Applied Econometrics For Managers: Problem Set #1: Section - B Group Number - 2
Applied Econometrics For Managers: Problem Set #1: Section - B Group Number - 2
Applied Econometrics For Managers: Problem Set #1: Section - B Group Number - 2
Sajal Kumar (MBA19223)
Vivek Kedia (MBA19244)
Vijay Dhayanandh M (MBA19158)
Kumar Safal (MBA19197)
Saharsh Maheshwari (MBA19138)
Dataset used: “macchiavello_morjaria_aer_2015.dta
Variables used in the dataset:
weekq (weekly quantity of roses sold, average, in thousands)
price (average price per stem)
age (days since first transaction between a buyer and a seller)
(d) Estimate the following relationships using ordinary least squares method and provide the results
(coefficients table along with the Adjusted R-squared)
In this model, 1% increase in price of roses will decrease the
quality sold in a week by 0.96625%
We took 95% confidence interval in the given example. For 95%
confidence interval, Pr value becomes equal to 0.05. As Pr value
is less than 0.05, we can say that the data is statistically
significant. We can reject the null hypothesis. This means β1 is
not equal to 0.
Adjusted R-square value is 0.1297, we can say that with this
model 12.97% of the variation in the data can be explained.
In this model, 1% increase in price of the roses per stem will decrease the quantity sold in a week by 419 roses
We took 95% confidence interval in the given example. For 95% confidence interval, Pr value becomes equal to
0.05. As Pr value is less than 0.05, we can say that the data is statistically significant. We can reject the null
hypothesis. This means β1 is not equal to 0.
Adjusted R-square value is 0.01865, we can say that with this model 1.865% of the variation in the data can be
weekq = β0+β1price+β2pricesq+β3age−rel +e
In this model, 1 Euro increase in price of the roses per
stem will decrease the quantity sold in a week by
7594.77 roses on average
1 day increase in transaction between a buyer and a
seller will increase the quantity sold per week by 58
roses on average
1-unit price_square increase will increase the quantity
sold in a week by 88 roses on average
We took 95% confidence interval in the given example.
For 95% confidence interval, Pr value becomes equal to
0.05. As Pr value is less than 0.05, we can say that the
data is statistically significant. We can reject the null
hypothesis. This means β1 is not equal to 0.
Adjusted R-square value is 0.04127, we can say that
with this model 4.127% of the variation in the data can
be explained.
It can be inferred from the analysis that quantity sold is decreasing as price per stem is increasing.
In this data set, Log-Level Regression model explains 14.45 variation of the data which is highest among all
four models. So, we can say that Log- Level model is most suitable for the given dataset.
It can also be inferred that quantity sold is decreasing exponentially as price of roses increasing.