Design of Rectangular Beam (B174, Entry Gate Level)
Design of Rectangular Beam (B174, Entry Gate Level)
Design of Rectangular Beam (B174, Entry Gate Level)
Beam Data:
Width of Beam (b) = 300 mm
Overall depth of beam (D) = 450 mm 400
Clear cover (Cc) = 25 mm 350
Effective cover (d') = clear cover + dia. of shear bar + dia. of main bar/2
= 25 + 8 + 16/2
= 41 mm
Effective depth of beam (d) = D-d' 200
409 mm 150
Effective length of beam (l) = 8.23 m
Material Properties:
Grade of concrete (fck) = M30 50
Therefore, xu = 36.97 mm
Ast= Mu/ (0.87fy(d- 0.416xu))
= 47x 10^6/( 0.87 x 500 x( 409 - 0.416 x 36.97 ))
= 275 mm2
Therefore, Provide 2 - 16 mm dia. bar giving area = 402 mm2 Design is OK
Shear Design of Beam:
Given Ultimate Shear = 142.40 KN
Ultimate Max design Shear (Vu) = 161.07 KN
Percent of tension reinforcement (p) = 100 *Ast/bd
= 0.33 %
(τuc) = 0.41 N/mm2
(τuc,max) = 3.50 N/mm2
Vuc = τuc xbd
= 50.36 KN
Vuc,max = τuc,max x bd which should be greater than Vu
= 429.45 KN > 161.07 KN OK
If Vu > Vuc ========> Shear reinforcement is provided to resist the shear force Vu-Vuc
Consider shear reinforcement of 8 mm 2 legged vertical stirrups
Asv = 101 mm2
Spacing of shear reinforcement or stirrups (sv) = 0.87fyAsvd/(Vu-Vuc) which should be less than 0.75d or 300mm
= 162 mm < 307 mm or 300 mm
Hence, provide 8 mm 2 legged vertical stirrups @ 150 mm c/c should be less than svmax (= 2.5fyAsv/b)
= 419 mm OK
Check for Deflection:
Percentage of tension steel, pt = 0.33%
fs = 0.58fyx [Ast req/ Ast provided]
fs198.54= 198.54 N/mm2
Modification factor , kt = 1.85
(l/d)max = 48.1
(l/d)provided = 20.11
(l/d)max > (l/d)provided