Post-Explotaition - Pivoting As An Attack Weapon
Post-Explotaition - Pivoting As An Attack Weapon
Post-Explotaition - Pivoting As An Attack Weapon
Filipi Pires1
When conducting a web application penetration test there are times when you want to be able to pivot
through a system to which you have gained access, to other systems in order to continue testing. There are
many channels that can be used as avenues for pivoting. This paper examines the most common used
channels for pivoting like: SSH local port forwarding and during one of my activities, I talked to a friend
who presented me with an excellent tool for executing the pivoting technique, this tool is known as Chisel.
This technique can be used in many different activities in Penetration Testing or in many CTFs - Capture
the Flags within the context of using them with key tools in the penetration tester’s arsenal including: Nmap,
netcat, etc.. Each tool that you use to progressing in your test environment, can guarantee many benefits,
but the important thing that we’ll talk during this paper, such as ease of implementation, performance of
execution, among others and so the more knowledge of how the packaging of the protocol works and how
this communication is done, the better the application of the tool will be..
1 Introduction
When conducting a web application penetration test there are times when you want to be able to pivot
through a system to which you have gained access, to other systems in order to continue testing.
Usually during a penetration test or security assessment, depending, of course, of the strategy used
during this work that could be started with an external network often with research and pentesting of machines
and services available from the global network, this phase of the discovery is called Reconnaissance, many
times we can see, that attempts are being made to find a security hole and, if it succeeds, then a penetration
into the local network is performed in order to capture as many systems as possible.
Local network traffic is non-routable, that is, other computers that are physically connected to this
network can access the resources of the local network, and the attacker cannot access them.
So, Pivoting is a set of techniques that allow an attacker to gain access to local resources, in essence,
making traffic routable that is normally non-routable, during a Penetration Test, this phase called Post
Pivoting helps an attacker to configure the working environment to use the tools in such a way as if
he were in the organization’s local network, that is, using pivoting is achieved, you can get access to local
resources and the ability to use tools to scan and search for vulnerabilities from your computer in a remote
local network, as if they were installed right there, so, hacker tools gain access to the local network, which
under normal conditions is impossible for non-routable traffic.
2 Pivoting Techniques
Pivoting is the use of a first compromised system in conjunction with routing techniques at the
protocol or application level to allow and even help compromise other systems present on the same network.
In other words, we can say that it is the technique that opens the way for an attacker to move laterally
"inside a corporation," jumping "to other machines seeking to gain access to other systems through an
already penetrated system. This facility usually happens at the network layer, by redirecting ports or packets,
allowing to bypass firewalls and penetrate systems that would otherwise be inaccessible.
During a Penetration Testing when we get to compromise a first target, it was excited with the first
step, because can open a “world” of options, this phase is known as Post Exploitation.
Post exploitation basically means the phases of operation once a victim’s or target’s system has been
compromised by the attacker/pentester. The value of the compromised system is determined by the value of
the actual data stored in it and how an attacker may make use of it for malicious purposes. The concept of
post exploitation has risen from this fact only as to how you can use the victim’s compromised system’s
This phase actually deals with collecting sensitive information, documenting it, and having an idea of
the configuration settings, network interfaces, and other communication channels. These may be used to
maintain persistent access to the system as per the attacker’s needs.
In this phase that we can use the Pivoting Techniques, today you can find many different tools to use
to perform a pivoting, the most common is SSH Port Forwarding, or SSH Port Forwarding with proxy
chains, when you can use the SSH with dynamic port forwarding to create a socks proxy, with proxychains
to help with tools that can't use socks proxies. You can leverage this tunnel two way.
Another technique is using Metasploit, the most popular penetration testing framework, offers four
main ways of pivoting: Portfwd, Route, AutoRoute and Packet Pivoting.
During one of my activities, I talked to a friend who presented me with an excellent tool for
executing the pivoting technique, this tool is known as Chisel¹.
This technique can be used in many different activities in Pentesting or in many Capture the Flags
environment, like Hack The Box Machine’s - Hack The Box is an online platform allowing you to test your
penetration testing skills and exchange ideas and methodologies with thousands of people in the security field.
Click below to hack our invite challenge, then get started on one of our many live machines or challenges.
In this paper I'll show those steps in my own environment as well.
3 Environment
In this first step we will create an environment to be compromised. Some concepts are extremely
important to be understood, mainly the concepts of Networks, Routing and how it all works.
Let's imagine the following scenario:
An attacker has an IP ( – I’ll use the Kali Linux Machine.
The attacker compromises a Linux Machine with IP and
So, the attacker checks the 10.128.0.x network and finds an active IP (Linux) and then moves
on and tries to compromise it as well.
Now, what should be noted is that IP (Windows) is not directly accessible to the attacker, but it
can still be compromised by the "Pivoting" technique.
Let set up this environment to practice this technique:
➢ Attacker Machine ( Kali or ParrotOS)
➢ Linux (Metasploitable)
➢ Windows 10 64bits
Lab enviroment
eth0 | – As you can see, this IP is belong from C Class of IPs;
Figure 1: Attacker Machine
created by owner (2020)
eth0 | – The same Class from the Attacker
eth1 | – Here we can see another kind of class of IPs, know like A Class of IPs;
Windows Machine
eth1 | - The same Class from the Victim;
Figure 3: Vulnerable Machine
created by owner (2020)
In this case, supposing that we are performing a Penetration Testing, usually we should starting by
Reconnaissance, after to use nmap tool with this command (nmap -A -T5, of course, that I’m
using the aggressive mode command, because I’m using in my own environment, we can see that we have
web application in port 80, using Apache 2.2.8
Figure 4: NMAP Tool – Recon phase
created by owner (2020)
Figure 5: Access Web Application – Recon phase
created by owner (2020)
After that this, we can explore various options that you know you can look the website and try to explore
with many ways, as our idea in this paper is to explore the Pivoting technique, I will first list the Directories
and Sub-Directories so that we get access and as soon as we gain access to the machine victim we can start
the Pivoting technique.
#wfuzz -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -
Many people who are doing Pentest Web practices can use DVWA as a vulnerable platform for exploitation,
Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) is a PHP / MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Its
main goals are to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, help
web developers better understand the processes of securing web applications and aid teachers / students to
teach / learn web application security in a class room environment².
So, here we found a very known vulnerability called File Upload, that we’ll use to explore and to get access
in the victim environment.
Figure 7: FileUpload – Exploitation
created by owner (2020)
After we got to upload a "reverse shell" in a .php file, we were able to access the victim's machine as we can
Looking at the IP settings of the victim machine, we notice that it has a network card being connected to a
different network than the initial network that the attacker is exploiting, and that until then, it was the only
network available for exploitation.
Figure 7: Reverse Shell – Exploitation
created by owner (2020)
Through the victim's machine, it is possible to execute various commands to map and find vulnerabilities
even though they are on different networks.
After finding another machine within the new network segment, we can try to exploit this new machine and
thus try to access it, even if it is on a network "not accessible" by the attacker.
Figure 7: NMAP Exploitation
created by owner (2020)
4 Pivoting Technique
Pivoting is the use of a first compromised system in conjunction with routing techniques at the protocol
or application level to allow and even assist in compromising other systems present on the same or different
In other words, it is the post-exploitation technique that allows the attacker to “move laterally” within a
network, bypassing the firewall and seeking to gain access to other systems through an already penetrated
In this example, I'm using the technique known as SSH Port Forwarding, as we can see, It listens on a
local port established when the connection is set up. Anything sent to the local port is forwarded through the
SSH tunnel. At the SSH server, the application protocol of the message being sent through the tunnel is used
to determine where to send the traffic.
We start to listen the port 1717 to use as an SSH tunnel to get access another machine in another
network (Class A).
Chisel is a fast TCP tunnel, transported over HTTP, secured via SSH. Single executable including both
client and server. Written in Go (golang). Chisel is mainly useful for passing through firewalls, though it
can also be used to provide a secure endpoint into your network. Chisel is very similar to crowbar though
achieves much higher performance³.
Below some features, where we can notice how Chisel is good and easy to use…
➢ Easy to use
➢ Performant
➢ Encrypted connections using the SSH protocol (via crypto/ssh)
➢ Authenticated connections; authenticated client connections with an users config file,
authenticated server connections with fingerprint matching.
➢ Client auto-reconnects with exponential backoff
➢ Client can create multiple tunnel endpoints over one TCP connection
➢ Client can optionally pass through HTTP CONNECT proxies
➢ Server optionally doubles as a reverse proxy
➢ Server optionally allows SOCKS5 connections (See guide below)
➢ Reverse port forwarding (Connections go through the server and out the client)
6 Chisel Technique
We can run a server on any Pentesting platform like kali or parrot os machine, and then connect to it from
target machines. On making that connection, you can define different kinds of tunnels you want to set up.
One of those possibilities is to set up the server on myself local.
Actually, chisel is a binary that built acts as both the client and the server, and many systems operations
like Unix and Windows.
If you don’t provide this (listen port), it’ll try 8080 by default, which often can fail, because many
researchers almost always have an application running on 8080, like Burp or OWASP Zap. The “--reverse”
tells the server that you want clients connecting in to be allowed to define reverse tunnels, that is, the clients
connecting in can open listening ports on your local machine.
On the other hand, you have the client who is responsible for accessing the port being listened to by the
#./chisel client Attacker:[port] [port]:Victim:[Listen port]
You need to download Chisel for your victim machine and you'll be able to make the connection Victim
x Attacker through the channel you opened earlier.
7 Conclusion
In this paper we went through all the steps to understand how works the Pivoting Techniques.
Pivoting is an important technique in the pen testers can use. It allows them to bridge networks through
an intermediate system. By doing so, the pen tester can gain access to systems he would otherwise be unable
to reach. As we mention in this simple paper, we see a few techniques that can be used to gain access and
there are many tools that can be used to pivot.
Each tool that you use to progressing in your test environment, can guarantee many benefits as we talked
about during this paper, such as ease of implementation, performance of execution, among others.
Some points that are important to evaluate when using tools for Pivot, what kind of blocks you are
receiving and that you may face during the performance of your penetration testing.
Many times, when we get access to a vulnerable machine, many times our "shell" is totally limited, so the
more knowledge of how the packaging of the protocol works and how this communication is done, the better
the application of the tool will be.
Which should be pivoting technique is best?
There is no one correct answer. The answer depends of course, on what the pen tester is trying to do and
the situation.
Is the port open? Is the prerequisite software installed? In order to choose the best pivoting technique, the
pen tester needs to match the technique to the situation
As a suggestion for the next topics, it is interesting to work with different scenarios, such as different
operating systems, in addition to the use of containers, as mentioned superficially in this article.
8 References
¹ Access at 01/05/2020
² - Access at 01/05/2020 – Access at 01/05/2020 - Access at 01/05/2020 - Access at 02/05/2020 - Access at 03/05/2020 Access at 03/05/2020 - Access at 04/05/2020 - Access at 05/01/2020 - Access at 05/01/2020 - Access at 05/01/2020
testing-36117 - Access at 05/01/2020