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Grade 4 Singaporean Math Curriculum

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Below is what your child will learn in the New Singapore Math curriculum for 4th Grade /

Primary 4.

Whole numbers
 Number notation and place values
o read and write numbers up to 100 000 in numerals and in words
o recognise the place values of numbers (ten thousands, thousands, hundreds,
tens, ones)
 Include completing number sequences
o compare and order numbers up to 100 000
 Approximation and estimation
o round off numbers to the nearest 10 and 100
o estimate the answers in calculations involving addition, subtraction and
 Include checking reasonableness of answers
 Factors and multiples
o determine if a 1-digit number is a factor of a given whole number
o list all factors of a whole number up to 100
 Include finding common factor of 2 numbers
 Excludefinding highest common factor (H. C. F.)
o determine if a whole number is a multiple of a given 1-digit whole number
o list the first 12 multiples of a given 1-digit whole number
 Include finding common multiple of 2 numbers
 Excludefinding lowest common multiple (L. C. M.)
 Multiplication by a number up to 2 digits
o multiply numbers up to
 4 digits by a 1-digit number
 3 digits by a 2-digit number
 Division by a 1-digit number and by 10
o divide numbers up to 4 digits by a 1-digit number and by 10
 Word problems
o solve up to 3-step word problems involving whole numbers
 Include units of measure
 Include checking reasonableness of answers
Money and measures
 Multiplication and division of length, mass, volume and time
o Multiply and divide in compound units
 Length
 Mass
 Volume
 Time
 Use whole numbers only
 Excludeseconds
 Numbers involved should be within easy manipulation
 Multiplication and division of money
o multiply and divide money in compound units using decimal notation
 Units of measure of volume: cubic centimetre, cubic metre
o build solids with unit cubes and state their volumes
 Excludeconversion between m  and cm
3 3

o visualise the relative sizes of 1 cubic metre and 1 cubic centimetre

 Volume of a cube / cuboid and liquid
o use formula to find the volume of a cuboid
 Include use of abbreviations: m  and cm
3 3

 Include finding the volume of the solid made up of unit cubes of given
 Excludecompound units
o use formula to find volume of liquid in a rectangular container
 Excludecompound units
o recognise the equivalence of 1 litre / 1000 ml and 1000 cm 3

 Include conversions between l, ml and cm 3

 Area and perimeter of a square, a rectangle and their related figures

o find the area/perimeter of a figure made up of squares and/or rectangles
 Include finding the area of a figure by subtraction of areas
o find one dimension of a rectangle given the other dimension and
 its perimeter
 its area
o find the side of a square given
 its perimeter
 its area
 Excludeuse of the square root sign
 Word problems
o solve word problems involving
 volume of solids/liquid
 area and perimeter of squares and rectangles
 Excludecompound units
 Tables
o complete a table from given information
 Include collecting data and presenting the data in a table form
o read and interpret tables
 Bar graphs
o complete a bar graph from given data
 Word problems
o solve problems using data presented in bar graphs and tables
 Addition and subtraction
o add and subtract
 like fractions
 related fractions
 Denominators of given fractions should not exceed 12
 Excludesums involving more than 2 different denominators
 Product of a proper fraction and a whole number
o recognise and name fractions as parts of a set of objects
o calculate the product of a proper fraction and a whole number
 Mixed numbers and improper fractions
o express an improper fraction as a mixed number, and vice versa
o Include expressing an improper fraction/mixed number in its simplest form
 Word problems
o solve up to 2-step word problems involving fractions
 Include using unitary method to find the ‘whole’ given a fractional part
 Excludequestion such as ‘Express the number of girls as a fraction of
the number of boys.’ as it will be dealt with under the topic ‘Ratio’
 Number notation and place values
o read and interpret decimals up to 3 decimal places
 Include use of the number line to illustrate the concept of decimals
 Include identifying the values of the digits in a decimal
o compare and order decimals
 Addition and subtraction
o add and subtract decimals up to 2 decimal places
 Include mental calculations involving addition and subtraction of 1-digit
whole numbers/tenths and tenths
 Multiplication and division
o multiply and divide decimals up to 2 decimal places by a 1-digit whole number
 Include division of whole number by whole number with decimal
 Include rounding off answers to 2 decimal places
 Include checking reasonableness of answers
o carry out mental calculation within the multiplication tables
 Conversion between decimals and fractions
o express a decimal as a fraction, and vice versa
 Approximation and estimation
o round off decimals to
 the nearest whole number
 1 decimal place
 2 decimal places
 Include units of measure
o estimate the answers in calculations involving addition, subtraction and
 Include checking reasonableness of answers
 Word problems
o solve up to 2-step word problems involving decimals
 Include rounding off answers to a specified degree of accuracy
 Include checking reasonableness of answers
 Perpendicular and parallel lines
o identify perpendicular and parallel lines
o draw perpendicular and parallel lines using ruler and set squares
 Include use of the terms ‘vertical’ and ‘horizontal’
 Angles in degrees
o estimate size of angles and measure angles in degrees using a protractor
 Excludeusing variable such as x  to represent size of angle

 Excludereflex angles
o associate
 1/4 turn/right angle with 90 o

 1/2 turn with 180 o

 3/4 turn with 270 o

o draw a given angle using a protractor

 Excludedrawing reflex angles
 Symmetry
o recognise symmetric figures
 Include identifying and visualising symmetry in the environment or in
 Excluderotational symmetry
o determine whether a straight line is a line of symmetry of a figure
 Excludefinding the number of lines of symmetry of a symmetric figure
o complete a symmetric figure with respect to a given line of symmetry
 Geometrical figures
o identify and name the following figures:
 rectangle
 square
 parallelogram
 rhombus
 trapezium
o identify and name the following triangles:
 isosceles
 equilateral
 right-angled
 Excludeuse of the terms ‘scalene’, ‘acute’ and ‘obtuse’
 Properties of a square and a rectangle
o state and use properties of
 a square
 a rectangle
 Excludethe term ‘diagonal’ and its related properties
 Include finding angles and sides
 2-D representation of a 3-D solid
o visualise cubes and cuboids from drawings
o state the number of unit cubes that make up a solid
o visualise and identify the new solid formed by increasing/ decreasing the
number of cubes of a given solid drawn on an isometric grid
 Excludeasking pupils to draw the solid on an isometric grid

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