Disability identity development; Disability justice in special education; Intersectionality of race
and disability; Participatory research methods in education; Online education & pedagogy
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Assistant Professor of Special Education 2020-
Vanderbilt University, Academic Pathways Postdoctoral Fellowship 2019-2020
University of Washington, Ph.D. in Special Education 2019
Dissertation: Beyond Stigma: Exploring Disability Identity in School
Dissertation Chair: Katie Lewis
Committee: Cap Peck, Anjali Forber-Pratt, Maggie Beneke, Kurt Johnson
Vanderbilt University, M.Ed. in Learning, Diversity & Urban Studies 2013
Goucher College, B.A. in Special Education 2012
Vanderbilt University Postdoctoral Service Award 2020
Outstanding Dissertation, AERA Special & Inclusive Education Research SIG 2020
Rehabilitation Psychology Section 1 Pediatric Rehabilitation Poster Award 2019
Co-Principal Investigator. Teaching and Learning about Race and Disability. 2017-2018
Funded by the Harlan Hahn Endowment Fund with Co-PI Aditi Rajendran. $5,000.
Doctoral Grantee. Doctoral Training Program in Secondary Special Education. 2015-2018
Funded by the US Office of Special Education Personnel Development Program with Dr.
Doug Cheney & Dr. Elizabeth West.
Mueller, C., Forber-Pratt, A.J. & Minotti, B. (under review). Fostering disability identity in
special education: A review of the literature. Journal of Special Education.
Mueller, C. (under review). “I didn’t know people with disabilities could grow up to be
adults”: Making the case for disability history, curriculum, and identity in school.
Teacher Education & Special Education.
Forber-Pratt, A.J, Mueller, C., & Bradley, S.J. (under review). Perspectives on quality of life
among disability-related organization leaders serving individuals with paralysis.
Evaluation and Program Planning.
DeMatthews, D. & Mueller, C. (under review). Principal leadership for inclusion: Supporting
positive student identity development for students with disabilities.
Forber-Pratt, A., Merrin, G., Mueller, C., & Price, L.R., & Kettrey, H.H. (2020). Initial factor
exploration of disability identity. Rehabilitation Psychology, 65(1), 1-10.
Mueller, C. (2019). Adolescent understandings of disability labels and social stigma in school.
International Journal of Qualitative Education Studies, 32(3), 263-281.
Mueller, C., Forber-Pratt, A.J., & Sriken, J. (2019). Missing from the conversation of violence:
Disability. Journal of Social Issues, 75(3), 707-725.
Mueller, C. & Peck, C. (2019). Expanding disability awareness in undergraduate
education through an online course. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability,
32(2), 199-208.
Forber-Pratt, A.J., Mueller, C., & Andrews, E. (2018). Disability identity and allyship in
rehabilitation psychology: Sit, stand, sign, and show up. Rehabilitation Psychology,
64(2), 119-129.
Forber-Pratt, A.J., Lyew, D.A., Mueller, C., & Samples, L.B. (2017). Disability identity
development: A systematic review of the literature. Rehabilitation Psychology, 62(2),
West, E., Novak, D., & Mueller, C. (2015). Inclusive instructional practices and their perceived
importance by instructors. Journal of Postsecondary Education & Disability, 29(4), 363-
Sarkar, T., Mueller, C. & Forber-Pratt, A. (under review). Does DisCrit travel?: Global South
and excess theoretical baggage fees. In S. Annamma, B. Ferri & D. Connor (Eds).,
DisCrit Expanded: Inquiries, Reverberations & Ruptures. Teacher’s College Press.
Beneke, M., Coomer, M., & Mueller, C. (under review). Disability. In O’Reilly, M. & Lester,
J.N. (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Critical Perspectives on Mental Health.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Hanebutt, R., & Mueller, C. (under review). Disability studies, crip theory and education. In C.
Mayo (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality in Education. Oxford
University Press.
Mueller, C. (2018). Disability identity. In T. Heller, S. Parker Harris, C. Gill & R.P. Gould,
(Eds.), Disability in American Life: An Encyclopedia of Concepts, Policies, and
Controversies: ABC-CLIO.
“What is Disability Identity Development?” Tennessee Works Blog, 2020
“Disability: Missing From the Conversation of Violence,” The Forward, SPSSI Newsletter, 2019
“Disability Allyship Basics,” online resource for Showing Up for Racial Justice, 2017
* Denotes developed course
Race and Disability – Online* (EDUC 300) 2018, 2019
Course Evaluation: 4.8/5
Disability, Education & Art – Online* (EDSPE 422) 2016-2019
Course Evaluation Average: 4.1/5
Exceptional Children (EDSPE 404) 2017, 2019
Course Evaluation: 4.8/5
Perspectives of Disability and Culturally Responsive 2017
Classroom Management – Online (EDSPE 520)
Methods for Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse 2016
Exceptional Learners (EDC&I 507)
Exceptional Children (EDSPE 404) 2016
Disability, Education, & Art (EDSPE 422) 2015
Lab Member, Vanderbilt University 2016-2020
Project: Creation and Validation of Disability Identity Development Scale
Supervisor: Dr. Anjali Forber-Pratt
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Washington 2014-2015
Project: Partnering for the Future: Investing in Native Student Success
Supervisors: Dr. Beth West, Dr. Megan Bang
Mueller, C. (2020 [cancelled due to coronavirus]). Beyond Stigma: Adolescent Disability
Identity Development. Poster accepted to the Society for Research in Adolescence
Biennial Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Mueller, C. (2019). Claiming Disability?: Exploring Adolescent Disability Knowledge and
Identity in Schools. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association
Conference Disability Studies in Education SIG, Toronto, Canada.
Mueller, C. (2019). Exploring Adolescent Disability Knowledge and Identity. Poster presented
at the APA Rehabilitation Psychology Division 22 Conference, Orlando, FL.
Mueller, C. (2018). Disability and Violence: Methodologies, Media Coverage, and
Intersectional Analyses. Poster presented at the OSEP Project Director’s Conference,
Washington, DC.
Forber-Pratt, A.J., Mueller, C., & Sriken, J. (2018). Missing from the Conversation of Violence:
Disability. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association
Conference Disability Studies in Education SIG, New York, NY.
Peck, C. & Mueller, C. (2017). Finding Safety in Unexpected Places: Teaching (Dis)Ability,
Education and the Arts Online. Paper presented at the 1st Annual International
Conference on Disability Studies, Art, and Education, Helsinki, Finland.
Yang, X., Mueller, C., & Derby, R. (2017). Teaching and Learning with Culturally and
Linguistically Diverse Students with Disabilities and their Families. Session presented at
the Infant and Early Childhood Conference, Tacoma, WA.
Forber-Pratt, A.J., Lyew, D.A., Mueller, C., & Samples, L.B. (2017). Application of Models of
Disability Identity Development to Creating a New Measure: Preliminary Findings. Paper
presented at the annual American Educational Research Association Conference
Disability Studies in Education SIG, San Antonio, TX.
Mueller, C. (2017). Nothing About Them Without Them: Understanding Disability Awareness
and Identity in Adolescents with Learning Disabilities. Paper presented at the annual
American Educational Research Association Conference Disability Studies in Education
SIG, San Antonio, TX.
Mueller, C. (2016). “I’m not like them”: Understanding Disability Identity and Awareness in
Students. Paper presented at the Second City Disability Studies in Education Conference,
Des Moines, IA.
Mueller, C. (2016). “Why are you like that, and I’m like this?” Understanding Disability
Identity Development. Paper presented at the annual American Educational Research
Association Conference Disability Studies in Education SIG, Washington, DC.
West, E., Novak, D., & Mueller, C. (2015). Inclusive Instructional Practices Used and Their
Perceived Importance by Instructors. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional
Children’s Division on Career Development and Transition Conference, Portland, OR.
West, E., Novak, D., & Mueller, C. (2015). An Examination of the Inclusive Instructional
Practices and Accommodations Used for Students with Disabilities in Higher Education
and Their Perceived Importance by Instructors. University of Washington’s Harlan Hahn
Disability Studies Lecture, Seattle, WA.
Mueller, C. (2015). “Why are you like that, and I’m like this?” Disability Identity and Special
Education. Poster presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Conference,
Kaleidoscope session, San Diego, CA.
“Disrupting Deficit Notions of Culture, Disability and FASD,” University of Washington
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute webinar, 2017
“Nothing About Us Without Us: Advancing Best Practices for K-12 Inclusion,” Washington
State Office of the Education Ombuds webinar, 2016
Teacher Education & Special Education
International Journal of Inclusive Education
Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice
Rehabilitation Psychology
Translational Issues in Psychological Science
Journal of Social Issues
Routledge Invited Book Review: Lived History of a Transformative Leader with a Disability:
An Evocative Autoethnography For Social Justice
Conference Organizing
AERA/Spencer Preconference for Scholars with Disabilities Planning Committee, 2018-2019
“Disabled in Academia” Panel Co-Organizer: Disability Studies in Education Conference 2017
External Planning Committee Member, Disability Studies in Education Conference, 2017
UW Best Buddies chapter advisor, 2018-2019
UW Student Disability Commission member, 2017-2019
Disability Consultant, Washington Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds, 2016-2017
ADA Consultant, Northwest ADA Center, 2016
Disability Access Coordinator, NW Conference on Teaching for Social Justice, 2015
Out of School Time Program Coordinator, DC Public Schools 2013-2014
Director of Special Projects, Tennessee Department of Education 2012-2013
Graduate Fellow, Tennessee State Collaborative on Reforming Education 2012
Teacher candidate, Baltimore County Public Schools 2011
AERA Division G Early Career Seminar [cancelled due to coronavirus] April 2020
National SEED Project Professional Learning Community, University of Washington Win 2017
Universal Design for Learning: Reaching All Learners, Harvard University July 2015
American Educational Research Association (Division G, SIG: Disability Studies in Education)
Society for Research in Adolescence
Society for Disability Studies