Design and Implementation of A Simple Web Search E
Design and Implementation of A Simple Web Search E
Design and Implementation of A Simple Web Search E
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1 author:
Andri Mirzal
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
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Andri Mirzal
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems,
University of Technology Malaysia
We present a simple web search engine for indexing and searching html documents using
python programming language. Because python is well known for its simple syntax and
strong support for main operating systems, we hope it will be beneficial for learning
information retrieval techniques, especially web search engine technology.
1. Introduction
Many papers written in the web information retrieval (IR) field utilize their own web
crawlers to crawl, index, and analyze contents (including hyperlink texts) of the pages and
network structure of the web. Sometimes a search function to return relevant pages to the
users‘ queries is also provided. Crawler and search function are considered to be the
fundamental components of a search engine [1], and each has its own research challenges and
Web crawler, also known as spider or robot, is responsible for fetching pages, parsing
hyperlinks, managing crawl queue, and indexing contents of the pages. In a more
sophisticated form, this component also implements politeness policies (e.g., obeying
robot.txt instructions and not overloading servers with repetitive pages queries [1, 2, 3]),
indexes anchor text [4], and decides in advanced which are spam links or pages with different
URLs but similar contents (so that the crawler can avoid downloading these pages to save
bandwidth [1, 5, 6]). Some of the real working crawlers like IRLbot [1], Mercator [2, 7],
Polybot [3], iRobot [6], UbiCrawler [8], and Googlebot [9] provide good documentations on
their designs and implementations. However, the descriptions are still too general to make
any reproduction effort possible.
Search function is an interface between a search engine and users. This function receives
users‘ queries and returns relevant pages to the queries. The pages usually are sorted
according to some criteria. The most basic criterion is Boolean match between contents of the
pages and words in the queries. More advanced mechanisms use hyperlink structure of the
web graph (e.g., PageRank [9], HITS [10], and Salsa [11]), anchor text information [12, 13,
14, 15], and user-click behavior [4, 16] to determine ranking of the relevant pages.
There are some notable open source search engine projects like Lemur (
and Lucene ( But due to their complex design and implementation, these
projects are still not a good starting point to learn about web search engine technology. Here
the importance of open source search engine project that the design and implementation are
easy to understand is emphasized because there are many occasions that we want to do
International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
Vol. 7, No. 1, January, 2012
something different than those that already have been done, e.g., implementing new ranking
algorithms, doing stemming on contents and hyperlinks texts, and using new methods in
anchor text analysis. All these require us to alter the existing codes and add some new
functionality to the codes.
To provide software that satisfies the above conditions, we propose using search
engine program written by Toby Segaran [4]. This program is written in python, a
scripting language that has been very popular recently due to its simple syntax and
comprehensive libraries. The program itself comprises of three classes: crawler,
searcher and nn (neural network) 1 . Here, we only use, improve, and add new
functionalities to the crawler and searcher classes because we are only interested
in building search engine to crawl web pages and provide search function to the users,
not in training neural network with users‘ feedback which requires log dataset. Readers
who are interested in implementing neural network can consult the book [4] and a paper
by Baeza-Yates et. al. [16] in which they use search log information to classify users‘
2. System Overview
The system is designed and implemented by pertaining the original architecture. In the top
level view, the system consists of crawler, searcher, and database components. Figure 1
shows overall design of the system, figure 2 shows more details of the system design, and
figure 3 and 4 show structures of the crawler and searcher classes respectively. The
following subsections describe the modifications to the original system.
International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
Vol. 7, No. 1, January, 2012
In the original code, the crawler will attempt to open a URL randomly in the URLs
list (stored as a python set) provided by the user. If it fails, the crawler will start with
the next URL. The problem with this strategy is even though the URL can be opened, it
doesn‘t mean that the content can be read. And further if the content can be read,
sometimes the indexer functions in the crawler class can fail to input the indexes into
corresponding tables in the database. In many cases, these errors can cause the program
to stop working, which is very inconvenient because in web data mining the ability to
continue crawling process by ignoring the errors is an indispensable quality.
We overcome this shortcoming by simply introducing additional try-except
statements for opening & reading URLs and indexing purposes. With this simple
approach we were able to crawl web pages for three days without stopping and
downloaded 74,243 pages from using notebook with 1.86 GHz Intel
processor, 2 GB RAM, and 100 Mbps (effective about 53 Mbps) Internet connection
before the process terminated. Compared to the original system, where the crawling will
end immediately if there is an error, this is a significant improvement (the final version
of our system, available at, could crawl the web pages
for about two months continuously when used to collect datasets for testing our
algorithms in ref. [17]).
International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
Vol. 7, No. 1, January, 2012
We also add stop words according to English standard stop words 2 to reduce the size
of database. But ‗computer‘ term is eliminated from the list because we believe this
term is meaningful in the search purpose.
We add stemming function using porter stemmer algorithm [18] to both the crawler and
searcher classes. Stemming is the process to reduce inflected and derived words into their
International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
Vol. 7, No. 1, January, 2012
stems. This process frequently improves the performance of an IR system, because words
with the same stem usually have similar meaning. The stems itself need not to be the same
with their morphological roots, but a good stemming algorithm should return the same stem
for words that have the same morphological root. For example ‗navigational‘, ‗navigation‘,
and ‘navigate‘ have morphological root ‗navigate‘. If porter stemmer is used, ‗navig‘ will be
returned instead of ‗navigate‘ for all these words.
As shown in figure 1, the stemming function is located before content and anchor
text enter the database in the crawler class and before queries enter query module in
the searcher class. This procedure will ensure that all words in wordlist table
(see figure 5 (a)) being saved in their corresponding stems, and all terms in queries will
enter the query module also in their respective stems. One important thing to remember
is, if crawling process conducted with stemming function activated in the crawler
class, stemming function in the searcher class must also be activated.
We incorporate some standard scores functions that haven‘t available in the original code.
The first function is bm25score() that uses Okapi bm25 algorithm [19], an algorithm that
calculates the frequencies of appearance of query terms in the pages with assumption that
each term is independent. This algorithm is the standard algorithm in content-based document
retrieval research and seems to be the default retrieval function in IR research community.
The second function is calculatelength() that creates pagelength table with
urlid as the primary key and length of the pages as the return value. This function scores
pages based on their lengths where longer pages have higher scores than the shorter ones. The
function that accesses pagelength table and returns length scores is lengthscore().
Note that this function not only returns pages that contain terms in query, but also pages that
being linked by anchor texts which contain terms in query. This approach is used because
anchor texts are proven to be good indicators about pages‘ contents and behave as ―consensus
titles‖ [20].
The third is calculatehits() that calculates authority and hub scores of each pages
based on query-independent HITS [21 pp. 124—126], an algorithm that computes global
authority and hub vectors which consequently slightly reduce the influence of link spamming.
This function creates two tables, auth_hits and hub_hits for each urlid. Function
authorityscore() accesses auth_hits table and returns authority scores. Curious
readers can also write a function similar to authorityscore() that returns hub scores
by only change auth_hits with hub_hits statement (in real application, hub scores are
rarely used to rank pages).
The fourth function, calculatemyhits()is based on our proposed ranking algorithm.
This function calculates authority and hub scores of each page using algorithm described in
ref. [17], and stores the results in auth_myhits and hub_myhits table. Function
myauthorityscore() then is used to read scores from auth_myhits table.
The last added score function is anchorscore(), a function with four optional schemes
that returns relevant pages according to the frequencies of appearance of query‘s terms in the
anchor texts linking to the pages. This is a new method and has been proven to be very
effective in finding the relevant pages, especially if the anchor model (scheme 4, the default
scheme) is used. The detail discussion and performance evaluation can be found in ref. [15].
International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
Vol. 7, No. 1, January, 2012
Some scores depend on queries and some are independent so can be calculated in advanced
and stored in database. To simplify, it can be considered that query-dependent scores are
content-based or anchor text-based scores, and query-independent scores are link structure-
based scores. However, lengthscore() is an exception since it is a content-based scores
but query-independent.
The query-dependent functions can be changed into query-independent by passing string
argument other than ‗qd‘ into query() function in the crawler class. The query()
itself receives two arguments; the first is the query (string) and the second is the type of return
scores, whether it is query-dependent or query-independent. The default value is ‗qd‘ (query-
dependent). See readme.txt on the source code3 for more information.
Because four additional schemes to calculate scores based on anchor text [15] are
implemented, it is necessary to create new indexes on linkwords table (each for linkid
and wordid columns) to boost performances of scores functions that call entries in linkid
and wordid. By creating these indexes, the execution time for linkwords related scores
functions, linktextscore() and anchorscore(), becomes 3-4 times faster.
3. Database Design
There are 12 tables in the database which divided into three categories, content, web graph,
and score indexes tables. The shaded tables are the added tables. The content indexes tables
are mainly used in the content-based scores functions, web graph indexes tables are mainly
used in the link structure-based and anchor text-based scores functions, and score indexes
tables are the tables that store query-independent scores. Query-dependent scores, as noted
earlier, cannot be calculated in advanced, so they cannot be stored in tables.
The urllist table stores the crawled web addresses in consecutive numbers based on the
time they were crawled. These numbers, rowids, become identity numbers for the
corresponding web addresses. All other tables that have to utilize web addresses use the
rowids instead of directly using URL names. The arrows from urllist to entries in others
tables indicate that those entries are pointers to urls by using rowids of urllist table.
The same strategy is also applied in wordlist table, where its rowids become identity
numbers for corresponding words. And then wordlocation table utilizes both urllist
and wordlist to make a list of locations of all words in every page. The location itself
is simply the order of corresponding word appearance on the pages.
The link table stores network structure of the crawled web pages. It is the table that the
link structure ranking algorithms use to calculate pages‘ scores. The linkword table stores
anchor texts of the corresponding links which are used in the anchor text analysis and scoring.
All tables in score indexes simply store the scores of each page in the collection.
When users input queries, search function will call appropriate scores functions that
utilize these tables. The third entries in auth_myhits, hub_myhits, and
mypagerank are constants defined in our proposed algorithms calculated based on
International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
Vol. 7, No. 1, January, 2012
number of inlinks and outlinks of each page. See [17] and [22] for more detailed
discussion on these algorithms.
4. Conclusions
We have presented web search engine software that is suitable for researches and
learning purposes because of its simplicity, portability, and modifiability. The strength
of our program is in the search function component since we provided many score s
functions to sort relevant pages to user queries; especially, the inclusion of anchor text
analysis makes our program can also find relevant pages that do not contain terms in the
In the crawler component, only small modification was made. However, this small
modification can improve the crawling reliability significantly. Readers who have read
the documentation would notice that the crawling method is breadth first search without
politeness policies (e.g., obeying robot.txt and controlling access to the servers), spam
pages detection, priority URLs queue, and memory management to divide the load of
crawling process between disk and RAM. Without good memory management, all of
URLs seen tasks are conducted by searching in urllist table in the disk which is
very time consuming. We will address the crawler design problem in the future
Because there is no single best way to choose the combination between scores
functions and their weights, we encourage users to experiment with their own
databases. But perhaps some guidelines here can be considered. For example if database
contains a set of pages that linked by very descriptive anchor texts, like documents
from online encyclopedia, then linktextscore() and anchorscore() can be
given relatively strong weights. And because authors can easily create pages with many
occurrences of keywords, frequencyscore() and bm25score() will give
misleading results in this situation, so their weights must be set smaller compare to
more reliable content-based metric, locationscore().
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Vol. 7, No. 1, January, 2012
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