The Direct Stiffness Method: Method of Finite Elements I
The Direct Stiffness Method: Method of Finite Elements I
The Direct Stiffness Method: Method of Finite Elements I
Chapter 2
Chapter 2a
4 5
1 2
1 2
X 5 6
System Deformations Nodal Displacements
System identification
Degrees of Freedom
Truss Structure Frame Structure
Elements: Truss
1 dof per node
ux DX
P1 P2 P1 P2
1 1 2
X/Y = local coordinate system 2 1
ux = displacement in direction 2 1 2
of local axis X
DX = displacement of truss end
Elements: Beam
3 dof per node
uy DY
ux = displacement in direction
of local axis X
uy = displacement in direction
of local axis Y
k u
cos − sin 0 0 0 0
sin cos 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 cos − sin 0
0 0 0 sin cos 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
uglob = u = uloc
-1 = T
kglob = k = T kloc
Nodal Equilibrum
r4: Vector of all forces acting at node 4
r4 = - k6ES u3 + contribution of element 6 due to
3 6 4 start node displacement u3
- k6EE u4 + contribution of element 6 due to
5 end node displacement u4
- k5EE u4 + contribution of element 5 due to
2 start node displacement u4
- k5ES u2 + contribution of element 5 due to
start node displacement u2
f4 external load
-K U + F = 0 F = K U
Lateral Load
1. Adjust global load vector
M due to u
Method of Finite Elements I
Institute of Structural Engineering Page 19