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Iot Based Irrigation Remote Real-Time Monitoring and Controlling Systems

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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-7, May, 2019

IoT Based Irrigation Remote Real-Time

Monitoring And Controlling Systems
Tigist Hilemariam Senbetu, Kishore Kumar K, G.M. Karpura Dheepan

Irrigation can be well-defined as the use of water to the soil

Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) is a worldwide network of for raising the moisture content which is important for plant
“smart devices” that can sense and interact with their root-growth and development to prevent stress that may
environment by means of the internet for their communication
cause reduce the quantity of crop as well as the merit of the
and interaction with users and other systems. Farming plays key
part in the growth of a country like Ethiopia. Problems about crops. The country Ethiopia is found in East Africa and
agriculture have been continuously delaying the growth of the hence agriculture is the base for people’s basic achievement
country. The lone answer to this difficult is modern agriculture and the nation state is plentiful by water resource. Even if we
and technology for sustainable use of water by updating the have adequate amount of water still now rain-fed agriculture
present old-style methods of farming. Hereafter the planned is more experienced than irrigation water use. Now 15 % of
method targets IoT enabled remotely real-time way of Farmers Starts Irrigation, we have seen that due to improper
monitoring and controlling suitable irrigation systems. Arduino
water utilization and due to erosion and cutting of canals,
mega founded automatic irrigation IoT system is suggested for
upgrading and it will allow having a better water management farmers suffer from irrigation problem and also when they go
and treatment on irrigation systems. Hence, exploitation of for the government offices then they have to wait for months
water resource again improves productivity of the crop. The for resolving the problem and hence it takes time, travel
proposed system is developed such that the data sent from the fatigue and also loss of money due improper convenience
sensors and predict the amount of water needed. The water flow And still there are many problems of water management
controller, pH sensor, water level monitoring sensor in the pond
related to irrigation. The measured water parameter in this
and temperature and soil moisture sensors are used to get
information through External Wi-Fi. Finally it is been sent as a proposed system is pH level by means of an analogy pH
notification through mobile and computer. Based on the sensor. The temperature is captured during pH measurement
acquired value the proposed system calculates p H, water level , by using an analogy temperature sensor and Wireless Water
temperature and Soil Moisture required for irrigation. The Level Indicator Using Ultrasonic sensor [5]. Some of water
major advantage of the system is, the direct human intervention quality parameters to be measured are pH Value of water and
is avoided when implementing the system with variety of low cost ambient temperature of water in addition Soil moisture
sensors and Internet of Things (IoT). The stakeholders will
measurement also influences the quality of agricultural
attain greater productivity with saving time and money
Index Terms: IoT, Irrigation, Arduino, pH,Sensor production

The Internet of Things (IoT) attempts to make daily objects
smooth, giving them the skill to sense numerous situations of
their environment or of their own action interconnect and
reply to real-world events [8]. Farming uses 85% of
accessible fresh water resources world-wide, and this
proportion will continue to be leading in water intake
because of population growth and bigger food demand. There
is a crucial need to produce plans based on science and
technology for bearable use of water, comprising technical, Fig 1 IoT (Internet of Things)
agronomic, administrative, and institutional improvements.
Irrigation plays a significant role in agricultural does, and II. PROPOSED SYSTEM
agricultural irrigation schemes are the largest user of water The proposed system has been designed to overcome the
in the world [3]. unnecessary water flow into the farm or crop lands and
prevent impurity that infliction to plants or crops without any
impact increases the productivity by monitoring and
controlling when irrigation start and stop the time remotely
Revised Manuscript Received on May 07, 2019.
Tigist Hailemariam Senbetu, PG Scholar in Department of Computer any ware in real time to give up immediate actions.
Science and Engineering
Mr. Kishore Kumar K, M.E Computer science and Engineering from
Anna University
Dr. G.M. Karpura Dheepan, Ph.D Computer science and Engineering
from Anna University

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number G5219058719/19©BEIESP 927 & Sciences Publication
IoT based irrigation remote real-time monitoring and controlling systems

Arduino founded automatic irrigation IoT scheme is The above depicted a high level architecture of the proposed
suggested to upgrading and a vast quantity of water is being system include major components and modules required as
misused because of unrestrained use and exploitation of well as how they would be integrated to become a
water supply again improves output of the crop [10]. Here full-doughty system. Water level controller, soil moisture
comparing our model to the existing model. IoT based sensor ,temperature and pH value sensor to avoid water
irrigation remotely in real time monitoring and controlling is pollution readings are continuously monitored by using this
one of the best applications of Internet of Things (IoT). sensors send the activities to Arduino it has continuously
collects the data from sensors. Once the data was analyzed by
Governed big farm and small scale farmers can monitor the
the Arduino and all the requirement or conditions set for
irrigation properly , water quality and take decisions
filling the purified water to connected and desire farm was
accordingly from a remote place. This system used will be
satisfied aromatically the Arduino micro controller would
included both small agricultural land and large Farm such release the purified water from water pond to the farm land
that government farm and will be useful to small farmers. by activating water pump (controller ) that was displayed in
This study discusses IoT based the design and current the figure below through the rely connected to Arduino . This
development of system having low cost to remotely monitor includes water level status, soil moisture status, temperature
real time values and also to control the system. This system status, pH value indicator and. The motor status indicates the
will be using Arduino mega connected with water level current status of the pump. In order to design and implement
sensor, temperature sensor, pH value sensor,Soil Moisture the proposed system the Arduino micro controller was
and External Wi-Fi module processes and send and receive selected and deployed .it was acting like a brain of the entire
data to cloud. The proposed system has been designed to system .all sensor and updater used four implementing the
overcome the unnecessary water flow into the farm or crop system was directly connected to it.this would enable those
lands, Temperature to control environment, water level connected devises easily send as well as receive data from
controlling water in the pond, pH value water quality like and to the micro controller furthermore the micro controller
pollution water and soil moisture also control the soil then, was responsible to receive examine and analyze the received
water controller readings are continuously monitored by data and with the much patterns predefined by the system .in
addition to that it was also responsible to send a signal or data
using this sensors send the activities to Arduino it has
to the other connected modules .this would allow the system
continuously collects the data from sensors. Once the data
to automatically actuating or taking relevant and equivalent
was analyzed by the Arduino and all the requirement or
measurement based on the result analysis of the pre seated
conditions set for filling the purified water to connected and conditions.
desired farm was satisfied ,aromatically the Arduino micro
controller would release the purified water from water pond IV. MODULE IMPLEMENTATION
to the farm land by activating water pump (controller ) that
was displayed in the figure below through the rely connected A. Water Level Identifier
to Arduino . This includes water level status, soil moisture Wireless Water Level Pointer By means of Ultrasonic
status, temperature status, pH value indicator and. The motor sensor & Arduino is an astonishing and very beneficial
status indicates the current status of the pump. project. The objective of this project is to inform the user the
quantity of water that is existent in the upstairs water tank.
III. MODULE DESCRIPTION This project can be more improved to control the water depth
in the container by rotating it ON, when the water level is
LOW, and rotating it OFF when the water level is HIGH.
A. General Architecture

Fig.3. Water Level Identifier

Fig 2 General Architecture

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number G5219058719/19©BEIESP 928 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-7, May, 2019

B. PH value Analyzer the soil is before the day that dry then immediately apply the
pH is the unit of measure for the acidity of a solution. This water in the farm .The Soil Moisture Sensor uses capacitance
module will helps to measures the hydrogen-ion to measure dielectric conductivity of the surrounding
concentration (or pH) in a solution, showing its acidity or medium. The sensor creates a voltage proportional to the
alkalinity. pH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity of a dielectric conductivity, and therefore to check the water
solution, the pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. The pH shows the content of the soil.
concentration of hydrogen [H] + ions present in certain

Fig.6. Soil Moisture Measurement Implemented

E. Water Controller (pump)

Micro dc 3-6v micro submersible pump which can be

operated from a 2.5 ~ 6V power supply. It can take up to 120
liters per hour with very low current consumption of 220ma.
Just connect tube pipe to the motor outlet, submerge it in
water and power it. Make sure that the water level is always
Fig.4. pH value Implemented
higher than the motor. This water pump is do the data was
C. Temperature identifier analyzed by the ardinuo and all the requirements or
This is a water-resistant ds18b20 temperature sensor or conditions set for filling the purified water to connected and
desired farm was satisfied, automatically the ardinuo micro
thermometer. The probe uses original ds18b20 temperature
controller would release the purified water from water pond
sensor chip; It is waterproof, moisture proof and antirust with
to the farm land by activating water pump (controller ) that
the first-rate stainless steel tube encapsulated; This identifier
was displayed in the figure below through the rely connected
identifies the soil of temperature senses and send the message to ardinuo
to Arduino controller.

Fig.7. Water controller (pomp)

F. Node MCU ESP8266

It was known that Arduino micro controllers didn’t have a

Fig.5. Temperature identifier Implemented built-in Wi-Fi in order to monitor and control them remotely
over the internet. However, they can support other Wi-Fi
D. Soil Moisture Measurement shields to be integrated. This would enable them to be
The Soil Moisture Sensor is used to measure the water connected to the internet. Among the available external
content of soil. This makes it ideal for performing Wi-Fi enabled a module that makes possible the Arduino to
experiments in courses such as soil science, agricultural be the part of the internet is the NodeMCU ESP8266.
science, environmental science, horticulture, botany, and
biology.The proposed system is used this system to
identifying the program of water enter in to the farm when

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number G5219058719/19©BEIESP 929 & Sciences Publication
IoT based irrigation remote real-time monitoring and controlling systems

It was a Wi-Fi enabled micro controller that allows the data This notification as shown in above Fig .9. through mobile
to be goes and come to the internet. It also supports to write the system when the water in the tank is full or half the
and upload an Arduino sketch using Arduino IDE. In ultrasonic sensor sense the water and the system would
addition to that, it also supports different types of automatically send the notification to the supervisor,also the
communication and for that reason, it has some pin header system examine and analyzing the pH value water inside the
through which the connection, as well as communication, water tank and if the result was satisfied or the p H value was
was created between other available modules. Due to those neutral (7-9) the system would automatically send the
major features, this module was used in this project to enable
notification message to the supervisor , like that the other
the central micro controller of the proposed system which is
sensors sense own tasks ,after that he /she was informed the
Arduino to interact with the global network (internet).
water tank was full a purified water and the system was
As already illustrated in the architectural diagram of the starting to filling or realizing the farm land with the water
proposed system, including nodemcu esp8266 all the coming from the water tank.
necessary modules would be directly connected to the
arduino. most of the data collected from those modules or
Result and discussion
sensors would be sent to the arduino. but once the data reach
the arduino it was not possible to send them to the cloud. so
here we need to have a connection and communication The proposed system hardware and the real time results
between the nodemcu esp8266 and arduino. of four sensors are also revealed in the figure below. The
information get from sensors are kept in the cloud and can
So in order to achieve this, a serial communication would be be observed by agriculturalist through his mobile/ PC. The
created between the two modules through RX and TX of the system exact values which really occur from the system are
two modules pin header using a jumper wire for connecting perceived remotely by agriculturalist; without his
each RX and TX pin of the modules. Once the interference at his farm fields the irrigation ran
communication was created successfully all data sent to the
automatically. The Arduino administered and linked
Arduino from the connected sensors would also be available
on nodeMCU. Since nodeMCU has a built-in Wi-Fi and it
information found from four different sensors checks at
possible to send data to the cloud, the data incoming from the every time to the threshold values. Here calibration of the
Arduino would be directly pushed to the cloud. In this sensors system is so important. The system displays pH
project, the data would be sent to thing speak. Which is a value, water level and temperature condition of soil
cloud-based, open source an IoT API that enables us to store, moisture, based on the four sensors conditions. The status
retrieve, aggregate, analyze and visualize streams of live of the system can able to check at a remote real time
data. monitoring and controlling.

Fig.8. Node MCU ESP8266


Fig.10. System hardware

Lastly the communication was created successfully all
data sent to the Arduino from the connected sensors would
also be available on nodeMCU. Since nodeMCU has a
built-in Wi-Fi and it possible to send data to the cloud, the
data incoming from the Arduino would be directly pushed to
the cloud.

Fig.9. shows notification through mobile

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number G5219058719/19©BEIESP 930 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-7, May, 2019

In this project, the data would be sent to thing speak. Fig.13. Snapshot of Soil Moisture in Thing Speak
Which is a cloud-based, open source an IoT API that enables
us to store, retrieve, aggregate, analyze and visualize streams
of live data
According to this the data will be store and retrieve from
things by using of HTTP protocol inter changing information
in real time through the internet.

Fig.14. Snapshot of Water Level in Thing Speak

Fig.11. Snapshot of all sensor in operation Fig.14. Snapshot of pH value in Thing Speak

In this work, IoT based irrigation system by examining the p H
value, of the water accumulated in the pond and Soil
Moisture in the soil to make it more innovative, risk
minimize, user friendly, time saving and more efficient than
the existing system. The IoT based irrigation system shows
to be a beneficial system as it systematizes and controls the
sprinkling without any labor-intensive interference. The
farmers are fronting major difficulties in sprinkling their
agriculture land because, they have no appropriate idea about
when the present technology accessible so that they can pump
water. The pH value sensor, Water level sensor and
temperature sensor measure the water in the ponds
respectively and soil moisture sensor water enter in to the
Fig.12. Snapshot of temperature in Thing Speak farm when the soil is before the day that dry then
immediately send the message to controller. The above
sensors out put are found to be below the desired level, the
sensor sends the signal to the Arduino and directs an alert
message which alerts the Water Pump to turn ON and supply
the water to respective farm. Also with out go to the farm area
the farmer or supervisor will get the status of the pH value,
water level, Temperature,soil moisture and motor
notification on mobile. This Value Can be notify in the
future integrate a highly interactive and responsive user
interface to facilitate the interaction it b/n the end users and
system .In addition Integrate security future so as to only
relevant and authorized users can access the system.

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number G5219058719/19©BEIESP 931 & Sciences Publication
IoT based irrigation remote real-time monitoring and controlling systems

ACKNOWLEDGMENT International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology

(ICRTIT), 2016
First and utmost, I thank God for his abundant blessings 14. N. Sales, O. Remedios and A. Arsenio, "Wireless sensor and actuator
system for smart irrigation on the cloud", 2015 IEEE 2nd World Forum
I am so much indebted to My Husband Mr.Getachew on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 2015.
Cherenet, My Daughter Bamilak Getachew, parents, 15. R. Agale and D. Gaikwad, "Automated Irrigation and Crop Security
I thank you Government of ETHIOPIA and INDIA System in Agriculture Using Internet of Things", 2017 International
Conference on Computing, Communication, Control and Automation
I express my deepest gratitude to my respected Founder (ICCUBEA), 2017.
Chancellor and President Col. Prof. Dr. R. RANGARAJAN 16. R. Andrew, R. Malekian and D. Bogatinoska, "IoT solutions for precision
B.E. (EEE), B.E. (MECH), M.S (AUTO). DSc., Chancellor agriculture", 2018 41st International Convention on Information and
Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics
and Foundress President Dr. R. SAGUNTHALA
(MIPRO), 2018.
RANGARAJAN M.B.B.S., Chairperson Managing Trustee 17. R. Rao and B. Sridhar, "IoT based smart crop-field monitoring and
and Vice President. automation irrigation system", 2018 2nd International Conference on
I record indebtedness to our Head of the Department. Dr. N. Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC), 2018.
18. S. Prathibha, A. Hongal and M. Jyothi, "IOT Based Monitoring System
MALARVIZHI., Ph.D., for immense care and in Smart Agriculture", 2017 International Conference on Recent
encouragement towards me throughout the course of this Advances in Electronics and Communication Technology (ICRAECT),
project. 2017.
19. S. Rajeswari, K. Suthendran and K. Rajakumar, "A smart agricultural
A special thanks to our Project Coordinator Dr. model by integrating IoT, mobile and cloud-based big data analytics",
G.M.KARPURA DHEEPAN, Ph.D., for their valuable 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control
guidance and support throughout the course of the project. (I2C2), 2017.
20. S. Saraf and D. Gawali, "IoT based smart irrigation monitoring and
I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of controlling system", 2017 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent
gratitude to Our Internal Guide Mr.KISHORE KUMAR for Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology
his cordial support, valuable information and guidance, he (RTEICT), 2017.
21. S. Vaishali, S. Suraj, G. Vignesh, S. Dhivya, and S. Udhayakumar,
helped me in completing this project through various stages. ―Mobile integrated smart irrigation management and monitoring system
I thank friends for their helping and guidance to complete using IOT,‖ 2017 International Conference on Communication and
this project. Signal Processing (ICCSP), 2017.

1. A. Rau, J. Sankar, A. Mohan, D. Das Krishna and J. Mathew, "IoT based
smart irrigation system and nutrient detection with disease analysis", Tigist Hailemariam Senbetu, PG Scholar in
2017 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2017. Department of Computer Science and Engineering
2. D. Mishra, A. Khan, R. Tiwari and S. Upadhay, "Automated Irrigation at Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D
System-IoT Based Approach", 2018 3rd International Conference On Institute of Science and Technology.
Internet of Things: Smart Innovation and Usages (IoT-SIU), 2018.
3. G. Arvind, V. G. Athira, H. Haripriya, R. A. Rani, and S. Aravind,
Automated irrigation with advanced seed germination and pest control,‖
2017 IEEE Technological Innovations in ICT for Agriculture and Rural
Development (TIAR), 2017. Mr. Kishore Kumar K, He had completed M.E
4. J. Boobalan, V. Jacintha, J. Nagarajan, K. Thangayogesh and S. Computer science and Engineering from Anna
Tamilarasu, "An IOT Based Agriculture Monitoring System", 2018 University in the year of 2013, and currently
International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing working as a Assistant Professor and Pursuing
(ICCSP), 2018. Ph.D in Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala
5. K. Ammour, "Factory automation and irrigation control in an IoT R&D Institute of Science and Technology,
environment", 2018 15th Learning and Technology Conference (L&T), Chennai. His area of research is focuses on Internet
2018. of Things for smart Agriculture.
6. K. Krishna, O. Silver, W. Malende and K. Anuradha, "Internet of Things
application for implementation of smart agriculture system", 2017
International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics
and Cloud) (I-SMAC), 2017. Dr. G.M. Karpura Dheepan, He had completed
7. K. Patil and N. Kale, "A model for smart agriculture using IoT", 2016 Ph.D Computer science and Engineering from Anna
International Conference on Global Trends in Signal Processing, University in the year of 2017, and currently
Information Computing and Communication (ICGTSPICC), 2016. working as a Assistant Professor in Vel Tech
8. L. Yashaswini, H. Vani, H. Sinchana and N. Kumar, "Smart automated Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of
irrigation system with disease prediction", 2017 IEEE International Science and Technology, Chennai. His area of
Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering research is focuses on Computer Networks and
(ICPCSI), 2017. Internet of Things.
9. M. Monica, B. Yeshika, G. Abhishek, H. Sanjay and S. Dasiga, "IoT
based control and automation of smart irrigation system: An automated
irrigation system using sensors, GSM, Bluetooth and cloud technology",
2017 International Conference on Recent Innovations in Signal
processing and Embedded Systems (RISE), 2017.
10. M. Rajkumar, S. Abinaya and V. Kumar, "Intelligent irrigation system —
An IOT based approach", 2017 International Conference on Innovations
in Green Energy and Healthcare Technologies (IGEHT), 2017.
11. M. Uddin, A. Mansour, D. Le Jeune and E. Aggoune, "Agriculture
internet of things: AG-IoT", 2017 27th International Telecommunication
Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC), 2017.
12. M. Vinoth and G. Vithiya, "Farm field monitoring and irrigation
automation using IOT", International Journal of Engineering &
Technology, vol. 7, no. 226, p. 53, 2018.
13. N. Kabilan and M. Selvi, "Surveillance and steering of irrigation system
in cloud using Wireless Sensor Network and Wi-Fi module", 2016

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number G5219058719/19©BEIESP 932 & Sciences Publication

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