2019 MAY EW Newsletter PDF
2019 MAY EW Newsletter PDF
2019 MAY EW Newsletter PDF
MAY 2019
1. Roll each slice of bread with a rolling Wear comfortable shoes and clothing you can
pin to flatten. Melt 1 oz of the butter or move in or keep a pair of sneaks at your desk.
use the olive oil. Using a pastry brush, Schedule physical activity breaks and reminders
lightly moisten each side of the bread. on your work calendar — and treat them like any
other important appointment.
2. Place one slide of flattened bread Ask a coworker to be your “work out at work”
into the cup of a muffin tin, pressing partner. Remind and support each other to move
the center in and leaving the corners to more throughout the day. You’ll help keep each
form a basket. Place in oven or toaster
other accountable and motivated!
oven at 350 degrees for about 1
minute, or until the bread begins to Power Up!
slightly crisp-up but not fully toasted. While you’re at it, add some intensity for even more
Remove from oven and set aside. health benefits. That means move faster or longer or
with more effort so your body has to work a little
3. In a medium skillet, heat the harder.
remaining butter or olive oil. Saute the
Get more tips and motivation at heart.org/movemore
diced onions and tomatoes until onions
become translucent in color. Add
chopped spinach leaves. Stir well. ACTIVITIES FOR A HEALTHY SPRING
4. Add slightly beaten eggs to the Now that we are past the spring equinox and the
vegetable mixture, allow eggs to begin days are longer, take advantage of warmer weather
the cooking process for about 1 and go outdoors! Invite a friend or your kids to join
minute. StirTITLE
the eggs and vegetables you in some of the activities below:
together to make a soft scramble.
Ingredients Take a hike
Fly a kite
5. Spoon egg1mixture into each bread
Lie in a hammock
‘basket’. 2 cheese on top.
Plant something green
Return to oven3 and cook until cheese
begins to melt4(about 1 minute). Visit a neighborhood park
Create your own family scavenger hunt
6. Remove from oven, sprinkle each Walk the dog (or a friend's dog)
with bacon and parsley leaves. Serve Visit the local farmers market
Lisa Perry
Recipe modified and adapted from Senior National Advisor
Food Network Brunch Recipes. Healthier Generation