Editorial: Nanostructured Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices
Editorial: Nanostructured Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices
Editorial: Nanostructured Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices
Journal of Nanomaterials
Volume 2016, Article ID 2051908, 2 pages
Nanostructured Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices
Copyright © 2016 Hieu P. T. Nguyen et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
The use of nanostructure materials for optoelectronic devices, next-generation optoelectronic and photonic devices. Fur-
including light-emitting diodes (LEDs), laser diodes, pho- thermore, the use of such 2D materials as a buffer layer for
todetectors, and solar cells, has recently attracted consider- the growth of light-emitting III-V compound semiconductors
able attention due to their unique geometry. Nanostructures by the so-called van der Waals epitaxy method has opened
in small dimensions can be perfectly integrated into a up a new route of heteroepitaxy, mitigating a lot of growth-
variety of technological platforms, offering novel physical and related technological challenges. As an effort, this special
chemical properties for the high performance optoelectronic issue features a theoretical paper relating to emerging 2D
devices. The exploitation of new nanostructures and their materials. X. Hu and F. Meng in “First-Principle Study on
optical and electrical properties is necessary for their emerg- the Interaction between Fe and Trivacancy in Graphene”
ing practical device applications. have reported the interaction between iron metal and mono-
This special issue contains six papers, presenting some layer graphene. In fact, this study has described a detailed
recent advances in the theoretical calculation, synthesis, char- investigation on the structural and electronic properties of
acterization, and application of such novel nanostructures. graphene with vacancies as well as the advantages offered by
Recently, natural dyes have been widely studied as poten- having these vacancies on the graphene surface. These results
tial sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) due certainly provide insights to engineer the electrical properties
to their cost efficiency, nontoxicity, and complete biodegra- of graphene through defect addition and manipulation, being
dation. In “Photoactive Layer of DSSCs Based on Natural useful for industrial semiconductor applications such as the
Dyes: A Study of Experiment and Theory,” Y. Li et al. photocatalytic technology and graphene-based electronics.
investigated, both theoretically and experimentally, three In another paper, W. Sukkabot theoretically studied the
natural dyes for DSSCs which were extracted from natural impact of structure shapes on the electron-hole exchange
plants, including Forsythia suspensa, Herba Violae, and Corn interaction in core/shell nanostructure semiconductors. The
leaf. The authors reported that such natural dyes exhibit study focused on the electron-hole exchange interaction in
wide absorption region which covers almost the whole visible the morphological transformation of CdSe/ZnS core/shell
spectrum. The highest photoelectronic conversion efficiency nanodisk to CdSe/ZnS core/shell nanorod using atomistic
for these natural dyes was recorded to be 0.96% with open tight-binding theory and a configuration interaction descrip-
circuit voltage of 0.66 V and short circuit current density of tion. The aspect ratios were successfully used to study the
1.97 mAcm−2 which is promising for future biophotovoltaics structural and optical properties of such nanostructures.
applications. The single-particle and excitonic gaps are believed to be
Among these novel nanostructures, recent rapid advances decreased by changing from disk to rod shapes. The authors
in research involving two-dimensional (2D) layered nanoma- concluded that light hole is suggested to be used for quantum
terials and nanoplasmonics could pave the way for developing information instead of a heavy hole. This study contributes
2 Journal of Nanomaterials
The Guest Editors would like to thank all authors for their
contributions to this special issue. They would also like to
acknowledge reviewers of this special issue for their time and
Hieu P. T. Nguyen
Shamsul Arafin
J. Piao
Tran Viet Cuong
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