Evertz Customer Service Information Bulletin: Products Affected
Evertz Customer Service Information Bulletin: Products Affected
Evertz Customer Service Information Bulletin: Products Affected
Products Affected:
To provide information on updating systems where two or more 5600MSC units are deployed.
This information is provided to assist in updating systems as seamlessly as possible so that a minimal amount
of disruption will occur. Depending on the method that was used to reference, these systems will dictate the
amount of disruption that may occur. For systems using precise time information (GPS), the update should be
seamless, provided the upgrade information is followed for this process. For other methods, which were
employed for referencing, consideration will need to be made when performing these updates.
During the updating process, if the synchro mode is being used, this will be disrupted, as the COM port will be
required to perform the update.
Using this method of reference will provide the 5600MSC with a sync reference. However, the phase of these
signals will vary. To ensure that both units are in phase with each other, the phasing needs to be checked
whenever a unit is powered down. Failure to do this may result in unpredictable results to downstream
equipment, particularly if they are phase dependent.
Video Reference:
When NTSC is being used as a reference to the 5600MSC, output signals will be phased to this signal with the
exception of the DARS output. If interruption has occurred this output should always be checked for correct
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Evertz Customer Service Information Bulletin
Before updating either of these units, be sure that nothing in the downstream chain will be
affected. Be sure that ALL sync signals are derived from the primary unit first!
If you are using a 5600ACO, select the primary unit (generally A) and then switch the
5600ACO to manual mode. This will prevent any unplanned switches during this upgrade.
1. Connect the serial cable to the COM DB9 connector on the rear panel of the unit to be updated.
2. Connect the 9 pin connector on the end of the serial update cable to the PCs’ RS-232 communications
Baud 57600
Parity no
Data bits 8
Stop bits 2
Flow Control None
5. You can invoke the Firmware upgrade mode using the front panel Setup Menu. (See section 3.2 in the
5600MSC manual for information on how to operate the front panel menus.) Press the GENERAL key to
enter the GENERAL Setup menu. Scroll to the FIRMWARE menu item using the arrow keys (Ï,Ð) or turn
the SHAFT ENCODER knob and then press SELECT. If you want to upgrade the main operating firmware
in the 5600MSC, scroll to the Upgrade 5600MSC menu item using the arrow keys (Ï,Ð) or turn the
SHAFT ENCODER knob and then press SELECT.
The front panel will show the message ARE YOU SURE? for 1 second. To proceed, press the SELECT key.
The front panel will show the message VERY SURE? for 1 second. This warning lets the user know that
taking the next step will place the unit in programming mode and could erase the software already present
in the FLASH device. To proceed, press the SELECT key. The front panel will show the message
UPGRADING IN 5 SEC. This warning indicates that the unit will be placed in programming mode in the time
shown. Press the ESC key if you want to abort the programming operation. When the timer expires the unit
will be placed in programming mode and its serial port is opened to communicate with the terminal
software program. The front panel display shows UPGRADE MSC NOW or UPGRADE T2G NOW
depending on whether you are upgrading the main application firmware of the test generator firmware.
Proceed to step 12 for instructions on uploading the main application firmware using the terminal program.
Proceed to step 10 for instructions on uploading the test generator firmware using the terminal program.
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Evertz Customer Service Information Bulletin
You may send commands to the 5600MSC Boot monitor in order to upgrade the 5600MSC application
firmware. The High Definition Test generator cannot be upgraded using the boot monitor method. To initiate
firmware uploading from a terminal program follow the procedure described in steps 6 to 11.
6. Power up the 5600MSC Master Clock/SPG. After the unit powers up, a banner with the boot code version
information should appear in the terminal window. The cursor to the right of the word “BOOT>” should be
For example:
8. While the cursor is spinning press the <CTRL> and <X> keys, this should stop the cursor from spinning.
The spinning prompt will only remain for about 5 seconds. You must press <CTRL-X> during this 5 second
delay. If the unit continues to boot-up, simply cycle the power and repeat this step.
10. Type the word “upgrade”, without quotes, and hit the <ENTER> key once.
11. The boot code will ask for confirmation. Type "y", without quotes.
12. You should now see a prompt asking you to upload the file.
13. Upload the “*.bin” file supplied using the X-Modem transfer protocol of your terminal program. If you do not
start the upload within 10 minutes the unit’s Boot code will time out. You can restart the upgrade process
by power cycling the unit.
If you are upgrading the main 5600MSC application firmware the bin file will have a name similar to:
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Evertz Customer Service Information Bulletin
There are two different versions of HD test generator cards that may be installed in the 5600MSC. The
front panel will show the version that is installed. Make sure that you upload the correct version for your
If you are upgrading the 7750TG2-HD Test generator application firmware the bin file will have a name
similar to:
If you are upgrading the 7751TG2-HD Test generator application firmware the bin file will have a name
similar to:
14. The boot code will indicate whether the operation was successful upon completion of the upload.
For Example:
16. Send the .BIN file to the 5600MSC. Ensure that the protocol is XModem. Once initiated a window will
appear displaying the file transfer progress.
17. Once the update is complete, you must type in boot or power cycle the 5600MSC to return to operational
mode. It will then need to be synchronized with the live 5600MSC. If GPS is being used as the frequency
and time reference, wait until 100% lock is obtained. Compare each output from the updated 5600MSC to
the live 5600MSC to verify correct phasing. If video has been used as the frequency reference, follow the
steps as outlined above paying particular attention to the DARS output (if equipped). Independent phase
adjustment may need to be executed to have this match the live 5600MSC. Once this has been confirmed,
proceed to Step # 20. If a different reference is used, proceed to the next step.
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Evertz Customer Service Information Bulletin
18. In order to bring phasing into alignment with the live 5600MSC, the global phasing adjustment is used. This
adjustment is found in the OUTPUT menu. Scroll to the GLOBAL PHASING menu item using the arrow
keys (Ï,Ð) or turn the SHAFT ENCODER knob and then press SELECT. Use the arrow keys (Ï,Ð) or
turn the SHAFT ENCODER knob until Global Phase En is displayed and then press SELECT. To enable
Global Phasing, use the arrow keys (Ï,Ð) or turn the SHAFT ENCODER knob until on is shown and press
SELECT. Depending on how much adjustment is required to align the outputs, select NS, MS or US
(Nano, Milli, or Micro second).
" GLOBAL PHASING is a LIVE control. All adjustments will affect the outputs immediately.
19. Once Global Phasing is completed, check and verify the outputs with respect to the Live 5600MSC.
Be sure to confirm all signals!
20. Using the 5600ACO, switch the test signals from the Live 5600MSC to the backup 5600MSC that was
22. Switch the 5600ACO back to the primary 5600MSC and return it to AUTO mode.
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