Chương 8
A. Definition of Morpheme
a. It is a word or a part of a word that has meaning
b. It cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts without violation of its
meaning or without meaningless remainders
c. It recurs in differing verbal environments with a relatively stable meaning
B. Free and Bound Morphemes
a. Free Morphemes
i. Can be uttered alone with meaning
b. Bound morphemes
i. Cannot be uttered alone with meaning
ii. Always annexed to one or more morphemes to form a word
C. Bases and Affixes
a. Bases
i. Part of the word that has the principal meaning
1. Denial, lovable, annoyance, re-enter
ii. Most of them are free morphemes but some are bound
1. -sent: consent, dissent, assent
iii. A word may contain one base and several affixes
iv. It can occur as an immediate constituent of a word whose only other
immediate constituent is a prefix or suffix
v. It is an allomorph (dạng biến thể) of a morpheme which has another
allomorph that is a free form
1. Depth – deep, wolves – wolf
vi. It is an borrowing from another language in which it is a free form or a
1. Biometrics, microcosm, phraseology
vii. Bound bases
1. Audi – hear
2. Cide – kill
3. Or – speak, mouth
4. Aqua – water
5. Graphy – writing
6. Corp – body
7. Ten – hold
8. Pen – hang
9. Manu – hand
10. Ject – throw
11. Geo – earth – geology
12. Bio – life
13. Biblo – book
14. Phile – lover
15. Logy -study
16. Vene – come
17. Prehend – seize
18. Cur – run
19. Spect – look
20. Pose – place, put
21. Spire – breathe
22. Rod – gnaw
23. Port – carry
24. Rupt – break
25. Annu – year
26. Carn – flesh
27. Gamy – marriage
b. Affixes
i. An affix is a bound morpheme
1. Anti – against
2. Circum – around
3. Co – with
4. Contra – against
5. De – do the opposite of
6. Dis – not
7. In – not
a. Insecure
b. Imperfect
c. Illegible
d. Irreverent
8. In – in, on
a. Inspire
b. Imbibe
9. Inter – between
10. Intra – within
11. Ob – against
12. Pre – before
13. Post – after
14. Pro – forward
15. Retro – backward
16. Semi – half
17. Sub – under
18. Super – over
19. Un – not
20. Un – do the opposite of
ii. Infixes – replacive allomorphs
1. Complimentary distribution
a. D – ed-t-d
2. Goose – geese
3. Choose – chose – chosen
iii. Suffixes may pile up to the number of three or four
c. Inflectional Affixes
i. They do not change the part of speech
ii. They come last in a word
iii. They go with all stems of a given part of speech
1. he eats, drinks, dreams, entertains
iv. they do not pile up, only one ends a word.
d. Derivational Suffixes
i. The words with which derivational suffixes combine is an arbitrary
ii. In many cases, change part of speech of the word
iii. Usually do not close off the word
e. Suffixal Homophones
i. Both in and de have homophonous forms
1. ER – n/rp
ii. N-al – ING
iii. V-al – ING/D
iv. Aj-al – ING/D
v. Ly – av – derivational suffix
1. Added to monosyllabic nouns to form adjectives that are
inflected with – er,est
2. Added to nouns to form adjectives that are not inflected with
– er,est
3. Added to a few adjectives, giving alternate adjectival forms
4. Added to a short list of “time” nouns to form adjectives
Chương 9
1. Simple words
a. Consist of a single free morpheme
2. Complex words
a. Two bound forms or a bound and a free form
3. Compound words
a. S + v
b. V + o
c. V + adverbial
d. S + be + adjectival
e. S + be + nominal
f. S + be + adverbial
g. Prepositional phrase
h. Adjective modified by prepositional phrase
i. Coordination
Cannot be divided by the insertion of intervening material between the two
parts, but grammatical structures can be so divided
A member of a compound word cannot participate in grammatical structure
Some Have stress pattern /\
Chương 10
1. Compounding
a. Simply joining 2 or more words into a single words
2. Derivation
a. Forming of new words by combining derivational affixes or bound bases with
existing words
3. Invention
4. Echoism
a. Formation of words whose sound suggests their meaning – sound or the
creature that produces the sound
5. Acronymy
a. Formed from the initials or beginning segments of a succession of words
6. Back formation
7. Folk Etymology
8. Antonomasia
a. Formation of a common noun, a verb, or an adjective from the name of a
person or place
9. Reduplication
a. Forming a new word by doubling a morpheme – usually with a change of
vowel or initial consonant
1. Morpheme cannot be divided into smaller meaningful units – T
2. Morpheme can be uttered alnoe with meaning – F
3. Free morpheme is always annexed to one morpheme to form a word – F
4. Bound morphemes cannot be uttered alone with meaning -T
5. Affixes morpheme is a part of a word that has the precise meaning – F
6. Bound bases are sometimes difficult to attach a precise meaning – T
7. The classification of bound morpheme is based on bases and infixes – F
8. A bound base may have more than one phonemic form – F
9. An affix can occur before or within or after a base – T
10. The stem includes bases and all the inflectional suffixes – F
11. -ER cp is inflectional suffix – T
12. Inflectional affixes are only one ends a word – F
13. An inflectional suffix can sometimes add another inflectional suffix – F
14. -s sg ps is derivational affixes – F
15. Derivational suffixes usually come last in a word – F
16. Derivational suffixes changes part of speech of the word – T
17. Derivational suffixes combine is an arbitrary matter – T
18. There are eight-nine inflectional affixes - T
19. Homophones are same sounds but different in meaning – T
20. UC is the 2 constituents we get immediately at every cut – F
21. IC is the smallest constituents of a word – F
22. IC division is a process of analyzing a word into constituents to show the layers of
word – T
23. CD is a part of immediate constituents in analyzing a word – F
24. Word is a free form and a bound form – F
25. The plural morpheme -s pl is phonologically conditioned – T
26. Free allomorphs can stand alone – T
27. Simple words include a bound and a free morpheme – F
28. Compound words consist of two bound forms - F
29. Complex words contain at least one bound morpheme – T
30. Grammatical structure can be separated by inverting something between the parts -