Miller Effect
Miller Effect
Miller Effect
The Miller effect was named after John Milton Miller. When Miller published his work in 1920,
he was working on vacuum tube triodes, however the same theory applies to more modern
devices such as bipolar and MOS transistors.
Consider an ideal voltage amplifier of gain AV with an impedance Z connected between its input
and output nodes. The output voltage is therefore V0 AV Vi and the input current is
As this current flows through the impedance Z, this equation shows that because of the gain of
the amplifier a huge current flows in Z; in effect Z behaves as though it were much smaller than
it is. The input impedance of the circuit is
As most amplifiers are inverting amplifiers (i.e. AV <0) the effective capacitance at the input is
larger. For non-inverting amplifiers, the Miller effect results in a negative capacitor at the input
of the amplifier (compare Negative impedance converter).
Naturally, this increased capacitance can wreak havoc with high frequency response. For
example, the tiny junction and stray capacitances in a Darlington transistor drastically reduce the
high frequency response through the Miller effect and the Darlington's high gain.
The Miller effect applies to any impedance, not just a capacitance. A pure resistance or pure
inductance will be divided by 1 − AV . In addition if the amplifier is non-inverting then a negative
resistance or inductance can be created using the Miller effect.
It is also important to note that the Miller capacitance is the capacitance seen looking into the
input. If looking for all of the RC time constants (poles) it is important to include as well the
capacitance seen by the output. The capacitance on the output is often neglected since it sees
C (1 1/ AV ) and amplifier outputs are typically low impedance. However if the amplifier has a
high impedance output, such as if a gain stage is also the output stage, then this RC can have a
significant impact on the performance of the amplifier. This is when pole splitting techniques are
The impact of the Miller effect is often reduced by using a cascode or cascade amplifier rather
than a common emitter. For feedback amplifiers the Miller effect can actually be very beneficial
since stabilizing the amplifier may require a capacitor too large to practically include in the
circuit, typically a concern for an integrated circuit where capacitors consume significant area.
Figure 2 shows an example of Figure 1 where the impedance coupling the input to the output is
the coupling capacitor CC. A Thévenin voltage source VA drives the circuit with Thévenin
resistance RA . At the output a parallel RC-circuit serves as load. (The load is irrelevant to this
discussion: it just provides a path for the current to leave the circuit.) In Figure 2, the coupling
capacitor delivers a current jCC (vi v0 ) to the output circuit.
Figure 3 shows a circuit electrically identical to Figure 2 using Miller's theorem. The coupling
capacitor is replaced on the input side of the circuit by the Miller capacitance CM , which draws
the same current from the driver as the coupling capacitor in Figure 2. Therefore, the driver sees
exactly the same loading in both circuits. On the output side, a dependent current source in
Figure 3 delivers the same current to the output as does the coupling capacitor in Figure 2. That
is, the RC-load sees the same current in Figure 3 that it does in Figure 2.
In order that the Miller capacitance draw the same current in Figure 3 as the coupling capacitor
in Figure 2, the Miller transformation is used to relate CM to CC . In this example, this
transformation is equivalent to setting the currents equal, that is
and rolls off with frequency once frequency is high enough that CM RA ≥ 1. It is a low-pass
filter. In analog amplifiers this curtailment of frequency response is a major implication of the
Miller effect. In this example, the frequency 3dB such that 3dB CM RA = 1 marks the end of the
low-frequency response region and sets the bandwidth or cutoff frequency of the amplifier.
It is important to notice that the effect of CM upon the amplifier bandwidth is greatly reduced for
low impedance drivers ( CM RA is small if RA is small). Consequently, one way to minimize the
Miller effect upon bandwidth is to use a low-impedance driver, for example, by interposing
a voltage follower stage between the driver and the amplifier, which reduces the apparent driver
impedance seen by the amplifier.
The output voltage of this simple circuit is always AV vi . However, real amplifiers have output
resistance. If the amplifier output resistance is included in the analysis, the output voltage
exhibits a more complex frequency response and the impact of the frequency-dependent current
source on the output side must be taken into account. Ordinarily these effects show up only at
frequencies much higher than the roll-off due to the Miller capacitance, so the analysis presented
here is adequate to determine the useful frequency range of an amplifier dominated by the Miller
Miller approximation
This example also assumes AV is frequency independent, but more generally there is frequency
dependence of the amplifier contained implicitly in AV . Such frequency dependence of AV also makes
the Miller capacitance frequency dependent, so interpretation of CM as a capacitance becomes a
stretch of imagination. However, ordinarily any frequency dependence of AV arises only at frequencies
much higher than the roll-off with frequency caused by the Miller effect, so for frequencies up to the
Miller-effect roll-off of the gain, AV is accurately approximated by its low-frequency value.
Determination of CM using AV at low frequencies is the so-called Miller approximation. With the