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Cdi-Q A

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PREVENTION    C.  counsel
1.    What legal doctrine was established in D.  complaint
the case Mapp vs. Ohio?
A.  Archipelagic Doctrine 8.    Remuneration gain is the main motive
B.  Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine of
C.  Miranda Doctrine            A.  Informants
D.  Eclectics Doctrine B.  Criminals
E.  None of these C.  Informers
D.  Witnesses
2.    The testimony of witnesses reduced in
writing while under oath is generally 9.    As established by our Supreme Court
called through the case People vs. Galit, the first
A.  Admission step in arresting an offender is
B.  Declaration A.  show the warrant of arrest
C.  Information B.  inform the nature and cause of
D.  Deposition accusation
C.  identify yourself as a law enforcer
3.    Human sources of information who D.  give the Miranda warning
voluntarily provide facts to the detectives
are generally known as 10.  Planned and coordinated legal search
A.  Informers conducted to locate physical evidences at
B.  Suspects the locus criminis refers to
C.  Informants A.  Crime scene search
D.  Respondents B.  Intelligence
C.  Instrumentation
4.    Proof beyond reasonable doubt is the D.  Covert operation
weight and sufficiency of evidence needed
to convict the defendant in 11.  A self-incriminatory statement not
A.  administrative cases tantamount to acknowledgement of
B.  civil cases criminal guilt is called
C.  criminal cases A.  Complaint
D.  all of the above B.  Admission
C.  Confession
5.    The stage of criminal interview D.  Deposition
purposely done to clarify information
already gathered or to gather additional 12.  The fundamentals responsibility of the
facts about the case is the: officer in charge of protecting the crime
A.  initial interview scene is 
B.  follow-up interview A.  interrogating the witnesses
C.  concluding interview B.  engaging in the search for traces left by
D.  preliminary interview the search for traces left by the criminal
C.  removal  of evidence which may prone
6.    The prosecutor is the proper authority important to the case
to subscribe in the D.  preserving the site of the crime in the
A.  Affidavit same physical condition as it was left by
B.  Complaint the perpetrator
C.  Joint affidavit                                       
D.  Information 13.  Which of the following is NOT among
the rules to be observed in questioning a
7.    Any person arrested, detained or suspect?
under custodial investigation shall at all A.  simplicity of the question
times be assisted by B.  one question at a time
C.  accepted applied answer B.  chain of custody 
D.  saving faces C.  time of custody
            D.  time of disposal
14.  One of the following is an art, which                   
deal with the identity and location of the 20.  A technique useful in investigation
offender and provides evidence of his guilt with the application of instrumental
through criminal proceedings. detection of deception is called
A.  information A.  ballistic test 
B.  interrogation B.  questioned document test
C.  instrumentation C.  fingerprint testing 
D.  criminal investigation D.  polygraph testing
15.  The declaration made under a 21.  The warrant of arrest is good only for
consciousness of an impending death is A.  10 days
called B.  15 days
A.  Res gestae   C.  20 days
B.  Declaration against interest D.  none of these
C.  Dying declaration
D.  all of these 22.  The effectiveness of this tool in
            investigation depends on the craft, logic,
16.  A police officer testifying to the fact and psychological insight of the initiator in
that he observed the defendant assault interpreting the information relevant to
the victim is presenting to the court ____ the case is called
evidence. A.  instrumentation
A.  circumstantial evidence B.  information
B.  direct evidence C.  interrogation
C.  artificial evidence D.  interview
D.  real evidence
             23.  The systematic classification of the
17.  A standard arrow to designate the fundamentals or basic factors of a criminal
north must be indicating to facilitate method is called
proper orientation. This is known as  A.  corpus delicti
A.  map       B.  modus operandi
B.  wind whirl        C.  methodology
C.  compass direction     D.  all of the above
D.  window 
        24.  It is a type of reconstruction of crime
18.  The profession and scientific discipline wherein collected information is analyzed
directed to the recognition, identification, carefully thereby developing a theory of
individualization and evaluation of the crime.
physical science by application of natural A.  deductive reasoning
sciences in matters of law and science. B.  physical reconstruction
A.  chemist    C.  inductive reasoning
B.  scientist    D.  mental reconstruction
C.  toxicologist   
D.  criminalistics 25. The defense of the suspect that he
was present in a place other than the
19.  The number of person who handle the crime scene during the estimated time
evidence from the scene of the crime and when the crime was committed is called
between the times of the commission of A. Defense
the crime up to the final disposition of the B. Allegation
case. C. Alibi
A.  time of disposition    D. Statement
32. The two forms of arrest are arrest by
26. These are hints that suggest lines of actual restraint and
investigative actions and information that A. By forcible surrender
is valuable in expanding the universe of B. By detention
suspects, identifying prime suspects and C. By voluntary submission
finding the guilty person. This is called D. By virtue of a warrant
A. Information
B. Investigative leads 33. In portrait parle method the witness
C. Corpus delicti provides a vivid physical appearance of
D. Modus operandi the offender. Portrait parle means
A. Oral discussion
27. Complaint document is filed by the B. Verbal description
A. Police to the prosecutor's office C. Photographic files
B. Offended party directly to the court D. Facial appearance
C. Fiscal against the offended party
D. Prosecutor directly to the court 34. The application of the same or
substantially the same pattern, plan,
28. That type of reasoning used in system of a particular offender in
reconstruction of the crime whereby the committing a crime is known as
detective assumes a theory based on A. Premeditation
collected information is regarded as B. plan
A. deduction approach C. modus operandi
B. logical reasoning D. all of the above
C. inductive approach
D. positive approach 35. The method employed by peace
officers to trap and catch malefactor in
29. The lawful act of restraining a inflagrante delicto is known as
person believed to have committed a A. modus operandi
crime and placing him under custody is B. “buy-bust”
termed as C. Entrapment
A. Imprisonment D. Instigation
B. Restraint
C. Arrest 36. An effort made to determine what
D. Detention actually occurred and what the
circumstances of a crime were is called
30. The use of scientific instruments, A. physical construction
methods and processes while detecting B. crime scene investigation
and investigating crimes is technically C. mental reconstruction
called D. crime reconstruction
A. Criminal Justice
B. Forensic Science 37. Which of the following is under the
C. Criminalistics Field Laboratory Work of the SOCO?
D. Instrumentation A. Macro-etching
B. DNA examination
31. Preponderance of evidence is the C. Casting
weight and sufficiency of evidence needed D. DNA typing
to convict a person in
A. Murder cases 38. “Releases the crime scene to the
B. Civil cases officer on case” is the function of
C. Criminal cases A. evidence custodian
D. None of these B. team leader
C. sketcher
D. technician
C. Productive reasoning
39. “The xerox copy signed by Rose” is an D. Pragmatic reasoning
example of
A. document evidence 46. The branch of medicine, which deal
B. direct evidence with the application of medical knowledge
C. secondary evidence to the purpose of law and in the
D. positive evidence Administration of justice.
A. Nursing
40. Evidence which the law does not B. Medico Legal
allow to be contradicted is known as C. Legal
A. competent evidence D. None of these
B. conclusive evidence
C. expert evidence 47. It pertains to law, arising out of, it also
D. substantial evidence refer anything conformable to the law.
A. Legal
41. An interrogation technique where to B. Rule
police officers are employed, a relentless C. Sanction
investigator and a king-hearted man is D. All of these
A. shifting the blame 48. One of the following denotes things
B. mutt and jeff belonging to the court of law or use in
C. tom and jerry court or legal proceeding or something
D. none of the above fitted for legal or legal argumentation.
A. Jurisdiction
42. What law enumerated and provided B. Jurisprudence
definition of the different felonies in the C. Law or Legal
Philippines? D. None of these
A. RA 8177
B. RA 6975 49. The legal maxim which means “both
C. RA 8353 drivers displayed negligence”
D. None of these A. Res Ipsa Loquitor
B. Pare Delicto
43. The following are authorized to issue C. Inflagrante Delicto
a valid search warrant, except: D. Locus criminis
A. Appellate Judge
B. Presiding Judge of MCTC 50. Which of the following is useful in the
C. Chief Prosecutor investigation of hit and run accidents?
D. RTC Judge A. Motor vehicle registers
B. Employees of the body fender shops
44. Which of the following detective C. Records of accidents and stolen
system prioritized on information that are vehicles
bought? D. all of the above
A. American System
B. English System 51. When 6 pedestrians who witnessed
C. French System an automobile accident all tell identical
D. All of these stories, the investigating officer might
reasonably suspect that:
45. In crime reconstruction, gathering A. the story which they tell is true since
information first then developing a theory they all agree so perfect
on how the crime was committed is one B. the delay between the time of the
approach, otherwise known as: accident and the witnesses time together
A. Deductive reasoning to discuss and compare their observations
B. Inductive reasoning
C. all of the witnesses are close friends 57. The traffic enforcement action that
with similar physical abilities opinions, does not contemplate possible
educational and the like assessment of penalty by the court
D. all of the witnesses are dishonest A. traffic arrest
B. traffic citation
52. The police must arrived at the scene C. traffic warning
of the crime as quickly as possible D. traffic violation
A. he is the source of the most productive 58. In accordance with Sec. 6 of PD 1613,
evidence which of the following circumstances does
B. the principals are there or may still be not constitute a prima facie evidence of
present arson?
C. some physical evidence may A. The property was insured substantially
deteriorate more than its actual value at the time of
D. all of the above the issuance of the policy.
B. Substantial amounts of flammable
53. The traffic sign that is triangular in substances were stored within the
shape and have a red colored border is building not necessary in the business.
known as: C. Doors and windows that were normally
A. information sign kept open in the course of business were
B. instruction sign found closed during the fire.
C. direction sign D. The fire started in more than one part
D. caution sign of the building or establishment.

54. The systematic examination of all the 59. After a fire in which arson is
facts relating to condition, actions and suspected, you may be able to trace the
physical features associated with motor fire to its origin because __.
collision or accident is called: A. the alligator pattern of charring is not
A. traffic engineering as light absorbent of the surrounding
B. reckless driving areas
C. traffic accident investigation B. the checks of the charring process will
D. hit and run investigation be larger then the surrounding areas
C. the pattern of charring at the point of
55. An event in the road which origin is smaller and deeper than the rest
characterizes the manner of occurrence of of the areas
a motor vehicle traffic accident is D. the point of origin will be darker than
A. Accident the rest of the areas
B. key event
C. chain of accident 60. One of the following situations is a
D. all of these good indication of an accidental fire.
A. Smell of ammonia
56. The delay resulting from traffic B. Fire of several origin
congestion affect not only the time of C. Intense heat
travel but also the productivity of D. Fire of only one origin
individual is part of what we call
A. traffic engineering 61. The purpose of closing the doors and
B. traffic environment windows during fire is to __.
C. traffic economy A. stop the fire
D. traffic congestion B. confine the fire
C. slow the spread of fire
D. spread the accelerants
62. The purpose of opening the doors and B. interviewing spectators
windows of adjacent rooms in a burning C. collecting broken pieces of window
building is to __. glasses
A. extinguish the fire D. locating the hardware used in the
B. supply the oxygen in the area construction of such doors
C. prevent back draft
D. serve as entrance of firemen 69. Using electrical appliances, which
draws electrical current beyond the
63. An arsonist may rearrange materials designed capacity of the electrical circuit,
or furniture in a room prior to setting it on is known as __.
fire in order to __. A. Over using
A. mislead the investigators B. Over loading
B. camouflage the odor of accelerants C. Over plugging
C. provide a quick burning situation D. Over capacity
D. all of the above
70. The introduction of drugs into the
64. If the fire is set by rationale motive, deeper layer of the skin by means of
the important point to establish is ___. special electric current is known as:
A. intensity of fire A. Topical method
B. size of fire B. Injection method
C. rapidity of spread C. Iontophoresis
D. origin of fire D. Oral method

65. The “eyes and ears” of the 71. When too much drug is taken into the
investigators in fire investigation are the physiological system of the human body,
A. By standers there maybe an over extension of its
B. Arsonists effect which is commonly called:
C. Victims A. Overdose
D. Firemen B. Allergic reaction
C. Side effect
66. The fire that started in almost all D. Idiosyncracy
corners of the building at the same time is
called __. 72. When two drugs are taken together,
A. separate burning or with in a few hours of each other, they
B. simultaneous burning may interact with:
C. non-related burning A. good effects
D. related burning B. bad effects
C. unexpected results
67. A building which is unsafe in case of D. no effects
fire because it lacks adequate fire exit is
said to be a __. 73. The actual action of a particular drug
A. Fire hazard depend on the basis of:
B. Fire trap A. it’s chemical component
C. Fire resistive B. person’s tolerance
D. Fire unsafe C. body absorption
D. food and water intake
68. In cases where a structure is
completely burned to the ground, the 74. Which of the following is considered
position of doors and windows during the as the world’s oldest cultivated plant as a
fire whether opened or closed may be source of prohibited drug?
ascertained by __. A. Marijuana
A. consulting the original structure B. Coca Bush
blueprint on file C. Opium Poppy
D. Peyote Cactus collection, and the imposition of fixed and
special taxes upon all persons who engage
75. The opium poppy plant is scientifically in illegal drug production?
known as: A. R.A. 953
A. Cannabis Sativa B. PD 44
B. Hashis C. R.A 7659
C. Erythroxylon coca D. R.A. 6425
D. None of these
82. The cause of majority of fire deaths is:
76. The word hashis is derived from the A. Shock
name Hasan/Hashasin, a Muslim leader. B. Burn
Hashis refers to: C. Falling materials
A. male marijuana plant D. Asphyxiation
B. female marijuana plant
C. the marijuana resin 83. One of the following is a fire resistant
D. marijuana leaves item.
A. Asbestos
77. Opium use in China was stemmed out B. Borax
from India and became widespread in the C. Phosphate of ammonia
19th Century. From Middle East, the plant D. Sulfur
was cultivated in India, Pakistan, Iran and
Afghanistan which is known as the: 84. Uncontrollable impulse to
A. City of Dope incendiarism is commonly known as
B. Golden Crescent A. Kleptomania
C. Green triangle B. Pedophilia
D. Golden triangle C. Manic depressive
D. Arson
78. Among the following was the German
pharmacist who discovered the morphine 85. Normally, fire feeds in all directions,
drug. but the least likely path a fire will follow is
A. Allan Heithfield A. Upward
B. Troy Mcweigh B. Sideward
C. Freidrich Serturner C. Downward
D. Alder Wright D. Outward laterally

79. What do you call the incident where 86. What part of the investigation report
vast numbers of American soldiers were that gives a brief summary of the major
addicted on the morphine drug during the investigative steps accomplished?
American Civil War? A. Details
A. Morpheum Illness B. Synopsis
B. Soldier’s Disease phenomenon C. Undeveloped
C. American Addiction D. Conclusions
D. Dreamer’s syndrome
87. He was a buckle maker then a brothel
80. What is the chemical name of the operator; a master criminal who became
Heroin drug? London’s most effective criminal
A. Amphetamine Sulfate investigator. He was the most famous
B. Diacetylmorphine thief catcher in 1720s.
C. Acetonyl Dioxide A. Henry Fielding
D. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride B. Jonathan Wild
C. John Fielding
81. Which of the following law was D. Chales Dickens
enacted to provide for the registration of
88. The America’s most famous private
investigator and founder of Criminal 94. A signal system is created when two
Investigation in USA. He established the or more signals on any traffic route is
practice of handwriting examination in coordinated with a fixed time relationship
American courts and promoted a plan to among the several intervals known as:
centralize criminal identification records. A. Signal system
A. Henry Fielding B. Traffic system
B. Jonathan Wild C. Traffic lights
C. John Fielding D. Traffic signals
D. Allan Pinkerton
95. The time within which the traffic
89. In this method, the three searchers indicates of any particular traffic signal
follow each other along the path of a face does not change:
spiral, beginning on the outside and A. Interval
spiraling in toward the center. B. Cycle
A. Skip method search C. Phase
B. Round the clock method of search D. Timing
C. Quadrant search
D. None of these 96. The total time required for the
complete sequence of the phase is known
90. A fire started from the basement of as:
the building. After 30 minutes, the whole A. Cycle
building has turned into ashes. Which B. Cycle length
among the following is responsible for the C. Timing
spread of fire in the building? D. Interval
A. Heat
B. Smoke 97. the objective of traffic signal time
C. Flame apportionment to secure movement with
D. Combustion products safety through an intersection with a
minimum delay is called:
91. These are used by fire setters in A. Timing
spreading the fire throughout the building B. Cycle length
A. Plants C. Phase
B. Accelerants D. Interval
C. Trailers
D. Gasoline 98. A portion of a signal cycle during
which an assignment of right of way is
92. The sudden ignition of accumulated made to given traffic management:
radical gases produced when there is A. Offset
incomplete combustion of fuel B. Traffic phase
A. Backdraft C. Signal cycle
B. Flashfire D. Cycle split
C. Flashover
D. Biteback 99. The number of times allocated to
each phase of traffic light is called:
93. A flow which would be obtained if A. Split
there is a continuous flow of vehicle and B. Cycle time
are given a one hundred percent green C. Cycle split
time is called: D. Traffic phase
A. Saturation flow
B. Traffic flow 100.On a highway, a yellow or white line
C. Acceleration flow with a dotted white line means that
D. Smooth flow
A. you cannot overtake if the solid is in
your side
B. absolutely no overtaking
C. overtaking allowed
D. keep right

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