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Percentage Boq: Validate Print Help
Percentage Boq: Validate Print Help
Tender Inviting Authority:-Superintending Engineer Electricity Civil Transmission Circle 220 KV Sub Station Sector 20
Name of Work:-Civil works for Renovation & Painting work of Control room Building at 132KV S/S Vaishali
Ghaziabad .
(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the
relevent columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name
and Values only )
Sl. Item Description Quantity Units Estimated TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT
No. Rate in AMOUNT In Words
Rs. P Without Taxes
Rs. P
1 2 4 5 6 53 55
2.00 Cum 159.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Excavation in foundation in
ordinary soil (loam clay or
sand) including lift upto 1.5
Metre and lead upto 30
metre and including filling,
1 watering, and ramming of
excavated earth into the
trenches or into the space
between the building and the
side of the foundation. (CSI
No. 4.01)
1st class brick work in 1:6 1.00 Cum 4673.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
cement and coarse sand of
2.25 F.M. mortar in
foundation and plinth
including supply of all
material, labour and T&P etc.
required for proper
completion of work. (CSI No.
1st class brick work in 1:6 0.50 Cum 5274.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
cement and coarse sand of
2.25 F.M. mortar in super
structure including necessary
6 cutting and moulding of brick
as required but for wall of
one, brick (230mm) thick wall
(CSI No. 6.01+6.06)
Supply and fixing 1.00 Sqm 624.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Stainless.Steel. mosquito
proof heavy quality iron wire
mesh of 15x28 G over
windows including supply and
fixing of necessary screws all
7 materials, labour and T&P
etc. required for proper
completion of the
work(Excluding cost of
beeding).(CSI No 8.15A)
One priming coat & one coat 10.00 Sqm 59.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
synthetic/acrelic distemper on
new work including supply of
all materials, labour and T&P
33 etc. required for proper
completion of the work.(CSI
No. 13.09)
As in CSI 13.09 above but for 250.00 Sqm 24.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
34 every coat after the first coat.
(CSI No. 13.10)
As in item no. 13.10 above 240.00 Sqm 30.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
but for every coat on
35 previously old distempered
surface.(CSI No 13.11)
Dismantling reinforced 4.00 Cum 1043.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
cement concrete or
reinforced brick work or
Cement.Concrete. including
36 stacking of dismantled
material as directed by the
Engineer-in-charge within a
distance of 60 metres.(CSI
No 15.02)
Providing and fixing 25m dia 5.00 sqm 350.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
B-class (T.T./ Swastik make)
ISI marked G.I. Pipe
complete with G.I. specials
as bends, tee, socket cross,
clamps,Union etc. Earth work
including filling the trenches
etc. required for proper
completion of the work. The
46 rate also includes concealed
G.I. fitting where required,
cutting and making good the
walls etc. including cost of all
materials, labour T&P etc
complete (Internal work).
(CSI No. 24.03)