you configure in a subscription. We recommend that you specify a topic path instead of

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
IoT Analytics

using only the # wildcard in your subscriptions. These messages are sent to the default channel that
you specify for the connector.

Input messages on customer-defined topics are treated as binary data. They can use any message
format and can contain any data type. You can use customer-defined topics to route messages from
devices that publish to fixed topics. You can also use them to accept input data from devices that
can't process the data into a formatted message to send to the connector.

For more information about subscriptions and MQTT topics, see the section called “Inputs and
Outputs” (p. 287).

The group role must allow the iotanalytics:BatchPutMessage action on all destination channels.
For more information, see the section called “Requirements” (p. 300).

Topic filter: iotanalytics/channels/+/messages/put

Use this topic to send formatted messages to the connector and dynamically specify a destination
channel. This topic also allows you to specify an ID that's returned in the response output. The
connector verifies that IDs are unique for each message in the outbound BatchPutMessage request
that it sends to AWS IoT Analytics. A message that has a duplicate ID is dropped.

Input data sent to this topic must use the following message format.
Message properties

The data to send to the specified channel.

Required: true

Type: object that includes the following properties:


The device or sensor data as a JSON or base64-encoded string.

Required: true

Type: string

An arbitrary ID for the request. This property is used to map an input request to an output
response. When specified, the id property in the response object is set to this value. If you
omit this property, the connector generates an ID.

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: .*
Example input

"request": {
"message" : "{\"temp\":23.33}"
"id" : "req123"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
IoT Analytics

Topic filter: iotanalytics/channels/+/messages/binary/put

Use this topic to send unformatted messages to the connector and dynamically specify a destination

The connector data doesn't parse the input messages received on this topic. It treats them as binary
data. Before sending the messages to AWS IoT Analytics, the connector encodes and formats them
to conform with BatchPutMessage API requirements:
• The connector base64-encodes the raw data and includes the encoded payload in an outbound
BatchPutMessage request.
• The connector generates and assigns an ID to each input message.
The connector's response output doesn't include an ID correlation for these input
Message properties

Topic filter: #

Use this topic to send any message format to the default channel. This is especially useful when your
devices publish to fixed topics or when you want to send data to the default channel from devices
that can't process the data into the connector's supported message format (p. 304).

You define the topic syntax in the subscription that you create to connect this connector to the data
source. We recommend that you specify a topic path instead of using only the # wildcard in your

The connector data doesn't parse the messages that are published to this input topic. All input
messages are treated as binary data. Before sending the messages to AWS IoT Analytics, the
connector encodes and formats them to conform with BatchPutMessage API requirements:
• The connector base64-encodes the raw data and includes the encoded payload in an outbound
BatchPutMessage request.
• The connector generates and assigns an ID to each input message.
The connector's response output doesn't include an ID correlation for these input
Message properties


Output Data
This connector publishes status information as output data. This information contains the response
returned by AWS IoT Analytics for each input message that it receives and sends to AWS IoT Analytics.

Topic filter

Example output: Success

"response" : {
"status" : "success"
"id" : "req123"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
IoT Analytics

Example output: Failure

"response" : {
"status" : "fail",
"error" : "ResourceNotFoundException",
"error_message" : "A resource with the specified name could not be found."
"id" : "req123"

If the connector detects a retryable error (for example, connection errors), it retries the
publish in the next batch. Exponential backoff is handled by the AWS SDK. Requests with
retryable errors are added back to the channel queue for further publishing according to
the IotAnalyticsQueueDropBehavior parameter.

This connector is subject to the following limits.

• All limits imposed by the AWS SDK for Python (boto3) for the AWS IoT Analytics
batch_put_message action.
• All limits imposed by the AWS IoT Analytics BatchPutMessage API. For more information, see AWS IoT
Analytics Limits in the AWS General Reference.
• 100,000 messages per second per channel.
• 100 messages per batch.
• 128 KB per message.

This API uses channel names (not channel ARNs), so sending data to cross-region or cross-account
channels is not supported.
• All limits imposed by the AWS IoT Greengrass Core. For more information, see AWS IoT Greengrass
Core Limits in the AWS General Reference.

The following limits might be especially applicable:

• Maximum size of messages sent by a device is 128 KB.
• Maximum message queue size in the Greengrass core router is 2.5 MB.
• Maximum length of a topic string is 256 bytes of UTF-8 encoded characters.
• This connector can be used only in AWS Regions that are supported by both AWS IoT Greengrass and
AWS IoT Analytics. Currently, this includes the following Regions:
• US East (Ohio) - us-east-2
• US East (N. Virginia) - us-east-1
• US West (Oregon) - us-west-2
• Asia Pacific (Tokyo) - ap-northeast-1
• EU (Frankfurt) - eu-central-1
• EU (Ireland) - eu-west-1

The IoT Analytics connector includes the following third-party software/licensing:

• AWS SDK for Python (Boto 3)/Apache 2.0

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Kinesis Firehose

This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

The following table describes the changes in each version of the connector.

Version Changes

2 Fix to reduce excessive logging.

1 Initial release.

A Greengrass group can contain only one version of the connector at a time.

See Also
• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413)
• What Is AWS IoT Analytics? in the AWS IoT Analytics User Guide

Kinesis Firehose
The Kinesis Firehose connector (p. 283) publishes data through an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose
delivery stream to destinations such as Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, or Amazon Elasticsearch Service.

This connector is a data producer for a Kinesis delivery stream. It receives input data on an MQTT topic,
and sends the data to a specified delivery stream. The delivery stream then sends the data record to the
configured destination (for example, an S3 bucket).

This connector has the following versions.

Version ARN

3 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

2 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

1 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

For information about version changes, see the Changelog (p. 315).

This connector has the following requirements:

Versions 2 and 3

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.7 or later.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Kinesis Firehose

• Python version 2.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.
• A configured Kinesis delivery stream. For more information, see Creating an Amazon Kinesis Data
Firehose Delivery Stream in the Amazon Kinesis Firehose Developer Guide.
• An IAM policy added to the Greengrass group role that allows the firehose:PutRecord and
firehose:PutRecordBatch actions on the target delivery stream, as shown in the following


This connector allows you to dynamically override the default delivery stream in the input
message payload. If your implementation uses this feature, the IAM policy should include all
target streams as resources. You can grant granular or conditional access to resources (for
example, by using a wildcard * naming scheme). For more information, see Adding and Removing
IAM Policies in the IAM User Guide.

Version 1

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.7 or later.

• Python version 2.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.
• A configured Kinesis delivery stream. For more information, see Creating an Amazon Kinesis Data
Firehose Delivery Stream in the Amazon Kinesis Firehose Developer Guide.
• An IAM policy added to the Greengrass group role that allows the firehose:PutRecord action
on the target delivery stream, as shown in the following example:


This connector allows you to dynamically override the default delivery stream in the input
message payload. If your implementation uses this feature, the IAM policy should include all
target streams as resources. You can grant granular or conditional access to resources (for

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Kinesis Firehose

example, by using a wildcard * naming scheme). For more information, see Adding and Removing
IAM Policies in the IAM User Guide.

Connector Parameters
This connector provides the following parameters:

Versions 2 and 3


The ARN of the default Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream to send data to. The destination
stream can be overridden by the delivery_stream_arn property in the input message
The group role must allow the appropriate actions on all target delivery streams. For
more information, see the section called “Requirements” (p. 307).

Display name in console: Default delivery stream ARN

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: arn:aws:firehose:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}):


The maximum number of records to retain in memory before new records for the same delivery
stream are rejected. The minimum value is 2000.

Display name in console: Maximum number of records to buffer (per stream)

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^([2-9]\\d{3}|[1-9]\\d{4,})$


The amount of memory (in KB) to allocate to this connector.

Display name in console: Memory size

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[0-9]+$


The interval (in seconds) for publishing records to Kinesis Data Firehose. To disable batching, set
this value to 0.

Display name in console: Publish interval

Required: true

Type: string

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Kinesis Firehose

Valid values: 0 - 900

Valid pattern: [0-9]|[1-9]\\d|[1-9]\\d\\d|900

Version 1


The ARN of the default Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream to send data to. The destination
stream can be overridden by the delivery_stream_arn property in the input message
The group role must allow the appropriate actions on all target delivery streams. For
more information, see the section called “Requirements” (p. 307).

Display name in console: Default delivery stream ARN

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: arn:aws:firehose:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}):



Create Connector Example (CLI)

The following CLI command creates a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that contains the

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-version

"Connectors": [
"Id": "MyKinesisFirehoseConnector",
"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/KinesisFirehose/
"Parameters": {
"DefaultDeliveryStreamArn": "arn:aws:firehose:region:account-
"DeliveryStreamQueueSize": "5000",
"MemorySize": "65535",
"PublishInterval": "10"

In the AWS IoT Greengrass console, you can add a connector from the group's Connectors page. For
more information, see the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403).

Input Data
This connector accepts stream content on MQTT topics, and then sends the content to the target
delivery stream. It accepts two types of input data:

• JSON data on the kinesisfirehose/message topic.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Kinesis Firehose

• Binary data on the kinesisfirehose/message/binary/# topic.

Versions 2 and 3

Topic filter: kinesisfirehose/message

Use this topic to send a message that contains JSON data.

Message properties

The data to send to the delivery stream and the target delivery stream, if different from
the default stream.

Required: true

Type: object that includes the following properties:


The data to send to the delivery stream.

Required: true

Type: bytes

The ARN of the target Kinesis delivery stream. Include this property to override the
default delivery stream.

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: arn:aws:firehose:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}):


An arbitrary ID for the request. This property is used to map an input request to an
output response. When specified, the id property in the response object is set to this
value. If you don't use this feature, you can omit this property or specify an empty

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: .*
Example input

"request": {
"delivery_stream_arn": "arn:aws:firehose:region:account-
"data": "Data to send to the delivery stream."
"id": "request123"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Kinesis Firehose

Topic filter: kinesisfirehose/message/binary/#

Use this topic to send a message that contains binary data. The connector doesn't parse binary
data. The data is streamed as is.

To map the input request to an output response, replace the # wildcard in the message topic
with an arbitrary request ID. For example, if you publish a message to kinesisfirehose/
message/binary/request123, the id property in the response object is set to request123.

If you don't want to map a request to a response, you can publish your messages to
kinesisfirehose/message/binary/. Be sure to include the trailing slash.

Version 1

Topic filter: kinesisfirehose/message

Use this topic to send a message that contains JSON data.

Message properties

The data to send to the delivery stream and the target delivery stream, if different from
the default stream.

Required: true

Type: object that includes the following properties:


The data to send to the delivery stream.

Required: true

Type: bytes

The ARN of the target Kinesis delivery stream. Include this property to override the
default delivery stream.

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: arn:aws:firehose:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}):


An arbitrary ID for the request. This property is used to map an input request to an
output response. When specified, the id property in the response object is set to this
value. If you don't use this feature, you can omit this property or specify an empty

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: .*
Example input

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Kinesis Firehose

"request": {
"delivery_stream_arn": "arn:aws:firehose:region:account-
"data": "Data to send to the delivery stream."
"id": "request123"

Topic filter: kinesisfirehose/message/binary/#

Use this topic to send a message that contains binary data. The connector doesn't parse binary
data. The data is streamed as is.

To map the input request to an output response, replace the # wildcard in the message topic
with an arbitrary request ID. For example, if you publish a message to kinesisfirehose/
message/binary/request123, the id property in the response object is set to request123.

If you don't want to map a request to a response, you can publish your messages to
kinesisfirehose/message/binary/. Be sure to include the trailing slash.

Output Data
This connector publishes status information as output data.

Versions 2 and 3

Topic filter

Example output

The response contains the status of each data record sent in the batch.

"response": [
"ErrorCode": "error",
"ErrorMessage": "test error",
"id": "request123",
"status": "fail"
"firehose_record_id": "xyz2",
"id": "request456",
"status": "success"
"firehose_record_id": "xyz3",
"id": "request890",
"status": "success"

If the connector detects a retryable error (for example, connection errors), it retries the
publish in the next batch. Exponential backoff is handled by the AWS SDK. Requests
that fail with retryable errors are added back to the end of the queue for further

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Kinesis Firehose

Version 1

Topic filter

Example output: Success

"response": {
"firehose_record_id": "1lxfuuuFomkpJYzt/34ZU/r8JYPf8Wyf7AXqlXm",
"status": "success"
"id": "request123"

Example output: Failure

"response" : {
"error": "ResourceNotFoundException",
"error_message": "An error occurred (ResourceNotFoundException) when calling
the PutRecord operation: Firehose test1 not found under account 123456789012.",
"status": "fail"
"id": "request123"

Usage Example
The following example Lambda function sends an input message to the connector. This message
contains JSON data.
This Python function uses the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK (p. 175) to publish an MQTT
message. You can use the following pip command to install the Python version of the SDK on
your core device:

pip install greengrasssdk

import greengrasssdk
import time
import json

iot_client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')
send_topic = 'kinesisfirehose/message'

def create_request_with_all_fields():
return {
"request": {
"data": "Message from Firehose Connector Test"
"id" : "req_123"

def publish_basic_message():
messageToPublish = create_request_with_all_fields()
print "Message To Publish: ", messageToPublish

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Feedback


def function_handler(event, context):


The Kinesis Firehose connector includes the following third-party software/licensing:

• AWS SDK for Python (Boto 3)/Apache 2.0

This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

The following table describes the changes in each version of the connector.

Version Changes

3 Fix to reduce excessive logging and other minor

bug fixes.

2 Added support for sending batched data records

to Kinesis Data Firehose at a specified interval.

• Also requires the firehose:PutRecordBatch

action in the group role.
• New MemorySize,
DeliveryStreamQueueSize, and
PublishInterval parameters.
• Output message contains an array of status
responses for the published data records.

1 Initial release.

A Greengrass group can contain only one version of the connector at a time.

See Also
• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413)
• What Is Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose? in the Amazon Kinesis Developer Guide

ML Feedback Connector
The ML Feedback connector makes it easier to access your machine learning (ML) model data for model
retraining and analysis. The connector:

• Uploads input data (samples) used by your ML model to Amazon S3. Model input can be in any format,
such as images, JSON, or audio. After samples are uploaded to the cloud, you can use them to retrain

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Feedback

the model to improve the accuracy and precision of its predictions. For example, you can use Amazon
SageMaker Ground Truth to label your samples and Amazon SageMaker to retrain the model.
• Publishes the prediction results from the model as MQTT messages. This lets you monitor and analyze
the inference quality of your model in real time. You can also store prediction results and use them to
analyze trends over time.
• Publishes metrics about sample uploads and sample data to Amazon CloudWatch.

To configure this connector, you describe your supported feedback configurations in JSON format. A
feedback configuration defines properties such as the destination Amazon S3 bucket, content type, and
sampling strategy (p. 320). (A sampling strategy is used to determine which samples to upload.)

You can use the ML Feedback connector in the following scenarios:

• With user-defined Lambda functions. Your local inference Lambda functions use the AWS IoT
Greengrass Machine Learning SDK to invoke this connector and pass in the target feedback
configuration, model input, and model output (prediction results). For an example, see the section
called “Usage Example” (p. 325).
• With the ML Image Classification connector (p. 326) (v2). To use this connector with the ML Image
Classification connector, configure the MLFeedbackConnectorConfigId parameter for the ML
Image Classification connector.
• With the ML Object Detection connector (p. 343). To use this connector with the ML Object Detection
connector, configure the MLFeedbackConnectorConfigId parameter for the ML Object Detection

ARN: arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/MLFeedback/versions/1

This connector has the following requirements:

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.9.3 or later.

• Python version 3.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.
• One or more Amazon S3 buckets. The number of buckets you use depends on your sampling strategy.
• An IAM policy added to the Greengrass group role that allows the s3:PutObject action on objects in
the destination Amazon S3 bucket, as shown in the following example.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:PutObject",
"Resource": [

The policy should include all destination buckets as resources. You can grant granular or conditional
access to resources (for example, by using a wildcard * naming scheme). For more information, see
Adding and Removing IAM Policies in the IAM User Guide.
• The CloudWatch Metrics connector (p. 289) added to the Greengrass group and configured. This is
required only if you want to use the metrics reporting feature.
• AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK (p. 176) v1.1.0 is required to interact with this connector.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Feedback


A set of one or more feedback configurations that the connector can use to upload samples to
Amazon S3. A feedback configuration defines parameters such as the destination bucket, content
type, and sampling strategy (p. 320). When this connector is invoked, the calling Lambda function
or connector specifies a target feedback configuration.

Display name in console: Feedback configuration map

Required: true

Type: A well-formed JSON string that defines the set of supported feedback configurations. For an
example, see the section called “FeedbackConfigurationMap Example” (p. 319).

The ID of a feedback configuration object has the following requirements.

The ID:
• Must be unique across configuration objects.
• Must begin with a letter or number. Can contain lowercase and uppercase letters,
numbers, and hyphens.
• Must be 2 - 63 characters in length.

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,62}$

Examples: MyConfig0, config-a, 12id

The body of a feedback configuration object contains the following properties.


The name of the destination Amazon S3 bucket.

The group role must allow the s3:PutObject action on all destination buckets.
For more information, see the section called “Requirements” (p. 316).

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[a-z0-9\.\-]{3,63}$


The content type of the samples to upload. All content for an individual feedback
configuration must be of the same type.

Required: true

Type: string

Examples: image/jpeg, application/json, audio/ogg

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Feedback


The key prefix to use for uploaded samples. A prefix is similar to a directory name. It allows
you to store similar data under the same directory in a bucket. For more information, see
Object Key and Metadata in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.

Required: false

Type: string

The file extension to use for uploaded samples. Must be a valid file extension for the
content type.

Required: false

Type: string

Examples: jpg, json, ogg


The sampling strategy (p. 320) to use to filter which samples to upload. If omitted, the
connector tries to upload all the samples that it receives.

Required: false

Type: A well-formed JSON string that contains the following properties.


The name of the sampling strategy.

Required: true

Type: string



The rate for the Random (p. 320) sampling strategy.

Required: true if strategy-name is RANDOM_SAMPLING.

Type: number

Valid values: 0.0 - 1.0


The threshold for the Least Confidence (p. 320), Margin (p. 320), or
Entropy (p. 321) sampling strategy.

Required: true if strategy-name is LEAST_CONFIDENCE, MARGIN, or ENTROPY.

Type: number

Valid values:
• 0.0 - 1.0 for the LEAST_CONFIDENCE or MARGIN strategy.
• 0.0 - no limit for the ENTROPY strategy.

The maximum number of requests that the connector can process at a time.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Feedback

You can use this parameter to restrict memory consumption by limiting the number of requests that
the connector processes at the same time. Requests that exceed this limit are ignored.

Display name in console: Request limit

Required: false

Type: string

Valid values: 0 - 999

Valid pattern: ^$|^[0-9]{1,3}$

Create Connector Example (CLI)

The following CLI command creates a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that contains the
ML Feedback connector.

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-version

"Connectors": [
"Id": "MyMLFeedbackConnector",
"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/MLFeedback/versions/1",
"Parameters": {
"FeedbackConfigurationMap": "{ \"RandomSamplingConfiguration\": { \"s3-
bucket-name\": \"my-aws-bucket-random-sampling\", \"content-type\": \"image/png\",
\"file-ext\": \"png\", \"sampling-strategy\": { \"strategy-name\": \"RANDOM_SAMPLING\",
\"rate\": 0.5 } }, \"LeastConfidenceConfiguration\": { \"s3-bucket-name\": \"my-aws-
bucket-least-confidence-sampling\", \"content-type\": \"image/png\", \"file-ext\": \"png
\", \"sampling-strategy\": { \"strategy-name\": \"LEAST_CONFIDENCE\", \"threshold\": 0.4
} } }",
"RequestLimit": "10"

FeedbackConfigurationMap Example
The following is an expanded example value for the FeedbackConfigurationMap parameter. This
example includes several feedback configurations that use different sampling strategies.

"ConfigID1": {
"s3-bucket-name": "my-aws-bucket-random-sampling",
"content-type": "image/png",
"file-ext": "png",
"sampling-strategy": {
"strategy-name": "RANDOM_SAMPLING",
"rate": 0.5
"ConfigID2": {
"s3-bucket-name": "my-aws-bucket-margin-sampling",
"content-type": "image/png",
"file-ext": "png",
"sampling-strategy": {
"strategy-name": "MARGIN",
"threshold": 0.4

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Feedback

"ConfigID3": {
"s3-bucket-name": "my-aws-bucket-least-confidence-sampling",
"content-type": "image/png",
"file-ext": "png",
"sampling-strategy": {
"strategy-name": "LEAST_CONFIDENCE",
"threshold": 0.4
"ConfigID4": {
"s3-bucket-name": "my-aws-bucket-entropy-sampling",
"content-type": "image/png",
"file-ext": "png",
"sampling-strategy": {
"strategy-name": "ENTROPY",
"threshold": 2
"ConfigID5": {
"s3-bucket-name": "my-aws-bucket-no-sampling",
"s3-prefix": "DeviceA",
"content-type": "application/json"

Sampling Strategies
The connector supports four sampling strategies that determine whether to upload samples that are
passed to the connector. Samples are discrete instances of data that a model uses for a prediction. You
can use sampling strategies to filter for the samples that are most likely to improve model accuracy.


Randomly uploads samples based on the supplied rate. It uploads a sample if a randomly generated
value is less than the rate. The higher the rate, the more samples are uploaded.
This strategy disregards any model prediction that is supplied.

Uploads samples whose maximum confidence probability falls below the supplied threshold.
Example scenario:

Threshold: .6

Model prediction: [.2, .2, .4, .2]

Maximum confidence probability: .4


Use the sample because maximum confidence probability (.4) <= threshold (.6).

Uploads samples if the margin between the top two confidence probabilities falls within the
supplied threshold. The margin is the difference between the top two probabilities.
Example scenario:

Threshold: .02

Model prediction: [.3, .35, .34, .01]

Top two confidence probabilities: [.35, .34]

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Feedback

Margin: .01 (.35 - .34)


Use the sample because margin (.01) <= threshold (.02).


Uploads samples whose entropy is greater than the supplied threshold. Uses the model prediction's
normalized entropy.
Example scenario:

Threshold: 0.75

Model prediction: [.5, .25, .25]

Entropy for prediction: 1.03972


Use sample because entropy (1.03972) > threshold (0.75).

Input Data
User-defined Lambda functions use the publish function of the feedback client in the AWS IoT
Greengrass Machine Learning SDK to invoke the connector. For an example, see the section called “Usage
Example” (p. 325).
This connector doesn't accept MQTT messages as input data.

The publish function takes the following arguments:


The ID of the target feedback configuration. This must match the ID of a feedback configuration
defined in the FeedbackConfigurationMap (p. 317) parameter for the ML Feedback connector.

Required: true

Type: string

The input data that was passed to a model for inference. This input data is uploaded using the target
configuration unless it is filtered out based on the sampling strategy.

Required: true

Type: bytes

The prediction results from the model. The result type can be a dictionary or a list. For example,
the prediction results from the ML Image Classification connector is a list of probabilities (such as
[0.25, 0.60, 0.15]). This data is published to the /feedback/message/prediction topic.

Required: true

Type: dictionary or list of float values


Customer-defined, application-specific metadata that is attached to the uploaded sample and

published to the /feedback/message/prediction topic. The connector also inserts a publish-
ts key with a timestamp value into the metadata.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Feedback

Required: false

Type: dictionary

Example: {"some-key": "some value"}

Output Data
This connector publishes data to three MQTT topics:

• Status information from the connector on the feedback/message/status topic.

• Prediction results on the feedback/message/prediction topic.
• Metrics destined for CloudWatch on the cloudwatch/metric/put topic.

You must configure subscriptions to allow the connector to communicate on MQTT topics. For more
information, see the section called “Inputs and Outputs” (p. 287).

Topic filter: feedback/message/status

Use this topic to monitor the status of sample uploads and dropped samples. The connector
publishes to this topic every time that it receives a request.
Example output: Sample upload succeeded

"response": {
"status": "success",
"s3_response": {
"ResponseMetadata": {
"RetryAttempts": 1,
"HTTPStatusCode": 200,
"RequestId": "79104EXAMPLEB723",
"HTTPHeaders": {
"content-length": "0",
"server": "AmazonS3",
"x-amz-expiration": "expiry-date=\"Wed, 17 Jul 2019 00:00:00 GMT\", rule-
"x-amz-request-id": "79104EXAMPLEB723",
"etag": "\"b9c4f172e64458a5fd674EXAMPLE5628\"",
"date": "Thu, 11 Jul 2019 00:12:50 GMT",
"x-amz-server-side-encryption": "AES256"
"bucket": "greengrass-feedback-connector-data-us-west-2",
"ETag": "\"b9c4f172e64458a5fd674EXAMPLE5628\"",
"Expiration": "expiry-date=\"Wed, 17 Jul 2019 00:00:00 GMT\", rule-id=
"key": "s3-key-prefix/UUID.file_ext",
"ServerSideEncryption": "AES256"
"id": "5aaa913f-97a3-48ac-5907-18cd96b89eeb"

The connector adds the bucket and key fields to the response from Amazon S3. For more
information about the Amazon S3 response, see PUT Object in the Amazon Simple Storage
Service API Reference.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Feedback

Example output: Sample dropped because of the sampling strategy

"response": {
"status": "sample_dropped_by_strategy"
"id": "4bf5aeb0-d1e4-4362-5bb4-87c05de78ba3"

Example output: Sample upload failed

A failure status includes the error message as the error_message value and the exception class
as the error value.

"response": {
"status": "fail",
"error_message": "[RequestId: 4bf5aeb0-d1e4-4362-5bb4-87c05de78ba3] Failed to
upload model input data due to exception. Model prediction will not be published.
Exception type: NoSuchBucket, error: An error occurred (NoSuchBucket) when calling
the PutObject operation: The specified bucket does not exist",
"error": "NoSuchBucket"
"id": "4bf5aeb0-d1e4-4362-5bb4-87c05de78ba3"

Example output: Request throttled because of the request limit

"response": {
"status": "fail",
"error_message": "Request limit has been reached (max request: 10 ). Dropping
"error": "Queue.Full"
"id": "4bf5aeb0-d1e4-4362-5bb4-87c05de78ba3"

Topic filter: feedback/message/prediction

Use this topic to listen for predictions based on uploaded sample data. This lets you analyze
your model performance in real time. Model predictions are published to this topic only if data is
successfully uploaded to Amazon S3. Messages published on this topic are in JSON format. They
contain the link to the uploaded data object, the model's prediction, and the metadata included in
the request.

You can also store prediction results and use them to report and analyze trends over time. Trends
can provide valuable insights. For example, a decreasing accuracy over time trend can help you to
decide whether the model needs to be retrained.
Example output

"source-ref": "s3://greengrass-feedback-connector-data-us-west-2/s3-key-prefix/
"model-prediction": [

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Feedback

"config-id": "ConfigID2",
"metadata": {
"publish-ts": "2019-07-11 00:12:48.816752"

You can configure the IoT Analytics connector (p. 299) to subscribe to this topic and
send the information to AWS IoT Analytics for further or historical analysis.
Topic filter: cloudwatch/metric/put

This is the output topic used to publish metrics to CloudWatch. This feature requires that you install
and configure the CloudWatch Metrics connector (p. 289).

Metrics include:
• The number of uploaded samples.
• The size of uploaded samples.
• The number of errors from uploads to Amazon S3.
• The number of dropped samples based on the sampling strategy.
• The number of throttled requests.
Example output: Size of the data sample (published before the actual upload)

"request": {
"namespace": "GreengrassFeedbackConnector",
"metricData": {
"value": 47592,
"unit": "Bytes",
"metricName": "SampleSize"

Example output: Sample upload succeeded

"request": {
"namespace": "GreengrassFeedbackConnector",
"metricData": {
"value": 1,
"unit": "Count",
"metricName": "SampleUploadSuccess"

Example output: Sample upload succeeded and prediction result published

"request": {
"namespace": "GreengrassFeedbackConnector",
"metricData": {
"value": 1,
"unit": "Count",
"metricName": "SampleAndPredictionPublished"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Feedback

Example output: Sample upload failed

"request": {
"namespace": "GreengrassFeedbackConnector",
"metricData": {
"value": 1,
"unit": "Count",
"metricName": "SampleUploadFailure"

Example output: Sample dropped because of the sampling strategy

"request": {
"namespace": "GreengrassFeedbackConnector",
"metricData": {
"value": 1,
"unit": "Count",
"metricName": "SampleNotUsed"

Example output: Request throttled because of the request limit

"request": {
"namespace": "GreengrassFeedbackConnector",
"metricData": {
"value": 1,
"unit": "Count",
"metricName": "ErrorRequestThrottled"

Usage Example
The following example is a user-defined Lambda function that uses the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine
Learning SDK (p. 176) to send data to the ML Feedback connector.
You can download the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK from the AWS IoT Greengrass
downloads page (p. 23).

import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import greengrass_machine_learning_sdk as ml

client = ml.client('feedback')

feedback_config_id = os.environ["FEEDBACK_CONFIG_ID"]

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification

model_input_data_dir = os.environ["MODEL_INPUT_DIR"]
model_prediction_str = os.environ["MODEL_PREDICTIONS"]
model_prediction = json.loads(model_prediction_str)
except Exception as e:
logging.info("Failed to open environment variables. Failed with exception:

with open(os.path.join(model_input_data_dir, os.listdir(model_input_data_dir)[0]),
'rb') as f:
content = f.read()
except Exception as e:
logging.info("Failed to open model input directory. Failed with exception:

def invoke_feedback_connector():
logging.info("Invoking feedback connector.")
except Exception as e:
logging.info("Exception raised when invoking feedback connector:{}".format(e))


def function_handler(event, context):


The ML Feedback connector includes the following third-party software/licensing:

• AWS SDK for Python (Boto 3)/Apache 2.0

• six/MIT

This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

See Also
• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413)

ML Image Classification Connector

The ML Image Classification connectors (p. 283) provide a machine learning (ML) inference service that
runs on the AWS IoT Greengrass core. This local inference service performs image classification using a
model trained by the Amazon SageMaker image classification algorithm.

User-defined Lambda functions use the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK to submit inference
requests to the local inference service. The service runs inference locally and returns probabilities that
the input image belongs to specific categories.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification

AWS IoT Greengrass provides the following versions of this connector, which is available for multiple

Version 2

Connector Description and ARN

ML Image Classification Aarch64 JTX2 Image classification inference service for NVIDIA
Jetson TX2. Supports GPU acceleration.

ARN: arn:aws:greengrass:region::/

ML Image Classification x86_64 Image classification inference service for x86_64


ARN: arn:aws:greengrass:region::/

ML Image Classification ARMv7 Image classification inference service for ARMv7


ARN: arn:aws:greengrass:region::/

Version 1

Connector Description and ARN

ML Image Classification Aarch64 JTX2 Image classification inference service for NVIDIA
Jetson TX2. Supports GPU acceleration.

ARN: arn:aws:greengrass:region::/

ML Image Classification x86_64 Image classification inference service for x86_64


ARN: arn:aws:greengrass:region::/

ML Image Classification Armv7 Image classification inference service for Armv7


ARN: arn:aws:greengrass:region::/

For information about version changes, see the Changelog (p. 342).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification

These connectors have the following requirements:

Version 2

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.9.3 or later.

• Python version 3.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.
• Dependencies for the Apache MXNet framework installed on the core device. For more
information, see the section called “Installing MXNet Dependencies” (p. 336).
• An ML resource (p. 221) in the Greengrass group that references an Amazon SageMaker model
source. This model must be trained by the Amazon SageMaker image classification algorithm. For
more information, see Image Classification Algorithm in the Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide.
• The ML Feedback connector (p. 315) added to the Greengrass group and configured. This is
required only if you want to use the connector to upload model input data and publish predictions
to an MQTT topic.
• An IAM policy added to the Greengrass group role that allows the
sagemaker:DescribeTrainingJob action on the target training job, as shown in the following

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:sagemaker:region:account-id:training-job:training-

You can grant granular or conditional access to resources (for example, by using a wildcard *
naming scheme). If you change the target training job in the future, make sure to update the
group role. For more information, see Adding and Removing IAM Policies in the IAM User Guide.
• AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK (p. 176) v1.1.0 is required to interact with this

Version 1

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.7 or later.

• Python version 2.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.
• Dependencies for the Apache MXNet framework installed on the core device. For more
information, see the section called “Installing MXNet Dependencies” (p. 336).
• An ML resource (p. 221) in the Greengrass group that references an Amazon SageMaker model
source. This model must be trained by the Amazon SageMaker image classification algorithm. For
more information, see Image Classification Algorithm in the Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide.
• An IAM policy added to the Greengrass group role that allows the
sagemaker:DescribeTrainingJob action on the target training job, as shown in the following

"Version": "2012-10-17",

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification

"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:sagemaker:region:account-id:training-job:training-

You can grant granular or conditional access to resources (for example, by using a wildcard *
naming scheme). If you change the target training job in the future, make sure to update the
group role. For more information, see Adding and Removing IAM Policies in the IAM User Guide.
• AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK (p. 176) v1.0.0 or later is required to interact with this

Connector Parameters
These connectors provide the following parameters.

Version 2


The absolute local path of the ML resource inside the Lambda environment. This is the
destination path that's specified for the ML resource.
If you created the ML resource in the console, this is the local path.

Display name in console: Model destination path

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+

The ID of the ML resource that references the source model.

Display name in console: SageMaker job ARN resource

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+


The ARN of the Amazon SageMaker training job that represents the Amazon SageMaker model
source. The model must be trained by the Amazon SageMaker image classification algorithm.

Display name in console: SageMaker job ARN

Required: true

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^arn:aws:sagemaker:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+:[0-9]+:training-job/[a-zA-


The name for the local inference service. User-defined Lambda functions invoke the service by
passing the name to the invoke_inference_service function of the AWS IoT Greengrass
Machine Learning SDK. For an example, see the section called “Usage Example” (p. 334).

Display name in console: Local inference service name

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,62}


The amount of time (in seconds) before the inference request is terminated. The minimum value
is 1.

Display name in console: Timeout (second)

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: [1-9][0-9]*


The amount of memory (in KB) that the service has access to. The minimum value is 1.

Display name in console: Memory limit (KB)

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: [1-9][0-9]*


The CPU or GPU (accelerated) computing context. This property applies to the ML Image
Classification Aarch64 JTX2 connector only.

Display name in console: GPU acceleration

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: CPU or GPU


The ID of the feedback configuration to use to upload model input data. This must match the ID
of a feedback configuration defined for the ML Feedback connector (p. 315).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification

This parameter is required only if you want to use the ML Feedback connector to upload model
input data and publish predictions to an MQTT topic.

Display name in console: ML Feedback connector configuration ID

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^$|^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,62}$

Version 1


The absolute local path of the ML resource inside the Lambda environment. This is the
destination path that's specified for the ML resource.
If you created the ML resource in the console, this is the local path.

Display name in console: Model destination path

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+

The ID of the ML resource that references the source model.

Display name in console: SageMaker job ARN resource

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+


The ARN of the Amazon SageMaker training job that represents the Amazon SageMaker model
source. The model must be trained by the Amazon SageMaker image classification algorithm.

Display name in console: SageMaker job ARN

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^arn:aws:sagemaker:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+:[0-9]+:training-job/[a-zA-


The name for the local inference service. User-defined Lambda functions invoke the service by
passing the name to the invoke_inference_service function of the AWS IoT Greengrass
Machine Learning SDK. For an example, see the section called “Usage Example” (p. 334).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification

Display name in console: Local inference service name

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,62}


The amount of time (in seconds) before the inference request is terminated. The minimum value
is 1.

Display name in console: Timeout (second)

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: [1-9][0-9]*


The amount of memory (in KB) that the service has access to. The minimum value is 1.

Display name in console: Memory limit (KB)

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: [1-9][0-9]*


The CPU or GPU (accelerated) computing context. This property applies to the ML Image
Classification Aarch64 JTX2 connector only.

Display name in console: GPU acceleration

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: CPU or GPU

Create Connector Example (CLI)

The following CLI commands create a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that contains an
ML Image Classification connector.

Example: CPU Instance

This example creates an instance of the ML Image Classification Armv7l connector.

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-

version '{
"Connectors": [
"Id": "MyImageClassificationConnector",

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification

"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/
"Parameters": {
"MLModelDestinationPath": "/path-to-model",
"MLModelResourceId": "my-ml-resource",
"MLModelSageMakerJobArn": "arn:aws:sagemaker:us-
"LocalInferenceServiceName": "imageClassification",
"LocalInferenceServiceTimeoutSeconds": "10",
"LocalInferenceServiceMemoryLimitKB": "500000",
"MLFeedbackConnectorConfigId": "MyConfig0"

Example: GPU Instance

This example creates an instance of the ML Image Classification Aarch64 JTX2 connector, which
supports GPU acceleration on an NVIDIA Jetson TX2 board.

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-

version '{
"Connectors": [
"Id": "MyImageClassificationConnector",
"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/
"Parameters": {
"MLModelDestinationPath": "/path-to-model",
"MLModelResourceId": "my-ml-resource",
"MLModelSageMakerJobArn": "arn:aws:sagemaker:us-
"LocalInferenceServiceName": "imageClassification",
"LocalInferenceServiceTimeoutSeconds": "10",
"LocalInferenceServiceMemoryLimitKB": "500000",
"GPUAcceleration": "GPU",
"MLFeedbackConnectorConfigId": "MyConfig0"

The Lambda function in these connectors have a long-lived (p. 187) lifecycle.

In the AWS IoT Greengrass console, you can add a connector from the group's Connectors page. For
more information, see the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403).

Input Data
These connectors accept an image file as input. Input image files must be in jpeg or png format. For
more information, see the section called “Usage Example” (p. 334).

These connectors don't accept MQTT messages as input data.

Output Data
These connectors return a formatted prediction for the object identified in the input image:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification


The prediction contains a list of values that correspond with the categories used in the training
dataset during model training. Each value represents the probability that the image falls under the
corresponding category. The category with the highest probability is the dominant prediction.

These connectors don't publish MQTT messages as output data.

Usage Example
The following example Lambda function uses the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK (p. 176) to
interact with an ML Image Classification connector.
You can download the SDK from the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK (p. 23)
downloads page.

The example initializes an SDK client and synchronously calls the SDK's invoke_inference_service
function to invoke the local inference service. It passes in the algorithm type, service name, image
type, and image content. Then, the example parses the service response to get the probability results

Python 3.7

import logging
from threading import Timer

import numpy as np

import greengrass_machine_learning_sdk as ml

# We assume the inference input image is provided as a local file

# to this inference client Lambda function.
with open('/test_img/test.jpg', 'rb') as f:
content = bytearray(f.read())

client = ml.client('inference')

def infer():
logging.info('invoking Greengrass ML Inference service')

resp = client.invoke_inference_service(
except ml.GreengrassInferenceException as e:
logging.info('inference exception {}("{}")'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e))
except ml.GreengrassDependencyException as e:
logging.info('dependency exception {}("{}")'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e))

logging.info('resp: {}'.format(resp))
predictions = resp['Body'].read().decode("utf-8")
logging.info('predictions: {}'.format(predictions))

# The connector output is in the format: [0.3,0.1,0.04,...]

# Remove the '[' and ']' at the beginning and end.
predictions = predictions[1:-1]

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification

count = len(predictions.split(','))
predictions_arr = np.fromstring(predictions, count=count, sep=',')

# Perform business logic that relies on the predictions_arr, which is an array

# of probabilities.

# Schedule the infer() function to run again in one second.

Timer(1, infer).start()


def function_handler(event, context):


Python 2.7

import logging
from threading import Timer

import numpy as np

import greengrass_machine_learning_sdk as ml

# We assume the inference input image is provided as a local file

# to this inference client Lambda function.
with open('/test_img/test.jpg', 'rb') as f:
content = f.read()

client = ml.client('inference')

def infer():
logging.info('invoking Greengrass ML Inference service')

resp = client.invoke_inference_service(
except ml.GreengrassInferenceException as e:
logging.info('inference exception {}("{}")'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e))
except ml.GreengrassDependencyException as e:
logging.info('dependency exception {}("{}")'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e))

logging.info('resp: {}'.format(resp))
predictions = resp['Body'].read()
logging.info('predictions: {}'.format(predictions))

# The connector output is in the format: [0.3,0.1,0.04,...]

# Remove the '[' and ']' at the beginning and end.
predictions = predictions[1:-1]
count = len(predictions.split(','))
predictions_arr = np.fromstring(predictions, count=count, sep=',')

# Perform business logic that relies on the predictions_arr, which is an array

# of probabilities.

# Schedule the infer() function to run again in one second.

Timer(1, infer).start()

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification


def function_handler(event, context):


The invoke_inference_service function in the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK accepts
the following arguments.

Argument Description

AlgoType The name of the algorithm type to use

for inference. Currently, only image-
classification is supported.

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: image-classification

ServiceName The name of the local inference service.

Use the name that you specified for the
LocalInferenceServiceName parameter when
you configured the connector.

Required: true

Type: string

ContentType The mime type of the input image.

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: image/jpeg, image/png

Body The content of the input image file.

Required: true

Type: binary

Installing MXNet Dependencies on the AWS IoT Greengrass Core

To use an ML Image Classification connector, you must install the dependencies for the Apache MXNet
framework on the core device. The connectors use the framework to serve the ML model.
These connectors are bundled with a precompiled MXNet library, so you don't need to install the
MXNet framework on the core device.

AWS IoT Greengrass provides scripts to install the dependencies for the following common platforms
and devices (or to use as a reference for installing them). If you're using a different platform or device,
see the MXNet documentation for your configuration.

Before installing the MXNet dependencies, make sure that the required system libraries (p. 340) (with
the specified minimum versions) are present on the device.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification


1. Install CUDA Toolkit 9.0 and cuDNN 7.0. You can follow the instructions in the section called
“Setting Up Other Devices” (p. 75) in the Getting Started tutorial.
2. Enable universe repositories so the connector can install community-maintained open software.
For more information, see Repositories/Ubuntu in the Ubuntu documentation.

a. Open the /etc/apt/sources.list file.

b. Make sure that the following lines are uncommented.

deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ xenial universe

deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ xenial universe
deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ xenial-updates universe
deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ xenial-updates universe

3. Save a copy of the following installation script to a file named nvidiajtx2.sh on the core

Python 3.7

set -e

echo "Installing dependencies on the system..."

echo 'Assuming that universe repos are enabled and checking dependencies...'
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y dist-upgrade
apt-get install -y liblapack3 libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev libatlas-base-dev
apt-get install -y python3.7 python3.7-dev

python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade pip

python3.7 -m pip install numpy==1.15.0
python3.7 -m pip install opencv-python || echo 'Error: Unable to install OpenCV
with pip on this platform. Try building the latest OpenCV from source (https://

echo 'Dependency installation/upgrade complete.'

If OpenCV does not install successfully using this script, you can try building
from source. For more information, see Installation in Linux in the OpenCV
documentation, or refer to other online resources for your platform.
Python 2.7

set -e

echo "Installing dependencies on the system..."

echo 'Assuming that universe repos are enabled and checking dependencies...'
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y dist-upgrade
apt-get install -y liblapack3 libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev libatlas-base-dev

echo 'Install latest pip...'

wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
python get-pip.py
rm get-pip.py

pip install numpy==1.15.0 scipy

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification

echo 'Dependency installation/upgrade complete.'

4. From the directory where you saved the file, run the following command:

sudo nvidiajtx2.sh

x86_64 (Ubuntu or Amazon Linux)

1. Save a copy of the following installation script to a file named x86_64.sh on the core device.

Python 3.7

set -e

echo "Installing dependencies on the system..."

release=$(awk -F= '/^NAME/{print $2}' /etc/os-release)

if [ "$release" == '"Ubuntu"' ]; then

# Ubuntu. Supports EC2 and DeepLens. DeepLens has all the dependencies
installed, so
# this is mostly to prepare dependencies on Ubuntu EC2 instance.
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y dist-upgrade

apt-get install -y libgfortran3 libsm6 libxext6 libxrender1

apt-get install -y python3.7 python3.7-dev
elif [ "$release" == '"Amazon Linux"' ]; then
# Amazon Linux. Expect python to be installed already
yum -y update
yum -y upgrade

yum install -y compat-gcc-48-libgfortran libSM libXrender libXext

echo "OS Release not supported: $release"
exit 1

python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade pip

python3.7 -m pip install numpy==1.15.0
python3.7 -m pip install opencv-python || echo 'Error: Unable to install OpenCV
with pip on this platform. Try building the latest OpenCV from source (https://

echo 'Dependency installation/upgrade complete.'

If OpenCV does not install successfully using this script, you can try building
from source. For more information, see Installation in Linux in the OpenCV
documentation, or refer to other online resources for your platform.
Python 2.7

set -e

echo "Installing dependencies on the system..."

release=$(awk -F= '/^NAME/{print $2}' /etc/os-release)

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification

if [ "$release" == '"Ubuntu"' ]; then

# Ubuntu. Supports EC2 and DeepLens. DeepLens has all the dependencies
installed, so
# this is mostly to prepare dependencies on Ubuntu EC2 instance.
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y dist-upgrade

apt-get install -y libgfortran3 libsm6 libxext6 libxrender1 python-dev python-

elif [ "$release" == '"Amazon Linux"' ]; then
# Amazon Linux. Expect python to be installed already
yum -y update
yum -y upgrade

yum install -y compat-gcc-48-libgfortran libSM libXrender libXext python-pip

echo "OS Release not supported: $release"
exit 1

pip install numpy==1.15.0 scipy opencv-python

echo 'Dependency installation/upgrade complete.'

2. From the directory where you saved the file, run the following command:

sudo x86_64.sh

Armv7 (Raspberry Pi)

1. Save a copy of the following installation script to a file named armv7l.sh on the core device.

Python 3.7

set -e

echo "Installing dependencies on the system..."

apt-get update
apt-get -y upgrade

apt-get install -y liblapack3 libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev

apt-get install -y python3.7 python3.7-dev

python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade pip

python3.7 -m pip install numpy==1.15.0
python3.7 -m pip install opencv-python || echo 'Error: Unable to install OpenCV
with pip on this platform. Try building the latest OpenCV from source (https://

echo 'Dependency installation/upgrade complete.'

If OpenCV does not install successfully using this script, you can try building
from source. For more information, see Installation in Linux in the OpenCV
documentation, or refer to other online resources for your platform.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification

Python 2.7

set -e

echo "Installing dependencies on the system..."

apt-get update
apt-get -y upgrade

apt-get install -y liblapack3 libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev python-dev

# python-opencv depends on python-numpy. The latest version in the APT

repository is python-numpy-1.8.2
# This script installs python-numpy first so that python-opencv can be
installed, and then install the latest
# numpy-1.15.x with pip
apt-get install -y python-numpy python-opencv
dpkg --remove --force-depends python-numpy

echo 'Install latest pip...'

wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
python get-pip.py
rm get-pip.py

pip install --upgrade numpy==1.15.0 picamera scipy

echo 'Dependency installation/upgrade complete.'

2. From the directory where you saved the file, run the following command:

sudo bash armv7l.sh

On a Raspberry Pi, using pip to install machine learning dependencies is a memory-
intensive operation that can cause the device to run out of memory and become
unresponsive. As a workaround, you can temporarily increase the swap size:
In /etc/dphys-swapfile, increase the value of the CONF_SWAPSIZE variable and
then run the following command to restart dphys-swapfile.

/etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile restart

Logging and Troubleshooting

Depending on your group settings, event and error logs are written to CloudWatch Logs, the local
file system, or both. Logs from this connector use the prefix LocalInferenceServiceName. If the
connector behaves unexpectedly, check the connector's logs. These usually contain useful debugging
information, such as a missing ML library dependency or the cause of a connector startup failure.

If the AWS IoT Greengrass group is configured to write local logs, the connector writes log files to
greengrass-root/ggc/var/log/user/region/aws/. For more information about Greengrass
logging, see Monitoring (p. 457).

Use the following information to help troubleshoot issues with the ML Image Classification connectors.

Required system libraries

The following tabs list the system libraries required for each ML Image Classification connector.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification

ML Image Classification Aarch64 JTX2

Library Minimum version

ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 GLIBC_2.17

libc.so.6 GLIBC_2.17

libcublas.so.9.0 not applicable

libcudart.so.9.0 not applicable

libcudnn.so.7 not applicable

libcufft.so.9.0 not applicable

libcurand.so.9.0 not applicable

libcusolver.so.9.0 not applicable

libgcc_s.so.1 GCC_4.2.0

libgomp.so.1 GOMP_4.0, OMP_1.0

libm.so.6 GLIBC_2.23

libpthread.so.0 GLIBC_2.17

librt.so.1 GLIBC_2.17

libstdc++.so.6 GLIBCXX_3.4.21, CXXABI_1.3.8

ML Image Classification x86_64

Library Minimum version

ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 GCC_4.0.0

libc.so.6 GLIBC_2.4

libgfortran.so.3 GFORTRAN_1.0

libm.so.6 GLIBC_2.23

libpthread.so.0 GLIBC_2.2.5

librt.so.1 GLIBC_2.2.5

libstdc++.so.6 CXXABI_1.3.8, GLIBCXX_3.4.21

ML Image Classification Armv7

Library Minimum version

ld-linux-armhf.so.3 GLIBC_2.4

libc.so.6 GLIBC_2.7

libgcc_s.so.1 GCC_4.0.0

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Image Classification

Library Minimum version

libgfortran.so.3 GFORTRAN_1.0

libm.so.6 GLIBC_2.4

libpthread.so.0 GLIBC_2.4

librt.so.1 GLIBC_2.4

libstdc++.so.6 CXXABI_1.3.8, CXXABI_ARM_1.3.3,



Symptom Solution

On a Raspberry Pi, the following error message is Run the following command to disable the driver:
logged and you are not using the camera: Failed
to initialize libdc1394 sudo ln /dev/null /dev/raw1394

This operation is ephemeral and the symbolic

link will disappear after rebooting. Consult the
manual of your OS distribution to learn how to
automatically create the link up on reboot.

The ML Image Classification connectors includes the following third-party software/licensing:

• AWS SDK for Python (Boto 3)/Apache 2.0

• Deep Neural Network Library (DNNL)/Apache 2.0
• OpenMP* Runtime Library/See Intel OpenMP Runtime Library licensing (p. 342).
• mxnet/Apache 2.0
• six/MIT

Intel OpenMP Runtime Library licensing. The Intel® OpenMP* runtime is dual-licensed, with a
commercial (COM) license as part of the Intel® Parallel Studio XE Suite products, and a BSD open
source (OSS) license. For more information, see Licensing in the Intel® OpenMP* Runtime Library

This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

The following table describes the changes in each version of the connector.

Version Changes

2 Added the MLFeedbackConnectorConfigId

parameter to support the use of the ML Feedback
connector (p. 315) to upload model input data,

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Object Detection

Version Changes
publish predictions to an MQTT topic, and publish
metrics to Amazon CloudWatch.

1 Initial release.

A Greengrass group can contain only one version of the connector at a time.

See Also
• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413)
• Perform Machine Learning Inference (p. 221)
• Image Classification Algorithm in the Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide

ML Object Detection Connector

The ML Object Detection connectors (p. 283) provide a machine learning (ML) inference service that
runs on the AWS IoT Greengrass core. This local inference service performs object detection using an
object detection model compiled by the Amazon SageMaker Neo deep learning compiler. Two types of
object detection models are supported: Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD) and You Only Look Once
(YOLO) v3. For more information, see Object Detection Model Requirements (p. 344).

User-defined Lambda functions use the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK to submit inference
requests to the local inference service. The service performs local inference on an input image and
returns a list of predictions for each object detected in the image. Each prediction contains an object
category, a prediction confidence score, and pixel coordinates that specify a bounding box around the
predicted object.

AWS IoT Greengrass provides ML Object Detection connectors for multiple platforms:

Connector Description and ARN

ML Object Detection Aarch64 JTX2 Object detection inference service for NVIDIA
Jetson TX2. Supports GPU acceleration.

ARN: arn:aws:greengrass:region::/

ML Object Detection x86_64 Object detection inference service for x86_64


ARN: arn:aws:greengrass:region::/

ML Object Detection ARMv7 Object detection inference service for ARMv7


ARN: arn:aws:greengrass:region::/

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Object Detection

These connectors have the following requirements:

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.9.3 or later.

• Python version 3.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.
• Dependencies for the Amazon SageMaker Neo deep learning runtime installed on the core
device. For more information, see the section called “Installing Neo Deep Learning Runtime
Dependencies” (p. 349).
• An ML resource (p. 221) in the Greengrass group. The ML resource must reference an Amazon S3
bucket that contains an object detection model. For more information, see Amazon S3 model
sources (p. 223).
The model must be a Single Shot Multibox Detector or You Only Look Once v3 object
detection model type. It must be compiled using the Amazon SageMaker Neo deep learning
compiler. For more information, see Object Detection Model Requirements (p. 344).
• The ML Feedback connector (p. 315) added to the Greengrass group and configured. This is required
only if you want to use the connector to upload model input data and publish predictions to an MQTT
• AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK (p. 176) v1.1.0 is required to interact with this connector.

Object Detection Model Requirements

The ML Object Detection connectors support Single Shot multibox Detector (SSD) and You Only Look
Once (YOLO) v3 object detection model types. You can use the object detection components provided
by GluonCV to train the model with your own dataset. Or, you can use pre-trained models from the
GluonCV Model Zoo:

• Pre-trained SSD model

• Pre-trained YOLO v3 model

Your object detection model must be trained with 512 x 512 input images. The pre-trained models from
the GluonCV Model Zoo already meet this requirement.

Trained object detection models must be compiled with the Amazon SageMaker Neo deep learning
compiler. When compiling, make sure the target hardware matches the hardware of your Greengrass core
device. For more information, see Amazon SageMaker Neo in the Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide.

The compiled model must be added as an ML resource (Amazon S3 model source (p. 223)) to the same
Greengrass group as the connector.

Connector Parameters
These connectors provide the following parameters.


The absolute path to the the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the Neo-compatible ML model. This is
the destination path that's specified for the ML model resource.

Display name in console: Model destination path

Required: true

Type: string

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Object Detection

Valid pattern: .+

The ID of the ML resource that references the source model.

Display name in console: Greengrass group ML resource

Required: true

Type: S3MachineLearningModelResource

Valid pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$


The name for the local inference service. User-defined Lambda functions invoke the service by
passing the name to the invoke_inference_service function of the AWS IoT Greengrass
Machine Learning SDK. For an example, see the section called “Usage Example” (p. 347).

Display name in console: Local inference service name

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,62}$


The time (in seconds) before the inference request is terminated. The minimum value is 1. The
default value is 10.

Display name in console: Timeout (second)

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[1-9][0-9]*$


The amount of memory (in KB) that the service has access to. The minimum value is 1.

Display name in console: Memory limit

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[1-9][0-9]*$


The CPU or GPU (accelerated) computing context. This property applies to the ML Image
Classification Aarch64 JTX2 connector only.

Display name in console: GPU acceleration

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: CPU or GPU


The ID of the feedback configuration to use to upload model input data. This must match the ID of a
feedback configuration defined for the ML Feedback connector (p. 315).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Object Detection

This parameter is required only if you want to use the ML Feedback connector to upload model input
data and publish predictions to an MQTT topic.

Display name in console: ML Feedback connector configuration ID

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^$|^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,62}$

Create Connector Example (CLI)

The following CLI command creates a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that contains an
ML Object Detection connector. This example creates an instance of the ML Object Detection ARMv7l

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-version

"Connectors": [
"Id": "MyObjectDetectionConnector",
"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/ObjectDetectionARMv7/
"Parameters": {
"MLModelDestinationPath": "/path-to-model",
"MLModelResourceId": "my-ml-resource",
"LocalInferenceServiceName": "objectDetection",
"LocalInferenceServiceTimeoutSeconds": "10",
"LocalInferenceServiceMemoryLimitKB": "500000",
"MLFeedbackConnectorConfigId" : "object-detector-random-sampling"

The Lambda function in these connectors have a long-lived (p. 187) lifecycle.

In the AWS IoT Greengrass console, you can add a connector from the group's Connectors page. For
more information, see the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403).

Input Data
These connectors accept an image file as input. Input image files must be in jpeg or png format. For
more information, see the section called “Usage Example” (p. 347).

These connectors don't accept MQTT messages as input data.

Output Data
These connectors return a formatted list of prediction results for the identified objects in the input

"prediction": [

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Object Detection


Each prediction in the list is contained in square brackets and contains six values:

• The first value represents the predicted object category for the identified object. Object categories
and their corresponding values are determined when training your object detection machine learning
model in the Neo deep learning compiler.
• The second value is the confidence score for the object category prediction. This represents the
probability that the prediction was correct.
• The last four values correspond to pixel dimensions that represent a bounding box around the
predicted object in the image.

These connectors don't publish MQTT messages as output data.

Usage Example
The following example Lambda function uses the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK (p. 176) to
interact with an ML Object Detection connector.
You can download the SDK from the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK (p. 23)
downloads page.

The example initializes an SDK client and synchronously calls the SDK's invoke_inference_service
function to invoke the local inference service. It passes in the algorithm type, service name, image
type, and image content. Then, the example parses the service response to get the probability results

import logging
from threading import Timer

import numpy as np

import greengrass_machine_learning_sdk as ml

# We assume the inference input image is provided as a local file

# to this inference client Lambda function.
with open('/test_img/test.jpg', 'rb') as f:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Object Detection

content = bytearray(f.read())

client = ml.client('inference')

def infer():
logging.info('invoking Greengrass ML Inference service')

resp = client.invoke_inference_service(
except ml.GreengrassInferenceException as e:
logging.info('inference exception {}("{}")'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e))
except ml.GreengrassDependencyException as e:
logging.info('dependency exception {}("{}")'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e))

logging.info('resp: {}'.format(resp))
predictions = resp['Body'].read().decode("utf-8")
logging.info('predictions: {}'.format(predictions_str))
predictions = eval(predictions_str)

# Perform business logic that relies on the predictions.

# Schedule the infer() function to run again in ten second.

Timer(10, infer).start()


def function_handler(event, context):


The invoke_inference_service function in the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK accepts
the following arguments.

Argument Description

AlgoType The name of the algorithm type to use for

inference. Currently, only object-detection is

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: object-detection

ServiceName The name of the local inference service.

Use the name that you specified for the
LocalInferenceServiceName parameter when
you configured the connector.

Required: true

Type: string

ContentType The mime type of the input image.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Object Detection

Argument Description
Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: image/jpeg, image/png

Body The content of the input image file.

Required: true

Type: binary

Installing Neo Deep Learning Runtime Dependencies on the

AWS IoT Greengrass Core
The ML Object Detection connectors are bundled with the Amazon SageMaker Neo deep learning
runtime (DLR). The connectors use the runtime to serve the ML model. To use these connectors, you
must install the dependencies for the DLR on your core device.

Before you install the DLR dependencies, make sure that the required system libraries (p. 351) (with the
specified minimum versions) are present on the device.


1. Install CUDA Toolkit 9.0 and cuDNN 7.0. You can follow the instructions in the section called
“Setting Up Other Devices” (p. 75) in the Getting Started tutorial.
2. Enable universe repositories so the connector can install community-maintained open software.
For more information, see Repositories/Ubuntu in the Ubuntu documentation.

a. Open the /etc/apt/sources.list file.

b. Make sure that the following lines are uncommented.

deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ xenial universe

deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ xenial universe
deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ xenial-updates universe
deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ xenial-updates universe

3. Save a copy of the following installation script to a file named nvidiajtx2.sh on the core

set -e

echo "Installing dependencies on the system..."

echo 'Assuming that universe repos are enabled and checking dependencies...'
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y dist-upgrade
apt-get install -y liblapack3 libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev libatlas-base-dev
apt-get install -y python3.7 python3.7-dev

python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade pip

python3.7 -m pip install numpy==1.15.0
python3.7 -m pip install opencv-python || echo 'Error: Unable to install OpenCV
with pip on this platform. Try building the latest OpenCV from source (https://

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Object Detection

echo 'Dependency installation/upgrade complete.'

If OpenCV does not install successfully using this script, you can try building from
source. For more information, see Installation in Linux in the OpenCV documentation,
or refer to other online resources for your platform.
4. From the directory where you saved the file, run the following command:

sudo nvidiajtx2.sh

x86_64 (Ubuntu or Amazon Linux)

1. Save a copy of the following installation script to a file named x86_64.sh on the core device.

set -e

echo "Installing dependencies on the system..."

release=$(awk -F= '/^NAME/{print $2}' /etc/os-release)

if [ "$release" == '"Ubuntu"' ]; then

# Ubuntu. Supports EC2 and DeepLens. DeepLens has all the dependencies installed,
# this is mostly to prepare dependencies on Ubuntu EC2 instance.
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y dist-upgrade

apt-get install -y libgfortran3 libsm6 libxext6 libxrender1

apt-get install -y python3.7 python3.7-dev
elif [ "$release" == '"Amazon Linux"' ]; then
# Amazon Linux. Expect python to be installed already
yum -y update
yum -y upgrade

yum install -y compat-gcc-48-libgfortran libSM libXrender libXext

echo "OS Release not supported: $release"
exit 1

python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade pip

python3.7 -m pip install numpy==1.15.0
python3.7 -m pip install opencv-python || echo 'Error: Unable to install OpenCV
with pip on this platform. Try building the latest OpenCV from source (https://

echo 'Dependency installation/upgrade complete.'

If OpenCV does not install successfully using this script, you can try building from
source. For more information, see Installation in Linux in the OpenCV documentation,
or refer to other online resources for your platform.
2. From the directory where you saved the file, run the following command:

sudo x86_64.sh

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Object Detection

ARMv7 (Raspberry Pi)

1. Save a copy of the following installation script to a file named armv7l.sh on the core device.

set -e

echo "Installing dependencies on the system..."

apt-get update
apt-get -y upgrade

apt-get install -y liblapack3 libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev

apt-get install -y python3.7 python3.7-dev

python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade pip

python3.7 -m pip install numpy==1.15.0
python3.7 -m pip install opencv-python || echo 'Error: Unable to install OpenCV
with pip on this platform. Try building the latest OpenCV from source (https://

echo 'Dependency installation/upgrade complete.'

If OpenCV does not install successfully using this script, you can try building from
source. For more information, see Installation in Linux in the OpenCV documentation,
or refer to other online resources for your platform.
2. From the directory where you saved the file, run the following command:

sudo bash armv7l.sh

On a Raspberry Pi, using pip to install machine learning dependencies is a memory-
intensive operation that can cause the device to run out of memory and become
unresponsive. As a workaround, you can temporarily increase the swap size. In /etc/
dphys-swapfile, increase the value of the CONF_SWAPSIZE variable and then run
the following command to restart dphys-swapfile.

/etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile restart

Logging and Troubleshooting

Depending on your group settings, event and error logs are written to CloudWatch Logs, the local
file system, or both. Logs from this connector use the prefix LocalInferenceServiceName. If the
connector behaves unexpectedly, check the connector's logs. These usually contain useful debugging
information, such as a missing ML library dependency or the cause of a connector startup failure.

If the AWS IoT Greengrass group is configured to write local logs, the connector writes log files to
greengrass-root/ggc/var/log/user/region/aws/. For more information about Greengrass
logging, see Monitoring (p. 457).

Use the following information to help troubleshoot issues with the ML Object Detection connectors.

Required system libraries

The following tabs list the system libraries required for each ML Object Detection connector.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Object Detection

ML Object Detection Aarch64 JTX2

Library Minimum version

ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 GLIBC_2.17

libc.so.6 GLIBC_2.17

libcublas.so.9.0 not applicable

libcudart.so.9.0 not applicable

libcudnn.so.7 not applicable

libcufft.so.9.0 not applicable

libcurand.so.9.0 not applicable

libcusolver.so.9.0 not applicable

libgcc_s.so.1 GCC_4.2.0

libgomp.so.1 GOMP_4.0, OMP_1.0

libm.so.6 GLIBC_2.23

libnvinfer.so.4 not applicable

libnvrm_gpu.so not applicable

libnvrm.so not applicable

libnvidia-fatbinaryloader.so.28.2.1 not applicable

libnvos.so not applicable

libpthread.so.0 GLIBC_2.17

librt.so.1 GLIBC_2.17

libstdc++.so.6 GLIBCXX_3.4.21, CXXABI_1.3.8

ML Object Detection x86_64

Library Minimum version

ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 GCC_4.0.0

libc.so.6 GLIBC_2.4

libgfortran.so.3 GFORTRAN_1.0

libm.so.6 GLIBC_2.23

libpthread.so.0 GLIBC_2.2.5

librt.so.1 GLIBC_2.2.5

libstdc++.so.6 CXXABI_1.3.8, GLIBCXX_3.4.21

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ML Object Detection

ML Object Detection ARMv7

Library Minimum version

ld-linux-armhf.so.3 GLIBC_2.4

libc.so.6 GLIBC_2.7

libgcc_s.so.1 GCC_4.0.0

libgfortran.so.3 GFORTRAN_1.0

libm.so.6 GLIBC_2.4

libpthread.so.0 GLIBC_2.4

librt.so.1 GLIBC_2.4

libstdc++.so.6 CXXABI_1.3.8, CXXABI_ARM_1.3.3,



Symptom Solution

On a Raspberry Pi, the following error message is Run the following command to disable the driver:
logged and you are not using the camera: Failed
to initialize libdc1394 sudo ln /dev/null /dev/raw1394

This operation is ephemeral. The symbolic link

disappears after you reboot. Consult the manual
of your OS distribution to learn how to create the
link automatically upon reboot.

The ML Object Detection connectors include the following third-party software/licensing:

• AWS SDK for Python (Boto 3)/Apache 2.0

• Deep Learning Runtime/Apache 2.0
• six/MIT

This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

See Also
• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413)
• Perform Machine Learning Inference (p. 221)
• Object Detection Algorithm in the Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter

Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter Connector

The Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter connector (p. 283) polls information from Modbus RTU devices that
are in the AWS IoT Greengrass group.

This connector receives parameters for a Modbus RTU request from a user-defined Lambda function. It
sends the corresponding request, and then publishes the response from the target device as an MQTT

This connector has the following versions.

Version ARN

2 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

1 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

For information about version changes, see the Changelog (p. 364).

This connector has the following requirements:

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.7 or later.

• Python version 2.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.
• A physical connection between the AWS IoT Greengrass core and the Modbus devices. The core must
be physically connected to the Modbus RTU network through a serial port (for example, a USB port).
• A local device resource (p. 200) in the Greengrass group that points to the physical Modbus serial port.
• A user-defined Lambda function that sends Modbus RTU request parameters to this connector. The
request parameters must conform to expected patterns and include the IDs and addresses of the
target devices on the Modbus RTU network. For more information, see the section called “Input
Data” (p. 355).

Connector Parameters
This connector supports the following parameters:


The ID of the local device resource that represents the physical Modbus serial port.
This connector is granted read-write access to the resource.

Display name in console: Modbus serial port resource

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter


The absolute path to the physical Modbus serial port on the device. This is the source path that's
specified for the Modbus local device resource.

Display name in console: Source path of Modbus serial port resource

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+

Create Connector Example (CLI)

The following CLI command creates a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that contains the
Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter connector.

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-version

"Connectors": [
"Id": "MyModbusRTUProtocolAdapterConnector",
"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/
"Parameters": {
"ModbusSerialDevice-ResourceId": "MyLocalModbusSerialPort",
"ModbusSerialDevice": "/path-to-port"

The Lambda function in this connector has a long-lived (p. 187) lifecycle.

In the AWS IoT Greengrass console, you can add a connector from the group's Connectors page. For
more information, see the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403).
After you deploy the Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter connector, you can use AWS IoT Things
Graph to orchestrate interactions between devices in your group. For more information, see
Modbus in the AWS IoT Things Graph User Guide.

Input Data
This connector accepts Modbus RTU request parameters from a user-defined Lambda function on an
MQTT topic. Input messages must be in JSON format.

Topic filter

Message properties

The request message varies based on the type of Modbus RTU request that it represents. The
following properties are required for all requests:
• In the request object:
• operation. The operation to execute, specified by name or function code. For example, to read
coils, you can specify ReadCoilsRequest or 0x01. This value must be a Unicode string.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter

• device. The target device of the request. This value must be between 0 - 247.
• The id property. An ID for the request. This value is used for data deduplication and is returned
as is in the id property of all responses, including error responses. This value must be a Unicode

The other parameters to include in the request depend on the operation. All request parameters are
required except the CRC, which is handled separately. For examples, see the section called “Example
Requests and Responses” (p. 358).
Example input: Using operation name

"request": {
"operation": "ReadCoilsRequest",
"device": 1,
"address": 0x01,
"count": 1
"id": "TestRequest"

Example input: Using function code

"request": {
"operation": 0x01,
"device": 1,
"address": 0x01,
"count": 1
"id": "TestRequest"

For more examples, see the section called “Example Requests and Responses” (p. 358).

Output Data
This connector publishes responses to incoming Modbus RTU requests.

Topic filter

Message properties

The format of the response message varies based on the corresponding request and the response
status. For examples, see the section called “Example Requests and Responses” (p. 358).
A response for a write operation is simply an echo of the request. Although no meaningful
information is returned for write responses, it's a good practice to check the status of the

Every response includes the following properties:

• In the response object:
• status. The status of the request. The status can be one of the following values:
• Success. The request was valid, sent to the Modbus RTU network, and a response was

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter

• Exception. The request was valid, sent to the Modbus RTU network, and an exception
response was returned. For more information, see the section called “Response Status:
Exception” (p. 362).
• No Response. The request was invalid, and the connector caught the error before the
request was sent over the Modbus RTU network. For more information, see the section called
“Response Status: No Response” (p. 363).
• device. The device that the request was sent to.
• operation. The request type that was sent.
• payload. The response content that was returned. If the status is No Response, this object
contains only an error property with the error description (for example, "error": "[Input/
Output] No Response received from the remote unit").
• The id property. The ID of the request, used for data deduplication.
Example output: Success

"response" : {
"status" : "success",
"device": 1,
"operation": "ReadCoilsRequest",
"payload": {
"function_code": 1,
"bits": [1]
"id" : "TestRequest"

Example output: Failure

"response" : {
"status" : "fail",
"error_message": "Internal Error",
"error": "Exception",
"device": 1,
"operation": "ReadCoilsRequest",
"payload": {
"function_code": 129,
"exception_code": 2
"id" : "TestRequest"

For more examples, see the section called “Example Requests and Responses” (p. 358).

Modbus RTU Requests and Responses

This connector accepts Modbus RTU request parameters as input data (p. 355) and publishes responses
as output data (p. 356).

The following common operations are supported.

Operation Function Code

ReadCoilsRequest 01

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter

Operation Function Code

ReadDiscreteInputsRequest 02

ReadHoldingRegistersRequest 03

ReadInputRegistersRequest 04

WriteSingleCoilRequest 05

WriteSingleRegisterRequest 06

WriteMultipleCoilsRequest 15

WriteMultipleRegistersRequest 16

MaskWriteRegisterRequest 22

ReadWriteMultipleRegistersRequest 23

Example Requests and Responses

The following are example requests and responses for supported operations.

Read Coils

Request example:

"request": {
"operation": "ReadCoilsRequest",
"device": 1,
"address": 0x01,
"count": 1
"id": "TestRequest"

Response example:

"response": {
"status": "success",
"device": 1,
"operation": "ReadCoilsRequest",
"payload": {
"function_code": 1,
"bits": [1]
"id" : "TestRequest"

Read Discrete Inputs

Request example:

"request": {
"operation": "ReadDiscreteInputsRequest",

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter

"device": 1,
"address": 0x01,
"count": 1
"id": "TestRequest"

Response example:

"response": {
"status": "success",
"device": 1,
"operation": "ReadDiscreteInputsRequest",
"payload": {
"function_code": 2,
"bits": [1]
"id" : "TestRequest"

Read Holding Registers

Request example:

"request": {
"operation": "ReadHoldingRegistersRequest",
"device": 1,
"address": 0x01,
"count": 1
"id": "TestRequest"

Response example:

"response": {
"status": "success",
"device": 1,
"operation": "ReadHoldingRegistersRequest",
"payload": {
"function_code": 3,
"registers": [20,30]
"id" : "TestRequest"

Read Input Registers

Request example:

"request": {
"operation": "ReadInputRegistersRequest",
"device": 1,
"address": 0x01,
"value": 1

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter

"id": "TestRequest"

Write Single Coil

Request example:

"request": {
"operation": "WriteSingleCoilRequest",
"device": 1,
"address": 0x01,
"value": 1
"id": "TestRequest"

Response example:

"response": {
"status": "success",
"device": 1,
"operation": "WriteSingleCoilRequest",
"payload": {
"function_code": 5,
"address": 1,
"value": true
"id" : "TestRequest"

Write Single Register

Request example:

"request": {
"operation": "WriteSingleRegisterRequest",
"device": 1,
"address": 0x01,
"value": 1
"id": "TestRequest"

Write Multiple Coils

Request example:

"request": {
"operation": "WriteMultipleCoilsRequest",
"device": 1,
"address": 0x01,
"values": [1,0,0,1]
"id": "TestRequest"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter

Response example:

"response": {
"status": "success",
"device": 1,
"operation": "WriteMultipleCoilsRequest",
"payload": {
"function_code": 15,
"address": 1,
"count": 4
"id" : "TestRequest"

Write Multiple Registers

Request example:

"request": {
"operation": "WriteMultipleRegistersRequest",
"device": 1,
"address": 0x01,
"values": [20,30,10]
"id": "TestRequest"

Response example:

"response": {
"status": "success",
"device": 1,
"operation": "WriteMultipleRegistersRequest",
"payload": {
"function_code": 23,
"address": 1,
"count": 3
"id" : "TestRequest"

Mask Write Register

Request example:

"request": {
"operation": "MaskWriteRegisterRequest",
"device": 1,
"address": 0x01,
"and_mask": 0xaf,
"or_mask": 0x01
"id": "TestRequest"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter

Response example:

"response": {
"status": "success",
"device": 1,
"operation": "MaskWriteRegisterRequest",
"payload": {
"function_code": 22,
"and_mask": 0,
"or_mask": 8
"id" : "TestRequest"

Read Write Multiple Registers

Request example:

"request": {
"operation": "ReadWriteMultipleRegistersRequest",
"device": 1,
"read_address": 0x01,
"read_count": 2,
"write_address": 0x03,
"write_registers": [20,30,40]
"id": "TestRequest"

Response example:

"response": {
"status": "success",
"device": 1,
"operation": "ReadWriteMultipleRegistersRequest",
"payload": {
"function_code": 23,
"registers": [10,20,10,20]
"id" : "TestRequest"

The registers returned in this response are the registers that are read from.

Response Status: Exception

Exceptions can occur when the request format is valid, but the request is not completed successfully. In
this case, the response contains the following information:

• The status is set to Exception.

• The function_code equals the function code of the request + 128.
• The exception_code contains the exception code. For more information, see Modbus exception

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter


"response" : {
"status" : "fail",
"error_message": "Internal Error",
"error": "Exception",
"device": 1,
"operation": "ReadCoilsRequest",
"payload": {
"function_code": 129,
"exception_code": 2
"id" : "TestRequest"

Response Status: No Response

This connector performs validation checks on the Modbus request. For example, it checks for invalid
formats and missing fields. If the validation fails, the connector doesn't send the request. Instead, it
returns a response that contains the following information:

• The status is set to No Response.

• The error contains the error reason.
• The error_message contains the error message.


"response" : {
"status" : "fail",
"error_message": "Invalid address field. Expected <type 'int'>, got <type 'str'>",
"error": "No Response",
"device": 1,
"operation": "ReadCoilsRequest",
"payload": {
"error": "Invalid address field. Expected Expected <type 'int'>, got <type 'str'>"
"id" : "TestRequest"

If the request targets a nonexistent device or if the Modbus RTU network is not working, you might get a
ModbusIOException, which uses the No Response format.

"response" : {
"status" : "fail",
"error_message": "[Input/Output] No Response received from the remote unit",
"error": "No Response",
"device": 1,
"operation": "ReadCoilsRequest",
"payload": {
"error": "[Input/Output] No Response received from the remote unit"
"id" : "TestRequest"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter

Usage Example
The following example Lambda function sends an input message to the connector.
This Python function uses the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK (p. 175) to publish an MQTT
message. You can use the following pip command to install the Python version of the SDK on
your core device:

pip install greengrasssdk

import greengrasssdk
import json

TOPIC_REQUEST = 'modbus/adapter/request'

# Creating a greengrass core sdk client

iot_client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')

def create_read_coils_request():
request = {
"request": {
"operation": "ReadCoilsRequest",
"device": 1,
"address": 0x01,
"count": 1
"id": "TestRequest"
return request

def publish_basic_request():
iot_client.publish(payload=json.dumps(create_read_coils_request()), topic=TOPIC_REQUEST)


def function_handler(event, context):


The Modbus-RTU Protocol Adapter connector includes the following third-party software/licensing:

• pymodbus/BSD
• pyserial/BSD

This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

The following table describes the changes in each version of the connector.

Version Changes

2 Updated connector ARN for AWS Region support.

Improved error logging.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Raspberry Pi GPIO

Version Changes

1 Initial release.

A Greengrass group can contain only one version of the connector at a time.

See Also
• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413)

Raspberry Pi GPIO Connector

The Raspberry Pi GPIO connector (p. 283) controls general-purpose input/output (GPIO) pins on a
Raspberry Pi core device.

This connector polls input pins at a specified interval and publishes state changes to MQTT topics. It also
accepts read and write requests as MQTT messages from user-defined Lambda functions. Write requests
are used to set the pin to high or low voltage.

The connector provides parameters that you use to designate input and output pins. This behavior is
configured before group deployment. It can't be changed at runtime.

• Input pins can be used to receive data from peripheral devices.

• Output pins can be used to control peripherals or send data to peripherals.

You can use this connector for many scenarios, such as:

• Controlling green, yellow, and red LED lights for a traffic light.
• Controlling a fan (attached to an electrical relay) based on data from a humidity sensor.
• Alerting employees in a retail store when customers press a button.
• Using a smart light switch to control other IoT devices.

This connector is not suitable for applications that have real-time requirements. Events with
short durations might be missed.

This connector has the following versions.

Version ARN

1 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

This connector has the following requirements:

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.7 or later.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Raspberry Pi GPIO

• Python version 2.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.
• Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, or Raspberry Pi 3 Model B/B+. You must know the pin sequence of your
Raspberry Pi. For more information, see the section called “GPIO Pin Sequence” (p. 366).
• A local device resource (p. 200) in the Greengrass group that points to /dev/gpiomem on the
Raspberry Pi. If you create the resource in the console, you must select the Automatically add
OS group permissions of the Linux group that owns the resource option. In the API, set the
GroupOwnerSetting.AutoAddGroupOwner property to true.
• The RPi.GPIO module installed on the Raspberry Pi. In Raspbian, this module is installed by default.
You can use the following command to reinstall it:

sudo pip install RPi.GPIO

GPIO Pin Sequence

The Raspberry Pi GPIO connector references GPIO pins by the numbering scheme of the underlying
System on Chip (SoC), not by the physical layout of GPIO pins. The physical ordering of pins might vary
in Raspberry Pi versions. For more information, see GPIO in the Raspberry Pi documentation.

The connector can't validate that the input and output pins you configure map correctly to the
underlying hardware of your Raspberry Pi. If the pin configuration is invalid, the connector returns a
runtime error when it attempts to start on the device. To resolve this issue, reconfigure the connector
and then redeploy.
Make sure that peripherals for GPIO pins are properly wired to prevent component damage.

Connector Parameters
This connector provides the following parameters:


A comma-separated list of GPIO pin numbers to configure as inputs. Optionally append U to set a
pin's pull-up resistor, or D to set the pull-down resistor. Example: "5,6U,7D".

Display name in console: Input GPIO pins

Required: false. You must specify input pins, output pins, or both.

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^$|^[0-9]+[UD]?(,[0-9]+[UD]?)*$


The interval (in milliseconds) between each polling operation, which checks input GPIO pins for state
changes. The minimum value is 1.

This value depends on your scenario and the type of devices that are polled. For example, a value of
50 should be fast enough to detect a button press.

Display name in console: Input GPIO polling period

Required: false

Type: integer

Valid pattern: ^$|^[1-9][0-9]*$

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Raspberry Pi GPIO


A comma-separated list of GPIO pin numbers to configure as outputs. Optionally append H to set a
high state (1), or L to set a low state (0). Example: "8H,9,27L".

Display name in console: Output GPIO pins

Required: false. You must specify input pins, output pins, or both.

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^$|^[0-9]+[HL]?(,[0-9]+[HL]?)*$


The ID of the local device resource that represents /dev/gpiomem.

This connector is granted read-write access to the resource.

Display name in console: Resource for /dev/gpiomem device

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+

Create Connector Example (CLI)

The following CLI command creates a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that contains the
Raspberry Pi GPIO connector.

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-version

"Connectors": [
"Id": "MyRaspberryPiGPIOConnector",
"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/RaspberryPiGPIO/
"Parameters": {
"GpioMem-ResourceId": "my-gpio-resource",
"InputGpios": "5,6U,7D",
"InputPollPeriod": 50,
"OutputGpios": "8H,9,27L"

The Lambda function in this connector has a long-lived (p. 187) lifecycle.

In the AWS IoT Greengrass console, you can add a connector from the group's Connectors page. For
more information, see the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403).

Input Data
This connector accepts read or write requests for GPIO pins on two MQTT topics. Input messages must
be in JSON format.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Raspberry Pi GPIO

• Read requests on the gpio/+/+/read topic.

• Write requests on the gpio/+/+/write topic.

To publish to these topics, replace the + wildcards with the core thing name and the target pin number,
respectively. For example:


Currently, when you create a subscription that uses the Raspberry Pi GPIO connector, you must
specify a value for at least one of the + wildcards in the topic.

Topic filter: gpio/+/+/read

Use this topic to direct the connector to read the state of the GPIO pin that's specified in the topic.

The connector publishes the response to the corresponding output topic (for example, gpio/core-
Message properties

None. Messages that are sent to this topic are ignored.

Topic filter: gpio/+/+/write

Use this topic to send write requests to a GPIO pin. This directs the connector to set the GPIO pin
that's specified in the topic to a low or high voltage.
• 0 sets the pin to low voltage.
• 1 sets the pin to high voltage.

The connector publishes the response to the corresponding output /state topic (for example,
Message properties

The value 0 or 1, as an integer or string.

Example input

Output Data
This connector publishes data to two topics:

• High or low state changes on the gpio/+/+/state topic.

• Errors on the gpio/+/error topic.

Topic filter: gpio/+/+/state

Use this topic to listen for state changes on input pins and responses for read requests. The
connector returns the string "0" if the pin is in a low state, or "1" if it's in a high state.

When publishing to this topic, the connector replaces the + wildcards with the core thing name and
the target pin, respectively. For example:


AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Raspberry Pi GPIO

Currently, when you create a subscription that uses the Raspberry Pi GPIO connector, you
must specify a value for at least one of the + wildcards in the topic.
Example output

Topic filter: gpio/+/errors

Use this topic to listen for errors. The connector publishes to this topic as a result of an invalid
request (for example, when a state change is requested on an input pin).

When publishing to this topic, the connector replaces the + wildcard with the core thing name.
Example output

"topic": "gpio/my-core-thing/22/write",
"error": "Invalid GPIO operation",
"long_description": "GPIO 22 is configured as an INPUT GPIO. Write operations
are not permitted."

Usage Example
The following example Lambda function sends an input message to the connector. This example sends
read requests for a set of input GPIO pins. It shows how to construct topics using the core thing name
and pin number.
This Python function uses the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK (p. 175) to publish an MQTT
message. You can use the following pip command to install the Python version of the SDK on
your core device:

pip install greengrasssdk

import greengrasssdk
import json

iot_client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')
INPUT_GPIOS = [6, 17, 22]

thingName = os.environ['AWS_IOT_THING_NAME']

def get_read_topic(gpio_num):
return '/'.join(['gpio', thingName, str(gpio_num), 'read'])

def get_write_topic(gpio_num):
return '/'.join(['gpio', thingName, str(gpio_num), 'write'])

def send_message_to_connector(topic, message=''):

iot_client.publish(topic=topic, payload=str(message))

def set_gpio_state(gpio, state):

send_message_to_connector(get_write_topic(gpio), str(state))

def read_gpio_state(gpio):

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Serial Stream

def publish_basic_message():
for i in INPUT_GPIOS:


def function_handler(event, context):


This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

See Also
• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413)
• GPIO in the Raspberry Pi documentation

Serial Stream Connector

The Serial Stream connector (p. 283) reads and writes to a serial port on an AWS IoT Greengrass core

This connector supports two modes of operation:

• Read-On-Demand. Receives read and write requests on MQTT topics and publishes the response of
the read operation or the status of the write operation.
• Polling-Read. Reads from the serial port at regular intervals. This mode also supports Read-On-
Demand requests.

Read requests are limited to a maximum read length of 63994 bytes. Write requests are limited
to a maximum data length of 128000 bytes.

This connector has the following versions.

Version ARN

2 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

1 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

For information about version changes, see the Changelog (p. 377).

This connector has the following requirements:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Serial Stream

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.7 or later.

• Python version 2.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.
• A local device resource (p. 200) in the Greengrass group that points to the target serial port.
Before you deploy this connector, we recommend that you set up the serial port and verify
that it can be read from and written to.

Connector Parameters
This connector provides the following parameters:


The baud rate of the serial connection.

Display name in console: Baud rate

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400,
56000, 57600, 115200, 230400

Valid pattern: ^110$|^300$|^600$|^1200$|^2400$|^4800$|^9600$|^14400$|^19200$|


The timeout (in seconds) for a read operation.

Display name in console: Timeout

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: 1 - 59

Valid pattern: ^([1-9]|[1-5][0-9])$


The absolute path to the physical serial port on the device. This is the source path that's specified for
the local device resource.

Display name in console: Serial port

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: [/a-zA-Z0-9_-]+


The ID of the local device resource that represents the physical serial port.
This connector is granted read-write access to the resource.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Serial Stream

Display name in console: Serial port resource

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+


Sets the read mode: Polling-Read or Read-On-Demand.

• For Polling-Read mode, specify true. In this mode, the PollingInterval, PollingReadType,
and PollingReadLength properties are required.
• For Read-On-Demand mode, specify false. In this mode, the type and length values are specified
in the read request.

Display name in console: Read mode

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: true, false

Valid pattern: ^([Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]|[Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee])$


The length of data (in bytes) to read in each polling read operation. This applies only when using
Polling-Read mode.

Display name in console: Polling read length

Required: false. This property is required when PollingRead is true.

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^(|[1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-2][0-9]{3}|63[0-8][0-9]{2}|


The interval (in seconds) at which the polling read takes place. This applies only when using Polling-
Read mode.

Display name in console: Polling read interval

Required: false. This property is required when PollingRead is true.

Type: string

Valid values: 1 - 999

Valid pattern: ^(|[1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9])$


The type of data that the polling thread reads. This applies only when using Polling-Read mode.

Display name in console: Polling read type

Required: false. This property is required when PollingRead is true.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Serial Stream

Type: string

Valid values: ascii, hex

Valid pattern: ^(|[Aa][Ss][Cc][Ii][Ii]|[Hh][Ee][Xx])$


Indicates whether to enable the RTS/CTS flow control. The default value is false. For more
information, see RTS, CTS, and RTR.

Display name in console: RTS/CTS flow control

Required: false

Type: string

Valid values: true, false

Valid pattern: ^(|[Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]|[Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee])$


Indicates whether to enable the software flow control. The default value is false. For more
information, see Software flow control.

Display name in console: Software flow control

Required: false

Type: string

Valid values: true, false

Valid pattern: ^(|[Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]|[Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee])$


The parity of the serial port. The default value is N. For more information, see Parity.

Display name in console: Serial port parity

Required: false

Type: string

Valid values: N, E, O, S, M

Valid pattern: ^(|[NEOSMneosm])$

Create Connector Example (CLI)

The following CLI command creates a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that contains the
Serial Stream connector. It configures the connector for Polling-Read mode.

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-version

"Connectors": [
"Id": "MySerialStreamConnector",

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Serial Stream

"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/SerialStream/
"Parameters": {
"BaudRate" : "9600",
"Timeout" : "25",
"SerialPort" : "/dev/serial1",
"SerialPort-ResourceId" : "my-serial-port-resource",
"PollingRead" : "true",
"PollingReadLength" : "30",
"PollingReadInterval" : "30",
"PollingReadType" : "hex"

In the AWS IoT Greengrass console, you can add a connector from the group's Connectors page. For
more information, see the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403).

Input Data
This connector accepts read or write requests for serial ports on two MQTT topics. Input messages must
be in JSON format.

• Read requests on the serial/+/read/# topic.

• Write requests on the serial/+/write/# topic.

To publish to these topics, replace the + wildcard with the core thing name and # wildcard with the path
to the serial port. For example:


Topic filter: serial/+/read/#

Use this topic to send on-demand read requests to a serial pin. Read requests are limited to a
maximum read length of 63994 bytes.
Message properties

The length of data to read from the serial port.

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[1-9][0-9]*$


The type of data to read.

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: ascii, hex

Valid pattern: (?i)^(ascii|hex)$

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Serial Stream


An arbitrary ID for the request. This property is used to map an input request to an output

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+
Example input

"readLength": "30",
"type": "ascii",
"id": "abc123"

Topic filter: serial/+/write/#

Use this topic to send write requests to a serial pin. Write requests are limited to a maximum data
length of 128000 bytes.
Message properties

The string to write to the serial port.

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[1-9][0-9]*$


The type of data to read.

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: ascii, hex

Valid pattern: ^(ascii|hex|ASCII|HEX)$


An arbitrary ID for the request. This property is used to map an input request to an output

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+
Example input: ASCII request

"data": "random serial data",
"type": "ascii",
"id": "abc123"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Serial Stream

Example input: hex request

"data": "base64 encoded data",
"type": "hex",
"id": "abc123"

Output Data
The connector publishes output data on two topics:

• Status information from the connector on the serial/+/status/# topic.

• Responses from read requests on the serial/+/read_response/# topic.

When publishing to this topic, the connector replaces the + wildcard with the core thing name and #
wildcard with the path to the serial port. For example:


Topic filter: serial/+/status/#

Use this topic to listen for the status of read and write requests. If an id property is included it the
request, it's returned in the response.
Example output: Success

"response": {
"status": "success"
"id": "abc123"

Example output: Failure

A failure response includes an error_message property that describes the error or timeout
encountered while performing the read or write operation.

"response": {
"status": "fail",
"error_message": "Could not write to port"
"id": "abc123"

Topic filter: serial/+/read_response/#

Use this topic to receive response data from a read operation. The response data is Base64 encoded
if the type is hex.
Example output

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Serial Stream

"data": "output of serial read operation"

"id": "abc123"

Usage Example
The following example Lambda function sends an input message to the connector.
This Python function uses the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK (p. 175) to publish an MQTT
message. You can use the following pip command to install the Python version of the SDK on
your core device:

pip install greengrasssdk

import greengrasssdk
import json

TOPIC_REQUEST = 'serial/CORE_THING_NAME/write/dev/serial1'

# Creating a greengrass core sdk client

iot_client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')

def create_serial_stream_request():
request = {
"data": "TEST",
"type": "ascii",
"id": "abc123"
return request

def publish_basic_request():


def function_handler(event, context):


The Serial Stream connector includes the following third-party software/licensing:

• pyserial/BSD

This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

The following table describes the changes in each version of the connector.

Version Changes

2 Updated connector ARN for AWS Region support.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ServiceNow MetricBase Integration

Version Changes

1 Initial release.

A Greengrass group can contain only one version of the connector at a time.

See Also
• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413)

ServiceNow MetricBase Integration Connector

The ServiceNow MetricBase Integration connector (p. 283) publishes time series metrics from
Greengrass devices to ServiceNow MetricBase. This allows you to store, analyze, and visualize time series
data from the Greengrass core environment, and act on local events.

This connector receives time series data on an MQTT topic, and publishes the data to the ServiceNow API
at regular intervals.

You can use this connector to support scenarios such as:

• Create threshold-based alerts and alarms based on time series data collected from Greengrass devices.
• Use time services data from Greengrass devices with custom applications built on the ServiceNow

This connector has the following versions.

Version ARN

2 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

1 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

For information about version changes, see the Changelog (p. 384).

This connector has the following requirements:

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.7 or later. AWS IoT Greengrass must be configured to support
local secrets, as described in Secrets Requirements (p. 264).
This includes allowing access to your Secrets Manager secrets. If you're using the default
Greengrass service role, Greengrass has permission to get the values of secrets with names
that start with greengrass-.
• Python version 2.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ServiceNow MetricBase Integration

• A ServiceNow account with an activated subscription to MetricBase. In addition, a metric and metric
table must be created in the account. For more information, see MetricBase in the ServiceNow
• A text type secret in AWS Secrets Manager that stores the user name and password for your
ServiceNow instance (for basic authentication). The secret must contain "user" and "password" keys
with corresponding values. For more information, see Creating a Basic Secret in the AWS Secrets
Manager User Guide.
• A secret resource in the Greengrass group that references the Secrets Manager secret. For more
information, see Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).

Connector Parameters
This connector provides the following parameters:


The maximum number of seconds to wait between publish events to ServiceNow. The maximum
value is 900.

The connector publishes to ServiceNow when PublishBatchSize is reached or

PublishInterval expires.

Display name in console: Publish interval in seconds

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: 1 - 900

Valid pattern: [1-9]|[1-9]\d|[1-9]\d\d|900


The maximum number of metric values that can be batched before they are published to

The connector publishes to ServiceNow when PublishBatchSize is reached or

PublishInterval expires.

Display name in console: Publish batch size

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[0-9]+$


The name of the instance used to connect to ServiceNow.

Display name in console: Name of ServiceNow instance

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ServiceNow MetricBase Integration


The name of the table that contains the GlideRecord associated with the time series MetricBase
database. The table property in the input message payload can be used to override this value.

Display name in console: Name of the table to contain the metric

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+

The maximum number of metrics to save in memory before they are replaced with new metrics.

This limit applies when there's no connection to the internet and the connector starts to buffer the
metrics to publish later. When the buffer is full, the oldest metrics are replaced by new metrics.
Metrics are not saved if the host process for the connector is interrupted. For example, this
can happen during group deployment or when the device restarts.

This value should be greater than the batch size and large enough to hold messages based on the
incoming rate of the MQTT messages.

Display name in console: Maximum metrics to retain in memory

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[0-9]+$


The secret in AWS Secrets Manager that stores the ServiceNow user name and password. This must
be a text type secret. The secret must contain "user" and "password" keys with corresponding values.

Display name in console: ARN of auth secret

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: arn:aws:secretsmanager:[a-z0-9\-]+:[0-9]{12}:secret:([a-zA-Z0-9\


The secret resource in the group that references the Secrets Manager secret for the ServiceNow

Display name in console: Auth token resource

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ServiceNow MetricBase Integration

Create Connector Example (CLI)

The following CLI command creates a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that contains the
ServiceNow MetricBase Integration connector.

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-version

"Connectors": [
"Id": "MyServiceNowMetricBaseIntegrationConnector",
"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/
"Parameters": {
"PublishInterval" : "10",
"PublishBatchSize" : "50",
"InstanceName" : "myinstance",
"DefaultTableName" : "u_greengrass_app",
"MaxMetricsToRetain" : "20000",
"AuthSecretArn" : "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:account-
"AuthSecretArn-ResourceId" : "MySecretResource"

The Lambda function in this connector has a long-lived (p. 187) lifecycle.

In the AWS IoT Greengrass console, you can add a connector from the group's Connectors page. For
more information, see the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403).

Input Data
This connector accepts time series metrics on an MQTT topic and publishes the metrics to ServiceNow.
Input messages must be in JSON format.

Topic filter

Message properties

Information about the table, record, and metric. This request represents the seriesRef object
in a time series POST request. For more information, see Clotho Time Series API - POST.

Required: true

Type: object that includes the following properties:


The sys_id of the specific record in the table.

Required: true

Type: string

The metric field name.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ServiceNow MetricBase Integration

Required: true

Type: string

The name of the table to store the record in. Specify this value to override the
DefaultTableName parameter.

Required: false

Type: string

The value of the individual data point.

Required: true

Type: float

The timestamp of the individual data point. The default value is the current time.

Required: false

Type: string
Example input

"request": {
"table": "u_greengrass_app"
"value": 1.0,
"timestamp": "2018-10-14T10:30:00"

Output Data
This connector publishes status information as output data.

Topic filter

Example output: Success

"response": {
"metric_name": "Errors",
"table_name": "GliderProd",
"processed_on": "2018-10-14T10:35:00",
"response_id": "khjKSkj132qwr23fcba",
"status": "success",
"values": [
"timestamp": "2016-10-14T10:30:00",
"value": 1.0

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
ServiceNow MetricBase Integration

"timestamp": "2016-10-14T10:31:00",
"value": 1.1

Example output: Failure

"response": {
"error": "InvalidInputException",
"error_message": "metric value is invalid",
"status": "fail"

If the connector detects a retryable error (for example, connection errors), it retries the
publish in the next batch.

Usage Example
The following example Lambda function sends an input message to the connector.
This Python function uses the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK (p. 175) to publish an MQTT
message. You can use the following pip command to install the Python version of the SDK on
your core device:

pip install greengrasssdk

import greengrasssdk
import json

iot_client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')
SEND_TOPIC = 'servicenow/metricbase/metric'

def create_request_with_all_fields():
return {
"request": {
"subject": '2efdf6badbd523803acfae441b961961',
"metric_name": 'u_count',
"value": 1234,
"timestamp": '2018-10-20T20:22:20',
"table": 'u_greengrass_metricbase_test'

def publish_basic_message():
messageToPublish = create_request_with_all_fields()
print "Message To Publish: ", messageToPublish


def function_handler(event, context):


AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

The ServiceNow MetricBase Integration connector includes the following third-party software/licensing:

• pysnow/MIT

This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

The following table describes the changes in each version of the connector.

Version Changes

2 Fix to reduce excessive logging.

1 Initial release.

A Greengrass group can contain only one version of the connector at a time.

See Also
• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413)

SNS Connector
The SNS connector (p. 283) publishes messages to an Amazon SNS topic. This enables web servers,
email addresses, and other message subscribers to respond to events in the Greengrass group.

This connector receives SNS message information on an MQTT topic, and then sends the message
to a specified SNS topic. You can optionally use custom Lambda functions to implement filtering or
formatting logic on messages before they are published to this connector.

This connector has the following versions.

Version ARN

2 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/SNS/

1 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/SNS/

For information about version changes, see the Changelog (p. 389).

This connector has the following requirements:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.7 or later.

• Python version 2.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.
• A configured SNS topic. For more information, see Creating an Amazon SNS Topic in the Amazon
Simple Notification Service Developer Guide.
• An IAM policy added to the Greengrass group role that allows the sns:Publish action on the target
SNS topic, as shown in the following example:


This connector allows you to dynamically override the default topic in the input message payload.
If your implementation uses this feature, the IAM policy must allow sns:Publish permission on
all target topics. You can grant granular or conditional access to resources (for example, by using a
wildcard * naming scheme). For more information, see Adding and Removing IAM Policies in the IAM
User Guide.

Connector Parameters
This connector provides the following parameters:


The ARN of the default SNS topic to publish messages to. The destination topic can be overridden by
the sns_topic_arn property in the input message payload.
The group role must allow sns:Publish permission to all target topics. For more
information, see the section called “Requirements” (p. 384).

Display name in console: Default SNS topic ARN

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: arn:aws:sns:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}):(\d{12}):([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)$

Create Connector Example (CLI)

The following CLI command creates a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that contains the
SNS connector.

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-version


AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

"Connectors": [
"Id": "MySNSConnector",
"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/SNS/versions/2",
"Parameters": {
"DefaultSNSArn": "arn:aws:sns:region:account-id:topic-name"

In the AWS IoT Greengrass console, you can add a connector from the group's Connectors page. For
more information, see the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403).

Input Data
This connector accepts SNS message information on an MQTT topic, and then publishes the message as
is to the target SNS topic. Input messages must be in JSON format.

Topic filter

Message properties

Information about the message to send to the SNS topic.

Required: true

Type: object that includes the following properties:


The content of the message as a string or in JSON format. For examples, see Example
input (p. 387).

To send JSON, the message_structure property must be set to json and the message
must be a string-encoded JSON object that contains a default key.

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .*

The subject of the message.

Required: false

Type: ASCII text, up to 100 characters. This must begin with a letter, number, or punctuation
mark. This must not include line breaks or control characters.

Valid pattern: .*

The ARN of the SNS topic to publish messages to. If specified, the connector publishes to
this topic instead of the default topic.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

The group role must allow sns:Publish permission to any target topics. For more
information, see the section called “Requirements” (p. 384).

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: arn:aws:sns:([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}):(\d{12}):([a-zA-Z0-9-


The structure of the message.

Required: false. This must be specified to send a JSON message.

Type: string

Valid values: json


An arbitrary ID for the request. This property is used to map an input request to an output
response. When specified, the id property in the response object is set to this value. If you don't
use this feature, you can omit this property or specify an empty string.

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: .*

The message size is bounded by a maximum SNS message size of 256 KB.
Example input: String message

This example sends a string message. It specifies the optional sns_topic_arn property, which
overrides the default destination topic.

"request": {
"subject": "Message subject",
"message": "Message data",
"sns_topic_arn": "arn:aws:sns:region:account-id:topic2-name"
"id": "request123"

Example input: JSON message

This example sends a message as a string encoded JSON object that includes the default key.

"request": {
"subject": "Message subject",
"message": "{ \"default\": \"Message data\" }",
"message_structure": "json"
"id": "request123"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Output Data
This connector publishes status information as output data.

Topic filter

Example output: Success

"response": {
"sns_message_id": "f80a81bc-f44c-56f2-a0f0-d5af6a727c8a",
"status": "success"
"id": "request123"

Example output: Failure

"response" : {
"error": "InvalidInputException",
"error_message": "SNS Topic Arn is invalid",
"status": "fail"
"id": "request123"

Usage Example
The following example Lambda function sends an input message to the connector.
This Python function uses the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK (p. 175) to publish an MQTT
message. You can use the following pip command to install the Python version of the SDK on
your core device:

pip install greengrasssdk

import greengrasssdk
import time
import json

iot_client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')
send_topic = 'sns/message'

def create_request_with_all_fields():
return {
"request": {
"message": "Message from SNS Connector Test"
"id" : "req_123"

def publish_basic_message():
messageToPublish = create_request_with_all_fields()
print "Message To Publish: ", messageToPublish

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Splunk Integration


def function_handler(event, context):


The SNS connector includes the following third-party software/licensing:

• AWS SDK for Python (Boto 3)/Apache 2.0

This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

The following table describes the changes in each version of the connector.

Version Changes

2 Fix to reduce excessive logging.

1 Initial release.

A Greengrass group can contain only one version of the connector at a time.

See Also
• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413)
• Publish action in the Boto 3 documentation
• What Is Amazon Simple Notification Service? in the Amazon Simple Notification Service Developer Guide

Splunk Integration Connector

The Splunk Integration connector (p. 283) publishes data from Greengrass devices to Splunk.
This allows you to use Splunk to monitor and analyze the Greengrass core environment, and act on
local events. The connector integrates with HTTP Event Collector (HEC). For more information, see
Introduction to Splunk HTTP Event Collector in the Splunk documentation.

This connector receives logging and event data on an MQTT topic and publishes the data as is to the
Splunk API.

You can use this connector to support industrial scenarios, such as:

• Operators can use periodic data from actuators and sensors (for example, temperature, pressure, and
water readings) to trigger alarms when values exceed certain thresholds.
• Developers use data collected from industrial machinery to build ML models that can monitor the
equipment for potential issues.

This connector has the following versions.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Splunk Integration

Version ARN

2 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

1 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

For information about version changes, see the Changelog (p. 394).

This connector has the following requirements:

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.7 or later. AWS IoT Greengrass must be configured to support
local secrets, as described in Secrets Requirements (p. 264).
This includes allowing access to your Secrets Manager secrets. If you're using the default
Greengrass service role, Greengrass has permission to get the values of secrets with names
that start with greengrass-.
• Python version 2.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.
• The HTTP Event Collector functionality must be enabled in Splunk. For more information, see Set up
and use HTTP Event Collector in Splunk Web in the Splunk documentation.
• A text type secret in AWS Secrets Manager that stores your Splunk HTTP Event Collector token. For
more information, see About Event Collector tokens in the Splunk documentation and Creating a Basic
Secret in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide.
To create the secret in the Secrets Manager console, enter your token on the Plaintext tab.
Don't include quotation marks or other formatting. In the API, specify the token as the value
for the SecretString property.
• A secret resource in the Greengrass group that references the Secrets Manager secret. For more
information, see Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).

Connector Parameters
This connector provides the following parameters:


The endpoint of your Splunk instance. This value must contain the protocol, hostname, and port.

Display name in console: Splunk endpoint

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^(http:\/\/|https:\/\/)?[a-z0-9]+([-.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*.[a-z]{2,5}(:


The amount of memory (in KB) to allocate to the connector.

Display name in console: Memory size

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Splunk Integration

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[0-9]+$


The maximum number of items to save in memory before the items are submitted or discarded.
When this limit is met, the oldest items in the queue are replaced with newer items. This limit
typically applies when there's no connection to the internet.

Display name in console: Maximum items to retain

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[0-9]+$


The interval (in seconds) for publishing received data to Splunk HEC. The maximum value is 900. To
configure the connector to publish items as they are received (without batching), specify 0.

Display name in console: Splunk publish interval

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: [0-9]|[1-9]\d|[1-9]\d\d|900


The secret in AWS Secrets Manager that stores the Splunk token. This must be a text type secret.

Display name in console: ARN of Splunk auth token secret

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: arn:aws:secretsmanager:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1}:\d{12}?:secret:[a-


The secret resource in the Greengrass group that references the Splunk secret.

Display name in console: Splunk auth token resource

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+

The file path of the custom certificate authority (CA) for Splunk (for example, /etc/ssl/certs/

Display name in console: Splunk custom certificate authority location

Required: false

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Splunk Integration

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^$|/.*

Create Connector Example (CLI)

The following CLI command creates a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that contains the
Splunk Integration connector.

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-version

"Connectors": [
"Id": "MySplunkIntegrationConnector",
"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/SplunkIntegration/
"Parameters": {
"SplunkEndpoint": "https://myinstance.cloud.splunk.com:8088",
"MemorySize": 200000,
"SplunkQueueSize": 10000,
"SplunkFlushIntervalSeconds": 5,
"SplunkTokenSecretArn-ResourceId": "MySplunkResource"

The Lambda function in this connector has a long-lived (p. 187) lifecycle.

In the AWS IoT Greengrass console, you can add a connector from the group's Connectors page. For
more information, see the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403).

Input Data
This connector accepts logging and event data on an MQTT topic and publishes the received data as is to
the Splunk API. Input messages must be in JSON format.

Topic filter

Message properties

The event data to send to the Splunk API. Events must meet the specifications of the services/
collector API.

Required: true

Type: object. Only the event property is required.


An arbitrary ID for the request. This property is used to map an input request to an output

Required: false

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Splunk Integration

Type: string

All limits that are imposed by the Splunk API apply when using this connector. For more information,
see services/collector.
Example input

"request": {
"event": "some event",
"fields": {
"severity": "INFO",
"category": [
"id": "request123"

Output Data
This connector publishes output data on two topics:

• Status information on the splunk/logs/put/status topic.

• Errors on the splunk/logs/put/error topic.

Topic filter: splunk/logs/put/status

Use this topic to listen for the status of the requests. Each time that the connector sends a batch
of received data to the Splunk API, it publishes a list of the IDs of the requests that succeeded and
Example output

"response": {
"succeeded": [
"failed": [

Topic filter: splunk/logs/put/error

Use this topic to listen for errors from the connector. The error_message property that describes
the error or timeout encountered while processing the request.
Example output

"response": {
"error": "UnauthorizedException",

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Splunk Integration

"error_message": "invalid splunk token",

"status": "fail"

If the connector detects a retryable error (for example, connection errors), it retries the
publish in the next batch.

Usage Example
The following example Lambda function sends an input message to the connector.
This Python function uses the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK (p. 175) to publish an MQTT
message. You can use the following pip command to install the Python version of the SDK on
your core device:

pip install greengrasssdk

import greengrasssdk
import time
import json

iot_client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')
send_topic = 'splunk/logs/put'

def create_request_with_all_fields():
return {
"request": {
"event": "Access log test message."
"id" : "req_123"

def publish_basic_message():
messageToPublish = create_request_with_all_fields()
print "Message To Publish: ", messageToPublish


def function_handler(event, context):


This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

The following table describes the changes in each version of the connector.

Version Changes

2 Fix to reduce excessive logging.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Twilio Notifications

Version Changes

1 Initial release.

A Greengrass group can contain only one version of the connector at a time.

See Also
• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413)

Twilio Notifications Connector

The Twilio Notifications connector (p. 283) makes automated phone calls or sends text messages
through Twilio. You can use this connector to send notifications in response to events in the Greengrass
group. For phone calls, the connector can forward a voice message to the recipient.

This connector receives Twilio message information on an MQTT topic, and then triggers a Twilio
For a tutorial that shows how to use the Twilio Notifications connector, see the section called
“Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403) or the section called “Get Started with
Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413).

This connector has the following versions.

Version ARN

3 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

2 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

1 arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/

For information about version changes, see the Changelog (p. 402).

This connector has the following requirements:

• AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.7 or later. AWS IoT Greengrass must be configured to support
local secrets, as described in Secrets Requirements (p. 264).
This includes allowing access to your Secrets Manager secrets. If you're using the default
Greengrass service role, Greengrass has permission to get the values of secrets with names
that start with greengrass-.
• Python version 2.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Twilio Notifications

• A Twilio account SID, auth token, and Twilio-enabled phone number. After you create a Twilio project,
these values are available on the project dashboard.
You can use a Twilio trial account. If you're using a trial account, you must add non-Twilio
recipient phone numbers to a list of verified phone numbers. For more information, see How
to Work with your Free Twilio Trial Account.
• A text type secret in AWS Secrets Manager that stores the Twilio auth token. For more information, see
Creating a Basic Secret in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide.
To create the secret in the Secrets Manager console, enter your token on the Plaintext tab.
Don't include quotation marks or other formatting. In the API, specify the token as the value
for the SecretString property.
• A secret resource in the Greengrass group that references the Secrets Manager secret. For more
information, see Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).

Connector Parameters
This connector provides the following parameters.


The Twilio account SID that's used to invoke the Twilio API.

Display name in console: Twilio account SID

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+

The ARN of the Secrets Manager secret that stores the Twilio auth token.
This is used to access the value of the local secret on the core.

Display name in console: ARN of Twilio auth token secret

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: arn:aws:secretsmanager:[a-z0-9\-]+:[0-9]{12}:secret:([a-zA-Z0-9\


The ID of the secret resource in the Greengrass group that references the secret for the Twilio auth

Display name in console: Twilio auth token resource

Required: true

Type: string

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Twilio Notifications

Valid pattern: .+

The default Twilio-enabled phone number that Twilio uses to send messages. Twilio uses this
number to initiate the text or call.
• If you don't configure a default phone number, you must specify a phone number in the
from_number property in the input message body.
• If you do configure a default phone number, you can optionally override the default by specifying
the from_number property in the input message body.

Display name in console: Default from phone number

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^$|\+[0-9]+

Create Connector Example (CLI)

The following example CLI command creates a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that
contains the Twilio Notifications connector.

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-version

"Connectors": [
"Id": "MyTwilioNotificationsConnector",
"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/TwilioNotifications/
"Parameters": {
"TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID": "abcd12345xyz",
"TwilioAuthTokenSecretArn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:account-
"TwilioAuthTokenSecretArn-ResourceId": "MyTwilioSecret",
"DefaultFromPhoneNumber": "+19999999999"

For tutorials that show how add the Twilio Notifications connector to a group, see the section called
“Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413) and the section called “Get Started with Connectors
(Console)” (p. 403).

Input Data
This connector accepts Twilio message information on two MQTT topics. Input messages must be in
JSON format.

• Text message information on the twilio/txt topic.

• Phone message information on the twilio/call topic.

The input message payload can include a text message (message) or voice message
(voice_message_location), but not both.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Twilio Notifications

Topic filter: twilio/txt

Message properties

Information about the Twilio notification.

Required: true

Type: object that includes the following properties:


The message recipient. Only one recipient is supported.

Required: true

Type: object that include the following properties:


The name of the recipient.

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .*

The phone number of the recipient.

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: \+[1-9]+


The text content of the text message. Only text messages are supported on this
topic. For voice messages, use twilio/call.

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+

The phone number of the sender. Twilio uses this phone number to initiate the
message. This property is required if the DefaultFromPhoneNumber parameter isn't
configured. If DefaultFromPhoneNumber is configured, you can use this property to
override the default.

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: \+[1-9]+


The number of retries. The default is 0.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Twilio Notifications

Required: false

Type: integer

An arbitrary ID for the request. This property is used to map an input request to an output

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+
Example input

"request": {
"recipient": {
"name": "Darla",
"phone_number": "+12345000000",
"message": "Hello from the edge"
"from_number": "+19999999999",
"retries": 3
"id": "request123"

Topic filter: twilio/call

Message properties

Information about the Twilio notification.

Required: true

Type: object that includes the following properties:


The message recipient. Only one recipient is supported.

Required: true

Type: object that include the following properties:


The name of the recipient.

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+

The phone number of the recipient.

Required: true

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Twilio Notifications

Type: string

Valid pattern: \+[1-9]+


The URL of the audio content for the voice message. This must be in TwiML format.
Only voice messages are supported on this topic. For text messages, use twilio/

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+

The phone number of the sender. Twilio uses this phone number to initiate the
message. This property is required if the DefaultFromPhoneNumber parameter isn't
configured. If DefaultFromPhoneNumber is configured, you can use this property to
override the default.

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: \+[1-9]+


The number of retries. The default is 0.

Required: false

Type: integer

An arbitrary ID for the request. This property is used to map an input request to an output

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: .+
Example input

"request": {
"recipient": {
"name": "Darla",
"phone_number": "+12345000000",
"voice_message_location": "https://some-public-TwiML"
"from_number": "+19999999999",
"retries": 3
"id": "request123"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Twilio Notifications

Output Data
This connector publishes status information as output data.

Topic filter

Example output: Success

"response": {
"status": "success",
"payload": {
"from_number": "+19999999999",
"messages": {
"message_status": "queued",
"to_number": "+12345000000",
"name": "Darla"
"id": "request123"

Example output: Failure

"response": {
"status": "fail",
"error_message": "Recipient name cannot be None",
"error": "InvalidParameter",
"payload": None
"id": "request123"

The payload property in the output is the response from the Twilio API when the message is sent.
If the connector detects that the input data is invalid (for example, it doesn't specify a required
input field), the connector returns an error and sets the value to None. The following are example

'messages': {

'messages': {

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Twilio Notifications

Usage Example
The following example Lambda function sends an input message to the connector. This example triggers
a text message.
This Python function uses the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK (p. 175) to publish an MQTT
message. You can use the following pip command to install the Python version of the SDK on
your core device:

pip install greengrasssdk

import greengrasssdk
import json

iot_client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')
TXT_INPUT_TOPIC = 'twilio/txt'
CALL_INPUT_TOPIC = 'twilio/call'

def publish_basic_message():

txt = {
"request": {
"recipient" : {
"name": "Darla",
"phone_number": "+12345000000",
"message": 'Hello from the edge'
"from_number" : "+19999999999"
"id" : "request123"

print "Message To Publish: ", txt



def function_handler(event, context):


The Twilio Notifications connector includes the following third-party software/licensing:

• twilio-python/MIT

This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

The following table describes the changes in each version of the connector.

Version Changes

3 Fix to reduce excessive logging.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Get Started with Connectors (Console)

Version Changes

2 Minor bug fixes and improvements.

1 Initial release.

A Greengrass group can contain only one version of the connector at a time.

See Also
• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (Console)” (p. 403)
• the section called “Get Started with Connectors (CLI)” (p. 413)
• Twilio API Reference

Getting Started with Greengrass Connectors

This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 and later.

This tutorial shows how to use the AWS Management Console to work with connectors.

Use connectors to accelerate your development life cycle. Connectors are prebuilt, reusable modules that
can make it easier to interact with services, protocols, and resources. They can help you deploy business
logic to Greengrass devices more quickly. For more information, see Integrate with Services and Protocols
Using Connectors (p. 283).

In this tutorial, you configure and deploy the Twilio Notifications (p. 395) connector. The connector
receives Twilio message information as input data, and then triggers a Twilio text message. The data flow
is shown in following diagram.

After you configure the connector, you create a Lambda function and a subscription.

• The function evaluates simulated data from a temperature sensor. It conditionally publishes the Twilio
message information to an MQTT topic. This is the topic that the connector subscribes to.
• The subscription allows the function to publish to the topic and the connector to receive data from the

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

The Twilio Notifications connector requires a Twilio auth token to interact with the Twilio API. The token
is a text type secret created in AWS Secrets Manager and referenced from a group resource. This enables
AWS IoT Greengrass to create a local copy of the secret on the Greengrass core, where it is encrypted and
made available to the connector. For more information, see Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).

The tutorial contains the following high-level steps:

1. Create a Secrets Manager Secret (p. 404)

2. Add a Secret Resource to a Group (p. 405)
3. Add a Connector to the Group (p. 406)
4. Create a Lambda Function Deployment Package (p. 407)
5. Create a Lambda Function (p. 408)
6. Add a Function to the Group (p. 409)
7. Add Subscriptions to the Group (p. 410)
8. Deploy the Group (p. 411)

The tutorial should take about 20 minutes to complete.

To complete this tutorial, you need:

• A Greengrass group and a Greengrass core (v1.7 or later). To learn how to create a Greengrass group
and core, see Getting Started with AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 64). The Getting Started tutorial also
includes steps for installing the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software.
• AWS IoT Greengrass must be configured to support local secrets, as described in Secrets
Requirements (p. 264).
This includes allowing access to your Secrets Manager secrets. If you're using the default
Greengrass service role, Greengrass has permission to get the values of secrets with names
that start with greengrass-.
• A Twilio account SID, auth token, and Twilio-enabled phone number. After you create a Twilio project,
these values are available on the project dashboard.
You can use a Twilio trial account. If you're using a trial account, you must add non-Twilio
recipient phone numbers to a list of verified phone numbers. For more information, see How
to Work with your Free Twilio Trial Account.

Step 1: Create a Secrets Manager Secret

In this step, you use the AWS Secrets Manager console to create a text type secret for your Twilio auth

1. Sign in to the AWS Secrets Manager console.

For more information about this process, see Step 1: Create and Store Your Secret in AWS
Secrets Manager in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide.
2. Choose Store a new secret.
3. Under Select secret type, choose Other type of secrets.
4. Under Specify the key/value pairs to be stored for this secret, on the Plaintext tab, enter your
Twilio auth token. Remove all of the JSON formatting and enter only the token value.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add a Secret Resource to a Group

5. Keep DefaultEncryptionKey selected for the encryption key, and then choose Next.
You aren't charged by AWS KMS if you use the default AWS managed key that Secrets
Manager creates in your account.
6. For Secret name, enter greengrass-TwilioAuthToken, and then choose Next.
By default, the Greengrass service role allows AWS IoT Greengrass to get the value
of secrets with names that start with greengrass-. For more information, see secrets
requirements (p. 264).
7. This tutorial doesn't require rotation, so choose Disable automatic rotation, and then choose Next.
8. On the Review page, review your settings, and then choose Store.

Next, you create a secret resource in your Greengrass group that references the secret.

Step 2: Add a Secret Resource to a Greengrass Group

In this step, you add a secret resource to the Greengrass group. This resource is a reference to the secret
that you created in the previous step.

1. In the AWS IoT console, choose Greengrass, and then choose Groups.
2. Choose the group that you want to add the secret resource to.
3. On the group configuration page, choose Resources, and then choose Secret. This tab displays the
secret resources that belong to the group. You can add, edit, and remove secret resources from this

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add a Connector to the Group

Alternatively, the console allows you to create a secret and secret resource when you
configure a connector or Lambda function. You can do this from the connector's Configure
parameters page or the Lambda function's Resources page.
4. Choose Add a secret resource.
5. On the Add a secret resource to your group page, choose Select, and then choose greengrass-
6. On the Select labels (Optional) page, choose Next. The AWSCURRENT staging label represents the
latest version of the secret. This label is always included in a secret resource.
This tutorial requires the AWSCURRENT label only. You can optionally include labels that
are required by your Lambda function or connector.
7. On the Name your secret resource page, enter MyTwilioAuthToken, and then choose Save.

Step 3: Add a Connector to the Greengrass Group

In this step, you configure parameters for the Twilio Notifications connector (p. 395) and add it to the

1. On the group configuration page, choose Connectors, and then choose Add a connector.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Function Deployment Package

2. On the Select a connector page, choose Twilio Notifications, and then choose Next.
3. On the Configure parameters page:

• For Twilio auth token resource, choose MyTwilioAuthToken. This is the secret resource that you
created in the previous step.
When you choose the resource, the ARN of Twilio auth token secret property is
populated for you.
• For Default from phone number, enter your Twilio-enabled phone number.
• For Twilio account SID, enter your Twilio account SID.
4. Choose Add.

Step 4: Create a Lambda Function Deployment

To create a Lambda function, you must first create a Lambda function deployment package that contains
the function code and dependencies. Greengrass Lambda functions require the AWS IoT Greengrass
Core SDK (p. 175) for tasks such as communicating with MQTT messages in the core environment and
accessing local secrets. This tutorial creates a Python function, so you use the Python version of the SDK
in the deployment package.

1. Download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Python from the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
SDK (p. 22) downloads page.
2. Unzip the downloaded package to get the SDK. The SDK is the greengrasssdk folder.
3. Save the following Python code function in a local file named temp_monitor.py.

from __future__ import print_function

import greengrasssdk
import json
import random

client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')

# publish to the Twilio Notifications connector through the twilio/txt topic

def function_handler(event, context):
temp = event['temperature']

# check the temperature

# if greater than 30C, send a notification
if temp > 30:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Function

data = build_request(event)
client.publish(topic='twilio/txt', payload=json.dumps(data))
print('published:' + str(data))

print('temperature:' + str(temp))

# build the Twilio request from the input data

def build_request(event):
to_name = event['to_name']
to_number = event['to_number']
temp_report = 'temperature:' + str(event['temperature'])

return {
"request": {
"recipient": {
"name": to_name,
"phone_number": to_number,
"message": temp_report
"id": "request_" + str(random.randint(1,101))

4. Zip the following items into a file named temp_monitor_python.zip. When creating the ZIP file,
include only the code and dependencies, not the containing folder.

• temp_monitor.py. App logic.

• greengrasssdk. Required library for Python Greengrass Lambda functions that publish MQTT

This is your Lambda function deployment package.

Now, create a Lambda function that uses the deployment package.

Step 5: Create a Lambda Function in the AWS

Lambda Console
In this step, you use the AWS Lambda console to create a Lambda function and configure it to use your
deployment package. Then, you publish a function version and create an alias.

1. First, create the Lambda function.

a. In the AWS Management Console, choose Services, and open the AWS Lambda console.
b. Choose Create function and then choose Author from scratch.
c. In the Basic information section, use the following values:

• For Function name, enter TempMonitor.

• For Runtime, choose Python 2.7.
• For Permissions, keep the default setting. This creates an execution role that grants basic
Lambda permissions. This role isn't used by AWS IoT Greengrass.
d. At the bottom of the page, choose Create function.
2. Next, register the handler and upload your Lambda function deployment package.

a. On the Configuration tab for the TempMonitor function, in Function code, use the following

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add a Function to the Group

• For Code entry type, choose Upload a .zip file.

• For Runtime, choose Python 2.7.
• For Handler, enter temp_monitor.function_handler
b. Choose Upload.
c. Choose your temp_monitor_python.zip deployment package.
d. Choose Save.
The Test button on the AWS Lambda console doesn't work with this function. The
AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK doesn't contain modules that are required to run your
Greengrass Lambda functions independently in the AWS Lambda console. These
modules (for example, greengrass_common) are supplied to the functions after they
are deployed to your Greengrass core.
You can see your code in the Function code section by choosing Edit code inline from
the Code entry type menu.
3. Now, publish the first version of your Lambda function and create an alias for the version.
Greengrass groups can reference a Lambda function by alias (recommended) or by version.
Using an alias makes it easier to manage code updates because you don't have to change
your subscription table or group definition when the function code is updated. Instead, you
just point the alias to the new function version.

a. From the Actions menu, choose Publish new version.

b. For Version description, enter First version, and then choose Publish.
c. On the TempMonitor: 1 configuration page, from the Actions menu, choose Create alias.
d. On the Create a new alias page, use the following values:

• For Name, enter GG_TempMonitor.

• For Version, choose 1.

AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't support Lambda aliases for $LATEST versions.
e. Choose Create.

Now you're ready to add the Lambda function to your Greengrass group.

Step 6: Add a Lambda Function to the Greengrass

In this step, you add the Lambda function to the group and then configure its lifecycle and environment
variables. For more information, see the section called “Controlling Greengrass Lambda Function
Execution” (p. 178).

1. On the group configuration page, choose Lambdas, and then choose Add Lambda.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Add Subscriptions to the Group

2. On the Add a Lambda to your Greengrass Group page, choose Use existing Lambda.

3. On the Use existing Lambda page, choose TempMonitor, and then choose Next.
4. On the Select a Lambda version page, choose Alias:GG_TempMonitor, and then choose Finish.

Step 7: Add Subscriptions to the Greengrass Group

In this step, you add a subscription that enables the Lambda function to send input data to the
connector. The connector defines the MQTT topics that it subscribes to, so this subscription uses one of
the topics. This is the same topic that the example function publishes to.

For this tutorial, you also create subscriptions that allow the function to receive simulated temperature
readings from AWS IoT and allow AWS IoT to receive status information from the connector.

1. On the group configuration page, choose Subscriptions, and then choose Add Subscription.

2. On the Select your source and target page, configure the source and target, as follows:

a. For Select a source, choose Lambdas, and then choose TempMonitor.

b. For Select a target, choose Connectors, and then choose Twilio Notifications.
c. Choose Next.
3. On the Filter your data with a topic page, for Required topic syntax, choose twilio/txt, and
then choose Next.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Deploy the Group

4. Choose Finish.
5. Repeat steps 1 - 4 to create a subscription that allows AWS IoT to publish messages to the function.

a. For Select a source, choose Services, and then choose IoT Cloud.
b. For Select a target, choose Lambdas, and then choose TempMonitor.
c. For Topic filter, enter temperature/input.
6. Repeat steps 1 - 4 to create a subscription that allows the connector to publish messages to AWS

a. For Select a source, choose Connectors, and then choose Twilio Notifications.
b. For Select a target, choose Services, and then choose IoT Cloud.
c. For Topic filter, twilio/message/status is entered for you. This is the predefined topic that
the connector publishes to.

Step 8: Deploy the Greengrass Group

Deploy the group to the core device.

1. Make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass core is running. Run the following commands in your
Raspberry Pi terminal, as needed.

a. To check whether the daemon is running:

ps aux | grep -E 'greengrass.*daemon'

If the output contains a root entry for /greengrass/ggc/packages/ggc-version/bin/

daemon, then the daemon is running.
The version in the path depends on the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software version
that's installed on your core device.
b. To start the daemon:

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

2. On the group configuration page, choose Deployments, and from the Actions menu, choose

3. On the Configure how devices discover your core page, choose Automatic detection.

This enables devices to automatically acquire connectivity information for the core, such as IP
address, DNS, and port number. Automatic detection is recommended, but AWS IoT Greengrass also
supports manually specified endpoints. You're only prompted for the discovery method the first
time that the group is deployed.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test the Solution

If prompted, grant permission to create the Greengrass service role (p. 443) and associate
it with your AWS account in the current AWS Region. This role allows AWS IoT Greengrass to
access your resources in AWS services.

The Deployments page shows the deployment timestamp, version ID, and status. When completed,
the deployment should show a Successfully completed status.

For troubleshooting help, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).

Test the Solution

1. On the AWS IoT console home page, choose Test.

2. For Subscriptions, use the following values, and then choose Subscribe to topic. The Twilio
Notifications connector publishes status information to this topic.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
See Also

Property Value

Subscription topic twilio/message/status

MQTT payload display Display payloads as strings

3. For Publish, use the following values, and then choose Publish to topic to invoke the function.

Property Value

Topic temperature/input

Message Replace recipient-name with a name and

recipient-phone-number with the phone
number of the text message recipient. Example:

"to_name": "recipient-name",
"to_number": "recipient-phone-number",
"temperature": 31

If you're using a trial account, you must add

non-Twilio recipient phone numbers to a list of
verified phone numbers. For more information,
see Verify your Personal Phone Number.

If successful, the recipient receives the text message and the console displays the success status
from the output data (p. 401).

Now, change the temperature in the input message to 29 and publish. Because this is less than 30,
the TempMonitor function doesn't trigger a Twilio message.

See Also
• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)
• the section called “AWS-Provided Greengrass Connectors” (p. 288)

Getting Started with Greengrass Connectors (CLI)

This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 and later.

This tutorial shows how to use the AWS CLI to work with connectors.

Use connectors to accelerate your development life cycle. Connectors are prebuilt, reusable modules that
can make it easier to interact with services, protocols, and resources. They can help you deploy business
logic to Greengrass devices more quickly. For more information, see Integrate with Services and Protocols
Using Connectors (p. 283).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Get Started with Connectors (CLI)

In this tutorial, you configure and deploy the Twilio Notifications (p. 395) connector. The connector
receives Twilio message information as input data, and then triggers a Twilio text message. The data flow
is shown in following diagram.

After you configure the connector, you create a Lambda function and a subscription.

• The function evaluates simulated data from a temperature sensor. It conditionally publishes the Twilio
message information to an MQTT topic. This is the topic that the connector subscribes to.
• The subscription allows the function to publish to the topic and the connector to receive data from the

The Twilio Notifications connector requires a Twilio auth token to interact with the Twilio API. The token
is a text type secret created in AWS Secrets Manager and referenced from a group resource. This enables
AWS IoT Greengrass to create a local copy of the secret on the Greengrass core, where it is encrypted and
made available to the connector. For more information, see Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).

The tutorial contains the following high-level steps:

1. Create a Secrets Manager Secret (p. 415)

2. Create a Resource Definition and Version (p. 416)
3. Create a Connector Definition and Version (p. 416)
4. Create a Lambda Function Deployment Package (p. 417)
5. Create a Lambda Function (p. 418)
6. Create a Function Definition and Version (p. 420)
7. Create a Subscription Definition and Version (p. 420)
8. Create a Group Version (p. 421)
9. Create a Deployment (p. 422)

The tutorial should take about 30 minutes to complete.

Using the AWS IoT Greengrass API

It's helpful to understand the following patterns when you work with Greengrass groups and group
components (for example, the connectors, functions, and resources in the group).

• At the top of the hierarchy, a component has a definition object that is a container for version objects.
In turn, a version is a container for the connectors, functions, or other component types.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

• When you deploy to the Greengrass core, you deploy a specific group version. A group version can
contain one version of each type of component. A core is required, but the others are included as
• Versions are immutable, so you must create new versions when you want to make changes.

If you receive an error when you run an AWS CLI command, add the --debug parameter and
then rerun the command to get more information about the error.

The AWS IoT Greengrass API lets you create multiple definitions for a component type.
For example, you can create a FunctionDefinition object every time that you create a
FunctionDefinitionVersion, or you can add new versions to an existing definition. This flexibility
allows you to customize your version management system.

To complete this tutorial, you need:

• A Greengrass group and a Greengrass core (v1.7 or later). To learn how to create a Greengrass group
and core, see Getting Started with AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 64). The Getting Started tutorial also
includes steps for installing the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software.
• AWS IoT Greengrass must be configured to support local secrets, as described in Secrets
Requirements (p. 264).
This includes allowing access to your Secrets Manager secrets. If you're using the default
Greengrass service role, Greengrass has permission to get the values of secrets with names
that start with greengrass-.
• A Twilio account SID, auth token, and Twilio-enabled phone number. After you create a Twilio project,
these values are available on the project dashboard.
You can use a Twilio trial account. If you're using a trial account, you must add non-Twilio
recipient phone numbers to a list of verified phone numbers. For more information, see How
to Work with your Free Twilio Trial Account.

• AWS CLI installed and configured on your computer. For more information, see Installing the AWS
Command Line Interface and Configuring the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

The examples in this tutorial are written for Linux and other Unix-based systems. If you're using
Windows, see Specifying Parameter Values for the AWS Command Line Interface to learn about
differences in syntax.

If the command contains a JSON string, the tutorial provides an example that has the JSON on a single
line. On some systems, it might be easier to edit and run commands using this format.

Step 1: Create a Secrets Manager Secret

In this step, you use the AWS Secrets Manager API to create a secret for your Twilio auth token.

1. First, create the secret.

• Replace twilio-auth-token with your Twilio auth token.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create a Resource Definition and Version

aws secretsmanager create-secret --name greengrass-TwilioAuthToken --secret-

string twilio-auth-token

By default, the Greengrass service role allows AWS IoT Greengrass to get the value
of secrets with names that start with greengrass-. For more information, see secrets
requirements (p. 264).
2. Copy the ARN of the secret from the output. You use this to create the secret resource and to
configure the Twilio Notifications connector.

Step 2: Create a Resource Definition and Version

In this step, you use the AWS IoT Greengrass API to create a secret resource for your Secrets Manager

1. Create a resource definition that includes an initial version.

• Replace secret-arn with the ARN of the secret that you copied in the previous step.

JSON Expanded

aws greengrass create-resource-definition --name MyGreengrassResources --initial-

version '{
"Resources": [
"Id": "TwilioAuthToken",
"Name": "MyTwilioAuthToken",
"ResourceDataContainer": {
"SecretsManagerSecretResourceData": {
"ARN": "secret-arn"

JSON Single-line

aws greengrass create-resource-definition \

--name MyGreengrassResources \
--initial-version '{"Resources": [{"Id": "TwilioAuthToken", "Name":
"MyTwilioAuthToken", "ResourceDataContainer": {"SecretsManagerSecretResourceData":
{"ARN": "secret-arn"}}}]}'

2. Copy the LatestVersionArn of the resource definition from the output. You use this value to add
the resource definition version to the group version that you deploy to the core.

Step 3: Create a Connector Definition and Version

In this step, you configure parameters for the Twilio Notifications connector.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Function Deployment Package

1. Create a connector definition with an initial version.

• Replace account-sid with your Twilio account SID.

• Replace secret-arn with the ARN of your Secrets Manager secret. The connector uses this to get
the value of the local secret.
• Replace phone-number with your Twilio-enabled phone number. Twilio uses this to initiate the
text message. This can be overridden in the input message payload. Use the following format:

JSON Expanded

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-

version '{
"Connectors": [
"Id": "MyTwilioNotificationsConnector",
"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/
"Parameters": {
"TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID": "account-sid",
"TwilioAuthTokenSecretArn": "secret-arn",
"TwilioAuthTokenSecretArn-ResourceId": "TwilioAuthToken",
"DefaultFromPhoneNumber": "phone-number"

JSON Single-line

aws greengrass create-connector-definition \

--name MyGreengrassConnectors \
--initial-version '{"Connectors": [{"Id": "MyTwilioNotificationsConnector",
"ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/TwilioNotifications/
versions/3", "Parameters": {"TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID": "account-sid",
"TwilioAuthTokenSecretArn": "secret-arn", "TwilioAuthTokenSecretArn-ResourceId":
"TwilioAuthToken", "DefaultFromPhoneNumber": "phone-number"}}]}'

TwilioAuthToken is the ID that you used in the previous step to create the secret
2. Copy the LatestVersionArn of the connector definition from the output. You use this value to
add the connector definition version to the group version that you deploy to the core.

Step 4: Create a Lambda Function Deployment

To create a Lambda function, you must first create a Lambda function deployment package that contains
the function code and dependencies. Greengrass Lambda functions require the AWS IoT Greengrass
Core SDK (p. 175) for tasks such as communicating with MQTT messages in the core environment and
accessing local secrets. This tutorial creates a Python function, so you use the Python version of the SDK
in the deployment package.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Function

1. Download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Python from the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
SDK (p. 22) downloads page.
2. Unzip the downloaded package to get the SDK. The SDK is the greengrasssdk folder.
3. Save the following Python code function in a local file named temp_monitor.py.

from __future__ import print_function

import greengrasssdk
import json
import random

client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data')

# publish to the Twilio Notifications connector through the twilio/txt topic

def function_handler(event, context):
temp = event['temperature']

# check the temperature

# if greater than 30C, send a notification
if temp > 30:
data = build_request(event)
client.publish(topic='twilio/txt', payload=json.dumps(data))
print('published:' + str(data))

print('temperature:' + str(temp))

# build the Twilio request from the input data

def build_request(event):
to_name = event['to_name']
to_number = event['to_number']
temp_report = 'temperature:' + str(event['temperature'])

return {
"request": {
"recipient": {
"name": to_name,
"phone_number": to_number,
"message": temp_report
"id": "request_" + str(random.randint(1,101))

4. Zip the following items into a file named temp_monitor_python.zip. When creating the ZIP file,
include only the code and dependencies, not the containing folder.

• temp_monitor.py. App logic.

• greengrasssdk. Required library for Python Greengrass Lambda functions that publish MQTT

This is your Lambda function deployment package.

Step 5: Create a Lambda Function

Now, create a Lambda function that uses the deployment package.

1. First, create an IAM role so you can pass in the ARN when you create the function.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create a Lambda Function

AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't use this role because permissions for your Greengrass Lambda
functions are specified in the Greengrass group role. For this tutorial, you create an empty
role, or alternatively, you can use an existing execution role.

JSON Expanded

aws iam create-role --role-name Lambda_empty --assume-role-policy '{

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": "lambda.amazonaws.com"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

JSON Single-line

aws iam create-role --role-name Lambda_empty --assume-role-policy '{"Version":

"2012-10-17", "Statement": [{"Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"Service":
"lambda.amazonaws.com"},"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"}]}'

2. Copy the Arn of the output.

3. Use the AWS Lambda API to create the TempMonitor function. The following command assumes
that the zip file is in the current directory.

• Replace role-arn with the Arn that you copied.

aws lambda create-function \

--function-name TempMonitor \
--zip-file fileb://temp_monitor_python.zip \
--role role-arn \
--handler temp_monitor.function_handler \
--runtime python2.7

4. Publish a version of the function.

aws lambda publish-version --function-name TempMonitor --description 'First version'

5. Create an alias for the published version.

Greengrass groups can reference a Lambda function by alias (recommended) or by version. Using an
alias makes it easier to manage code updates because you don't have to change your subscription
table or group definition when the function code is updated. Instead, you just point the alias to the
new function version.
AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't support Lambda aliases for $LATEST versions.

aws lambda create-alias --function-name TempMonitor --name GG_TempMonitor --function-

version 1

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create a Function Definition and Version

6. Copy the AliasArn from the output. You use this value when you configure the function for AWS
IoT Greengrass and when you create a subscription.

Now you're ready to configure the function for AWS IoT Greengrass.

Step 6: Create a Function Definition and Version

To use a Lambda function on an AWS IoT Greengrass core, you create a function definition version
that references the Lambda function by alias and defines the group-level configuration. For more
information, see the section called “Controlling Greengrass Lambda Function Execution” (p. 178).

1. Create a function definition that includes an initial version.

• Replace alias-arn with the AliasArn that you copied when you created the alias.

JSON Expanded

aws greengrass create-function-definition --name MyGreengrassFunctions --initial-

version '{
"Functions": [
"Id": "TempMonitorFunction",
"FunctionArn": "alias-arn",
"FunctionConfiguration": {
"Executable": "temp_monitor.function_handler",
"MemorySize": 16000,
"Timeout": 5

JSON Single-line

aws greengrass create-function-definition \

--name MyGreengrassFunctions \
--initial-version '{"Functions": [{"Id": "TempMonitorFunction",
"FunctionArn": "alias-arn", "FunctionConfiguration": {"Executable":
"temp_monitor.function_handler", "MemorySize": 16000,"Timeout": 5}}]}'

2. Copy the LatestVersionArn from the output. You use this value to add the function definition
version to the group version that you deploy to the core.
3. Copy the Id from the output. You use this value later when you update the function.

Step 7: Create a Subscription Definition and Version

In this step, you add a subscription that enables the Lambda function to send input data to the
connector. The connector defines the MQTT topics that it subscribes to, so this subscription uses one of
the topics. This is the same topic that the example function publishes to.

For this tutorial, you also create subscriptions that allow the function to receive simulated temperature
readings from AWS IoT and allow AWS IoT to receive status information from the connector.

1. Create a subscription definition that contains an initial version that includes the subscriptions.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create a Group Version

• Replace alias-arn with the AliasArn that you copied when you created the alias for the
function. Use this ARN for both subscriptions that use it.

JSON Expanded

aws greengrass create-subscription-definition --initial-version '{

"Subscriptions": [
"Id": "TriggerNotification",
"Source": "alias-arn",
"Subject": "twilio/txt",
"Target": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/TwilioNotifications/
"Id": "TemperatureInput",
"Source": "cloud",
"Subject": "temperature/input",
"Target": "alias-arn"
"Id": "OutputStatus",
"Source": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/TwilioNotifications/
"Subject": "twilio/message/status",
"Target": "cloud"

JSON Single-line

aws greengrass create-subscription-definition \

--initial-version '{"Subscriptions": [{"Id": "TriggerNotification", "Source":
"alias-arn", "Subject": "twilio/txt", "Target": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/
connectors/TwilioNotifications/versions/3"},{"Id": "TemperatureInput",
"Source": "cloud", "Subject": "temperature/input", "Target": "alias-arn"},
{"Id": "OutputStatus", "Source": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/
TwilioNotifications/versions/3", "Subject": "twilio/message/status", "Target":

2. Copy the LatestVersionArn from the output. You use this value to add the subscription definition
version to the group version that you deploy to the core.

Step 8: Create a Group Version

Now, you're ready to create a group version that contains all of the items that you want to deploy. You do
this by creating a group version that references the target version of each component type.

First, get the group ID and the ARN of the core definition version. These values are required to create the
group version.

1. Get the ID of the group:

a. List your groups.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create a Deployment

aws greengrass list-groups

b. Copy the Id of the target group from the output. You use this to get the core definition version
and when you deploy the group.
c. Copy the LatestVersion of the group version from the output. You use this to get the core
definition version.
2. Get the ARN of the core definition version:

a. Get the group version. For this step, we assume that the latest group version includes a core
definition version.

• Replace group-id with the Id that you copied for the group.
• Replace group-version-id with the LatestVersion that you copied for the group.

aws greengrass get-group-version \

--group-id group-id \
--group-version-id group-version-id

b. Copy the CoreDefinitionVersionArn from the output.

3. Create a group version.

• Replace group-id with the Id that you copied for the group.
• Replace core-definition-version-arn with the CoreDefinitionVersionArn that you
copied for the core definition version.
• Replace resource-definition-version-arn with the LatestVersionArn that you copied
for the resource definition.
• Replace connector-definition-version-arn with the LatestVersionArn that you copied
for the connector definition.
• Replace function-definition-version-arn with the LatestVersionArn that you copied
for the function definition.
• Replace subscription-definition-version-arn with the LatestVersionArn that you
copied for the subscription definition.

aws greengrass create-group-version \

--group-id group-id \
--core-definition-version-arn core-definition-version-arn \
--resource-definition-version-arn resource-definition-version-arn \
--connector-definition-version-arn connector-definition-version-arn \
--function-definition-version-arn function-definition-version-arn \
--subscription-definition-version-arn subscription-definition-version-arn

4. Copy the value of Version from the output. This is the ID of the group version. You use this value to
deploy the group version.

Step 9: Create a Deployment

Deploy the group to the core device.

1. In a core device terminal, make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon is running.

a. To check whether the daemon is running:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test the Solution

ps aux | grep -E 'greengrass.*daemon'

If the output contains a root entry for /greengrass/ggc/packages/1.9.4/bin/daemon,

then the daemon is running.
b. To start the daemon:

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

2. Create a deployment.

• Replace group-id with the Id that you copied for the group.
• Replace group-version-id with the Version that you copied for the group version.

aws greengrass create-deployment \

--deployment-type NewDeployment \
--group-id group-id \
--group-version-id group-version-id

3. Copy the DeploymentId from the output.

4. Get the deployment status.

• Replace group-id with the Id that you copied for the group.
• Replace deployment-id with the DeploymentId that you copied for the deployment.

aws greengrass get-deployment-status \

--group-id group-id \
--deployment-id deployment-id

If the status is Success, the deployment was successful. For troubleshooting help, see
Troubleshooting (p. 516).

Test the Solution

1. On the AWS IoT console home page, choose Test.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test the Solution

2. For Subscriptions, use the following values, and then choose Subscribe to topic. The Twilio
Notifications connector publishes status information to this topic.

Property Value

Subscription topic twilio/message/status

MQTT payload display Display payloads as strings

3. For Publish, use the following values, and then choose Publish to topic to invoke the function.

Property Value

Topic temperature/input

Message Replace recipient-name with a name and

recipient-phone-number with the phone
number of the text message recipient. Example:

"to_name": "recipient-name",
"to_number": "recipient-phone-number",
"temperature": 31

If you're using a trial account, you must add

non-Twilio recipient phone numbers to a list of

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
See Also

Property Value
verified phone numbers. For more information,
see Verify your Personal Phone Number.

If successful, the recipient receives the text message and the console displays the success status
from the output data (p. 401).

Now, change the temperature in the input message to 29 and publish. Because this is less than 30,
the TempMonitor function doesn't trigger a Twilio message.

See Also
• Integrate with Services and Protocols Using Connectors (p. 283)
• the section called “AWS-Provided Greengrass Connectors” (p. 288)
• AWS Secrets Manager commands in the AWS CLI Command Reference
• IAM commands in the AWS CLI Command Reference
• AWS Lambda commands in the AWS CLI Command Reference
• AWS IoT Greengrass commands in the AWS CLI Command Reference

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Greengrass Discovery RESTful API

All devices that communicate with an AWS IoT Greengrass core must be a member of a Greengrass
group. Each group must have an AWS IoT Greengrass core. The Discovery API enables devices to retrieve
information required to connect to an AWS IoT Greengrass core that is in the same Greengrass group as
the device. When a device first comes online, it can connect to the AWS IoT Greengrass cloud service and
use the Discovery API to find:

• The group to which it belongs. A device can be a member of up to 10 groups.

• The IP address and port for the AWS IoT Greengrass core in the group.
• The group's root CA certificate, which can be used to authenticate the AWS IoT Greengrass core device.

To use this API, send HTTP requests to the Discovery API endpoint. For example:


For a list of supported AWS Regions and endpoints for the AWS IoT Greengrass Discovery API, see AWS
Regions and Endpoints in the AWS General Reference. This is a data plane only API. The endpoints for
group management and AWS IoT operations are different from the Discovery API endpoints.

The request contains the standard HTTP headers and is sent to the Greengrass Discovery endpoint, as
shown in the following examples.

The port number depends on whether the core is configured to send HTTPS traffic over port 8443 or
port 443. For more information, see the section called “Connect on Port 443 or Through a Network
Proxy” (p. 46).

Port 8443

HTTP GET https://greengrass-ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com:8443/greengrass/discover/


Port 443

HTTP GET https://greengrass-ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com:443/greengrass/discover/


Clients that connect on port 443 must implement the Application Layer Protocol
Negotiation (ALPN) TLS extension and pass x-amzn-http-ca as the ProtocolName in the
ProtocolNameList. For more information, see Protocols in the AWS IoT Developer Guide.
These examples use the Amazon Trust Services (ATS) endpoint, which is used with ATS
root CA certificates (recommended). Endpoints must match the root CA certificate type.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

For more information, see the section called “Endpoints Must Match the Certificate
Type” (p. 45).

Upon success, the response includes the standard HTTP headers plus the following code and body:

HTTP 200
BODY: response document

For more information, see Example Discover Response Documents (p. 427).

Retrieving the connectivity information requires a policy that allows the caller to perform
the greengrass:Discover action. TLS mutual authentication with a client certificate is the only
accepted form of authentication. The following is an example policy that allows a caller to perform this

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "greengrass:Discover",
"Resource": ["arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:thing/MyThingName"]

Example Discover Response Documents

The following document shows the response for a device that is a member of a group with one AWS IoT
Greengrass core, one endpoint, and one group CA:

"GGGroups": [
"GGGroupId": "gg-group-01-id",
"Cores": [
"thingArn": "core-01-thing-arn",
"Connectivity": [
"id": "core-01-connection-id",
"hostAddress": "core-01-address",
"portNumber": core-01-port,
"metadata": "core-01-description"
"CAs": [
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----cert-contents-----END CERTIFICATE-----"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Example Discover Response Documents

The following document shows the response for a device that is a member of two groups with one AWS
IoT Greengrass core, multiple endpoints, and multiple group CAs:

"GGGroups": [
"GGGroupId": "gg-group-01-id",
"Cores": [
"thingArn": "core-01-thing-arn",
"Connectivity": [
"id": "core-01-connection-id",
"hostAddress": "core-01-address",
"portNumber": core-01-port,
"metadata": "core-01-connection-1-description"
"id": "core-01-connection-id-2",
"hostAddress": "core-01-address-2",
"portNumber": core-01-port-2,
"metadata": "core-01-connection-2-description"
"CAs": [
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----cert-contents-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----cert-contents-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----cert-contents-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
"GGGroupId": "gg-group-02-id",
"Cores": [
"Connectivity" : [
"id": "core-02-connection-id",
"hostAddress": "core-02-address",
"portNumber": core-02-port,
"metadata": "core-02-connection-1-description"
"CAs": [
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----cert-contents-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----cert-contents-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----cert-contents-----END CERTIFICATE-----"

An AWS IoT Greengrass group must define exactly one AWS IoT Greengrass core. Any response
from the AWS IoT Greengrass cloud service that contains a list of AWS IoT Greengrass cores
contains only one AWS IoT Greengrass core.

If you have cURL installed, you can test the discovery request. For example:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Example Discover Response Documents

$ curl --cert 1a23bc4d56.cert.pem --key 1a23bc4d56.private.key https://greengrass-

":8883,"Metadata":""}]}],"CAs":["-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\ncert-contents\n-----END

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Implement Custom OPC-UA Support

to Communicate with Industrial
OPC-UA is an information exchange standard for industrial communication. You can create custom
implementations for AWS IoT Greengrass that allow you to use OPC-UA to ingest and process messages
from industrial equipment. Based on rules you define, messages can be delivered to local or cloud

This tutorial shows an example custom OPC-UA implementation on your AWS IoT Greengrass core. The
example is based on an open source implementation that supports certificate-based authentication and
is fully customizable. You can follow this pattern to add support for OPC-UA and other custom, legacy, or
proprietary messaging protocols.
This example is a lightweight implementation that handles limited amounts of data. We
recommend that you use AWS IoT SiteWise (currently in limited preview) to collect and organize
industrial data at scale. For more information, see What Is AWS IoT SiteWise? in the AWS IoT
SiteWise User Guide.

The example implementation uses a Node.js Lambda function that acts as an OPC-UA proxy on a
Greengrass core. This is possible because Lambda functions running on a core can access network
resources. In the following diagram, the OPCUA_Adapter Lambda function transfers information sent
from an OPC-UA server over TCP to other functions or services in the Greengrass group.

In this tutorial, you create a Lambda function that connects to an OPC-UA server, monitors an OPC-UA
node in the server, and gets a message when the value of a monitored node changes. You configure
a long-lived connection between the Lambda function and your OPC-UA server and use OPC-UA
subscriptions that allow the function to monitor changes to predefined nodes. Changes to these nodes
trigger a Publish event from the OPC-UA server. When the Lambda function receives messages from
the server, it republishes the messages to predefined topics.

The topic structure uses the following syntax:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

The tutorial contains the following high-level steps:

• the section called “Set Up a Test OPC-UA Server” (p. 431)

• the section called “Create an OPC-UA Adapter Lambda Function That Interacts with the OPC-UA
Server” (p. 432)
• the section called “Test the OPC-UA Adapter Lambda Function” (p. 434)

• A Greengrass group and a Greengrass core. To learn how to create a Greengrass group or core, see
Getting Started with AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 64).
• Node.js 8.10 installed on your core device.

Set Up a Test OPC-UA Server

• Use the following commands to set up a test OPC-UA server. Skip this step if you have an OPC-UA
server you want to use.
The npm package manager must be installed to run this command. For information, see Get
npm on the npm website.

git clone git://github.com/node-opcua/node-opcua.git

cd node-opcua
git checkout v0.0.65
npm install
node bin/simple_server

The server produces the following output:

[ec2-user@your_instance_id node-opcua]$ node bin/simple_server

server PID : 28585

registering server to :opc.tcp://your_instance_id4840/UADiscovery

err Cannot find module 'usage'
skipping installation of cpu_usage and memory_usage nodes
server on port : 26543
endpointUrl : opc.tcp://your_instance_idregion.compute.internal:26543
serverInfo :
applicationUri : urn:54f7890cca4c49a1:NodeOPCUA-Server
productUri : NodeOPCUA-Server
applicationName : locale=en text=NodeOPCUA
applicationType : SERVER

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create an OPC-UA Adapter Lambda Function
That Interacts with the OPC-UA Server

gatewayServerUri : null
discoveryProfileUri : null
discoveryUrls :
buildInfo :
productUri : NodeOPCUA-Server
manufacturerName : Node-OPCUA : MIT Licence ( see http://node-
softwareVersion : 0.0.65
buildNumber : 1234
buildDate : Thu Aug 03 2017 00:13:50 GMT+0000 (UTC)

server now waiting for connections. CTRL+C to stop

Create an OPC-UA Adapter Lambda Function That

Interacts with the OPC-UA Server
1. Prepare your Lambda function.

Get the code for an OPC-UA adapter Lambda function from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-greengrass-samples.git

cd aws-greengrass-samples/greengrass-opcua-adapter-nodejs
npm install

The node-opcua library (v0.0.65) used by the Lambda function attempts to regenerate
some model files at runtime. Because Lambda functions start with a containerized, read-
only file system on a Greengrass core, the attempt to generate other code fails. The next
step fixes this issue.
2. Change line 109 of the file at node_modules/node-opcua/lib/misc/factories.js to this:

var generated_source_is_outdated = (!generated_source_exists);

Run this command to make that change:

sed -i '109s/.*/ var generated_source_is_outdated = (!generated_source_exists);/'


3. Configure the server and monitored nodes.

Change the configSet variable inside the index.js file of the OPC-UA adapter Lambda function
to use the target server IP address and port, and the node IDs you want to monitor. By default, it
uses the following configuration:

const configSet = {
server: {
name: 'server',
url: 'opc.tcp://localhost:26543',
subscriptions: [
name: 'MyPumpSpeed',

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create an OPC-UA Adapter Lambda Function
That Interacts with the OPC-UA Server

nodeId: 'ns=1;s=PumpSpeed',

In this case, you connect to an OPC-UA server running on the same host as your Greengrass core (on
port 26543) and monitor the node with the OPC-UA ID 'ns=1;s=PumpSpeed'.
4. Configure the authentication mode.

The OPC-UA library used in this example supports three modes of authentication to your OPC-UA
server. The most secure method is certificate-based authentication, but the library also supports
user name and password or no authentication.

To set certificate-based authentication:

• Package your certificate and private key with your Lambda function (for example, under a
directory named certs/).
• Change the clientOptions variable to contain certificateFile, privateKeyFile,
securityModes, and securityPolicies options:

const clientOptions = {
keepSessionAlive: true,
certificateFile: /lambda/certs/certificate_name.pem.crt,
privateKeyFile: /lambda/certs/private_key_name.pem.key,
securityModes: MessageSecurityMode.SIGN,
securityPolicies: SecurityPolicy.BASIC256,
connectionStrategy: {
maxRetry: 1000000,
initialDelay: 2000,
maxDelay: 10 * 1000,

5. Download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Node.js from the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
SDK (p. 22) downloads page.
6. Create and upload your Lambda function.

Run the following commands to create the Lambda function and upload the code and dependencies.
For more information, see Configure the Lambda Function for AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 88).

# Install Greengrass SDK in the node_modules directory. If you used the curl command
to download the SDK, replace the tar.gz file name
# with the name you used.
tar -zxvf aws-greengrass-core-sdk-js-*.tar.gz -C /tmp/
unzip /tmp/aws_greengrass_core_sdk_js/sdk/aws-greengrass-core-sdk-js.zip -d

# Archive the whole directory as a zip file

zip -r opcuaLambda.zip * -x \*.git\*

# Create an AWS Lambda function with the zip file

aws lambda create-function --function-name function-name --runtime 'nodejs8.10' --
role your_role --handler 'index.handler' --zip-file opcuaLambda.zip

7. Configure and deploy the Lambda function.

Add the Lambda function to your Greengrass group and configure its group-level settings. For
instructions, see Configure the Lambda Function for AWS IoT Greengrass (p. 88).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test the OPC-UA Adapter Lambda Function

• For Lambda lifecycle, choose Make this function long-lived and keep it running indefinitely.
• For Memory, choose at least 64 MB.

Deploy the group. For instructions, see Deploy Cloud Configurations to an AWS IoT Greengrass Core
Device (p. 93).

Test the OPC-UA Adapter Lambda Function

The Lambda function should start receiving messages from your OPC-UA server after you deploy the

• If you're using your own OPC-UA server, trigger a change in the OPC-UA node ID that you specified and
check if your Lambda function receives a message.
• If you're using the example server, the PumpSpeed node is configured to simulate a series of
consecutive updates, so your Lambda function should receive multiple messages per second.

You can see the messages received by your Lambda function in one of two ways:

• Check the Lambda function's logs:

sudo cat /greengrass-root/ggc/var/log/user/region/account-id/your_function_name.log

The logs should look similar to this example:

[2017-11-14T16:33:09.05Z][INFO]-started subscription : 305964

[2017-11-14T16:33:09.05Z][INFO]-monitoring node id = ns=1;s=PumpSpeed

[2017-11-14T16:33:09.099Z][INFO]-monitoredItem initialized

[2017-11-15T23:49:34.752Z][INFO]-Publishing message on topic "/opcua/

server/node/MyPumpSpeed" with Payload "{"id":"ns=1;s=PumpSpeed","value":

• In the AWS IoT console, create a subscription that allows your Lambda function to publish messages to

Set your Lambda function as the source and IoT Cloud as the target. For instructions, see this
step (p. 91).

Follow the steps in the section called “Verify the Lambda Function Is Running on the Device” (p. 94) to
view the messages in the AWS IoT console.

To avoid incurring charges for message sent to AWS IoT after you finish testing, stop the
Greengrass daemon, and then terminate the example server.
To stop the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon:

cd /greengrass-root/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd stop

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Next Steps

Next Steps
Use this pattern to create your own implementation to support OPC-UA and other custom, legacy, or
proprietary messaging protocols. Your implementation can use local Lambda functions to access network
resources and add support for any protocol on top of TCP/IP. You can also use Greengrass local resources
to add support for protocols that need access to hardware adapters and drivers. Or, to learn about AWS
IoT SiteWise (currently in limited preview), an industry-level solution designed to ingest data at scale, see
What Is AWS IoT SiteWise? in the AWS IoT SiteWise User Guide.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

AWS IoT Greengrass Security

AWS IoT Greengrass uses X.509 certificates, managed subscriptions, AWS IoT policies, and IAM policies
and roles to secure the applications that run on devices in your local Greengrass environment.

Devices in Greengrass environments fall into one of the following two categories. Both device types
require an entry in the AWS IoT registry, a device certificate, and an AWS IoT policy.

• AWS IoT Greengrass cores. Core devices use certificates and policies to securely connect to AWS
IoT. The certificates and policies also allow AWS IoT Greengrass to deploy configuration information,
Lambda functions, connectors, and managed subscriptions to core devices.
• AWS IoT devices that connect to a Greengrass core. These Greengrass devices use certificates and
policies to securely connect to AWS IoT and AWS IoT Greengrass services. This allows devices to use
the Greengrass Discovery service to find and connect to a core device. A Greengrass device uses the
same certificate to connect to the AWS IoT device gateway and core device.

The following diagram shows the components of the AWS IoT Greengrass security model:

A - Greengrass service role

A customer-created IAM role that allows AWS IoT Greengrass access to your AWS IoT, Lambda,
and other AWS resources. For more information, see the section called “Greengrass Service
Role” (p. 443).
B - Core device certificate

An X.509 certificate used to authenticate an AWS IoT Greengrass core.

C - Device certificate

An X.509 certificate used to authenticate an AWS IoT Greengrass device.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configuring Greengrass Security

D - Group role

A customer-created IAM role assumed by AWS IoT Greengrass when calling AWS services from a
Lambda function or connector on an AWS IoT Greengrass core.

This is the Lambda execution role for all the Greengrass Lambda functions and connectors that run
on the core. Use this role to specify access permissions that your user-defined Lambda functions and
connectors need to access AWS services, such as DynamoDB.
AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't use the Lambda execution role that's specified in AWS Lambda
for the cloud version of the function.
E - Group CA

A root CA certificate used by AWS IoT Greengrass devices to validate the certificate presented by an
AWS IoT Greengrass core device during Transport Layer Security (TLS) mutual authentication.

Configuring Greengrass Security

To configure your Greengrass application's security:

1. Create an AWS IoT thing for your AWS IoT Greengrass core device.
2. Generate a key pair and device certificate for your AWS IoT Greengrass core device.
3. Create and attach an AWS IoT policy to the device certificate. The certificate and policy allow the
AWS IoT Greengrass core device access to AWS IoT and AWS IoT Greengrass services. For more
information, see the section called “Minimal AWS IoT Policy for the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
Device” (p. 437).
4. Create a Greengrass service role. This IAM role authorizes AWS IoT Greengrass to access resources
from other AWS services on your behalf. This allows AWS IoT Greengrass to perform essential
tasks, such as retrieving AWS Lambda functions and managing AWS IoT shadows. You can use the
same service role across AWS Regions, but it must be associated with every AWS Region where
you use AWS IoT Greengrass. For more information, see the section called “Greengrass Service
Role” (p. 443).
5. (Optional) Create a Greengrass group role. This IAM role grants permission to Lambda functions and
connectors running on an AWS IoT Greengrass core to call AWS services. For example, the Kinesis
Firehose connector (p. 307) requires permission to write records to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose
delivery stream. You create a separate group role for each Greengrass group.
6. Create an AWS IoT thing for each device that will connect to your AWS IoT Greengrass core.
7. Create device certificates, key pairs, and AWS IoT policies for each device that connects to your AWS
IoT Greengrass core.

You can also use existing AWS IoT things and certificates.

Minimal AWS IoT Policy for the AWS IoT Greengrass

Core Device
An AWS IoT policy defines the set of actions allowed for an AWS IoT thing (in this case, the Greengrass
core device). The policy is attached to the device certificate and used to access AWS IoT and AWS IoT
Greengrass services. AWS IoT policies are JSON documents that follow the conventions of IAM policies.
For more information, see AWS IoT Policies in the AWS IoT Developer Guide.

The following example policy includes the minimum set of actions required to support basic Greengrass
functionality for your core device. Make a note of the following:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Minimal AWS IoT Policy for the
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Device

• The policy lists the MQTT topics and topic filters that the core device can publish messages to,
subscribe to, and receive messages on, including topics used for shadow state. To support message
exchange between AWS IoT, Lambda functions, connectors, and devices in the Greengrass group,
specify the topics and topic filters that you want to allow. For more information, see Publish/Subscribe
Policy Examples in the AWS IoT Developer Guide.
• The policy includes a section that allows AWS IoT to get, update, and delete the core device's shadow.
To allow shadow sync for other devices in the Greengrass group, specify the target ARNs in the
Resource list (for example, arn:aws:iot:region:account-id:thing/device-name).
• For the greengrass:UpdateCoreDeploymentStatus permission, the final segment in the
Resource ARN is the URL-encoded ARN of the core device.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Security Principals

"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

On the AWS IoT console, you can easily view and edit the policy that's attached to your core's certificate.

1. In the navigation pane, choose Manage, choose Things, and then choose your core.
2. On your core's configuration page, choose Security.
3. On the Certificates page, choose your certificate.
4. On the certificate's configuration page, choose Policies, and then choose the policy.

If you want to edit the policy, choose Edit policy document.

AWS IoT Greengrass Core Security Principals

The AWS IoT Greengrass core uses the following security principals: AWS IoT client, local MQTT server,
and local secrets manager. The configuration for these principals is stored in the crypto object in the
config.json configuration file. For more information, see the section called “AWS IoT Greengrass Core
Configuration File” (p. 24).

This configuration includes the path to the private key used by the principal component for
authentication and encryption. AWS IoT Greengrass supports two modes of private key storage:
hardware-based or file system-based (default). For more information about storing keys on hardware
security modules, see the section called “Hardware Security” (p. 448).

AWS IoT Client

The AWS IoT client manages communication over the internet between the Greengrass core and
AWS IoT. AWS IoT Greengrass uses X.509 certificates with public and private keys for mutual

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Security Principals

authentication when establishing TLS connections for this communication. For more information,
see X.509 Certificates and AWS IoT in the AWS IoT Developer Guide.

The IoT client supports RSA and EC certificates and keys. The certificate and private key path are
specified for the IoTCertificate principal in config.json.
MQTT Server

The local MQTT server manages communication over the local network between the Greengrass
core and other Greengrass devices in the group. AWS IoT Greengrass uses X.509 certificates with
public and private keys for mutual authentication when establishing TLS connections for this

By default, AWS IoT Greengrass generates an RSA private key for you. To configure the core to use a
different private key, you must provide the key path for the MQTTServerCertificate principal in

Private Key Support

  RSA Key EC Key

Key type Supported Supported

Key parameters Minimum 2048-bit length NIST P-256 or NIST P-384


Disk format PKCS#1, PKCS#8 SECG1, PKCS#8

Minimum GGC version • Use default RSA key: 1.0 • Specify an EC key: 1.9
• Specify an RSA key: 1.7

The configuration of the private key determines related processes. For the list of cipher
suites that the Greengrass core supports as a server, see the section called “TLS Cipher Suites
Support” (p. 442).
If no private key is specified (default)
• AWS IoT Greengrass rotates the key based on your rotation settings.
• The core generates an RSA key, which is used to generate the certificate.
• The MQTT server certificate has an RSA public key and an SHA-256 RSA signature.
If an RSA private key is specified (requires GGC v1.7 or later)
• You are responsible for rotating the key.
• The core uses the specified key to generate the certificate.
• The RSA key must have a minimum length of 2048 bits.
• The MQTT server certificate has an RSA public key and an SHA-256 RSA signature.
If an EC private key is specified (requires GGC v1.9)
• You are responsible for rotating the key.
• The core uses the specified key to generate the certificate.
• The EC private key must use an NIST P-256 or NIST P-384 curve.
• The MQTT server certificate has an EC public key and an SHA-256 RSA signature.

The MQTT server certificate presented by the core has an SHA-256 RSA signature, regardless
of the key type. For this reason, clients must support SHA-256 RSA certificate validation to
establish a secure connection with the core.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Device Connection Workflow

Secrets Manager

The local secrets manager securely manages local copies of secrets that you create in AWS Secrets
Manager. It uses a private key to secure the data key that's used to encrypt the secrets. For more
information, see Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).

By default, the IoT client private key is used, but you can specify a different private key for the
SecretsManager principal in config.json. Only the RSA key type is supported. For more
information, see the section called “Specify the Private Key for Secret Encryption” (p. 265).
Currently, AWS IoT Greengrass supports only the PKCS#1 v1.5 padding mechanism for
encryption and decryption of local secrets when using hardware-based private keys. If
you're following vendor-provided instructions to manually generate hardware-based private
keys, make sure to choose PKCS#1 v1.5. AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't support Optimal
Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP).

Private Key Support

  RSA Key EC Key

Key type Supported Not supported

Key parameters Minimum 2048-bit length Not applicable

Disk format PKCS#1, PKCS#8 Not applicable

Minimum GGC version 1.7 Not applicable

Device Connection Workflow

This section describes how devices connect to the AWS IoT Greengrass cloud service and AWS IoT
Greengrass core devices.

• An AWS IoT Greengrass core device uses its device certificate, private key, and the AWS IoT root CA
certificate to connect to the Greengrass cloud service .
• The AWS IoT Greengrass core device downloads group membership information from the Greengrass
• When a deployment is made to the AWS IoT Greengrass core device, the Device Certificate Manager
(DCM) handles certificate management for the AWS IoT Greengrass core device.
• An AWS IoT device connects to the Greengrass cloud service using its device certificate, private key,
and the AWS IoT root CA. After making the connection, the AWS IoT device uses the Greengrass
Discovery Service to find the IP address of its AWS IoT Greengrass core device. The device can also
download the group's root CA certificate, which can be used to authenticate the Greengrass core
• An AWS IoT device attempts to connect to the AWS IoT Greengrass core, passing its device certificate
and client ID. If the client ID matches the thing name of the device and the certificate is valid, the
connection is made. Otherwise, the connection is terminated.

Greengrass Messaging Workflow

AWS IoT Greengrass uses a subscription table to define how MQTT messages can be exchanged between
devices, functions, and connectors in a Greengrass group, and with AWS IoT or the local shadow service.
Each subscription specifies a source, target, and MQTT topic (or subject) over which messages are

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Certificate Rotation on the MQTT Core Server

sent or received. AWS IoT Greengrass allows messages to be sent from a source to a target only if a
corresponding subscription is defined.

A subscription defines the message flow in one direction only, from the source to the target. To support
two-way message exchange, you must create two subscriptions, one for each direction.

Certificate Rotation on the MQTT Core Server

Greengrass devices use the MQTT core server certificate to authenticate with the Greengrass core device.
By default, this certificate expires in seven days. Its lifetime is limited for security reasons, so that if
unauthorized parties obtain the certificate, it cannot be used for long.

For certificate rotation to occur, your Greengrass-enabled device must be online and able to access the
Greengrass cloud service directly on a regular basis. When the certificate expires, the Greengrass core
device attempts to connect to the Greengrass cloud service to obtain a new certificate. If the connection
is successful, the core device downloads a new MQTT core server certificate and restarts the local MQTT
service. At this point, all Greengrass devices connected to the core are disconnected. If the device is
offline at the time of expiry, it does not receive the replacement certificate. Any new attempts to connect
to the core device are rejected. Existing connections are not affected. Devices cannot connect to the core
until the connection to the Greengrass cloud service is restored and a new MQTT core server certificate
can be downloaded.

You can set the expiration to any value between 7 and 30 days, depending on your needs. More frequent
rotation requires more frequent cloud connection. Less frequent rotation can pose security concerns. If
you want to set the certificate expiration to a value higher than 30 days, contact AWS Support.

When the MQTT core server certificate expires, any attempt to validate the certificate fails. The device
must be able to detect the failure and terminate the connection.

TLS Cipher Suites Support

AWS IoT Greengrass uses the AWS IoT transport security model to encrypt communication with the cloud
by using TLS cipher suites. In addition, AWS IoT Greengrass data is encrypted when at rest (in the cloud).
For more information about AWS IoT transport security and supported cipher suites, see Transport
Security in the AWS IoT Developer Guide.

Supported Cipher Suites for Local Network Communication

As opposed to the AWS IoT cloud, the AWS IoT Greengrass core supports the following local network
TLS cipher suites for certificate-signing algorithms. All of these cipher suites are supported when private
keys are stored on the file system. A subset are supported when the core is configured to use hardware
security modules (HSM). For more information, see the section called “Security Principals” (p. 439) and
the section called “Hardware Security” (p. 448). The table also includes the minimum version of AWS
IoT Greengrass Core software required for support.

  Cipher HSM Support Minimum GGC Version

Supported 1.0

Supported 1.0

Supported 1.0

Not supported 1.0

Not supported 1.0

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Greengrass Service Role

  Cipher HSM Support Minimum GGC Version

Not supported 1.0

Not supported 1.0

Supported 1.9

Supported 1.9

Supported 1.0

Supported 1.0

Not supported 1.0

Not supported 1.0

Supported 1.0

Supported 1.0

Not supported 1.0

Not supported 1.0

Greengrass Service Role

The Greengrass service role is an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role that authorizes
AWS IoT Greengrass to access resources from AWS services on your behalf. This makes it possible for
AWS IoT Greengrass to perform essential tasks, such as retrieving your AWS Lambda functions and
managing AWS IoT shadows.

To allow AWS IoT Greengrass to access your resources, the Greengrass service role must be associated
with your AWS account and specify AWS IoT Greengrass as a trusted entity. The role must include the
AWSGreengrassResourceAccessRolePolicy managed policy or define equivalent permissions. This policy is
maintained by AWS and defines the set of permissions required by AWS IoT Greengrass.

You can reuse the same Greengrass service role across AWS Regions, but you must associate it with your
account in every AWS Region where you use AWS IoT Greengrass. Group deployment fails if the service
role doesn't exist in the current AWS account and Region.

The following sections describe how to create and manage the Greengrass service role in the AWS
Management Console or AWS CLI.

• Manage the Service Role (Console) (p. 443)

• Manage the Service Role (CLI) (p. 446)

In addition to the service role that authorizes service-level access, you can assign a group
role to an AWS IoT Greengrass group. The group role is a separate IAM role that controls how
Greengrass Lambda functions and connectors in the group can access AWS services.

Managing the Greengrass Service Role (Console)

The AWS IoT console makes it easy to manage your Greengrass service role. For example, when you
create or deploy a Greengrass group, the console checks whether your AWS account is attached to a

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Manage the Service Role (Console)

Greengrass service role in the AWS Region that's currently selected in the console. If not, the console
can create and configure a service role for you. For more information, see the section called “Create the
Greengrass Service Role” (p. 444).

You can use the AWS IoT console for the following role management tasks:

• Find Your Greengrass Service Role (p. 444)

• Create the Greengrass Service Role (p. 444)
• Change the Greengrass Service Role (p. 445)
• Detach the Greengrass Service Role (p. 445)

The user who is signed in to the console must have permissions to view, create, or change the
service role.

Find Your Greengrass Service Role (Console)

Use the following steps to find the service role that AWS IoT Greengrass is using in the current AWS

1. In the AWS IoT console, in the navigation pane, choose Settings.

2. Scroll to the Greengrass service role section to see your service role and its policies.

If you don't see a service role, you can let the console create or configure one for you. For more
information, see Create the Greengrass Service Role (p. 444).

Create the Greengrass Service Role (Console)

The console can create and configure a default Greengrass service role for you. This role has the
following properties.

Property Value

Name Greengrass_ServiceRole

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Manage the Service Role (Console)

Property Value

Trusted entity AWS service: greengrass

Policy AWSGreengrassResourceAccessRolePolicy

When you create or deploy a Greengrass group from the AWS IoT console, the console checks whether a
Greengrass service role is associated with your AWS account in the AWS Region that's currently selected
in the console. If not, the console prompts you to allow AWS IoT Greengrass to read and write to AWS
services on your behalf.

If you grant permission, the console checks whether a role named Greengrass_ServiceRole exists in
your AWS account.

• If the role exists, the console attaches the service role to your AWS account in the current AWS Region.
• If the role doesn't exist, the console creates a default Greengrass service role and attaches it to your
AWS account in the current AWS Region.

If you want to create a different service role or use custom role policies, you can use
the IAM console to create or modify the role. For more information, see Creating
a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service or Modifying a Role in the IAM
User Guide. Make sure that the role grants permissions that are equivalent to the
AWSGreengrassResourceAccessRolePolicy managed policy.

Change the Greengrass Service Role (Console)

Use the following procedure to choose a different Greengrass service role to attach to your AWS account
in the AWS Region currently selected in the console.

1. In the AWS IoT console, in the navigation pane, choose Settings.

2. Under Greengrass service role, choose Choose different role.

The IAM roles in your AWS account that define AWS IoT Greengrass as a trusted entity are displayed
in the Choose the Greengrass service role dialog box.
3. Choose your Greengrass service role.
4. Choose Save.

To allow the console to create a default Greengrass service role for you, choose Create role for
me instead of choosing a role from the list. The Create role for me link does not appear if a role
named Greengrass_ServiceRole is in your AWS account.

Detach the Greengrass Service Role (Console)

Use the following procedure to detach the Greengrass service role from your AWS account in the AWS
Region currently selected in the console. This revokes permissions for AWS IoT Greengrass to access AWS
services in the current AWS Region.
Detaching the service role might interrupt active operations.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Manage the Service Role (CLI)

1. In the AWS IoT console, in the navigation pane, choose Settings.

2. Under Greengrass service role, choose Detach.
3. In the confirmation dialog box, choose Detach role.

If you no longer need the role, you can delete it in the IAM console. For more information, see
Deleting Roles or Instance Profiles in the IAM User Guide.
Other roles might allow AWS IoT Greengrass to access your resources. To find all roles that allow
AWS IoT Greengrass to assume permissions on your behalf, in the IAM console, on the Roles
page, look for roles that include AWS service: greengrass in the Trusted entities column.

Managing the Greengrass Service Role (CLI)

In the following procedures, we assume that the AWS CLI is installed and configured to use your AWS
account ID. For more information, see Installing the AWS Command Line Interface and Configuring the
AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

You can use the AWS CLI for the following role management tasks:

• Get Your Greengrass Service Role (p. 446)

• Create the Greengrass Service Role (p. 446)
• Remove the Greengrass Service Role (p. 447)

Get the Greengrass Service Role (CLI)

Use the following procedure to find out if a Greengrass service role is associated with your AWS account
in an AWS Region.

• Get the service role. Replace region with your AWS Region (for example, us-west-2).

aws greengrass get-service-role-for-account --region region

If a Greengrass service role is already associated with your account, the following role metadata is

"AssociatedAt": "timestamp",
"RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/path/role-name"

If no role metadata is returned, then you must create the service role (if it doesn't exist) and
associate it with your account in the AWS Region.

Create the Greengrass Service Role (CLI)

To create the service role using IAM

1. Create the role with a trust policy that allows AWS IoT Greengrass to assume the role. This example
creates a role named Greengrass_ServiceRole, but you can use a different name.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Manage the Service Role (CLI)

Linux, macOS, or Unix

aws iam create-role --role-name Greengrass_ServiceRole --assume-role-policy-

document '{
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": "greengrass.amazonaws.com"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Windows Command Prompt

aws iam create-role --role-name Greengrass_ServiceRole --assume-role-policy-

document "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Effect\":\"Allow

2. Copy the role ARN from the role metadata in the output. You use the ARN to associate the role with
your account.
3. Attach the AWSGreengrassResourceAccessRolePolicy policy to the role.

aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name Greengrass_ServiceRole --policy-arn


To associate the service role with your AWS account

• Associate the role with your account. Replace role-arn with the service role ARN and region with
your AWS Region (for example, us-west-2).

aws greengrass associate-service-role-to-account --role-arn role-arn --region region

If successful, the following response is returned.

"AssociatedAt": "timestamp"

Remove the Greengrass Service Role (CLI)

Use the following procedure to disassociate the Greengrass service role from your AWS account.

• Disassociate the service role from your account. Replace region with your AWS Region (for
example, us-west-2).

aws greengrass disassociate-service-role-from-account --region region

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
See Also

If successful, the following response is returned.

"DisassociatedAt": "timestamp"

You should delete the service role if you're not using it in any AWS Region. First use delete-
role-policy to detach the AWSGreengrassResourceAccessRolePolicy managed
policy from the role, and then use delete-role to delete the role. For more information, see
Deleting Roles or Instance Profiles in the IAM User Guide.

See Also
• Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service in the IAM User Guide
• Modifying a Role in the IAM User Guide
• Deleting Roles or Instance Profiles in the IAM User Guide
• AWS IoT Greengrass commands in the AWS CLI Command Reference
• associate-service-role-to-account
• disassociate-service-role-from-account
• get-service-role-for-account
• IAM commands in the AWS CLI Command Reference
• attach-role-policy
• create-role
• delete-role
• delete-role-policy

Hardware Security Integration

This feature is available for AWS IoT Greengrass Core v1.7 and later.

AWS IoT Greengrass supports the use of hardware security modules (HSM) through the PKCS#11
interface (p. 456) for secure storage and offloading of private keys. This prevents keys from being
exposed or duplicated in software. Private keys can be securely stored on hardware modules, such as
HSMs, Trusted Platform Modules (TPM), or other cryptographic elements.

Search for devices that are qualified for this feature in the AWS Partner Device Catalog.

The following diagram shows the hardware security architecture for an AWS IoT Greengrass core.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

On a standard installation, AWS IoT Greengrass uses two private keys. One key is used by the AWS IoT
client component during the Transport Layer Security (TLS) handshake when a Greengrass core connects
to AWS IoT. (This key is also referred to as the core private key.) The other key is used by the local MQTT
server, which enables Greengrass devices to communicate with the Greengrass core. If you want to use
hardware security for both components, you can use a shared private key or separate private keys. For
more information, see the section called “ Provisioning Practices” (p. 452).
On a standard installation, the local secrets manager also uses the IoT client key for its
encryption process, but you can use your own private key. It must be an RSA key with a
minimum length of 2048 bits. For more information, see the section called “Specify the Private
Key for Secret Encryption” (p. 265).

Before you can configure hardware security for a Greengrass core, you must have the following:

• A hardware security module (HSM) that supports your target private key configuration for the IoT
client, local MQTT server, and local secrets manager components. The configuration can include one,
two, or three hardware-based private keys, depending on whether you configure the components
to share keys. For more information about private key support, see the section called “Security
Principals” (p. 439).
• For RSA keys: An RSA-2048 key size (or larger) and PKCS#1 v1.5 (p. 456) signature scheme.
• For EC keys: An NIST P-256 or NIST P-384 curve.
Search for devices that are qualified for this feature in the AWS Partner Device Catalog.
• A PKCS#11 provider library that is loadable at runtime (using libdl) and provides PKCS#11 (p. 456)
• The hardware module must be resolvable by slot label, as defined in the PKCS#11 specification.
• The private key must be generated and loaded on the HSM by using the vendor-provided provisioning
• The private key must be resolvable by object label.
• The core device certificate. This is an AWS IoT client certificate that corresponds to the private key.
• If you're using the Greengrass OTA update agent, the OpenSSL libp11 PKCS#11 wrapper library must
be installed. For more information, see the section called “Configure OTA Updates” (p. 454).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Hardware Security Configuration

In addition, make sure that the following conditions are met:

• The IoT client certificates that are associated with the private key are registered in AWS IoT and
activated. You can verify this from the Manage page for the core thing in the AWS IoT console.
• The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software v1.7 or later is installed on the core device, as described in
Module 2 (p. 76) of the Getting Started tutorial. Version 1.9 is required to use an EC key for the MQTT
• The certificates are attached to the Greengrass core. You can verify this from the Manage page for the
core thing in the AWS IoT console.

Currently, AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't support loading the CA certificate or AWS IoT client
certificate directly from the HSM. The certificates must be loaded as plain-text files on the file
system in a location that can be read by Greengrass.

Hardware Security Configuration for an AWS IoT

Greengrass Core
Hardware security is configured in the Greengrass configuration file. This is the config.json (p. 24) file
that's located in the /greengrass-root/config directory.
To walk through the process of setting up an HSM configuration using a pure software
implementation, see the section called “Module 7: Simulating Hardware Security
Integration” (p. 142).
The simulated configuration in the example doesn't provide any security benefits. It's
intended to allow you to learn about the PKCS#11 specification and do initial testing of
your software if you plan to use a hardware-based HSM in the future.

To configure hardware security in AWS IoT Greengrass, you edit the crypto object in config.json.

When using hardware security, the crypto object is used to specify paths to certificates, private keys,
and assets for the PKCS#11 provider library on the core, as shown in the following example.

"crypto": {
"PKCS11" : {
"OpenSSLEngine" : "/path-to-p11-openssl-engine",
"P11Provider" : "/path-to-pkcs11-provider-so",
"slotLabel" : "crypto-token-name",
"slotUserPin" : "crypto-token-user-pin"
"principals" : {
"IoTCertificate" : {
"privateKeyPath" : "pkcs11:object=core-private-key-label;type=private",
"certificatePath" : "file:///path-to-core-device-certificate"
"MQTTServerCertificate" : {
"privateKeyPath" : "pkcs11:object=server-private-key-label;type=private"
"SecretsManager" : {
"privateKeyPath": "pkcs11:object=core-private-key-label;type=private"
"caPath" : "file:///path-to-root-ca"

The crypto object contains the following properties:

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Hardware Security Configuration

Field Description Notes

caPath The absolute path to the AWS Must be a file URI of the form:
IoT root CA. file:///absolute/path/
Make sure that your
endpoints correspond
to your certificate
type (p. 45).


OpenSSLEngine Optional. The absolute path to Must be a path to a file on the

the OpenSSL engine .so file file system.
to enable PKCS#11 support on
OpenSSL. This property is required if
you're using the Greengrass OTA
update agent with hardware
security. For more information,
see the section called “Configure
OTA Updates” (p. 454).

P11Provider The absolute path to the Must be a path to a file on the

PKCS#11 implementation's libdl- file system.
loadable library.

slotLabel The slot label that's used to Must conform to PKCS#11 label
identify the hardware module. specifications.

slotUserPin The user pin that's used to Must have sufficient permissions
authenticate the Greengrass to perform C_Sign with the
core to the module. configured private keys.


IoTCertificate The certificate and private key that the core uses to make requests
to AWS IoT.

IoTCertificate The path to the core private key. For file system storage, must
 .privateKeyPath be a file URI of the form:

For HSM storage, must be an

RFC 7512 PKCS#11 path that
specifies the object label.

IoTCertificate The absolute path to the core Must be a file URI of the form:
 .certificatePath device certificate. file:///absolute/path/

MQTTServerCertificate Optional. The private key that the core uses in combination with the
certificate to act as an MQTT server or gateway.

MQTTServerCertificate The path to the local MQTT Use this value to specify your
 .privateKeyPath server private key. own private key for the local
MQTT server.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Provisioning Practices

Field Description Notes

For file system storage, must
be a file URI of the form:

For HSM storage, must be an

RFC 7512 PKCS#11 path that
specifies the object label.

If this property is omitted, AWS

IoT Greengrass rotates the key
based your rotation settings.
If specified, the customer is
responsible for rotating the key.

SecretsManager The private key that secures the data key used for encryption. For
more information, see Deploy Secrets to the Core (p. 263).

SecretsManager The path to the local secrets Only an RSA key is supported.
 .privateKeyPath manager private key.
For file system storage, must
be a file URI of the form:

For HSM storage, must be an

RFC 7512 PKCS#11 path that
specifies the object label. The
private key must be generated
using the PKCS#1 v1.5 padding

Provisioning Practices for AWS IoT Greengrass

Hardware Security
The following are security and performance-related provisioning practices.

• Generate private keys directly on the HSM by using the internal hardware random-number
If you configure private keys to use with this feature (by following the instructions
provided by the hardware vendor), be aware that AWS IoT Greengrass currently supports
only the PKCS1 v1.5 padding mechanism for encryption and decryption of local
secrets (p. 263). AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't support Optimal Asymmetric Encryption
Padding (OAEP).
• Configure private keys to prohibit export.
• Use the provisioning tool that's provided by the hardware vendor to generate a certificate signing
request (CSR) using the hardware-protected private key, and then use the AWS IoT console to
generate a client certificate.
The practice of rotating keys doesn't apply when private keys are generated on an HSM.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Provisioning Practices


The following diagram shows the AWS IoT client component and local MQTT server on the AWS IoT
Greengrass core. If you want to use an HSM configuration for both components, you can use the
same private key or separate private keys. If you use separate keys, they must be stored in the same
AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't impose any limits on the number of keys that you store on the
HSM, so you can store private keys for the IoT client, MQTT server, and secrets manager
components. However, some HSM vendors might impose limits on the number of keys you
can store in a slot.

In general, the IoT client key is not used very frequently because the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
software maintains long-lived connections to the cloud. However, the MQTT server key is used every
time that a Greengrass device connects to the core. These interactions directly affect performance.

When the MQTT server key is stored on the HSM, the rate at which devices can connect depends on
the number of RSA signature operations per second that the HSM can perform. For example, if the
HSM takes 300 milliseconds to perform an RSASSA-PKCS1-v1.5 signature on an RSA-2048 private
key, then only three devices can connect to the Greengrass core per second. After the connections
are made, the HSM is no longer used and the standard Greengrass limits apply.

To mitigate performance bottlenecks, you can store the private key for the MQTT server on the file
system instead of on the HSM. With this configuration, the MQTT server behaves as if hardware
security isn't enabled.

AWS IoT Greengrass supports multiple key-storage configurations for the IoT client and MQTT server
components, so you can optimize for your security and performance requirements. The following
table includes example configurations.

Configuration IoT Key MQTT Key Performance

HSM Shared Key HSM: Key A HSM: Key A Limited by the HSM or

HSM Separate Keys HSM: Key A HSM: Key B Limited by the HSM or

HSM for IoT only HSM: Key A File System: Key B Limited by the CPU

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Supported Cipher Suites

Configuration IoT Key MQTT Key Performance

Legacy File System: Key A File System: Key B Limited by the CPU

To configure the Greengrass core to use file system-based keys for the MQTT server, omit the
principals.MQTTServerCertificate section from config.json (or specify a file-based
path to the key if you're not using the default key generated by AWS IoT Greengrass). The resulting
crypto object looks like this:

"crypto": {
"PKCS11": {
"OpenSSLEngine": "...",
"P11Provider": "...",
"slotLabel": "...",
"slotUserPin": "..."
"principals": {
"IoTCertificate": {
"privateKeyPath": "...",
"certificatePath": "..."
"SecretsManager": {
"privateKeyPath": "..."
"caPath" : "..."

Supported Cipher Suites for Hardware Security

AWS IoT Greengrass supports a set of cipher suites when the core is configured for hardware security.
This is a subset of the cipher suites that are supported when the core is configured to use file-based
security. For more information, see the section called “TLS Cipher Suites Support” (p. 442).
When connecting to the Greengrass core from Greengrass devices over the local network, be
sure to use one of the supported cipher suites to make the TLS connection.

Configure Support for Over-the-Air Updates

To enable over-the-air (OTA) updates of the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software when using hardware
security, you must install the OpenSC libp11 PKCS#11 wrapper library and edit the Greengrass
configuration file. For more information about OTA updates, see OTA Updates of AWS IoT Greengrass Core
Software (p. 148).

1. Stop the AWS Greengrass daemon.

cd /greengrass-root/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd stop

greengrass-root represents the path where the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software is
installed on your device. If you installed the software by following the steps in the Getting
Started (p. 64) tutorial, then this is the /greengrass directory.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Backward Compatibility

2. Install the OpenSSL engine.

sudo apt-get install libengine-pkcs11-openssl

3. Find the path to the OpenSSL engine (libpkcs11.so) on your system:

a. Get the list of installed packages for the library.

sudo dpkg -L libengine-pkcs11-openssl

The libpkcs11.so file is located in the engines directory.

b. Copy the full path to the file (for example, /usr/lib/ssl/engines/libpkcs11.so).
4. Open the Greengrass configuration file. This is the config.json (p. 24) file in the /greengrass-
root/config directory.
5. For the OpenSSLEngine property, enter the path to the libpkcs11.so file.

"crypto": {
"caPath" : "file:///path-to-root-ca",
"PKCS11" : {
"OpenSSLEngine" : "/path-to-p11-openssl-engine",
"P11Provider" : "/path-to-pkcs11-provider-so",
"slotLabel" : "crypto-token-name",
"slotUserPin" : "crypto-token-user-pin"

If the OpenSSLEngine property doesn't exist in the PKCS11 object, then add it.
6. Start the AWS Greengrass daemon.

cd /greengrass-root/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

Backward Compatibility with Earlier Versions of the

AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software
The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software with hardware security support is fully backward compatible with
config.json files that are generated for v1.6 and earlier. If the crypto object is not present in the
config.json configuration file, then AWS IoT Greengrass uses the file-based coreThing.certPath,
coreThing.keyPath, and coreThing.caPath properties. This backward compatibility applies
to Greengrass OTA updates, which do not overwrite a file-based configuration that's specified in

Hardware Without PKCS#11 Support

The PKCS#11 library is typically provided by the hardware vendor or is open source. For example,
with standards-compliant hardware (such as TPM1.2), it might be possible to use existing open source
software. However, if your hardware doesn't have a corresponding PKCS#11 library implementation,

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
See Also

or if you want to write a custom PKCS#11 provider, you should contact your AWS Enterprise Support
representative with integration-related questions.

See Also
• PKCS #11 Cryptographic Token Interface Usage Guide Version 2.40. Edited by John Leiseboer and Robert
Griffin. 16 November 2014. OASIS Committee Note 02. http://docs.oasis-open.org/pkcs11/pkcs11-
ug/v2.40/cn02/pkcs11-ug-v2.40-cn02.html. Latest version: http://docs.oasis-open.org/pkcs11/
• RFC 7512
• PKCS #1: RSA Encryption Version 1.5

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
CloudWatch Logs

Monitoring with AWS IoT Greengrass

AWS IoT Greengrass consists of the cloud service and the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software. The AWS
IoT Greengrass Core software can write logs to Amazon CloudWatch and to the local file system of your
core device. You can use logs to monitor events and troubleshoot issues. All AWS IoT Greengrass log
entries include a timestamp, log level, and information about the event.

Logging is configured at the group level. For steps that show how to configure logging for an AWS IoT
Greengrass group, see the section called “Configure Logging for AWS IoT Greengrass” (p. 459).

CloudWatch Logs
If you configure CloudWatch logging, you can view the logs on the Logs page of the Amazon
CloudWatch console. Log groups for AWS IoT Greengrass logs use the following naming conventions:


Each log group contains log streams that use the following naming convention:


The following considerations apply when you use CloudWatch Logs:

Your Greengrass group role must allow AWS IoT Greengrass to write to CloudWatch Logs. To grant
permissions, embed the following inline policy in your group role.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

You can grant more granular access to your log resources. For more information, see Using Identity-
Based Policies (IAM Policies) for CloudWatch Logs in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
File System Logs

• Logs are sent to CloudWatch Logs with a limited number of retries in case there's no internet
connectivity. After the retries are exhausted, the event is dropped.
• Transaction, memory, and other limitations apply. For more information, see the section called
“Logging Limitations” (p. 461).

File System Logs

If you configure file system logging, the log files are stored under greengrass-root/ggc/var/log on
the core device. The following is the high-level directory structure:

- crash.log
- system
- log files for each Greengrass system component
- user
- log files generated by each user-defined Lambda function

By default, greengrass-root is the /greengrass directory. If a write directory (p. 52) is
configured, then the logs are under that directory.

The following considerations apply when you use file system logs:

• Reading AWS IoT Greengrass logs on the file system requires root permissions.
• AWS IoT Greengrass supports size-based rotation and automatic cleanup when the amount of log data
is close to the configured limit.
• The crash.log file is available in file system logs only. This log isn't written to CloudWatch Logs.
• Disk usage limitations apply. For more information, see the section called “Logging
Limitations” (p. 461).

Logs for AWS IoT Greengrass Core software v1.0 are stored under the greengrass-root/var/
log directory.

Default Logging Configuration

If logging settings aren't explicitly configured, AWS IoT Greengrass uses the following default logging
configuration after the first group deployment.

AWS IoT Greengrass System Components

• Type - FileSystem
• Component - GreengrassSystem
• Level - INFO
• Space - 128 KB
User-defined Lambda Functions
• Type - FileSystem
• Component - Lambda
• Level - INFO

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure Logging for AWS IoT Greengrass

• Space - 128 KB

Before the first deployment, only system components write logs to the file system because no
user-defined Lambda functions are deployed.

Configure Logging for AWS IoT Greengrass

You can use the AWS IoT console or the AWS IoT Greengrass APIs (p. 459) to configure AWS IoT
Greengrass logging.
To allow AWS IoT Greengrass to write logs to CloudWatch Logs, your group role must allow the
required CloudWatch Logs actions (p. 457).

Configure Logging (Console)

You can configure logging on the group's Settings page.

1. In the AWS IoT console, choose Greengrass, and then choose Groups.
2. Choose the group where you want to configure logging.
3. On the group configuration page, choose Settings.
4. Choose the logging location, as follows:

• To configure CloudWatch logging, for CloudWatch logs configuration, choose Edit.

• To configure file system logging, for Local logs configuration, choose Edit.

You can configure logging for one location or both locations.

5. On the Configure Group logging page, choose Add another log type.
6. Choose the event source, as follows:

• To log events from user-defined Lambda functions, choose User Lambdas.

• To log events from AWS IoT Greengrass system components, choose Greengrass system.

You can choose one component or both components.

7. Choose Update.
8. Choose the lowest level of events that you want to log. Events below this threshold are filtered out
and aren't stored.
9. For file system logs, specify a disk space limit.
10. Choose Save.

Configure Logging (API)

You can use AWS IoT Greengrass logger APIs to configure logging programmatically. For
example, use the CreateLoggerDefinition action to create a logger definition based on a
LoggerDefinitionVersion payload, which uses the following syntax:

"Loggers": [

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configuration Example

"Id": "string",
"Type": "FileSystem|AWSCloudWatch",
"Component": "GreengrassSystem|Lambda",
"Space": "integer"
"Id": "string",

LoggerDefinitionVersion is an array of one or more Logger objects that have the following


An identifier for the logger.


The storage mechanism for log events. When AWSCloudWatch is used, log events are sent to
CloudWatch Logs. When FileSystem is used, log events are stored on the local file system.

Valid values: AWSCloudWatch, FileSystem


The source of the log event. When GreengrassSystem is used, events from Greengrass system
components are logged. When Lambda is used, events from user-defined Lambda functions are

Valid values: GreengrassSystem, Lambda


The log-level threshold. Log events below this threshold are filtered out and aren't stored.

Valid values: DEBUG, INFO (recommended), WARN, ERROR, FATAL


The maximum amount of local storage, in KB, to use for storing logs. This field applies only when
Type is set to FileSystem.

Configuration Example
The following LoggerDefinitionVersion example specifies a logging configuration that:

• Turns on file system ERROR (and above) logging for AWS IoT Greengrass system components.
• Turns on file system INFO (and above) logging for user-defined Lambda functions.
• Turns on CloudWatch INFO (and above) logging for user-defined Lambda functions.

"Name": "LoggingExample",
"InitialVersion": {
"Loggers": [

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Logging Limitations

"Id": "1",
"Component": "GreengrassSystem",
"Level": "ERROR",
"Space": 10240,
"Type": "FileSystem"
"Id": "2",
"Component": "Lambda",
"Level": "INFO",
"Space": 10240,
"Type": "FileSystem"
"Id": "3",
"Component": "Lambda",
"Level": "INFO",
"Type": "AWSCloudWatch"

After you create a logger definition version, you can use its version ARN to create a group version before
deploying the group.

Logging Limitations
AWS IoT Greengrass has the following logging limitations.

Transactions per Second

When logging to CloudWatch is enabled, the logging component batches log events locally before
sending them to CloudWatch, so you can log at a rate higher than five requests per second per log

If AWS IoT Greengrass is configured to send logs to CloudWatch and a Lambda function logs more than
5 MB/second for a prolonged period of time, the internal processing pipeline eventually fills up. The
theoretical worst case is 6 MB per Lambda function.

Clock Skew
When logging to CloudWatch is enabled, the logging component signs requests to CloudWatch using the
normal Signature Version 4 signing process. If the system time on the AWS IoT Greengrass core device is
out of sync by more than 15 minutes, then the requests are rejected.

Disk Usage
Use the following formula to calculate the total maximum amount of disk usage for logging.

greengrass-system-component-space * 8 // 7 if automatic IP detection is disabled

+ 128KB // the internal log for the local logging

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Log Loss

+ lambda-space * lambda-count // different versions of a Lambda function are

treated as one



The maximum amount of local storage for the AWS IoT Greengrass system component logs.

The maximum amount of local storage for Lambda function logs.


The number of deployed Lambda functions.

Log Loss
If your AWS IoT Greengrass core device is configured to log only to CloudWatch and there's no internet
connectivity, you have no way to retrieve the logs currently in the memory.

When Lambda functions are terminated (for example, during deployment), a few seconds' worth of logs
are not written to CloudWatch.

Logging AWS IoT Greengrass API Calls with AWS

AWS IoT Greengrass is integrated with AWS CloudTrail, a service that provides a record of actions taken
by a user, role, or an AWS service in AWS IoT Greengrass. CloudTrail captures all API calls for AWS IoT
Greengrass as events. The calls captured include calls from the AWS IoT Greengrass console and code
calls to the AWS IoT Greengrass API operations. If you create a trail, you can enable continuous delivery
of CloudTrail events to an Amazon S3 bucket, including events for AWS IoT Greengrass. If you don't
configure a trail, you can still view the most recent events in the CloudTrail console in Event history.
Using the information collected by CloudTrail, you can determine the request that was made to AWS IoT
Greengrass, the IP address from which the request was made, who made the request, when it was made,
and additional details.

To learn more about CloudTrail, see the AWS CloudTrail User Guide.

AWS IoT Greengrass Information in CloudTrail

CloudTrail is enabled on your AWS account when you create the account. When activity occurs in AWS IoT
Greengrass, that activity is recorded in a CloudTrail event along with other AWS service events in Event
history. You can view, search, and download recent events in your AWS account. For more information,
see Viewing Events with CloudTrail Event History.

For an ongoing record of events in your AWS account, including events for AWS IoT Greengrass, create a
trail. A trail enables CloudTrail to deliver log files to an Amazon S3 bucket. By default, when you create
a trail in the console, the trail applies to all AWS Regions. The trail logs events from all Regions in the
AWS partition and delivers the log files to the Amazon S3 bucket that you specify. Additionally, you can
configure other AWS services to further analyze and act upon the event data collected in CloudTrail logs.
For more information, see the following:

• Overview for Creating a Trail

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Understanding AWS IoT Greengrass Log File Entries

• CloudTrail Supported Services and Integrations

• Configuring Amazon SNS Notifications for CloudTrail
• Receiving CloudTrail Log Files from Multiple Regions and Receiving CloudTrail Log Files from Multiple

All AWS IoT Greengrass actions are logged by CloudTrail and are documented in the AWS IoT Greengrass
API Reference. For example, calls to the AssociateServiceRoleToAccount, GetGroupVersion,
GetConnectivityInfo, and CreateFunctionDefinition actions generate entries in the CloudTrail
log files.

Every event or log entry contains information about who generated the request. The identity
information helps you determine the following:

• Whether the request was made with root or AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user
• Whether the request was made with temporary security credentials for a role or federated user.
• Whether the request was made by another AWS service.

For more information, see the CloudTrail userIdentity Element.

Understanding AWS IoT Greengrass Log File Entries

A trail is a configuration that enables delivery of events as log files to an Amazon S3 bucket that you
specify. CloudTrail log files contain one or more log entries. An event represents a single request from
any source and includes information about the requested action, the date and time of the action, request
parameters, and so on. CloudTrail log files aren't an ordered stack trace of the public API calls, so they
don't appear in any specific order.

The following example shows a CloudTrail log entry that demonstrates the
AssociateServiceRoleToAccount action.

"eventVersion": "1.05",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "IAMUser",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Mary_Major",
"accountId": "123456789012",
"userName": "Mary_Major"
"eventTime": "2018-10-17T17:04:02Z",
"eventSource": "greengrass.amazonaws.com",
"eventName": "AssociateServiceRoleToAccount",
"awsRegion": "us-east-1",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "apimanager.amazonaws.com",
"errorCode": "BadRequestException",
"requestParameters": null,
"responseElements": {
"Message": "That role ARN is invalid."
"requestID": "a5990ec6-d22e-11e8-8ae5-c7d2eEXAMPLE",
"eventID": "b9070ce2-0238-451a-a9db-2dbf1EXAMPLE",
"readOnly": false,
"eventType": "AwsApiCall",
"recipientAccountId": "123456789012"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Understanding AWS IoT Greengrass Log File Entries

The following example shows a CloudTrail log entry that demonstrates the GetGroupVersion action.

"eventVersion": "1.05",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "IAMUser",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Mary_Major",
"accountId": "123456789012",
"userName": "Mary_Major",
"sessionContext": {
"attributes": {
"mfaAuthenticated": "false",
"creationDate": "2018-10-17T18:14:57Z"
"invokedBy": "apimanager.amazonaws.com"
"eventTime": "2018-10-17T18:15:11Z",
"eventSource": "greengrass.amazonaws.com",
"eventName": "GetGroupVersion",
"awsRegion": "us-east-1",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "apimanager.amazonaws.com",
"requestParameters": {
"GroupVersionId": "6c477753-dbf2-4cb8-acc3-5ba4eEXAMPLE",
"GroupId": "90fcf6df-413c-4515-93a8-00056EXAMPLE"
"responseElements": null,
"requestID": "95dcffce-d238-11e8-9240-a3993EXAMPLE",
"eventID": "8a608034-82ed-431b-b5e0-87fbdEXAMPLE",
"readOnly": true,
"eventType": "AwsApiCall",
"recipientAccountId": "123456789012"

The following example shows a CloudTrail log entry that demonstrates the GetConnectivityInfo

"eventVersion": "1.05",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "IAMUser",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Mary_Major",
"accountId": "123456789012",
"userName": "Mary_Major"
"eventTime": "2018-10-17T17:02:12Z",
"eventSource": "greengrass.amazonaws.com",
"eventName": "GetConnectivityInfo",
"awsRegion": "us-east-1",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "apimanager.amazonaws.com",
"requestParameters": {
"ThingName": "us-east-1_CIS_1539795000000_"
"responseElements": null,
"requestID": "63e3ebe3-d22e-11e8-9ddd-5baf3EXAMPLE",
"eventID": "db2260d1-a8cc-4a65-b92a-13f65EXAMPLE",
"readOnly": true,
"eventType": "AwsApiCall",

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
See Also

"recipientAccountId": "123456789012"

The following example shows a CloudTrail log entry that demonstrates the
CreateFunctionDefinition action.

"eventVersion": "1.05",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "IAMUser",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Mary_Major",
"accountId": "123456789012",
"userName": "Mary_Major"
"eventTime": "2018-10-17T18:01:11Z",
"eventSource": "greengrass.amazonaws.com",
"eventName": "CreateFunctionDefinition",
"awsRegion": "us-east-1",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "apimanager.amazonaws.com",
"requestParameters": {
"InitialVersion": "***"
"responseElements": {
"CreationTimestamp": "2018-10-17T18:01:11.449Z",
"LatestVersion": "dae06a61-c32c-41e9-b983-ee5cfEXAMPLE",
"LatestVersionArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:us-east-1:123456789012:/greengrass/
"LastUpdatedTimestamp": "2018-10-17T18:01:11.449Z",
"Id": "7a94847d-d4d2-406c-9796-a3529EXAMPLE",
"Arn": "arn:aws:greengrass:us-east-1:123456789012:/greengrass/definition/
"requestID": "a17d4b96-d236-11e8-a74e-3db27EXAMPLE",
"eventID": "bdbf6677-a47a-4c78-b227-c5f64EXAMPLE",
"readOnly": false,
"eventType": "AwsApiCall",
"recipientAccountId": "123456789012"

See Also
• What Is AWS CloudTrail? in the AWS CloudTrail User Guide
• Creating an EventBridge Rule That Triggers on an AWS API Call Using CloudTrail in the Amazon
EventBridge User Guide
• AWS IoT Greengrass API Reference

CloudTrail Logs
AWS IoT Greengrass is integrated with AWS CloudTrail, a service that provides a record of actions taken
by a user, role, or an AWS service in AWS IoT Greengrass. For more information, see the section called
“Logging AWS IoT Greengrass API Calls with AWS CloudTrail” (p. 462).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Tag Basics

Tagging Your AWS IoT Greengrass

Tags can help you organize and manage your AWS IoT Greengrass groups. You can use tags to assign
metadata to groups, bulk deployments, and the cores, devices, and other resources that are added to
groups. Tags can also be used in IAM policies to define conditional access to your Greengrass resources.
Currently, Greengrass resource tags are not supported for AWS IoT billing groups or cost
allocation reports.

Tag Basics
Tags allow you to categorize your AWS IoT Greengrass resources, for example, by purpose, owner, and
environment. When you have many resources of the same type, you can quickly identify a resource based
on the tags that are attached to it. A tag consists of a key and optional value, both of which you define.
We recommend that you design a set of tag keys for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag
keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. For example, you can define a set of tags for your
groups that helps you track the factory location of your core devices. For more information, see AWS
Tagging Strategies.

Tagging Support in the AWS IoT Console

You can create, view, and manage tags for your Greengrass Group resources in the AWS IoT console.
Before you create tags, be aware of tagging restrictions. For more information, see Tag Naming and
Usage Conventions in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

To assign tags when you create a group

You can assign tags to a group when you create the group. To show the tagging input fields, on the
Name your Group dialog box, choose Apply tags to the Group (optional).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Tagging Support (API)

To view and manage tags from the group configuration page

You can view and manage tags from the group configuration page. On the Tags page for the group,
choose Add tags or Manage tags to add, edit, or remove group tags.

Tagging Support in the AWS IoT Greengrass API

You can use the AWS IoT Greengrass API to create, list, and manage tags for AWS IoT Greengrass
resources that support tagging. Before you create tags, be aware of tagging restrictions. For more
information, see Tag Naming and Usage Conventions in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

• To add tags during resource creation, define them in the tags property of the resource.
• To add tags after a resource is created, or to update tag values, use the TagResource action.
• To remove tags from a resource, use the UntagResource action.
• To retrieve the tags that are associated with a resource, use the ListTagsForResource action or get
the resource and inspect its tags property.

The following table lists resources you can tag in the AWS IoT Greengrass API and their corresponding
Create and Get actions.

Resource Create Get

Group CreateGroup GetGroup

ConnectorDefinition CreateConnectorDefinition GetConnectorDefinition

CoreDefinition CreateCoreDefinition GetCoreDefinition

DeviceDefinition CreateDeviceDefinition GetDeviceDefinition

FunctionDefinition CreateFunctionDefinition GetFunctionDefinition

LoggerDefinition CreateLoggerDefinition GetLoggerDefinition

ResourceDefinition CreateResourceDefinition GetResourceDefinition

SubscriptionDefinition CreateSubscriptionDefinition

BulkDeployment StartBulkDeployment GetBulkDeploymentStatus

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Using Tags with IAM Policies

Use the following actions to list and manage tags for resources that support tagging:

• TagResource. Adds tags to a resource. Also used to change the value of the tag's key-value pair.
• ListTagsForResource. Lists the tags for a resource.
• UntagResource. Removes tags from a resource.

You can add or remove tags on a resource at any time. To change the value of a tag key, add a tag to the
resource that defines the same key and the new value. The new value overwrites the old value. You can
set a value to an empty string, but you can't set a value to null.

When you delete a resource, tags that are associated with the resource are also deleted.
Don't confuse resource tags with the attributes that you can assign to AWS IoT things. Although
Greengrass cores are AWS IoT things, the resource tags that are described in this topic are
attached to a CoreDefinition, not the core thing.

Using Tags with IAM Policies

In your IAM policies, you can use resource tags to control user access and permissions. For example,
policies can allow users to create only those resources that have a specific tag. Policies can also restrict
users from creating or modifying resources that have certain tags. You can tag resources during creation
(called tag on create) so you don't have to run custom tagging scripts later. When new environments are
launched with tags, the corresponding IAM permissions are applied automatically.

The following condition context keys and values can be used in the Condition element (also called the
Condition block) of the policy.

greengrass:ResourceTag/tag-key: tag-value

Allow or deny user actions on resources with specific tags.

aws:RequestTag/tag-key: tag-value

Require that a specific tag be used (or not used) when making API requests to create or modify tags
on a taggable resource.
aws:TagKeys: [tag-key, ...]

Require that a specific set of tag keys be used (or not used) when making an API request to create or
modify a taggable resource.

Condition context keys and values can be used only on AWS IoT Greengrass actions that act
on a taggable resource. These actions take the resource as a required parameter. For example,
you can set conditional access on the GetGroupVersion. You can't set conditional access on
AssociateServiceRoleToAccount because no taggable resource (for example, group, core definition,
or device defintion) is referenced in the request.

For more information, see Controlling Access Using Tags and IAM JSON Policy Reference in the IAM User
Guide. The JSON policy reference includes detailed syntax, descriptions and examples of the elements,
variables, and evaluation logic of JSON policies in IAM.

Example IAM Policies

The following example policy applies tag-based permissions that constrain a beta user to actions on beta
resources only.

• The first statement allows an IAM user to act on resources that have the env=beta tag only.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Example IAM Policies

• The second statement prevents an IAM user from removing the env=beta tag from resources. This
protects the user from removing their own access.
If you use tags to control access to resources, you should also manage the permissions that
allow users to add tags or remove tags from those same resources. Otherwise, in some cases,
it might be possible for users to circumvent your restrictions and gain access to a resource by
modifying its tags.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "greengrass:*",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"greengrass:ResourceTag/env": "beta"
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": "greengrass:UntagResource",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:ResourceTag/env": "beta"

To allow users to tag on create, you must give them appropriate permissions. The following example
policy includes the "aws:RequestTag/env": "beta" condition on the greengrass:TagResource
and greengrass:CreateGroup actions, which allows users to create a group only if they tag the group
with env=beta. This effectively forces users to tag new groups.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "greengrass:TagResource",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:RequestTag/env": "beta"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "greengrass:CreateGroup",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:RequestTag/env": "beta"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
See Also


The following snippet shows how you can specify multiple tag values for a tag key by enclosing them in
a list:

"StringEquals" : {
"greengrass:ResourceTag/env" : ["dev", "test"]

See Also
• Tagging AWS Resources in the Amazon Web Services General Reference

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create Resources

AWS CloudFormation Support for

AWS IoT Greengrass
AWS CloudFormation is a service that can help you create, manage, and replicate your AWS resources.
You can use AWS CloudFormation templates to define AWS IoT Greengrass groups and the devices,
subscriptions, and other components that you want to deploy. For an example, see the section called
“Example Template” (p. 472).

The resources and infrastructure that you generate from a template is called a stack. You can define
all of your resources in one template or refer to resources from other stacks. For more information
about AWS CloudFormation templates and features, see What Is AWS CloudFormation? in the AWS
CloudFormation User Guide.

Creating Resources
AWS CloudFormation templates are JSON or YAML documents that describe the properties and
relationships of AWS resources. The following AWS IoT Greengrass resources are supported:

• Groups
• Cores
• Devices
• Lambda functions
• Connectors
• Resources (local, machine learning, and secret)
• Subscriptions
• Loggers (logging configurations)

In AWS CloudFormation templates, the structure and syntax of Greengrass resources are based on
the AWS IoT Greengrass API. For example, the example template (p. 472) associates a top-level
DeviceDefinition with a DeviceDefinitionVersion that contains an individual device. For more
information, see the section called “Overview of the Group Object Model” (p. 157).

The AWS IoT Greengrass Resource Types Reference in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide describes
the Greengrass resources that you can manage with AWS CloudFormation. When you use AWS
CloudFormation templates to create Greengrass resources, we recommend that you manage them only
from AWS CloudFormation. For example, you should update your template if you want to add, change,
or remove a device (instead of using the AWS IoT Greengrass API or AWS IoT console). This allows you to
use rollback and other AWS CloudFormation change management features. For more information about
using AWS CloudFormation to create and manage your resources and stacks, see Working with Stacks in
the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

For a walkthrough that shows how to create and deploy AWS IoT Greengrass resources in an AWS
CloudFormation template, see Automating AWS IoT Greengrass Setup with AWS CloudFormation on The
Internet of Things on AWS Official Blog.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Deploy Resources

Deploying Resources
After you create an AWS CloudFormation stack that contains your group version, you can use the AWS
CLI or AWS IoT console to deploy it.
To deploy a group, you must have a Greengrass service role associated with your AWS account.
The service role allows AWS IoT Greengrass to access your resources in AWS Lambda and other
AWS services. This role should exist if you already deployed a Greengrass group in the current
AWS Region. For more information, see the section called “Greengrass Service Role” (p. 443).

To deploy the group (AWS CLI)

• Run the create-deployment command.

aws greengrass create-deployment --group-id GroupId --group-version-

id GroupVersionId --deployment-type NewDeployment

The CommandToDeployGroup statement in the example template (p. 472) shows
how to output the command with your group and group version IDs when you create a

To deploy the group (console)

1. In the AWS IoT console, choose Greengrass, and then choose Groups.
2. Choose your group.
3. On the group configuration page, from Actions, choose Deploy.

This deploys the group configuration to your AWS IoT Greengrass core device. For
troubleshooting help, see Troubleshooting (p. 516).

Example Template
The following example template creates a Greengrass group that contains a core, device, function,
logger, subscription, and two resources. To do this, the template follows the object model of the AWS
IoT Greengrass API. For example, the devices that you want to add to the group are contained in a
DeviceDefinitionVersion resource, which is associated with a DeviceDefinition resource. To add
the devices to the group, the group version references the ARN of the DeviceDefinitionVersion.

The template includes parameters that let you specify the certificate ARNs for the core and device and
the version ARN of the source Lambda function (which is an AWS Lambda resource). It uses the Ref
and GetAtt intrinsic functions to reference IDs, ARNs, and other attributes that are required to create
Greengrass resources.

The template also defines two AWS IoT devices (things), which represent the core and device that are
added to the Greengrass group.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Example Template

After you create the stack with your Greengrass resources, you can use the AWS CLI or the AWS IoT
console to deploy the group (p. 472).
The CommandToDeployGroup statement in the example shows how to output a complete
create-deployment CLI command that you can use to deploy your group.


"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Description": "AWS IoT Greengrass example template that creates a group version
with a core, device, function, logger, subscription, and resources.",
"Parameters": {
"CoreCertificateArn": {
"Type": "String"
"DeviceCertificateArn": {
"Type": "String"
"LambdaVersionArn": {
"Type": "String"
"Resources": {
"TestCore1": {
"Type": "AWS::IoT::Thing",
"Properties": {
"ThingName": "TestCore1"
"TestCoreDefinition": {
"Type": "AWS::Greengrass::CoreDefinition",
"Properties": {
"Name": "DemoTestCoreDefinition"
"TestCoreDefinitionVersion": {
"Type": "AWS::Greengrass::CoreDefinitionVersion",
"Properties": {
"CoreDefinitionId": {
"Ref": "TestCoreDefinition"
"Cores": [
"Id": "TestCore1",
"CertificateArn": {
"Ref": "CoreCertificateArn"
"SyncShadow": "false",
"ThingArn": {
"Fn::Join": [
"Ref": "AWS::Region"
"Ref": "AWS::AccountId"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Example Template

"TestDevice1": {
"Type": "AWS::IoT::Thing",
"Properties": {
"ThingName": "TestDevice1"
"TestDeviceDefinition": {
"Type": "AWS::Greengrass::DeviceDefinition",
"Properties": {
"Name": "DemoTestDeviceDefinition"
"TestDeviceDefinitionVersion": {
"Type": "AWS::Greengrass::DeviceDefinitionVersion",
"Properties": {
"DeviceDefinitionId": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"Devices": [
"Id": "TestDevice1",
"CertificateArn": {
"Ref": "DeviceCertificateArn"
"SyncShadow": "true",
"ThingArn": {
"Fn::Join": [
"Ref": "AWS::Region"
"Ref": "AWS::AccountId"
"TestFunctionDefinition": {
"Type": "AWS::Greengrass::FunctionDefinition",
"Properties": {
"Name": "DemoTestFunctionDefinition"
"TestFunctionDefinitionVersion": {
"Type": "AWS::Greengrass::FunctionDefinitionVersion",
"Properties": {
"FunctionDefinitionId": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Example Template

"DefaultConfig": {
"Execution": {
"IsolationMode": "GreengrassContainer"
"Functions": [
"Id": "TestLambda1",
"FunctionArn": {
"Ref": "LambdaVersionArn"
"FunctionConfiguration": {
"Pinned": "true",
"Executable": "run.exe",
"ExecArgs": "argument1",
"MemorySize": "512",
"Timeout": "2000",
"EncodingType": "binary",
"Environment": {
"Variables": {
"variable1": "value1"
"ResourceAccessPolicies": [
"ResourceId": "ResourceId1",
"Permission": "ro"
"ResourceId": "ResourceId2",
"Permission": "rw"
"AccessSysfs": "false",
"Execution": {
"IsolationMode": "GreengrassContainer",
"RunAs": {
"Uid": "1",
"Gid": "10"
"TestLoggerDefinition": {
"Type": "AWS::Greengrass::LoggerDefinition",
"Properties": {
"Name": "DemoTestLoggerDefinition"
"TestLoggerDefinitionVersion": {
"Type": "AWS::Greengrass::LoggerDefinitionVersion",
"Properties": {
"LoggerDefinitionId": {
"Ref": "TestLoggerDefinition"
"Loggers": [
"Id": "TestLogger1",
"Type": "AWSCloudWatch",
"Component": "GreengrassSystem",
"Level": "INFO"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Example Template

"TestResourceDefinition": {
"Type": "AWS::Greengrass::ResourceDefinition",
"Properties": {
"Name": "DemoTestResourceDefinition"
"TestResourceDefinitionVersion": {
"Type": "AWS::Greengrass::ResourceDefinitionVersion",
"Properties": {
"ResourceDefinitionId": {
"Ref": "TestResourceDefinition"
"Resources": [
"Id": "ResourceId1",
"Name": "LocalDeviceResource",
"ResourceDataContainer": {
"LocalDeviceResourceData": {
"SourcePath": "/dev/TestSourcePath1",
"GroupOwnerSetting": {
"AutoAddGroupOwner": "false",
"GroupOwner": "TestOwner"
"Id": "ResourceId2",
"Name": "LocalVolumeResourceData",
"ResourceDataContainer": {
"LocalVolumeResourceData": {
"SourcePath": "/dev/TestSourcePath2",
"DestinationPath": "/volumes/TestDestinationPath2",
"GroupOwnerSetting": {
"AutoAddGroupOwner": "false",
"GroupOwner": "TestOwner"
"TestSubscriptionDefinition": {
"Type": "AWS::Greengrass::SubscriptionDefinition",
"Properties": {
"Name": "DemoTestSubscriptionDefinition"
"TestSubscriptionDefinitionVersion": {
"Type": "AWS::Greengrass::SubscriptionDefinitionVersion",
"Properties": {
"SubscriptionDefinitionId": {
"Ref": "TestSubscriptionDefinition"
"Subscriptions": [
"Id": "TestSubscription1",
"Source": {
"Fn::Join": [

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Example Template

"Ref": "AWS::Region"
"Ref": "AWS::AccountId"
"Subject": "TestSubjectUpdated",
"Target": {
"Ref": "LambdaVersionArn"
"TestGroup": {
"Type": "AWS::Greengrass::Group",
"Properties": {
"Name": "DemoTestGroupNewName",
"RoleArn": {
"Fn::Join": [
"Ref": "AWS::AccountId"
"InitialVersion": {
"CoreDefinitionVersionArn": {
"Ref": "TestCoreDefinitionVersion"
"DeviceDefinitionVersionArn": {
"Ref": "TestDeviceDefinitionVersion"
"FunctionDefinitionVersionArn": {
"Ref": "TestFunctionDefinitionVersion"
"SubscriptionDefinitionVersionArn": {
"Ref": "TestSubscriptionDefinitionVersion"
"LoggerDefinitionVersionArn": {
"Ref": "TestLoggerDefinitionVersion"
"ResourceDefinitionVersionArn": {
"Ref": "TestResourceDefinitionVersion"
"Outputs": {
"CommandToDeployGroup": {
"Value": {
"Fn::Join": [
" ",
"groupVersion=$(cut -d'/' -f6 <<<",
"Fn::GetAtt": [

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Example Template

"aws --region",
"Ref": "AWS::Region"
"greengrass create-deployment --group-id",
"Ref": "TestGroup"
"--deployment-type NewDeployment --group-version-id",


AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: >-
AWS IoT Greengrass example template that creates a group version with a core,
device, function, logger, subscription, and resources.
Type: String
Type: String
Type: String
Type: 'AWS::IoT::Thing'
ThingName: TestCore1
Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::CoreDefinition'
Name: DemoTestCoreDefinition
Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::CoreDefinitionVersion'
CoreDefinitionId: !Ref TestCoreDefinition
- Id: TestCore1
CertificateArn: !Ref CoreCertificateArn
SyncShadow: 'false'
ThingArn: !Join
- ':'
- - 'arn:aws:iot'
- !Ref 'AWS::Region'
- !Ref 'AWS::AccountId'
- thing/TestCore1
Type: 'AWS::IoT::Thing'
ThingName: TestDevice1
Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::DeviceDefinition'
Name: DemoTestDeviceDefinition

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Example Template

Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::DeviceDefinitionVersion'
DeviceDefinitionId: !GetAtt
- TestDeviceDefinition
- Id
- Id: TestDevice1
CertificateArn: !Ref DeviceCertificateArn
SyncShadow: 'true'
ThingArn: !Join
- ':'
- - 'arn:aws:iot'
- !Ref 'AWS::Region'
- !Ref 'AWS::AccountId'
- thing/TestDevice1
Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::FunctionDefinition'
Name: DemoTestFunctionDefinition
Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::FunctionDefinitionVersion'
FunctionDefinitionId: !GetAtt
- TestFunctionDefinition
- Id
IsolationMode: GreengrassContainer
- Id: TestLambda1
FunctionArn: !Ref LambdaVersionArn
Pinned: 'true'
Executable: run.exe
ExecArgs: argument1
MemorySize: '512'
Timeout: '2000'
EncodingType: binary
variable1: value1
- ResourceId: ResourceId1
Permission: ro
- ResourceId: ResourceId2
Permission: rw
AccessSysfs: 'false'
IsolationMode: GreengrassContainer
Uid: '1'
Gid: '10'
Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::LoggerDefinition'
Name: DemoTestLoggerDefinition
Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::LoggerDefinitionVersion'
LoggerDefinitionId: !Ref TestLoggerDefinition
- Id: TestLogger1
Type: AWSCloudWatch
Component: GreengrassSystem
Level: INFO

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Example Template

Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::ResourceDefinition'
Name: DemoTestResourceDefinition
Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::ResourceDefinitionVersion'
ResourceDefinitionId: !Ref TestResourceDefinition
- Id: ResourceId1
Name: LocalDeviceResource
SourcePath: /dev/TestSourcePath1
AutoAddGroupOwner: 'false'
GroupOwner: TestOwner
- Id: ResourceId2
Name: LocalVolumeResourceData
SourcePath: /dev/TestSourcePath2
DestinationPath: /volumes/TestDestinationPath2
AutoAddGroupOwner: 'false'
GroupOwner: TestOwner
Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::SubscriptionDefinition'
Name: DemoTestSubscriptionDefinition
Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::SubscriptionDefinitionVersion'
SubscriptionDefinitionId: !Ref TestSubscriptionDefinition
- Id: TestSubscription1
Source: !Join
- ':'
- - 'arn:aws:iot'
- !Ref 'AWS::Region'
- !Ref 'AWS::AccountId'
- thing/TestDevice1
Subject: TestSubjectUpdated
Target: !Ref LambdaVersionArn
Type: 'AWS::Greengrass::Group'
Name: DemoTestGroupNewName
RoleArn: !Join
- ':'
- - 'arn:aws:iam:'
- !Ref 'AWS::AccountId'
- role/TestUser
CoreDefinitionVersionArn: !Ref TestCoreDefinitionVersion
DeviceDefinitionVersionArn: !Ref TestDeviceDefinitionVersion
FunctionDefinitionVersionArn: !Ref TestFunctionDefinitionVersion
SubscriptionDefinitionVersionArn: !Ref TestSubscriptionDefinitionVersion
LoggerDefinitionVersionArn: !Ref TestLoggerDefinitionVersion
ResourceDefinitionVersionArn: !Ref TestResourceDefinitionVersion
Value: !Join
- ' '
- - groupVersion=$(cut -d'/' -f6 <<<
- !GetAtt

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Supported AWS Regions

- TestGroup
- LatestVersionArn
- );
- aws --region
- !Ref 'AWS::Region'
- greengrass create-deployment --group-id
- !Ref TestGroup
- '--deployment-type NewDeployment --group-version-id'
- $groupVersion

Supported AWS Regions

Currently, you can create and manage AWS IoT Greengrass resources only in the following AWS Regions:

• US East (Ohio)
• US East (N. Virginia)
• US West (Oregon)
• Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
• Asia Pacific (Seoul)
• Asia Pacific (Singapore)
• Asia Pacific (Sydney)
• Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
• China (Beijing)
• EU (Frankfurt)
• EU (Ireland)
• EU (London)
• AWS GovCloud (US-West)

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Using AWS IoT Device Tester for AWS

IoT Greengrass
You can use AWS IoT Device Tester (IDT) for AWS IoT Greengrass to verify that the AWS IoT Greengrass
Core software runs on your hardware and can communicate with the AWS Cloud. It also performs end-
to-end tests with AWS IoT Core. For example, it verifies your device can send and receive MQTT messages
and process them correctly. IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass generates test reports that you can submit to
AWS IoT to add your hardware to the AWS Partner Device Catalog. For more information, see AWS Device
Qualification Program.

IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass runs on your host computer (Windows, macOS, or Linux) connected to the
device to be tested. It runs tests and aggregates results. It also provides a command line interface to
manage the testing process.

In addition to testing devices, IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass creates resources (for example, AWS IoT
things, AWS IoT Greengrass groups, Lambda functions, and so on) to facilitate the qualification process.

To create these resources, IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass uses the AWS credentials configured in the
config.json to make API calls on your behalf. These resources are provisioned at various times during
a test.

When you run IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass on your host computer, it performs the following steps:

1. Loads and validates your device and credentials configuration.

2. Performs selected tests with the required local and cloud resources.
3. Cleans up local and cloud resources.
4. Generates tests reports that indicate if your board passed the tests required for qualification.

IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass organizes tests using the concepts of a test suite and test groups.

The test suite is the collection of all test groups used to verify a device works with AWS IoT Greengrass.

A test group consists of all the individual tests related to a feature being tested. For more information,
see Test Group Descriptions (p. 502).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Device Tester for AWS IoT Greengrass Versions

AWS IoT Device Tester for AWS IoT Greengrass

The latest version of IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass supports the AWS IoT Greengrass versions listed
here. If you need to test an earlier version of AWS IoT Greengrass, see Earlier IDT Versions for AWS IoT
Greengrass (p. 483).

By downloading the software, you agree to the AWS IoT Device Tester License Agreement. New releases
of AWS IoT Greengrass might require you to download a new version of IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass. You
receive a notification when you start a test run if IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass is not compatible with the
version of AWS IoT Greengrass you are using.

IDT v2.1.0 for AWS IoT Greengrass v1.9.x, v1.8.x, and v1.7.x

• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: Linux

• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: macOS
• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: Windows

Release Notes:

• Added support for AWS IoT Greengrass v1.9.4.

• Added support for Linux-ARMv6l devices.

Earlier IDT Versions for AWS IoT Greengrass

This section contains links for downloading earlier versions of IDT.

IDT v2.0.0 for AWS IoT Greengrass v1.9.3, v1.9.2, v.1.9.1, v1.9.0, v1.8.4, v1.8.3, and v1.8.2

• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: Linux

• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: macOS
• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: Windows

Release Notes:

• Removed dependency on Python for device under test.

• Test suite execution time reduced by more than 50 percent, which makes the qualification process
• Executable size reduced by more than 50 percent, which makes download and installation faster.
• Improved timeout multiplier support for all test cases.
• Enhanced post-diagnostics messages for faster troubleshooting of errors.
• Updated Permissions Policy Template (p. 485) required to run IDT.
• Added support for AWS IoT Greengrass v1.9.3.

IDT v1.3.3 for AWS IoT Greengrass v1.9.2, v1.9.1, v1.9.0, v1.8.3, and v1.8.2

• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: Linux

• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: macOS
• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: Windows

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Earlier IDT Versions for AWS IoT Greengrass

Release Notes:

• Added support for Greengrass v1.9.2 and v1.8.3.

• Added support for Greengrass OpenWrt.
• Added SSH user name and password device sign-in.
• Added native test bug fix for OpenWrt-ARMv7l platform.

IDT v1.2 for AWS IoT Greengrass v1.8.1

• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: Linux

• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: macOS
• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: Windows

Release Notes:

• Added a configurable timeout multiplier to address and troubleshoot timeout issues (for example, low
bandwidth connections).

IDT v1.1 for AWS IoT Greengrass v1.8.0

• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: Linux

• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: macOS
• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: Windows

Release Notes:

• Added support for AWS IoT Greengrass Hardware Security Integration (HSI).
• Added support for AWS IoT Greengrass container and no container.
• Added automated AWS IoT Greengrass service role creation.
• Improved test resource cleanup.
• Added test execution summary report.

IDT v1.1 for AWS IoT Greengrass v1.7.1

• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: Linux

• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: macOS
• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: Windows

Release Notes:

• Added support for AWS IoT Greengrass Hardware Security Integration (HSI).
• Added support for AWS IoT Greengrass container and no container.
• Added automated AWS IoT Greengrass service role creation.
• Improved test resource cleanup.
• Added test execution summary report.

IDT 1.0 (Updated 3/11/19) for AWS IoT Greengrass v1.6.1

• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: Linux

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: macOS

• IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass: Windows

Release Notes:

• Includes OTA test bug fix for future AWS IoT Greengrass version compatibility.

This section describes the prerequisites for using IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass.

Download the Latest Version of AWS IoT Device

Tester for AWS IoT Greengrass
Download the latest version of IDT from AWS IoT Device Tester for AWS IoT Greengrass
Versions (p. 483). Extract the software into a location on your file system where you have read and
write permissions.

Windows has a path length limitation of 260 characters. If you are using Windows, extract IDT for AWS
IoT Greengrass into a root directory like C:\ or D:\ to keep your paths under the 260 character limit.

Create and Configure an AWS Account

Follow these steps to create and configure an AWS account, create an IAM user, and create an IAM policy
that grants IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass permission to access resources on your behalf while running

1. Create an AWS account.

2. Create an IAM policy that grants IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass the permissions it needs to run
the tests and collect IDT usage data. Use the policy templates described in Permissions Policy
Template (p. 485).
3. Create an IAM user in your AWS account and attach the policy you just created.

Permissions Policy Template

The following is a policy template that grants the permissions required for IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass to
run tests.
The following policy template grants permission to create roles, create policies, and attach
policies to roles. IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass uses these permissions for tests that need to create
roles. Although the policy template does not provide administrator privileges to the user, the
permissions can be potentially used to gain administrator access to your AWS account.

IDT v2.0.0

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Configure an AWS Account

"Resource": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:lambda:*:*:function:idt-*"]
"Sid": "VisualEditor2",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor3",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor4",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:iot:*:*:cert/*"]
"Sid": "VisualEditor5",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create and Configure an AWS Account

"Sid": "VisualEditor6",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "VisualEditor7",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": ["execute-api:Invoke"],
"Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:*:098862408343:*"

IDT v1.3.3 and earlier

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor2",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Using IDT for Greengrass 1.6.1 and Earlier

"Resource": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor3",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"

If you are using AWS IoT Greengrass 1.6.1 or earlier, see Using IDT for Greengrass 1.6.1 and
Earlier (p. 488).

Using IDT for Greengrass 1.6.1 and Earlier

If you are using a version of IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass earlier than 1.7.0, you must install the AWS
Command Line Interface (CLI) and create a AWS IoT Greengrass service role. In versions 1.7.1 or later, IDT
creates the service role for you.

Install the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)

You use the CLI to perform some operations. If you don't have the CLI installed, follow the instructions in
Install the AWS CLI.

Configure the CLI for the AWS Region you want to use by running aws configure from a command line.
For information about the AWS Regions that support IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass, see AWS Regions and

Configure the AWS IoT Greengrass Service Role

To successfully deploy an AWS IoT Greengrass group, AWS IoT Greengrass requires permissions to
perform actions on your behalf. If you are using IDT v1.1 for AWS IoT Greengrass or later, IDT creates
and associates the service role with your AWS account for you. If you are using IDT v1.0 for AWS IoT
Greengrass, follow these instructions to create and associate the service role with your AWS account.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure Your Device

To create the AWS IoT Greengrass service role

1. Use the following AWS CLI command on your host computer to create a service role.

aws iam create-role --role-name GreengrassServiceRole --assume-role-policy-document '{

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": "greengrass.amazonaws.com"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

This command generates a service role ARN that you use when you associate your AWS IoT
Greengrass service role with your AWS account.
2. Use the following AWS CLI command to attach the AWSGreengrassResourceAccessRolePolicy
to your AWS IoT Greengrass service role.

aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/

AWSGreengrassResourceAccessRolePolicy --role-name GreengrassServiceRole

3. Use the following AWS CLI command to associate your AWS IoT Greengrass service role with your
AWS account.

aws greengrass associate-service-role-to-account --role-arn <your-greengrass-service-


Configure Your Device

To configure your device you must install AWS IoT Greengrass dependencies, configure the AWS IoT
Greengrass Core software, configure your host computer to access your device, and configure user
permissions on your device.

Verify AWS IoT Greengrass Dependencies on the Device Under

Before IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass can test your devices, make sure that you have set up your device as
described in Getting Started with AWS IoT Greengrass. For information about supported platforms, see
Supported Platforms.

Configure the AWS IoT Greengrass Software

IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass tests your device for compatibility with a specific version of AWS IoT
Greengrass. IDT provides two options for testing AWS IoT Greengrass on your devices:

• Download and use a version of the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software (p. 16). IDT installs the software
for you.
• Use a version of the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software already installed on your device.

Each version of AWS IoT Greengrass has a corresponding IDT version. You must download the
version of IDT that corresponds to the version of AWS IoT Greengrass you are using.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure Your Device

There are two options for installing AWS IoT Greengrass on your device:

• Download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software and configure IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass to use it.
• Use an existing installation of the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software.

The following sections describe these options. You only need to do one.

Option 1: Download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software and Configure AWS
IoT Device Tester to Use It
You can download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software from the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
Software (p. 16) downloads page.

1. Find the correct architecture and Linux distribution, and then choose Download.
2. Copy the tar.gz file to the <device-tester-extract-location>/products/greengrass/ggc.

Do not change the name of the AWS IoT Greengrass tar.gz file. Do not place multiple
files in this directory for the same operating system and architecture. For example
having both greengrass-linux-armv7l-1.7.1.tar.gz and greengrass-linux-
armv7l-1.8.1.tar.gz files in that directory will cause the tests to fail.

Option 2: Use an Existing Installation of AWS IoT Greengrass with AWS IoT
Device Tester
Configure IDT to test the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software installed on your device
by adding the greengrassLocation attribute to the device.json file in the
<device_tester_extract_location>/configs folder. For example:

"greengrassLocation" : "<path-to-greengrass-on-device>"

For more information about the device.json file, see Device Configuration (p. 496).

On Linux devices, the default location of the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software is /greengrass.
Your device should have an installation of the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software that has not
been started.
Make sure you have added the ggc_user user and ggc_group on your device. For more
information, see Environment Setup for AWS IoT Greengrass.

Configure Your Host Computer to Access Your Device Under Test

IDT runs on your host computer and must be able to use SSH to connect to your device. There are two
options to allow IDT to gain SSH access to your devices under test:

1. Follow the instructions here to create an SSH key pair and authorize your key to sign in to your device
under test without specifying a password.
2. Provide a user name and password for each device in the device.json file. For more information,
see Device Configuration (p. 496).

You can use any SSL implementation to create an SSH key. The following instructions show you how to
use SSH-KEYGEN or PuTTYgen (for Windows). If you are using another SSL implementation, refer to the
documentation for that implementation.

IDT uses SSH keys to authenticate with your device under test.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure Your Device

To create an SSH key with SSH-KEYGEN

1. Create an SSH key.

You can use the Open SSH ssh-keygen command to create an SSH key pair. If you already have an
SSH key pair on your host computer, it is a best practice to create a SSH key pair specifically for
IDT. This way, after you have completed testing, your host computer can no longer connect to your
device without entering a password. It also allows you to restrict access to the remote device to only
those who need it.
Windows does not have an installed SSH client. For information about installing an SSH
client on Windows, see Download SSH Client Software.

The ssh-keygen command prompts you for a name and path to store the key pair. By default, the
key pair files are named id_rsa (private key) and id_rsa.pub (public key). On macOS and Linux,
the default location of these files is ~/.ssh/. On Windows, the default location is C:\Users

When prompted, enter a key phrase to protect your SSH key. For more information, see Generate a
New SSH Key.
2. Add authorized SSH keys to your device under test.

IDT must use your SSH private key to sign in to your device under test. To authorize your SSH private
key to sign in to your device under test, use the ssh-copy-id command from your host computer.
This command adds your public key into the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on your device under
test. For example:

$ ssh-copy-id <remote-ssh-user>@<remote-device-ip>

Where remote-ssh-user is the user name used to sign in to your device under test and remote-
device-ip is the IP address of the device under test to run tests against. For example:

ssh-copy-id pi@

When prompted, enter the password for the user name you specified in the ssh-copy-id command.

ssh-copy-id assumes the public key is named id_rsa.pub and is stored the default location (on
macOS and Linux, ~/.ssh/ and on Windows, C:\Users\<user-name>\.ssh). If you gave the
public key a different name or stored it in a different location, you must specify the fully qualified
path to your SSH public key using the -i option to ssh-copy-id (for example, ssh-copy-id -i ~/my/
path/myKey.pub). For more information about creating SSH keys and copying public keys, see SSH-

To create an SSH key using PuTTYgen (Windows only)

1. Make sure you have the OpenSSH server and client installed on your device under test. For more
information, see OpenSSH.
2. Install PuTTYgen on your device under test.
3. Open PuTTYgen.
4. Choose Generate and move your mouse cursor inside the box to generate a private key.
5. From the Conversions menu, choose Export OpenSSH key, and save the private key with a .pem file
6. Add the public key to the /home/<user>/.ssh/authorized_keys file on device under test.

a. Copy the public key text from the PuTTYgen window.

b. Use PuTTY to create a session on your device under test.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure Your Device

i. From a command prompt or Windows Powershell window, run the following command:

C:/<path-to-putty>/putty.exe -ssh <user>@<dut-ip-address>

ii. When prompted, enter your device's password.
iii. Use vi or another text editor to append the public key to the /home/<user>/.ssh/
authorized_keys file on your device under test.
7. Update your device.json file with your user name, the IP address, and path to the private key file
that you just saved on your host computer for each device under test. For more information, see

In addition to AWS credentials, IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass needs information
about the devices that tests are run on (for example, IP address, login information,
operating system, and CPU architecture).

You must provide this information using the device.json template located in

"id": "<pool-id>",

"sku": "<sku>",

"features": [

"name": "os",

"value": "linux | ubuntu | openwrt"


"name": "arch",

"value": "x86_64 | armv7l | aarch64"


"hsm": {

"p11Provider": "</path/to/pkcs11ProviderLibrary>",

"slotLabel": "<slot-label>",

"slotUserPin": "<pin>",

"privateKeyLabel": "<key-label>",

"openSSLEngine": "</path/to/openssl/engine>"

"kernelConfigLocation": "",

"greengrassLocation": "",
AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure Your Device

Specify password only if method is set to password

All fields that contain values are required as described here:


A user-defined alphanumeric ID that uniquely identifies a collection of devices

called a device pool. Devices that belong to a pool must have identical hardware.
When you run a suite of tests, devices in the pool are used to parallelize the
workload. Multiple devices are used to run different tests.

An alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies the device under test. The SKU is
used to track qualified boards.
If you want to list your board in the AWS Partner Device Catalog, the
SKU you specify here must match the SKU that you use in the listing

An array that contains the device's supported features.

• Required features: os, arch.
• Supported OS/architecture combinations:
• Linux, x86_64
• Linux, ARMv7l
• Linux, AArch64
• Ubuntu, x86_64
• OpenWRT, ARMv7l
• OpenWRT, AArch64
hsm (optional)

Contains configuration information for testing with an AWS IoT Greengrass

Hardware Security Module (HSM). Otherwise, the <hsm> element should be
omitted. For more information, see Hardware Security Integration (p. 448).

The absolute path to the PKCS#11 implementation's libdl-loadable library.


The slot label used to identify the hardware module.


The user PIN used to authenticate the AWS IoT Greengrass core to the

The label used to identify the key in the hardware module.


The absolute path to the OpenSSL engine's .so file that enables PKCS#11
support on OpenSSL. Used by the AWS IoT Greengrass OTA update agent.

A user-defined unique identifier for the device being tested.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Configure Your Device


The communication protocol used to communicate with this device. Currently,

the only supported value is ssh.

The IP address of the device being tested.


The authorization method used to access a device over the given connectivity
protocol. Supported values are:
• pki
• password

The password used for signing in to the device being tested. Specify this value
only if connectivity.auth.method is set to password.

The full path to the private key used to sign in to the device under test. Specify
this value only if connectivity.auth.method is set to pki.

The user name for signing in to the device being tested.


The full path to the private key used to sign in to the device being tested.

The location of AWS IoT Greengrass Core software on your devices. This value is
only used when you use an existing installation of AWS IoT Greengrass. Use this
attribute to tell IDT to use the version of the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software
installed on your devices.

(Optional) The path to the kernel configuration file. AWS IoT Device Tester uses
this file to check if the devices have the required kernel features enabled. If not
specified, IDT uses the following paths to search for the kernel configuration
file: /proc/config.gz and /boot/config-<kernel-version>. AWS IoT
Device Tester uses the first path it finds.
(p. 496). Make sure you provide the full path and file name to the private key and use forward
slashes ('/'). For example, for the Windows path C:\DT\privatekey.pem, use C:/DT/
privatekey.pem in the device.json file.

Configure User Permissions on Your Device

IDT performs operations on various directories and files in a device under test. Some of these operations
require elevated permissions (using sudo). To automate these operations, IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass
must be able to run commands with sudo without being prompted for a password.

Follow these steps on the device under test to allow sudo access without being prompted for a password.
username refers to the SSH user used by IDT to access the device under test.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Setting Configuration to Run the AWS
IoT Greengrass Qualification Suite

To add the user to the sudo group

1. On the device under test, run sudo usermod -aG sudo <username>.
2. Sign out and then sign back in for changes to take effect.
3. To verify your user name was added successfully, run sudo echo test. If you are not prompted for a
password, your user is configured correctly.
4. Open the /etc/sudoers file and add the following line to the end of the file:

<ssh-username> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

Setting Configuration to Run the AWS IoT

Greengrass Qualification Suite
Before you run tests, you must configure settings for AWS credentials and devices on your host

Configure Your AWS Credentials

You must configure your IAM user credentials in the <device_tester_extract_location> /
configs/config.json file. Use the credentials for the IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass user created in
Create and Configure an AWS Account (p. 485). You can specify your credentials in one of two ways:

• Credentials file
• Environment variables

Configure AWS Credentials with a Credentials File

IDT uses the same credentials file as the AWS CLI. For more information, see Configuration and
Credential Files.

The location of the credentials file varies, depending on the operating system you are using:

• macOS, Linux: ~/.aws/credentials

• Windows: C:\Users\UserName\.aws\credentials

Add your AWS credentials to the credentials file in the following format:

aws_access_key_id = <your_access_key_id>
aws_secret_access_key = <your_secret_access_key>

To configure IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass to use AWS credentials from your credentials file, edit your
config.json file as follows:

"awsRegion": "us-west-2",
"auth": {
"method": "file",
"credentials": {
"profile": "default"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Device Configuration


If you do not use the default AWS profile, be sure to change the profile name in your
config.json file. For more information, see Named Profiles.

Configure AWS Credentials with Environment Variables

Environment variables are variables maintained by the operating system and used by system
commands. They are not saved if you close the SSH session. IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass can use the
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables to store your AWS

To set these variables on Linux, macOS, or Unix, use export:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your_access_key_id>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your_secret_access_key>

To set these variables on Windows, use set:

set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your_access_key_id>
set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your_secret_access_key>

To configure IDT to use the environment variables, edit the auth section in your config.json file. Here
is an example:

"awsRegion": "us-west-2",
"auth": {
"method": "environment"

Device Configuration
In addition to AWS credentials, IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass needs information about the devices that
tests are run on (for example, IP address, login information, operating system, and CPU architecture).

You must provide this information using the device.json template located in

"id": "<pool-id>",
"sku": "<sku>",
"features": [
"name": "os",
"value": "linux | ubuntu | openwrt"
"name": "arch",
"value": "x86_64 | armv7l | aarch64"

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Device Configuration

"hsm": {
"p11Provider": "</path/to/pkcs11ProviderLibrary>",
"slotLabel": "<slot-label>",
"slotUserPin": "<pin>",
"privateKeyLabel": "<key-label>",
"openSSLEngine": "</path/to/openssl/engine>"
"kernelConfigLocation": "",
"greengrassLocation": "",
"devices": [
"id": "<device-id>",
"connectivity": {
"protocol": "ssh",
"ip": "<ip-address>",
"auth": {
"method": "pki" | "password",
"credentials": {
"user": "<user>",
"privKeyPath": "</path/to/private/key>",
"password": "<your-password>

Specify privKeyPath only if method is set to pki.
Specify password only if method is set to password

All fields that contain values are required as described here:


A user-defined alphanumeric ID that uniquely identifies a collection of devices called a device pool.
Devices that belong to a pool must have identical hardware. When you run a suite of tests, devices in
the pool are used to parallelize the workload. Multiple devices are used to run different tests.

An alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies the device under test. The SKU is used to track
qualified boards.
If you want to list your board in the AWS Partner Device Catalog, the SKU you specify here
must match the SKU that you use in the listing process.

An array that contains the device's supported features.

• Required features: os, arch.
• Supported OS/architecture combinations:
• Linux, x86_64
• Linux, ARMv7l
• Linux, AArch64
• Ubuntu, x86_64
• OpenWRT, ARMv7l

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Device Configuration

• OpenWRT, AArch64
hsm (optional)

Contains configuration information for testing with an AWS IoT Greengrass Hardware Security
Module (HSM). Otherwise, the <hsm> element should be omitted. For more information, see
Hardware Security Integration (p. 448).

The absolute path to the PKCS#11 implementation's libdl-loadable library.


The slot label used to identify the hardware module.


The user PIN used to authenticate the AWS IoT Greengrass core to the module.

The label used to identify the key in the hardware module.


The absolute path to the OpenSSL engine's .so file that enables PKCS#11 support on OpenSSL.
Used by the AWS IoT Greengrass OTA update agent.

A user-defined unique identifier for the device being tested.


The communication protocol used to communicate with this device. Currently, the only supported
value is ssh.

The IP address of the device being tested.


The authorization method used to access a device over the given connectivity protocol. Supported
values are:
• pki
• password

The password used for signing in to the device being tested. Specify this value only if
connectivity.auth.method is set to password.

The full path to the private key used to sign in to the device under test. Specify this value only if
connectivity.auth.method is set to pki.

The user name for signing in to the device being tested.


The full path to the private key used to sign in to the device being tested.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Running Tests


The location of AWS IoT Greengrass Core software on your devices. This value is only used when you
use an existing installation of AWS IoT Greengrass. Use this attribute to tell IDT to use the version of
the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software installed on your devices.

(Optional) The path to the kernel configuration file. AWS IoT Device Tester uses this file to check if
the devices have the required kernel features enabled. If not specified, IDT uses the following paths
to search for the kernel configuration file: /proc/config.gz and /boot/config-<kernel-
version>. AWS IoT Device Tester uses the first path it finds.

Running Tests
After you set the required configuration, you can start the tests. The run time of the full test suite
depends on your hardware. For reference, it takes approximately 30 minutes to complete the full test
suite on a Raspberry Pi 3B.

The following example command line shows you how to run the qualification tests for a device pool (a
set of identical devices). You can find these commands in the <devicetester-extract-location>/
bin directory.

Use the following command to run all test groups in a specified suite:

devicetester_[linux | mac | win_x86-64] run-suite --suite-id GGQ_1 --pool-id <pool-id>

Use the following command to run a specific test group:

devicetester_[linux | mac | win_x86-64] run-suite --suite-id GGQ_1 --group-id <group-id> --

pool-id <pool-id>

suite-id and pool-id are optional if you are running a single test suite on a single device pool (that is,
you have only one device pool defined in your device.json file).

AWS IoT Device Tester for AWS IoT Greengrass

The IDT commands can be used for the following operations:


Lists information about the specified command.


Lists the groups in a given test suite.


Lists the available test suites.


Runs a suite of tests on a pool of devices.

Understanding Results and Logs

This section describes how to view and interpret IDT result reports and logs.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Viewing Results

Viewing Results
While running, IDT writes errors to the console, log files, and test reports. After IDT completes the
qualification test suite, it generates two test reports. These reports can be found in <devicetester-
extract-location> /results/<execution-id>/. Both reports capture the results from the
qualification test suite execution.

The awsiotdevicetester_report.xml is the qualification test report that you submit to AWS to list
your device in the AWS Partner Device Catalog. The report contains the following elements:

• The IDT version.

• The AWS IoT Greengrass version that was tested.
• The SKU and the device pool name specified in the device.json file.
• The features of the device pool specified in the device.json file.
• The aggregate summary of test results.
• A breakdown of test results by libraries that were tested based on the device features (for example,
local resource access, shadow, MQTT, and so on).

The GGQ_Result.xml report is in JUnit XML format. You can integrate it into continuous integration
and deployment platforms like Jenkins, Bamboo, and so on. The report contains the following elements:

• Aggregate summary of test results.

• Breakdown of test results by the AWS IoT Greengrass functionality that was tested.

Interpreting AWS IoT Device Tester Results

The report section in awsiotdevicetester_report.xml or awsiotdevicetester_report.xml
lists the tests that were run and the results.

The first XML tag <testsuites> contains the summary of the test execution. For example:

<testsuites name="GGQ results" time="2299" tests="28" failures="0" errors="0" disabled="0">

Attributes used in the <testsuites> tag


The name of the test suite.


The time, in seconds, it took to run the qualification suite.


The number of tests executed.


The number of tests that were run, but did not pass.

The number of tests that IDT couldn't execute.


This attribute is not used and can be ignored.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Viewing Results

The awsiotdevicetester_report.xml file contains an <awsproduct> tag that contains information

about the product being tested and the product features that were validated after running a suite of

Attributes used in the <awsproduct> tag


The name of the product being tested.


The version of the product being tested.


The features validated. Features marked as required are required to submit your board
for qualification. The following snippet shows how this information appears in the
awsiotdevicetester_report.xml file.

<feature name="aws-iot-greengrass-no-container" value="supported" type="required"><


Features marked as optional are not required for qualification. The following snippets show
optional features.

<feature name="aws-iot-greengrass-container" value="supported" type="optional"></


<feature name="aws-iot-greengrass-hsi" value="not-supported" type="optional"></feature>

If there are no test failures or errors for the required features, your device meets the technical
requirements to run AWS IoT Greengrass and can interoperate with AWS IoT services. If you want to list
your device in the AWS Partner Device Catalog, you can use this report as qualification evidence.

In the event of test failures or errors, you can identify the test that failed by reviewing the
<testsuites> XML tags. The <testsuite> XML tags inside the <testsuites> tag show the test
result summary for a test group. For example:

<testsuite name="combination" package="" tests="1" failures="0" time="161" disabled="0"

errors="0" skipped="0">

The format is similar to the <testsuites> tag, but with a skipped attribute that is not used and can
be ignored. Inside each <testsuite> XML tag, there are <testcase> tags for each executed test for a
test group. For example:

<testcase classname="Security Combination (IPD + DCM) Test Context" name="Security

Combination IP Change Tests sec4_test_1: Should rotate server cert when IPD disabled
and following changes are made:Add CIS conn info and Add another CIS conn info"

Attributes used in the <testcase> tag


The name of the test.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Group Descriptions


The number of times IDT executed the test case.

When a test fails or an error occurs, <failure> or <error> tags are added to the <testcase> tag with
information for troubleshooting. For example:

<testcase classname="mcu.Full_MQTT" name="AFQP_MQTT_Connect_HappyCase" attempts="1">

<failure type="Failure">Reason for the test failure</failure>
<error>Reason for the test execution error</error>

Viewing Logs
IDT generates logs from test execution in <devicetester-extract-location>/
results/<execution-id>/logs. Two sets of logs are generated:


Logs generated from the Test Manager component of AWS IoT Device Tester (for example, logs
related to configuration, test sequencing, and report generation).
<test_case_id>.log (for example, ota.log)

Logs of the test group, including logs from the device under test. When a test fails, a tar.gz
file that contains the logs of the device under test for the test is created (for example,

For more information, see IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass Troubleshooting (p. 504).

Test Group Descriptions

IDT v2.0.0

Container Dependencies

This test group checks if the device meets all the software and hardware requirements to run
Lambda functions in container mode on a AWS IoT Greengrass core core.

This test group validates Lambda functions can be deployed on your device.
Deployment Container

This test group validates that Lambda functions can be deployed on the device and run in
container mode on a AWS IoT Greengrass core.
AWS IoT Greengrass core Dependencies

This test group checks if your device meets all software and hardware requirements for the AWS
IoT Greengrass core software.
Hardware Security Integration (HSI)

This test group verifies that the provided HSI shared library can interface with the hardware
security module (HSM) and implements the required PKCS#11 APIs correctly. The HSM and

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Test Group Descriptions

shared library must be able to sign a CSR, perform TLS operations, and provide the correct key
lengths and public key algorithm.

his test group is used to verify the AWS IoT Greengrass message router functionality by checking
local communication between AWS IoT Greengrass core and AWS IoT devices.
Over-the-Air (OTA)

This test group validates that your device can successfully perform a AWS IoT Greengrass core
OTA update.

This test group checks that the version of AWS IoT Greengrass provided is compatible with the
AWS IoT Device Tester version you are using.

IDT v1.3.3 and earlier

Combination (Device Security Interaction)

This test group verifies the functionality of the device certificate manager and IP detection
on the AWS IoT Greengrass core device by changing connectivity information on the AWS IoT
Greengrass group in the cloud. The test group rotates the AWS IoT Greengrass server certificate
and verifies that AWS IoT Greengrass allows connections.
Container Dependencies

The container dependencies test group checks if the device meets all the required dependencies
to run Lambda functions in container mode.

This test group validates Lambda functions can be deployed on your device.
Device Certificate Manager (DCM)

This test group is used to verify that the AWS IoT Greengrass device certificate manager can
generate a server certificate on startup and rotate certificates if they are close to expiration.
AWS IoT Greengrass core Dependencies

This test group checks if your device meets all software and hardware requirements for the AWS
IoT Greengrass Core software.
Hardware Security Integration (HSI)

This test group verifies that the provided HSI shared library can interface with the hardware
security module (HSM) and implements the required PKCS#11 APIs correctly. The HSM and
shared library must be able to sign a CSR, perform TLS operations, and provide the correct key
lengths and public key algorithm.
IP Detection (IPD)

This test group is used to verify that core connectivity information is updated when there are
IP address changes in an AWS IoT Greengrass core device. For more information, see Activate
Automatic IP Detection (p. 59).
Local Resource Access

This test group is used to verify the local resource access feature of AWS IoT Greengrass by
providing access to local files and directories owned by various Linux users and groups to
containerized Lambda functions through AWS IoT Greengrass LRA APIs. Lambda functions

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass Troubleshooting

should be allowed or denied access to local resources based on local resource access

This test group is used to verify that the AWS IoT Greengrass logging service can write to a log
file using a user Lambda function written in Python.

This test group is used to verify the AWS IoT Greengrass message router functionality by
sending messages on a topic that is routed to two Lambda functions.

This test group is used to verify that AWS IoT Greengrass can run native (compiled) Lambda

This test group is used to verify that socket connections can be established from a Lambda
function. These socket connections should be allowed or denied based on AWS IoT Greengrass
core configuration.
Over-the-Air (OTA)

This test group validates that your device can successfully perform a AWS IoT Greengrass core
OTA update.

This test group checks if the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software fails to start if hard link/soft
link protection and seccomp are not enabled. It is also used to verify other security-related

This test group is used to verify local shadow and shadow cloud-syncing functionality.

This test group is used to validate that the MQTT messages are queued with the default spooler
Token Exchange Service (TES)

This test group is used to verify that AWS IoT Greengrass can exchange its core certificate for
valid AWS credentials.

This test group checks that the version of AWS IoT Greengrass provided is compatible with the
AWS IoT Device Tester version you are using.

IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass Troubleshooting

IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass writes these errors to various locations based on the type of errors. Errors are
written to the console, log files, and test reports.

Error Codes
The following table lists the error codes generated by IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error Codes

Error Code Error Code Name Possible Root Cause Troubleshooting

101 InternalError An internal error Check logs under the

occurred. <device-tester-
results directory.
If you cannot debug
the issue, contact AWS
Developer Support.

102 TimeoutError The test cannot be • Check the network

completed in a limited connection and
time range. This can speed.
happen if: • Make sure that you
did not modify any
• There is a slow file under the /test
network connection directory.
between the test
machine and device • Try running the failed
(for example, if you test group manually
are using a VPN with "--group-id"
network). flag.
• A slow network • Try running the test
delays the suite by increasing
communication the test timeouts. For
between the device more information,
and cloud. see Timeout
Errors (p. 515).
• The timeout field
in test configuration
files (test.json)
has been mistakenly

103 PlatformNotSupportError Incorrect OS/ Change your

architecture configuration to one
combination specified of the supported
in device.json. combinations:

• Linux, x86_64
• Linux, ARMv7l
• Linux, AArch64
• Ubuntu, x86_64
• OpenWRT, ARMv7l
• OpenWRT, AArch64

For more information,

see Device
Configuration (p. 496).

104 VersionNotSupportError The AWS IoT Use the

Greengrass Core device_tester_bin
software version is version command to
not supported by the find the supported
version of IDT you are version of the AWS
using. IoT Greengrass

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error Codes

Error Code Error Code Name Possible Root Cause Troubleshooting

Core software. For
example, if you are
using macOS, use ./

To find the version of

AWS IoT Greengrass
Core software you are

• If you are running

tests with
preinstalled AWS
IoT Greengrass Core
software, use SSH
to connect to your
AWS IoT Greengrass
core device and
run <path-to-
core/greengrassd --
• If you are running
tests with a different
version of the AWS
IoT Greengrass Core
software, go to the
directory. The AWS
IoT Greengrass Core
software version is
part of the .zip file

You can test a different

version of the AWS
IoT Greengrass Core
software. For more
information, see
Getting Started
with AWS IoT
Greengrass (p. 64).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error Codes

Error Code Error Code Name Possible Root Cause Troubleshooting

105 LanguageNotSupportErrorIDT supports Python Make sure:

for AWS IoT Greengrass
libraries and SDKs only. • The SDK
package under
is the Python SDK.
• The contents of the
bin folder under
bin have not been

106 ValidationError Some fields in Check the error

device.json or message on the right
config.json are side of the error code in
invalid. the report.

• Invalid private key

path: Specify the
correct path to your
private key. For
more information,
see Device
Configuration (p. 496).
• Invalid AWS Region:
Specify a valid
AWS Region in
your config.json
file. For more
information, see AWS
Service Endpoints.
• AWS credentials: Set
valid AWS credentials
on your test
machine (through
variables or the
credentials file).
Verify that the auth
field is configured
correctly. For
more information,
see Create and
Configure an AWS
Account (p. 485).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error Codes

Error Code Error Code Name Possible Root Cause Troubleshooting

107 SSHConnectionFailed The test machine Verify the following

cannot connect to the fields in your
configured device. device.json file are

• ip
• user
• privKeyPath
• password

For more information,

see Device
Configuration (p. 496).

108 RunCommandError A test failed to execute Verify that root access

a command on the is allowed for the
device under test. configured user in

A password is required
by some devices when
executing commands
with root access. Make
sure root access is
allowed without a
password. For more
information, consult the
documentation for your

Try running the failing

command manually on
your device to see if an
error occurs.

109 PermissionDeniedError No root access. Set root access for the

configured user on your

110 CreateFileError Unable to create a file. Check your device's disk

space and directory

111 CreateDirError Unable to create a Check your device's disk

directory. space and directory

112 InvalidPathError The path to the AWS Verify that the path
IoT Greengrass Core in the error message
software is incorrect. is valid. Do not edit
any files under the

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error Codes

Error Code Error Code Name Possible Root Cause Troubleshooting

113 InvalidFileError A file is invalid. Verify that the file in

the error message is

114 ReadFileError The specified file Verify the following:

cannot be read.
• File permissions are
• limits.config
allows enough files to
be open.
• The file specified in
the error message
exists and is valid.

If you are testing on

macOS, increase the
open files limit. The
default limit is 256,
which is enough for

115 FileNotFoundError A required file was not Verify the following:

• The SDK package
exists under
• The files under
tests have not been

116 OpenFileFailed Unable to open the Verify the following:

specified file.
• The file specified in
the error message
exists and is valid.
• limits.config
allows enough files to
be open.

If you are testing on

macOS, increase the
open files limit. The
default limit is 256,
which is enough for

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error Codes

Error Code Error Code Name Possible Root Cause Troubleshooting

117 WriteFileFailed Failed to write file (can Try to manually create

be the DUT or test a file in the directory
machine). specified in the error

118 FileCleanUpError A test failed to remove If the binary file is still

the specified file or running, the file might
directory or to umount be locked. End the
the specified file on the process and delete the
remote device. specified file.

119 InvalidInputError Invalid configuration. Verify your

suite.json file is

120 InvalidCredentialError Invalid AWS credentials. Verify your AWS

credentials. Because
this error can also be
caused by network
problems, check your
network connection
and rerun the test

121 AWSSessionError Failed to create an AWS This error can occur if

session. AWS credentials are
invalid or the internet
connection is unstable.
Try using the AWS CLI
to call an AWS API

122 AWSApiCallError An AWS API error This error might be

occurred. due to a network issue.
Check your network
before retrying the test

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error Codes

Error Code Error Code Name Possible Root Cause Troubleshooting

123 IpNotExistError IP address is not Check your internet

included in connectivity connection. You can
information. use the AWS IoT
Greengrass console to
check the connectivity
information for the
AWS IoT Greengrass
core thing that is
being used by the
test. If there are 10
endpoints included
in the connectivity
information, you
can remove some
or all of them and
rerun the test. For
more information,
see Connectivity

124 OTAJobNotCompleteErrorAn OTA job did not Check your internet

complete. connection and retry
the OTA test group.

125 CreateGreengrassServiceRoleError
One of the following Configure the AWS IoT
occurred: Greengrass service role.
For more information,
• An error occurred see Configure the AWS
while creating a role. IoT Greengrass Service
• An error occurred Role (p. 488).
while attaching a
policy to the AWS IoT
Greengrass service
• The policy associated
with the service role
is invalid.
• An error occurred
when associating
a role with an AWS

126 DependenciesNotPresentError
One or more Check the test
dependencies required log (<device-
for the specific test tester-extract-
are not present on the location>/results/
device. <execution-id>>/
name>.log>) to see
which dependencies are
missing on your device.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error Codes

Error Code Error Code Name Possible Root Cause Troubleshooting

127 InvalidHSMConfiguration The provided HSM/ In your device.json

PKCS configuration is file, provide the
incorrect. configuration required
to interact with the
HSM using PKCS#11.

128 OTAJobNotSuccededError The OTA job did not Check your internet
succeed. connectivity and retry
the OTA test group. If
the problem persists,
contact AWS Developer

129 NoConnectivityError The host agent is failing Check your network

to connect to internet. connection and firewall
settings. Retry the
test group after the
connectivity issue is

130 NoPermissionError The IAM user you See Permissions Policy

are using to run Template for the
IDT for AWS IoT policy template that
Greengrass does grants the permissions
not have permission required to run IDT for
to create the AWS AWS IoT Greengrass.
resources required to
run IDT.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Resolving IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass Errors

Error Code Error Code Name Possible Root Cause Troubleshooting

131 LeftoverAgentExistError Your device is running Make sure there is no

AWS IoT Greengrass existing Greengrass
processes when you daemon running on
attempt to start IDT for your device.
AWS IoT Greengrass.
• You can use this
command to
stop daemon:
sudo ./<absolute-
greengrassd stop.
• You can also
terminate the
Greengrass daemon
by PID.

If you are using
an existing
of AWS IoT
to start
after reboot,
you need
to stop the
daemon after
reboot and
before running
the test suite.

Resolving IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass Errors

When you use IDT, you must get the correct configuration files in place before you run IDT for AWS IoT
Greengrass. If you are getting parsing and configuration errors, your first step is to locate and use a
configuration template appropriate for your environment.

If you are still having issues, see the following debugging process.

Where Do I Look?
High-level errors are displayed on the console during execution, and a summary of the failed tests with
the error is displayed when all tests are complete. awsiotdevicetester_report.xml contains a
summary of all the errors that caused a test to fail. The log files for each test run are stored in a directory
named with an UUID for the test execution that was displayed on the console during the test run.

The test logs directory is located in <device-tester-extract-location>/

results /<uuidexecution-id>/logs/. This directory contains the following files, which are useful
for debugging.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Resolving IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass Errors

File Description

test_manager.log All of the logs that were written to the console

during the test execution. A summary of the
results is located at the end of this file, which
includes a list of which tests failed.

The warning and error logs in this file can give you
some information about the failures.

<test-name>.log Detailed logs for the specific test.

<test-name>_ggc_logs.tar.gz A compressed collection of all the logs the AWS

IoT Greengrass core daemon generated during the
test. For more information, see Troubleshooting
AWS IoT Greengrass.

<test-name>_ota_logs.tar.gz A compressed collection of logs generated by the

AWS IoT Greengrass OTA agent during the test.
For OTA tests only.

<test- A compressed collection of logs generated by

the AWS IoT publisher device during the test.
Generated by the IDT v2.0.0 MQTT tests.

<test- A compressed collection of logs generated by

the AWS IoT subscriber device during the test.
Generated by the IDT v2.0.0 MQTT tests.

Parsing Errors
Occasionally, a typo in a JSON configuration can lead to parsing errors. Most of the time, the issue
is a result of omitting a bracket, comma, or quotation mark from your JSON file. IDT performs JSON
validation and prints debugging information. It prints the line where the error occurred, the line number,
and the column number of the syntax error. This information should be enough to help you fix the error,
but if you still cannot locate the error, you can perform validation manually in your IDE, a text editor
such as Atom or Sublime, or through an online tool like JSONLint.

Required Parameter Missing Error

Because new features are being added to IDT, changes to the configuration files might be
introduced. Using an old configuration file might break your configuration. If this happens, the
<test_case_id>.log file under /results/<uuid>/logs explicitly lists all missing parameters. IDT
also validates your JSON configuration file schemas to ensure that the latest supported version has been

Could Not Start Test Error

You might encounter errors that point to failures during test start. There are several possible causes, so
do the following:

• Make sure that the pool name you included in your execution command actually exists. The pool name
is referenced directly from your device.json file.
• Make sure that the devices in your pool have correct configuration parameters.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Resolving IDT for AWS IoT Greengrass Errors

Permission Denied Errors

IDT performs operations on various directories and files in a device under test. Some of these operations
require root access. To automate these operations, IDT must be able to run commands with sudo without
typing a password.

Follow these steps to allow sudo access without typing a password.

user and username refer to the SSH user used by IDT to access the device under test.

1. Use sudo usermod -aG sudo <ssh-username> to add your SSH user to the sudo group.
2. Sign out and then sign in for changes to take effect.
3. Open /etc/sudoers file and add the following line to the end of the file: <ssh-username>
As a best practice, we recommend that you use sudo visudo when you edit /etc/sudoers.

SSH Connection Errors

When IDT cannot connect to a device under test, connection failures are logged in /results/<uuid>/
logs/<test-case-id>.log. SSH failure messages appear at the top of this log file because
connecting to a device under test is one of the first operations that IDT performs.

Most Windows setups use the PuTTy terminal application to connect to Linux hosts. This application
requires that standard PEM private key files are converted into a proprietary Windows format called PPK.
When IDT is configured in your device.json file, use PEM files only. If you use a PPK file, IDT cannot
create an SSH connection with the AWS IoT Greengrass device and cannot run tests.

Timeout Errors
You can increase the timeout for each test by specifying a timeout multiplier, which is applied to the
default value of each test's timeout. Any value configured for this flag must be greater than or equal to

To use the timeout multiplier, use the flag --timeout-multiplier when running the tests. For

./devicetester_linux run-suite --suite-id GGQ_1 --pool-id DevicePool1 --timeout-multiplier 2.5

For more information, run run-suite --help.

Command Not Found Errors While Testing OTA

You need an older version of the OpenSSL library (libssl1.0.0) to run OTA tests on AWS IoT Greengrass
devices. Most current Linux distributions use libssl version 1.0.2 or later (v1.1.0). These versions are not
compatible with OTA.

For example, on a Raspberry Pi, run the following commands to install the required version of libssl:

1. wget http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/o/openssl/
2. sudo dpkg -i libssl1.0.0_1.0.2l-1~bpo8+1_armhf.deb

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
AWS IoT Greengrass Core Issues

Troubleshooting AWS IoT Greengrass

This section provides troubleshooting information and possible solutions to help resolve issues with AWS
IoT Greengrass.

For information about AWS IoT Greengrass limits, see AWS IoT Greengrass Limits in the Amazon Web
Services General Reference.

AWS IoT Greengrass Core Issues

If the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software does not start, try the following general troublehooting steps:

• Make sure that you install the binaries that are appropriate for your architecture. For more
information, see AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software (p. 16).
• Make sure that your core device has local storage available. For more information, see the section
called “Troubleshooting Storage Issues” (p. 534).
• Check runtime.log and crash.log for error messages. For more information, see the section called
“Troubleshooting with Logs” (p. 534).

Search the following symptoms and errors to find information to help troubleshoot issues with an AWS
IoT Greengrass core.

• Error: The configuration file is missing the CaPath, CertPath or KeyPath. The Greengrass daemon
process with [pid = <pid>] died. (p. 517)
• Error: Failed to parse /<greengrass-root>/config/config.json. (p. 518)
• Error: Error occurred while generating TLS config: ErrUnknownURIScheme (p. 518)
• Error: Runtime failed to start: unable to start workers: container test timed out. (p. 518)
• Error: Failed to invoke PutLogEvents on local Cloudwatch, logGroup: /GreengrassSystem/
connection_manager, error: RequestError: send request failed caused by: Post http://<path>/
cloudwatch/logs/: dial tcp <address>: getsockopt: connection refused, response: { }. (p. 519)
• Error: Unable to create server due to: failed to load group: chmod /<greengrass-root>/ggc/
<file-name>: no such file or directory. (p. 519)
• The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software doesn't start after you changed from running with no
containerization to running in a Greengrass container. (p. 519)
• Error: Spool size should be at least 262144 bytes. (p. 520)
• Error: container_linux.go:344: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:424: container init
caused \"rootfs_linux.go:64: mounting \\\"/greengrass/ggc/socket/greengrass_ipc.sock\\\" to rootfs
\\\"/greengrass/ggc/packages/<version>/rootfs/merged\\\" at \\\"/greengrass_ipc.sock\\\" caused
\\\"stat /greengrass/ggc/socket/greengrass_ipc.sock: permission denied\\\"\"". (p. 520)
• Error: Greengrass daemon running with PID: <process-id>. Some system components failed to start.
Check 'runtime.log' for errors. (p. 520)
• Device shadow does not sync with the cloud. (p. 520)

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error: The configuration file is missing the
CaPath, CertPath or KeyPath. The Greengrass
daemon process with [pid = <pid>] died.
• The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software does not run on Raspberry Pi because user namespace is not
enabled. (p. 521)
• ERROR: unable to accept TCP connection. accept tcp [::]:8000: accept4: too many open
files. (p. 521)
• Error: Runtime execution error: unable to start lambda container. container_linux.go:259: starting
container process caused "process_linux.go:345: container init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:50: preparing
rootfs caused \\\"permission denied\\\"\"". (p. 521)
• Warning: [WARN]-[5]GK Remote: Error retrieving public key data: ErrPrincipalNotConfigured: private
key for MqttCertificate is not set. (p. 522)
• Error: Permission denied when attempting to use role arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<role-
name> to access s3 url https://<region>-greengrass-updates.s3.<region>.amazonaws.com/core/
<architecture>/greengrass-core-<distribution-version>.tar.gz. (p. 522)
• The AWS IoT Greengrass core is configured to use a network proxy and your Lambda function can't
make outgoing connections. (p. 522)
• The core is in an infinite connect-disconnect loop. The runtime.log file contains a continuous series of
connect and disconnect entries. (p. 523)
• Error: unable to start lambda container. container_linux.go:259: starting container process caused
"process_linux.go:345: container init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:62: mounting \\\"proc\\\" to rootfs \\
\" (p. 523)
• Error: [ERROR]-runtime execution error: unable to start lambda container. {"errorString": "failed
to initialize container mounts: failed to create overlay fs for container: mounting overlay at /
greengrass/ggc/ packages/<ggc-version>/rootfs/merged failed: failed to mount with args source=
\"no_source\" dest=\"/greengrass/ggc/packages/<ggc-version>/rootfs/merged\" fstype=\"overlay
\" flags=\"0\" data=\"lowerdir=/greengrass/ggc/packages/<ggc-version>/dns:/,upperdir=/greengr
rootfs/work\": too many levels of symbolic links"} (p. 524)
• Error: [DEBUG]-Failed to get routes. Discarding message. (p. 524)

Error: The configuration file is missing the CaPath,

CertPath or KeyPath. The Greengrass daemon process
with [pid = <pid>] died.
Solution: You might see this error in crash.log when the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software does not
start. This can occur if you're running v1.6 or earlier. Do one of the following:

• Upgrade to v1.7 or later. We recommend that you always run the latest version of the AWS IoT
Greengrass Core software. For download information, see AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software (p. 16).
• Use the correct config.json format for your AWS IoT Greengrass Core software version. For more
information, see the section called “AWS IoT Greengrass Core Configuration File” (p. 24).
To find which version of the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software is installed on the core device,
run the following commands in your device terminal.

cd /greengrass-root/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd --version

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error: Failed to parse /<greengrass-

Error: Failed to parse /<greengrass-root>/config/

Solution: You might see this error when the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software does not start. Make sure
the Greengrass configuration file (p. 24) is using valid JSON format.

Open config.json (located in /greengrass-root/config) and validate the JSON format. For
example, make sure that commas are used correctly.

Error: Error occurred while generating TLS config:

Solution: You might see this error when the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software does not start. Make
sure the properties in the crypto (p. 27) section of the Greengrass configuration file are valid. The error
message should provide more information.

Open config.json (located in /greengrass-root/config) and check the crypto section. For
example, certificate and key paths must use the correct URI format and point to the correct location.

Error: Runtime failed to start: unable to start workers:

container test timed out.
Solution: You might see this error when the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software does not start. Set the
postStartHealthCheckTimeout property in the Greengrass configuration file (p. 24). This optional
property configures the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the Greengrass daemon waits for the post-
start health check to finish. The default value is 30 seconds (30000 ms).

Open config.json (located in /greengrass-root/config). In the runtime object, add the

postStartHealthCheckTimeout property and set the value to a number greater than 30000. Add a
comma where needed to create a valid JSON document. For example:

"runtime" : {
"cgroup" : {
"useSystemd" : "yes"
"postStartHealthCheckTimeout" : 40000

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error: Failed to invoke PutLogEvents on local Cloudwatch,
logGroup: /GreengrassSystem/connection_manager,
error: RequestError: send request failed caused

Error: Failed to invoke PutLogEvents on local

by: Post http://<path>/cloudwatch/logs/: dial tcp
<address>: getsockopt: connection refused, response: { }.

Cloudwatch, logGroup: /GreengrassSystem/

connection_manager, error: RequestError: send
request failed caused by: Post http://<path>/
cloudwatch/logs/: dial tcp <address>: getsockopt:
connection refused, response: { }.
Solution: You might see this error when the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software does not start. This can
occur if you're running AWS IoT Greengrass on a Raspberry Pi and the required memory setup has not
been completed. For more information, see this step (p. 69).

Error: Unable to create server due to: failed to load

group: chmod /<greengrass-root>/ggc/deployment/
name>: no such file or directory.
Solution: You might see this error when the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software does not start. If you
deployed a Lambda executable (p. 187) to the core, check the function's Handler property in the
group.json file (located in /greengrass-root/ggc/deployment/group). If the handler is not the
exact name of your compiled executable, replace the contents of the group.json file with an empty
JSON object ({}), and run the following commands to start AWS IoT Greengrass:

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

Then, use the AWS Lambda API to update the function configuration's handler parameter, publish a
new function version, and update the alias. For more information, see AWS Lambda Function Versioning
and Aliases.

Assuming that you added the function to your Greengrass group by alias (recommended), you can now
redeploy your group. (If not, you must point to the new function version or alias in your group definition
and subscriptions before you deploy the group.)

The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software doesn't

start after you changed from running with no
containerization to running in a Greengrass container.
Solution: Check that you are not missing any container dependencies.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error: Spool size should be at least 262144 bytes.

Error: Spool size should be at least 262144 bytes.

Solution: You might see this error when the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software does not start. Open the
group.json file (located in /greengrass-root/ggc/deployment/group), replace the contents of
the file with an empty JSON object ({}), and run the following commands to start AWS IoT Greengrass:

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

Then follow the steps in the the section called “To Cache Messages in Local Storage” (p. 56) procedure.
For the GGCloudSpooler function, make sure to specify a GG_CONFIG_MAX_SIZE_BYTES value that's
greater than or equal to 262144.

Error: container_linux.go:344: starting container

process caused "process_linux.go:424: container
init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:64: mounting \\\"/
greengrass/ggc/socket/greengrass_ipc.sock\\\" to
rootfs \\\"/greengrass/ggc/packages/<version>/
rootfs/merged\\\" at \\\"/greengrass_ipc.sock
\\\" caused \\\"stat /greengrass/ggc/socket/
greengrass_ipc.sock: permission denied\\\"\"".
Solution: You might see this error in runtime.log when the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software does
not start. This occurs if your umask is higher than 0022. To resolve this issue, you must set the umask to
0022 or lower. A value of 0022 grants everyone read permission to new files by default.

Error: Greengrass daemon running with PID:

<process-id>. Some system components failed to
start. Check 'runtime.log' for errors.
Solution: You might see this error when the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software does not start. Check
runtime.log and crash.log for specific error information. For more information, see the section
called “Troubleshooting with Logs” (p. 534).

Device shadow does not sync with the cloud.

Solution: Make sure that AWS IoT Greengrass has permissions for iot:UpdateThingShadow and
iot:GetThingShadow actions in the Greengrass service role (p. 443). If the service role uses the
AWSGreengrassResourceAccessRolePolicy managed policy, these permissions are included by

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software does not run on
Raspberry Pi because user namespace is not enabled.

See Troubleshooting Shadow Synchronization Timeout Issues (p. 535).

The AWS IoT Greengrass Core software does not

run on Raspberry Pi because user namespace is not
Solution: This solution applies to Jessie Raspbian distributions only. Do not run this command on other
distributions. User namespaces are enabled in Stretch (and later) distributions by default.

On the Jessie device, run BRANCH=stable rpi-update to update to the latest stable versions of the
firmware and kernel.
User namespace support is required to run AWS IoT Greengrass in the default Greengrass
container mode. It isn't required to run in No container mode. For more information, see
the section called “Considerations When Choosing Lambda Function Containerization” (p. 181).

ERROR: unable to accept TCP connection. accept tcp

[::]:8000: accept4: too many open files.
Solution: You might see this error in the greengrassd script output. This can occur if the file descriptor
limit for the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software has reached the threshold and must be increased.

Use the following command and then restart the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software.

ulimit -n 2048

In this example, the limit is increased to 2048. Choose a value appropriate for your use case.

Error: Runtime execution error: unable to start

lambda container. container_linux.go:259: starting
container process caused "process_linux.go:345:
container init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:50: preparing
rootfs caused \\\"permission denied\\\"\"".
Solution: Either install AWS IoT Greengrass directly under the root directory, or make sure that the
directory where the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software is installed and its parent directories have
execute permissions for everyone.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Warning: [WARN]-[5]GK Remote: Error retrieving
public key data: ErrPrincipalNotConfigured:
private key for MqttCertificate is not set.

Warning: [WARN]-[5]GK Remote: Error retrieving

public key data: ErrPrincipalNotConfigured: private
key for MqttCertificate is not set.
Solution: AWS IoT Greengrass uses a common handler to validate the properties of all security
principals. This warning in runtime.log is expected unless you specified a custom private key for the
local MQTT server. For more information, see the section called “Security Principals” (p. 439).

Error: Permission denied when attempting to use

role arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<role-name>
to access s3 url https://<region>-greengrass-
Solution: You might see this error when an over-the-air (OTA) update fails. In the signer role policy, add
the target AWS Region as a Resource. This signer role is used to presign the S3 URL for the AWS IoT
Greengrass software update. For more information, see S3 URL signer role (p. 150).

The AWS IoT Greengrass core is configured to use

a network proxy (p. 46) and your Lambda function
can't make outgoing connections.
Solution: Depending on your runtime and the executables used by the Lambda function to create
connections, you might also receive connection timeout errors. Make sure your Lambda functions use the
appropriate proxy configuration to connect through the network proxy. AWS IoT Greengrass passes the
proxy configuration to user-defined Lambda functions through the http_proxy, https_proxy, and
no_proxy environment variables. They can be accessed as shown in the following Python snippet.

import os

Most common libraries used to make connections (such as boto3 or cURL and python requests
packages) use these environment variables by default.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
The core is in an infinite connect-disconnect
loop. The runtime.log file contains a continuous
series of connect and disconnect entries.

The core is in an infinite connect-disconnect loop.

The runtime.log file contains a continuous series of
connect and disconnect entries.
Solution: This can happen when another device is hard-coded to use the core thing name as the client
ID for MQTT connections to AWS IoT. Simultaneous connections in the same AWS Region and AWS
account must use unique client IDs. By default, the core uses the core thing name as the client ID for
these connections.

To resolve this issue, you can change the client ID used by the other device for the connection
(recommended) or override the default value for the core.

To override the default client ID for the core device

1. Run the following command to stop the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon:

cd /greengrass-root/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd stop

2. Open greengrass-root/config/config.json for editing as the su user.

3. In the coreThing object, add the coreClientId property, and set the value to your custom client
ID. The value must be between 1 and 128 characters. It must be unique in the current AWS Region
for the AWS account.

"coreClientId": "MyCustomClientId"

4. Start the daemon.

cd /greengrass-root/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

Error: unable to start lambda container.

container_linux.go:259: starting container process
caused "process_linux.go:345: container init caused
\"rootfs_linux.go:62: mounting \\\"proc\\\" to rootfs
Solution: On some platforms, you might see this error in runtime.log when AWS IoT Greengrass tries
to mount the /proc file system to create a Lambda container. Or, you might see similar errors, such as
operation not permitted or EPERM. These errors can occur even if tests run on the platform by the
dependency checker script pass.

Try one of the following possible solutions:

• Enable the CONFIG_DEVPTS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES option in the Linux kernel.

• Set the /proc mount options on the host to rw,relatim only.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error: [ERROR]-runtime execution error: unable to start
lambda container. {"errorString": "failed to initialize
container mounts: failed to create overlay fs for container:
• Upgrade the Linux kernel tooverlay
mounting 4.9 or later.
at /greengrass/ggc/ packages/<ggc-
version>/rootfs/merged failed: failed to mount with
args source=\"no_source\" dest=\"/greengrass/ggc/
Note packages/<ggc-version>/rootfs/merged\" fstype=
This issue is not \"overlay\"
related to mounting
flags=\"0\" /proc for local resource access.
  greengr ass/ggc/packages/<ggc-version>/rootfs/
Error: [ERROR]-runtime execution error: unable to
rootfs/work\": too many levels of symbolic links"}

start lambda container. {"errorString": "failed to

initialize container mounts: failed to create overlay
fs for container: mounting overlay at /greengrass/
ggc/ packages/<ggc-version>/rootfs/merged failed:
failed to mount with args source=\"no_source\"
rootfs/merged\" fstype=\"overlay\" flags=\"0\"
version>/dns:/,upperdir=/greengr ass/ggc/packages/
ggc/packages/<ggc-version>/rootfs/work\": too
many levels of symbolic links"}
Solution: You might see this error in runtime.log on a Raspberry Pi if you're running AWS IoT
Greengrass Core software v1.9.2 or earlier. (Your software version is shown in the error message.) To
resolve this issue, update to AWS IoT Greengrass Core software v1.9.3 or later. For information about
using over-the-air updates, see OTA Updates of AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software (p. 148).

Error: [DEBUG]-Failed to get routes. Discarding

Solution: Check the subscriptions in your group and make sure that the subscription listed in the
[DEBUG] message exists.

Deployment Issues
Use the following information to help troubleshoot deployment issues.


AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Your current deployment does not work and you
want to revert to a previous working deployment.

• Your current deployment does not work and you want to revert to a previous working
deployment. (p. 525)
• You see a 403 Forbidden error on deployment in the logs. (p. 527)
• A ConcurrentDeployment error occurs when you run the create-deployment command for the first
time. (p. 527)
• Error: Greengrass is not authorized to assume the Service Role associated with this account, or the
error: Failed: TES service role is not associated with this account. (p. 527)
• The deployment doesn't finish. (p. 527)
• The deployment doesn't finish, and runtime.log contains multiple "wait 1s for container to stop"
entries. (p. 528)
• Error: Deployment <deployment-id> of type NewDeployment for group <group-id> failed error:
Error while processing. group config is invalid: 112 or [119 0] don't have rw permission on the file:
<path>. (p. 528)
• Error: <list-of-function-arns> are configured to run as root but Greengrass is not configured to run
Lambda functions with root permissions. (p. 528)
• Error: Deployment <deployment-id> of type NewDeployment for group <group-id> failed error:
Greengrass deployment error: unable to execute download step in deployment. error while
processing: unable to load the group file downloaded: could not find UID based on user name,
userName: ggc_user: user: unknown user ggc_user. (p. 529)
• Error: Deployment <deployment-id> of type NewDeployment for group <group-id> failed error:
process start failed: container_linux.go:259: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:250:
running exec setns process for init caused \"wait: no child processes\"". (p. 529)
• Error: [WARN]-MQTT[client] dial tcp: lookup <host-prefix>-ats.iot.<region>.amazonaws.com: no such
host ... [ERROR]-Greengrass deployment error: failed to report deployment status back to cloud ...
net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting
headers) (p. 529)

Your current deployment does not work and you

want to revert to a previous working deployment.
Solution: Use the AWS IoT console or AWS IoT Greengrass API to redeploy a previous working
deployment. This deploys the corresponding group version to your core device.

To redeploy a deployment (console)

1. On the group configuration page, choose Deployments. This page displays the deployment history
for the group, including the date and time, group version, and status of each deployment attempt.
2. Find the row that contains the deployment you want to redeploy. In the Status column, choose the
ellipsis (…), and then choose Re-deploy.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Your current deployment does not work and you
want to revert to a previous working deployment.

To redeploy a deployment (CLI)

1. Use ListDeployments to find the ID of the deployment you want to redeploy. For example:

aws greengrass list-deployments --group-id 74d0b623-c2f2-4cad-9acc-ef92f61fcaf7

The command returns the list of deployments for the group.

"Deployments": [
"DeploymentId": "8d179428-f617-4a77-8a0c-3d61fb8446a6",
"DeploymentType": "NewDeployment",
"GroupArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:us-west-2:123456789012:/greengrass/
"CreatedAt": "2019-07-01T20:56:49.641Z"
"DeploymentId": "f8e4c455-8ac4-453a-8252-512dc3e9c596",
"DeploymentType": "NewDeployment",
"GroupArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:us-west-2::123456789012:/greengrass/
"CreatedAt": "2019-07-01T20:41:47.048Z"
"DeploymentId": "e4aca044-bbd8-41b4-b697-930ca7c40f3e",
"DeploymentType": "NewDeployment",
"GroupArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:us-west-2::123456789012:/greengrass/
"CreatedAt": "2019-06-18T15:16:02.965Z"

These AWS CLI commands use example values for the group and deployment ID. When you
run the commands, make sure to replace the example values.
2. Use CreateDeployment to redeploy the target deployment. Set the deployment type to
Redeployment. For example:

aws greengrass create-deployment --deployment-type Redeployment \

--group-id 74d0b623-c2f2-4cad-9acc-ef92f61fcaf7 \
--deployment-id f8e4c455-8ac4-453a-8252-512dc3e9c596

The command returns the ARN and ID of the new deployment.

"DeploymentId": "f9ed02b7-c28e-4df6-83b1-e9553ddd0fc2",
"DeploymentArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:us-west-2::123456789012:/greengrass/

3. Use GetDeploymentStatus to get the status of the deployment.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
You see a 403 Forbidden error on deployment in the logs.

You see a 403 Forbidden error on deployment in the

Solution: Make sure the policy of the AWS IoT Greengrass core in the cloud includes "greengrass:*"
as an allowed action.

A ConcurrentDeployment error occurs when you run

the create-deployment command for the first time.
Solution: A deployment might be in progress. You can run get-deployment-status to see if a deployment
was created. If not, try creating the deployment again.

Error: Greengrass is not authorized to assume the

Service Role associated with this account, or the
error: Failed: TES service role is not associated with
this account.
Solution: You might see this error when the deployment fails. Use the get-service-role-for-account
command in the AWS CLI to check that an appropriate service role is associated with your AWS account
in the current AWS Region. To associate a Greengrass service role with your AWS account in the target
AWS Region, use associate-service-role-to-account. For more information, see the section called
“Greengrass Service Role” (p. 443).

The deployment doesn't finish.

Solution: Do the following:

• Make sure that the AWS IoT Greengrass daemon is running on your core device. Run the following
commands in your core device terminal to check whether the daemon is running and start it, if needed.

1. To check whether the daemon is running:

ps aux | grep -E 'greengrass.*daemon'

If the output contains a root entry for /greengrass/ggc/packages/1.9.4/bin/daemon,

then the daemon is running.

The version in the path depends on the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software version that's installed
on your core device.
2. To start the daemon:

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd start

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
The deployment doesn't finish, and runtime.log
contains multiple "wait 1s for container to stop" entries.

• Make sure that your core device is connected and the core connection endpoints are configured

The deployment doesn't finish, and runtime.log

contains multiple "wait 1s for container to stop"
Solution: Run the following commands in your core device terminal to restart the AWS IoT Greengrass

cd /greengrass/ggc/core/
sudo ./greengrassd stop
sudo ./greengrassd start

Error: Deployment <deployment-id> of type

NewDeployment for group <group-id> failed error:
Error while processing. group config is invalid: 112 or
[119 0] don't have rw permission on the file: <path>.
Solution: Make sure that the owner group of the <path> directory has read and write permissions to the

Error: <list-of-function-arns> are configured to run as

root but Greengrass is not configured to run Lambda
functions with root permissions.
Solution: You might see this error in runtime.log when the deployment fails. Make sure that you have
configured AWS IoT Greengrass to allow Lambda functions to run with root permissions. Either change
the value of allowFunctionsToRunAsRoot in greengrass_root/config/config.json to yes or
change the Lambda function to run as another user/group. For more information, see the section called
“Running a Lambda Function as Root” (p. 180).

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error: Deployment <deployment-id> of type
NewDeployment for group <group-id> failed
error: Greengrass deployment error: unable to

Error: Deployment <deployment-id> of type

execute download step in deployment. error
while processing: unable to load the group file

NewDeployment for group <group-id> failed error:

downloaded: could not find UID based on user name,
userName: ggc_user: user: unknown user ggc_user.

Greengrass deployment error: unable to execute

download step in deployment. error while processing:
unable to load the group file downloaded: could not
find UID based on user name, userName: ggc_user:
user: unknown user ggc_user.
Solution: If the default access identity (p. 183) of the AWS IoT Greengrass group uses the standard
system accounts, the ggc_user user and ggc_group group must be present on the device. For
instructions that show how to add the user and group, see this step (p. 69). Make sure to enter the names
exactly as shown.

Error: Deployment <deployment-id> of type

NewDeployment for group <group-id> failed error:
process start failed: container_linux.go:259: starting
container process caused "process_linux.go:250:
running exec setns process for init caused \"wait: no
child processes\"".
Solution: You might see this error when the deployment fails. Retry the deployment.

Error: [WARN]-MQTT[client] dial tcp: lookup <host-

prefix>-ats.iot.<region>.amazonaws.com: no such
host ... [ERROR]-Greengrass deployment error: failed
to report deployment status back to cloud ... net/
http: request canceled while waiting for connection
(Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
Solution: You might see this error if you're using systemd-resolved, which enables the DNSSEC
setting by default. As a result, many public domains are not recognized. Attempts to reach the AWS IoT
Greengrass endpoint fail to find the host, so your deployments remain in the In Progress state.

You can use the following commands and output to test for this issue. Replace the region placeholder
in the endpoints with your AWS Region.

$ ping greengrass-ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Create Group/Create Function Issues

ping: greengrass-ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com: Name or service not known

$ systemd-resolve greengrass-ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com
greengrass-ats.iot.region.amazonaws.com: resolve call failed: DNSSEC validation failed:

One possible solution is to disable DNSSEC. When DNSSEC is false, DNS lookups are not DNSSEC
validated. For more information, see this known issue for systemd.

1. Add DNSSEC=false to /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.

2. Restart systemd-resolved.

For information about resolved.conf and DNSSEC, run man resolved.conf in your terminal.

Create Group/Create Function Issues

Use the following information to help troubleshoot issues with creating an AWS IoT Greengrass group or
Greengrass Lambda function.

• Error: Your 'IsolationMode' configuration for the group is invalid. (p. 530)
• Error: Your 'IsolationMode' configuration for function with arn <function-arn> is invalid. (p. 531)
• Error: MemorySize configuration for function with arn <function-arn> is not allowed in
IsolationMode=NoContainer. (p. 531)
• Error: Access Sysfs configuration for function with arn <function-arn> is not allowed in
IsolationMode=NoContainer. (p. 531)
• Error: MemorySize configuration for function with arn <function-arn> is required in
IsolationMode=GreengrassContainer. (p. 531)
• Error: Function <function-arn> refers to resource of type <resource-type> that is not allowed in
IsolationMode=NoContainer. (p. 531)
• Error: Execution configuration for function with arn <function-arn> is not allowed. (p. 532)

Error: Your 'IsolationMode' configuration for the

group is invalid.
Solution: This error occurs when the IsolationMode value in the DefaultConfig of function-
definition-version is not supported. Supported values are GreengrassContainer and

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error: Your 'IsolationMode' configuration for
function with arn <function-arn> is invalid.

Error: Your 'IsolationMode' configuration for function

with arn <function-arn> is invalid.
Solution: This error occurs when the IsolationMode value in the <function-arn> of the function-
definition-version is not supported. Supported values are GreengrassContainer and

Error: MemorySize configuration for function

with arn <function-arn> is not allowed in
Solution: This error occurs when you specify a MemorySize value and you choose to run without
containerization. Lambda functions that are run without containerization cannot have memory limits.
You can either remove the limit or you can change the Lambda function to run in an AWS IoT Greengrass

Error: Access Sysfs configuration for function

with arn <function-arn> is not allowed in
Solution: This error occurs when you specify true for AccessSysfs and you choose to run without
containerization. Lambda functions run without containerization must have their code updated to access
the file system directly and cannot use AccessSysfs. You can either specify a value of false for
AccessSysfs or you can change the Lambda function to run in an AWS IoT Greengrass container.

Error: MemorySize configuration for function

with arn <function-arn> is required in
Solution: This error occurs because you did not specify a MemorySize limit for a Lambda function that
you are running in an AWS IoT Greengrass container. Specify a MemorySize value to resolve the error.

Error: Function <function-arn> refers to resource

of type <resource-type> that is not allowed in
Solution: You cannot access Local.Device, Local.Volume, ML_Model.SageMaker.Job,
ML_Model.S3_Object, or S3_Object.Generic_Archive resource types when you run a Lambda

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error: Execution configuration for function
with arn <function-arn> is not allowed.

function without containerization. If you need those resource types, you must run in an AWS IoT
Greengrass container. You can also access local devices directly when running without containerization
by changing the code in your Lambda function.

Error: Execution configuration for function with arn

<function-arn> is not allowed.
Solution: This error occurs when you create a system Lambda function with GGIPDetector or
GGCloudSpooler and you specified IsolationMode or RunAs configuration. You must omit the
Execution parameters for this system Lambda function.

Discovery Issues
Use the following information to help troubleshoot issues with the AWS IoT Greengrass Discovery

• Error: Device is a member of too many groups, devices may not be in more than 10 groups (p. 532)

Error: Device is a member of too many groups,

devices may not be in more than 10 groups
Solution: This is a known limitation. A Greengrass device (p. 8) can be a member of up to 10 groups.

AWS IoT Greengrass Core in Docker Issues

Use the following information to help troubleshoot issues with running an AWS IoT Greengrass core in a
Docker container.

• Error: Unknown options: -no-include-email (p. 198)
• Warning: IPv4 is disabled. Networking will not work. (p. 198)
• Error: A firewall is blocking file Sharing between windows and the containers. (p. 198)
• Error: Cannot create container for the service greengrass: Conflict. The container name "/aws-iot-
greengrass" is already in use. (p. 533)
• Error: [FATAL]-Failed to reset thread's mount namespace due to an unexpected error: "operation not
permitted". To maintain consistency, GGC will crash and need to be manually restarted. (p. 533)

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Error: Unknown options: -no-include-email

Error: Unknown options: -no-include-email

Solution: This error can occur when you run the aws ecr get-login command. Make sure that you
have the latest AWS CLI version installed (for example, run: pip install awscli --upgrade --
user). If you're using Windows and you installed the CLI using the MSI installer, you must repeat the
installation process. For more information, see Installing the AWS Command Line Interface on Microsoft
Windows in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

Warning: IPv4 is disabled. Networking will not work.

Solution: You might receive this warning or a similar message when running AWS IoT Greengrass on a
Linux computer. Enable IPv4 network forwarding as described in this step (p. 191). AWS IoT Greengrass
cloud deployment and MQTT communications don't work when IPv4 forwarding isn't enabled. For
more information, see Configure namespaced kernel parameters (sysctls) at runtime in the Docker

Error: A firewall is blocking file Sharing between

windows and the containers.
Solution: You might receive this error or a Firewall Detected message when running Docker on a
Windows computer. See the Error: A firewall is blocking file sharing between Windows and the containers
Docker support issue. This can also occur if you are signed in on a virtual private network (VPN) and your
network settings are preventing the shared drive from being mounted. In that situation, turn off VPN
and re-run the Docker container.

Error: Cannot create container for the service

greengrass: Conflict. The container name "/aws-iot-
greengrass" is already in use.
Solution: This can occur when the container name is used by an older container. To resolve this issue, run
the following command to remove the old Docker container:

docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q -f "name=aws-iot-greengrass")

Error: [FATAL]-Failed to reset thread's mount

namespace due to an unexpected error: "operation
not permitted". To maintain consistency, GGC will
crash and need to be manually restarted.
Solution: This error in runtime.log can occur when you try to deploy a GreengrassContainer
Lambda function to an AWS IoT Greengrass core running in a Docker container. Currently, only
NoContainer Lambda functions can be deployed to a Greengrass Docker container.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Troubleshooting with Logs

To resolve this issue, make sure that all Lambda functions are in NoContainer mode (p. 182) and start
a new deployment. Then, when starting the container, don't bind-mount the existing deployment
directory onto the AWS IoT Greengrass core Docker container. Instead, create an empty deployment
directory in its place and bind-mount that in the Docker container. This allows the new Docker container
to receive the latest deployment with Lambda functions running in NoContainer mode.

For more information, see the section called “Run AWS IoT Greengrass in a Docker Container” (p. 189).

Troubleshooting with Logs

If logs are configured to be stored on the local file system, start looking in the following locations.
Reading the logs on the file system requires root permissions.


Shows messages generated when an AWS IoT Greengrass core crashes.


Shows messages about which component failed.


Contains all logs from AWS IoT Greengrass system components, such as the certificate manager and
the connection manager. By using the messages in ggc/var/log/system/ and ggc/var/log/
system/runtime.log, you should be able to find out which error occurred in AWS IoT Greengrass
system components.

Contains all logs from user-defined Lambda functions. Check this folder to find error messages from
your local Lambda functions.

By default, greengrass-root is the /greengrass directory. If a write directory (p. 52) is
configured, then the logs are under that directory.

If the logs are configured to be stored on the cloud, use CloudWatch Logs to view log messages.
crash.log is found only in file system logs on the AWS IoT Greengrass core device.

If AWS IoT is configured to write logs to CloudWatch, check those logs if connection errors occur when
system components attempt to connect to AWS IoT.

For more information about AWS IoT Greengrass logging, see Monitoring (p. 457).
Logs for AWS IoT Greengrass Core software v1.0 are stored under the greengrass-root/var/
log directory.

Troubleshooting Storage Issues

When the local file storage is full, some components might start failing:

• Local shadow updates do not occur.

• New AWS IoT Greengrass core MQTT server certificates cannot be downloaded locally.
• Deployments fail.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Troubleshooting Messages

You should always be aware of the amount of free space available locally. You can calculate free space
based on the sizes of deployed Lambda functions, the logging configuration (see Troubleshooting with
Logs (p. 534)), and the number of shadows stored locally.

Troubleshooting Messages
All messages sent in AWS IoT Greengrass are sent with QoS 0. By default, AWS IoT Greengrass stores
messages in an in-memory queue. Therefore, unprocessed messages are lost when the AWS IoT
Greengrass core restarts (for example, after a group deployment or device reboot). However, you can
configure AWS IoT Greengrass (v1.6 or later) to cache messages to the file system so they persist across
core restarts. You can also configure the queue size. For more information, see the section called “MQTT
Message Queue” (p. 55).
When using the default in-memory queue, we recommend that you deploy groups or restart the
device when the service disruption is the lowest.

If you configure a queue size, make sure that it's greater than or equal to 262144 bytes (256 KB).
Otherwise, AWS IoT Greengrass might not start properly.

Troubleshooting Shadow Synchronization Timeout

Significant delays in communication between a Greengrass core device and the cloud might cause
shadow synchronization to fail because of a timeout. In this case, you should see log entries similar to
the following:

[2017-07-20T10:01:58.006Z][ERROR]-cloud_shadow_client.go:57,Cloud shadow client

error: unable to get cloud shadow what_the_thing_is_named for synchronization. Get
shadow: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
[2017-07-20T10:01:58.006Z][WARN]-sync_manager.go:263,Failed to get cloud copy: Get
shadow: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
[2017-07-20T10:01:58.006Z][ERROR]-sync_manager.go:375,Failed to execute sync operation
{what_the_thing_is_named VersionDiscontinued []}"

A possible fix is to configure the amount of time that the core device waits for a host response. Open
the config.json (p. 24) file in greengrass-root/config and add a system.shadowSyncTimeout
field with a timeout value in seconds. For example:

"system": {
"shadowSyncTimeout": 10
"coreThing": {
"caPath": "root-ca.pem",
"certPath": "cloud.pem.crt",
"keyPath": "cloud.pem.key",

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Check the AWS IoT Greengrass Forum

If no shadowSyncTimeout value is specified in config.json, the default is 5 seconds.

For AWS IoT Greengrass Core software v1.6 and earlier, the default shadowSyncTimeout is 1

Check the AWS IoT Greengrass Forum

If you're unable to resolve your issue using the troubleshooting information in this topic, you can search
the AWS IoT Greengrass Forum for related issues or post a new forum thread. Members of the AWS IoT
Greengrass team actively monitor the forum.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Document History for AWS IoT

The following table describes important changes to the AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide after June
2018. For notification about updates to this documentation, you can subscribe to an RSS feed.

update-history-change update-history-description update-history-date

Console Support for Use the Amazon EventBridge November 14, 2019
Deployment Notifications console to create event
rules that trigger when your
Greengrass group deployments
change state.

AWS IoT Greengrass Version Version 1.9.4 of the AWS IoT October 17, 2019
1.9.4 Released Greengrass Core software is
available. This version contains
performance improvements and
bug fixes. As a best practice, we
recommend that you always run
the latest version.

Console Support for Managing Use new and improved features October 4, 2019
the Greengrass Service Role in the AWS IoT console to
manage your Greengrass service

Console Support for Managing You can create, view, and September 23, 2019
Group-level Tags manage tags for your
Greengrass groups in the AWS
IoT console.

New Machine Learning Use the ML Feedback connector September 19, 2019
Connectors to publish model input and
predictions and the ML Object
Detection connector to run a
local object detection inference

AWS IoT Greengrass Version Version 1.9.3 of the AWS IoT September 12, 2019
1.9.3 Released Greengrass Core software is
available. This version allows
you to install the AWS IoT
Greengrass Core software
on Raspbian distributions on
Armv6l architectures, supports
OTA updates on port 443 with
ALPN, and contains a bug fix
for binary payloads sent from
Python 2.7 Lambda functions to
other Lambda functions.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

AWS IoT Greengrass Version Version 1.8.4 of the AWS IoT August 30, 2019
1.8.4 Released Greengrass Core software is
available. This version contains
performance improvements
and bug fixes. If you're running
v1.8.x, we recommend that you
upgrade to v1.8.4 or v1.9.3. For
earlier versions, we recommend
that you upgrade to v1.9.3.

AWS IoT Greengrass Version Version 1.9.2 of the AWS IoT June 20, 2019
1.9.2 Released With Support for Greengrass Core software is
OpenWrt available. This version allows
you to install the AWS IoT
Greengrass Core software on
OpenWrt distributions with
Armv8 (AArch64) and Armv7l

AWS IoT Greengrass Version Version 1.8.3 of the AWS IoT June 20, 2019
1.8.3 Released Greengrass Core software
is available. This version
contains general performance
improvements and bug fixes.
If you're running v1.8.x, we
recommend that you upgrade
to v1.8.3 or v1.9.2. For earlier
versions, we recommend that
you upgrade to v1.9.2.

AWS IoT Greengrass Version Version 1.9.1 of the AWS IoT May 10, 2019
1.9.1 Released Greengrass Core software is
available. This version contains
a bug fix for messages from
AWS IoT that contain a wildcard
character in the topic.

AWS IoT Greengrass Version Version 1.8.2 of the AWS IoT May 2, 2019
1.8.2 Released Greengrass Core software
is available. This version
contains general performance
improvements and bug fixes.
If you're running v1.8.x, we
recommend that you upgrade
to v1.8.2 or v1.9.0. For earlier
versions, we recommend that
you upgrade to v1.9.0.

AWS IoT Greengrass Version New features: Support for May 1, 2019
1.9.0 Released Python 3.7 and Node.js 8.10
Lambda runtimes, optimized
MQTT connections, and Elliptic
Curve (EC) key support for the
local MQTT server.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

AWS IoT Greengrass Version Version 1.8.1 of the AWS IoT April 18, 2019
1.8.1 Released Greengrass Core software
is available. This version
contains general performance
improvements and bug fixes. As
a best practice, we recommend
that you always run the latest

AWS IoT Greengrass Snap Use the AWS IoT Greengrass April 1, 2019
Available on Snapcraft Snap Store app to quickly
design, test, and deploy
software on Linux devices with
AWS IoT Greengrass.

Support for More Access Control You can use tags in AWS Identity March 29, 2019
Using Tag-Based Permissions and Access Management (IAM)
policies to control access to your
AWS IoT Greengrass resources.

IoT Analytics Connector Use the IoT Analytics connector March 15, 2019
Released to send local device data to AWS
IoT Analytics channels.

Batch Support in Kinesis The Kinesis Firehose connector March 15, 2019
Firehose Connector supports sending batched data
records to Amazon Kinesis Data
Firehose at a specified interval.

AWS CloudFormation Support Use AWS CloudFormation March 15, 2019

for AWS IoT Greengrass templates to create and manage
Resources AWS IoT Greengrass resources.

AWS IoT Greengrass Version New features: Configurable March 7, 2019

1.8.0 Released default access identity for
Lambda functions, support for
HTTPS traffic over port 443, and
predictably named client IDs for
MQTT connections with AWS IoT.

AWS IoT Greengrass Versions Versions 1.7.1 and 1.6.1 of February 11, 2019
1.7.1 and 1.6.1 Released the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
software are available. These
versions require Linux kernel
version 3.17 or later. We
recommend that customers
running any version of the
Greengrass core software
upgrade to version 1.7.1

Amazon SageMaker Neo Deep The Amazon SageMaker Neo November 28, 2018
Learning Runtime deep learning runtime supports
machine learning models that
have been optimized by the
Amazon SageMaker Neo deep
learning compiler.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide

Run AWS IoT Greengrass in a You can run AWS IoT Greengrass November 26, 2018
Docker container in a Docker container by
configuring your Greengrass
group to run with no

AWS IoT Greengrass Version New features: Greengrass November 26, 2018
1.7.0 Released connectors, local secrets
manager, isolation and
permission settings for Lambda
functions, hardware root of trust
security, connection using ALPN
or network proxy, and Raspbian
Stretch support.

AWS IoT Greengrass Software The AWS IoT Greengrass Core November 26, 2018
Downloads software, AWS IoT Greengrass
Core SDK, and AWS IoT
Greengrass Machine Learning
SDK packages are available
for dowload through Amazon

AWS IoT Device Tester for AWS Use AWS IoT Device Tester for November 26, 2018
IoT Greengrass AWS IoT Greengrass to verify
that your CPU architecture,
kernel configuration, and drivers
work with AWS IoT Greengrass.

AWS CloudTrail Logging for AWS AWS IoT Greengrass is October 29, 2018
IoT Greengrass API Calls integrated with AWS CloudTrail,
a service that provides a record
of actions taken by a user, role,
or an AWS service in AWS IoT

Support for TensorFlow v1.10.1 The TensorFlow precompiled October 18, 2018
on NVIDIA Jetson TX2 library for NVIDIA Jetson
TX2 that AWS IoT Greengrass
provides now uses TensorFlow
v1.10.1. This supports Jetpack
3.3 and CUDA Toolkit 9.0.

Support for MXNet v1.2.1 AWS IoT Greengrass supports August 29, 2018
Machine Learning Resources machine learning models that
are trained using MXNet v1.2.1.

AWS IoT Greengrass Version New features: Lambda July 26, 2018
1.6.0 Released executables, configurable
message queue, configurable
reconnect retry interval, volume
resources under /proc, and
configurable write directory.

AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide
Earlier Updates

Earlier Updates
The following table describes important changes to the AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide before July

Change Description Date

AWS IoT New features: March

Greengrass 29,
Version 1.5.0 • Local machine learning inference using cloud-trained models. For 2018
Released more information, see Perform Machine Learning Inference (p. 221).
• Greengrass Lambda functions support binary input data, in addition
to JSON.

For more information, see AWS IoT Greengrass Core versions (p. 2).

AWS IoT New features: November

Greengrass 27,
Version 1.3.0 • Over-the-air (OTA) update agent capable of handling cloud- 2017
Released deployed, Greengrass update jobs. For more information, see OTA
Updates of AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software (p. 148).
• Access local peripherals and resources from Greengrass Lambda
functions. For more information, see Access Local Resources with
Lambda Functions and Connectors (p. 200).

AWS IoT New features: September

Greengrass 20,
Version 1.1.0 • Reset deployed AWS IoT Greengrass groups. For more information, 2017
Released see Reset Deployments (p. 163).
• Support for Node.js 6.10 and Java 8 Lambda runtimes, in addition to
Python 2.7.

AWS IoT AWS IoT Greengrass is generally available. June 7,

Greengrass 2017
Version 1.0.0


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