Top 25 Food Ideas For Baby Led Weaning: Vegetables
Top 25 Food Ideas For Baby Led Weaning: Vegetables
Top 25 Food Ideas For Baby Led Weaning: Vegetables
Baby-led weaning is a nourishing way to introduce your child to a wide variety of tastes and textures while
developing their social and motor skills. It’s best to start at at least six months old, eight months may be
better.* Also, use organic foods if possible, especially with animal products. As child gets older and her
pincer grasp is better, you can cut foods into smaller pieces.
Acorn squash: Baked, peeled, and cut into long, holdable pieces. Add cinnamon & butter.
Asparagus spears: Steamed and served whole at 8 months +. Add butter or olive oil.
Broccoli: Steamed and served whole with handle (stem) at 8 months +. Add butter or olive oil.
Butternut Squash: Baked, peeled and sliced into long pieces. Can add cinnamon & butter.
Carrots: Whole carrots roasted with olive oil and rosemary.
Green beans: Steamed and skin/stems removed. Serve whole.
Pumpkin: Steamed, peeled and sliced into long, holdable pieces. Yummy with cinnamon.
Rutabaga: Peeled, steamed and sliced into long, holdable pieces at 8 months +.
Sweet potatoes: Steamed, peeled and sliced into long, holdable pieces (Think fat french fries).
Zucchini: Sliced into 4 long pieces. Roasted with olive oil and thyme.
Apples: Steamed, peeled and sliced into long, holdable pieces. Can sprinkle with cinnamon.
Avocado: Slice your avocado in half, then into eighths and serve.
Banana: Peel, cut in half, and serve
Mango: Peel and slice into long holdable pieces. You can let baby gnaw on nut :) 8 months +
Melon: Can give raw if very ripe. Cut into big pieces and best after 9 months old.
Peaches: Can give raw if very ripe. Cut into large, holdable pieces. Peel skin if under 9 months.
Pear: Can give raw if very ripe. Cut into long spears. Peel skin if under 9 months.
Plum: Can give raw if very ripe. Cut into big pieces. Peel skin if under 9 months.
Organic cheese: Cut into small pieces or larger, holdable pieces if softer. 9 months +
Egg yolk: Easy boiled (a hard-boiled egg yolk is very dry and harder for baby to
Organic, ground meat: Seasoned with cinnamon or cumin
Organic meat or poultry: Pulled pieces that are easy to hold and chew
Organic liver: Steamed or baked and cubed
Beans/legumes: Soak overnight in water and cook with the seaweed kombu for easier
digestion. Lentils, split peas, black beans are best to start with at 8 months +.
Pasta**: Cooked and topped with organic butter. Best to use spirals, shells or shaped
pasta versus linguini. Gluten-free pasta is recommended.
Whole grains:** Soaked overnight in water and cook (with broth for more nutrition).
Use gluten-free grains like: brown rice, millet, quinoa and buckwheat. Top with butter,
olive or coconut oil.
Gluten-free bread:** Best sprouted and cut into strips. Serve with organic butter or
coconut oil. Best for 1 year and older.
* Of course, check with your child’s doctor for the best feeding recommendations. Talk with doctor before adding BLW foods.
** Many mamas decide to wait until molars come through before introducing grains. Wheat is recommended to be avoided
until later in the first year.