Tribhuvan University Institute of Engineering B.E. Model Entrance Examination - 2020 Section - I (60 × 1 60)
Tribhuvan University Institute of Engineering B.E. Model Entrance Examination - 2020 Section - I (60 × 1 60)
Tribhuvan University Institute of Engineering B.E. Model Entrance Examination - 2020 Section - I (60 × 1 60)
B.E. Model Entrance Examination -2020
Section– I [60× 1 = 60]
11. The position of a moving particle at any time 't' is given by x = dt 2 & y = t3 then speed of particle at 't' will be.
(a) 2 + 2 (b) 3t 2+ 2 (c) 3t2 2+ 2 (d) t2 2+ 2
12. A solid ball of volume v is dropped in a viscous liquid then it experience a viscous force 'F'. Another solid ball of
same material of volume 2v will experience a viscous force is same liquid is.
(a) F (b) 2F (c) 4F (d) 8F
13. A biconvex lens can form virtual image if object is placed at.
(a) Between focus & optical centre (b) focus
(c) between F & 2F (d) infinity
14. The speed of wave is 760m/s in which 1800 waves passes through a point in 1 minute. The wavelength is.
(a) 13.8m (b) 25.3m (c) 41.5m (d) 57.2m
15. Electrons are allowed to fall through a potential difference of 1500v then their speed will be.
(a) 4.6 × 107m/s (b) 2.3 × 107 m/s (c) 0.23 × 107m/s (d) 5.1 × 107m/s
16. The magnetic induction at any point due to a long straight wire carrying current is.
(a) Proportional to distance of point
(b) Inversely proportional to distance of point
(c) Inversely proportional to square of distance from the wire
(d) Does not depend on distance
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17. The ratio of velocity of sound in Hydrogen to helium is
21 1 42
a. b. c. d. 2
5 2 5
18. The largest possible domain for the function f ( x) x lxn is
a. (0, ) b. (0, ) {1} c. [0, ) {1} d.
19. If Aij is the cofactor of the element aij of the square matrix A = (aij)mn, then the determinant of A equals to
n n
a. aij Aij b. (1)n aij Aij c. aij Aij d. (-1)n aij Aij
i=1 r=1
20. If the fifth term of an A.P. is 10 and the 9 th term is 6, then the common difference is
a. 1 b. 4 c. 4 d. not determined
21. The roots of (x ) (x ) = x 2
4 4 3 3 1 1 2 2
a. < x < b. - < x < c. < x < d. < x <
3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3
23. dx =
1 - sinx
a. cos x + sin x + c b. tan x sec x + c c. sec x tan x + c d. tan x + sec x + c
1 + x6 - (1 + x3)
24. lim =
x x3
a. 1 b. 1 c. 0 d. does not exist
25. If f(x) = |2 x|, then f (5) =
a. 1 b. 1 c. 7 d. does not exist
26. If a and b are like vectors, then the angle between a d and d b is
a. 0 b. c. d.
2 4
27. A line among the family 2x 3y + 4 + k(x + y 7) = 0 is vertical if k =
a. 2 b. 2 c. 3 d. 3
28. A set contains n elements, then power set of the set contains
a. n elements b. 2n elements c. n2 elements d. 2n elements
1 1 1
29. If N = m! (m is a fixed positive integer > 2), then + + .......... +
log2N log3N logmN
a. –1 b. 0 c. 1 d. 2
30. Let Z be a purely imaginary number such that Im(z) > 0, then arg(z) =
a. b. c. 0 d. –
2 2
31. The value of 15C3 + 15C13 is
a. 16C3 b. 30C16 c. 15C10 d. 15C15
32. The polar equation r = asin represents
a. st. line b. circle c. parabola d. ellipse
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33. The graph of the function y = f(x) = represents
a. circle b. parabola c. ellipse d. rectangular hyperbola
lim xcos – cosx
34. =
x x–
a. cos + sin b. cos – sin c. tan d. cos + sin
a. (tan–1x)4 + c b. (tan–1x)4 + c c. 2tan–1x + c d. 2(tan–1x)2 + c
37. The projection of line joining the points (1, 2, 3) and (3, 4, 7) along z-axis is
a. 4 b. 2 c. 1 d. 5
38. No. of gram atoms of phosphorus present in 12.4 gm of tetraatomic white phosphorus crystal is
a. 0.4 b. 0.1 d. 0.8 d. 0.2
39. Which of the following subshell has highest energy?
a. 4p b. 3d c. 5s a. all equal
40. Which of these has ionic & covalent bonds only?
a. HCN b. KCl c. NH4Cl d. Ca(CN)2
41. If energy is supplied to an atom & its electron is released, the supplied energy is called
a. electron affinity b. ionization energy c. electronegativity d. enthalpy
42. Which of these acids is not acid salt?
a. NaH2PO4 b. Ca(HSO4)2 c. KH2PO2 d. None
43. Which of these is least reactive?
a. I b. Br c. Cl d. F
44. Poling is the refining process utilized for
a. metal having low mpt. b. metal having low bpt.
c. metal used to make semiconductor d. metal having its own oxide as impurity
45. Which of these is used as flux in the extraction of zinc by vertical retort process?
a. P2O5 b. CaO c. SiO2 d. none
46. During manufacture of iron by bessemerisation process, the oxidizing agent utilized to oxidize impurities is
a. Fe2O3 b. O2 c. O3 d. FeCl3
47. The reactive intermediate formed during homolytic bond fission is
a. carbocation b. carbanion c. free radical d. carbene
48. Ethene on passing through H3PO4 solution under pressure gives.
a. glyoxal b. glycol c. ethanol d. ethanal
49. The final sound of "quartz" represents
a. /s/ b. /z/ c. /ʒ/ d. /dʒ/
50. Which of the following is correctly stressed?
a. entertain b. simultaneous c. phonemic d. consonant
51. Don't lament over petty matters.
a. humorous b. mourn c. solve d. find
52. Coop:
a. a place where fouls are kept b. a place where clothes are kept
c. overthrown of government by military d. none of the above
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53. Wine is made ______grapes.
a. at b. of c. in d. for
54. I have him ____my watch.
a. to repair b. repaired c. repair d. repairing
55. He ____that the law may be charged.
a. is thinking b. think c. thought d. thinks
56. She sang so well that she ______the competition.
a. can win b. shall win c. might win d. should win
57. If water boils, it _____into steam.
a. will change b. changes c. has changed d. shall change
58. He was seen ______.
a. to work b. to be worked c. being worked d. at working
59. Little water is in the glass, _______?
a. isn't it b. is it c. both (a) & (b) d. none of these
60. She and ______were in class yesterday.
a. I b. him c. us d. them
1 th
61. A bullet loses of its velocity after penetrating a plank. How many planks are required to stop the bullet?
a. 6 b. 9 c. 11 d. 13
62. A heavy uniform chain lies on a horizontal table top of the coefficient of friction between the chain and table surface
in o.25, then maximum fraction of the length of chain, that can hung over the one edge of the table is
a. 20% b. 25% c. 35% d. 15%
63. A mercury drop of radius 1cm it broken into 10 6 droplets of equal size. The work done is (T = 3510-25 N/m)
a. 4.3510-2J b. 5.2510-5J c. 4.3510-6J d. 6.510-8J
64. The temperature of dew formation was 4.6oC and temperature of dew was 5.4oC. The atmospheric temperature is
20oC. The relative humidity is nearly (SVP water it 5 oC = 6.5mm of Hg and st 20oC = 17.5mm Hg)
a. 37% b. 100% c. 69% d. 70%
65. The efficiency of a Carnot's engine where the temperature of source is 800k is 40%. By what amount the temperature
of sink is decreased so that its efficiency becomes 50%
a. 50k b. 75k c. 80k d. 100k
66. A source of sound emits 200 w power which is uniformly distributed over a sphere of radius 10m. What is the
loudness of sound on the surface of the sphere?
a. 200 dB b. 120 dB c. 140 dB d. 117 dB
67. A glass prism deviated red and blue rays through 10 and 12o respectively. A second prism of equal angle deviated
them through 8o and 10o respectively. Then ratio of their dispersive power is
a. 11:9 b. 9:11 c. 3:2 d. 1:2
68. Two insulated spheres of 3F and 5F changed to 300V and 500V respectively. The energy loss when they are
connected by a wire is
a. 0.025J b. 2.5J c. 0.0375J d. 3.75J
69. Two cells of 10V, 5 and 6V, 3 are joined in series with like plates joined together through a load 2. Then p.d.
of each cell is
a. 8V, 7.2V b. 7.2V, 6V c. 9V, 6V d. 10V, 7.2V
70. A wire having length l and carrying current I is bent in circular from. Then find the dipole moment of circular coil.
Il2 I L2
a. b. c. 42L2I d. L2I
4 2
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71. A surface is illuminated with a light of wavelength , stopping potential is 'V' volt. When same surface is illuminated
by wavelength 2, stopping potential is , then threshold wavelength of surface is
4 8
a. b. 4 c. 3 d.
3 3
72. An x-ray tube operated at 50 kV, produces heat at target at one rate of 796 watt. If 0.5% energy of incident electrons
is converted into x-rays, then the number of electrons striking the target per second will be
a. 1019 b. 1018 c. 1017 d. 1016
73. An unpolarised light of amplitude 'a' is incident on polarizer then amplitude of polarized light emerging from
polarizer is
a a a
a. b. 2a c. c.
2 2 4
74. One mole of monoatomic gas is mixed with one mole of diatomic gas. The molar specific heat of mixture at constant
volume is
3 5
a. R b. R c. 2R d. 4R
2 2
1 1
75. If x 0, then tan + cos-1x + tan - cos-1x =
4 2 4 2
1 2 1
a. b. c. d. x
x x x(x2 - 1)
1 1 1
76. In any ABC, + + =
ab bc ca
1 2 2R 2r
a. b. c. d.
2Rr Rr r R
77. If arg(z 3 + 4i) = , then the locus of z = (x, y) = (x + iy) is
a. x y + 1 = 0 b. x + y 1 = 0 c. x + y + 1 = 0 d. y = 4
78. If the product of the roots of the equation 3x + 2x + m(m 1) = 0 is negative, then m lies on
81. x dx-x =
e + e + 2
a. (ex + 1) + c b. (ex + 1) + c c. 2(ex + 1) + c d. 2(ex + 1) + c
82. The area enclosed by the curve y = 1 - x2 and the x-axis is
a. b. c. 2 d. 4
83. The polar equation r = represents
1 + cos
a. parabola b. ellipse c. circle d. a straight line
84. If the sum of the slopes of the lines x + kxy 3y = 0 is three times the product of the slopes, then k =
2 2
a. 1 b. 3 c. 3 d. 9
85. The length of the y-intercept made by the circle x2 + y2 8x + y 20 = 0 is
a. 7 b. 8 c. 9 d. 12
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86. A chord of the parabola x2 = 4ay passes through the vertex and is inclined at an angle with the positive x-axis.
Then, the length of the chord is
a. 4a sin cos2 b. 4a cos sin2 c. 4a sec tan2 d. 4a sin sec2
87. The coordinates of the foci of the ellipse 4x2 + 9y2 = 1 are
5 0
a. ±
5 0
b. ±
5 0
c. ± d. ±
6 3 4 5
88. If x = 27 and y = log34, then xy =
3 1
a. 64 b. 16 c. d.
7 16
89. In a local election, a voter can vote at most 3 candidates among the 8. In how different ways can he vote at least one
a. 12544 b. 3154 c. 184 d. 92
90. The gas obtained by roasting of Galena, acts as oxidizing agent while it is reacting with
a. Cl2 water b. k2Cr2O7|H2O c. H2S d. all
91. The product formed by reduction of C6H5N2Cl with H3PO2 on treating with Cl2 in presence of UV light produces
a. benzene b. chlorobenzene c. toluene d. hexachloro cyclohexane
92. PH solution formed by mixing equal volume of pH = 4 and pH = 8 is
a. 6 b. 4.3 c. 7 d. 9.7
93. The mass of NaOH solution present in its 50ml solution which can neutralize completely with sum of 20ml of 0.5N
HCl & 30ml of 0.7N H2SO4 is
a. 0.62 gm b. 1.24 gm c. 1.61 gm d. 2.48 gm
94. The no. of HNO3 molecules behaving as an acid in the following equation is
Zn + HNO3 Zn(NO3)2 + NH4NO3 + H2O
a. 1 b. 9 c. 10 d. 8
95. How many number of males are present in a reaction mixture of 4g of H 2 and 48g of O2
a. 2 moles b. 2.5 moles c. 3 moles d. 3.5 moles
96. Calculate the total number of protons, electrons and neutrons in PH 3
a. 18, 18, 18 b. 18, 18, 17 c. 18, 18, 16 d. 18, 18, 15
Read the passage and give the answer of questions
Cultural norms have existed ever since the conscience of human being was developed from the time immemorial,
the etiquette of table manners have been of great concern. The tradition of showing careful responses the food served and
to be manners while being served with food ahs been of great importance. People, nowadays too keeps the lain-dawn a
tradition from their ancestors but in a slightly modified ways. Modern equipment though have played a great role in
transforming the tradition, but the manners at the table always seem to have been unchanged. People have to be aware
and should show the civilized character of appreciating the dishes served at any occasions, not just ignore or chuckle or
97. +-The passage is mainly about.
a. cultural taboo b. traditional dishes
c. traditional of behaving eating d. etiquette
98. The meaning of the word 'etiquette' in the passage is.
a. eating habits b. taboo c. cultural tradition d. polite behaviour
99. People should always _____ dishes served to them.
a. appreciate b. leave eating if not tasty
c. comment bad d. analyze
100. Which of the following is correct.
a. Civilized manners can also be judged from the table manners
b. Civilization is a thing to be judged by simple behaviour at the table
c. A civilized person always comments on the foot served to him
d. None of the above
…The End…
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