Legal Counseling First Exam Reviewer PDF
Legal Counseling First Exam Reviewer PDF
Legal Counseling First Exam Reviewer PDF
"se of faculty or intelligence of one skilled in law & submit, %because the author says that it is an art( &
submit that legal counseling is both a science and an
2 ou
ou know
know thi
thiss is real
ly com
d, the
the use
use of
of art. &t is "c#ence becabecaus
e it invo
es the
the preci
faculty or intelligence of one skilled in law. 7ow application of legal principles and statutes to a given
do you become skilled in law" 3w well, in your state of facts. ou have a legal principle of e-uity, %what
1st, 9nd or :rd year, you can0t say that you already else" &n pari delicto( those are legal principles and you
use your faculty, but you can already say that have to apply these principles to given set of facts. )o in
you are using your intelligence, your training, of a way, you can0t measure it, it is not appropriate if you
your studies. And above all, this performance of do not apply these principles to facts correctly. $hey
an act, is supposed to be compensated, you are must be applied
applied correctly.*hy
correctly.*hy $rt" Because it involves
entitled to a legal fee. analytical reasoning and language. ou know class, law
is a very, it language centered. ou never do away with
*hen you do these things, you ask yourself, are you
5nglish in the practice of law. &t is the number one
already in the practice of law" es, you are. But even if
instrument when you engaged in the practice, especially
you are appearing in 8udicial, administrative or -uasi2
to the court and your peers. $he decisions are made in
8udicial bodies, you draft documents, but you are not
5nglish. $he world is getting too small, the language of
signing the pleadings, are you in the practice of law"
business is 5nglish, we travel we use 5nglish. )o 5nglish
Actually you are not in the practice of law. #$ota bene%
will be there whether you like it or not.
If you are not signing pleadings, you are not engaged in
the practi
ce of law& ou are doing the things that is Analytical reasoning
actually done by a lawyer but you are not engaged in
the practice of law. $o be in the practice of law, you are 2 !rob
m solv
g or ana
call reaso
the one signing the documents. $here paralegals, they
seem to be lawyers, they have knowledge of law, but )iving of advice or information
they are not members of the bar but they are virtually
2 &t may
may be preve
e, cura
ve, not
not nece
doing practice of law, but they are not law practitioners.
al. +aybe
+aybe the -uesti
on on hand
hand is
*hat is the ne/t step" & want to register my
land# ;egi
eriing a deedeed of sale
sale is not
LEGAL COUNSELING adversarial at all. $his is part of legal advice,
although it could be done by any person, when
It is the art of giving
giving advice
advice and inform
on you want to register your property you really
concerning the solution to a legal problem arising from don0t need a lawyer, but sometimes you know,
a given state of facts and the adoption of appropriate the client can pay the services of a lawyer.
reliefs or remedies under the law and enforcement of a
legal obligation before a judicial or quasi-judicial body. 'olution of a legal problem
*hy do we say it is an art" &t could be a science it could 2 $he problem to be solved is leg
legal. And you
be an art, it could be the science of law. *hy art" *hy know when an issue is legal.
not science" &t is an art, it is a science, and it could be
both. o a given state of facts
hidden here, so you schedule him for another office, instrumentality or government owned and
interview. For a cup of coffee, they loosen up. controlled corporation or the 3CC. $he 3CC0s
$hen you know the real state of facts. each one has its own charter, but their charter will
also come into play or stick with the provisions of
Adoption of appropriate remedies given by law the Administrative Code.
2 Adoption of appropriate remedies given by law. &f you have certain complaint to the 4epartment of
&t has to be appropriate hindi yang &papatay $rade, you follow the rules and regulations to achieve a
nalang nato na bah# it must be a legal advice. certain process. *hen you follow the steps, at the end
)ometimes you don0t know, right" unsaon ko of the process there is a decision, such decision is made
mana attorney nang sanga"# it is a skill, if you by an administrative body as contrasted to a -uasi2
are trying to hide your ignorance, you must 8udicial body. >sually, a -uasi28udicial body sits en banc.
have to do some postulate like Ah, that is a bit For e/ample the <L;C, they sit en banc and make
complicated, &0ll get back to you on that, why decisions. But administrative bodies usually have sub2
don0t we schedule another appointment"# %8oke agencies under their umbrella. &f you want to -uestion
time( the decision, you bring it to the courts. ou have to
state there that you have complied with the
*nforcement of a legal obligation
administrative procedure, so that your action will not
2 $here is a legal obligation involved and must be be dismissed. $his is in relation to failure to e/haust
satisfied. &f there is no legal obligation, there administrative remedies. )ometimes you even have to
will be no cause of action. go all the way up to the office of the president so that
you will have a cause of action and to say that you have
o judicial body or quasi-judicial body e/hausted all available remedies.
must make sure you have core source. $he scandalous manner to the discredit of the legal
practice of law is a profession not a business. profession.
urbe vs. agulta #/une 01, 2112& 7ow do you do that" ou have to make sure that the
conduct of your affairs, public or private, must conform
In this day and age, members of the bar often
to, must be at par with the e/pectations of a lawyer.
forget that the practice of law is a profession and not a
$he demand to be upright is both in public or private
business.3004 +awyering is not primarily meant to be a
life. +asyadong mataas ang standards nito. )o these are
money-making venture, and law advocacy is not a
the things that slip the mind of practitioners which are
capital that necessarily yields profits.3024 he gaining of
already in many years of practice that they tend to
a livelihood is not a professional but a secondary
forget that their private life is also in scrutiny.
consideration.3054 6uty to public service and to the
administration of justice should be the primary As officers of the court, a lawyer must also be seen to be
consideration of lawyers, who must subordinate their of good moral character.
personal interests or what they owe to themselves. he
practice of law is a noble calling in which emolument is ou must also be of good moral character, and live your
a byproduct, and the highest eminence may be attained life with highest standards. ;efrain from adulterous
without making much money. relationships to avoid scandaliing the public. Lawyers
are very human, they make mistakes. )o, sometimes
4uty to public service and administration of 8ustice, these standards are very high, they fail to see the
emolument is a by2product. human in the person. But of course, different standards
apply. &t is really up to the person. &t is really up to the
he practice of law is not a legal right but a privilege.
complainant if he feels that 8ustice must be served, then
2 &t can always be taken away from you when you go ahead and file a complaint. $his is a very high
do something unethical. A bar candidate can0t standard. At the end of the day, the conscience has to
8ust practice law simply by passing the bar. &t be clear. &f your client doesn0t have a chance in court,
can be taken with the mandate of due process. you have to tell him, you have to be honest.
A lawyer-client relationship was established from the CANON 1! - A LAWYER SHALL HOLD IN TRUST ALL
very first moment complainant asked respondent for MONEYS AND PROPERTIES OF HIS CLIENT THAT MAY
legal advise regarding the former7s business. o COME INTO HIS POSSESSION.
constitute professional employment, it is not essential
that the client employed the attorney professionally on Rule 1!.01 - A lawyer shall account for all money or
any previous occasion. property collected or received for or from the client.
It is not necessary that any retainer be paid, promised, Rule 1!.02 - A lawyer shall keep the funds of each client
or charged; neither is it material that the attorney separate and apart from his own and those of others
consulted did not afterward handle the case for which kept by him.
his service had been sought.
Rule 1!.0 - A lawyer shall deliver the funds and
It a person, in respect to business affairs or troubles of property of his client when due or upon demand.
any kind, consults a lawyer with a view to obtaining Cowever, he shall have a lien over the funds and may
professional advice or assistance, and the attorney apply so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy his
voluntarily permits or acquiesces with the consultation, lawful fees and disbursements, giving notice promptly
then the professional employments is established. thereafter to his client. Ce shall also have a lien to the
same e8tent on all judgments and e8ecutions he has
+ikewise, a lawyer-client relationship e8ists secured for his client as provided for in the Dules of
notwithstanding the close personal relationship @ourt.
between the lawyer and the complainant or the non-
payment of the former7s fees. Rule 1!.0" - A lawyer shall not borrow money from his
client unless the clients interests are fully protected by
6ean Wigmore lists the essential factors to establish the the nature of the case or by independent advice. $either
e8istence of the attorney-client privilege shall a lawyer lend money to a client e8cept, when in
communication, vi9% the interest of justice; he has to advance necessary
e8penses in a legal matter he is handling for the client.
#0& Where legal advice of any kind is sought #2& from a
professional legal adviser in his capacity as such, #5& the ou have to take care of your client0s funds. All the
communications relating to that purpose, #<& made in monies must be accounted for. ou hold separate
confidence #=& by the client, #:& are at his instance accounts, as a good procedure, it is always good an
permanently protected #>& from disclosure by himself or established separate account. )o there would be no
by the legal advisor, #?& e8cept the protection be issues later on.
customer, or when a public officialEs personal And & think that this would be a perfect topic in
interests are contrary to hisher loyalty to your sub8ect of legal ethics where you will discuss more
public business. An attorney, an accountant, a in depth the conse-uences of violating the ethical
business adviser or realtor cannot represent standards of legal profession.
two parties in a dispute and must avoid even
the appearance of conflict. 7eshe may not 8oin *hen a lawyer violates his oath, then what is the legal
with a client in business without making full conse-uence"
disclosure of hisher potential conflicts, heshe
I#$%&#'e$ %(&% )$ '*#$)+e,e+ ,&'%)'e * l&/
must avoid commingling funds with the client,
and never, never take a position adverse to the )o, last week, we have mentioned of the case of 4ur'e
customer( ." M$u&t$ ( A%-5 C$"e N5 66+7, June 10, 2002). &t
has mentioned a discussion of what is a practice of law,
2Gristine Huibod2
what constitutes the practice of law. *hen does a
lawyer and client relationship commence" )o, from the
decision of the )upreme Court, it would seem that if a
Le$& Cun"e&#n person will come to a lawyer, asks for his advice, gives
you all the facts of his case that was filed, with the
(June 23, 2012) intention of getting a legal advice from you, then if you
did not arrived in an agreement, or you did not sign an
Let0s go back to our previous discussion,
agreement, or even if you will say that now, you have to
wherein we have said that practice of law is not a
hire me first before & will give you an advice. Clearly , t9e
business. &t is not a money2making venture. But, at the
ru&#n" : t9e curt "$ t9$t e.en t9e --ent u #.e
end of the day, you must consider the fact that your
9#- $n $%.#ce, $n% t9#" $&& 9$;;ene% <#t9 t9e
practice must survive the competition. And we have to
=n<&e%e : cn:#%ence, t9en, t9ere e>#"t $ &$<er+
remember the fact that we have a family to support. )o,
c&#ent re&$t#n"9#;, #--e%#$te&5
these things, these are the important considerations to
weigh vis2I2vis the idea that practice of law is not a
N<, <9$t $re t9e #n"t$nce" t9$t $re nt cn"#%ere%
>nless of course, you go as a government $" ;r$ct#ce : &$<?
employee, or corporate lawyering. ou know, when you
are a corporate lawyer, you can receive a regular salary, 0. )ratuitous furnishing of legal aid to the poor and
you don0t have to worry about other costs, about your unfortunates who are in pursuit of any civil remedy, as a
employees0 salaries. $he salary comes in every month, matter of charity, does not constitute practice of law.
every two weeks of pay period. &f you are happy with
that, that would not be a tiresome work. But, for those & dare say that this is debatable. 5ven an
who would like to start on their own, they have a lot of indigent client deserves a good legal advice. $hey
things to think about. e/pect that when they have a lawyer, that such lawyer
has such skills. )o, you cannot, 8ust turn around and say,
!ractice is not a right, rather a privilege. $hat is that this is all charity, so, there is no lawyer2client
why we have a lot of ethics, rules, ethical rules, and you relationship.
also talk about professional responsibility. And if you fall
short of these professional responsibilities, or you )o, & think that this point here is debatable. For
violate these ethical standards set to your profession, e/ample that you are a lawyer, people will come to you
you can be held liable criminally, and that your practice and they will pay you. ou must render the same e-ual
of law can be suspended or you will be denied in the effort and service to your clients who are indigent and
practice of law. &t is a privilege sub8ect to the mandate those that can pay well.
of the due process. 3f course, you will be given a
2. he mere search for records of realty to ascertain
chance to e/plain and defend yourself.
what they may disclose without giving any opinion or
advice as to the legal effects of what may be found, and you are not collecting an attorney0s fees, you better
does not constitute practice of law. stop being a lawyer. ou have intellectual property. $he
advice that you give to your clients is considered as
intellectual property. ou have to attach a value to your
intellectual property. *ho determines the value" ou
)o, you said to a client or a friend, a friend who
yourself. &f you think that you gave your client a very
knows that you are a lawyer. our friend will say, can
good advice, then you have to collect an attorney0s fees.
you send somebody who can check the status of the
5ven advice on telephone calls, some of the lawyers do
title in the ;egister of 4eeds. *hether the property has
not want to give their personal numbers, because there
been mortgaged or not" *hether the title is clean or
are clients who will sometimes call, and ask for
not. )o, you send your staff, or you yourself will go
-uestions and even tell stories. $hey assume that
directly to the ;34. $hat alone is not a practice of law.
because they did not go to the office, the lawyer will
As long as you are not giving legal advice as to the legal
not charge. )o, if you are the lawyer, you can send them
effects of the document.
an invoice, saying, conversation, so and so, date, and
Like when you say that this title has an the amount#, then you send it to the client.
encumbrance. )o, what are we going to do attorney"
3f course, not all clients are like the ones who go to
)o, you0ll give an advice, like you have to institute a case
your office, have some chit chat, but somehow, they
to clean the title, or how to get rid of an encumbrance.
are actually fishing for some legal advice. But, there are
$hat is already giving a legal advice, and a lawyer2client
also good paying clients, and that you have to take care
relationship already arises. ou are already practicing
of these paying clients.
A big law firm composed of 1D29@ lawyers, in the states, a. ou0re the own boss, you have to log in or out.
a big law firm, nationwide, may be around D@@ lawyers=
a mid2sie lawyer may be around a hundred lawyers, a b. working hour is manageable
small sie lawyer, maybe around, D to 1@ lawyers.
ou can go to the office any time you want.
What are the disadvantages( &n working as an associate in a private law firm,
a. it is a maiden practice and it does not yield a lot offers new opportunities. >sually formed by
of clients because no client will go to lawyer batchmates and classmates in law school. )ometimes,
without reputation there are lawyers who can get good clients, so these
b. must build network of referrals from families e/isting law firms hire you.
and friends
c. feast or famine income#
d. All e/penses are shouldered by solo practitioner b. 5/isting partnership usually have financial
e. <o e/tra support when pressed for time capability to defray overhead e/penses of
f. Both administrative and legal concerns will maintaining a law office.
burden the solo practice
Like you are the one who applies for certification, other
)ome of the more complicated partnerships, they invest
documents and papers. $hat is why new bar passers do
so much that they get points out of this invested. )o
not go to solo practice immediately.
they can argue that & brought this much client, thus, &
got this much points, and then, you can demand a $hen, you may need $ -$r=et#n ;r:e""#n$&, if
higher pay. $he points will be the basis of your share. necessary, who will be assigned in communications and
$hat is if you are a partner. &f you are an associate, you in bringing more clients. Advertising is not supposed to
have a fi/ed salary as an associate. be ethical, but there are ways in going around that. ou
can be creative. )ometimes, we lawyers we tend to be
modest of our achievements, but if you have four
children to send to Ateneo de 4avao, you need a lot of
&n other law firms they have an agreement as to where
money. *hile young, you must be more aggressive, you
will the money from the notarial funds go, usually, it is
must be out there presenting yourself, you must bring
placed in the common funds of the partnership. )o if
in more clients, because this will translate to income,
you are a ten2lawyer firm, you have to make sure that
people engaging your services.
you have an organied structure. )omebody has to be
assigned as to the day2to2day operation, so someone
has to be $ -$n$#n ;$rtner. $he managing partner
oversees the money of the firm, the overall person. ou won0t like to turn down any client. ou deal with
one case, and then you develop such e/pertise. &t is
manner of presenting yourself. *rapping yourself, not
with myth, but you can study each case. ou learn as
$hen you have to have a 9u-$n re"urce ;$rtner , not
you go along.
somebody who has a !h 4 in human resource, 8ust
someone who will address the concern as to human
resources. 7e will oversee the appointment of staff,
how to dress in the office. $his may not be a legal
concern, but this boils down to the core of the office.
7appy office, happy staff. 75 J#n#n $ cr;r$te &$< %e;$rt-ent
$hen we have a ener$& cun"e&, or somebody who will 3ption of being a legal officer in corporation law
oversee if there are conflicts of interests in handling the department, we are talking about corporations. Like in
cases. &f there are conflicts of interest, he shall be the Coca2Cola, they have e/ternal counsel. *hen they think
one to decide on who will handle the case or represent that they will need a lot of lobbying, they tap partners
the client. who are prominent in the society, or have lobbying
powers. But such corporations have their internal
counsel or general counsel.
5very corporate law department adopts a 9.isolation of many corporate lawyers from
system by which lawyer0s work is assigned. $he professional contacts outside the company
corporate policy must be to comply with the and busily engaged in its daily routine as to
law as the law department construes it and all lose lawyer0s sense of proportion of
officers and other management employees and craftsmanship in approaching legal
all the lawyers in the law department must problems and to substitute off2the2cuff
know this is to be the case %30meana, 19 the impressions
Business Lawyer(
4oes it present a neat appearance" Are the files 4o you discard obsolete books" ou may keep
properly set asideorganied" old books for reference but have an updated
&s there an ample room" 5very inch of your real
property must be utilied. 7ave a space to walk Are books maintained in good repair. But with
around. the advent of e2books or other software you
can have them. But iba ang dating ng physical
&s the ventilation ade-uate" $he aircon is books than an e2book especially in dealing with
functioning or at least with an electric fan clients.
Are walls attractively decorated" $his will show 5-uipment %typewriters, adding machine,
your personality. $ry to avoid cutie cutie stuff. computers, photocopiers(. For photocopiers, if
$hey would be nice if they are 8ust accent in a you buy it, you will be stack with that machine
table. $hey are okay for a pediatrician. Must put forever and pay a repairman if there is a need. &f
paintings %even a reproduction( with nice you 8ust rent, its kind a e/pensive but at least
frames. $o show that you a professional lawyer. you are assured that they will maintain it daily
and update for a new version when you renew
Are offices cleaned regularly" &f you enter a your contracts. &n my e/perience, big law firms
lease agreement you should ask if they provide tent to rent photocopy machines. $hey treat it
someone to clean the office or it is you who like 8ust water and light. $hey want the latest
have to be responsible for that technology and not stack with the machine. ou
can replace it whenever you want.
4o you provide for drinking water facilities for
the client and staff" &f a beauty parlor can For your computers or wifi, you need it since internet is
provide for iced tea, no reason that a law office part of an office already. A big chunk of your work is
cannot do so. $ell your assistant to offer the lessened by internet and you work efficiently. ou also
client something to drink especially if they have need adding machines, and typewriters. *hether you
to wait. like it or not, you need typewriters. 5specially
government forms which can only be filled by
!arking facilities. typewriters but at least an electric typewriters.
o +a8or categories of files6 Accunt#n :#&e" + ou have to know your accounting
files if you0re earning or not. )o that you know your
Client files collectibles or how much your payables are. )ome big
firms have chief financial officers, they are not lawyers.
Accounting files $hey 8ust look into your performance if you0re earning
money for the firm or having problematic accounts.
Admin files
• )eparate from the accounts folder. ou have to
have a book keeper to check your payables or
receivables. 4o not make your assistant your
&f you have a good and efficient secretary it would take
book keeper baka maging hawak ka nya sa leeg.
half a load off your back. ou will 8ust think on your
legal issues. A good assistant will always keep track of
• 3ffice accounting for clients. Always deposit
the deadlines, billings and others. ou don0t have to
any money that coming in. Account all funds
think of those things.
especially client money.
• !ersonnel folder must sign confidentiality of )upreme court decision you can buy software
agreement= depending on how efficient the for some providers
organiation should be.
*ord processer 2 for templates etc
• +embership in professional organiation &B!,
or other local chapters. Billing
+ust set up calendar system in the office. $his 5/press or implied, verbal or written
is for deadlines, schedule for the day or week or
appearances in court. )o that you assistant can &n case of series of work for the client
monitor you.
4ischarged without cause6 entitled to full compensation
$his could be done electronically.
*ith cause6 not entitled to compensation either under
4eadline for pleadings must also be monitored. contract or basis of -uantum meruit
Arranged according to the most pressing.
&f abandons case or withdraws without 8ustifiable cause
$he following week0s schedule should be before its termination, unless with consent of client
finalied on the Friday of the previous week and
this shall be given to lawyer. >sually the
secretary print the calendar on the $hursday so
that on the Friday the lawyer knows his Contingent fee contract
schedule and he can make use of the weekend
if there is a need rush something. $he assistant As long as contract is not tainted with fraud, undue
must know your schedule influence, mistake or suppresion of facts on the part of
the lwyer terms of contract shall be implemented
against the portion of the clientEs property sub8ect of
the contract but only if the suit or litigtion is favorble to 5stablish targets6 identify types of works and clients,
the client and identify specific audiences and communities that
will allow the interface with the lawyer
5/penses to be incured in erfecting an appeal, )upport e/ecution2 report back and follow2through
preparation of appeal briefs,
9. !lace6 a -uestion of access, physical access, also sure the client is satisfied with this
consider the internet %this has re arrangement= misunderstanding must
be clarified right away
4efined physical acess(
*hen building your business strategies, keep in mind o @#n $ % ' nt enu9
the client perspective foremost in both delivering and
marketing our legal services
$he practives of law is a business and pleasing the $here are some lawyers come in different sies, there
customer benefits the customer and lawyer. are lawyers very gorgeous, very dignified, there is also
like the 8ustice secretary %& suggest not to follow her (
you don0t have to advertised that you are a lawyer very
stiff even with wearing scrap but & do like scrap but
2;aia $umanda2 since )ec 4e Lima wear it every time & will find another
Le$& Cun"e&&#n
Auu"t , 2012
+en lawyers who like to sa end pa langng hall of 8ustice
Geeping Clients
shouting agadpanyero, there are lawyers paluoi9/
langug dating, you know if you are a lawyer you should
be able to stand up and have that confident personality
- rtect $n% nurture t9e re&$t#n"9#; but not to the point of being boastful.
o Client is boss
o 4efine relationship from the start, our behaviour and appearance really matters in
dealing with the client, do you inspire the client" 4o you
things you will do and do not do= make
appear like the client trust you" 4o you have clean mgenglish9/, pgbinasaya sad what is important is that
finger nails" All this class will matter so you need to be he understands you.
professional in your appearance, bakanaman you went
to the office perohindinakaplantsaanginyong polo Q
barong so it is not enough to do a good 8ob.
!romptness is also important, do not procrastinate
because we lawyers we live by deadlines. )o lawyers
their professional life run by deadlines so do not
5/ample meronka motion din you are with your client in procrastinate. )ome lawyers pag2early pa dli pa
the court pro sasabihinng client mabaho man siAttyoi, mgworkang mind then pagpm nadhanamgcge dictate
panalongaang motion mo pro sa secretary so who suffers from the pressure of the
nahirapannamnhumingaang client so doing a good 8ob deadline" ou poor secretary suffers because eventually
is not enough. she would be the one typing or filing so that is unfair'
7uman nature always calls for sympathy, so when you Courtesy. *e Filipinos it is not innate in us namagthank
go to doctors din you are e/plaining already lahatng you paranganghirapngmgthank you bah. But if it is with
feelings mo pro parangwlalng so mainiskatalaga so dpat the client you have to be courteous.
you must be sympathetic to your client.
*hether you like it or not you cannot say that when the
o !r#en%&#ne"" ;r-;tne"" (n client is calling in 11pm you will end the call, yun pa
;rcr$"t#n$t#n) curte", re";ect :r naman client who are calling because they need
c&#ent" 'u"#ne""+&#=e $tt#tu%e something or they remember something to tell you all
of the sudden, you have to answer it because some
cn"#%er$t#n #n =ee;#n t9e c&#ent" #n:r-e% r client will be irritated because they think they are
u;%$te% paying but they cannot reach you. But of course after
you answer the call you can say to your client that such
matter can be attended in the nest day such be made in
a very polite and diplomatic matter.
Friendliness is very important. Gung ang client mo finds
it so hard to e/press himself in 5nglish wag karinnaman
ou may discuss the clients with the status of the case
o U;%$te : c$"e r -$tter "u'ect : like after si/ months there is a possibility of entering
ret$#ner"9#; into compromise with the adverse party, you should
discuss this with the client. ou should not say
natapusintalaga naming ang case bapanalotayo, pro
talonamansyasaattys fees. )o to be fair and to show
)o say what is there is nothing going on the case, you your client that you are in good faith you must discuss
still send the client about the status of the case this with him.
Let us say after the hearing this week you must send o 4r#n#n c&#ent $'re$"t : %e.e&;-ent
client a status letter regarding the status of the case. #n $re$ cncern
$he whole point of sending the client letters so that $his is true with specially to the corporate clients like
your client will be impressed of your industry and of their area of business are politically sensitive, like a
course with the industry comes the billing statement. mining firms, so the lawyers should keep track with
regards to the bills in congress. )o if your client is a big
entity and it seems that they will affected by legislation,
by local legislation like oning you have to tell your
o r-;t re";n"e t #nu#r#e" (re
client that is part of your service. 5specially if you are
'#&&#n "t$tu" : t9e c$"e)
the retainer of the client.
4o not think that keeping the client only your office but there are also are so particular of the offices.
relationship with him that matters, it is not, it should be +ake sure there is a room there wherein you can make
the whole office. )o kungang assistant conversation without being heard by the entire office.
momasyadongmabagal that will reflect on you right" )o
make you0re your assistantstaff are properly train they - ;osalie <unea2
must know and appreciate the kind of pressure that
they have and they must be courteous, respectful and
must know the confidential nature of the nature of the
<ow, when you get to be out there playing golf, but you
ought to be reachable by your assistant. ou cannot 8ust
leave your phone in the clubhouse because that is not
good your client might go cray trying to reach you. )o
for as long as there is a signal you must be reached.
+ake sure that you should answer the te/t messages of
your client you may be not personally answered it but
you can ask your assistant to answer for you.