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Percentage Boq: Validate Print Help

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Validate Print Help Percentage BoQ

Tender Inviting Authority:-Superintending Engineer Electricity Civil Transmission Circle 220 KV Sub Station Sector 20

Name of Work:-Civil works for Renovation & Painting work of Control room Building at 132KV S/S Vaishali
Ghaziabad .

Contract No:- E-Tender Notice-46/19-20/S.l No-88/19-20

Name of the Ferrovial Construction Private Limited

Firm /
Company :

(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the
relevent columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name
and Values only )
Sl. Item Description Quantity Units Estimated TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT
No. Rate in AMOUNT In Words
Rs. P Without Taxes
Rs. P

1 2 4 5 6 53 55
2.00 Cum 159.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Excavation in foundation in
ordinary soil (loam clay or
sand) including lift upto 1.5
Metre and lead upto 30
metre and including filling,
1 watering, and ramming of
excavated earth into the
trenches or into the space
between the building and the
side of the foundation. (CSI
No. 4.01)

Concrete with 4cm gauge 3.50 Cum 5797.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

down graded Stone ballast ,
coarse sand (F.M. 1.8 to 2.5)
and cement in proportion of
12:6:1 in foundation and
under floors and supply of all
2 materials, labour, tools and
plants etc. required for proper
completion of the work. (CSI
No. 5.01)

Cement concrete with 2cm 1.00 Cum 7420.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

gauge Stone ballast, coarse
sand and cement in the
proportion 3:1.5:1 including
3 supply of all materials, labour
and T&P etc. required for
proper completion of work.
(CSI No. 5.04)

Precast cement concrete 0.50 Cum 8898.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

door sills, Chaukhats,
boundary posts, shelves and
similar small work with
cement, approved coarse
sand and 20mm gauge down
graded stone ballast in
proportion of 1:1.5:3
excluding supply of
reinforcement and its
bending but including its
4 cutting, fixing and binding the
same with 24 B.W.G. G.I.
binding wire including the
cost of binding wire, moulds
and all other materials, labour
and T&P etc. required for
proper completion of the
work. (CSI No 5.06)

1st class brick work in 1:6 1.00 Cum 4673.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
cement and coarse sand of
2.25 F.M. mortar in
foundation and plinth
including supply of all
material, labour and T&P etc.
required for proper
completion of work. (CSI No.

1st class brick work in 1:6 0.50 Cum 5274.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
cement and coarse sand of
2.25 F.M. mortar in super
structure including necessary
6 cutting and moulding of brick
as required but for wall of
one, brick (230mm) thick wall
(CSI No. 6.01+6.06)
Supply and fixing 1.00 Sqm 624.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Stainless.Steel. mosquito
proof heavy quality iron wire
mesh of 15x28 G over
windows including supply and
fixing of necessary screws all
7 materials, labour and T&P
etc. required for proper
completion of the
work(Excluding cost of
beeding).(CSI No 8.15A)

Mild steel or iron work in 0.05 M.T. 70024.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

heavy small section like (J/U)
hooks, holding down bolts,
hold fast, tie rod, record
recks, door/window frame,
trench recks & edges, angle
post etc. (when not included
in overall rates) wrought to
8 required form including
supply of steel bolts, nuts,
wastage etc. and their fixing
charges, welding, required for
proper completion of the
work. (CSI No. 9.01)

Mild steel or iron work in 0.05 M.T. 76182.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

heavy large size sections
such as trusses, built-up
gates, roof work,
window/boundry grill or
railing, trench covers, grating
etc. wrought to required form
9 including supply of steel
bolts, nuts, wastage etc. and
their fixing charges, welding,
required for proper
completion of the work. (CSI
No. 9.02)

T.M.T. or Tor Steel in plain 0.05 M.T. 67942.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

work such as reinforced
concrete or reinforced brick
work (when not included in
over all rates) wrought to
required shape as necessary
including bending for proper
completion of the work and
10 including supply of steel its
wastage, bend, hooks, and
authorized overlapping as
required for proper
completion of the work. (CSI
No. 9.04)

P/F chiken mesh of 22 gauge 10.00 Sqm 65.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

and 20 mm hexagonal size
over roof/wall in cement
concrete /mortar with 10 cm
over lapping with the help o u
nails as per dierction of E/I
11 including cost of all
materials , labour T&P etc.
required for proper
completion of work . (CSI No.

Supply and fixing 2 mm thick 2.00 Sqm 775.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

acrylic sheet
colour/transparent of
approved quality with
necessary over laps incl. S/F
bolts , nuts , washer and
12 bitumen washer etc. including
cost of material , labour T&P
etc. required for proper
completion of work as per
direction of E/I . (CSI No.

12mm thick plaster with 115.00 Sqm 175.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

cement mortar of 1 part
cement & 4 parts of approved
coarse sand 2.5 F.M. over
Brick work, min. thickness not
less than 10mm including
13 supply all material, labour
and T&P required for proper
completion of work. (CSI No.

Engraving groove 12X12mm 90.00 RM 11.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

in the plaster of the outer
face wall vertically or
horizontally or inclined to
display the surface good as
14 directed by the Engineer-in-
charge including labour and
tools & plants etc. required
for proper completion of
work. (CSI NO 11.11)
Providing and mixing 2.00 per bag of 55.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
approved quality of water cement
proofing compound (125
gms.) (DR. FIXIT /
RECRON.3S) / hardening
material in cement mortar or
15 Concrete as per direction of
E/I in proportion as
recommended by the
manufacturer. (CSI No.

Making drip course (25x12) 48.00 RM 24.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

mm in 1:3 cement and
Coarse sand mortar inclduing
cost of all material labour and
16 T&P etc. required for proper
completion of the work. (CSI
No. 11.14)

3 mm thick neat cement 10.00 Sqm 29.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

floating coat inclduing cost of
all material labour and T&P
17 etc. required for proper
completion of the work. (CSI
No. 11.17)

2 cm thick pebble dash 30.00 Sqm 299.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

plaster with base coat 1.5 cm
thick in 1:4 cement and
coarse sand , the final coat to
be with cement & washed
fine gravel or pebble dashed
on to the green plaster and
pressed with large trowel ,
18 rubbing down the surplus
cement from the interstics of
the pebbles including supply
of all materials , labour ,
T&P , etc. required for proper
completion of work . (CSI No.

40 mm thick 1:2:4 cement 50.00 Sqm 409.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

concrete floor with cement,
approved coarse sand and
20mm graded stone
aggregate laid in panels
finished with 3mm floating
coat of neat cement, over
19 base concrete. Rate includes
cost of all materials, labour
and T&P required for proper
completion of work but
excluding cost of base
concrete. (CSI No. 12.02)

S/F 8 mm thick glazed/matt 55.00 Sqm 1041.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

finish tiles SOMANI or
equivalent approved quality
and size upto 400x400 in
floor, skirting or dado laid
with 1:3 cement and coarse
sand mortar and joints
finished with white cement
20 including polishing etc.
complete including supply of
all materials, labour and T&P
etc. required for proper
completion of work.(CSI No

Providing and fixing glass 45.00 RM 29.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

strip of 3.15 mm (1/8”) thick
and 3.5cm. deep in joints of
floor at the time of laying
floors flush with floor level
21 including supply of all
materials, labour and T&P
etc. required for proper
completion of the work.(CSI
No 12.09)

S/F 10mm thick glazed/matt 12.00 Sqm 1885.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

finish Fully Vitrified tiles of
size 600x600 or more of
approved company like RAK,
equivalent make of approved
shade, colour and pattern as
directed by E/I in floor,
skirting or dado laid with 1:3
cement and coarse sand
mortar, finished with white
22 cement and pigment to
match the tiles shade
etc.complete including supply
of all materials, labour and
T&P etc. required for proper
completion of work.(CSI No
Providing and fixing 20mm 20.00 Sqm 3514.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
thick polished GRANITE
stone BLACK/GREEN or
other approved shade and
pattern in floor or in column
etc. laid with 1:3 cement and
coarse sand mortar, jointing
23 with white cement & pigment
slurry to match the shade of
stone including supply of all
materials, labour and T&P
etc. required for proper
completion of work.(12.13)

Extra for making edge 20.00 RM 342.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

moulding to 20mm thick
Granite etc in proper desired
shape and size as per
direction of E/I including
machine polishing to give
24 high gloss finish complete
etc. including cost of all
material, labour and T&P etc.
required for proper
completion of the work.(CSI
No 12.17)

Painting or varnishing on iron 5.00 Sqm 66.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

works in small areas of new
wood work with one coat of
ready mixed priming paint
and one coat of approved
superior quality ready mixed
paint of clear synthetic
varnish including supply of all
25 materials, labour and T&P
etc. required for proper
completion of the work. Paint
to be used should confirm to
the ISI no. 103-1950.
(CSI No. 13.01)

Same as in CSI 13.01 above 225.00 Sqm 31.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

but for every coat after Ist
26 coat. (CSI No. 13.02)

As in CSI No 13.02 above 230.00 Sqm 43.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

but for every coat on
27 previously painted old wood
or steel work.(CSI No 13.03)

Applying BIRLA PUTTY or 113.00 Sqm 87.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

equivalent putty on new
interior or exterior surface
over one coat of water base
cement primer of ICI or
equivalent brand for
smoothning and leveling of
28 the surface as per
requirement and direction of
E/I, including cost of all
material,labour and T&P
required for proper
completion of work. (CSI No.

Applying BIRLA PUTTY or 790.00 Sqm 41.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

equivalent putty on OLD
interior or exterior surface
after cleaning the old painted
surface as per requirement
and direction of E/I, including
29 cost of all material, labour
and T&P required for proper
completion of work. (CSI No

Finishing walls with water 225.00 Sqm 95.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

proof exterior emulsion paint
(ASIAN)/Weather Shield Max
(ICI) or equivalent brand on
already well prepared new
wall surfaces over one coat
of under coat primer (ICI)
followed by One coat at
Apex/Weather shield Max
30 emulsion paint to give an
even shade including
thorough washing with water
as per direction E/I including
cost of all material labour &
T&P required for proper
completion of work. (CSI No.

Same as above item 660.00 Sqm 42.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

no.13.06 but for every
additional coat of water proof
31 exterior emulsion of approved
brand complete. (CSI No.
Same as above item 435.00 Sqm 66.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
no.13.07 but for each coat of
water proof exterior emulsion
of approved brand on old
32 surface including cleaning
the same before applying
emulsion complete.(CSI No

One priming coat & one coat 10.00 Sqm 59.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
synthetic/acrelic distemper on
new work including supply of
all materials, labour and T&P
33 etc. required for proper
completion of the work.(CSI
No. 13.09)

As in CSI 13.09 above but for 250.00 Sqm 24.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
34 every coat after the first coat.
(CSI No. 13.10)
As in item no. 13.10 above 240.00 Sqm 30.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
but for every coat on
35 previously old distempered
surface.(CSI No 13.11)
Dismantling reinforced 4.00 Cum 1043.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
cement concrete or
reinforced brick work or
Cement.Concrete. including
36 stacking of dismantled
material as directed by the
Engineer-in-charge within a
distance of 60 metres.(CSI
No 15.02)

Dismantling cement concrete 40.00 Sqm 53.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

or brick or granolithic floor,
inclduing base concrete as
and where required including
stacking of dismantled
37 material as directed by
Engineer-in-charge within a
distance of 60 meters. (CSI
No 15.03)

Dismantling existing plaster 30.00 Sqm 38.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

including disposal of refuse
38 as directed by the Enginer-in-
charge within a distance of
60 metres.(CSI No 15.06)
Supply and fixing 4 mm thick 2.00 Sqm 540.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
glass panes with putty &
brads of approved make and
quality as per sample
39 including supply of all
materials, labour and T&P
etc. required for proper
completion of the work .(CSI
No 22.06)

Scrapping and cleaning old 140.00 Sqm 10.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

white wash, colour wash,
cement wash or snowcem
etc. with wire brush, sand
paper etc. including disposal
of refuse as directed by the
40 Engineer-in-charge within a
distance of 60 metres
including cost of all labour,
T&P etc. required for proper
completion of work.(CSI No

Thorough cleaning of septic 1 Each 2000.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

tank with sludge pump
including disposal of waste
outside the corporation area
including removing septic
tank cover and refixing cover
41 in its position as per direction
of the E/I including cost of all
labour, T&P etc. required for
proper completion of work.
(CSI No. 22.19)

Same as in CSI No. 22.19 2 Each 250.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

42 Above but for inspection
chamber. (CSI No. 22.20)
Disposal of rubbish/debris 5 per cart 200.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
outside the corporation area
as per direction of Engineer
in-charge including cartage
43 labour and T&P etc. required
for proper completion of the
work. (CSI No. 22.22)

Providing & Replacing of 110 5.00 RM 250.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

mm dia PVC pipe (6
Kg/Sq.cm.) with PVC clamp
of approved make, Prakash
or equivalent make as per
sample approved by E/I for
44 rain water including cost of all
materials, labour and T&P
etc. required for proper
completion of work. (CSI No.
Providing and fixing 15m dia 5.00 RM 211.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
B-class (T.T./ Swastik make)
ISI marked G.I. Pipe
complete with G.I. specials
as bends, tee, socket cross,
clamps, etc. Earth work
including filling the trenches
etc. required for proper
completion of the work. The
45 rate also includes concealed
G.I. fitting where required,
cutting and making good the
walls etc. including cost of all
materials, labour T&P etc
complete (Internal work).
(CSI No. 24.01)

Providing and fixing 25m dia 5.00 sqm 350.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
B-class (T.T./ Swastik make)
ISI marked G.I. Pipe
complete with G.I. specials
as bends, tee, socket cross,
clamps,Union etc. Earth work
including filling the trenches
etc. required for proper
completion of the work. The
46 rate also includes concealed
G.I. fitting where required,
cutting and making good the
walls etc. including cost of all
materials, labour T&P etc
complete (Internal work).
(CSI No. 24.03)

Providing and fixing 20m dia 5.00 RM 222.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

B-class (T.T./ Swastik make)
ISI marked G.I. Pipe
complete with G.I. specials
as bends, tee, socket cross,
clamps, Union etc. Earth
work including filling the
trenches etc. required for
proper completion of the
47 work. The rate also includes
concealed G.I. fitting where
required, cutting and making
good the walls etc. including
cost of all materials, labour
T&P etc complete External
work).(CSI No 24.11)

Supply and fixing Brass bib 2 Each 810.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

cock 15 mm dia heavy quality
CAT 0010(Royal) Sonata or
equivalent make including
supply of all materials
labour .T&P etc. required for
the proper complittion of the
work (CSI NO.24.20)

Supply and fixing CP Brass 2 Each 834.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

bib cock long boady with
flange 15 mm dia heavy
quality CAT- 0020 (Royal)
Sonata or equivalent make
49 including supply of all
materials labour .T&P etc.
required for the proper
completion of the work. (CSI

Supply and fixing of 15 mm 4 Each 805.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

dia C.P.Brass Angle Valve of
heavy quality
SONATA,COATS or equiv.
50 make including supply of all
materials, labour and T&P
etc. required for proper
completion of the work.(CSI
No 24.26)

Providing and fixing full way 1 Each 712.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

Brass G.M. gate valve 20mm
dia with wheel valve ISI
marked heavy quality
including supply of all
materials, labour and T&P
etc. required for proper
completion of the work.(CSI
No 24.39B)

As in Item 24.39B above but 1 Each 644.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

52 15mm dia.(CSI NO 24.39A)

P/F Chlorinated polyvinyl 10.00 RM 270.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

chloride(CPVC) pipes, having
thermal stability for hot and
cold water supply including
all CPVC plain & brass
threaded fittings including
fixing of pipe with clamps at
1.00 m spacing . This
53 includes jointings of pipes &
fittings with one step CPVC
solvent cement and testing of
joints complete as per
direction of E/I (CSI NO
24B.02(a))20 mm nominal
outer dia pipe.
P/F Chlorinated polyvinyl 4.00 RM 315.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
chloride(CPVC) pipes, having
thermal stability for hot and
cold water supply including
all CPVC plain & brass
threaded fittings including
fixing of pipe with clamps at
1.00 m spacing . This
54 includes jointings of pipes &
fittings with one step CPVC
solvent cement and testing of
joints complete as per
direction of E/I (CSI NO
24B.02(b))25 mm nominal
outer dia pipe.

P/F Chlorinated polyvinyl 3.00 RM 391.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

chloride(CPVC) pipes, having
thermal stability for hot and
cold water supply including
all CPVC plain & brass
threaded fittings including
fixing of pipe with clamps at
1.00 m spacing . This
55 includes jointings of pipes &
fittings with one step CPVC
solvent cement and testing of
joints complete as per
direction of E/I (CSI NO
24B.02(c))32 mm nominal
outer dia pipe.

Providing and fixing of first 1 Each 3880.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

quality Orissa pattern white
glazed earthen ware ISI
marked W.C. pan size
580mm as per approved
sample (Hindware required
design No. 20042 or
equivalent make) with 100
mm size white glazed ‘P’ or
‘S’ trap including 10 litres
capacity low level PVC
flushing cistern as per
approved sample with all
accessories, 32 mm dia
56 C.P.flush pipe with union
including cutting and making
good the walls and floors.The
seat and trap shall have to be
fixed over minimum 75 mm
thick C.C. in proportion of
1:6:12 including supply of all
materials, labour, T&P etc.
required for proper
completion of the work . (CSI
No. 25.02)

Providing and fixing of Ist 2 Each 2932.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

quality white glazed earthen
ware wash hand basin ISI
marked size 550mm x
400mm (Hindware or
equivalent make) with R.S. or
C.I. brackets, C.P. Brass
pillar cock 15mm dia (weight
not less than 400 gms) ISI
marked, 32mm dia C.P.
brass chain with rubber plug,
32mm dia C.P. Brass waste
standard pattern with check
nut, P.V.C. connection 15
57 mm dia including cutting and
making good the walls and
floor including cost of all
required materials, labour
and T& P etc. required for
proper completion of work
( Fittings to be used should
be of superior quality as per
approved sample ). (CSI No.

Providing and fixing of first 1 Each 2763.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

quality white glazed earthen
ware flat back front urinal
basin size 465mm x 355mm
x 265mm as per approved
sample ( Hindware or
equivalent make ) with
58 necessary fittings, 32 mm
dia P.V.C. flush pipe with
brass unions including cost
of all materials, labour, T&P
etc. required for proper
completion of the work . (CSI
No. 25.13)
Providing and fixing 750mm x 1 Each 866.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
20mm size C.P. brass Towel
rail of approved quality (wt.
275gms including brackets)
with a pair of C.P. brass
brackets fixed with PVC
cleats & brass screws and
washers including cutting
59 and making good the wall
plaster including cost of all
materials, labour and T&P
etc. required for proper
completion of work (CSI NO.

Providing and fixing bevelled 1 Each 930.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

edge looking mirror 5.00mm
thick glass Indian polished
(Atul or equivalent make) size
600mm x 450mm as per
approved sample with 6mm
thick hard board sheet back
60 fixed with PVC cleats &
brass screws and washers
including supply of all
materials, labour, T&P etc.
required for proper
completion of work.(CSI NO.

Providing and fixing C.P. 1 Each 481.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

Brass soap dish with
brackets fixed to wooden
cleats with brass screws
61 including supply of all
materials, labour, T&P etc.
required for proper
completion of work.(CSI NO.

Providing and fixing 100mm. 2 Each 61.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

dia C.P. grating over Nahani
Trap or drain holes including
62 cost of all materials, labour
and T & P etc. required for
proper completion of the
work.(CSI No 25.24)

Total in Figures #VALUE!


Quoted Rate in Figures #VALUE! #VALUE!

Less (-) 1.20%

Quoted Rate in Words #VALUE!

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