What Is Education? A Definition and Discussion
What Is Education? A Definition and Discussion
What Is Education? A Definition and Discussion
A definition and
What is education? Is it
different from schooling?
In this piece Mark K Smith
explores the meaning of
education and suggests it
is a process of inviting
truth and possibility.
contents: introduction • education –
cultivating hopeful environments and
relationships for learning • education,
respect and wisdom • education –
acting so all may share in
life • conclusion – what is
education? • further reading and
references • acknowledgements • how
to cite this piece
Education, as we understand it
here, is a process of inviting
truth and possibility, of
encouraging and giving time to
discovery. It is, as John Dewey
(1916) put it, a social process –
‘a process of living and not a
preparation for future living’. In
this view educators look to act
with people rather on them.
Their task is to educe (related to
the Greek notion of educere), to
bring out or develop potential.
Such education is:
Education – cultivating
hopeful environments
and relationships for