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An Efficient Approach To The Operational

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17th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE17

V. Plesu and P.S. Agachi (Editors)

© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1

An Efficient Approach to the Operational

Scheduling of a Real-World Pipeline Network

Flávio Neves-Jr,a Leandro Magatão,a Sérgio Leandro Stebel,a Suelen Neves

Boschetto,a Luiz Carlos Felizari,a Daniel Irineu Czaikowski,a Roger Rocha,b
Paulo César Ribasb

Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR / CPGEI),
Av. Sete de Setembro, 3165, 80230-901 – Curitiba, PR, Brazil
E-mail {neves, magatao, stebel, suelen, felizari, dic}@cpgei.cefetpr.br
Logistic Division-Research and Development Centre, PETROBRAS
Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil
E-mail {rogerocha, paulo.ribas}@petrobras.com.br


This paper addresses the problem of developing an optimisation structure to aid

the operational decision-making of scheduling activities in a real-world pipeline
network. During the scheduling horizon, many batches are pumped from (or
passing through) different areas. Pipes are a disputed resource. Scheduling
details must be given, including pumping sequence in each area, batches’
volume, tankage constraints, timing issues, while respecting a series of
operational constraints. In addition, the electric energy presents on-peak
demand hours, typically, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and this feature also
influences operational decisions. The balance between demand requirements
and production campaigns, while satisfying inventory management issues and
pipeline pumping procedures, is a difficult task. The proposed approach has
been successfully applied to industrial-size scenarios. Many insights have been
derived from the obtained solutions.

Keywords: Scheduling, Pipeline, MILP, Heuristics, Real-World Scenario.

2 F. Neves-Jr et al.

1. Introduction

Scheduling activities related to oil product distribution have received growing

interest in the last years. Distribution and transfer operations of such products
can be carried out by road, railroad, vessels, and pipelines. Pipeline
transportation is a reliable and economical mode for large quantities of
products. Some papers have already addressed scheduling decisions within
pipeline networks [1,2,3,4], but the scenario in this paper is particularly
complex. The real system operation demands that a series of temporal details be
specified by the specialist. Thus, determining the short-term scheduling within
the considered scenario is a difficult task.

2. Problem Statement

The scenario, illustrated in Fig.1, involves 9 areas (nodes), including

3 refineries (nodes N1, N3, and N7), 1 harbour (N9), which either receives or
sends products, and 5 distribution centres. In addition, it includes 15 pipes, each
one with a particular volume (e.g. pipe 1 has more than 42000 m3). The nodes
are “connected” by various pipes (e.g. pipes 3, 4, and 5 connect nodes 2 and 3).
However, the list of products that can be pumped by a specific pipe is limited
(e.g. pipe 3 is typically used to transport gasoline and naphtha). A product can
take many hours to reach the final destination. A batch can remain in a pipe
until another batch pushes it. Pipes 5, 7, and 15 can have the flow direction
reverted, according to operational procedures. Each product presents a specific
tankfarm within the considered node. More than 10 oil derivatives can be
transported. For instance, a typical “operation” involves pumping a batch from
N3 to N8, passing by N2, N5, and N7. In that case, the product is pumped
through pipes 4, 8, 12, and 14.

3. Paper approach

3.1. Methodology

The computational burden of determining the short-term scheduling within the

considered scenario is a relevant issue. Therefore, a decomposition approach is
proposed to address such real-world problem (Fig.2). This decomposition is
based on the three key elements of scheduling: assignment of resources,
sequencing of activities, and determination of resource timing utilization by
these activities [5]. A pre-processing block (heuristic procedure) takes into
account production and consumption functions and typical batch volumes (lot
sizes) in order to determine a set of candidate sequences of pumping. In
addition, the pre-processing procedure indicates time-windows to the
established sequences. Then, the pre-processed data are used by a continuous-
An Efficient Approach to the Operational Scheduling of a Real-World Pipeline
Network 3
time MILP model, which determines the operational short-term scheduling for
the entire pipeline network. The previously determined time-windows should be
respected in order to keep inventory management issues within operational
levels. The MILP model considers, for instance, the pumping route (source or
pumping origin, pipes, and destination), volume and flow rate for each product
from a source. Particular attention is given to the fact that pipes have a
considerable volume and they always operate completely filled. Thus, they can
“store” different products during pumping procedures. While a new product is
sent from a source, previously “stored” products are pushed out according to the
new product flow rate. Moreover, stored products should be routed to their
original destination. At each area, products arriving from pipes can be pumped
to tanks or routed to other pipes. A set of tanks in each area can store different
products. Inventory level can increase or decrease according to the volume and
flow rate of each product pumping or due to local production and consumption.
In addition the MILP model considers the seasonal cost of electric energy and a
series of operational requirements. Details of the obtained scheduling can be
visualized by a series of user-developed interfaces (e.g. Fig.3).
N1 N2 N3 Consumption, Model
2 5
Production Scenarios
6 7 8
Tankage, Pipeline
Scheduling of
Scenarios Data
N4 N5 N6 Operational
10 Base
15 Operational Data
Electric Energy Cost
… Pre-Processing
N7 N8 N9 (Heuristics)

Fig.1 – Pipeline Network Fig.2 – Optimisation Structure

3.2. MILP Model

The model relies on MILP with a continuous time approach (e.g Eq. (1)).
Variables were created in order to determine the exact time that a pumping
procedure of a batch ( b ∈ B ) is started ( ibb,n,n ',d ) and finished ( fbb,n,n',d ) from a
node ( n ≠ n'∈ N ) trough a specific pipe (d ∈ D, where d connects n and n′). In a
similar approach, other continuous variables determine the time that a
destination node starts to receive ( irb,n,n ',d ) and finishes to receive ( frb,n,n',d ) a
product. In addition, maintaining a batch stopped within a pipeline
( fstop b,n,n',d ; istop b,n,n ',d ) is a valid condition, but it influences the operational cost.
The formulation was extensively studied, and binary variables were just used to
enforce seasonality conditions of electric energy. Thus, the model avoids
pumping procedures during periods of high energy cost. The objective function
is weighted by operational cost factors ( ktb , ktstop , ktd , kto ). Specific constraints
4 F. Neves-Jr et al.

were created in order to attend inventory management issues. In particular, the

pre-processing unit indicates time-windows to the demanded batches. So that,
the MILP model tries to manage the operational scheduling in each node in
order to respect determined time limits. However, some time-windows’
violation can be accepted either in the pumping origin ( aob,n,n ',d ; dob,n,n ',d ) or at the
final product destination ( ad b,n,n',d ; dd b,n,n',d ), but are undesirable. Each node has
particular operational features, and the mathematical model has to address them.
For instance, batches can be pumped from N7 by pipes 11, 13, and 14. At this
node there exists a limited number of pumps and just one batch is allowed to be
sent from N7 at a specific time. Thus, in a hypothetical case that various batches
are to be sent from N7, the model must manage pumping start times and
pumping finish times in order to respect this “local” characteristic. Another
issue is that pipes 5, 7, and 15 can have the flow direction reverted, according to
operational convenience. A specific set of constraints was created to manage
such operational condition. In the pipeline-scheduling literature [3] this has
been proved to be a complicating issue. In addition, from node to node, a
product typical flow rate can vary. For example, naphtha is normally pumped
from source N7 to final destination N1. At this case, the product “passes”
trough the intermediate node N4. The operation involves, respectively, pipes 11
and 7. From N7 to N4 by pipe 11 the average flow rate is 450 m3/h; from N4 to
N1 by pipe 7 the average flow rate is 190 m3/h. Alternatively, the product can
be directly pumped from N7 to N1 at 190 m3/h. In that case, the pumps of node
N4 are not used. However, it is operationally recommended that naphtha be
pumped from N7 to N4 at 450 m3/h, be stored in a tank at N4, and then,
meanwhile, be pumped from N4 to N1 at 190 m3/h. This would “release” N7
before from this specific pumping of naphtha. As previously stated, there are
local constraints, and the starting of other pumping procedures at N7 can be
dependent upon the finishing of the naphtha pumping. Thus, a specific set of
constraints was created in order to manage such operational condition. Sparcity
of sets was exploited to the model generation.
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ (ib
b∈B n∈N n '∈N , n ≠ n ' d ∈D
b , n , n ', d + fbb ,n ,n ',d + irb ,n ,n ',d + frb ,n ,n ',d )* ktb +

∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ( fstop b , n , n ', d − istop b ,n ,n ',d )* ktstop +

b∈B n∈N n '∈N , n ≠ n ' d ∈D (1)
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ (ad
b∈B n∈N n '∈N , n ≠ n ' d ∈D
b , n , n ', d + dd b ,n ,n ',d )* ktd +

∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ (ao
b∈B n∈N n '∈N , n ≠ n ' d ∈D
b , n , n ', d + dob ,n ,n ',d )* kto
An Efficient Approach to the Operational Scheduling of a Real-World Pipeline
Network 5
3.3. Results

The model has been extensively tested in typical operational scenarios. At these
cases, the pre-processing block takes the planning of production/consumption of
each product in each node during a month. Then, it determines candidate
sequences of pumping and time-windows to the established sequences. This
operation takes less then a CPU second (Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz, 1GB RAM). The
pre-processed data are used by a continuous-time MILP model. Typical
instances yield large-scale MILPs with roughly 6000 variables (3000 binary)
and 20000 constraints. Such models have been solved to optimality in few CPU
seconds using a commercial package [6]. To previously address the sequencing
part has been a fundamental issue to reduce the computational burden. Many
insights have been derived from the obtained solutions, and the proposed
approach can aid the decision-making process. Fig.3 illustrates a Gantt chart of
a real-world scenario involving 71 batches pumped during a month. Information
about scheduled batches can be derived from this chart. In particular, each batch
has an identifying number, which remains the same as the batch passes through
different pipelines. For example, batch 26 passes trough pipes 1, 8, 12, and 14.
Details about the scheduling (hour : minute) in each pipe can be better visualized
by means of a zoom functionality. Furthermore, the right-side vertical label
indicates the average pipeline “usage” rate. For instance, pipe 11 remained in
used during approximately 85% of the scheduling time. Therefore, this pipe, at
this scenario, is a potential bottleneck. The optimization structure allows that
the system operator visualize the short-term scheduling of operational activities
in advance of many days, avoiding pumping troubles.

Fig.3 – Gantt Chart

6 F. Neves-Jr et al.

4. Conclusions

An optimisation structure (Fig.2) for the scheduling of operational activities in a

real-world pipeline network (Fig.1) has been addressed in this paper. The
considered scenario is particularly complex Thus, determining the short-term
scheduling is a difficult task. A major challenge was to find an approach that
provides short-term scheduling details at low CPU effort. In order to achieve
this goal, a decomposition approach was used. This decomposition relied on a
pre-processing block, which takes into account production/consumption
functions and typical lot sizes to determine a set of candidate sequences of
pumping. In addition, the pre-processing indicates time-windows to the
established sequences. Then, the pre-processed data are used by a continuous-
time MILP model, which indeed determines the short-term scheduling of each
batch in each node of the pipeline network. A series of operational requirements
have been addressed (sections 3.1 and 3.2). The model formulation has been
extensively studied, and integer variables were only used to avoid pumping
during time periods of high-energy costs. The optimisation structure has been
successfully tested in industrial-size scenarios, which yield, roughly, 6000
variables and 20000 constraints. The implemented structure can be used, for
instance, to identify system bottlenecks and to test new operational conditions.
Computation time has remained at few CPU seconds. The proposed approach
have allowed that a month planning of production and consumption be detailed
in short-time scheduling operations within the considered pipeline network.
Thus, many insights can be derived from the obtained solutions.


The authors acknowledge financial support from ANP and FINEP (PRH-ANP /
MCT PRH10 UTFPR) and CENPES (Under grant 0050.0017859.05.3).


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