Work and Instructional Supervisory Plan
Work and Instructional Supervisory Plan
Work and Instructional Supervisory Plan
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Instructional Needs Objectives Supervisory Tool Target Date Learning Time Focus Teacher
1. Academic Classroom 1. To assist teachers improve their Instructional Supervision Form Nov. 16, 2017
Instruction and skills in facilitating teaching- 3A/CB-PAST Form 3A Math 7 Mrs. Jinnefer S. Sinogba
Management with learning process during their
emphasis on: conduct of academic classroom Teacher’s DLL/LP/Journal English 7 Mrs. Analynne B. Salcedo
instruction and management.
a. Utilization of varied Teacher’s Manual/Guide Mapeh 7 Mrs. Isabel S. Sarto
teaching strategies and 2. To improve the use of
approach In facilitating appropriate assessment Learner’s Module & Outputs Aral. Pan. 7 Ms. Carol C. Nachor
the learning process. techniques when needed.
Teacher’s Instructional Materials
b. Utilization of rubrics in
students’ interaction/
group learning activities.
c. Assessment/evaluation
of students’ product
2. Students To increase students participation/ Teacher Classroom Observation Rating Nov. 28, 2017 Fil. 9 Mrs. Maria Gracia M. Dato
Participation/Involvement Involvement in classroom activities Checklist (Monitoring Form)
in classroom activities Science 8 Mr. Domingo D. Silva
particularly in English, Student’s Modules
Science and Math
3. Curriculum To Provide to teachers various Students’ output Nov. 29, 2017 All subjects Mrs. Maria Gracia M. Dato
information on the principles and
procedures of maximizing Compiled activities/portfolio Mr. Domingo D. Silva
instructional time and instructional
materials. Mrs. Jinnefer S. Sinogba
Instructional Needs Objectives Supervisory Tool Target Date Learning Time Focus Teacher
1. Academic Classroom Instruction 1. To assist teachers improve Instructional Supervision August 14-15, Eng. 8 Mrs. Analynne B. Salcedo
and Management with emphasis on: their skills in facilitating Form 3A/CB-PAST Form 3A 2017
teaching-learning process Teacher’s DLL/LP/Journal Science 8 Mr. Domingo D. Silva
a. Utilization of varied teaching during their conduct of Teacher’s Manual/Guide
strategies and approach In facilitating academic classroom Learner’s Module &
the learning process. instruction and management. Outputs
Teacher’s Instructional
b. Utilization of rubrics in students’ 2. To improve the Materials
interaction/ group learning activities. performance level of students Teacher’s Prepared
particularly in NAT and NCAE. Rubrucs
c. Assessment/evaluation of students’ Checked portfolio, projects
product performance utilizing rubrics 3. To assess performance and compiled activities,
for rating. using rubrics.
2. Students To increase students Teacher Classroom Observation Aug. 15-16, 2017 Fil 8 Mrs. Maria Gracia M. Dato
Participation/Involvement in participation/ Involvement in Rating Checklist (Monitoring Form)
classroom activities classroom activities Aral. Pan 8 Ms. Caroline C. Nachor
Student’s Modules
3. Preparation of materials, devices To equip teachers in the Instructional devices utilized by Aug. 16-17,2017 Math 8 Mrs. Jinnefer S. Sinogba
and technology resources as aid for preparation and development teachers and students, modules,
instruction. of instructional materials and checked students activities/ Mapeh 9 Mrs. Isabel S. Sarto
devices. Outputs
4. Curriculum To Provide to teachers various Students’ output Aug. 22-23, 2017 All All teachers
information on the principles subjects
and procedures of maximizing Compiled activities/portfolio
instructional time.
Instructional Needs Objectives Supervisory Tool Target Date Learning Time Focus Teacher
1. Academic Classroom Instruction 1. To assist teachers improve Instructional Supervision Sept. 19, 2017 Eng. 10 Mrs. Analynne B. Salcedo
and Management with emphasis on: their skills in facilitating Form 3A/CB-PAST Form 3A
teaching-learning process Teacher’s DLL/LP/Journal AP 10 Ms. Caroline C. Nachor
a. Utilization of varied teaching during their conduct of Teacher’s Manual/Guide
strategies and approach In facilitating academic classroom Learner’s Module &
the learning process. instruction and management. Outputs
Teacher’s Instructional
b. Utilization of rubrics in students’ 2. To improve the Materials
interaction/ group learning activities. performance level of students Teacher’s Prepared
particularly in NAT and NCAE. Rubrucs
c. Assessment/evaluation of students’ Checked portfolio, projects
product performance utilizing rubrics 3. To assess performance and compiled activities,
for rating. using rubrics.
2. Students To increase students Teacher Classroom Observation Sept. 20, 2017 Fil 10 Mrs. Maria Gracia M. Dato
Participation/Involvement in participation/ Involvement in Rating Checklist (Monitoring Form)
classroom activities classroom activities Math 10 Ms. Jinnefer S. Sinogba
Student’s Modules
3. Preparation of materials, devices To equip teachers in the Instructional devices utilized by Sept. 21, 2017 Science 10 Mr. Domingo D. Silva
and technology resources as aid for preparation and development teachers and students, modules, Mapeh 10
instruction. of instructional materials and checked students activities/ Mrs. Isabel S. Sarto
devices. Outputs
4. Curriculum To Provide to teachers various Students’ output Sept. 19-21, 2017 All subjects All teachers
information on the principles
and procedures of maximizing Compiled activities/portfolio
instructional time.
Prepared by: Noted: : Approved:
Department of Education
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Instructional Needs Objectives Supervisory Tool Target Date Learning Time Focus Teacher
1. Academic Classroom Instruction 1. To assist teachers improve Instructional Supervision Oct. 9, 2017 MAPEH 7 Mrs. Isabel S. Sarto
and Management with emphasis on: their skills in facilitating Form 3A/CB-PAST Form 3A
teaching-learning process Teacher’s DLL/LP/Journal
a. Utilization of varied teaching during their conduct of Teacher’s Manual/Guide
strategies and approach In facilitating academic classroom Learner’s Module &
the learning process. instruction and management. Outputs
Teacher’s Instructional
b. Utilization of rubrics in students’ 2. To improve the Materials
interaction/ group learning activities. performance level of students Teacher’s Prepared
particularly in NAT and NCAE. Rubrucs
c. Assessment/evaluation of students’ Checked portfolio, projects
product performance utilizing rubrics 3. To assess performance and compiled activities,
for rating. using rubrics.
2. Students To increase students Teacher Classroom Observation Oct. 10, 2017 Science 7 Mr. Domingo D. Silva
Participation/Involvement in participation/ Involvement in Rating Checklist (Monitoring Form)
classroom activities classroom activities
Student’s Modules
3. Preparation of materials, devices To equip teachers in the Instructional devices utilized by Oct. 11, 2017 Filipino 7 Mrs. Maria Gracia M. Dato
and technology resources as aid for preparation and development teachers and students, modules,
instruction. of instructional materials and checked students activities/ Aral. Pan. 7 Ms. Caroline C. Nachor
devices. Outputs
4. Curriculum To Provide to teachers various Students’ output Oct. 9-11, 2017 English 7 Mrs. Analynne B. Salcedo
information on the principles
and procedures of maximizing Compiled activities/portfolio Math 7 Mrs. Jinnefer S. Sinogba
instructional time.
Prepared by: Noted: : Approved: