12 JST-0970-2017
12 JST-0970-2017
12 JST-0970-2017
Cogeneration systems are extensively used in Malaysia to produce power as a primary
source. However, in the event of cogeneration system failure, the customer or the client are
forced to use a redundancy to avoid power interruptions. There are two methods commonly
used as a backup in the cogeneration systems which are Generator set and public utility. In
order to choose the best redundancy for a particular cogeneration system, it is essential to
evaluate the economic benefit analysis by considering several factors such as Maximum
demand charge, installation cost and Discount interest. In the evaluation of economic
benefit, this study identifies the number of failure and associated downtime using reliability
and availability approach, and then present value method was applied. The result shows
that the usage of public utility as redundancy is beneficial if the cogeneration system
operates within five years period. However, if the cogeneration system operates more than
five years, generator set option would be a better option to minimize the total cost. This
research also addresses the effect of various factors such as installation cost, maximum
demand charge, fuel cost, discount interest rate and production capacity. In general, the
output of the research would be beneficial for the plant operator to select the appropriate
redundancy option based on the economic advantages.
Keywords: Cogeneration, gas turbine, public utility, redundancy, reliability
Cogeneration is a system using a single
Article history:
source of fuel to generate electricity and
Received: 22 January 2018 waste heat(Chen et al., 2018). This waste
Accepted: 28 August 2018
Published: 24 January 2019 heat is useful to generate chilled water
E-mail addresses: or steam depending on the customer
meseret@unikl.edu.my/meseretreshid@gmail.com (Meseret Nasir)
drwmansor@unikl.edu.my (Wan Mansor Wan Muhamad) need(s) (Reshid et al., 2017a, 2017b). The
azizmaarof@unikl.edu.my (Raja Aziz Raja Maarof)
* Corresponding author performance of cogeneration system is
ISSN: 0128-7680
e-ISSN: 2231-8526 © Universiti Putra Malaysia Press
Meseret Nasir, Wan Mansor Wan Muhamad and Raja Aziz Raja Maarof
linked with availability. In the cogeneration system, high availability is the most important
factor to avoid power interruption (Eti et al., 2007). In order to meet high availability, it is
necessary that all equipment/subsystems of cogeneration plant remain in upstate condition
for a longer duration of time. In other words, it is imperative for all subsystems to perform
satisfactorily during their expected life span.
The performance of a cogeneration system relies on the availability and operating
conditions of the equipment (Ramesh & Saravannan, 2011b). In a situation of a 1% reduction
in availability for a macro cogeneration system, this results in unplanned shutdowns which
causes about $500,000 loss of income (Meherwan, 2002). This economic loss has been
estimated to be about 30% of the total cost of electricity generated by the cogeneration
plant (Gräber, 2004; Lemma & Hashim, 2013). Such a proportion of expenditure is
considered higher than what is encountered in other industries. One of the main reasons
for the reduction of availability is failure. Failure is an unavoidable phenomenon which
can occur unexpectedly. When failure occurs, efforts are needed to maintain the system
and avert the associated risk due to it. The common practice to avert the associated risks
due to failure is using redundancy or back up system. Generally cogeneration system uses
two common redundancy options such as Generator set and public utility. Generator set
(Genset) refers to a gas turbine driven generator as a redundancy used in a cogeneration
plant. On the other hand, public utility refers to a cogeneration plant that taps electricity
from the national power grid to avoid power interruptions. When the cogeneration system
fails, the clients who are using the system as primary source of power are forced to use
redundancy. However, the associated cost using redundancy is very high.
There are four major reasons for the need of redundancy (Pham & Wang, 1996). First is
scheduled equipment maintenance. During the scheduled maintenance, the equipment will
cease to function, for preventive maintenance or the Overhaul. Therefore, there is a need
to have redundancy to continue supplying electric power to the user. The second reason is
equipment failure. In such case, the equipment or the system needs to undergo corrective
maintenance. During this time, the redundancy needs to supply the required demand to
the client. Third is demand variations as the cogeneration plant is highly dependent on
environmental conditions. The change in the environmental condition will cause fluctuation
in demand. In order to cope with such circumstance, redundancy should be integrated.
Finally, redundancy is needed due to special operating conditions. This condition refers to
the startup and shutdown of plants which may cause trip or unexpected failure.
The economic analysis of power generating system is more closely linked to system
availability and reliability analysis. This is because production interruption is one of the
major worry for plant owners (Dougan & Reilly, 1993; Lewis & Lewis, 1987; Vega et al.,
1998). The downtime cost in the power plant is very expensive apart from the maintenance
cost of the equipment. During the plant outage, power is purchased from other sources to
meet the demand of the utility system. Additionally, as Meherwan (2002) highlights, this
can be very costly in terms of operation. Most power purchase agreements have articles
which include maximum demand charge payments. This makes the power plant availability
crucial for the power generation system (Meherwan, 2002). Unplanned outages may
happen during peak generation seasons and usually result in significant losses. Richwine
(2004) estimated that forced outages cost from 3 to 4.5 times as much as planned outages.
Qiu et al. (2011) had established the failure cost model for power generating equipment
in which it estimated the failure cost considering the probabilistic nature of failure. The
probabilistic nature of failure was formulated using Weibull distribution. In their study, the
cost of repair was only estimated, however; the failure cost should include the downtime
cost which was caused by the failure.
Christiansen (2013) estimated unplanned outage events for 388 combined-cycle plants.
The author collected 15-years data over 3000 units of the combined cycle power plant. The
study identified the causes and durations of forced outages and unscheduled maintenance.
Furthermore, reliability and availability were established for each class of plant. The costs
to render the unit serviceable for each main outage were calculated, as were net revenues
lost due to unplanned outages. Furthermore, Grace and Christiansen (2013 ) estimated the
cost of unplanned outage events for combined-cycle systems. The study provided a detailed
listing of events that caused forced and unscheduled maintenance outages in combined-
cycle power plants, costs associated with such events and a quantified assessment of the
economic impact that such outage events could have on overall maintenance costs and
lost revenue.
Although several researches have been done on redundancy of power generating
cogeneration plant, there still is lacking of research regarding the suitability of redundancy
type to cogeneration plant. In fact, the choice of selecting the redundancy is normally
left to the user. Thus, to avoid additional capital expenditure requirements, public utility
is normally chosen to as redundancy, without considering the operation costs. From the
experience of the cogeneration operators, the use of public utility can be expensive due
to high cost of maximum demand charge that comes with, which is neglected in reviewed
papers on redundancy. Thus, this paper analyses various redundancy options by considering
several factors such as maximum demand charge, installation cost interest discount rate
and failure frequency.
In order to evaluate the redundancy options of the cogeneration power system, to the main
requirement is to develop appropriate methodology which includes reliability, availability
and economic assessment. The flow chart of the methodology is presented in Figure 1.
As observed in Figure 2, the gas turbine generates electric power and waste heat. The
electric power goes to electric chillers and to the customer for electricity usage. The electric
chiller uses electricity to produce the chilled water to supplement the high cooling load
during the peak hour. This chilled water may also be reserved in the thermal storage. The
waste heat generated from the gas turbine goes to heat recovery steam generator to produce
steam. This steam is used for process heating in the steam absorption chillers. Finally, the
chilled water will be supplied to the customer.
Data Acquisition
The required data to develop the models are failure, repair and cost data. The failure
and repair data are commonly used to develop the availability and reliability model.
Unfortunately, the failure and repair data are scarce in many cases due to improper
documentation of maintenance data (Louit et al., 2009). Therefore this study utilizes
production data instead of maintenance data in the evaluation of availability and reliability.
This is because production data is abundantly available. The operational hourly production
data were collected from the plant historical production data and online observation to
develop characterization of the cogeneration system for the period of five year. The collected
data was filtered to exclude the holidays and schedule maintenance which was identified
using calendar and the plant maintenance schedule. The reason is during the holiday or
schedule maintenance, the system will be off or the generation capacity will be deliberately
reduced. The performance data during this period does not reflect the characteristic of
the system. Thus, this substantiates justification to regard the said period as irrelevant to
the analysis. Furthermore, the performance data during start up and shutdown were also
excluded from the analysis; because the system performance is low at these periods but
most importantly, it is not due to the equipment problem.
The system operation and maintenance cost data were also gathered from the plant
and literature to evaluate the redundancy options.
Parameter Estimation
Without reliability and availability assessment, it is difficult to predict the number of failures
and downtimes which is used as an input for consequences assessment. In binary system
performance evaluation, the equipment is characterized into two states such as working
and failed state. These two states of the system can be determined by analysis of the mean
time between failure (MTBF) and the mean time to repair (MTTR). MTBF estimates how
frequently the system will fail. MTBF is also a basic parameters for reliability (Wang &
Sivazlian, 1997). This can be represented by;
Accumulated operating time
Frequency of failure (1)
MTTR gauges how quickly the system is back to service. This can be represented by;
In this study, exponential distribution can be used to evaluate the system or equipment
reliability and availability for useful period of the bathtub curve (Rausand & Høyland,
2003). The exponential distribution is a good estimation for repairable system as most
of the repairable component or system lies in the useful period of the bathtub curve. The
useful period of the bathtub curve uses a constant failure rate which means that it can be
approximated by the average actual changing rate during the respected time duration.
Equations (3) and (4) are used to define the system or equipment reliability and
availability respectively.
R(t ) = e − λ ⋅t (3)
µ µ
A(t ) =
.e − ( )t
λ +µ
where λ is the failure rate and µ is repair rate of the equipment. λ and µ can be
defined as Equation (5) and (6) respectively.
MTBF (5)
MTTR (6)
The system reliability of series and parallel system configuration which contain n
equipment can be represented by Equation (7) and (8) respectively (Rausand & Høyland,
Similarly, the availability of the series and parallel system can be defined using Equation
(9) and (10).
Using Equations (7)-(10) depending on the configuration of the system, the cumulative
number of failure and down time can be found using Equation (11) and (12) respectively.
N (t ) = λ ⋅ t (11)
Cost of Repair
When the system failed, corrective maintenance is applied to bring back the system into
functional state. The cost of corrective maintenance ( C cm ) can be defined as Equation (14).
where N is the frequency of failure per year and Cr is cost of repair per failure.
where CMax is the Maximum demand charge cost per kw, K is the capacity in kw required
per connection, and Z is the percentage ratio of the system hook-up of electricity from
redundancy. This means only certain failures which get higher restore time will be hooked
up with electricity from redundancy. The minimum waiting time to hook up electricity from
redundancy system is based on the contract agreement between the cogeneration plant and
the user. Thus, Z can be defined by applying Equation (16) based on the historical data of
a cogeneration system.
Cs = Dt C R E R
where Dt is the total amount of time the plant would be out of service per year as a
result of failure, CR is cost of electricity rate per kw from public utility and ER is the amount
of energy supplied by the redundancy per hour.
Loss of Opportunity
Whenever the failure occurs, the system is down for repair action. This unavailability of
the system will cause opportunity loss. This loss can be represented by
where C is cost per kw charged to clients and L is the possible amount of power
delivered to clients during the service outage.
Fuel Save
When the system uses the public utility as redundancy in the event of failure, it is
not required to supply the fuel for the cogeneration system as the system is down for
maintenance action. This fuel save FS can be estimated using Equation (15)
FS = C f Dt Y
where Cf is the cost of fuel per GJ and Y is the amount fuel required to operate
cogeneration per hour.
Therefore, the annual expected cost of failure (AECF) can be obtained using equation
where ( P ,i,m) is the present worth factor, m is number of years and i is the interest
gas turbine below the minimum level is considered as the gas turbine in failed state. Based
on this assumption, the MTTF, MTBF, downtime, operating hours, and failure event are
estimated as shown Table 1.
Table 1
Reliability and availability parameters
Figure 4. Binary system availability of power generation with redundancy (WR) and without redundancy
Figure 5. Binary system reliability of power generation system with redundancy (WR) and without
redundancy (WRO)
Table 2
Statstical validation with cumulative number of failures and downtime hours
Table 3
Input parameters for redundancy cost evaluation
The expected cost of failure were estimating the cost of failure caused by the actual
downtime and failure frequency, and then compared with the cost calculated with the
predicted failure and down time using Equation (20) and (21). The results are shown in
Table 4 and 5. The estimated present value of failure cost for the actual failure and down
time is -RM 7,722,356 while the present cost of failure for predicted failure and down time
is RM 7,338,172. The annual value for five years using the actual down time and number of
failure is RM 2,545,317 while the annual cost of failure for predicted failure and down time
is RM 2,582,199. Based on the present and annual cost of failure, the deviation between
the actual and predicted value is 1.43% which falls within acceptable margin. Thus, the
developed failure cost model is useful to predict the impact of failure in monetary value.
Table 4
Cumulative failure cost based on actual number of failure and downtimes
Year Expected Cost Expected Expected Cost Expected Fuel cost Total Expected
of production Penalty cost of supplied Cost of repair saving cost of failure
loss ( RM) power
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 -53,391 -1,270,353 -69,095 -777,945 18,952 -2,151,833
2 -97,884 -2,328,981 -126,674 -1,426,233 34,746 -3,945,026
3 -134,962 -3,211,171 -174,656 -1,966,473 47,907 -5,439,354
4 -165,859 -3,946,329 -214,641 -2,416,672 58,875 -6,684,628
5 -191,607 -4,558,961 -247,963 -2,791,839 68,015 -7,722,356
Note: The unit of all costs used in this study is Malaysian Ringgit (RM)
Table 5
Cumulative failure cost based on predicted number of failure and downtime
Year Expected Cost Expected Expected Cost Expected Fuel cost Total
of production Penalty cost of supplied Cost of saving Expected
loss power repair cost of failure
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 -73,333 -1,071,630 -56,667 -583,333 -20,115 -1,764,848
2 -128,333 -2,474,955 -99,167 -1,347,222 -35,201 -4,014,476
3 -184,988 -3,325,455 -142,946 -1,810,185 -49,215 -5,414,359
4 -228,095 -4,122,799 -175,845 -2,244,213 -61,039 -6,709,913
5 -265,229 -4,647,799 -204,539 -2,565,715 -71,224 -7,612,057
Note: The unit of all costs used in this study is Malaysian Ringgit (RM)
As can be seen in Figure 8, 58.5% of the failure cost was due to penalty cost (maximum
demand charge) of failure, 35.8% was the cost incurred to restore the system, 3.2 %
was contributed by the electricity used during downtime of the cogeneration systems
and 2.5% was the estimated loss of power due to cogeneration system failure. It can be
observed that Maximum demand charge contributes to the high cost of using public utility
as a redundancy system for cogeneration plant. Public utility is a power supplied by the
national electricity. Basically the use of redundancy is associated with number of failure.
This means that it relates further with reliability and availability. Hence, predicting the
number of failure and down time will support the development of maintenance strategy,
thus reducing the frequency of occurrence for redundancy to be utilized. This also helps
in reducing the cost of maximum demand charge to be borne by the client. Essentially, the
reliability and availability of the power generation system is enhanced. It also minimizes
the cost of failure associated with redundancy.
Figure 11. Comparison of Gen set and public utility based on failure cost evaluation
plants to $1,000 per kW for small industrial cogeneration installation. However, the prices
of construction can vary as a result of local labour market conditions and the geographic
conditions of the site. Figure 12 shows the effect of cost of installation on annual cost for
different redundancy options. The variation in installation cost affect the Gen set redundancy
than public utility because the public utility redundancy is already installed and functions
with the existing system. The plot result indicates that if the cost of installation was less than
RM1714.73 per kW, Gen set would be preferable to public utility. However, if the cost of
installation for Gen set is higher than RM1714.73, public utility would be a better option.
The second factor is the maximum demand charge. The maximum demand costs may
vary depending on the plant’s location. In areas where electricity costs are high, for a base-
load cogeneration system, its costs can account for up to 70% of the total plant consequence
costs. The sensitivity was done by varying the maximum demand charge from RM0 to
RM60 per kW. Figure 13 shows that the breakeven value for maximum demand charge
cost is RM28.92 per kw. If the maximum demand charge is less that 28.92 kW per hour,
using public utility as redundancy could be a better option. On the contrary, if the penalty
cost is higher than RM28.92 per kW, Gen set could be a better option.
The installed capacity of the Gen set varies based on the demand of customer and
interest of the owner to make a decision on the redundancy. So, one needs to see the effect
of installed capacity by comparing with the existing installed public utility. Figure 14 shows
the comparison of public utility redundancy with Gen set when the capacity is increasing.
The breakeven capacity is 7.43 MW. If the plant installed the Gen set capacity at less than
7.43 MW, the public utility option should be rejected. If the plant installed more than 7.43
MW, it is better to use public utility as redundancy than Gen set.
The minimum attractive rate of return (MARR) is one of the factors that may affect the
consequence of failure, which also varies through time. The effect of MARR on redundancy
selection is shown in Figure 15. As it can be seen from the graph, if the MAAR is less than
35%, Gen set can be chosen as redundancy. If discount rate is greater than 35%, public
utility is the better redundancy option. Spacing is different for this section.
This study is very useful as it analyses various redundancy options for cogeneration system
from an economic perceptive. Furthermore, it developed a reliability based cost model
which included reliability and availability concept to analyse the economic benefits on the
selection of redundancy for cogeneration plants. This paper also examines various factors
which can affect the selection of redundancy. The case study findings indicated that gen
set redundancy is better if the cogeneration plant operates for a period of more than five
years. However, in short term cogeneration operations which accounts for less than five
years, the public utility would be a better options. The sensitivity analysis also indicated
Maximum demand charge, MARR and installation cost have significant effect on the
selection of redundancy. In general, this study is very useful for cogeneration operators to
select the best redundancy option which incurs minimum cost.
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