Agricultural Leasehold Contract: Department of Agrarian Reform
Agricultural Leasehold Contract: Department of Agrarian Reform
Agricultural Leasehold Contract: Department of Agrarian Reform
This Agricultural Leasehold Contract made and entered into by and between:
1. That this Contract shall be governed by the provisions of Republic Act No. 6657,
3844 and other related laws, rules and regulations issued by the Department of
Agrarian Reform and shall strictly Conform to the conditional requirement embodied
in Administrative Order No. 6, Series of 2003;
2. That this Contract shall bind both parties to fundamentally carry out the
requirements necessitated by agricultural leasehold relationship and other terms
and condition stipulated to maintain agricultural production over a far lot located in
Barangay Del Rosario, Municipality of Uson, Province of Masbate, owned and
possessed by the AGRICULTURAL LESSOR and covered by Tax Declaration No. 3295
which landholding consisting of 2.4326 hectares is bound on the:
3. That this Contract shall commence and continue every agricultural year
thereafter taking into consideration the existing agricultural leasehold relationship
of the parties until the same has been terminated or modified in accordance with
law and applicable provisions of Republic Act No. 6, series of 2003;
4. That this Contract upon approval of the DAR decrees the leasehold rental for said
landholding in the amount of ________________________________ ( )
per ________________________ or __________ (if in kind, indicate applicable
unit of measure) of ______________ (kind of crop) or in combination of cash and
kind schemes whichever is preferable to both parties; (if principle crop does not jibe
with the auxiliary crop, a separate lease rental shall be provided, as the case may
5. That this Contract mandates that the AGRICULTURAL LESSEE shall pay the
required lease rental which shall not be more than the equivalent of 25% of the
average normal harvest based on the computation made during the
mediation/meeting conference as indicated in the attached Lease Rental Worksheet
(LTI-LHO Form No. 9) which forms integral part of this Agreement;
7. That this Contract sanctions the obligation of the AGRICULTURAL LESSEE to pay
the lease rental due of a particular year in spite of crop failure to extent of seventy-
five percent (75%) or more as a result of a fortuitous event. However such non-
payment of the rental due shall not be a ground for the dispossession of the
agricultural lessee but the obligation to pay the said lease rental due of that
particular year is not extinguished;
8. That the contract requires both parties to explicitly refrain from doing or
committing prohibited acts, such as: