Ksu - Chemical Engineering Department Che 418 (Chemical Plant Economics and Safety) - Tut #7 (Economics) Name: Id: SN
Ksu - Chemical Engineering Department Che 418 (Chemical Plant Economics and Safety) - Tut #7 (Economics) Name: Id: SN
Ksu - Chemical Engineering Department Che 418 (Chemical Plant Economics and Safety) - Tut #7 (Economics) Name: Id: SN
1. Estimate the manufacturing cost per 100 kg of product under the following
conditions. Use Cost Evaluation Flowsheet.
Fixed-capital investment = $4 million. Annual production output = 9*106 kg.
Raw materials cost = $0.25/kg of product.
Utilities: 800-kPa steam = 50 kg/kg of product. Purchased electric power = 0.9
kWh/kg of product. Filtered and softened water = 0.083 m3/kg of product.
Operating labor = 12 persons per shift at $25.00 per employee-hour.
Plant operates three hundred 24-h days per year.
Corrosive liquids are involved. A large amount of direct supervision is required.
There are no patent, royalty, interest, or rent charges. Plant overhead costs amount
to 50 percent of the cost for operating labor, supervision, and maintenance.
2. A process plant making 5000 kg/day of a product selling for $1.75/kg has annual
variable production costs of $2 million at 100 percent capacity and fixed costs of
$700,000. What is the fixed cost per kilogram at the breakeven point? If the
selling price of the product is increased by 10 percent, what is the dollar increase
in net profit at full capacity if the income tax rate is 35 percent of gross earnings?
Assume 8000 h/y operating time.