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Fodor's Guide On Mental Representation

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Mind Association

Fodor's Guide to Mental Representation: The Intelligent Auntie's Vade-Mecum

Author(s): J. A. Fodor
Source: Mind, New Series, Vol. 94, No. 373 (Jan., 1985), pp. 76-100
Published by: Oxford University Press on behalf of the Mind Association
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2254700
Accessed: 02-03-2020 21:19 UTC

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Fodor's Guide to Mental Representation:
The Intelligent Auntie's Vade-Mecum


This is thefirst in a series of 'State of the Art' articles which Mind in

annually, to give writers an opportunity to describe what they see as the crucial
contemporary issues in a particular area of study.

It rained for weeks and we were all so tired of ontology, but there didn't
seem to be much else to do. Some of the children started to sulk and pull the
cat's tail. It was going to be an awful afternoon until Uncle Wilifred thought
of Mental Representations (which was a game that we hadn't played for
years) and everybody got very excited and we jumped up and down and
waved our hands and all talked at once and had a perfectly lovely romp. But
Auntie said that she couldn't stand the noise and there would be tears before
bedtime if we didn't please calm down.
Auntie rather disapproves of what is going on in the Playroom, and you
can't entirely blame her. Ten or fifteen years of philosophical discussion of
mental representation has produced a considerable appearance of disorder.
Every conceivable position seems to have been occupied, along with some
whose conceivability it is permissible to doubt. And every view that anyone
has mooted someone else has undertaken to refute. This does not strike
Auntie as constructive play. She sighs for the days when well-brought-up
philosophers of mind kept themselves occupied for hours on end analysing
their behavioural dispositions.
But the chaotic appearances are actually misleading. A rather surprising
amount of agreement has emerged, if not about who's winning, at least
about how the game has to be played. In fact, everybody involved concurs,
pretty much, on what the options are. They differ in their hunches about
which of the options it would be profitable to exercise. The resulting noise is
of these intuitions clashing. In this paper, I want to make as much of the
consensus as I can explicit; both by way of reassuring Auntie and in order to
provide new participants with a quick guide to the game: Who's where and
how did they get there? Since it's very nearly true that you can locate all the
players by their answers to quite a small number of diagnostic questions, I
shall organize the discussion along those lines. What follows is a short
projective test of the sort that self-absorbed persons use to reveal their
hitherto unrecognized proclivities. I hope for a great success in California.

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Fodor's Guide to Mental Representation 77

First question: How do you feel about propositional attitudes?

The contemporary discussion about mental representation is intimately and
intricately involved with the question of Realism about propositional
attitudes. Since a goal of this essay is to locate the issues about mental
representation with respect to other questions in the philosophy of mind, we
commence by setting out this relation in several of its aspects.
The natural home of the propositional attitudes is in 'common-sense' (or
'belief/desire') psychological explanation. If you ask the Man on the
Clapham Omnibus what precisely he is doing there, he will tell you a story
along the following lines: 'I wanted to get home (to work/to Auntie's) and I
have reason to believe that there-or somewhere near it-is where this
omnibus is going.' It is, in short, untendentious that people regularly
account for their voluntary behaviour by citing beliefs and desires that they
entertain; and that, if their behaviour is challenged, they regularly defend it
by maintaining the rationality of the beliefs ('Because it says it's going to
Clapham') and the probity of the desires ('Because it's nice visiting Auntie').
That, however, is probably as far as the Clapham Omnibus will take us.
What comes next is a philosophical gloss-and, eventually, a philosophical

First philosophical gloss: When the ordinary chap says that he's doing what
he is because he has the beliefs and desires that he does, it is reasonable to
read the 'because' as a causal 'because'-whatever, exactly, a causal
'because' may be. At a minimum, common sense seems to require belief/
desire explanations to support counterfactuals in ways that are familiar in
causal explanation at large: if, for example, it is true that Psmith did A
because he believed B and desired C, then it must be that Psmith would not
have done A if either he had not believed B or he had not desired C. (Ceteris
paribus, it goes without saying.) Common sense also probably takes it that if
Psmith did A because he believed B and desired C, then-ceteris paribus
again-believing B and desiring C is causally sufficient for doing A.
(However, common sense does get confused about this since-though
believing B and desiring C was what caused Psmith to do A-still it is
common sense that Psmith could have believed B and desired C and not
done A had he so decided. It is a question of some interest whether common
sense can have it both ways.) Anyhow, to a first approximation the common-
sense view is that there is mental causation, and that mental causes are
subsumed by counterfactual-supporting generalizations of which the
practical syllogism is perhaps the paradigm.
Closely connected is the following: Everyman's view seems to be that
propositional attitudes cause (not only behaviour but also) other proposi-
tional attitudes. Thoughts cause desires (so that thinking about visiting
Auntie makes one want to) and-perhaps a little more tendentiously-the
other way around as well (so that the wish is often father to the thought,

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78 J. A. Fodor

according to the common-sense view of mental genealogy). In the paradigm

mental process-viz. thinking-thoughts give rise to one another and
eventuate in the fixation of beliefs. That is what Sherlock Holmes was
supposed to be so good at.

Second philosophical gloss: Common sense has it that beliefs and desires are
semantically evaluable; that they have satisfaction-conditions. Roughly, the
satisfaction-condition for a belief is the state of affairs in virtue of which that
belief is true or false and the satisfaction-condition for a desire is the state of
affairs in virtue of which that desire is fulfilled or frustrated. Thus, that it
continues to rain makes true the belief that it is raining and frustrates the
desire that the rain should stop. This could stand a lot more sharpening, but
it will do for the purposes at hand.
It will have occurred to the reader that there are other ways of glossing
common-sense belief/desire psychology. And that, even if this way of
glossing it is right, common-sense belief/desire psychology may be in need
of emendation. Or cancellation. Quite so, but my purpose isn't to defend or
criticize; I just want to establish a point of reference. I propose to say that
someone is a Realist about propositional attitudes iff (a) he holds that there
are mental states whose occurrences and interactions cause behaviour and
do so, moreover, in ways that respect (at least to an approximation) the
generalizations of common-sense belief/desire psychology; and (b) he holds
that these same causally efficacious mental states are also semantically
So much for common-sense psychological explanation. The connection
with our topic is this: the full-blown Representational Theory of Mind
(hereinafter RTM, about which a great deal presently) purports to explain
how there could be states that have the semantical and causal properties that
propositional attitudes are commonsensically supposed to have. In effect,
RTM proposes an account of what the propositional attitudes are. So, the
further you are from Realism about propositional attitudes, the dimmer the
view of RTM that you are likely to take.
Quite a lot of the philosophical discussion that's relevant to RTM, there-
fore, concerns the status and prospects of common-sense intentional
psychology. More, perhaps, than is generally realized. For example, we'll
see presently that some of the philosophical worries about RTM derive from
scepticism about the semantical properties of mental representations.
Putnam, in particular, has been explicit in questioning whether coherent
sense could be made of such properties. (See Putnam, MH; Putnam,
CPIT.) I have my doubts about the seriousness of these worries (see
Fodor, BD); but the present point is that they are, in any event, misdirected
as arguments against RTM. If there is something wrong with meaning,
what that shows is something very radical, viz. that there is something wrong
with propositional attitudes (a moral, by the way, that Quine, Davidson, and

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Fodor's Guide to Mental Representation 79

Stich, among others, have drawn explicitly). That, and not RTM, is surely
the ground on which this action should be fought.
If, in short, you think that common sense is just plain wrong about the
aetiology of behaviour-i.e. that there is nothing that has the causal and
semantic properties that common sense attributes to the attitudes-then the
questions that RTM purports to answer don't so much as arise for you. You
won't care much what the attitudes are if you take the view that there aren't
any. Many philosophers do take this view and are thus united in their
indifference to RTM. Among these Anti-Realists there are, however,
interesting differences in motivation and tone of voice. Here, then, are some
ways of not being a Realist about beliefs and desires.

First Anti-Realist option: You could take an instrumentalist view of

intentional explanation. You could hold that though there are, strictly
speaking, no such things as beliefs and desires, still talking as though there
were some often leads to confirmed behavioural predictions. Everyman is
therefore licensed to talk that way-to adopt, as one says, the intentional
stance-so long as he doesn't take the ontological commitments of belief/
desire psychology literally. (Navigators talk geocentric astronomy for con-
venience, and nobody holds it against them; it gets them where they want to
go.) The great virtue of instrumentalism-here as elsewhere-is that you
get all the goodness and suffer none of the pain: you get to use propositional-
attitude psychology to make behavioural predictions; you get to 'accept' all
the intentional explanations that it is convenient to accept; but you don't
have to answer hard questions about what the attitudes are.
There is, however, a standard objection to instrumentalism (again, here
as elsewhere): it's hard to explain why belief/desire psychology works so well
if belief/desire psychology is, as a matter of fact; not true. I propose to steer
clear, throughout this essay, of general issues in the philosophy of science; in
particular of issues about the status of scientific theories at large. But-as
Putnam, Boyd and others have emphasized-there is surely a presumptive
inference from the predictive successes of a theory to its truth; still more so
when (unlike geocentric astronomy) it is the only predictively successful
theory in the field. It's not, to put it mildly, obvious why this presumption
shouldn't militate in favour of a Realist-as against an instrumentalist-
construal of belief/desire explanations.
The most extensively worked out version of instrumentalism about the
attitudes in the recent literature is surely owing to D. C. Dennett. (See the
papers in Dennett, B; especially the essay 'Intentional Systems'.) Dennett
confronts the 'if it isn't true, why does it work?' problem (in Dennett, TB),
but I find his position obscure. Here's how I think it goes: (a) belief/desire
explanations rest on very comprehensive rationality assumptions; it's only
fully rational systems that such explanations could be literally true of. These
rationality assumptions are, however, generally contrary to fact; that's why

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8o J. A. Fodor

intentional explanations can't be better than instrumental. On the other

hand, (b) intentional explanations work because we apply them only to
evolutionarily successful (or other 'designed') systems; and if the behaviour
of a system didn't at least approximate rationality it wouldn't be evolu-
tionarily successful; what it would be is extinct.
There is a lot about this that's problematic. To begin with, it's unclear
whether there really is a rationality assumption implicit in intentional
explanation and whether, if there is, the rationality assumption that's
required is so strong as to be certainly false. Dennett says in 'Intentional
Systems' (Dennett, IS) that unless we assume rationality we get no
behavioural predictions out of belief/desire psychology since without
rationality any behaviour is compatible with any beliefs and desires. Clearly,
however, you don't need to assume much rationality if all you want is some
predictivity; perhaps you don't need to assume more rationality than
organisms actually have.
Perhaps, in short, the rationality that Dennett says that natural selection
guarantees is enough to support literal (not just instrumental) intentional
ascription. At a minimum, there seems to be a clash between Dennett's
principles (a) and (b) since if it follows from evolutionary theory that
successful organisms are pretty rational, then it's hard to see how attribu-
tions of rationality to successful organisms can be construed purely instru-
mentally (as merely a 'stance' that we adopt towards systems whose behaviour
we seek to predict).
Finally, if you admit that it's a matter of fact that some agents are rational
to some degree, then you have to face the hard question of how they can be.
After all, not everything that's 'designed' is rational even to a degree. Bricks
aren't for example; they have the wrong kind of structure. The question
what sort of structure is required for rationality does, therefore, rather
suggest itself and it's very unclear that that question can be answered
without talking about structures of beliefs and desires; intentional psycho-
logy is the only candidate we have so far for a theory of how rationality is
achieved. This suggests-what I think is true but won't argue for here-that
the rational systems are a species of the intentional ones rather than the other
way around. If that is so, then it is misguided to appeal to rationality in the
analysis of intentionality since, in the order of explanation, the latter is the
more fundamental notion. What with one thing and another, it does seem
possible to doubt that a coherent instrumentalism about the attitudes is
going to be forthcoming.

Second Anti-Realist option: You could take the view that belief/desire
psychology is just plain false and skip the instrumentalist trimmings. On
this way of telling the Anti-Realist story, belief/desire psychology is in
competition with alternative accounts of the aetiology of behaviour and
should be judged in the same way that the alternatives are; by its predictive

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Fodor's Guide to Mental Representation 8I

successes, by the plausibility of its ontological commitments, and by its

coherence with the rest of the scientific enterprise. No doubt the predictive
successes of belief/desire explanations are pretty impressive-especially
when they are allowed to make free use of ceteris paribus clauses. But when
judged by the second and third criteria, common-sense psychology proves
to be a bad theory; 'stagnant science' is the preferred epithet (see
Churchland, EMPA; Stich, FFPTCS). What we ought therefore to do is get
rid of it and find something better.
There is, however, some disagreement as to what something better would
be like. What matters here is how you feel about Functionalism. So let's
have that be our next diagnostic question.
(Is everybody still with us? In case you're not, see the decision tree in
Figure i for the discussion so far. Auntie's motto: a place for every person;
every person in his place.)

Realist about the attitudes?

no yes


no yes (Dennett)

we are here-*
no yes

Figure I

Second question: How do you feel about Functionalism?

(This is a twice told tale, so I'll be quick. For a longer review, see Fodor,
MBP; Fodor, SSA.)
It looked, in the early I96os, as though anybody who wanted psychology
to be compatible with a physicalistic ontology had a choice between some or
other kind of behaviourism and some or other kind of property-identity
theory. For a variety of reasons, neither of these options seemed very
satisfactory (in fact, they still don't) so a small tempest brewed in the
philosophical teapot.
What came of it was a new account of the type/token relation for psycho-
logical states: psychological-state tokens were to be assigned to psycho-
logical-state types solely by reference to their causal relations to proximal
stimuli ('inputs'), to proximal responses ('outputs'), and to one another.
The advertising claimed two notable virtues for this theory: first, it was
compatible with physicalism in that it permitted tokenings of psycho-
logical states to be identical to tokenings of physical states (and thus to enjoy
whatever causal properties physical states are supposed to have). Secondly,

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82 J. A. Fodor

it permitted tokens of one and the same psychological-state type to differ

arbitrarily in their physical kind. This comforted the emerging intuition
that the natural domain for psychological theory might be physically
heterogeneous, including a motley of people, animals, Martians (always, in
the philosophical literature, assumed to be silicon-based) and computing
Functionalism, so construed, was greeted with audible joy by the new
breed of 'Cognitive Scientists' and has clearly become the received
ontological doctrine in that discipline. For, if Functionalism is true, then
there is plausibly a level of explanation between common-sense belief/desire
psychology, on the one hand, and neurological (circuit-theoretic; generally
'hard-science') explanation on the other. Cognitive Scientists could
plausibly formulate their enterprise as the construction of theories pitched
at that level. Moreover, it was possible to tell a reasonable and aestheticall
gratifying story about the relations between the levels: common-sense belief
desire explanations reduce to explanations articulated in terms of functional
states (at least the true ones do) because, according to Functionalism, beliefs
and desires are functional states. And, for each (true) psychological
explanation, there will be a corresponding story, to be told in hard-science
terms, about how the functional states that it postulates are 'realized' in the
system under study. Many different hard-science stories may correspond to
one and the same functional explanation since, as we saw, the criteria for the
tokening of functional states abstract from the physical character of the
tokens. (The most careful and convincing Functionalist manifestos I know
are Block, WIF; and Cummins, NPE; q.v.)
Enthusiasm for Functionalism was (is) not, however, universal. For
example, viewed from a neuroscientist's perspective (or from the perspec-
tive of a hard-line 'type-physicalist') Functionalism may appear to be
merely a rationale for making do with bad psychology. A picture many
neuroscientists have is that, if there really are beliefs and desires (or
memories, or percepts, or mental images or whatever else the psychologist
may have in his grab bag), it ought to be possible to 'find' them in the brain;
where what that requires is that two tokens of the same psychological kind
(today's desire to visit Auntie, say, and yesterday's) should correspond
to two tokens of the same neurological kind (today's firing of neuron $535,
say, and yesterday's). Patently, Functionalism relaxes that requirement;
relaxes it, indeed, to the point of invisibility. Functionalism just is the
doctrine that the psychologist's theoretical taxonomy doesn't need to
look 'natural' from the point of view of any lower-level science. This
seems to some neuroscientists, and to some of their philosopher friends,
like letting psychologists get away with murder. (See, for example,
Churchland, EMPA, which argues that Functionalism could have 'saved'
alchemy if only the alchemists had been devious enough to devise it.)
There is, for once, something tangible at issue here: who has the right

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Fodor's Guide to Mental Representation 83

theoretical vocabulary for explaining behaviour determines who should get

the grants.
So much for Functionalism except to add that one can, of course,
combine accepting the Functionalist ontology with rejecting the reduction of
belief/desire explanations to functional ones (for example, because you
think that, though some Functionalist psychological explanations are true,
no common-sense belief/desire psychological explanations are). Bearing this
proviso in mind, we can put some more people in their places: if you are
Anti-Realist (and anti-instrumentalist) about belief/desire psychology, and
you think there is no Functional level of explanation, then probably you
think that behavioural science is (or, anyhow, ought to be) neuroscience.1
(Afortiori, you will be no partisan of RTM, which is, of course, way over on
the other side of the decision tree.) The Churchlands are the paradigm
inhabitants of this niche. On the other hand, if you combine eliminativist
sentiments about propositional attitudes with enthusiasm for the functional
individuation of mental states, then you anticipate the eventual replacement
of common-sense belief/desire explanations by theories couched in the
vocabulary of a Functionalist psychology; replacement rather than reduction.
You are thus led to write books with such titles as From Folk Psychology to
Cognitive Science and are almost certainly identical to Steven Stich.
One more word about Anti-Realism. It may strike you as odd that,
whereas instrumentalists hold that belief/desire psychology works so well
that we can't do anything without it, eliminativists hold that it works so
badly ('stagnant science' and all that) that we can't do anything with it. Why,
you may ask, don't these Anti-Realists get their acts together?
This is not, however, a real paradox. Instrumentalists can agree with
eliminativists that for the purposes of scientific/serious explanation the
attitudes have to be dispensed with. And eliminativists can agree with
instrumentalists that for practical purposes, the attitudes do seem quite
indispensable. In fact-and here's the point I want to stress just now-what
largely motivates Anti-Realism is something deeper than the empirical
speculation that belief/desire explanations won't pan out as science; it's the
sense that there is something intrinsically wrong with the intentional. This
is so important that I propose to leave it to the very end.
Now for the other side of the decision tree. (Presently we'll get to RTM.)
If you are a Realist about propositional attitudes then, of course, you
think that there are beliefs and desires. Now, on this side of the tree too you

I Unless you are an eliminativist behaviourist (say Watson) which puts you, for present purposes,
beyond the pale.
While we're at it: it rather messes up my nice taxonomy that there are philosophers who accept a
Functionalist view of psychological explanation, and are Realist about belief/desire psychology, but who
reject the reduction of the latter to the former. In particular, they do not accept the identification of any
of the entities that Functionalist psychologists posit with the propositional attitudes that common sense
holds dear. (A version of this view says that functional states 'realize' propositional attitudes in much the
way that the physical states are supposed to realize functional ones. See, for example Matthews, TR.)

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84 5. A. Fodor

Realist about the attitudes?

no yes

Instrumentalist? Functionalist?

: ~~~~~no (Searle)
no yes (Dennett)

Functionalist? attitudes monadic?

we are here )0
no (Churchlands) yes (Stich) no yes
Figure 2

get to decide whether to be a Functionalist or not.

you are probably John Searle, and you drop off the
own view is that RTM, construed as a species of Fun
offers the best Realist account of the attitudes that is
this view is-to put it mildly-not universally shared. There are philo-
sophers (many of whom like Searle, Dreyfus, and Haugeland are more or
less heavily invested in Phenomenology) who are hyper-Realist about the
attitudes but deeply unenthusiastic about both Functionalism and RTM. It
is not unusual for such theorists to hold (a) that there is no currently
available, satisfactory answer to the question 'how could there be things that
satisfy the constraints that common sense places upon the attitudes?'; and
(b) that finding an answer to this question is, in any event, not the philo-
sopher's job. (Maybe it is the psychologist's job, or the neuroscientist's. See
Dreyfus, WCCD; Haugeland, NPC; Searle, MBP.)
For how the decision tree looks now, see Figure 2.
If you think that there are beliefs and desires, and you think that they are
functional states, then you get to answer the following diagnostic question:

Third question: Are propositional attitudes monadic functional states?

This may strike you as a silly question. For, you may say, since propositional
attitudes are by definition relations to propositions, it follows that
propositional attitudes are by definition not monadic. A propositional
attitude is, to a first approximation, a pair of a proposition and a set of
intentional systems, viz. the set of intentional systems which bear that
attitude to that proposition.
That would seem to be reasonable enough. But the current ('Naturalistic')
consensus is that if you've gone this far you will have to go further. Some-
thing has to be said about the place of the semantic and the intentional in the
natural order; it won't do to have unexplicated 'relations to propositions' at
the foundations of the philosophy of mind.
Just why it won't do-precisely what physicalist or Naturalist scruples it
would outrage-is, to be sure, not very clear. Presumably the issue isn't

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Fodor's Guide to Mental Representation 85

Nominalism, for why raise that issue here; if physicists have numbers to play
with, why shouldn't psychologists have propositions? And it can't be worries
about individuation since distinguishing propositions is surely no harder
than distinguishing propositional attitudes and, for better or worse, we're
committed to the latter on this side of the decision tree. A more plausible
scruple-one I am inclined to take seriously-objects to unreduced epistemic
relations like grasping propositions. One really doesn't want psychology to
presuppose any of those; first because epistemic relations are pre-eminently
what psychology is supposed to explain, and second for fear of 'ontological
danglers'. It's not that there aren't propositions, and it's not that there aren't
graspings of them; it's rather that graspings of propositions aren't plausible
candidates for ultimate stuff. If they're real, they must be really something
Anyhow, one might as well sing the songs one knows. There is a reductive
story to tell about what it is for an attitude to have a proposition as its object.
So, metaphysical issues to one side, why not tell it?
The story goes as follows. Propositional attitudes are monadic, functional
states of organisms. Functional states, you will recall, are type-individuated
by reference to their (actual and potential) causal relations; you know
everything that is essential about a functional state when you know which
causal generalizations subsume it. Since, in the psychological case, the
generalizations that count for type individuation are the ones that relate
mental states to one another, a census of mental states would imply a net-
work of causal interrelations. To specify such a network would be to con-
strain the nomologically possible mental histories of an organism; the
network for a given organism would exhibit the possible patterns of causal
interaction among its mental states (insofar, at least, as such patterns of
interaction are relevant to the type individuation of the states). Of necessity,
the actual mental life of the organism would appear as a path through this
Given the Functionalist assurance of individuation by causal role, we can
assume that each mental state can be identified with a node in such a net-
work: for each mental state there is a corresponding causal role and for each
causal role there is a corresponding node. (To put the same point slightly
differently, each mental state can be associated with a formula (e.g. a Ramsey
sentence; see Block, op. cit.) which uniquely determines its location in the
network by specifying its potentialities for causal interaction with each of
the other mental states.) Notice, however, that while this gives a Func-
tionalist sense to the individuation of propositional attitudes, it does not, in
and of itself, say what it is for a propositional attitude to have the proposi-
tional content that it has. The present proposal is to remedy this defect by
reducing the notion of propositional content to the notion of causal role.
So far, we have a network of mental states defined by their causal inter-
relations. But notice that there is also a network generated by the inferential

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86 3. A. Fodor

relations that hold among propositions; and it is plausible that its inferential
relations are among the properties that each proposition has essentially.
Thus, it is presumably a non-contingent property of the proposition that
Auntie is shorter than Uncle Wilifred that it entails the proposition that
Uncle Wilifred is taller than Auntie. And it is surely a non-contingent
property of the proposition that P & Qthat it entails the proposition that P
and the proposition that Q It may also be that there are evidential relations
that are, in the relevant sense, non-contingent; for example, it may be con-
stitutive of the proposition that many of the G's are F that it is, ceteris
paribus, evidence for the proposition that all of the G's are F. If it be so, then
so be it.
The basic idea is that, given the two networks-the causal and the in-
ferential-we can establish partial isomorphisms between them. Under
such an isomorphism, the causal role of a propositional attitude mirrors the
semantic role of the proposition that is its object. So, for example, there is the
proposition that John left and Mary wept; and it is partially constitutive of
this proposition that it has the following 'semantic' relations: it entails the
proposition that John left; it entails the proposition that Mary wept; it is
entailed by the pair of propositions {John left, Mary wept}; it entails the
proposition that somebody did something; it entails the proposition that
John did something; it entails the proposition that either it's raining or John
left and Mary wept ... and so forth. Likewise there are, among the potential
episodes in an organism's mental life, states which we may wish to construe
as: (S1) having the belief that John left and Mary wept; (S2) having the belief
that John left; (S3) having the belief that Mary wept; (S4) having the belief
that somebody did something; (S5) having the belief that either it's raining
or John left and Mary wept . . . and so forth. The crucial point is that it
constrains the assignment of propositional contents to these mental states
that the latter exhibit an appropriate pattern of causal relations. In
particular, it must be true (if only under idealization) that being in S1 tends
to cause the organism to be in S2 and S ; that being in S 1 tends to cause the
organism to be in S4 that being (simultaneously) in states (S2, S3) tends-
very strongly, one supposes-to cause the organism to be in state S1, that
being in state S1 tends to cause the organism to be in state S 5 (as does being
in state S6, viz. the state of believing that it's raining). And so forth.
In short, we can make non-arbitrary assignments of propositions as the
objects of propositional attitudes because there is this isomorphism between
the network generated by the semantic relations among propositions and the
network generated by the causal relations among mental states. The assign-
ment is non-arbitrary precisely in that it is constrained to preserve the
isomorphism. And because the isomorphism is perfectly objective (which is
not, however, to say that it is perfectly unique; see below), knowing what
proposition gets assigned to a mental state-what the object of an attitude
is-is knowing something useful. For, within the limits of the operative

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Fodor's Guide to Mental Representation 87

idealization, you can deduce the causal consequences of being in a mental state
from the semantic relations of its propositional object. To know that John
thinks that Mary wept is to know that it's highly probable that he thinks that
somebody wept. To know that Sam thinks that it is raining is to know that
it's highly probable that he thinks that either it is raining or that John left
and Mary wept. To know that Sam thinks that it's raining and that Sam
thinks that if it's raining it is well to carry an umbrella is to be far along the
way to predicting a piece of Sam's behaviour.
It may be, according to the present story, that preserving isomorphism
between the causal and the semantic networks is all that there is to the
assignment of contents to mental states; that nothing constrains the attribu-
tion of propositional objects to propositional attitudes except the require-
ment that isomorphism be preserved. But one need not hold that that is so.
On the contrary, many-perhaps most-philosophers who like the iso-
morphism story are attracted by so-called 'two-factor' theories, according to
which what determines the semantics of an attitude is not just its functional
role but also its causal connections to objects 'in the world'. (This is, notice,
still a species of Functionalism since it's still causal role alone that counts for
the type individuation of mental states; but two-factor theories acknowledge
as semantically relevant 'external' causal relations, relations between, for
example, states of the organism and distal stimuli. It is these mind-to-world
causal relations that are supposed to determine the denotational semantics
of an attitude: what it's about and what its truth-conditions are.) There are
serious issues in this area, but for our purposes-we are, after all, just sight-
seeing-we can group the two-factor theorists with the pure functional-role
The story I've just told you is, I think, the standard current construal of
Realism about propositional attitudes.2 I propose, therefore, to call it
'Standard Realism' ('SR' for convenience). As must be apparent, SR is a
compound of two doctrines: a claim about the 'internal' structure of atti-
tudes (viz. that they are monadic functional states) and a claim about the
source of their semantical properties (viz. that some or all of such properties
arise from isomorphisms between the causal role of mental states and the
implicational structure of propositions). Now, though they are usually held
together, it seems clear that these claims are orthogonal. One could opt for
monadic mental states without functional-role semantics; or one could opt
for functional-role semantics together with some non-monadic account of
the polyadicity of the attitudes. My own view is that SR should be rejected
wholesale: that it is wrong about both the structure and the semantics of the
attitudes. But-such is the confusion and perversity of my colleagues-this
view is widely thought to be eccentric. The standard Realistic alternative to

2 This account of the attitudes seems to be in the air these days; and, as with most doctrines that are in
the air, it's a little hard to be sure exactly who holds it. Far the most detailed version is in Loar, MM;
though I have seen variants in unpublished papers by Tyler Burge, Robert Stalnaker, and Hartry Field.

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88 J. A. Fodor

Standard Realism holds that SR is right about functional semantics but

wrong about monadicity. I propose to divide these issues: monadicity first,
semantics at the end.
If, in the present intellectual atmosphere, you are Realist and Func-
tionalist about the attitudes, but you don't think that the attitudes are
monadic functional states, then probably you think that to have a belief or a

Realist about the attitudes?

no yes


no (Searle)? yes

attitudes monadic?
we are here -*

no(=RTM) yes

FR Semantics? FR Semantics?

:no yes
no yes
(Fodor) (Harman) (Loar)
(Block) (Burge ?)
(Sellars) (Stalnaker ?)
Figure 3

desire-or whatever-is to be related in a certain way to a Mental

Representation. According to the canonical formulation of this view: for any
organism 0 and for any proposition P, there is a relation R and a mental
representation MP such that: MP means that (expresses the proposition
that) P; and 0 believes that P iff 0 bears R to MP. (And similarly, R desires
that P iff 0 bears some different relation, R', to MP. And so forth. For
elaboration, see Fodor, PA; Fodor, LOT; Field, MR.) This is, of course, the
doctrine I've been calling full-blown RTM. So we come, at last, to the
bottom of the decision tree. (See Figure 3.)
As compared with SR, RTM assumes the heavier burden of ontological
commitment. It quantifies not just over such mental states as believing that
P and desiring that Q, but also over mental representations; symbols in a
'Language of Thought'. The burden of proof is thus on RTM. (Auntie
holds that it doesn't matter who has the burden of proof because the choice
between SR and RTM isn't a philosophical issue. But I don't know how she
tells. Or why she cares.) There are two sorts of considerations which, in my
view, argue persuasively for RTM. I think they are the implicit sources of

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Fodor's Guide to Mental Representation 89

the Cognitive Science Community's commitment to the mental representa-

tion construct.

First argument for R TM: productivity and constituency

The collection of states of mind is productive: for example, the thoughts that
one actually entertains in the course of a mental life comprise a relatively
unsystematic subset drawn from a vastly larger variety of thoughts that one
could have entertained had an occasion for them arisen. For example, it has
probably never occurred to you before that no grass grows on kangaroos.
But, once your attention is drawn to the point, it's an idea that you are quite
capable of entertaining, one which, in fact, you are probably inclined to
endorse. A theory of the attitudes ought to account for this productivity; it
ought to make clear what it is about beliefs and desires in virtue of which
they constitute open-ended families.
Notice that Naturalism precludes saying 'there are arbitrarily many
propositional attitudes because there are infinitely many propositions' and
leaving it at that. The problem about productivity is that there are
arbitrarily many propositional attitudes that one can have. Since relations
between organisms and propositions aren't to be taken as primitive, one
is going to have to say what it is about organic states like believing and
desiring that allows them to be (roughly) as differentiated as the proposi-
tions are. If, for example, you think that attitudes are mapped to pro-
positions in virtue of their causal roles (see above), then you have to say
what it is about the attitudes that accounts for the productivity of the set
of causal roles.
A natural suggestion is that the productivity of thoughts is like the pro-
ductivity of natural languages, i.e. that there are indefinitely many thoughts
to entertain for much the same reason that there are indefinitely many sen-
tences to utter. Fine, but how do natural languages manage to be produc-
tive? Here the outlines of an answer are familiar. To a first approximation,
each sentence can be identified with a certain sequence of sub-sentential
constituents. Different sentences correspond to different ways of arranging
these sub-sentential constituents; new sentences correspond to new ways
of arranging them. And the meaning of a sentence-the proposition it
expresses-is determined, in a regular way, by its constituent structure.
The constituents of sentences are, say, words and phrases. What are the
constituents of propositional attitudes? A natural answer would be: other
propositional attitudes. Since, for example, you can't believe that P and Q
without believing that P and believing that Q we could take the former state
to be a complex of which the latter are the relatively (or perhaps absolutely)
simple parts. But a moment's consideration makes it clear that this won't
work with any generality: believing that P or Q doesn't require either
believing that P or believing that Q and neither does believing that if P

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go 5. A. Fodor

then Q It looks as though we want propositional attitudes to be built out of

something; but not out of other propositional attitudes.
There's an interesting analogy to the case of speech-acts (one of many
such; see Vendler, RC). There are indefinitely many distinct assertions (i.e.
there are indefinitely many propositions that one can assert); and though
you can't assert that P and Qwithout asserting that P and asserting that Q
the disjunctive assertion, P or Q does not imply the assertion of either of the
disjuncts, and the hypothetical assertion, if P then Q does not imply the
assertion of its antecedent or its consequent. So how do you work the con-
stituency relation for assertions?
Answer: you take advantage of the fact that making an assertion involves
using symbols (typically it involves uttering symbols); the constituency
relation is defined for the symbols that assertions are made by using. So, in
particular, the standard (English-language) vehicle for making the assertion
that either John left or Mary wept is the form of words 'either John left or
Mary wept'; and, notice, this complex linguistic expression is, literally,
a construct out of the simpler linguistic expressions 'John left' and 'Mary
wept'. You can assert that P or Qwithout asserting that P or asserting that
Q but you can't utter the form of words 'P or Q: without uttering the form
of words 'P' and the form of words 'Q.
The moral for treatments of the attitudes would seem to be straight-
forward: solve the productivity, problem for the attitudes by appealing to
constituency. Solve the constituency problem for the attitudes in the same
way that you solve it for speech-acts: tokening an attitude involves tokening
a symbol, just as tokening an assertion does. What kind of symbol do you
have to token to token an attitude? A mental representation, of course.
Hence RTM. (Auntie says that it is crude and preposterous and unbiological
to suppose that people have sentences in their heads. Auntie always talks like
that when she hasn't got any arguments.)

Second argument for R TM: mental processes

It is possible to doubt whether, as functional-role theories of meaning would

have it, the propositional contents of mental states are reducible to, or
determined by, or epiphenomena of, their causal roles. But what can't be
doubted is this: the causal roles of mental states typically closely parallel
the implicational structures of their propositional objects; and the predictive
successes of propositional-attitude psychology routinely exploit the sym-
metries thus engendered. If we know that Psmith believes that P -- Q
and we know that he believes that P, then we generally expect him to infer
that Qand to act according to his inference. Why do we expect this? Well,
because we believe the business about Psmith to be an instance of a true and
counterfactual-supporting generalization according to which believing P

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Fodor's Guide to Mental Representation 9I

and believing P -+ Qis causally sufficient for inferring Q, ceteris paribus. But
then: what is it about the mechanisms of thinking in virtue of which such
generalizations hold? What, in particular, could believing and inferring be,
such that thinking the premisses of a valid inference leads, so often and so
reliably, to thinking its conclusion?
It was a scandal of mid-century Anglo-American philosophy of mind that
though it worried a lot about the nature of mental states (like the attitudes) it
quite generally didn't worry much about the nature of mental processes (like
thinking). This isn't, in retrospect, very surprising given the behaviourism
that was widely prevalent. Mental processes are causal sequences of mental
states; if you're eliminativist about the attitudes you're hardly likely to be
Realist about their causal consequences. In particular, you're hardly likely
to be Realist about their causal interactions. It now seems clear enough,
however, that our theory of the structure of the attitudes must accommodate
a theory of thinking; and that it is a pre-eminent constraint on the latter
that it provide a mechanism for symmetry between the inferential roles of
thoughts and their causal roles.
This isn't, by any means, all that easy for a theory of thinking to do.
Notice, for example, that the philosophy of mind assumed in traditional
British Empiricism was Realist about the attitudes and accepted a form of
RTM. (Very roughly, the attitudes were construed as relations to mental
images, the latter being endowed with semantic properties in virtue of what
they resembled and with causal properties in virtue of their associations.
Mental states were productive because complex images can be constructed
out of simple ones.) But precisely because the mechanisms of mental causa-
tion were assumed to be associationistic (and the conditions for association
to involve pre-eminently spatio-termporal propinquity), the Empiricists had
no good way of connecting the contents of a thought with the effects of enter-
taining it. They therefore never got close to a plausible theory of thinking,
and neither did the associationistic psychology which followed in their
What associationism missed-to put it more exactly-was the similarity
between trains of thoughts and arguments. Here, for an example, is Sherlock
Holmes doing his thing at the end of 'The Speckled Band':

. . . I instantly reconsidered my position when ... it became clear to me that

whatever danger threatened an occupant of the room could not come either from
the window or the door. My attention was speedily drawn, as I have already
remarked to you, to this ventilator, and to the bell-rope which hung down to the
bed. The discovery that this was a dummy, and that the bed was clamped to the
floor, instantly gave rise to the suspicion that the rope was there as a bridge for
something passing through the hole, and coming to the bed. The idea of a snake
instantly occurred to me, and when I coupled it with my knowledge that the Doctor
was furnished with a supply of the creatures from India I felt that I was probably on
the right track . .

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92 J. A. Fodor

The passage purports to be a bit of reconstructive psychology, a capsule

history of the sequence of mental episodes which brought Holmes first to
suspect, then to believe, that the Doctor did it with his pet snake. Now, back
when Auntie was a girl and reasons weren't allowed to be causes, philosophers
were unable to believe that such an aetiology could be literally true. I assume,
however, that liberation has set in by now; we have no philosophically
impressive reason to doubt that Holmes's train of thoughts went pretty
much the way that he says it did.
What is therefore interesting, for our purposes, is that Holmes's story isn't
just reconstructive psychology. It does a double duty since it also serves to
assemble premisses for a plausible inference to the conclusion that the doctor
did it with the snake. ('A snake could have crawled through the ventilator
and slithered down the bell-rope'; 'the Doctor was known to keep a supply
of snakes in his snuff box', and so forth.) Because this train of thoughts is
tantamount to an argument, Holmes expects Watson to be convinced by the
considerations which, when they occurred to him, caused Holmes's own
conviction. (Compare the sort of mental history that goes 'Well, I went to
bed and slept on it, and when I woke up in the morning I found that the
problem had solved itself'. Or the sort that goes: 'Bell-ropes always make me
think of snakes, and snakes make me think of snake oil, and snake oil makes
me think of doctors; so when I saw the bell-rope it popped into my head that
the Doctor and a snake might have done it between them'. That's mental
causation perhaps; but it's not thinking.)
What connects the causal-history aspect of Holmes's story with its
plausible-inference aspect is precisely the parallelism between trains of
thought and arguments: the thoughts that effect the fixation of the belief that
P provide, often enough, good grounds for believing that P. (As Holmes
puts it in another story, 'one true inference invariably suggests others'.)
Were this not the case-were there not this general harmony between the
semantical and the causal properties of thoughts-there wouldn't, after all,
be much profit in thinking.
What you want to make thinking worth the while is that trains of thoughts
should be generated by mechanisms that are generally truth-preserving
(so that 'a true inference (generally) suggests other inferences that are
also true'). Argument is generally truth-preserving; that, surely, is the
teleological basis of the similarity between trains of thoughts and argu-
ments. The associationists noticed hardly any of this; and even if they had
noticed it, they wouldn't have known what to do with it. In this respect,
Conan Doyle was a far deeper psychologist-far closer to what is essential
about the mental life-than, say, James Joyce (or William James, for that
When, therefore, Rationalist critics (including, notably, Kant) pointed
out that thought-like argument-involves judging and inferring, the cat
was out of the bag. Associationism was the best available form of Realism

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Fodor's Guide to Mental Representation 93

about the attitudes, and associationism failed to produce a credible

mechanism for thinking. Which is to say that it failed to produce a credible
theory of the attitudes. No wonder everybody gave up and turned into a
Cognitive Science is the art of getting the cat back in. The trick is to
abandon associationism and combine RTM with the 'computer metaphor'.
In this respect I think there really has been something like an intellectual
breakthrough. Technical details to one side, this is-in my view-the only
respect in which contemporary Cognitive Science represents a major
advance over the versions of RTM that were its eighteenth- and nineteenth-
century predecessors.
Computers show us how to connect semantical with causal propertiesfor
symbols. So, if the tokening of an attitude involves the tokening of a symbol,
then we can get some leverage on connecting semantical with causal pro-
pertiesfor thoughts. Here, in roughest outline, is how the story is supposed
to go.
You connect the causal properties of a symbol with its semantic pro-
perties via its syntax. The syntax of a symbol is one of its second-order
physical properties. To a first approximation, we can think of its syntactic
structure as an abstract feature of its (geometric or acoustic) shape.
Because, to all intents and purposes, syntax reduces to shape, and because
the shape of a symbol is a potential determinant of its causal role, it is fairly
easy to see how there could be environments in which the causal role
of a symbol correlates with its syntax. It's easy, that is to say, to imagine
symbol tokens interacting causally in virtue oftheir syntactic structures. The
syntax of a symbol might determine the causes and effects of its tokenings
in much the way that the geometry of a key determines which locks it
will open.
But, now, we know from formal logic that certain of the semantic rela-
tions among symbols can be-as it were-'mimicked' by their syntactic
relations; that, when seen from a very great distance, is what proof-theory is
about. So, within certain famous limits, the semantic relation that holds
between two symbols when the proposition expressed by the one is implied
by the proposition expressed by the other can be mimicked by syntactic
relations in virtue of which one of the symbols is derivable from the other.
We can therefore build machines which have, again within famous limits,
the following property: the operations of such a machine consist entirely of
transformations of symbols; in the course of performing these operations,
the machine is sensitive solely to syntactic properties of the symbols; and the
operations that the machine performs on the symbols are entirely confined
to alterations of their shapes. Yet the machine is so devised that it will trans-
form one symbol into another if and only if the symbols so transformed stand
in certain semantic relations; e.g. the relation that the premisses bear to the
conclusion in a valid argument. Such machines-computers, of course

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94 5. A. Fodor

just are environments in which the causal role of a symbol token is made to
parallel the inferential role of the proposition that it expresses.3
I expect it's clear how this is all supposed to provide an argument for
quantifying over mental representations. Computers are a solution to the
problem of mediating between the causal properties of symbols and their
semantic properties. So if the mind is a sort of computer, we begin to see
how you can have a theory of mental processes that succeeds where associa-
tionism (to say nothing of behaviourism) abjectly failed; a theory which
explains how there could regularly be non-arbitrary content relations
among causally related thoughts.
But, patently, there are going to have to be mental representations if this
proposal is going to work. In computer design, causal role is brought into
phase with content by exploiting parallelisms between the syntax of a symbol
and its semantics. But that idea won't do the theory of mind any good unless
there are mental symbols; mental particulars possessed of semantic and
syntactic properties. There must be mental symbols because, in a nutshell,
only symbols have syntax, and our best available theory of mental processes
indeed, the only available theory of mental processes that isn't known to be
false-needs the picture of the mind as a syntax-driven machine.4
A brief addendum before we end this section: the question of the extent to
which RTM must be committed to the 'explicitness' of mental representa-
tion is one that keeps getting raised in the philosophical literature (and
elsewhere; see Dennett, CCC; Stabler, HAGR). The issue becomes clear if
we consider real computers as deployed in Artificial Intelligence research.
So, to borrow an example of Dennett's, there are chess machines which play
as though they 'believe' that it's a good idea to get one's Queen out early. But
there needn't be-in fact, there probably wouldn't be-anywhere in the
system of heuristics which constitutes the program of such a machine a
symbol that means '(try and) get your Queen out early'; rather the machine's
obedience to that rule of play is, as it were, an epiphenomenon of its follow-
ing many other rules, much more detailed, whose joint effect is that, ceteris
paribus, the Queen gets out as soon as it can. The moral is supposed to be

3 Since the methods of computational psychology tend to be those of proof theory, its limitations tend
to be those of formalization. Patently, this raises the well-known issues about completeness; less
obviously, it connects the Cognitive Science enterprise with the Positivist programme for the
formalization of inductive (and, generally, non-demonstrative) styles of argument. (On the second point,
see Glymour, AE.)
4 It is possible to combine enthusiasm for a syntactic account of mental processes with any degree of
agnosticism about the attitudes-or, for that matter, about semantic evaluability itself. To claim that the
mind is a 'syntax-driven machine' is precisely to hold that the theory of mental processes can be set out in
its entirety without reference to any of the semantic properties of mental states (see Fodor, MS), hence
without assuming that mental states have any semantic properties. Steven Stich is famous for having
espoused this option (Stich, FFPTCS). My way of laying out the field has put the big divide between
Realism about the attitudes and its denial. This seems to me justifiable, but admittedly it underestimates
the substantial affinities between Stich and the RTM crowd. Stich's account of what a good science of
behaviour would look like is far closer to RTM than it is to, for example, the eliminative materialism of
the Churchlands.

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Fodor's Guide to Mental Representation 95

that though the contents of some of the attitudes it would be natural to

attribute to the machine may be explicitly represented, none of them have to
be, even assuming the sort of story about how computational processes work that
is supposed to motivate R TM. So, then, what exactly is RTM minimally
committed to by way of explicit mental representation?
The answer should be clear in light of the previous discussion. According
to RTM, mental processes are transformations of mental representations.
The rules which determine the course of such transformations may, but
needn't, be themselves explicitly represented. But the mental contents (the
'thoughts', as it were) that get transformed must be explicitly represented or
the theory is simply false. To put it another way: if the occurrence of a
thought is an episode in a mental process, then RTM is committed to the
explicit representation of the content of the thought. Or, to put it still a
third way-the way they like to put it in AI-according to RTM, programs
may be explicitly represented and data structures have to be.
For the sake of a simple example, let's pretend that associationism is true;
we imagine that there is a principle of Association by Proximity in virtue of
which thoughts of salt get associated with thoughts of pepper. The point is
that even on the assumption that it subsumes mental processes, the rule
'associate by proximity' need not itself be explicitly represented; association
by proximity may emerge from dynamical properties of ideas (as in Hume)
or from dynamical properties of neural stuff (as in contemporary con-
nectionism). But what must be explicit is the Ideas-of pepper and salt, as it
might be -that get associated. For, according to the theory, mental processes
are actually causal sequences of tokenings of such Ideas; so, no Ideas, no mental
Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for the chess case. The rule 'get it out
early' may be emergent out of its own implementation; out of lower-level
heuristics, that is, any one of which may or may not itself be explicitly
represented. But the representation of the board-of actual or possible
states of play-over which such heuristics are defined must be explicit or the
representational theory of chess playing is simply false. The theory says that
a train of chess thoughts is a causal sequence of tokenings of chess repre-
sentations. If, therefore, there are trains of chess thoughts but no tokenings
of chess representations, it follows that something is not well with the theory.
So much, then, for RTM and the polyadicity of the attitudes. What about
their semanticity? We proceed to our final diagnostic question:

Fourth question: How do you feel about truth-conditions?

I remarked above that the two characteristic tenets of SR-that the
attitudes are monadic and that the semanticity of the attitudes arises from
isomorphisms between the causal network of mental states and the
inferential network of propositions-are mutually independent. Similarly

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96 5. A. Fodor

for RTM; it's not mandatory, but you are at liberty to combine RTM with
functional-role ('FR') semantics if you choose. Thus, you could perfectly
well say: 'Believing, desiring, and so forth are relations between intentional
systems and mental representations that get tokened (in their heads, as it
might be). Tokening a mental representation has causal consequences. The
totality of such consequences implies a network of causal interrelations
among the attitudes . . .' and so on to a functional-role semantics. In any
event, it's important to see thaf RTM needs some semantic story to tell if,
as we have supposed, RTM is going to be Realist about the attitudes and the
attitudes have their propositional objects essentially.
Which semantic story to tell is, in my view, going to be the issue in mental
representation theory for the foreseeable future. The questions here are so
difficult, and the answers so contentious, that they really fall outside the
scope of this paper; I had advertised a tour of an intellectual landscape about
whose topography there exists some working consensus. Still, I want to say a
little about the semantic issues by way of closing. They are the piece of
Cognitive Science where philosophers feel most at home; and they're where
the 'philosophy of psychology' (a discipline over which Auntie is disinclined
to quantify) joins the philosophy of language (which, I notice, Auntie allows
me to spell without quotes).
There are a number of reasons for doubting that a functional-role
semantic theory of the sort that SR proposes is tenable. This fact is currently
causing something of a crisis among people who would like to be Realists
about the attitudes.
In the first place-almost, by now, too obvious to mention-functional-
role theories make it seem that empirical constraints must underdetermine
the semantics of the attitudes. What I've got in mind here isn't the collection
of worries that cluster around the 'indeterminacy of translation' thesis; if
that sort of indeterminacy is to be taken seriously at all-which I doubt-
then it is equally a problem for every Realist semantics. There are, how-
ever, certain sources of underdetermination that appear to be built into
functional-role semantics as such; considerations which suggest either that
there is no unique best mapping of the causal roles of mental states on to the
inferential network of propositions or that, even if there is, such a mapping
would nevertheless underdetermine assignments of contents to the attitudes.
I'll mention two such considerations, but no doubt there are others; things
are always worse than one supposes.

idealization: The pattern of causal dispositions actually accruing to a given

mental state must surely diverge very greatly from the pattern of inferences
characteristic of its propositional object. We don't, for example, believe all
the consequences of our beliefs; not just because we haven't got time to, and
not just because everybody is at least a little irrational, but also because we
surely have some false beliefs about what the consequences of our beliefs

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Fodor's Guide to Mental Representation 97

are. This amounts to saying that some substantial idealization is required if

we're to get from the causal dispositions that mental states actually exhibit to
the sort of causal network that we would like to have: a causal network whose
structure is closely isomorphic to the inferential network of propositions.
And now the problem is to provide a non-circular justification-one which
does not itself appeal to semantical or intentional considerations-for
preferring that idealization to an infinity or so of others that ingenuity might
devise. (It won't do, of course, to say that we prefer that idealization because
it's the one which allows mental states to be assigned the intuitively
plausible propositional objects; for the present question is precisely whether
anything besides prejudice underwrites our common-sense psychological
intuitions.) Probably the idealization problem arises, in some form or other,
for any account of the attitudes which proposes to reduce their semantic
properties to their causal ones. That, alas, is no reason to assume that the
problem can be solved.

equivalence: Functionalism guarantees that mental states are individuated by

their causal roles; hence by their position in the putative causal network. But
nothing guarantees that propositions are individuated by their inferential
roles. Prima facie, it surely seems that they are not since equivalent
propositions are ipso facto identical in their inferential liaisons. Are we
therefore to say that equivalent propositions are identical? Not, at least, for
the psychologist's purposes since attitudes whose propositional objects are
equivalent may nevertheless differ in their causal roles. We need to dis-
tinguish, as it might be, the belief that P from the belief that P & (Qv - QJ,
hence we need to distinguish the proposition that P from the proposition that
P & (Qv -Q. But surely what distinguishes these propositions is not their
inferential roles, assuming that the inferential role of a proposition is some-
thing like the set of propositions it entails and is entailed by. It seems to
follow that propositions are not individuated by their position in the
inferential network, hence that assignments of propositional objects to
mental states, if constrained only to preserve isomorphism between the
networks, ipso facto underdetermine the contents of such states. There are,
perhaps, ways out of such equivalence problems; 'situation semantics' (see
Barwise, SA) has recently been advertising some. But all the ways out that
I've heard of violate the assumptions of FR semantics; specifically, they
don't identify propositions with nodes in a network of inferential roles.
In the second place, FR semantics isn't, after all, much of a panacea for
Naturalistic scruples. Though it has a Naturalistic story to tell about how
mental states might be paired with their propositional objects, the semantic
properties of the propositions themselves are assumed, not explained. It is,
for example, an intrinsic property of the proposition that Psmith is seated
that it is true or false in virtue of Psmith's posture. FR semantics simply
takes this sort of fact for granted. From the Naturalist's point of view,

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98 3. A. Fodor

therefore, it merely displaces the main worry from: 'What's the connection
between an attitude and its propositional object?' to 'What's the connection
between the propositional object of an attitude and whatever state of affairs
it is that makes that proposition true or false?' Or, to put much the same
point slightly differently, FR semantics has a lot to say about the mind-to-
proposition problem but nothing at all to say about the mind-to-world
problem. In effect FR semantics is content to hold that the attitudes inherit
their satisfaction-conditions from their propositional objects and that pro-
positions have their satisfaction-conditions by stipulation.
And, in the third place, to embrace FR semantics is to raise a variety of
(approximately Quinean) issues about the individuation of the attitudes;
and these, as Putnam and Stich have recently emphasized, when once con-
jured up are not easily put down. The argument goes like this: according to
FR semantic theories, each attitude has its propositional object in virtue of
its position in the causal network: 'different objects iff different loci' holds to
a first approximation. Since a propositional attitude has its propositional
object essentially, this makes an attitude's identity depend on the identity of
its causal role. The problem is, however, that we have no criteria for the
individuation of causal roles.
The usual sceptical tactic at this point is to introduce some or other form
of slippery-slope argument to show-or at least to suggest-that there
couldn't be a criterion for the individuation of causal roles that is other than
arbitrary. Stich, for example, has the case of an increasingly senile woman
who eventually is able to remember about President McKinley only that he
was assassinated. Given that she has no other beliefs about McKinley-
given, let's suppose, that the only causal consequence of her believing that
McKinley was assassinated is to prompt her to produce and assent to
occasional utterances of 'McKinley was assassinated' and immediate logical
consequences thereof-is it clear that she in fact has any beliefs about
McKinley at all? But if she doesn't have, when, precisely, did she cease to do so?
How much causal role does the belief that McKinley was assassinated have
to have to be the belief that McKinley was assassinated? And what reason is
there to suppose that this question has an answer? (See Stich, FFPTCS and
also Putnam, CPIT.) Auntie considers slippery-slope arguments to be in
dubious taste and there is much to be said for her view. Still, it looks as
though FR semantics has brought us to the edge of a morass and I, for one,
am not an enthusiast for wading in it.
Well then, to summarize: the syntactic theory of mental operations
promises a reductive account of the intelligence of thought. We can now
imagine-though, to be sure, only dimly and in a glass darkly-a psycho-
logy which exhibits quite complex cognitive processes as being constructed
from elementary manipulations of symbols. This is what RTM, together
with the computer metaphor, has brought us; and it is, in my view, no small
matter. But a theory of the intelligence of thought does not, in and of itself,

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Fodor's Guide to Mental Representation 99

constitute a theory of thought's intentionality. (Compare such early papers

as Dennett, IS, where these issues are more or less comprehensively run
together, with such second thoughts as Fodor, SSA and Cummins, NPE
where they more or less aren't.) If RTM is true, the problem of the
intentionality of the mental is largely-perhaps exhaustively-the problem
of the semanticity of mental representations. But of the semanticity of
mental representations we have, as things now stand, no adequate account.
Here ends the tour. Beyond this point there be monsters. It may be that
what one descries, just there on the furthest horizon, is a glimpse of a causal/
teleological theory of meaning (Stampe TCTLR; Dretske, KFI; Fodor,
SWS; Fodor, P); and it may be that the development of such a theory would
provide a way out of the current mess. At best, however, it's a long way off.
I mention it only to encourage such of the passengers as may be feeling

('Are you finished playing now?'

'Yes, Auntie.'
'Well, don't forget to put the toys away.'
'No, Auntie.')

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology J. A. FODOR

Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, 20-D
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02I49

Barwise, SA: Barwise, J. and Perry, J., Situations and Attitudes. MIT Press (I983).
Block, WIF: Block, N., 'What is Functionalism?' in Block, N. (ed.), Readings in
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Churchland, EMPA: Churchland, P., 'Eliminative Materialism and Propositional
Attitudes', Journal of Philosophy, 78 (I98I), 2.
Cummins, NPE: Cummins, R., The Nature of Psychological Explanation. MIT
Press (I983).
Dennett, B: Dennett, D., Brainstorms. Bradford Books (1978).
Dennett, CCC: Dennett, D., 'A Cure for the Common Code?', in Brainstorms.
Bradford Books (1978).
Dennett, IS: Dennett, D., 'Intentional Systems', in Brainstorms. Bradford Books
Dennett, TB: Dennett, D., 'True Believers: The Intentional Strategy and Why it
Works', in Scientific Explanation, Papers Based on Herbert Spencer Lectures
Given in the University of Oxford. Clarendon Press (I98I).
Dretske, KFI: Dretske, F., Knowledge and the Flow of Information. MIT Press
Dreyfus, WCCD: Dreyfus, H., What Computers Can't Do. Harper & Row
(I 979).

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IOO J. A. Fodor

Field, MR: Field, H., 'Mental Representation', Erkenntnis, I3 (1978), 9-6I; also in
Block, N. (ed.), Readings in Philosophy of Psychology, Vol. 2. Harvard
University Press (i980).
Fodor, BD: Fodor, J., 'Banish DisContent'. Unpublished.
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Fodor, PA: Fodor, J., 'Propositional Attitudes', The Monist, 6i (1978). Reprinted
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Fodor, SSA: Fodor, J., 'Something on the State of the Art'. Unpublished.
Fodor, SWS: Fodor, J., 'Semantics, Wisconsin Style', forthcoming in Synthese.
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Haugeland, NPC: Haugeland, J., 'The Nature and Plausibility of Cognitivism',
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