Module 10: Social Relationship in Middle and Late Adolescence
Module 10: Social Relationship in Middle and Late Adolescence
Module 10: Social Relationship in Middle and Late Adolescence
Adolescent period is a time of rapid changes to an individual, not only in the physical and
cognitive sense but as in the socio- emotional and interpersonal aspects as well. Many factors
can influence the attitudes, values and behaviors of individuals as they mature such as the
significant individual around them and other people in school and community.
Lecture: On Social Influence, Group Leadership, Followership, and Various Roles in Society
Why does a teenage girl insist on wearing the current fashion trend? Why does a teenage boy
strive so hard to be part of the “cool- guys”? Why do you comply with your parents’ rule
regarding curfew? Because people around “socially influence” our behaviors, attitudes and
SOCIAL INFLUENCE- is the influence of the society that results in a behavior or attitude
modification of an individual. It happens when one’s emotions, opinions, or behaviors are
affected by others.
It is believed that we are influenced in many different ways by other people through social
institutions such as family, schools, religion, political party and labor union.. In various ways, we
are affected by our dealings with other people such as co- family members, classmates or
schoolmates, playmates, co- workers and others.
-is the process of providing focus and direction to a specific group of people. This kind of
leadership includes facilitation and guidance of the people in the group. The concept involves
the leader being reliable for the consequences of the works of the group he or she is leading.
Some roles of a leader are to guide, inspire, motivate and boost the morale of his followers
towards a particular goal. Leaders also analyze problems and difficulties, think of solutions and
get things done. They also provide a definite plan for the group, build concepts and set vision.
- is the function of the members in a group or organization and regarded as the counterpart
of leadership. The importance of followership has not been given enough value, yet the success
of a group or an organization also depends upon its followers. Each and every member plays a
vital role in the organization, Success is the product of the combined efforts of members/
followers and leaders.
Some of the roles of followers are to take orders from the leaders and work hand and hand
with them for the achievement of goals. Responsible followership involves supporting the
leader especially in the implementation of rules and regulations.
- is a relationship among leaders and followers, which is influential in effecting change and
realizing common goals. Leadership involves creating change, which should be substantive to
arrive at an outcome that both leaders and followers worked for.
1. Autocratic leadership - this leadership style centralizes in authority.
- the autocratic leader derives power from the position, controls
rewards and uses coercion to make his or her group members follow.
He or she is aloof and focuses exclusively on the task on hand.
2. Democratic leadership- a democratic leader delegates authority to others, asks for
suggestions and discusses plans with members. He or she depends on
the respect of his or her members for influence.
3. Laissez- faire leadership- a laissez- faire leader leaves the group to its own capacity to finish
its task. He or she intervenes minimally.
2. Religious Leaders
- they are performers of rites and ceremonies in their respective religion. They keep religious
traditions and serve as moral leader and teacher and spiritual guide. Usually, they have the
religious obligation to propagate their held doctrines and to recruit members.
- the religious leaders are very influential in the lives of their members. They are often seen as
representative of God and often gain respect and reverence. Religious members usually follow
what their members tell them to do.
3. Teachers
- teachers are dispensers of knowledge and useful information. They act as a mentor, leader,
counsel, role model and initiator of change.
- teachers have great influence in the society especially to students. Students, especially the
young ones, believe in almost everything their teachers impart to them
4. Children
-they basically have the role and societal duty to grow to be healthy, competent, responsible
and productive individuals. They have an impact in the lives of fellow children, siblings and
other people in the society.
5. Church Members
-they ideally follow the religious leaders and adhere to the teachings of their religion.
-they practice their doctrines and also propagate their teachings. Their followership is
important as it may bring about changes not only among themselves but also in the society.
6. Celebrities
-their influence on other people is great especially on the young generation. Hence, they
should act as good role models to other people especially to their fans. They must be watchful
about their physical looks, actions and attitudes. Celebrities, therefore, also have great societal
responsibility for they may also influence their followers to engage in bad behaviors.
2. Pakikisama
-this is commonly regarded as “ good public relations.” This is usually being practiced to avoid
clash with other people or a certain group. Just like “hiya” and other Filipino values, pakikisama
can work either positively or destructively.
3. Hospitality
-this refers to the innate ability and trait of Filipinos to be courteous and entertaining to their
guests. Generally speaking, Filipinos are hospitable.
5. Respect to elders
-Filipinos have unique ways of showing respect to elders. These include the use of “po” and
“opo” when talking to elders and “pagmamano” or the putting of the elder’s hand to one’s