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NURS 3414: Health Assessment Course Syllabus: BSN Program Fall 2017

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NURS 3414: Health Assessment


Fall 2017

Course Faculty:

Donna Callicoat, MSN, RN, FNP-c

Email: Donna.Callicoat@tamuc.edu
Office Location: Nursing Building, Room 118
Office Hours: By appointment
Office Phone: 903-886-5315
Office Fax: 903-886-5729

Debra Mahoney, PhD, APRN, FNP-BC

Email: Debra.Mahoney@tamuc.edu
Office Location: Nursing Building, Room 103
Office Hours: By appointment
Office Phone: 903-886-5315
Fax: 903-886-5729

Helen Daniel, MSN, MSL, PCCN-K, RN

Email: Helen.Daniel@tamuc.edu
Office Location: Nursing Building, Room
Office Hours: By appointment
Office Phone: 903-886-5315
Office Fax: 903-886-5729


Materials – Textbooks, Readings, Supplementary Readings

Textbook(s) Required
Jarvis, C. (2016) Physical examination & health assessment (7th Ed.). St.
Louis: Saunders (ISBN-10:978-1-4557-2810-7).
Jarvis, C. (2016) Student Laboratory Manual for Physical Examination &
Health Assessment. (7th Ed.) St. Louis: Saunders.
(ISBN: 9780323265416)

Student Registration Instructions for Shadow Health - Fall '17

To add this course in Shadow Health, please visit app.shadowhealth.com and
click "Register for a Student Account" and enter your PIN: Fall2017-5717-
8914-6222-4422 to enroll and purchase access. You may also purchase access
at your university bookstore.

Bookstore form to fill out to get bookstore access started:


Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab):


Course Description (4 credit hours)

Concepts and principles underlying assessment of the health status of
individuals are presented with emphasis placed on interviewing skills, health
histories, and the physical and psychosocial findings in the well person.
Communication and assessment skills are developed. Students obtain health
histories, perform physical and psychosocial assessments, establish a
database, and formulate initial nursing plans using the nursing process.

Student Learning Outcomes

1. Identify principles of history taking in the assessment process of
2. Conduct a health history, including environmental exposure and a family
history that recognizes genetic risks, to identify current and future health
3. Demonstrate physical examination skills including focused physical,
behavioral, psychological, socioeconomic, and environmental assessments
of health and illness parameters in patients, using developmentally and
culturally appropriate approaches and according to established criteria.
4. Document problems and needs in individuals from data discovered during
the health history and physical examination.
5. Compare and contrast the roles and responsibilities of the nurse in the
process of health assessment and health promotion.
6. Demonstrate responsibility for independent learning


Instructional / Methods / Activities Assessments

Learning Experiences and Teaching Methods:

This is a blended course without lecture requiring students to complete
online activities, practice labs, and independent study to be successful.
Course objectives may be met through individual study using suggested
resources, active involvement in classroom activities, formal, and informal
exchange of ideas with classmates and colleagues regarding specific topics
as well as utilizing critical thinking skills. Teaching methods include seminar,
discussion, small group work, independent study of texts and library
resources, computer-assisted instruction, audio-visual aids, return
demonstration and check-off of appropriate skills and the assignments listed.
While the professor will provide guidance and consultation, the student is
responsible for identification of learning needs, self-direction, seeking
consultation and demonstration of course objectives.


Final grades in this course will be based on the following scale:

Grading Scale
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 75-79
D = 67-74
F = 66 and Below

A minimum grade of 75 is required to pass the course.

Grades will be determined as follows:
Exams (4) 15% each 60%
Complete Health History #1 7%
Complete Health History #2 3%
Skills competency check-off #1 15%
Skills competency check-off #2 15%
Shadow Health/Clinical Pass/fail
Total: 100%

Students must achieve an overall average of 75% on all

examinations in order to pass the course.

Unit exams: Four unit exams are scheduled for the course. See the course
schedule for the date, time and content of each exam. Exams are NOT
comprehensive, are taken online in a proctored computer lab, and are timed.
Students are responsible for making appointments with their assigned
faculty to review exams or to discuss failing grades. The window for exam
review is only open until the date of the next exam.
Students must achieve an overall average of 75% on all written
exams to pass the course.

Shadow Health is a pass/fail for clinical/lab time. You

must receive 75% on each module to pass the course.

Shadow Health: Each module due date is listed on the

course/calendar. You will have multiple attempts to obtain
the required 75% on each module. However, the module will
only be open until the day prior to the next module due date.
Your score will be based on the DCE % noted at the end of
each module. If you have technical difficulties or other
questions about Shadow Health you will need to contact
Shadow Health technical support at:

Advanced Technical Support Hours

Mon - Fri 9:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. ET Saturday 11:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M ET

Call Us
Toll Free: 800.860.3241

If a student does not successfully pass their health assessment check

off after the second attempt, they can’t continue in health assessment
or Fundamentals.

Skills Competency Check-off: A two-part skills and documentation check-

off will be administered during the course of the semester, one-half at mid-
term and one-half at the end of the semester. See the skills performance
evaluation checklist for the systems covered. In order to pass the course,
the student must receive a score of 75% on each check-off, demonstrating
competency in the performance of the exam. Documentation of the findings
must be completed as well and turned in via dropbox by 5pm on the day
after the check-off. All late documentation will receive 10% off final grade
for the first late grade, 20% off the second day, and a zero the third day
(however, you still have to submit the documentation). The student is
responsible for recruiting an adult to participate in the student’s skills
competency check-offs.
Rules for choosing client for check off #1 and #2:
1. Choose a client who is not a class member and is over 18 years of age,
no children allowed.
2. Client must be available between 8a-2:30p on the dates scheduled
for check-offs
3. Client must speak English

Check-offs will be recorded in the simulation hospital and students will be

assigned a time for check off.

Admission to Lab: Starting August 30, 2017, you will meet in assigned
morning (8A-11A) and afternoon (11:30A-2:30P) groups. Lab will be
organized as follows:
• Practice sheets and Shadow Health completed prior to class
• Demonstration of techniques—students will tell faculty what
techniques to utilize
• Practice of techniques

Students should review appropriate anatomy prior to class and come

prepared via reading in text and laboratory manual, review of posted E-
college content and practice sheets. Practice sheets are posted in E-College
for each unit as listed on the class schedule. You must bring your completed
practice sheet and your Shadow Health lab pass, including the
assessment tests techniques used as well as normal findings. This is your
admission pass to attend lab.

Health History: A health history must be completed on the person recruited

for the skills competency check-off and must be turned in on the day of
Check-off #1. The same person should be used for Check-off #2 and an
updated health history must be completed and turned in at Check-off #2. In
the event the recruited individual is unavailable for Check-off #2, a health
history must be completed on the newly recruited individual.

Remediation: In the event that the competency check-off is failed (that is,
an overall score of less than (<)75% is earned) remediation will be
prescribed to improve the student’s skills in areas which were not
competently performed or documented. After remediation, the full check-off
will be repeated, with 75 being the highest earned grade possible.
1. Remediation of a failed skills competency check-off must be completed
before the last day of class.
2. Remediation may be undertaken ONLY if a skills competency check-off is
failed, NOT to improve a passing check-off grade.

Practice: Students may practice skills without supervision when the lab is
available. Students are responsible for scheduling themselves and arranging
these practices and to sign in during those practice times. The lab is
unavailable for practice when class is in session. A sign- up sheet is posted
outside the lab for students to document their practice times.

Nursing Student Guide: Specific information for the nursing student

regarding the nursing program and current policies and procedures can be
found here:


• To fully participate in online courses you will need to use a current Flash
enabled browser. For PC users, the suggested browser is Google Chrome
or Mozilla Firefox.

• You will need regular access to a computer with a broadband Internet

connection. The minimum computer requirements are:
o 512 MB of RAM, 1 GB or more preferred
o Broadband connection required courses are heavily video
o Video display capable of high-color 16-bit display 1024 x 768 or
higher resolution
• You must have a:
o Sound card, which is usually integrated into your desktop or laptop
o Speakers or headphones.
o *For courses utilizing video-conferencing tools and/or an online
proctoring solution, a webcam and microphone are required.

• Both versions of Java (32 bit and 64 bit) must be installed and up to date
on your machine. At a minimum Java 7, update 51, is required to support
the learning management system. The most current version of Java can
be downloaded at: JAVA web site

• Current anti-virus software must be installed and kept up to date.

• Run a browser check through the Pearson LearningStudio Technical
Requirements website. Browser Check

Running the browser check will ensure your internet browser is supported.
Pop-ups are allowed.
JavaScript is enabled.
Cookies are enabled.

• You will need some additional free software (plug-ins) for enhanced web
browsing. Ensure that you download the free versions of the following
o Adobe Reader https://get.adobe.com/reader/
o Adobe Flash Player (version 17 or later)
o Adobe Shockwave Player https://get.adobe.com/shockwave/
o Apple Quick Time http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/

• At a minimum, you must have Microsoft Office 2013, 2010, 2007 or Open
Office. Microsoft Office is the standard office productivity software utilized
by faculty, students, and staff. Microsoft Word is the standard word
processing software, Microsoft Excel is the standard spreadsheet
software, and Microsoft PowerPoint is the standard presentation software.
Copying and pasting, along with attaching/uploading documents for
assignment submission, will also be required. If you do not have Microsoft
Office, you can check with the bookstore to see if they have any student

• For additional information about system requirements, please see:

System Requirements for LearningStudio


Pearson LearningStudio (eCollege) Access and Log in Information

This course will be facilitated using Pearson LearningStudio, the learning

management system used by Texas A&M University-Commerce. To get
started with the course, go to myLeo and from the top menu ribbon select
eCollege. Then on the upper left side of the screen click on the My Courses
tab. http://www.tamuc.edu/myleo.aspx

You will need your CWID and password to log in to the course. If you do not
know your CWID or have forgotten your password, contact Technology 7
Services at 903.468.6000 or helpdesk@tamuc.edu.

Note: It is strongly recommended that you perform a “Browser Test” prior

to the start of your course. To launch a browser test, login to Pearson
LearningStudio, click on the My Courses tab, and then select the Browser
Test link under Support Services.

Pearson Learning Studio Student Technical Support

Texas A&M University-Commerce provides students technical support in the

use of Pearson LearningStudio.

Technical assistance is available (24 hours a day/ 7 days a week).

If you experience LearningStudio (eCollege) technical problems, contact the

LearningStudio help desk at 1-866-656-5511 (toll free) or visit Pearson
24/7 Customer Support Site http://247support.custhelp.com/

The student help desk may be reached in the following ways:

• Chat Support: Click on 'Live Support' on the tool bar within your
course to chat with a Pearson LearningStudio Representative.

• Phone: 1-866-656-5511 (Toll Free) to speak with Pearson Learning

Studio Technical Support Representative.

Accessing Help from within Your Course: Click on the 'Tech Support'
icon on the upper left side of the screen inside the course. Then you will be
able to get assistance via online chat or by phone.
Note: Personal computer problems do not excuse the requirement to
complete all course work in a timely and satisfactory manner. Each student
needs to have a backup method to deal with these inevitable problems.
These methods might include the availability of a backup PC at home or
work, the temporary use of a computer at a friend's home, the local library,
office service companies, Starbucks, a TAMUC campus open computer lab, etc

Policy for Reporting Problems with Pearson LearningStudio

Should students encounter Pearson LearningStudio based problems while

submitting assignments/discussions/comments/exams, the following
procedure must be followed:

1. Students must report the problem to the help desk. You may reach the
helpdesk at helpdesk@online.tamuc.org or 1-866-656-5511
2. Students must file their problem with the helpdesk and obtain a
helpdesk ticket number
3. Once a helpdesk ticket number is in your possession, students should
email me to advise me of the problem and to provide me with the
helpdesk ticket number
4. I will call the helpdesk to confirm your problem and follow up
with you

PLEASE NOTE: Your personal computer/access problems are not a

legitimate excuse for filing a ticket with the Pearson LearningStudio Help
Desk. Only Pearson LearningStudio based problems are legitimate reasons
to contact the Help Desk.

You strongly are encouraged to check for your internet browser

compatibility BEFORE the course begins and take the Pearson
LearningStudio tutorial offered for students who may require some extra
assistance in navigating the Pearson LearningStudio platform.

myLeo Support
Your myLeo email address is required to send and receive all student
correspondence. Please email helpdesk@tamuc.edu or call us at 903-468-
6000 with any questions about setting up your myLeo email account. You
may also access information at myLeo. https://leo.tamuc.edu

Learner Support
The One Stop Shop was created to serve you by providing as many
resources as possible in one location.

The Academic Success Center provides academic resources to help you

achieve academic success.


The Courses apps for phones have been adapted to support the tasks
students can easily complete on a smaller device. Due to the smaller
screen size course content is not presented.

The Courses app is free of charge. The mobile Courses Apps are
designed and adapted for different devices.

App iPhone – Pearson LearningStudio Courses for iPhone

Title: Android – LearningStudio Courses - Phone
Operatin iPhone - OS 6 and above
g Android – Jelly Bean, Kitkat, and Lollipop OS
iPhone https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pearson-learningstudio-
App courses/id977280011?mt=8
App https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pearson.lsp
URL: hone

Once downloaded, search for Texas A&M University-Commerce, and it

should appear on the list. Then you will need to sign into the myLeo Mobile

The Courses App for Android and iPhone contain the following feature set:

• View titles/code/Instructor of all Courses enrolled in online

• View and respond to all discussions in individual Courses
• View Instructor Announcements in individual Courses
• View Graded items, Grades and comments in individual Courses
• Grade to Date
• View Events (assignments) and Calendar in individual Courses
• View Activity Feed for all courses
• View course filters on activities
• View link to Privacy Policy
• Ability to Sign out
• Send Feedback


Interaction with Instructor Statement
Communication between faculty and students is important and taken
seriously. Preferred communication methods are through individualized
faculty office hours, email, or office phone. If a phone call is not answered,
please leave a message and send an e-mail using the direct e-mail link on
the course home page. You will be treated with collegial respect and you are
expected to communicate likewise in a professional manner.


Syllabus Change Policy

The syllabus is a guide. Circumstances and events, such as student
progress, may make it necessary for the instructor to modify the syllabus
during the semester. Any changes made to the syllabus will be announced
in advance.

Course Specific Procedures

Students must adhere to standards of professional and academic conduct

Academic misconduct involves any activity that tends to compromise the
academic integrity of the University, or subvert the educational process,
including, but not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, falsifying academic
records, misrepresenting facts and any act designed to give unfair academic
advantage to the student or the attempt to commit such an act. Students
are responsible for their own academic honesty and for reporting violations
of academic honesty by others. (Nursing Student Conduct Code--See the
BSN Student Guide)

1. Class Cancellation: In the event that a class is canceled, the student is
expected to do the readings and complete the objectives for that day.
The content will still be included on examinations. The material in this
syllabus and dates identified in the Course Calendar are subject to
2. Class attendance is expected. Students should notify course faculty in
advance of any absence. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain
information covered in class/lab.
3. Exam dates are listed in each course syllabus, and the student is expected
to be present for exams. In the event that the student will be absent,
the course instructor must be notified in advance.
4. As an adult learner and responsible professional, the student is
responsible for reading and completing assignments prior to class and
for being prepared to participate in discussions over the assigned
material. It should not be expected that all material will be covered in
class. Students are expected to come to class prepared.

Classroom Behavior
Students must refrain from classroom distractions (e.g. talking to each
other, eating, texting, using phones, entering late or moving excessively
during class). Children are not allowed in the classroom at any time.
Students causing distractions will be asked to leave the classroom and may
be subject to disciplinary action. Cell phones must be placed on vibrate or
turned off.

Use of Electronic Devices

The use of electronic devices, including laptops and voice recorders, must be
approved by the course faculty prior to class. Laptops not being used to take
notes should be closed. The use of any unapproved electronic devices during
a test/quiz or test/quiz review will result in the student receiving a zero for
that test/quiz.

Student Dress
Refer to Student Guide for additional information. While in the lab, students
will be expected to dress in the prescribed BSN program uniform at the
appointed time. Prior to that time, students should be dressed appropriately
without body piercings, tattoos covered, no nail polish, and attired in nothing
suggestive. Hair must be up and off the collar. Gum chewing is never
allowed in the lab.

University Specific Procedures

Student Conduct
All students enrolled at the University shall follow the tenets of common
decency and acceptable behavior conducive to a positive learning
environment. The code of Student Conduct is described in detail in the Student
Students should also consult the Rules of Netiquette for more information
regarding how to interact with students in an online forum: Netiquette

ADA Statement

Students with Disabilities

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that
provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other
things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a
learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If
you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact:

Office of Student Disability Resources and Services

Texas A&M University-Commerce
Gee Library- Room 132
Phone (903) 886-5150 or (903) 886-5835
Fax (903) 468-8148
Email: Rebecca.Tuerk@tamuc.edu

Website: Office of Student Disability Resources and Services


Nondiscrimination Notice
Texas A&M University-Commerce will comply in the classroom, and in online
courses, with all federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination and related
retaliation on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability,
age, genetic information or veteran status. Further, an environment free
from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or
gender expression will be maintained.

Tobacco Statement
Procedure 34.05.99.R1 now prohibits the use of vapor/electronic cigarettes,
smokeless tobacco, snuff and chewing tobacco inside and adjacent to any
building owned, leased, or operated by A&M – Commerce.

Campus Concealed Carry Statement

Texas Senate Bill-11 (Government Code 411.2031, et al.) authorizes the
carrying of a concealed handgun in Texas A&M University-Commerce
buildings only by persons who have been issued and are in possession of a
Texas License to Carry a Handgun. Qualified law enforcement officers or
those who are otherwise authorized to carry a concealed handgun in the
State of Texas are also permitted to do so. Pursuant to Penal Code (PC)
46.035 and A&M-Commerce Rule 34.06.02.R1, license holders may not
carry a concealed handgun in restricted locations.

For a list of locations, please refer to the Carrying Concealed Handguns On

Campus document and/or consult your event organizer.

Web url:

Pursuant to PC 46.035, the open carrying of handguns is prohibited on all

A&M-Commerce campuses. Report violations to the University Police
Department at 903-886-5868 or 9-1-1.

Textbook: Jarvis’ Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 7 ed.

Week Course Content Reading


1 (8/28) Orientation to course—all students present Review Syllabus

from 10am-12pm

Shadow Health-Digital orientation.

1 (8/30) Assessment of the whole person; cultural Chapters 1, 2, 3,

competence; interviewing; completing a health 4

Practice sheet unit 1

Shadow Health-Conversation concept lab and

health history modules.

Class 8-11am-morning groups and 11:30-2:30

pm-for pm groups.

2 (9/8) Assessment techniques-pain, nutrition. Chapters 8, 10,

Skin, hair, and nails
Head, Face, and neck

Practice sheet units 3&4 Chapters 12, 13

Shadow Health-Skin, hair, & nails.

3 (9/12) Exam 1 (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11) ED South 122

3 (9/15) Eyes Chapter 14

Practice sheet unit 5

Start wearing uniforms.

4 (9/22) Ears, nose, mouth, and throat Chapters 15, 16

Practice sheet unit 6

Shadow Health-HEENT

5 (9/26) Exam 2 (Chapters 12-16) Ed South 122

5 (9/29) Breasts, regional lymphatics, thorax, and lungs

Practice sheet unit 7 Chapters 17, 18

Shadow Health-Respiratory concept lab and

respiratory patient.
6/7 (10/6) Check-off #1/Health History #1 due
& (10/13)
Shadow Health-start working on comprehensive
8 (10/20) Heart and neck vessels, peripheral vascular Chapters 19, 20

Practice sheet unit 8

Shadow Health-Cardiovascular concept lab and

cardiovascular patient.

9 Abdomen Chapter 21

(10/27) Practice sheet unit 9

Shadow Health-Abdominal concept lab and

abdominal patient.

10 (10/31) Exam 3 (Chapters 17-21) Ed South 122

10 (11/3) Musculoskeletal Chapter 22

Practice sheet unit 10

Chapter 24, 25
Shadow Health-Musculoskeletal patient.

Male genitourinary and prostate, anus, rectum-no

practice sheet, Unit 13

Practice sheet unit 12

11 (11/10) Neurologic Chapter 23

Practice sheet unit 11

Shadow Health-Neurological patient.

12 (11/14) Exam 4 (Chapters 22-25) Ed South 122

12 (11/17) Female Genitourinary Chapter 26

Practice sheet unit 14

13 (11/24) Thanksgiving Holiday

14/15 Check-off #2/Health History #2 due

(12/1) &
(12/8) Shadow Health-work on comprehensive
**Students are responsible for Anatomy and Physiology review prior to each class.


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