Extra Exercises Errors
Extra Exercises Errors
Extra Exercises Errors
The following trial balance has been drawn up for Adam Gemilang Enterprise on
30 September 2015:
Land and buildings 117 000
Equipment 73 000
Provision for depreciation:
Land and buildings 20 300
Equipment 28 460
Ending stock 16 300
Bank 5 350
Debtors / Creditors 25 500 22 140
Loan 25 000
Provision for doubtful debts 510
Capital 125 790
Net profit 39 000
Drawings 22 000
Suspense account 2 050
Since the preparation of the above trial balance, the following errors and
omissions have been identified:
(i) A purchase of RM1 470 from Belia Megah Bhd., had been received on 30
September 2015 and included in the stock figures on that date but the
invoice had not been entered in the purchase book.
(ii) A photocopier was bought on 1 October 2014 for use in the business. The
cost of RM4 000 has been debited to the purchases account.
(iii) Provision for depreciation had not been made for the new photocopier
referred to in item (ii). The depreciation is to be 20% on cost.
(iv) A credit note for RM125 received from supplier, Wawasan Pak Ngah Sdn.
Bhd., was credited in the return outwards account and credited to
Wawasan Pak Ngah Sdn. Bhd.’s account.
(v) Owner’s private house electricity bill for RM560 has been paid by the
business and being debited in the electricity charges account.
(vi) Creditor’s balance includes an invoice which was mistakenly recorded as
RM7 500. The right amount is RM5 700.
(vii) Purchases by cheque amounting RM1 000 has been entered on the debit
side in the cash book and posted to the credit side of purchase account.
(a) Prepare the journal entries to record the adjustments for the above items.
(b) Prepare the Statement of Financial Position as at 30 September 2015 after
corrections of errors.
2. The trial balance of Muhibah Enterprise as at 31 July 2015 showed a difference of
RM3 700. The difference was posted to suspense account. The following balances
were extracted from the books.
Trial Balance of Muhibah Enterprise as at 31 July 2015
Building 131 500
Motor vehicles 28 900
Furniture 13 000
Accumulated depreciation
- Motor vehicles 5 6200
- Furniture 11 560
Stocks 13 500
Debtors 35 000
Provision for doubtful debt 900
Cash in bank 20 980
Cash in hand 9 100
Prepaid expenses 500
Capital 80 200
Bank loan 76 000
Creditors 18 500
Net profit 14 620
Suspense account 3 700
257 080 257 080
(a) Show the journal entries necessary to correct the above errors.
(Narration is not required)
(b) Prepare the suspense account.
(c) Calculate the adjusted net profit.
(d) Identify the types of errors in (i) – (iv) above.
3. The trial balance of Aznur Enterrpise failed to agree and the difference has been
entered into a Suspense account. The following is the draft Statement of Financial
Position as at 31 August 2015:
Aznur Enterprise
Statement of Financial Position as at 31 August 2015 (draft)
Non-current Assets Owner’s equity
Shop lot 90 000 Capital 140 000
Equipment 40 000 Net profit 15 000
The follwoing errors have been discovered during the torough checking on the
accounting records:
(i) Return inwards amounting RM130 from Anim has been recorded as
RM13 in the Return inwards account.
(ii) Payment of rental amounting RM2 200 has been debited in the Rental
Account but no corresponding entry has been entered in the other account.
(iii) The purchase of stationeries of RM181 cash has been debited in Stationery
account as RM18.
(iv) Purchase of equipment of RM1 500 on 1 September 2014 has been debited
in the Purchase account as RM2 500. Annual depreciation rate for
equipment is 20% on cost.
(v) Discount allowed of RM90 has been wrongly credited in the Discount
received account.
(vi) Cash sales amounting RM1 600 has been entered in the Sales account
(vii) Motor vehicle expenses amounting RM40 has been mistakenly entered
twice in the cash account. However, the posting in the Motor vehicle
expenses account showed the correct entry.
(viii) A payment to a creditor of RM831 has been credited in both Creditor and
Bank account.
(a) Show the journal entries necessary to correct the above errors.
(b) Prepare the suspense account.
(c) Prepare the Statement of Financial Position (after adjustments) as at 31
August 2015.
4. The trial balance of Palma Sutra Enterprise showed a difference of RM14 650.
This was posted to a suspense account so that the accounts for the year ended 31
March 2015 could be prepared. The following balance sheet was produced:
Fixed assets Cost Accumulated Net Book
Depreciation Value
Building (Freehold) 60,000.00 - 60,000.00
Motor vehicles 25,000.00 11,935.00 13,065.00
Fixtures and fittings 1,500.00 750.00 750.00
86,500.00 12,685.00 73,815.00
Current assets
Stocks 75,410.00
Debtors 37,140.00
Cash 75.00 112,625.00
Financed by:
Capital 125,000.00
Profit 33,500.00
Current liabilities
Trade creditors &
accrued charges 41,360.00
Bank overdraft 1,230.00 42,590.00
On checking the books to eliminate the suspense account you find the following
(i) The debit side of the bank column in the cash book is understated by
RM10 000.
(ii) A payment of RM5 000 by cheque to a creditor has been entered in the
cash book but has not been posted to the ledger.
(iii) Stationery amounting RM100 has been incorrectly posted to the stationery
account as RM1 000, while transport charge of RM450 has been recorded
as RM45 in the carriage account. However, both transactions has been
correctly entered in the bank column of the cash book.
(iv) Rent received RM45 was posted twice to the ledger from the cash book.
(v) The debit side of the debtors account was understated by RM100.
(vi) Bank charges of RM3 250 had not been entered in the cash book.
(vii) Depreciation of motor vehicle vehicles was undercharged by RM500.
(a) Prepare the journal entries to eliminate balance on the suspense
(b) Prepare the suspense account.
(c) Prepare the Statement of Financial Position of Palma Sutra Enterprise as at
31 March 2015 after correcting the above errors. Show workings on
adjustments made apart from those related to the suspense accounts.
(a) Prepare journal entries to correct the above errors.
(b) Prepare the Suspense Account to show the necessary adjustments.
(c) If the net profit before correction of errors is RM45 890, calculate the net
profit after adjustments in (a) above.
(d) State the types of errors for errors (iv) to (vii) above.