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8086 Microprocessor: Lec. 3: 8086 Intel Microprocessor Omar Zyad

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Feature of 8086
8085 vs. 8086
8086 Architecture
Register Organization
8086 is an enhanced version of 8085 that has been developed by Intel in
16 bit Microprocessor.
20 address lines >> So it can access up to 1 MB of memory.
It has a powerful instruction set and it is capable to providing
multiplication and division operations directly.
Feature of 8086
It is 16 bit processor:
◦ 16 bit ALU
◦ 16 bit registers
◦ internal data bus and 16 bit external data bus.
◦ It make s faster processing.

It has 256 vectored interrupts.

It uses a memory banking system.
◦ It means entire data is not stored sequentially in a single memory of 1 MB
but memory is divided into two banks of 512KB.
Feature of 8086
It supports two modes of operation:
◦ First is maximum mode and Second is minimum mode.
◦ Minimum mode is applicable for system that have a single processor and
maximum mode is used for the multiprocessor system.

Pipelining: 8086 uses two stage of pipelining. First is Fetch Stage and the
second is Execute Stage.
It has three version based on the frequency of operation:
◦ 8086 -> 5MHz
◦ 8086-2 ->8MHz
◦ 8086-1 ->10 MHz
8085 vs. 8086
8085 8086

Data Bus 8 bit 16 bit

Address Bus 16 bit 20 bit

Memory 64 KB 1 MB

Instruction Without instruction queue. With instruction queue.

Pipelining Doesn't support Support

I/O 256 64 K
8086 Architecture
8086 Microprocessor is divided into two functional units:
◦ EU (Execution Unit)
◦ BIU (Bus Interface Unit).
8086 Architecture
The BIU handles all transactions of data and addresses on the buses for
The BIU performs all bus operations such as instruction fetching,
reading and writing operands for memory and calculating the addresses
of the memory operands.
The instruction bytes are transferred to the instruction queue.
EU executes instructions from the instruction system byte queue.
8086 Architecture
Both units operate asynchronously to give the 8086 an overlapping
instruction fetch and execution mechanism which is called as Pipelining.
This results in efficient use of the system bus and system performance.
BIU contains Instruction queue, Segment registers, Instruction pointer,
Address adder.
EU contains Control circuitry, Instruction decoder, ALU, Pointer and
Index register, Flag register.
Decodes instructions fetched by the BIU
Generate control signals,
Executes instructions.

The main parts are:

◦ Control Circuitry
◦ Instruction decoder
• 6-byte Instruction Queue (Q)
• The Segment Registers (CS, DS, ES, SS).
• The Instruction Pointer (IP).
• The Address Summing block (Σ)
The 14 registers of 8086 microprocessor are categorized
into four groups.
◦ General purpose data registers
◦ Pointer & Index registers
◦ Segment registers
◦ and Flag register.
General purpose registers:
◦ There are four 16-bit 4 general purpose registers namely (AH, AL);(BH,BL);
(CH,CL); (and DH,DL) which are part of Execution unit.
◦ These registers can be used individually for storing 16-bit data temporarily .
◦ The AL register is also called the accumulator.
◦ The pairs of registers can be used together to store 16-bit data words.
◦ It is always advantageous to store the data in these registers because the
data can be accessed much more easily as these registers are already in the
execution unit.
◦ Here L indicates the lower byte and H indicates the higher byte. X indicates
the extended register.
◦ The general purpose data registers are used for data manipulations..
Pointer Registers :
◦ They are Stack Pointer register and Base Pointer register.
◦ The pointer registers contain the offset within a particular segment.
◦ The BP & SP registers holds the offsets within the data and stack segments
Index Registers :
◦ The Index registers are used as general purpose registers as well as for
holding the offset in case of indexed based and relative indexed addressing
◦ The source Index register is generally used to store the offset of source data
in data segment
◦ While the Destination Index register used to store the offset of destination in
data or extra segment.
◦ These index registers are specifically used in string manipulations.
Segment Registers
◦ There are four 16-bit segment registers namely code segment
register(CS),Stack segment register(SS),Data segment register(DS) and Extra
segment register(ES).
◦ The code segment register is used for addressing the 64kB memory location
in the code segment of the memory ,where the code of the executable
program is stored.
◦ The DS register points to the data segment of the 64kB memory where the
data is stored.
◦ The Extra segment register also refers to essentially another data segment of
the memory space.
◦ The SS register is useful for addressing stack segment of memory.
Instruction Pointer Register:
◦ It is a 16-bit register which always points to the next instruction to be
executed within the currently executing code segment.
◦ So, this register contains the 16-bit offset address pointing to the next
instruction code within the 64KB of the code segment area.
◦ Its content is automatically incremented as the execution of the next
instruction takes place. .
Flag Register:
◦ This register is also called status register.
◦ It is a 16 bit register which contains six status flags and three control flags.
So, only nine bits of the 16 bit register are defined and the remaining seven
bits are undefined.
◦ Normally this status flag bits indicate the status of the ALU after the
arithmetic or logical operations.
◦ The Flag register contains Carry flag, Parity flag, Auxiliary flag Zero flag, Sign
flag ,Trap flag, Interrupt flag, Direction flag and overflow flag as shown in
the diagram. The CF,PF,AF,ZF,SF,OF are the status flags and the TF,IF and CF
are the control flags.
Flag Register:
◦ CF- Carry Flag: This flag is set, when there is a carry out of MSB in case of
addition or a borrow in case of subtraction.
◦ PF - Parity Flag : This flag is set to 1, if the lower byte of the result contains
even number of 1’s else (for odd number of 1s ) set to zero.
◦ AF- Auxilary Carry Flag: This is set, if there is a carry from the lowest nibble,
i.e, bit three during addition, or borrow for the lowest nibble.
◦ ZF- Zero Flag: This flag is set, if the result of the computation or comparison
performed by the previous instruction is zero
◦ SF- Sign Flag : This flag is set, when the result of any computation is negative
◦ TF - Tarp Flag: If this flag is set, the processor enters the single step
execution mode.
Flag Register:
◦ IF- Interrupt Flag: If this flag is set, the maskable interrupt INTR of 8086 is
enabled and if it is zero ,the interrupt is disabled. It can be set by using the
STI instruction and can be cleared by executing CLI instruction.
◦ DF- Direction Flag: This is used by string manipulation instructions. If this flag
bit is ‘0’, the string is processed beginning from the lowest address to the
highest address, i.e., auto incrementing mode. Otherwise, the string is
processed from the highest address towards the lowest address, i.e., auto
incrementing mode.
◦ OF- Over flow Flag: This flag is set, if an overflow occurs, i.e, if the result of a
signed operation is large enough to accommodate in a destination register.
The result is of more than 7-bits in size in case of 8-bit signed operation and
more than 15-bits in size in case of 16-bit sign operations, then the overflow
will be set.

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