Midas NFX Linear Dynamic Analysis With Damping PDF
Midas NFX Linear Dynamic Analysis With Damping PDF
Midas NFX Linear Dynamic Analysis With Damping PDF
Vibrations induced by an unbalanced helicopter blade while rotating at high speeds can lead to
the blade's failure and catastrophe for the helicopter. Excessive vibrations of pumps,
compressors, turbomachinery, and other industrial machines can induce vibrations of the
surrounding structure, leading to inefficient operation of the machines while the noise produced
can cause human discomfort.
Basic engineering science, mathematics and numerical methods are applied to derive a computer
based model.
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2. Dynamic Analysis Equation
The mathematical modeling of a physical system results in the formulation of a mathematical
problem. The modelling is not complete until the appropriate mathematics is applied and a
solution obtained.
The type of mathematics required is different for different types of problems. Modeling of any
statics, dynamics, and mechanics of solids problems leads only to algebraic equations.
Mathematical modeling of vibrations problems leads to differential equations.
In mathematical physics, equations of motion are equations that describe the behavior of
a physical system in terms of its motion as a function of time.
Equations of motion are consisted of inertial force, damping force (energy dissipation) and
elastic (restoring) force.
The overall behavior of a structure can be grasped through these three forces.
Damping Force describes energy dissipation mechanism which induces a force that is a
function of a dissipation constant and the velocity. This force is known as the general viscous
damping force.
The final induced force in the dynamic system is due to the elastic resistance in the system and
is a function of the displacement and stiffness of the system. This force is called the elastic force,
restoring force or occasionally the spring force.
The applied load has been presented on the right-hand side of equation and is defined as a
function of time. This load is independent of the structure to which it is applied.
Exact analytical solutions, when they exist, are preferable to numerical or approximate solutions.
Exact solutions are available for many linear problems, but for only a few nonlinear problems.
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2.1 Single Degree of Freedom System
Simple mechanical system is schematically shown in Figure 3. The inputs (or excitation) applied to
the system are represented by the force p(t). The outputs (or response) of the system are
represented by the displacement u(t). The system boundary (real or imaginary) demarcates the
region of interest in the analysis. What is outside the system boundary is the environment in which
the system operates.
System Boundary
System parameters are represented in the model, and their values should be known in order to
determine the response of the system to a particular excitation.
State variables are a minimum set of variables, which completely represent the dynamic state of a
system at any given time t. For a simple SDOF oscillator an appropriate set of state variables would
be the displacement u and the velocity du/dt.
The equation of motion for SDOF mechanical system may be derived using the free-body diagram
u 0 k rad
u (t ) sin n t u0 cos n t Natural frequency: n [ ]
n m s
u0 and u0 are an Initial Condition
Free Damped Response
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3. Dynamic Analysis Types in midas NFX
3.1 Eigenvalue Analysis/Normal Modes/Modal
Analysis of the Normal Modes or Natural Mass Stiffness
Frequencies of a structure is a search for it’s Natural
resonant frequencies. By understanding the Frequencies
dynamic characteristics of a structure Structure
experiencing oscillation or periodic loads, we can Normal Mode
prevents resonance and damage of the structure. Shapes
sin(t )
u (t ) F / k
(1 -
)2 ( 2 / n )2
input or driving frequency phase lead Figure 5: SDOF frequency Figure 6: Shaking table
response - Displacement for frequency response
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4. Dynamic Loading Types
Dynamic loads can be applied directly on your model or as time or frequency dependent
static loadings.
- Time domain based loading types - Frequency domain based loading types
Linear or Nonlinear
Linear Analysis
Frequency Response
Transient Response Analysis Shock and Response Analysis*
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5. Damping
Damping is the phenomenon by which mechanical energy is dissipated (usually by conversion
into internal thermal energy) in dynamic systems. Knowledge of the level of damping in a dynamic
system is important in the utilization, analysis, and testing of the system. In structural systems,
damping is more complex, appearing in several forms.
Damping Models
Modal damping
Rayleigh damping Figure 11. General Damping models review
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5.2 Damping Models in midas NFX
The following types of damping are available inside the midas NFX:
- Proportional Damping (Rayleigh; classic)
- Hysteretic/Structural Damping
- Direct Damping values
- Frequency dependent damping
- Modal Damping
- Coulomb damping, requires special modelling techniques
- Structural Damping
- Defined via Material Card and Analysis
Case Manager
- Overall and Elemental Damping
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6. Project Applications of Dynamic Analysis in midas NFX
midas NFX are used in various projects to investigate dynamic characteristics of a large range of
industrial products. Some of the examples are shown below.
Case 1
Performance evaluation of a mobile speaker through sound
pressure level (SPL) analysis Mode Frequency
(midas NFX application from KEYRIN TELECOM) 1ND 1,046 Hz
2ND 1,778 Hz
In this project, the 3ND 1,801 Hz
performance of a cellphone
4ND 9,457 Hz
speaker is evaluated under
5ND 9,679 Hz
different sound pressure
levels. 6ND 10,217 Hz
In this project the dynamic characteristics of brake disc were reviewed to avoid squeal noise
caused by vibration. Through frequency response analysis, we can observe that at around 7000
Hz, frequencies of Nodal Diameter Mode and In-Plane Compression Mode are very close,
where squeal noise is most likely to occur. Therefore, a design modification is needed to
separate 2 frequencies to avoid squealing problems.
2ND 1027 Hz
3ND 2394 Hz
Case 4
Safety analysis of marine refrigeration machine under vibration
(midas NFX application)
In this project, natural frequency analysis and frequency response analysis were performed to
predict the happening of cracks on the body and piping of a marine refrigeration machine under
vibration loads.
Pipe① Frequency
Part frequency
Response Function response Pipe②Frequency
Part frequency
Response Function response
100 100
X-direction X-direction
Y-direction Y-direction
10 Z-direction 10 Z-direction
1 1
0.1 0.1
1 0.01
0.001 0.001
0.0001 0.0001
0 10 20 30 40 50
60 70 80
90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50
60 70 80 90 100
Part frequency
Response Function response
10 Z-direction
Resonant stress distribution
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Resonant displacement distribution Frequency
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7. Advantages of NFX for Dynamic Analysis
7.1 Easiness to be learned and adopted
Despite all the benefits that simulation can bring to product design, adopting “simulation driven
design” approach in a well established team can be sometimes challenging.
To fully leverage the capabilities of FEA simulation and create maximum values, design
engineers need to learn FEA software as well as some specialized engineering knowledge.
Sometime design engineers need to work together with analysis specialist in the team to
complete a more complex analysis.
midas NFX is well-known for its fast learning curve to both analysis specialists and product
designers. midas NFX divides its interface into Designer Mode and Analyst Mode to fit the
needs of simple and powerful analysis in one software.
Designer mode aims to help design engineers who aspire to take that intellectual leap from CAD
design to FEA simulation. It is equipped with automation tools such as automatic simplification,
auto-meshing, analysis wizards, etc., as well as powerful meshing algorithms and high-
performance solvers.
Analyst mode provides experienced analyst full flexibility to build and analyze finite element
models in the way you want. One can use different types of elements for modeling, and also
generate mesh manually. There are also tools to create and edit geometry that can help the user
tweak with the geometry without the inconvenience of returning to the CAD platform.
With the “auto-update” function, user can create “ analysis template” with which when model is
redesigned, analysis can be directly performed on the model without having to assign all the
analysis condition again and again. Besides time saving, you can also extend knowledge of the
analysis specialist by asking a specialist to create the template so that the design engineers can
use it later in the “design – simulation” iterations.
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midas NFX is equipped with automatic and manual simplification tools to handle effectively the
clean up work. With several clicks such detailing can be automatically detected, selected and
removed. This will save you considerably amount of time.
Furthermore, midas NFX is equipped with geometry creation and editing tools. Simple
modifications to the model can be directly done in midas NFX without going back to CAD tools.
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