Analysis of Student Academics Performance Using Hadoop: ISSN: 2454-132X Impact Factor: 4.295
Analysis of Student Academics Performance Using Hadoop: ISSN: 2454-132X Impact Factor: 4.295
Analysis of Student Academics Performance Using Hadoop: ISSN: 2454-132X Impact Factor: 4.295
ISSN: 2454-132X
Impact factor: 4.295
(Volume 4, Issue 2)
Available online at:
In recent years the amount of data generated in the educational sector is growing rapidly. In order to gain deeper insights from
the available data and extract useful knowledge to support decision making and improve the education service efficient storage
management and fast processing analytics is needed.
Academic data of a student helps institute to measure their progress. Students facing severe academic challenges are often
recognized too late. Analytics play a critical role in performing a thorough analysis of student and learning data to make an
informed decision. Big Data solution enables to analyze a wider variety of data sources and data types which improves the
accuracy of predictions. Hadoop platforms provide highly scalable platforms and can store a much greater volume of data at
lower cost.
The purpose of the proposed Project is to help in identifying “at risk” students who are not progressing towards graduation early
in order to get them back on track. The cause of lack of adequate progression can be identified and addressed. The system
proposed will be helpful for educational decision-makers to reduce the failure rate among students. The implementation is done
in Hadoop framework. The PAMAE algorithm is implemented for analyzing student’s academic data.
Keywords: Big data analytics, Educational data mining, Hadoop, MapReduce, HDFS, Clustering, Prediction.
The amount of data generated in recent years in the educational sector is growing rapidly. It is required for institutes to extract
knowledge from huge amount of data collected for better decision making. Data Mining is defined as extracting information or
mining knowledge from huge sets of data. Data mining in the field of educational environment is known as Educational Data Mining.
Educational Data Mining (EDM) is defined on site as: “Educational Data Mining is an emerging
discipline, concerned with developing methods for exploring the unique and increasingly large-scale data that come from
educational settings and using those methods to better understand students, and the settings which they learn in.”
A student’s performance is measured by how well they perform academically. In the proposed system, academically weak students
will be identified and the faculty can decide on necessary steps to be taken to help those students so that by developing proper plans
or making a change in their plans they can improve their skills. One of the most important responsibilities of educational institution
is to provide quality education. Quality education means that education is produced to students in an efficient manner so that they
learn without any problem. For this purpose, quality education includes features like methodology of teaching, continuous
evaluation, categorization of the student into similar type, so that students have similar objectives, educational background etc.
In the proposed system Hadoop framework is used. Hadoop is an open-source framework that allows to store and process big data
in a distributed environment across clusters of computers using simple programming models. Since student data generated can be
in petabytes it is considered as big datasets. In big data, traditional data mining algorithm is translated to MapReduce algorithms to
run them on Hadoop clusters. In a distributed computing environment, a Hadoop cluster is a special type of cluster used specifically
for storing and analyzing huge amounts of data. Hadoop MapReduce is a software framework which processes vast amounts of data
in-parallel on large clusters of commodity hardware in a reliable, fault-tolerant manner. The MapReduce algorithm contains two
important and distinct tasks, namely Map and Reduce. Map phase takes a set of data and converts it into another set of data, where
A number of literature are taken into account.
Midhun Mohan M G & Siju K Augustin (2015) [1] this paper proposes a new approach called Learning Analytics and Predictive
analytics to identify academically at-risk students and to predict students learning outcomes in educational institutions. In this paper
they take the student data which is clustered using k-means algorithm and prediction of marks is done using multiple linear
Dr. N. Tajunisha, M. Anjali (2015) [2] this paper proposes a system that is useful in identifying weak students who are likely to
perform poorly in their studies. This paper identifies that in using MapReduce accuracy of the classification is increased than when
it is not. Time complexity of using MapReduce is also reduced. The proposed system which uses MapReduce can be used to process
big data too.
Hwanjun Song, Jae-Gil Lee & Wook-Shin Han (2017) [3] this paper proposes an algorithm Parallel k-Medoids Clustering with High
Accuracy and Efficiency (PAMAE). PAMAE significantly outperforms other algorithms like GREEDI I n terms of accuracy. In
terms of efficiency, PAMAE generates significantly lower clustering error as compared to other algorithms like CLARA-MR.
We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our guide Prof Vijay Patil, our Project Co-coordinator Prof S. M. Mhatre,
HOD Prof. S. M. Patil, and our Principal Dr. M. Z. Shaikh for their guidance. We also thank Bharati Vidyapeeth College of
Engineering for providing us an opportunity to embark on this project.
[1] Midhun Mohan M G & Siju K Augustin, “A bigdata approach for classification and prediction of student result using
MapReduce,” 2015 IEEE Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems (RAICS).
[2] Dr. N. Tajunisha, M. Anjali “Predicting student performance using MapReduce”, International Journal of Engineering and
Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242 Volume 4 Issue 1 January 2015
[3] Hwanjun Song, Jae-Gil Lee & Wook-Shin Han (2017), “PAMAE: Parallel k-Medoids Clustering with High Accuracy and
Efficiency”, KDD 2017 Research Paper.