Summary of Rtl-To-Gdsii Tool Flow Using Synopsys DC and Cadence Soc Encounter
Summary of Rtl-To-Gdsii Tool Flow Using Synopsys DC and Cadence Soc Encounter
Summary of Rtl-To-Gdsii Tool Flow Using Synopsys DC and Cadence Soc Encounter
1 Overview
The reader is assumed to be familiar with the IC design methodology and
steps. If not please go through the same provided in the wiki.
In order to use this flow, the following tools must be installed:
A standard-cell library is also needed in order to run the flow. The current
flow uses the OSU standard-cell library (for the 180nm TSMC process).
This flow will work correctly only for designs with a single clock.
The toplevel directory structure is organised as follows.
• Synthesis: RTL ( bahavioural code ) is converted to structural netlist.
Inputs for this stage are rtl, design constraints and synthesis libraries.
violations. If the routing does not conform to antenna rules, these
also are reported as violations. One more round of optimizations
and analysis similar to placement and CTS is done with the actual
extracted route parasitics. ( RC values ).
6. Filler insertion and final database generation: During the VLSI
manufacturing process, it is important that the surface of the
wafer is as planar as possible after each processing step. Hence
the gaps in between the standard cells are filled with ”filler cells”
that do not have any functionality. These cells just extend the
bulk region of the silicon and improve the silicon planarity.
The design is RC extracted ( the format used is DSPF). Design is
saved in GDSII form ( contains metal level mask information, only
polygons and texts ), DEF ( contains the physical data, such as
the co-ordinates of a particular signal connection (layer,thickness))
and the verilog/vhdl netlist corresponding to the final layout. Fi-
nal reports are generated and analysed. Also the design is checked
for geometry/connectivity/antennna violations which may occur
depending on the way the design is routed. If present these are
corrected and and fixed again.