Learning The Data Modeling Techniques With Examples
Learning The Data Modeling Techniques With Examples
Learning The Data Modeling Techniques With Examples
December 2, 2014
In the diagram above, the customer and the order are the entities, however,
the items that are listed inside the entities are the attributes of the entities.
What is a Relationship in an ERD
This becomes simple because by defining an attribute, you will easily figure
out the entity it belongs to. Similarly, once you define a relationship, it will be
easy to figure out why and how each entity is relating to all the other entities in
the model.
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Data Mapping Specification
Data Mapping Specification is a data modeling technique that is responsible
for showing how the collected information stored in two different databases
associate to each other.
Almost all of the times, these databases are related to two information
technology systems, at times, these systems are owned by your own
organization and some third-party vendor, or two different organizations who
are cooperating.
This is where the data mapping specification comes in, every time
you connect two systems together through the data exchange or an import,
that will be the time when data mapping specification will be your best bet.
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Data Matrix
The third on the list is data matrix.
Defining Data Matrix and It’s Role in Database Systems
For those of you who are not aware of what data matrix is; it is a way to
provide more elaborated insight of the data model. Data matrix is quite
tangible and can easily take several different forms according to the situation
you are working under.
What data is optional or required.
Type of data.
Sample data.
Values that are allowed.
When to Use the Data Matrix
A data matrix is any business analyst’s best choice when he or she is in need
of analyzing all the attributes in his/her data model. All of this information is
most of the times used in shaping up the physical databases. Data developers
or data architects will be the ones to utilize this information properly.
Once that’s done, every data store can be modeled. You can model the data
using techniques like data flow diagram, entity relationship diagram, data
matrix. Each of the process utilizes data mapping specification.
Selecting The Best Data Modeling
It is highly unlikely that all four data modeling techniques are used by a
business analyst to model your data. A seasoned business analyst will
analyze all four of the data modeling techniques and then pick out the best
one to model your data.
In the diagram above, the customer and the order are the entities, however,
the items that are listed inside the entities are the attributes of the entities.
What is a Relationship in an ERD
This becomes simple because by defining an attribute, you will easily figure
out the entity it belongs to. Similarly, once you define a relationship, it will be
easy to figure out why and how each entity is relating to all the other entities in
the model.
[Related: How to Use Microsoft Excel’s HLOOKUP function for effective
data analysis ]
Data Mapping Specification
Data Mapping Specification is a data modeling technique that is responsible
for showing how the collected information stored in two different databases
associate to each other.
Almost all of the times, these databases are related to two information
technology systems, at times, these systems are owned by your own
organization and some third-party vendor, or two different organizations who
are cooperating.
This is where the data mapping specification comes in, every time
you connect two systems together through the data exchange or an import,
that will be the time when data mapping specification will be your best bet.
Data Matrix
The third on the list is data matrix.
Defining Data Matrix and It’s Role in Database Systems
For those of you who are not aware of what data matrix is; it is a way to
provide more elaborated insight of the data model. Data matrix is quite
tangible and can easily take several different forms according to the situation
you are working under.
Once that’s done, every data store can be modeled. You can model the data
using techniques like data flow diagram, entity relationship diagram, data
matrix. Each of the process utilizes data mapping specification.
Selecting The Best Data Modeling
It is highly unlikely that all four data modeling techniques are used by a
business analyst to model your data. A seasoned business analyst will
analyze all four of the data modeling techniques and then pick out the best
one to model your data.
High-level Conceptual Data Models
High-level conceptual data models provide concepts for presenting data in ways that
are close to the way people perceive data. A typical example is the entity relationship
model, which uses main concepts like entities, attributes and relationships. An entity
represents a real-world object such as an employee or a project. The entity has
attributes that represent properties such as an employee’s name, address and birthdate.
A relationship represents an association among entities; for example, an employee
works on many projects. A relationship exists between the employee and each project.
Record-based Logical Data Models
Record-based logical data models provide concepts users can understand but are not
too far from the way data is stored in the computer. Three well-known data models of
this type are relational data models, network data models and hierarchical data
This chapter of Database Design is a derivative copy of Database System
Concepts by Nguyen Kim Anh licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License
3.0 license
1. Key Terms
2. Exercises
Data modelling is the first step in the process of database design. This step is
sometimes considered to be a high-level and abstract design phase, also referred to as
conceptual design. The aim of this phase is to describe:
In the second step, the data items, the relationships and the constraints are all
expressed using the concepts provided by the high-level data model. Because these
concmepts do not include the implementation details, the result of the data modelling
process is a (semi) formal representation of the database structure. This result is quite
easy to understand so it is used as reference to make sure that all the user’s
requirements are met.
The third step is database design. During this step, we might have two sub-steps: one
called database logical design, which defines a database in a data model of a specific
DBMS, and another called database physical design, which defines the internal
database storage structure, file organization or indexing techniques. These two sub-
steps are database implementation and operations/user interfaces building steps.
In the database design phases, data are represented using a certain data model.
The data model is a collection of concepts or notations for describing data, data
relationships, data semantics and data constraints. Most data models also include a set
of basic operations for manipulating data in the database.
The database design is very much like that. It starts with users identifying the business
rules; then the database designers and analysts create the database design; and then the
database administrator implements the design using a DBMS.
External models
Represent the user’s view of the database
Contain multiple different external views
Are closely related to the real world as perceived by each user
Conceptual models
Provide flexible data-structuring capabilities
Present a “community view”: the logical structure of the entire database
Contain data stored in the database
Show relationships among data including:
o Constraints
o Semantic information (e.g., business rules)
o Security and integrity information
Consider a database as a collection of entities (objects) of various kinds
Are the basis for identification and high-level description of main data objects;
they avoid details
Are database independent regardless of the database you will be using
Internal models
The three best-known models of this kind are the relational data model, the network
data model and the hierarchical data model. These internal models:
Physical models
Are the physical representation of the database
Have the lowest level of abstractions
Are how the data is stored; they deal with
o Run-time performance
o Storage utilization and compression
o File organization and access methods
o Data encryption
Are the physical level – managed by the operating system (OS)
Provide concepts that describe the details of how data are stored in the
computer’s memory
The external model is the end user’s view of the data. Typically a database is an
enterprise system that serves the needs of multiple departments. However, one
department is not interested in seeing other departments’ data (e.g., the human
resources (HR) department does not care to view the sales department’s data).
Therefore, one user view will differ from another.
The external model requires that the designer subdivide a set of requirements and
constraints into functional modules that can be examined within the framework of
their external models (e.g., human resources versus sales).
As a data designer, you need to understand all the data so that you can build an
enterprise-wide database. Based on the needs of various departments, the conceptual
model is the first model created.
At this stage, the conceptual model is independent of both software and hardware. It
does not depend on the DBMS software used to implement the model. It does not
depend on the hardware used in the implementation of the model. Changes in either
hardware or DBMS software have no effect on the database design at the conceptual
Once a DBMS is selected, you can then implement it. This is the internal model. Here
you create all the tables, constraints, keys, rules, etc. This is often referred to as
the logical design.
The physical model is simply the way the data is stored on disk. Each database vendor
has its own way of storing the data.
Figure 5.1. Data abstraction layers.
A schema is an overall description of a database, and it is usually represented by
the entity relationship diagram (ERD). There are many subschemas that represent
external models and thus display external views of the data. Below is a list of items to
consider during the design process of a database.
In other words, changes to the logical schema (e.g., alterations to the structure of the
database like adding a column or other tables) should not affect the function of the
application (external views).
Physical data independence deals with hiding the details of the storage structure from
user applications. The applications should not be involved with these issues, since
there is no difference in the operation carried out against the data.