Test Bank - Financial Accounting and Reporting Theory (Volume 1, 2 and 3)
Test Bank - Financial Accounting and Reporting Theory (Volume 1, 2 and 3)
Test Bank - Financial Accounting and Reporting Theory (Volume 1, 2 and 3)
1. Which of the following errors would cause unequal totals in the trial balance?
a. The firm records P2,100 received from a customer in advance of delivery of goods as a debit
of P100 to cash and credit of P2,100 to sales.
b. The firm fails to enter the cost of the electric current used during the month as an expense and
fails to recognize the P2,200 owed to Meralco.
c. All these errors will cause unequal trial balance totals.
d. None of these errors will cause unequal trial balance totals.
I. The voucher system refers to the complete use of the voucher check and of subsidiary records
of vouchers payable, voucher register and check register.
II. The simplest and most satisfactory method of handling purchase discounts under the voucher
system is to deduct the purchase discount on the face of the voucher and enter this discount in a
special column in the check register.
III. Entries in the voucher register are made in the same sequence as the numbering of the
checks – that is, in the order in which payments are made.
4. For trade receivables, the fair value is deemed equal to the
a. Exchange price between a seller and a buyer after taking into account the amount of any trade
discounts and volume rebates allowed by the entity.
b. The amount due from the buyer without adjustment for any trade discounts allowed.
c. The quoted price of the receivable in an active market.
d. The price in a binding sale agreement.
5. If a company employs the gross method of recording accounts receivable from customers, then
sales discounts taken by customers should be
a. Reported as a deduction from sales in the income statement.
b. Reported as an item of "other expense" in the income statement.
c. Reported as a deduction from accounts receivable in determining the net realizable value of
accounts receivable.
d. Reported as sales discounts forfeited in the cost of goods sold section of the income statement.
6. On July 1 of the current year, an entity received a one-year note receivable bearing interest at
the market rate. The face amount of the note receivable and the entire amount of the interest are
due on June 30 of next year. On December 31 of the current year, the entity should report in the
statement of financial position.
a. A deferred credit for interest applicable to next year.
b. No interest receivable.
c. Interest receivable for the entire amount of the interest due on June 30 of next year.
d. Interest receivable for the interest accruing in the current year.
7. In calculating the carrying amount of loan receivable, the lender adds to the principal
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. I and III only
d. I, II and III
8. It is a financing arrangement whereby one party formally transfers its rights to accounts
receivable to another party in consideration for a loan.
a. Pledge
b. Assignment
c. Factoring
d. Discounting
9. When a portion of inventory has been pledge as security for a loan
a. The value of the inventory pledge should be deducted from the debt.
b. An equal amount of retained earnings should be appropriated.
c. The fact should be disclosed bur the amount of current assets should not be affected.
d. The cost of the pledged inventory should be transferred from current asset to noncurrent asset.
11. Which of the following financial attributes would not be used to measure inventory?
a. Historical cost
b. Current replacement cost
c. Net realizable value
d. Present value of future cash flows
13. If the gross profit rate is based on cost, the cost of goods sold is computed as
a. Net sales time cost ratio
b. Net sales divided by sales ratio
c. Gross sales times cost ratio
d. Gross sales divided by sales ratio
14. Are there any circumstances when a contract that is not a financial instrument would be
accounted for as a financial instrument under PAS 32 and PFRS 9?
a. No. Only financial instruments are accounted for as financial instruments.
b. Yes. Gold, silver, and other precious metals that are readily convertible to cash are accounted
for as financial instruments.
c. Yes. A contract for the future purchase or delivery of a commodity or other nonfinancial item
(e.g., gold, electricity, or gas) generally is accounted for as a financial instrument if the contract
can be settled net.
d. Yes. An entity may designate any nonfinancial asset that can be readily convertible to cash as
a financial instrument.
15. To which of the following items is PFRS 9 Financial Instruments not applicable?
a. Unquoted debt securities.
b. Preference shares with mandatory redemption.
c. The entity’s own equity instruments.
d. The entity’s own debt instruments.
16. If the objective of an entity’s business model is to hold financial assets in order to collect
contractual cash flows, the entity may classify the financial assets
a. At amortized cost.
b. At amortized cost provided the management can demonstrate its ability to hold them until
c. At amortized cost; however, if a significant portion of the financial assets is sold before
maturity, the remaining portion should be reclassified.
d. At amortized cost provided the fair value information and fair value changes are disclosed in
the notes.
18. Use of the effective-interest method in amortizing bond premiums and discounts results in
a. A greater amount of interest income over the life of the bond issue than would result from use
of the straight-line method.
b. A varying amount being recorded as interest income from period to period.
c. A variable rate of return on the book value of the investment.
d. A smaller amount of interest income over the life of the bond issue than would result from use
of the straight-line method.
21. Investment property includes all of the following, except
a. Land held for long-term capital appreciation
b. Land held for currently undetermined use
c. Building owned by the reporting entity or held by a finance lessee leased out under one
or more operating leases.
d. Property held for sale in the ordinary course of business or in the process of
construction for such sale.
22. Derivatives are measured at
a. Fair value
b. Cost
c. Fair value less cost of disposal
d. Higher between fair value and cost
24. Which of the following statements is true regarding the accounting for government grant
related to an asset?
a. Depreciation expense will be higher and net income lower if the grant is recorded as deferred
b. Depreciation expense will be higher and net income lower if the grant is accounted for as an
adjustment to the asset.
c. Depreciation expense will be higher if the grant is recorded as deferred income but net income
will be the same under the deferred income approach and deduction from asset approach.
d. Depreciation expense will be higher if the grant is recorded as an adjustment to the asset.
25. Interest revenue earned on specific borrowing for qualifying asset
a. Reduces the cost of the qualifying asset.
b. Reduces interest expense reported in the income statement.
c. Increases equity.
d. Must be credited to interest income.
26. Which type of expenditure occurs when an entity installs a higher capacity boiler to heat its
a. Rearrangement
b. Ordinary repair and maintenance
c. Addition
d. Betterment
27. An entity acquired equipment and used the straight line depreciation with a useful life of 15
years and no residual value. After 4 years of using the asset, the remaining life of the equipment
was 6 years with no residual value. How should this change be accounted for?
a. Revising future depreciation annually to equal the original cost divided by six.
b. Revising future depreciation annually to equal the carrying amount after 4 years divided by
c. Disclosing the effect of the change but maintaining the depreciation as originally determined.
d. Revising future depreciation annually to equal the depreciable amount divided by six.
28. Does PFRS 6 require an entity to recognize exploration and evaluation expenditure as an
a. Yes, but only to the extent such expenditure is recoverable in future periods.
b. Yes, but only to the extent the technical feasibility and commercial viability of extracting the
associated mineral resource have been demonstrated.
c. Yes, but only to the extent required by the entity’s accounting policy for recognizing
exploration and evaluation asset.
d. No, such expenditure is always expended as incurred.
29. The revaluation surplus that is realized because of the use of the asset or disposal of the asset
may be transferred directly to
a. Retained earning
b. Income
c. Share capital
d. Share premium
30. Which of the following terms best describes the higher of fair value less cost of disposal and
value in use?
a. Recoverable amount
b. Revalued amount
c. Depreciable amount
d. Carrying amount
31. Which of the following is not an intangible asset?
a. Trade name
b. Research and development cost
c. Franchise
d. Copyright
34. Which of the following is not one of the essential characteristics of an item to be reported as
a liability on the balance sheet?
a. It is a present obligation of a particular entity.
b. It is payable to specifically identifiable payees.
c. It involves a future sacrifice of economic benefits.
d. It is reasonably measurable in terms of money.
35. For a fixed amount a month, an entity visits the customers’ premises and performs insect
control services. If customers experience problems between regularly scheduled visits, the entity
makes service calls at no additional charge. Instead of paying monthly, customers may pay a
certain annual fee in advance. For a customers who pay a the annual fee in advance, the entity
should recognize the related revenue.
a. When the cash is collected.
b. At the end of the fiscal year.
c. At the end of the contract year as the services have been performed.
d. Evenly over the contract year as the services are performed.
37. The market price of a bond issued at a discount is the present value of its principal amount at
the market rate of interest
a. Less the present value of all future interest payments at the market rate of interest.
b. Less the present value of all future interest payments at the rate of interest stated on the bond.
c. Plus the present value of all future interest payments at the market rate of interest.
d. Plus the present value of all future interest payments at the rate of interest stated on the bond.
39. A company borrowed P10,000 on a bank note for ninety days at 12 percent interest. The
interest was included in the note. The entry to record this transaction on the company’s books
would include a
a. debit to Cash for P10,000.
b. debit to Discount on Notes Payable for P300.
c. credit to Notes Payable for P9,700.
d. credit to Discount Interest Expense for P300.
40. In a debt restructuring that is considered an asset swap, the gain on extinguishment is equal
to the
a. Excess of the fair value of the asset over its carrying amount.
b. Excess of the carrying amount of the debt over the fair value of the asset.
c. Excess of the fair value of the asset over its carrying amount of the debt.
d. Excess of the carrying amount of the debt over the carrying amount of the asset.
41. The straight-line method is frequently used to amortize non-refundable rental payments made
in advance on leased assets because:
a. PFRSs require that it be used in all situations.
b. The effective interest method may result in unreliable amounts being recognized as expense.
c. It is more theoretically sound.
d. It is less complex, therefore less costly.
43. While only certain leases are currently accounted for a s a sale or purchase, there is a
theoretical justification for considering all leases to be sales or purchases. The principal reason
that supports this idea is that:
a. A lease reflects that purchase or sale of a quantifiable right to the use of the property.
b. During the life of the lease, the lessee can effectively treat the property as if it were owned by
the lessee.
c. All leases are generally for the economic life of the property and the residual value of the
property at the end of the lease is minimal.
d. At the end of the lease, the property usually can be purchased by the lessee.
44. Lessees under finance lease recognize
a. Interest expense
b. Rent expense
c. Interest expense and depreciation expense
d. Rent expense and interest expense
47. When computing for its obligation in a defined benefit plan, PAS 19
a. Makes it incumbent to the entity to acquire the services of a professional actuary.
b. Encourages but does not require the use of service of a professional actuary.
c. Requires the use of services of a professional actuary if the entity has total assets exceeding
d. Does not require the use of services of a professional actuary if the entity has less than 100
employees during the year.
49. On December 1, 20x1, shares of authorized ordinary shares were issued on a subscription
basis at a price in excess of par value. A total of 20% of the subscription price of each share was
collected as a down payment on December 1, 20x1, which the remaining 80% of the subscription
price of each share due in 20x2. Collectability was reasonably assured. At December 31, 20x1,
the shareholder’s equity section of the statement of financial position would report share
premium for the excess of the subscription price over par value of the ordinary shares subscribed
a. Ordinary share capital issued for 20% of the par value of the ordinary shares subscribed.
b. Ordinary share capital issued for the par value of the ordinary shares subscribed.
c. Ordinary share capital subscribed for 80% of the par value of the ordinary shares subscribed.
d. Ordinary share capital subscribed for the par value of the ordinary shares subscribed.
50. For the last 10 years, DISDAINFUL PROUD CO. has owned cumulative preferred stock
issued by SUPERCILIOUS, INC. During 20x1, SUPERCILIOUS declared and paid both the
20x1 dividend and the 20x0 dividend in arrears. How should DISDAINFUL report the 20x0
dividend in arrears that was received in 20x1?
a. As a reduction in cumulative preferred dividends receivable.
b. Include in 20x1 income from continuing operations.
c. As a retroactive change of the prior period financial statements.
d. Include, net of income taxes, after 20x1 income from continuing operations.
51. Service and non-market performance conditions
a. Shall be taken into account when estimating the number of equity instruments expected to
vest. Estimates of the number of shares expected to vest shall be subsequently revised in light of
new information.
b. Shall be taken into account when estimating the number of equity instruments expected to
vest. Estimates of the number of shares expected to vest shall not be subsequently revised.
c. Do not include conditions of remaining in the company’s employ and achieving a specified
growth in profit.
d. Include conditions such as the attainment of a specified increase in the entity’s share price.
55. These are the events that affect the entity and in which other entities participate.
a. Internal events
b. External events
c. Current events
d. Past events
56. The relatively stable economic, political and social environment supports
a. Conservatism
b. Materiality
c. Timeliness
d. Going concern
57. Which is incorrect concerning recognition of revenue?
a. Revenue from rendering of services shall be recognized by reference to the stage of
completion of the transaction at the end of reporting period.
b. Interest revenue shall be recognized on a time proportion basis that does not take into account
the effective yield on the asset.
c. Royalty revenue shall be recognized on an accrual basis in accordance with the substance of
the relevant in agreement.
d. Dividend revenue shall be recognized when the shareholder’s right to receive payment is
58. The principles of objectivity includes the concept of
a. Summarization
b. Classification
c. Conservatism
d. Verifiability
59. Current assets in a statement of financial position should never include
a. A receivable from a customer not collectible within one year.
b. Current Tax Asset
c. Goodwill arising in a business combination
d. Premium paid on a bond investment
a. I only
b. II only
c. Both I and II
d. Neither I nor II
65. Which of the following is characteristics of a change in an accounting estimate?
a. It usually need not be disclosed
b. It does not effect the financial statements of prior period
c. It should be reported through the restatement of the financial statements
d. It makes necessary the reporting of proforma amounts for prior periods
66. If it is impracticable to determine the cumulative effect of an accounting change to any of the
prior periods, the accounting change should be accounted for
a. As a prior adjustment
b. On a prospective basis
c. As a cumulative effect change on the income statement
d. As an adjustment to retained earnings in the first period presented
68. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding interim financial reporting?
a. Decline in inventory shall be deferred to future interim periods.
b. Use of the gross margin method for computing cost of goods sold must be disclosed.
c. Costs and expense not directly associated with interim revenue must be allocated to interim
periods on a reasonable basis.
d. Gains and losses that arise in an interim period shall be recognized in the interim period in
which they arise if they would not normally be deferred at year end.
69. The major customer disclosure includes all of the following, except
a. The fact of the entity’s reliance on major customers.
b. The total amount of revenue from major customers.
c. The identity of the segment reporting the revenue from major customers.
d. The identity of the major customer.
70. An entity must disclose all of the following about each reportable segment if the amounts are
used by the chief operating decision maker, except
a. Depreciation expense
b. Allocated expense
c. Interest expense
d. Income tax expense
74. When the current year’s ending inventory is overstated
a. The current year’s cost of good is overstated.
b. The current year’s total assets are understated.
c. The current year’s net income is overstated.
d. The next year’s net income is overstated.
75. If at end of period an entity erroneously excluded some goods from the ending inventory and
also erroneously did not record the purchase of these goods in the accounting records, these
errors would cause
a. The ending inventory, cost of goods available for sale and retained earnings to be understated.
b. The ending inventory, cost of goods sold and retained earnings to be understated.
c. No effect on net income, working capital and retained earnings.
d. Cost of goods available for sale, cost of goods sold and net income to be understated.
76. Cash receipts from royalties, fees, commissions and other revenue are
a. Cash outflow for operating activities
b. Cash inflow for operating activities
c. Cash inflow from investing activities
d. Cash outflow for financing activities
77. Under the direct method of preparing the statement of cash flows, which of the following
would represent cash paid?
a. Loss on sale of plant asset
b. Gain on sale of plant asset
c. Interest expense, adjusted for changes in interest payable and amortization of bond premium or
d. Depreciation expense, adjusted for change in depreciation method.
78. Wages paid to a timekeeper in a factory are
I. Prime Cost
II. Conversion Cost
a. Neither I nor II
b. II only
c. I only
d. Both I and II
79. In current cost financial statements
a. General price level gains or losses are recognized on net monetary items.
b. Amounts are always stated in common purchasing power unit of measurement.
c. All items in the statement of financial position are different from historical cost.
d. Holding gains are recognized.
80. Which of the following SMEs is not exempted from the mandatory adoption of the PFRD for
a. Subsidiary of a parent reporting under full PFRS.
b. Branch office of foreign entity reporting under full PFRS.
c. Subsidiary that is mandated to report under full PFRS.
d. An entity with concrete plans to conduct an initial public offering within the next five years.
85. An SME may use techniques for measuring cost of inventories if the results approximate
cost. Accepted techniques include all the following, except
a. Standard cost
b. Retail method
c. Most recent purchase price
d. Gross profit method
86. Revenue from sale of goods shall be recognized when all of the following conditions have
been satisfied, except
a. The entity has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the
b. The entity retains either continuing managerial involvement or effective control over the
goods sold.
c. The amount of revenue can be measured reliably.
d. It is probable that economic benefits will flow to the entity.
94. An SME entered, as lessee, into a 5 days noncancelable lease of a motor vehicle that has an
economic life of 5 years and nil residual value. Lease payments are on a daily basis. At the end
of the lease term, the lessee returns the motor vehicle to the lessor. The lease is accounted for
a. As a finance lease
b. Either as a finance lease or an operating lease
c. As an operating lease
d. Neither as a finance lease or an operating lease
97. When an entity distributes asset other than cash as dividend to the owners, the entity shall
a. Not recognized a liability
b. Recognize a liability equal to the fair value of the asset to be distributed.
c. Recognize a liability equal to the carrying amount of the asset to be distributed.
d. Do nothing.