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Ruby Chocolate - Bioactive Potential and Sensory Quality Characteristics Compared With Dark, Milk and White Chocolate

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Hrana u zdravlju i bolesti, znanstveno-stručni časopis za nutricionizam i dijetetiku (2019) 8 (2) 89-96

Food in Health and Disease, scientific-professional journal of nutrition and dietetics (2019) 8 (2) 89-96


Danijela Šeremet1, Ana Mandura1, Aleksandra Vojvodić Cebin1, Marina Oskomić1,
Elodie Champion2, Arijana Martinić1, Draženka Komes1
Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, Pierottijeva 6,
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
National Institute of Agronomy, Food Science and Environment, Agrosup Dijon, France

original scientific paper


Belgian-Swiss cocoa company Barry Callebaut has recently revealed the fourth type of chocolate - Ruby chocolate
characterized by the fresh berry taste and reddish color. Since there is no published data about its bioactive content, the aim of
this study was to compare Ruby chocolate with different, well-known types of chocolates (dark, milk, semisweet and white)
according to bioactive content and sensory attributes. Dark chocolate exhibited the highest total phenolic content and
antioxidant capacity followed by semisweet chocolate, while Ruby chocolate, regarding total phenolic content, was ranged
between milk and white chocolate, but exhibited higher antioxidant capacity than milk chocolate, probably due to the higher
content of flavan-3-ols and proanthocyanidins. Semisweet and dark chocolate obtained the highest score in chocolate
distinctive odour, while for the same attribute, Ruby chocolate was estimated as least preferable chocolate. White chocolate
with strawberry was used because of similar sensory characteristics as Ruby chocolate, regarding taste and fruity odour, and
was rated with a higher score compared to Ruby. The highest intensity of acidity was determined in Ruby chocolate, which is
its main characteristic. All estimated sensory attributes were scored the best for the semisweet chocolate, while Ruby chocolate
was least acceptable chocolate.

Keywords: Ruby chocolate, bioactive potential, sensory evaluation

Introduction in various health benefits (Zhang and Tsao, 2016).

The most abundant polyphenols in cocoa beans are
Cocoa (Theobroma cacao), known as the chocolate proanthocyanidins (58%), flavanols (37%), and
tree, belongs to the genus Theobroma and subfamily anthocyanins (4%) (Di Mattia et al., 2017). From the
Sterculioidea of the mallow family Malvaceae group of alkaloids, the most represented is
(Afoakwa, 2016a), and its seeds, cocoa beans, theobromine (2 – 3%), while caffeine and
contained in the tree fruit – the cocoa pod, are the theophylline are found in low content (Aprotosoaie et
main ingredient for chocolate production. Three al., 2015). Raw cocoa beans undergo different
morphogenetic groups of cocoa beans are Forastero, processes before including in chocolate formulation -
Criollo and their hybrid Trinitario (Qin et al., 2016). fermentation, drying, roasting, grinding, conching
The estimated world total production of cocoa beans and tempering, which all contribute to the chemical
in 2017/2018 was 4 649 000 tones from which about and bioactive content of the final product - chocolate
75% was located in Africa where the biggest (Di Mattia et al., 2017; Todorovic et al., 2015).
producers are Ivory Coast, Ghana, Cameroon, and Chocolate can be defined as a semi-solid suspension
Nigeria (ICOO, 2019). Main nutritional ingredients of fine solid particles from sugar, cocoa and milk
of cocoa beans are fat, carbohydrates, proteins, fibers powder (depending on the type) in a continuous fat
and minerals (K, P, Mg, Ca), but recently, more phase of cocoa butter (Afoakwa, 2016b) that melts at
attention has been paid to the bioactive compounds - oral temperature and generates a smooth suspension
vitamins, sterols, phospholipids, alkaloids and (Ostrowska-Ligęza et al., 2019). Chocolate is
polyphenols (Torres-Moreno et al., 2014; Todorovic consumed largely worldwide, and it is known as one
et al., 2015). Unfermented cocoa beans are rich in of the most craved foods. Comparing to the highest
polyphenols (12 – 18% of dry matter) (Kim and chocolate consumption (9 kg/year) reported in
Keeney, 1984), natural antioxidants characterized by Switzerland (Wickramasuriya and Dunwell, 2018), in
the aromatic feature and conjugated system with Croatia it was noted to be 2.2 kg/year (GAIN, 2016).
hydroxyl groups enabling them to neutralize reactive According to today´s scientific research,
oxygen species and other free radicals which results consumption of cocoa and cocoa-related products has

Corresponding author: dkomes@pbf.hr
Danijela Šeremet et al. / RUBY CHOCOLATE – BIOACTIVE POTENTIAL... (2019) 8 (2) 89-96

numerous health benefits, but cocoa is known as a Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the
medicine for thousands of years. Swedish scientist C. bioactive content and sensory characteristics of Ruby
Linnaeus in 1753 named Theobroma cacao “food of chocolate and compare them to the same parameters
the gods” (Lippi, 2015). Consumption of chocolate of already known types of chocolates.
activates pleasure centers of the human brain and has
stimulant, relaxing and antidepressive effects mostly Materials and methods
due to the content combination of theobromine and
caffeine deriving from cocoa beans, which results in Chemicals and materials
unique psychopharmacological properties (Thamke et
al 2008; Judelson et al., 2013; Tuenter et al., 2018). In this study, six different types of chocolate were
Meier et al. (2017) have reported that eating used - dark with 72% of cocoa parts (DC), semisweet
chocolate increases positive mood, particularly when with 38% of cocoa parts (SC), milk with 32% of
it is eaten mindfully. Besides its psychological effect, cocoa parts (MC), Ruby (RC), white (WC) and white
chocolate consumption is related to other health chocolate with strawberries (WSC), obtained in the
benefits. According to Seem et al. (2019), among local supermarket.
different types of chocolates and cocoa powders, dark All chemicals used for experimental procedures were
chocolate, after unsweetened cocoa powder, has the of analytical grade.
biggest effect in supporting and preserving bone
health. Preventive effects of cocoa polyphenols in Sample preparation
cancer (Martin et al., 2013) and cardiovascular
diseases (Kerimi and Williamson, 2015) has been Preparation of chocolate samples was carried out as
extensively revised. In a scientific opinion stated by described by Guyot et al. (1998) and Hammerstone et
EFSA (2014), flavanols from cocoa beans contribute al. (1999), with some modifications. Firstly,
to the maintenance of normal endothelium-dependent chocolate samples were manually grated. In order to
vasodilation. Examples of commercial products that eliminate lipids, each sample was extracted with n-
carry this claim are Acticoa™ cocoa powder and hexane. The phenolic compounds were extracted
chocolate (Barry Callebaut, Switzerland). from defatted cocoa solids in the ultrasonic bath
Main categories of chocolate are dark, milk and (Elma sonic S 60 Hz, Elma, Germany) with aqueous
white, corresponding to the content of cocoa solids, methanol (70%) (Adamson et al., 1999), and then
milk fat and cocoa butter, (Afoakwa, 2016b; centrifuged on SL8R centrifuge (Thermo Fisher
Ostrowska-Ligęza et al., 2019), regulated by the EU Scientific). The supernatant was decanted and
Directive 2000/36/EC of the European Parliament collected in a volumetric flask. Extracts were kept at
and the Council relating to cocoa and chocolate +4 ˚C until use.
products intended for human consumption. With the
mentioned three types of chocolate, Barry Callebaut, Total polyphenol content (TPC) and total flavonoid
Belgian-Swiss cocoa company, has recently released content
the fourth type of chocolate - Ruby chocolate. Ruby
chocolate is characterized by fresh berry taste and Total phenolic content in chocolate extracts was
reddish color. In a patent by Dumarche et al. as determined spectrophotometrically (Genesys 10S
inventors and Barry Callebaut as assignee (US UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Thermo Fisher
9107430, 2015), it is claimed that red or purple Scientific, US) following a modified method of
cocoa-derived materials can be produced by treating Lachman et al. (1998). Gallic acid was used for
cocoa nibs, obtained from raw cocoa beans which calibration and the results were expressed as gallic
have higher polyphenol content than a fermented acid equivalents (GAE) per gram of original
cocoa beans, with an acid with the suitable pKa chocolate product (mg GAE/g) (Kramling and
value. It is preferred that cocoa beans are Singleton, 1969).
unfermented and dried in the sun. Acidic conditions The determination of total flavonoid content was
(pH, water content, temperature and length of carried out according to the method of Ough and
reaction) must be controlled in order to preserve Amerine (1988). After precipitation and separation of
polyphenols to a particular degree in nibs - at least flavonoid compounds with formaldehyde in acidic
20 mg/g, but most preferably 40 to 60 mg/g (US conditions, remaining non-flavonoid phenolics were
9107430, 2015). Ruby chocolate was presented at a measured using Folin-Ciocalteau reagent as described
launch event in Shanghai (China) in September 2017, above (determination of total phenolic content).
but so far there is no literature data about its bioactive Flavonoid content was calculated as the difference
content. between total phenolic and non-flavonoid content.

Danijela Šeremet et al. / RUBY CHOCOLATE – BIOACTIVE POTENTIAL... (2019) 8 (2) 89-96

Since gallic acid was used as the standard in literature data on sensory evaluation, with some
phenolics and-non-flavonoids determination, the modifications (Camu et al., 2008; Luna et al., 2002).
content of flavonoids was also expressed as mg The sensory evaluation was conducted on six
GAE/g of original chocolate product (Kramling and experimental samples using the internal sensory
Singleton, 1969). All measurements were performed panel of researchers from the Faculty of Food
in triplicate. Technology and Biotechnology with experience in
sensory evaluations. The panel was formed of 20
Determination of antioxidant capacity trained personnel, 15 female and 5 male members,
who had previous experience in the assessment of
Antioxidant capacity of the chocolate extracts was confectionery products. All panel members exhibited
determined using DPPH radical scavenging assay a good score in a taste sensitivity test and showed the
(Brand-Williams et al., 1995) and ABTS radical ability to identify 5 of 7 commonly found food
cation (ABTS+) decolourization assay (Re et al., flavours. Firstly, they had undergone extensive
1999). All measurements were performed in training during two sessions to familiarize with
triplicate. For both assays, Trolox was used as the similar samples and to reach a consensus of
standard and the results were expressed as µmol quantification of previously selected sensory
Trolox equivalents per g of chocolate product attributes. During training sessions, a list of reference
(µM Trolox/g). intensities ratings was developed in order to properly
evaluate all sensory attributes of experimental
Determination of flavan-3-ols by vanillin and samples. Proper conditions in the partitioned booth of
4-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (p-DAC) assays sensory laboratory required for sensory evaluation
were obtained, including equilibration of encoded
Chocolate extracts were analysed for their flavan-3- samples served in Petri dishes at room temperature
ols content by vanillin assay as described by Di (22 °C) with white light illumination. For the
Stefano et al. (1989) using 4% vanillin solution in experimental chocolate samples, three sessions in a
methanol. period of one month were held. Followed attributes
The content of flavan-3-ols was also determined by were evaluated for all six chocolates: milk, fruity and
p-DAC assay, due to differences in used reagents and chocolate distinctive odour, mouthfeel, after taste,
mechanisms of reactions. A standard procedure sweetness, acidity, milk taste, bitterness and
reported by Di Stefano et al. (1989) was used to astringency, with overall acceptability of each
estimate the flavan-3-ol content. Dissolved p-DAC in chocolate sample. Attention was especially focused
concentrated HCl and methanol was used as a on the sensory evaluation of Ruby chocolate,
reagent. comparing its overall acceptable grade and individual
For calibration, (+)-catechin (CAT) standard was parameters, such as acidity, fruity and milk odour, to
used. All measurements were performed in triplicate other chocolate samples. The sensory attributes were
and the results were expressed as mg (+)-catechin per assessed on a 1/9 point scale, defined as: 1; very
gram of chocolate product (mg (+)CAT/g). weak, 5; moderate and 9; very strong. The average
point number was calculated for each of the
Quantitative determination of proanthocyanidins attributes.

Proanthocyanidins (i.e. condensed tannins) were Statistical analysis

analysed by n-butanol/HCl assay of Bate-Smith
(1973), with minor modifications. Solutions of All results expressed as the mean value ± standard
cyanidin chloride were used for the construction of deviation with Correlations between assays were
standard calibration curves and the results were performed using Microsoft Excel (MS Office 2010).
expressed in mg of cyanidin chloride equivalents
per g of chocolate product (mg CyE/g). All Results and discussion
measurements were performed in triplicate.
Total phenolic content (TPC) of investigated
Sensory evaluation chocolates - dark (DC), semisweet (SC), milk (MC),
Ruby (RC), white (WC) and white chocolate with
Chocolate samples were evaluated for sensory strawberry (WSC) is shown in Fig. 1. Among
properties using quantitative descriptive analysis investigated samples, DC contained the highest TPC
method, following ISO standards (International (8.11 mg GAE/g) with high correlation (0.98) with
Standard ISO 8586/2012, 2012) and corresponding antioxidant capacity (DPPH: 40.75 µmol Trolox/g;

Danijela Šeremet et al. / RUBY CHOCOLATE – BIOACTIVE POTENTIAL... (2019) 8 (2) 89-96

ABTS: 57.67 µmol Trolox/g) (Fig. 2), due to the formation of cocoa polyphenols-milk protein
highest content of cocoa solids, while the lowest complexes through non-covalent hydrophobic
values of TPC and antioxidant capacity were interactions stabilized by hydrogen bonding
determined in WC (TPC: 0.36 mg GAE/g; DPPH: (Jakobek, 2015), and to a smaller content of cocoa
2.85 µmol Trolox/g; ABTS: 0.64 µmol Trolox/g) and solids. For Ruby chocolate, as the most interesting
WSC (TPC: 0.04 mg GAE/g; DPPH: 0.51 µmol chocolate due to the lack of data about its bioactive
Trolox/g; ABTS: 1.75 µmol Trolox/g ) (Fig. 1; content, measured TPC was 1.35 GAE/g (Fig. 1),
Fig. 2). Todorovic et al. (2015) also reported higher antioxidant activity 8.21 µmol Trolox/g determined
TPC in dark (11.99 mg GAE/g) than in milk by the DPPH method and 10.63 µmol Trolox/g
chocolates (2.70 mg GAE/g), as well as Laličić- determined by the ABTS method (Fig. 2). The values
Petronijević et al. (2016), who detected a higher TPC of antioxidant capacity of investigated samples
in dark (8.4 mg GAE/g) than in semisweet determined by the ABTS method are in high
(6.4 GAE/g) and milk (1.6 mg GAE/g) chocolates. correlation with TPC (0.98), and slightly higher
Similar results were also reported by da Silva compared to values obtained by the DPPH method
Medeiros et al. (2015) and Belščak-Cvitanović et al. which can be explained by the ability of ABTS
(2012). The lower values of TPC and antioxidant radical to react with a broader range of antioxidative
capacity of milk chocolate compared to dark and compounds (Mareček et al., 2017).
semisweet chocolates can be attributed to the

Fig. 1. Total flavonoids and non-flavonoids content (mg GAE/g chocolate ± SD) of analysed chocolates

In the investigated chocolates, as can be seen in 3.00 mg CAT(+)/g (DC) and, determined by p-DAC
Fig. 1, flavonoids are predominant among the assay, up to 2.91 mg CAT(+)/g (DC). The highest
polyphenolic compounds. The values of flavonoids content of proanthocyanidins was observed in DC
ranged between 0.04 mg GAE/g for WSC and (0.80 mg CyE/g), while their presence in WC and
6.28 mg GAE/g for DC. According to the literature, WSC was not observed. Similar results were reported
one of the most abundant subgroups of flavonoids in by Belščak-Cvitanović et al. (2012; 2015), Todorovic
chocolate are flavan-3-ols, especially (-)-epicatechin et al. (2015) and Laličić-Petronijević et al. (2016). It
and (+)-catechin, which can group together to form is worth to highlight higher values of antioxidant
oligomeric and polymeric proanthocyanidins - capacity and higher content of flavan-3-ols (1.02 mg
polyphenolic compounds that contribute the most to CAT(+)/g; 0.90 mg CAT(+)/g) and
the antioxidant capacity of chocolate (Di Mattia et proanthocyanidins (0.10 mg CyE/g) of RC compared
al., 2017). The results for total flavan-3-ols and to MC (0.06 mg CAT(+)/g; 0.31 mg CAT(+)/g;
proanthocyanidins content of investigated chocolates 0.06 mg CyE/g) (Table 1), even though MC turned
are presented in Table 1. Flavan-3-ols content out to be richer in total polyphenols (Fig. 1). The
determined with vanillin assay exhibited up to high correlation between total proanthocyanidins and

Danijela Šeremet et al. / RUBY CHOCOLATE – BIOACTIVE POTENTIAL... (2019) 8 (2) 89-96

total flavan-3-ols content using both vanillin and p- obtaining a reaction and assay sensitivity. Thus, p-
DAC assays (0.98) can be explained due to the DAC reagent reacts only with a hydroxyl group at the
chemical composition of proanthocyanidins since C-6 position in the benzene ring, while vanillin
they are oligomeric and polymeric flavan-3-ols. The reagent bonds on hydroxyl groups at C-6 and
lower values measured by p-DAC assay may be the C-8 positions in molecules of flavan-3-ols (Porter et
consequence of different structural requirements for al., 1986).

Fig. 2. Antioxidant capacity of analysed chocolates determined by ABTS (µmol Trolox/g chocolate ± SD)
and DPPH assays (µmol Trolox/g chocolate ± SD)

Table 1. Total flavan-3-ols (mg CAT(+)/g ± SD) and proanthocyanidins (mg CyE/g ± SD content in analysed chocolates

Total flavan-3-ols¹(mg Total flavan-3-ols² (mg Total proanthocyanidins

CAT(+)/g) CAT(+)/g) (mg CyE/g)
DC 3.71±0.03 2.91±0.72 0.80±0.02
SC 2.83±0.02 1.94±0.32 0.56±0.02
MC 0.06±0.01 0.31±0.06 0.06±0.00
RC 1.02±0.01 0.90±0.16 0.10±0.10
WC n.d. 0.02±0.00 n.d.
WSC 0.03±0.00 n.d. n.d.
n.d.= not detected
CAT(+)=catechine, CyE=cyanidin chloride equivalent
¹-²Determined using vanillin and p-DAC assay
Results are expressed as the mean value ± standard deviation

Fig. 3a-b illustrate the score for evaluated sensory mouthfeel taste, described as one of the most
attributes in the analyzed chocolates. According to significant sensory categories for chocolates
obtained results in odour attributes (Fig. 3a), WC (Dürrschmid et al., 2006). WC, WSC and RC were
showed the highest score in terms of milk odour, evaluated with lower scores than MC for the same
while WSC expressed the most dominant fruity odour attribute. Although it was expected for MC to exhibit
among all samples. As expected, SC and DC the highest grade in milk taste, WC was evaluated
obtained the highest score in chocolate distinctive with the highest score, while RC received an average
odour, while for the same attribute, RC was estimated score. Except for WSC, scores for aftertaste did not
as at least preferable chocolate. In terms of fruity vary significantly between the samples, while
odour, WSC exhibited the highest score, while this sweetness and acidity were scored in a wider value
attribute was less pronounced in RC. Also, various range, as expected. WC and WSC showed the highest
taste attributes were tested in order to rank the score in sweetness, while the lowest score was
acceptability of RC among other, commonly obtained for DC. The intensity of acidity was the
consumed chocolates. As can be seen in Fig. 3b, SC highest in RC, followed by WSC and DC, which
and DC were the highest ranked samples in corresponds to data presented on Barry Callebaut

Danijela Šeremet et al. / RUBY CHOCOLATE – BIOACTIVE POTENTIAL... (2019) 8 (2) 89-96

official web site (Anonymus, 2019) reporting the SC and DC, since those sensory attributes are related
acidity as one of the prominent sensory attributes of with methylxanthines (caffeine and theobromine) and
Ruby chocolate, along with sweetness, sourness, polyphenolic compounds, such as proanthocyanidins
creamy and red fruit flavour. The presence of and flavan-3-ols in cocoa (Misnawi et al., 2003;
bitterness and astringency was the most dominant in Wollgast and Anklam, 2000; Luna et al., 2002;
chocolates with the highest content of cocoa solids, Belščak-Cvitanović et al., 2012).



Fig. 3. Spider chart representing mean scores of the evaluated sensory attributes (a) odour attributes and (b) taste attributes for
white chocolate (WC), white chocolate with strawberry (WSC), milk chocolate (MC), Ruby chocolate (RC),
semisweet chocolate (SC) and dark chocolate (DC)

The overall acceptability, as a useful guideline in the Conclusions

final chocolate product assessment, was also
evaluated and the best assessed was SC with the According to results of bioactive potential of
highest score (7.9), followed by DC (7.6) and MC different chocolates, dark chocolate showed the
(6.7) and further WC and WSC with average scores highest value of total phenolic content correlated well
(5.4 and 6.1, respectively) while RC was at least with antioxidant capacity as expected, while Ruby
acceptable chocolate (5.2). chocolate exhibited moderate results of total phenolic

Danijela Šeremet et al. / RUBY CHOCOLATE – BIOACTIVE POTENTIAL... (2019) 8 (2) 89-96

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