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SECTION 1: NANOTECH OVERVIEW - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2

SECTION 2: NANOAUGMENTORS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
SECTION 3: NANOVIRUSES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
SECTION 4: NANO-ARMOR - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14
SECTION 5: NANO-WEAPONS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16
SECTION 6: INDEPENDENT NANOCOLONIES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19
SECTION 7: HOLISTIC NANOMEDICINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22
SECTION 8: NANOTECH FEATS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26
SECTION 9: CREATURE UPDATE: NANOSWARM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27
SECTION 10: CREATURE UPDATE: NANOSWARM TEMPLATES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36
SECTION 11: CREATURE UPDATE: HORROR TYPE K-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41

Lead Designer: Jason Stroh Interior Artists: drneurotoxin (fiverr), galilaweslywayn

Author: Jason Stroh (fiverr), oliver_artwork (fiverr)
Cover Artist: Trung Tin Shinji HR and Marketing Director: Sean Carew
Editorial Assistance: Holly Stroh Special thanks: Wife and kids for all their patience

Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version
1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.),
dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as
Open Game Content or are in the public domain are not included in this declaration.)
Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this game product are
Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the
material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Stroh Hammer, Gravity Age, and Gravity Age: Nanotech Emporium are trademarks of Stroh Hammer and Jason Stroh.
Compatibility with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Starfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Inc. See
http://paizo.com/starfinder for more information on the Starfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Inc. does not guarantee
compatibility, and does not endorse this product.
Starfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Inc., and the Starfinder Roleplaying Game and the Starfinder Roleplaying Game
Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under the Starfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See
http://paizo.com/starfinder/compatibility for more information on the compatibility license.
Gravity Age: Nanotech Emporium is published by Stroh Hammer under the Open Game License version 1.0a Copyright 2000
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
© 2017 Stroh Hammer
What follows is not a complete compendium of nanotech
augmentation, but it is an extension of the existing options
presented in The Starfinder Roleplaying Game for players
and game masters.
Nanotech in the modern era, is an emerging field of
science where scientists are trying to understand and Nanotech is the branch of future technologies
control matter at the nanoscale. To put it in perspective, which deal with dimensions and tolerances of less
there are 25,400,000 nanometers in an inch and a sheet of than 100 nanometers, especially the manipulation
paper is approximately 100,000 nanometers thick. of individual atoms and molecules.

Nanotechnology is already here and it’s not just a NANITE

concept that some nut job scientist at an elite technology
The basic working unit of nanotechnology is a
school is dreaming up. Well, it might be but some of those
nanite, a single tiny robot that can be as small as a
dreams are coming true. Although we are yet to build tiny
dozen atoms in length. Nanite is a generic term: Any
drones that search out and destroy cancer, we are actively
robot built using nanotech, no matter what its
using this technology in many industries. Nanotechnologies
purpose, is a nanite. Each one must be constructed
are being used in medicine, electronics, food, fuel cells,
and programmed for a specific purpose, and a
solar cells, batteries, advanced materials, environmental
nanite's true power lies not in what it can do
cleanup, sporting goods, and fabrics.
individually, but what it can be programmed to do
In the future, nano-fabrics are not just stain resistant but in complete synchronization with millions of other
also bullet proof, so when your operative goes medieval on nanites that make up a nanocolony.
some gun-toting bad guys and takes them out with a sword,
It is possible for a single item or piece of material
you don’t have to worry about buying a new shirt. Even
to be composed of hundreds or thousands of
tablet computers will appear to be nothing more than a
different types of nanites, just as an animal is
clear sheet of plastic which can be easily rolled up and put
composed of a multitude of different types of cells.
away for storage, or stuck to a wall for use.
In most settings, nanotechnology is not some cheap
technology that can be picked up off the street. While it is creature to permanently enhance performance and
feasible that some campaign settings might have continue to function indefinitely. Nanoaugmentors are only
nanotechnology so common that any character could go to removed by other nanites or by commanding the
the local nanotech clinic and receive the latest nanite nanoaugmentors to end their program. When this occurs,
injection, its more likely that obtaining nanotechnology for nanoaugmentors are absorbed and recycled by the host
personal use is more difficult than simply dropping the body.
credits. GMs might limit the availability of nanotechnology Unlike other augmentations, nanoaugmentors can share
by not only making nanocolonies expensive to purchase, body systems with cybernetic or biotech augmentations.
but also requiring the character to become a member of a However, you are limited to one active nanoaugmentor at
particular organization. a time and can only have one nanoaugmentor per body
Although nanotechnology is present in almost all future system. Nanoaugmentors can be activated or inactivated
technologies, this guide focuses applications which can as a move action.
directly and indirectly affect your characters. Injecting a nanoaugmentor does not require a skill check.
Each nanoaugmentor takes one minute per level to become
fully integrated into the host when it’s first injected.
Nanotech augmentations (“nanoaugmentors”) follow Nanoaugmentors are the most expensive type of
most the cybernetic augmentation rules found in The augmentation but make up for their expense with ease of
Starfinder Roleplaying Game. Nanotech augmentations use.
latch onto a specific biological system and provide Crafting new nanoaugmentations requires a character to
consistent bonuses as long as the nanites remain active. have an Engineering skill equal to the nanoaugmentors’
Most nanoaugmentors are injected into a character or level and an engineering lab. Although crafting
nanoaugmentors doesn’t save you any credits, creating takes 1 round regardless of whether it’s considered light or
your own might be the only way to obtain them in regions heavy armor. When a character dons nano-armor you
where nanotechnology is unavailable. It takes one hour per predetermine what the EAC/KAC split will be with the flex
level of the nanoaugmentors to manufacture a AC bonus. A character can readjust the EAC/KAC bonus at
nanoaugmentor. the beginning of their turn as a swift action in any round.
Upgrades for nano-armor must be made of nanites and
for this reason all armor upgrades for nano-armor cost
A nanovirus is a group of nanites acting like a virus to 120% of their list price.
enhance or alter a specific body function. They move
through the body and alter boost the efficiency of cells they
are programmed to affect. Unlike nanoaugmentors a Nano-weapons are specialized nanoviruses which in
nanovirus is fast acting, taking only a single round to most cases cause harm to the subject rather than providing
activate. However, the effects of a nanovirus are a benefit. Most nano-weapons, like other applications of
temporary. You can only have one active nanovirus at a nanotechnology, started with more altruistic goals before
time unless otherwise noted. If you are exposed to two or the idea of weaponizing them came to fruition. Few nano-
more active nanoviruses you must make a Fortitude save weapons were conceptualized as potential weapons from
(DC = 10 + the sum of active nanoviruses’ levels), or gain the the start. It’s usually near the end of the development life-
nauseated condition for as long as you have more than one cycle a scientist looking for additional research funds, or a
active nanovirus, plus 1d6 rounds. scientist of questionable ethics has the eureka moment
There are designer nanoviruses that lay dormant after where they tell themselves, “Hey, wouldn’t this make an
injection. These designer nanoviruses are triggered by a awesome weapon, and I bet a defense company would pay
circumstance or as a conscious action by the recipient. A top dollar for the design specifications.”
designer nanovirus can survive for up to a year after Nano-weapons are stored in 1 ounce canisters and
injection before it is destroyed by the body’s natural almost always delivered by injection. The needler pistol and
defense mechanisms. You are limited to one dormant rifle presented in Chapter 7 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook,
designer nanovirus at a time. Injecting more than one and the retractable syringe presented in Section 4 of the
dormant designer nanovirus simply causes the previously Gravity Age: Cybernetics Emporium, are the most common
one to get flushed from your system. delivery devices.
Each nanovirus has a specific delivery mechanism like a All nano-weapons with the injection delivery mechanism
pharmaceutical, most can be injected, some are ingested, can also be purchased as a nano-grenade by paying double
and a few are even delivered by suppository. the normal purchase price. A nano-grenade consists of the
typical nanite canister placed in a grenade-like container
whch deploys the nano-weapon as a 15-foot radius aerosol
The experience of wearing nano-armor compared to burst. This makes them twice as dangerous in public but
most common armor is like riding a high-performance much easier to defend against in military situations. Any
hover bike juxtaposed to riding your grandmother’s tricycle. armor that provides breathing as an environmental
Both modes of transportation get you there but one does it protection automatically shields the wearer from the
faster and in style. In the case of armor, both armor types effects of a nano-grenade. The aerosol deployment method
provide protection from energy and kinetic weapons but does not function in a vacuum. For additional information
nano-armor generally out performs the rest because of its on grenades, see the "Weapon Descriptions" section in
ability to adjust its protection according to the greatest Chapter 7 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook.
In many ways nano-armor is exactly like standard armor,
both provide bonuses to EAC and KAC, possess a maximum Although all the other categories of nanotechnology are
Dexterity bonus, a potential armor check penalty, speed by definition nanocolonies, the this section of the
adjustment, upgrade slots, and a bulk rating. Unlike emporium is a catch all for independent nanocolonies that
standard armor many types of nano-armor provide flex AC don’t fit into a specific category. An independent
bonus that can be applied to EAC, KAC, or divided across nanocolony is one that is capable of functioning and
both armor class bonus types. Donning nano-armor only surviving outside of a contained environment. Independent
nanocolonies can take many forms and can be either involved in the application nanites to the limits of the
airborne or part of another piece of technology. These imagination.
nanocolonies usually perform independent tasks, such as Nanotechnology in medicine involves the application of
creating, building, or destroying, without having to enhance both nanocolonies and nanoparticles to make repairs to
or alter an existing object. In fact, most independent biological systems at the cellular and subcellular level.
nanocolonies are designed to function as autonomous units Nanites have been designed in a way that allows them to
once released into the environment, only altering their work like antibodies capable of assisting with and boosting
objectives when given new commands or new our natural healing processes. Nanomedicines have been
programming. programmed to repair diseased cells, hunt and kill bacteria,
Independent nanocolonies are among the most remove toxins, eliminate damage from radiation, deliver
dangerous because they can move about freely and cannot pharma, and assist in the implantation of character
be reclaimed easily (if at all) should a malfunction occur. In augmentations.
some settings, independent nanocolonies are responsible Unlike the nanotech previously described in this
for the fall of entire civilizations. Some independent emporium, the holistic nanomedicine which follows relies
nanocolonies are capable of wiping out entire planets, on the nanite working in a controlled or contained
moving from one location to the next devouring and environment. The procedures are too invasive to deliver by
destroying anything that stands in their way. mere injection. The devices which follow might even be
perceived as fringe science or weird science. Some devices
might be banned all together depending on a societies
The use of nanotechnology in medicine offers almost ethical views or acceptance of nanotechnology
limitless possibilities. In a less advanced society, some of
the applications of nanomedicine might even be
misinterpreted as magic. Science has taken the techniques
Table 2-1 Nanoaugmentors

Focus overload 1 450 Brain

Watchdog 1 400 Spine
Darkvision 3 1,950 Eyes
Personal upgrades, minor 3 1,400 NA
Prophecy 3 1,680 Brain
Proprioception 3 1,675 Brain and Spine
Psionic dampener 3 1,675 Brain
Chatter 5 3,125 Brain
Twenty/Twenty, standard 5 2,985 Eyes
Environ-x, standard 6 4,800 Skin
Nociception, standard 6 3,955 Skin
Personal upgrades, standard 7 6,500 NA
Twenty/Twenty, darkvision 7 6,915 Eyes
Acoustic wayfinder, standard 8 10,740 Ears
Focus regulator 8 14,400 Brain
Cyber psychosis dampener, standard 9 20,000 Brain
Perfect memory 10 22,200 Brain
Soullink 10 22,000 Brain
Nociception, advanced 11 24,955 Skin
Environ-x, advanced 12 57,600 Skin
Acoustic wayfinder, advanced 13 58,800 Ears
Biofountain 13 60,000 All
Personal upgrades, major 14 75,000 NA
Nociception, superior 15 122,000 Skin
Cyber psychosis dampener, advanced 17 288,000 Brain
Doppelganger 18 360,300 Skin and Eyes
Environ-x, superior 18 359,950 Skin

Ears All
Standard 8 10,740 Standard 13 60,000
Advanced 13 58,800 This is a nanoaugmentor for those who want to live
This nanoaugmentor allows the character to navigate forever, and is frequently injected into the rich and famous,
and react to their environment using audio feed back rather biofountain virtually eliminates disease and is solely
than visual ques in a method similar to echolocation. responsible for doubling the life expectancy of its recipient.
Standard acoustic wayfinder nanites grant you the Any recipient of this nanoaugmentor becomes immune to
blindsense special ability with a range of 30 feet. Characters disease and gains Fast Healing 1 as long as the
injected with advanced acoustic wayfinder nanites gain nanoaugmentor is active in all body systems.
blindsight with a 30 foot range. The blindsense and blind SYSTEM
sight ranges double underwater, but don’t work at all if the Brain
character is in a vacuum. For additional information on MODEL LEVEL PRICE
blindsense and blindsight, see the "Senses" section in Standard 5 3,125
Chapter 8 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook.
Chatter is a useful nanoaugmentor colony frequently
injected into soldiers on covert missions. It allows
communication without speech. In many ways, chatter
resembles the technology of the internal communicator. SYSTEM
However, unlike the internal communicator, the nanites in Skin/Eyes
a chatter nanoaugmentors attach directly to the speech and MODEL LEVEL PRICE
language centers of the brain. When you wish to Standard 18 360,300
communicate via your chatter nanites, you need only to Devious nanoaugmentors popular with criminals, the
think of what you would say and the nanoaugmentors doppelganger nanites act as a dynamic plastic surgery
transmit those thoughts over a communications channel. system. They alter the physical appearance of their host.
When other nanites receive the communication, they The nanoaugmentors can change the hair and eye color of
transmit the information directly into your brain. a character instantly and, if desired, can reconfigure the
Each set of chatter nanites is keyed to only communicate bone structure and actual facial appearance of a character
with other chatter colonies sharing the same encryption in ten minutes.
key. Individuals without the chatter nanites can Reconfiguring the bone structure and facial features of a
communicate and receive communications from those with hero are excruciatingly painful. Most doppelganger colonies
the chatter nanoaugmentors through a computer system or release anesthetics before and during the process to
communicator properly keyed into the same encrypted eliminate or reduce some of the pain. A doppelganger
communications channels. colony can change the hero’s features any number of times,
When you are injected with the chatter though each time requires 30 minutes of transformation
nanoaugmentors, you must spend 30 minutes practicing so time and another 30 minutes of recovery time. A character
that ambient thoughts do not interfere with the that has doppelganger nanoaugmentors transform their
communications. physical features gains the nauseated condition for the first
SYSTEM 30 minutes and sickened condition during the recovery
All period.
MODEL LEVEL PRICE Once the transformation is complete you gain a +10 on
Standard 9 20,000 Disguise skill checks to impersonate the subject of your
Advanced 17 288,000 transformation. You must have seen and observed your
The cyber psychosis dampener is a nanoaugmentor subject at least once for at least 5 minutes.
designed to combat the increasing number of cyber SYSTEM
psychosis cases due to the prevalence of hedge cybernetic Skin
surgeons on the fringes of known space. These nanites MODEL LEVEL PRICE
reduce the effects of cyber psychosis to 1 round when Standard 6 4,800
triggered by a failed ability check, skill check, saving throw, Advanced 12 57,600
or attack roll. The advanced cyber psychosis dampener Superior 18 359,950
allows a character to spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to One of the “second skin” nanoaugmentors, environ-x
remove the cyber psychosis effect. For additional creates a network of nanolattices producing an
information on Cyber Psychosis, see the "Cybernetics environmental field (a minor force field specially attuned to
Overview" section in Section 1 of the Gravity Age: pressure and temperature that does not reduce damage
Cybernetics Emporium. from attacks). The recipient does not have to make a
SYSTEM Fortitude save to avoid environmental damage from cold
Eyes and heat. Further, the recipient of advanced environ-x gains
MODEL LEVEL PRICE fire resistance 5 and cold resistance 5. Superior environ-x
Standard 3 1,950 increases the cold and heat resistance to 10.
One of many useful nanoaugmentors, you gain the ability SYSTEM
to see 60 feet in total darkness. Darkvision is black and Brain
white only but otherwise like normal sight. Darkvsion can MODEL LEVEL PRICE
be turned on or off as a swift action. Standard 1 475
Focus overload nanoaugmentors allow you to memorize
a long string of numbers, a long passage of verse, or some
other particularly difficult piece of information including
symbols, ancient languages you don’t speak, and exotic
scripts. Each round you can memorize a single page of text Intelligence skill checks, but if you fail an Intelligence skill
(up to 800 words), numbers, diagrams, or sigils (even if you check roll you gain the dazed condition until your next
don’t recognize their meaning). If a document is longer than action.
one page, you can take as many rounds as necessary. If you TYPE
are interrupted, you can pick up where you left off. You NA
retain this information as long as the focus overload THERAPY LEVEL PRICE ABILITY
nanoaugmentors are active. Minor 3 1,400 +2
It takes 1 round to retrieve information stored with focus Standard 7 6,500 +4
overload nanoaugmentors. However, each time you use Major 14 75,000 +6
this ability to memorize or retrieve information you gain the The nanoaugmentors attach themselves to the host’s
staggered condition for a minimum of 1 round during the cells augmenting the natural abilities of a specific cell type.
memorization or retrieval process. These nanites produce massive physical or mental changes
SYSTEM in the character. These upgrades use the Personal Upgrade
Brain rules presented in the Starfinder Core Rulebook, under the
MODEL LEVEL PRICE Augmentations section under Equipment.
Standard 8 14,400 SYSTEM
After the focus regulator injection nanites travel directly Brain and Spine
to the recipient’s frontal lobes, temporal grey matter, MODEL LEVEL PRICE
caudate nucleus, and cerebellum. This regulator has much Standard 3 1,680
of the same effect as drugs used to treat Attention Deficit Another one of the brain-altering nanoaugmentations,
Disorder and improves concentration, impulse control, prophecy allows the character to receive visual and audio
inhibition, and motor activity. The focus regulator data from a remote source. Prophecy nanoaugmentors link
nanocolony provides a +1 circumstance bonus to all skill to a computer system that receives images and video from
checks, and a +2 circumstance bonus to Will saves. multiple sources and funnels the information directly to the
However, use of focus regulators inhibits emotions and the nanocolony. A character can be fed images from other
recipient receives a –2 penalty to Charisma. locations, giving them access to everything from security
SYSTEM camera locations to computer representations of terrain.
Skin Like chatter, prophecy is often used on soldiers in the field
MODEL LEVEL PRICE DR to transmit dynamic battlefield representations directly
Standard 6 3,955 2/- into a soldier’s mind. Additionally, prophecy is used to give
Advanced 11 24,955 4/- mission briefings on the fly. However, prophecy nanites
Superior 15 122,000 6/- cannot record or transmit data, and only act as receivers of
After injection, nociception nanoaugmentors travel to information from the remote computer system. It takes
the character’s skin where they attach themselves to the 2d6 rounds to tune prophecy into a wireless channel.
character’s nervous system and block their pain receptors. SYSTEM
Nociception nanites allow the character to withstand Brain and Ears
unnatural levels of pain. When active, these nanites grant MODEL LEVEL PRICE
the character different grades damage reduction against Standard 3 1,675
Stamina damage based on the model of the nociception Any character injected with the proprioception obtains a
nanites. The damage reduction ends when the character’s heightened sense of awareness, the effort being employed
Stamina Points are reduced to 0 and they begin taking Hit in their movement, and the relative positions of their own
Point damage. body part’s. Receptors in the character’s nervous system
SYSTEM even gain some information about the body’s position
Brain before the position is obtained. Proprioception
MODEL LEVEL PRICE nanoaugmentors grant the character a +1 insight bonus to
Standard 10 22,200 all Dexterity based skill checks.
Perfect memory is a blessing and a curse. The perfect
memory nanoaugmentors train your brain through micro-
shock therapy. You gain a +4 circumstance bonus to all
SYSTEM nanoaugmentation works with only those vessels that
Brain support soullink technology.
Standard 3 1,675 Eyes
A psionic dampener is an inhibitor that characters can MODEL LEVEL PRICE
find beneficial or harmful. Originally, psionic dampeners Standard 5 2,985
were designed to suppress a person’s inherent psionic Darkvision 7 6,915
ability and help quite the intrusive thoughts of those around One nanoaugmentation that can be incredibly useful for
you. This often happens to newly awakened minds. A scouts and investigators is the twenty/twenty nanocolony.
psionic dampener suppresses all of a character’s By attaching to and enhancing sensitivity of a creature’s
psionic/phrenic abilities when active, making it impossible optic nerves, the 20/20 nanites improve the creature’s
to use any psionic powers. A non-psionic character may vision. One of the most common consumer nanotech
choose this nanoaugmentor because it also provides the injections, 20/20 corrects eye problems such as
character with a +4 enhancement bonus to all saves made nearsightedness or a stigmatism. A creature injected with
to resist the effects of mind effecting spells and powers. It’s 20/20 nanites immediately gains a +2 enhancement bonus
a swift action to activate or deactivate these nanites. These to all vision-based Perception checks.
nanites are not flushed from the body when inactive they
Darkvision twenty/twenty includes the ability to see 60
simply lay dormant.
feet in total darkness, but in black and white. Activating
SYSTEM darkvision is a swift action.
Standard 10 22,000
Pilots and drivers that want greater interaction with their Standard 1 400
vehicles frequently seek out soullink injections. The soullink
Often used in medical situations as well as in space
nanites connect the mind of a character directly to the
exploration, the watchdog nanoaugmentation is a catchall
vehicle, starship, or mecha the character is currently
phrase used to describe nanocolonies that monitor the
piloting. The mind of the pilot directly links to the vessel,
health condition of a creature. Watchdog nanites monitor
melding his consciousness with it. The pilot maneuvers the
everything from heart rate and blood pressure to brain
vessel as though it were an extension of his body. In
activity and the purity of air being taken into a host’s lungs.
combat, this nanoaugmentation allows the pilot to know
Hospitals and other medical facilities often inject their
when and where the vessel sustains damage; he also knows
patients with watchdog nanocolonies to monitor vital signs
the severity of the damage without requiring an
and watch for early warning signs of illness relapses or other
Engineering skill check.
medical problems. Additionally, organizations involved in
An unfortunate drawback to this link between pilot and space exploration often use the nanoaugmentation to
machine is that if the vessel’s onboard computer system monitor the vital signs of their explorers in remote regions
suffers trauma, such as when it takes damage, the pilot’s of space. Watchdog nanocolonies can be linked to
mind often suffers damage as well. Whenever a soullinked computer systems to monitor and report data
vessel suffers damage to its computer systems, the automatically. However, a watchdog nanocolony cannot
soullinked pilot must make a Will save (DC 20) or suffer an take action to heal or prevent damage to a host in the event
immediate 1d4 points of ability damage to his Wisdom of a problem with the host body’s physiology. It takes 2d6
score. round to tune watchdog into a wireless channel.
A character with this nanoaugmentation gains a +6 bonus
on Pilot skill checks while piloting a soullinked vessel. This
Table 3-1 Nanoviruses

Nano-hunter, standard 1 80 Injection

Calcion 2 165 Injection
Photon refractors, limited 2 170 Injection
Hydro-lung 3 355 Injection
Leukonytes 3 375 Injection
Linguist 3 345 Injection
Neuron boost 4 500 Injection
Panacea, standard 4 450 Injection
Adaptive organ replacement, standard 5 800 Injection
Micro-muscels 5 755 Injection
Overdrive 5 750 Injection
Photon refractors, standard 5 750 Injection
Poly-vi, standard 5 1,000 Injection
Speedstitch, standard 5 720 Injection
Nano-hunter, advanced 6 2,000 Injection
Adaptive organ replacement, designer 7 1,750 Injection
Brain boost 7 1,750 Injection
Speedstitch, designer 7 1,720 Injection
Photon refractors, advanced 8 2,770 Injection
Sixth sense 8 2,550 Injection
Poly-vi, advanced 10 7,000 Injection
Breach, designer 11 6,250 Injection
Nano-hunter, superior 11 12,500 Injection
Panacea, advanced 11 6,400 Injection
Regenous-N 13 12,500 Injection
Aegis, standard 14 25,500 Injection
Poly-vi, superior 15 40,000 Injection
Aegis, designer 16 39,950 Injection
Nano-hunter, ultra 16 87,500 Injection
Poly-vi, ultra 20 333,335 Injection

SYSTEM limbs. Adaptive organs are actually formless blobs of

Virus organic matter (“organiform”) infused with nanocolonies
MODEL LEVEL PRICE and a variety of chemicals. This mix serves as a stopgap
Standard 5 800 measure to keep a subject alive until they can be given a
Designer 7 1,750 sufficiently cloned organ or cybernetic replacement. The
Necessity is often said to be the mother of innovation. formless organic matter is injected or otherwise inserted
The adaptive organ replacement nanovirus was engineered into an injured creature or character.
to treat grievous wounds on the battlefield in situations Adaptive organ replacement will keep a damaged organ
where time is of the essence and proper medical facilities functioning for up to 48 hours. Advanced adaptive organ
might not be available. replacement can prolong an organ’s function for up to two
One of the most interesting and useful developments in weeks. These nanites cannot be applied to the same organ
the field of biotech is the concept of adaptive organ more than once and if the organ isn’t repaired or replaced
replacement. Often used on battlefields and in situations within limited timeframe the character will suffer the
where time is of the essence. Adaptive organ replacement appropriate effects based on the organ. (i.e. If it’s an eye
provides a quick and versatile solution to cloned organs and the character loses sight, if it’s a heart the character
automatically suffers massive damage and dies.)
SYSTEM normally gets a strong metallic taste in their mouth during
Virus this process. Breach goes dormant after this process and
MODEL LEVEL PRICE can remain so for up to a year.
Standard 14 25,500 When breach is activated, it changes the harmonic
Designer 16 39,950 quantum frequency of the recipient’s body and equipment
The aegis nanovirus is frequently used by spies and other putting them slightly out of phase with their surroundings.
individuals trying to enter places inconspicuously and who This allows the recipient to pass through metal, plaster,
want to boost their defenses when the “poop” hits the fan. plastic, stone, or wood by allowing the recipient to pass
It forms a carbon lattice just beneath the skin protecting the through the space between the atoms. It does not allow
recipient from kinetic and energy weapons. the recipient to pass through force fields or star metals.
You gain DR 5/- against kinetic damage including While out of phase, the recipient is considered incorporeal
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. You also gain with all its benefits and drawbacks.
energy resistance 5 against a single energy type. You must Once breach is activated it can be used up to 5 times over
choose the energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic the course of the next hour before it expires. Each time
damage) when the aegis nanovirus is activated. You may breach is used the recipient is only out of phase a brief
force the nanites to change the type of energy resistance as instant (only long enough to take a single action). Breach is
a move action on your turn as many times as you choose as activated as a swift action which allows the recipient to
long as the nanovirus is active. The aegis nanovirus last for immediately use a single move action to pass through a wall
2d6 minutes before expending its energy and getting or barrier. While out of phase you can travel as far as you
flushed from the recipient’s body systems. can move.
SYSTEM If you come back into phase while in an object it almost
Brain always results in death as your atoms are intertwined with
MODEL LEVEL PRICE those of the surrounding materials. If you are within 5 feet
Standard 7 1,750 of an opening, you are entitled to a Reflex save (DC 25) to
Brain boost is a nanoaugmenter that gives the brain safely make it out of the solid object. If you fail by 5 or less
increased memory capacity frequently used by scientists, you are stuck in the surface of the solid object (use the
researchers, and mathematicians. The nanites in brain Table: Wounding Weapons in The Starfinder Role Playing
boost latch onto the memory and thought centers of the Game to determine the effect and damage). If you fail by 6
brain and transmit data back and forth between these or more you die an instant death by having your atoms
centers at an incredible rate. Each nanite can store large merged with those of the solid object. If you succeed the
amounts of data and acts as a temporary memory storage reflex save you narrowly escape death.
center. Brain boost nanites also move back and forth SYSTEM
between various memory centers, copying and moving Virus
information in the most efficient manner possible. MODEL LEVEL PRICE
Your thought and memory abilities are increased greatly. Standard 2 165
Any character injected with brain boost gains a +4 The calcion nanovirus is one of the most beneficial and
enhancement bonus to Intelligence. This bonus remains in commonly used nanocolonies in the field of medicine.
effect for up to 4 hours as long as the nanoaugmenters Calcion is a bone-knitting nanite that repairs fractures and
remain attached to the brain. breaks in bones with advanced calcium-grafting technology.
Additionally, calcion repairs joints and aids with skin
Virus regeneration. A character injected with calcion heals Hit
MODEL LEVEL PRICE Point damage at twice their normal natural rate until she
reaches full hit points or 24 hours has passed. After your
Designer 11 6,250
health is fully restored, the calcion nanoaugmentors
Of all the nanoviruses, breach is the most exotic and one
deactivate and cease to function.
of the most dangerous to use. Each breach nanovirus fits
on the head of a pin. When breach is injected it replicates
itself until ever cell in the recipient’s body has a breach
nanovirus incorporated within it. It takes 1 minute for the
nanovirus to spread throughout the body and the recipient
SYSTEM effects of the jitter nanites. In addition, once anyone has
Virus succumbed to jitter induced confusion they can no longer
MODEL LEVEL PRICE use the nanovirus without regaining the confused
Standard 3 355 condition.
Hydro-lung was one of the first nanovirus applications. Jitter can only be used once per day. The nanites remain
When the nanovirus is injected into the character the active in the user’s system for 24 hours. Additional
nanovirus attaches to the alveoli in the lungs and allows the injections have no benefits, but do require the subject to
lungs to extract oxygen directly from any type of water. make and additional % check to avoid the confused
Activating the nanovirus is a rather unpleasant condition.
experience, you gain the staggered condition the first round SYSTEM
you begin breathing water. After overcoming the fear of Virus
drowning and your body’s natural responses to inhaling MODEL LEVEL PRICE
water, you can act normally. These nanite allow you to Standard 3 375
breath underwater as long as you are submerged. The leukonyte nanovirus carry out tasks similar to white
Deactivating the nanovirus is equally unpleasant. You gain blood cells, protecting the body against both infectious
the staggered condition while forcing the water out of your disease and foreign invaders including; viruses, bacteria,
lungs. If you need to briefly come to the surface it is and toxins. The recipient gains a +4 bonus on Fortitude
possible to hold your breath or in this case hold your water saves against poison or disease. These nanoaugmentors are
while operating out of the water. See The Starfinder Role commonly administered to soldiers, medical personnel, and
Playing Game for rules on holding your breath. researchers working with or in areas plagued by disease or
SYSTEM bioweapons. The leukonytes nanovirus provides disease
Virus resistance for 7 days before going inactive and flushing from
MODEL LEVEL PRICE your system.
Standard 6 975 SYSTEM
JTR-102b or “Jitter” is a military grade solution to the Virus
absence of a cup of coffee and a good night’s rest. Jitter MODEL LEVEL PRICE
allows mission critical employees to operate around the Standard 3 345
clock without stopping to rest. When jitter is injected it The linguist nanovirus allow you to read, understand, and
immediately attaches itself to the subject’s nervous and communicate in a language you don’t understand. For this
endocrine systems. The nanites assist in the production nanovirus to work you must have the physical and mental
hormones, adrenalin, and other chemicals that emulate the means to communicate. The nanovirus last for 24 hours
effects of a good night rest. after injection or until its dismissed. You must spend 10
Any subject injected with jitter gains all the benefits of 8 minutes acclimating to a new language before you are
full hours of uninterrupted rest. This allows the subject to considered proficient.
regain some Hit Points, all their Stamina Points, and remove SYSTEM
the fatigued or exhausted condition. (If spell casting is Virus
present in your campaign a caster may still have to spend MODEL LEVEL PRICE
time to study or pray to memorize spells). Standard 5 755
Although the effect of the nanites is non-addictive, there These nanites are often used to enhance soldiers and
are occasionally some undesired side effects. Overuse, or a those involved in athletics. Micro-muscle nanites attach
simple bad reaction to jitter results in confusion. Each time themselves to muscles which enables them to perform
jitter is used there is a 1% chance of gaining the confused beyond their normal limitations. Micro-muscles not only
condition because parts of the brain fail to reset while the enhance the strength of a creature injected with the
body releases extra hormones, adrenalin, etc. If a subject nanites, but also allows the creature to push its muscles
were to take jitter for several consecutive days their chance beyond their normal capacity.
of confusion doubles each time its used 1%, 2%, 4%, 8%,
Any creature or character injected with micro muscles
16%, 32%, 64%, 100%. There is no saving throw against this
gains a +4 bonus to Strength while the nanites are
confusion and the condition lasts for 24 hours or a
functioning. The subject gains an additional +4 bonus on all
specialized nano-hunter is administered to counter the
Athletics skill checks involving endurance or long-term
activity. The nanovirus lasts for up to 4 hours or as long as When making a full attack, while under the effect of the
the nanites are attached to the subject’s muscles. overdrive nanovirus you can also take a separate move
SYSTEM action in order to move. The movement can occur before,
Virus after, or between the attacks from the full attack. All
MODEL LEVEL PRICE movement must occur at the same time. All your modes of
Standard 1 80 movement (including base, burrow, climb, fly, and swim
Advanced 6 2,000 speeds) increase by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice your
Superior 11 12,500 normal speed using that form of movement. This increase
Ultra 16 87,500 counts as an enhancement bonus, and applies to your
jumping distance as a bonus for increased speed.
Nano-hunters are nanoviruses with one specific purpose:
to search and destroy other nanites. The nano-hunter The overdrive nanovirus only last 4d6 rounds before
nanites can be injected into a living creature to destroy one burning itself out and it doesn’t stack with any haste effect.
nano augmentation, colony, or virus already in the subject. SYSTEM
Before a nano-hunter can be used, it must be Virus
programmed to seek out and destroy a specific type of MODEL LEVEL PRICE
nanite. Any computer or neural computer with a datajack Standard 4 495
can perform this task as a full round action. After nano- Advanced 11 6,400
hunter is programmed it is injected like other nanoviruses. Panacea is a powerful nanovirus used by medics to
In situations where time is of the essence, it’s not remove afflictions from a recipient, potentially neutralizing
uncommon for a nano-hunter to be preprogrammed. Once diseases, infestations, poisons, and other harmful
a nano-hunter has been programmed it cannot be changed conditions. The recipient is entitled to a new saving throw
without a Computers skill check (DC 15 + nano-hunter’s with a +4 circumstance bonus for each or their active
level). It can never be reprogrammed after injection. afflictions (DC = the DC of the affliction). Success means the
The maximum nanite level effected by a nano-hunter is affliction is removed. In addition, if the recipient is blind or
the nano-hunter’s level plus four. (i.e. a 1st level nano- deaf due to an affliction or damage, panacea restores their
hunter can destroy up to a 5th level nanovirus, vision and hearing unless the appropriate organ has been
nanoaugmentor, nanocolony, or nanoweapon). entirely removed from the subject’s body.
A creature that is cured with panacea takes no additional
Brain effects from the diseases, infestations, or poisons removed,
MODEL LEVEL PRICE and any temporary effects are ended. The nanovirus does
Standard 4 500 not reverse instantaneous effects, such as Hit Point
damage, temporary ability damage, or effects that don’t go
The neuron boost nanovirus attaches itself to your
away on their own (such as poison states). This nanovirus
central nervous system increasing your reaction times. You
does not prevent the target from being afflicted by the
can react much faster to changing conditions than you
same disease, infestation, or poison after a later exposure
would normally. While the neuron boost nanovirus is active
at a later date.
you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to initiative and a +4
enhancement bonus to Reflex saving throws. The neuron Advanced panacea allows the character to spend one
boost nanovirus remains active for 4 hours as long as it resolve point and automatically remove a single affliction.
remains attached to your central nervous system. SYSTEM
Standard 5 750 Standard 5 750
Advanced 8 2,770
Frequently used by soldiers and special operations
groups, overdrive is a popular nanovirus. It works by Photon refractor nanites attach themselves to the
attaching itself to your central nervous system and muscle subjects endoderm (skin) and actually bend light waves as
receptors granting you enhanced speed. The targeted they approach the subject. A round after injecting the
creatures move and act more quickly than normal. This standard photon refractors the subject’s outline appears
extra speed is a haste-like effect. blurred, shifting, and wavering. This distortion grants the
subject concealment (20% miss chance). Any subject using Regenerous-N also restores 2d8 Hit Points per round for
the limited photon refractors must use at least one move 6 rounds, and eliminates all nonlethal damage the target
action each round to gain this benefit. The advanced has taken. It has no effect on nonliving creatures (including
photon refractors allows the subject to benefit from total undead). However, it can be used to repair cybernetics
concealment (50% miss chance), but unlike normal total since they are programmed into the recipient’s genes.
concealment conditions this does not prevent enemies
from targeting the subject. This effect last for 4d6 rounds Virus
before the nanites are drained of power and are removed MODEL LEVEL PRICE
from the subject’s system by natural means. Standard 8 2,550
The ability to see invisibility does not counteract the blur The sixth sense nanovirus augments the recipient’s
effect, but a true seeing does. Opponents that cannot intuitive faculty giving them increased awareness beyond
visually see the subject ignore the nanovirus’s effect that which is considered normal perception. When you are
(though fighting an unseen opponent carries penalties of its surprised, you may make a Wisdom check (DC 15) to act
own). during the surprise round. You also gain a +2 insight bonus
SYSTEM to Perception skill checks. This augment last 4 hours or until
Virus it is deactivated. You cannot rest to regain stamina while
MODEL LEVEL PRICE this nanovirus is active.
Standard 5 1,000 SYSTEM
Advanced 10 7,000 Virus
Superior 15 40,000 MODEL LEVEL PRICE
Ultra 20 333,335 Standard 5 720
By far the most expensive, yet most versatile line of Designer 7 1,720
nanoviruses is poly-vi. Poly-vi can mimic the effects of any Speedstitch is composed of nanites proficient in
other nanovirus of equal or lesser level. Prior to injection accelerating the body’s natural healing process allowing it
poly-vi must be given instructions as to which nanovirus it to rapidly repairing hit point damage. Each injection of the
will be replicating. Any computer or neural computer with speedstitch nanovirus heals 3d6 points of damage
a datajack can perform this task as a full round action. After immediately upon introduction to the recipient’s body.
poly-vi is programmed it is injected like other nanoviruses. Once this healing is complete, the speedstitch nanites
Poly-vi manufacturers are required to build safety deactivate and cease to function.
protocols into their nanovirus, which prevent them from Designer speedstich nanovirus lays dormant in your
being used to create nano-weapons or gray goo. system and may be activated as a swift action on your turn
SYSTEM or automatically as a reaction if you are reduced to 0 Hit
Brain Points. Designer speedstich can remain in your system for
MODEL LEVEL PRICE up to a year before expiring.
Standard 13 12,500
Regenerous-N is a miracle of science for characters and
others suffering from severed body members (fingers, toes,
hands, feet, arms, legs, tails, or even heads of multiheaded
creatures), broken bones, and ruined organs (including
eyes). The regenerous-n nanovirus allows you to grow
severed body members back. It rebuilds your missing body
parts by reading the blueprints from your DNA.
After the nanovirus is injected, the physical regeneration
is complete in 1 round if the severed members are present
and touching the creature. The severed member must be
reattached within one hour to be viable for reattachment.
If the severed member is not available it takes 2d10 hours
to completely regrow a limb or organ.
Table 4-1 Nano-armor
Smart Suite 1 5 3,050 4 4 4 4 - - 1 L
Reactive Amor 1 6 5,000 8 8 4 2 -1 - 2 1
Smart Suite 2 11 25,250 11 11 6 5 - - 2 L
Reactive Amor 2 12 50,000 15 15 6 3 -1 - 4 1
Fortified Vest [20%] 13 50,000 15 15 - 4 - - 2 L
Fortified Vest [40%] 15 128,000 17 17 - 5 - - 3 L
Fortified Vest [60%] 17 295,000 19 19 - 6 - - 5 L
Smart Suite 3 17 315,000 15 15 8 6 - - 3 L
Reactive Amor 3 18 500,000 20 20 8 4 -1 - 6 1

Type nanites as they constantly reweave themselves into the

Light fabric.
MODEL LEVEL PRICE A fortified vest is considered light armor provides a bonus
Fortified Jacket [20%] 13 50,000 to EAC and KAC, but it is treasured for its fortification
Fortified Jacket [40%] 15 128,000 abilities. It give a character a percentage chance that a
Fortified Jacket [60%] 17 295,000 critical hit is treated as a normal attack, dealing normal
The fortified vest was originally designed to protect damage and not applying any critical effect. You roll your
criminals from would be assailants and revenge seekers fortification percentage chance before the critical hit’s
during transport and trial. Due to the expense of the damage is rolled.
nanites used to manufacture each fortified vest and its Fortified jackets do not require a power source or
association with hardened criminals owning one has recharging. They are powered by nanobatteries which are
become a status symbol among elite criminals. From a recharged by body heat, solar, and kinetic mechanics.
distance a fortified vest is often mistaken for a normal
hoodie, but closer inspection reveals a shimmer from the
Reactive Armor 1 6 5,000
Reactive Armor 2 12 50,000
Reactive Armor 3 18 500,000
Reactive armor is the smart suite’s big brother and
the most advanced application of nanotechnology in
armor. Unlike other heavy armor that provides specific
amounts of protection against energy and kinetic attacks
the reactive armor nanites can adjust themselves to provide
greater protection against the greatest threat.
Before reactive armor is activated it is worn as a belt with
a matching pair of boots. Casual inspection will reveal they
are of simple design but made from exotic materials. Close
examination requires an Engineering check (DC = 12 +
equipment level) to determine they are made of nanites.
When the armor is activated the nanites stream from the
belt and boots covering the wearer in a full suite of heavy
Starmetal Lab’s Fortified Vest armor complete with self-contained breathing and pressure
controls in addition to zero-g boots. It takes one round to wearer in a full suite of light armor complete with self-
don a reactive armor. contained breathing and pressure controls in addition to
Like a smart suite, reactive armor provides base EAC and zero-g boots. It takes one round to don a smart suite.
KAC bonuses which are adjusted by the flex AC bonus. The The smart suite provides base EAC and KAC bonuses
flex AC bonus can be split between the EAC and KAC bonus which are adjusted by the flex AC bonus. The flex AC bonus
in whatever combination the character desires or the entire can be split between the EAC and KAC bonus in whatever
flex bonus can be applied to just one base bonus. The EAC combination the character desires or the entire flex bonus
and KAC should be calculated when the armor is activated. can be applied to just one base bonus. The EAC and KAC
The EAC and KAC can be readjusted as a swift action on any should be calculated when the armor don. The EAC and KAC
of your following turns. can be readjusted as a swift action on any of your following
In addition to adjusting the character’s EAC and KAC turns. This adaptability allows smart armor to fulfill a
reactive armor provides limited damage reduction and greater variety of tactical roles.
energy resistance. When the nanites react to a kinetic Smart suites are powered by nanobatteries which are
attack, they provide damage reduction equal to the reactive recharged by body heat, solar, and kinetic means. The
armor’s model number (DR 1/-, DR 2/-, or DR 3/-). Because smart suite holds enough power for 4 hours of continuous
of the reactive nature of the nanites, the wearer can also operation. The smart suite can only be recharged while
ignore some energy damage from any energy type. While deactivated and regains 1 hour of charge per hour it
the armor is active, the character gains energy resistance remains deactivated.
equal to the model number of the reactive armor against all
energy types (acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic).
Reactive armor is powered by nanobatteries which are
recharged by body heat, solar, and kinetic mechanisms.
Reactive armor holds enough power for 8 hours of
continuous operation. The reactive armor can only be
recharged while its deactivated and regains 1 hour of
charge for every 2 hours its deactivated.
Smart Suite 1 5 3,050
Smart Suite 2 11 25,250
Smart Suite 3 17 315,000
Available on only the most advanced worlds the smart
suite is an advanced application of nanotechnology. Unlike
other light armors that provide specific amounts of
protection against energy and kinetic attacks, the smart
suite nanites can adjust themselves to provide greater
protection against the greatest threat.
Before the smart suite is activated it is worn as a pair of
bracers or large bracelets most often mistaken as exotic star
metal jewelry of simple design. Close examination requires
an Engineering check (DC = 12 + equipment level) to
determine they are made of nanites. When the armor is
activated the nanites stream from the wrists covering the Raijin Smart Suite
Table 5-1 Nano-Weapons

Glowworm, standard 3 500 Injection

Gray death 3 585 Injection, or touch
Friendship 5 650 Injection
Carbonite encasement 6 995 Injection
Truth bringer 6 1,150 Injection
Jubilex, standard 6 1,000 Injection
Glowworm, advanced 7 1,500 Injection
Gray death, blue death 9 4,495 Injection, or touch
Nano-EMP 9 4,500 Injection
Jubilex, advanced 10 5,250 Injection
Reaper 10 4,950 Injection
Glowworm, superior 11 6,000 Injection
Paralytic inhibitor 11 6,185 Ingestion, or injection
Gray death, violet death “chainsaw” 13 12,475 Injection, or touch
Kill switch 15 30,000 Ingestion, or injection
Synapse Overload 18 95,000 Injection

DELIVERY For most people an injection with gray death is a death

Injection sentence. Each round the victim must make a Fortitude
MODEL LEVEL PRICE save (DC 20) or suffer 1d2 points of damage to each of their
Standard 6 995 ability scores. Gray death continues every round until either
One of the strangest nano-weapons on the market, all of the victim’s ability scores are reduced to 0, or the gray
carbonite encasement was originally developed to ship death is deactivated by a nano-hunter. Victim’s slain by
livestock between planets on sub-FTL system ships. gray death become gray goo colonies. (There may be other
ways of removing this affliction at the GM’s discretion.)
The subject must make a Fortitude save (DC 16), or
succumb a state of hibernation. The nanites use carbon Blue Death: This is the weaponized version of gray-blue
molecules stored in the subject’s solid, liquid, and gas goo. Blue death functions exactly like standard gray death
wastes to encase their body in carbonite lattices complete except it only reacts with carbon-based organics. It will
with controls to end the encasement. Carbonite dissolve an enemy and transform them into gray-blue goo,
encasement can be maintained for up to one year per level but has the advantage of leaving their equipment intact and
or Hit Dice of the subject. Carbonite encasement only works undamaged.
on carbon based organics. Violet Death: Designed as a weapon from conception,
violet death is the assassin’s weapon of choice. Violet death
Injection, Touch functions like blue death but is programmed to only attack
MODEL LEVEL PRICE organisms with specific nuclear DNA markers. Its also
Standard 3 585 known as “chainsaw” on in the shadow market because it
can eliminate an entire family tree. Violet death can target
Blue Death 9 4,495
up to five generations of a family. Note, a husband and wife
Violet Death 13 12,475
don’t share the same DNA markers, but their children do.
A weapon of the most depraved and fool hardy, gray
Targeting a child’s nuclear DNA would affect both parents,
death is a weaponized derivative of gray goo. It comes in a
but targeting a parent’s nuclear DNA would affect the
special injection module with its own containment field.
targeted parent and the children leaving the other parent
When the nanovirus is injected into victim gray death goes
immediately to work replicating itself at the host’s expense.
The gray death builds more gray death nanites by recycling Gray death and its derivatives blue death and violet
the hosts living tissues for materials. death are all horrible nano-biological weapons. They are
outlawed by almost all civilizations that have the of the nanovirus is known. Criminals have been know use
technology to produce them. jubilex on innocents to cover their escape.
DELIVERY The jubilex nanovirus attacks the neurological system,
Injection causing the subject to be confused, as per confusion, for
MODEL LEVEL PRICE 2d6 rounds. If the subject succeeds at a Will save (DC 16)
Standard 5 650 they are unaffected by the jubilex nanites. Advanced jubilex
Friendship makes a humanoid creature or playable is more intense than the standard version, requiring a Will
character race regard you as its trusted friend and ally (treat save (DC 20) to avoid the confused condition. If the saving
the subject’s attitude as friendly). This nanovirus causes the throw is failed, the subject is gains the confused condition
subject to act as though they are under the effect of a for 2d6 round but the D% is increased by +25% and any roll
Charm Person spell with a few exceptions. of 100+ is considered a 100.

Once the subject is injected they receive a Will save (DC DELIVERY
15 to fight off the effects of the friendship nanovirus. If they Ingestion,
succeed they are not charmed, but gain the dazed condition Injection
for 1 round. If the subject failed their Will save they fall MODEL LEVEL PRICE
under the charm person affect for 4 hours. Designer 15 30,000
Killswitch is a deadly nanovirus used by extremist
Injection governments and top-secret agencies to blackmail subjects
into doing something they normally wouldn’t do. Killswitch
isn’t just a clever name, it allows someone to trigger a
Standard 3 500
potentially deadly nanite attack remotely as simply as
Advanced 7 1,500
flipping a switch. Unlike other nanoviruses, killswitch isn’t
Superior 11 6,000
always injected, but often ingested after being planted in
Glowworm is favored among bounty hunters and spies
food or drink. After ingestion, the killswitch nanites work
who literally need to paint a target on their quarry. The
their way to the brain and heart of the subject. Killswitch
subject must make a Fortitude save (DC 11 ), or a pale glow
must be triggered, but may be done so remotely through
surrounds the subject in a dim luminescence similar to
the Cortex or the Tracer network. These nanites can also be
candle light. Any subject outlined by the effects of the
set to trigger if the subject ever disconnects from the Cortex
glowworm nanites takes a -20 penalty on all Stealth checks.
or the Tracer network.
An outlines subject does not gain any benefit from
concealment provided by darkness, blur, displacement, When kill switch is triggered, the subject must make a
cloaking, refractors, invisibility, or similar effects. Advanced Fortitude save (DC 25) or take 3d6 Constitution damage. If
glowworm is more difficult to resist (Fort DC 15) and the subject makes their saving throw they take half damage.
superior glowworm is even difficult to resist (Fort DC 19). SYSTEM
Once glowworm infects a subject the nanovirus feeds off Brain
the biological energy provided by the host and its effects MODEL LEVEL PRICE
will last indefinitely until the subject makes a fortitude save Standard 9 4,500
or is injected with proper nano-hunters. The subject is The nano-EMP is one of the great equalizers when
entitled to a new saving throw every 24-hours to rid primitive societies find themselves at odds with highly
themselves of the glowworm nanites. advanced ones. These nanites are often gifted to primitives
DELIVERY by spacefaring societies who are opposed to the advanced
Injection society the primitives have found themselves at odds with.
MODEL LEVEL PRICE After injection, the nano-EMP lays dormant in its host. The
Standard 6 1,000 host can activate the nano-EMP as a move action. Once
Advanced 10 5,250 activated the nano-EMP lets out a relatively weak 30-foot
Jubilex is another seedy black-market nanovirus popular radius electromagnetic pulse. This pulse is too weak to
amongst anarchist and persons more interested in causing destroy electronic equipment but is strong enough to
mayhem than out right murder. Due to its nature, the victim prevent it from functioning while in its area of effect. The
is often brought down by law enforcement before the truth pulse effect last for 4d6 rounds and cannot be turned off
once activated. This nano-weapon is a one-use item.
Cybernetics and bionics (biotech) operate on biological subject only takes half damage for that activation. Reaper
systems and are not affected by this nano-weapon, but the can only be activated once per round, but does not have to
pulse does temporarily shut down other nanites. be activated in successive rounds.
SYSTEM Reaper comes with a small remote control for activating
Virus the nanites. The range on the remote control is limited to
MODEL LEVEL PRICE 500 feet. Since reaper is used in espionage it was
Standard 11 6,185 specifically designed not to work on wireless Cortex or
Paralytic inhibitors have as many legitimate as Tracer frequencies as to avoid any form of remote detection
illegitimate uses. In addition to injection these nanites may from traffic sniffing.
also be ingested. They immediately spread throughout the DELIVERY
body and attempt to cease all of the target’s motor Injection
The subject must make a Fortitude save (DC 21), or gain Standard 18 95,000
the helpless condition for 2d6 minutes. If the subject For many years this nanovirus was used in correctional
succeeds on their saving throw they gain the staggered facilities for prisoners sentenced to death. After injection,
condition for 1 round. the nanite colony travels straight to the brain. This
DELIVERY nanovirus causes all the subject’s synapses to violently
Injection trigger resulting in a storm of overstimulation.
MODEL LEVEL PRICE The subject immediately takes 14d20 damage and is
Designer 10 4,950 staggered for 1 minute. The subject can make a successful
An incredibly vile nanovirus, reaper is used in both Fortitude (DC 21) to avoid the staggered condition, but still
torture and espionage. It has a single purpose—to inflict takes full damage.
excruciating pain and damage to the subject. It floats inert DELIVERY
in the bloodstream until activated, at which point the Injection
nanites burrow outward in random directions. Unlike other MODEL LEVEL PRICE
nano-weapons reaper can be activated up to 5 times and Standard 6 1,150
each time the results are more intense than the previous A favorite nanovirus for interrogation specialist, the truth
activation. bringer prevents the subject of the injection to tell any
When reaper is activated, the subject is inflicted deliberate or intentional lies. The subject is aware that they
agonizing pain that imposes a –2 penalty to ability checks, cannot lie and can choose to avoid answering a question
attack rolls, and skill checks. In addition, the subject must rather than telling the truth. It last for 4 hours and is then
make a Fortitude DC 20, or take 1d8 points of damage. This flushed out by subject’s natural body systems.
damage is not subject to any form of shielding or damage The subject may attempt to resist the truth bringer
reduction. Each time reaper is activated the damage nanites by making a Will save (DC 16), but failure result in 2
increases by 1d8, so by the fifth activation it does 5d8 Wisdom damage. The subject can avoid the saving throws
damage. Each activation is subject to a separate Fortitude by telling the truth.
saving throw. In the case of a successful saving throw the
Table 6-1 Independent Nanocolonies

Gray goo, gray 1 500 -- L 1 1

Holographic Servant 3 950 unlimited -- -- --
Nano-clothes 3 1,000 unlimited 1 -- --
Utility fog, obscuring 5 2,675 1/day 1 -- --
Zombie dust, standard 5 2,650 -- -- 1 1
Gray goo, gray-blue 6 5,000 -- L 1 1
Deflection screen, standard 7 7,125 10 rounds/day -- -- --
Zombie dust, advanced 8 10,550 -- -- -- --
Utility fog, solid 9 14,350 1/day -- -- --
Deflection screen, advanced 13 52,475 10 rounds/day -- -- --
Zombie dust, superior 13 51,750 -- -- 1 1

SYSTEM in almost every case are completely unprepared for the

Colony results. Gray goo must be contained in a magnetic storage
MODEL LEVEL PRICE field or it will eat through almost any organized matter
Standard 7 7,125 while it replicates itself.
Advanced 13 52,475 This colony of nanites exists for the sole purpose of
This nanocolony is normally worn as a belt buckle or replicating itself. The nanites within gray goo attack any
broch. When activated the nanites envelope the subject organic or organized materials they come in contact with
producing a visible sheen just above the skin’s surface. and convert it into additional gray goo nanites. In other
These nanite operate in quite the opposite fashion of a words, any manufactured object or person that touches this
magnetic containment field, the deflection screen repels material is consumed by it. A few examples, gray goo will
different energy types providing a +2 circumstance bonus eat though armor, ceramics, clothing, plastic, sheet metal,
to the wearer’s EAC. The advanced deflection screen or glass but will not consume disorganized materials like
provides a +4 circumstance bonus to the wearer’s EAC. concrete or stone. Gray goo is not harmed by water and
Activating the deflection screen is a move action. actively avoids contact with it.
The nanobatteries store enough energy to power the Anyone touching or being touched by gray goo must
deflection screen 10 round per day. The nanites are attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC 30) for each round of
recharged by kinetic energy and magnetic fields. Neither contact. If the save is successful, the character severed
type of deflection screen requires a separate power source. contact before any damage was done. If the save fails, the
nanites have gotten into the character’s system. The
Colony character takes 1 point of ability damage to all their ability
MODEL LEVEL PRICE scores every 10 minutes. When the character’s Constitution
score is reduced to 0 they are irretrievably killed and
Gray 1 500
completely transformed into gray goo. The only way to
Gray-Blue 6 5,000
prevent this is to amputate any portion of the body that has
Gray goo is one of the most destructive
come in contact with the gray goo nanites (use the Table:
nanotechnologies in the universe. In its infancy the primary
Wounding Weapons in The Starfinder Role Playing Game to
goal for scientist in the field of nanotechnology was to build
determine the body location).
nanites capable of self-replication. This seemed like a noble
goal since millions of nanites are needed to perform a given Fortunately, gray goo is extremely slow and it only moves
task and creating nanites is incredibly difficult given their 5 feet per round. Gray goo does not have to roll to hit
size. Unfortunately, gray goo is generally one of the first simply occupying the same space requires a saving throw.
successful nanocolonies that scientists learn to create, and It will always attempt to consume the closest source of
material for replication and will not chase a potential victim servant is a move action. The nanites cannot be activated
past an easier source of raw materials. if beyond the range of its AI.
Gray goo nanites are immune to all energy and kinetic SYSTEM
attacks. The only known surefire way to destroy it is by Colony
introducing nano-hunters to the colony. MODEL LEVEL PRICE
Blue Goo: Blue goo is a derivative of normal gray goo but Standard 3 1,000
it only consumes organic matter otherwise its identical to Not all nanorobotic systems change the course of human
gray goo. Blue colonies were developed as a weapon of history, or turn garbage into starship fuel. Nano-clothes are
mass destruction. It had one purpose, to eliminate all a simple form of nanocolony that transforms itself to the
enemy personnel but leave the base and equipment intact. user’s tastes as a comfortable, fashionable outfit that never
SYSTEM needs to be washed or changed. Its operation doesn’t
Colony interfere with other nanocolonies. This nanocolony
MODEL LEVEL PRICE provides a +1 circumstance bonus to Charisma based skill
Standard 3 950 checks which require the character to be dressed in a
specific outfit or uniform.
Although the holographic servant has often been
considered a vanity item, many lonely souls in the depths of SYSTEM
space would have went lost their mind without one. This Colony
nanocolony provides a semi-transparent semi-corporeal MODEL LEVEL PRICE
form to an A.I. That advantage of a holographic servant Obscuring 5 2,675
over other holographic devices is the capability of the Solid 9 14,350
nanites to manipulate their surroundings. It can fetch an Inactive utility fog is carried in a 1-liter container. If
item, open doors, get you a coffee, or scratch an itch as long it were poured out, it resembles a formless, colorless
as its within network range of its central A.I. Any computer substance a little more viscous than water. When
with an A.I. can be synced with this nanocolony. utility fog is fed instructions through a computer or
neural computer, it can reorganize its size and density
The holographic servant can perform one physical
to produce a fog cloud of nanites. Activating or
activity at a time due to the limited number of nanites
deactivating utility fog is a move action.
dedicated to physical manipulation. It can only open
Standard utility fog produces a 20-foot radius, 10-foot
normal doors, drawers, lids, and the like. It has an effective
high cloud of nanite fog surrounding the controller. The fog
Strength score of 2 (so it can only manage items of 1 bulk or
can be programmed to move with the controller or left in
less). It can trigger some types of traps, but it can only extert
place. The controller range on utility fog is 100 feet +
up to 20 pounds of force, which is not enough to activate
10/level of the computer or neural computer used to
certain pressure plates and other devices. It can’t perform
control the fog. If the controller walks out of range the fog
any tasks which require a skill check for a skill which it
falls harmlessly to the ground and can only be retrieved by
doesn’t possess or that cannot be used unskilled. Although
the controller coming back into range. The fog can only be
produces enough propulsion to move objects and hover
moved up to 30’ per round by the controller. Utility fog
slightly above the ground it cannot fly, climb, or even swim
obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A
(though it can walk on water). Its base speed is 15 feet.
creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20%
The servant cannot attack in any way; it is never allowed
miss chance). Creatures farther away have total
an attack roll. The holographic servant is dispersed and
concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can’t use
destroyed if it takes 6 points of damage from area attacks
sight to locate the target).
and is also destroyed by strong winds. (It gets no saves
A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the utility fog in 4
against these attacks.) A holographic servant only functions
rounds; a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the fog in 1
within 100 feet of its AI or within 100 feet of a network that
round. These nanites do not function underwater.
provides direct access to its A.I. If the holographic servant is
cut off from its AI or moves beyond its functional range, the Solid utility fog functions like standard utility fog, but in
nanites fall to the ground and it ceases to exist. addition to obscuring sight, the solid utility fog is so thick
that it impedes movement. Creatures moving through a
The holographic servant is stored in a tiny canister the
solid utility fog move at half their normal speed and take a
size of a shotgun shell. Activating or deactivating the
-2 penalty on all melee attack and damage rolls. Ranged
attacks are ineffective against creatures within the fog.
Kinetic weapons are slowed and energy weapons are zombie dust attack the living in attempt to create the
diffraction and absorbed. A creature or object that falls into conditions necessary to create new zombie dust colonies.
solid fog is slowed so that each 10 feet of vapor that it An uncontrolled zombie will intentionally “dust” other
passes through reduces the falling damage by 1d6. A corpses. Dusting a corpse is a full action.
creature cannot take a 5-foot-step while in solid utility fog. Zombie dust grants the zombie template to any
Solid utility fog, and effects that work like solid utility fog, corporeal creature meeting the requirements. Advanced
do not stack with each other in terms of slowed movement zombie dust grants any zombie variant template (CR +0) to
and attack penalties. any corporeal creature meeting the requirements. Superior
Unlike standard utility fog, only a severe wind (31+ mph) zombie dust grants any zombie variant template (CR +1) to
disperses these vapors, and it does so in 1 round. any corporeal creature meeting the requirements.
SYSTEM Any zombie created with zombie dust gains the Nanite
Colony Repair special ability. For additional information on the
MODEL LEVEL PRICE Nanite Repair see Nanoswarm Menu A under the Creature
Standard 5 2,650 Update: Nanoswarm section of this emporium.
Advanced 8 10,550 A few interesting facts about zombie dust; zombie dust
Superior 13 51,750 was originally marketed as a “coroner in a bottle”, more
Zombie dust is a tool worthy of any Gothic horror tale. than one moon base has fallen victim to a zombie
The nanites are used to reanimate a recently deceased apocalypse, and possession of zombie dust is illegal almost
corpse. Zombie dust is a nanite colony which reacts to everywhere.
chemicals (a mix of Benzene, Freon, Sulfur, and carbon
tetrachloride) naturally release by a corpse shortly after
death. The conditions for zombie dust to work properly
only exist within the first 72 hours after death. Zombie dust
has no effect on the living.
Zombie dust is normally carried in a small vile and once
the contents of the vile are poured into any opening in the
corpse. If the gases are present, the nanite colony
immediately goes to work replicating and scrubbing the C02
from the corpse substantially slowing down decay. At the
same time parts of the colony repair critical neural
pathways to the primitive sections of the brain and muscle
tissue. It only takes 1d4 minutes for the subject to rise as a
nano-zombie (“zombie”). A zombie can be created only
from a mostly intact corpse and the corpse must be that of
a creature with a physical anatomy that was once living.
Zombie dust is usually synced with a computer or neural
computer. Either type of computer can control up to 4HD
per device level of zombies. The zombies are considered
uncontrolled under any of the following conditions; the
computer controlling the zombies is destroyed, the zombie
dust isn’t linked to a computer before application to a
corpse, or the computer doesn’t have the hit dice capacity
to control the Zombie. Unfortunately, due to the replication
protocol of the nanites, uncontrolled zombies created by
Table 7-1 Holistic Nanomedicine

Healing chamber, tier 1 4 1 4,000 200 100 1 1

Healing chamber, tier 1 9 6 36,000 1,200 100 1 1
Healing chamber, tier 1 16 11 160,000 6,400 100 1 1
Resurrection chamber, copper 16 12 374,000 41,500 250 1 1
Mnemonic transfer pod 18 See below 325,000 70,000/35,000 200 1 1
Resurrection chamber, silver 18 14 824,000 91,550 250 1 1
Resurrection chamber, gold 20 16 2,000,000 264,000 250 1 1
1 Character’s will gain access to this item before they are available for purchase. They can pay the “price per use” at a facility hosting one
of these holistic medicine devices.

SYSTEM The subject is not unconscious but sedated and able to

Colony follow simple instructions and is responsive. If the subject
MODEL LEVEL PRICE is attacked or brought out of the chamber before the
Tier 1 4 4,000 process has completed they will gain the staggered and
Per use 1 200 confused condition for 2d6 minutes until the twilight
Tier 2 9 36,000 anesthesia wears off.
Per use 6 1,200 The tier 1 does not allow the subject to regenerate lost
Tier 3 14 160,000 limbs or organs and does not restore negative levels.
Per use 11 6,400
The healing chamber was one of the first standardized
applications of nanomedicine. These chambers started out The tier 2 healing chamber functions like the tier 1
in only the most prestigious medical institutions but over healing chamber except it ends additional conditions and
the course of only a few generations they have found their heals Hit Point damage at a faster rate. After an hour of
way into general practice medical facilities in poorest of immersion, the healing chamber completely restores a
communities. It’s not uncommon for a starship to have one subject’s Stamina Points, temporary negative levels, and
in their medical bay. Healing chambers use nanites and a ends any and all of the following adverse conditions
green translucent nutrient bath to heal injuries and affecting the target: ability damage, blinded, confused,
afflictions. Healing chambers are typically large tube like dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued,
structures in which the subject is completely immersed. feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, poisoned, sickened, and
stunned. The subject heals 2 Hit Points of damage every 10
TIER 1 HEALING CHAMBER minutes or 12 Hit Points an hour and the nanites continue
After an hour of immersion, the healing chamber to restore Hit Points as long as the subject remains in the
completely restores a subject’s Stamina Points and ends healing chamber. The healing chamber also restores one
any and all of the following adverse conditions affecting the permanent negative level per week of continuous
subject: blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, immersion.
diseased, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, poisoned, The tier 2 does not allow the subject to regenerate lost
sickened, and stunned. Inside the healing chamber the limbs or organs.
nanites accelerate and enhance the body’s natural cellular
repair rates. The subject heals 1 Hit Point of damage every TIER 3 HEALING CHAMBER
10 minutes, or 6 Hit Points an hour, and continues to heal The tier 3 healing chamber functions like the tier 2
Hit Points as long as the subject remains in the healing healing chamber except it heals Hit Point damage and
chamber. negative levels at much faster rates than other healing
While in the healing chamber, the subject is placed under chambers. This healing chamber also allows the subject to
twilight anesthesia to induce anxiolysis (anxiety relief), and regenerate lost limbs and organs. The subject heals 4 Hit
anterograde amnesia (inability to form new memories). Points of damage every 10 minutes or 32 Hit Points an hour
and the nanites continue to restore Hit Points as long as the
subject remains in the healing chamber. The healing tier 3 healing chamber will remove insanity and restore a
chamber also restores one permanent negative level per 48 subject original identity.
hours of continuous immersion. The regenerative
properties of the specialized nanites in the tier 3 healing
chamber restore a subject’s severed body members When a subject’s identity is transferred to a clone, the
(fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms, legs, tails, or even heads of nanites in the subjects old body perform the mnemonic
multi-headed subject), broken bones, and ruined organs. transfer by recording their identity and transmitting the
The healing chamber take 2d6 hours to regrow a severed recordings directly to a colony of paired nanites in the
body member. clone’s mind. The transmissions are transmitted over an
encrypted frequency. It takes 1 hour per character level of
the subject to transfer an identity to a clone. When the
process completes the original subject’s body dies.
Mnemonic transfer Pod 18 325,000 Unlike other forms of mnemonic transfer, if a mnemonic
PROCESS LEVEL PRICE transfer is interrupted while the subject’s identity is being
Clone 14 70,000 transferred to a clone the subject does not go insane. The
Trade 16 70,000 subject retains all their memories and the clone never
Coexistence 16 70,000 activates. The mnemonic transfer does not include the price
Remove Coexistence 18 70,000 of the clone.
Upload to AI 11 35,000 TRADE
These highly specialized nanites allow the subject’s Mnemonic transfer between two subjects and
memories, ideologies, and behavior (“identity”) to be exchanging identities is more complicated than transferring
transferred to another host. This technology was originally an identity to a clone. Due to the complexity of identities
developed to transfer one’s consciousness or soul to a and brain mapping, the subjects must belong to the same
clone, but it has also been used in a more nefarious way. species or race. During mnemonic transfer, nanites in both
Complete mnemonic transfer can allow two subjects to subjects simultaneously record their subject’s identity,
trade identities, essentially trading bodies, or it can be used transfer their identity to the other subject and substitutes
to allow more than one identity to occupy the same body. the new identity over the existing identity erasing it in the
During mnemonic transfer, the subject or subjects are process. It takes 1 hour per character level of both subject’s
typically restrained due to seizure-like muscle spasms combined to complete an identity trade.
induced by the mnemonic transfer. Nanites are injected
directly into the brain, usually through the eye socket in
humans and mammals, but can vary by species. The nanites Only the most deranged or desperate individuals would
spread throughout the brain and begin recording the use mnemonic transfer to coexist identities with another
chemical and electrical markers which make up a subject’s subject. The process for coexistence is identical to trading
identity. identities except the nanites “make room” in the second
Performing a mnemonic transfer requires a medical subjects mind to receive the first subject’s identity. An
professional with Medicine and Life Science skills equal to unwilling subject is still entitled to a saving throw and
the procedure being performed and a medical lab. interrupting the mnemonic transfer still has potentially
fatal results.
Any who is unwilling to undergo mnemonic transfer is
entitled to a Will save (DC 25), to fight off the nanites and When two identities share the same host body the
prevent the mnemonic transfer. It cannot be attempted identity with the largest ego runs the show. The ego of each
again for 24 hours due to the elevated chemical levels and identity is determined by adding together each identities
electrical activity which prevent the nanites from properly character level plus INT, WIS, and CHA modifiers (ego =
recording the subject’s identity. character level + INT modifier + Wisdom modifier +
Charisma modifier). The identity with the higher ego is
If the mnemonic transfer is interrupted the subject or
known as the superior ego, while the identity of the lower
subjects become insane (permanent confusion condition).
ego is known as the inferior ego. The inferior ego may
The insanity can be repaired by restarting the mnemonic
attempt to wrestle control of the host by making an
transfer and allowing it to complete, or using it to reverse
opposed ego check. (Ego check is a d20 + ego score vs
the partial identity transfer which has already occurred. A
opponent’s d20 + ego score). In some rare cases the
superior ego allows the inferior ego to run day to day containing potentially lethal radiation required to stimulate
operations of the host, but may also force an opposed ego cell growth and resist the corrosiveness of the nutrient bath
check to take control of a situation. The host only has used during the resurrection process. The nanites are
access to the class ability’s available to the identity with the released into the chamber with the nutrient bath, allowing
controlling ego. them immediate access to the building blocks of life. Due
to the complexity of the resurrection tasks, the nanites are
controlled remotely by a specialized tier 10 computer.
Splitting coexistent identities is the most difficult Resurrecting a subject takes 1 hour per level or hit dice of
processes faced by anyone performing a mnemonic the subject.
transfer. It is the only type of mnemonic transfer which
Resurrection chambers are extremely rare and access to
requires a Medicine skill check by the medical professional
a resurrection chamber normally requires membership to
performing the operation.
an organization which can afford to maintain and defend its
Splitting the personalities requires a Medicine skill check resurrection chamber. In addition to purchase price, every
(DC = superior ego’s character level + the inferior ego’s resurrection chamber has a per use cost associated with the
character level). if the check is successful, one of the nanites and nutrient bath which are consumed by the
identities can be moved to a clone, uploaded and converted resurrection process.
to a computer AI, or erased.
The copper resurrection chamber can restore life to a
The final use for mnemonic transfer is uploading a subject that has been dead no longer than 10 days. On rare
subject’s identity to a computer and converting it into an AI. occasions the body is fully repaired but never regains
This is an irreversible process. Once an identity has been consciousness. Mystics have theorized that the subject’s
converted to an AI it is impossible to map the identity back soul must be free and willing to return.
to a biological format. It takes 1 hour per character level of
Coming back from the dead is an ordeal. The subject
both subjects combined to complete an identity trade. Any
brought back by the copper resurrection chamber gains two
AI created though mnemonic transfer follows any existing
permanent negative levels when it is raised, just as if it had
rules already in play for a singularity. Subject’s may
been hit by an energy-draining creature. If the subject is 1st
continue to gain character levels through experience, but
level, it takes 2 points of Constitution drain instead (if this
otherwise gain the construct (technology) type. The AI can
would reduce its Con to 0 or less, it can’t be raised from
remain in a properly tiered computer, travel the Cortex, or
be uploaded to a drone or robot.
A raised subject has a number of hit points equal to its
A subject’s identity cannot be uploaded to a computer
current HD and does not regain any Stamina Points. Any
for storage without being converted to an AI. The storage
ability scores damaged to 0 are raised to 1. Normal poison
capacity required to store an identity in its biological format
and normal disease are cured in the process of raising the
is simply too large.
subject. (If your campaign includes magic or psionics,
SYSTEM diseases and curses of this nature are not undone.) While
Colony the chamber closes mortal wounds and repairs lethal
MODEL LEVEL PRICE damage of most kinds, the body of the subject to be raised
Copper 16 374,000 must be whole. Otherwise, missing parts are still missing
Per use 12 41,500 when the subject is brought back to life. (If your campaign
Silver 18 824,000 includes magic or psionics the raised subject returns with
Per use 14 91,550 no spells or powers available.)
Gold 20 2,000,000 This chamber only works on creatures which can be
Per use 16 264,000 identified by the Life Science skill.
The resurrection chamber is the most advanced
application of nanotechnology. The chamber is designed to
revive a deceased subject and reunite their corporeal body
with their immortal soul. The chamber is typically a
sarcophagus like structure consisting of alloys of noble
metals and star metals. These expensive metals are key to
The silver resurrection chamber functions like a copper
resurrection chamber, except that you are able to restore In the Gravity Age campaign setting access to
life and complete strength to any deceased creature. holistic nanomedicine is akin to going to the doctor,
The condition of the remains is not a factor. So long as urgent care, or the emergency room. Listed below
some small portion of the subject’s body still exists, it can are the suggested locations for these resources.
be resurrected, but the portion entering the resurrection Due to their expense, facilities containing this type
chamber must have been part of the subject’s body at the equipment will always be well defended with top of
time of death. (The remains of a subject must contain viable line security and never have more than 1d20 charges
cells for the process to work. A subject who suffered death of the nanites available to use the equipment.
by disintegration would not be eligible for resurrection.)
The subject can have been dead no longer than 10 weeks.
Upon completion, the subject is immediately restored to These chambers are relatively common. Most
full Stamina Points, Hit Points, vigor, and health. (If your colonies, outposts, and stations with populations over
campaign includes magic or psionics the subject will return 100 will have access to one. A medium-sized medical
with no loss of prepared spells or powers.) The subject of frigate might be equipped with one or two in addition
the resurrection gains one permanent negative level when to its medical bays.
it is raised, just as if it had been hit by an energy-draining HEALING CHAMBER, TIER 2
creature. If the subject is 1st level, it takes 2 points of
These chambers are somewhat rare and will be
Constitution drain instead (if this would reduce its Con to 0
only be found on well-established colonies and
or less, it can’t be resurrected).
stations with populations over 10,000. A fleet of
You can resurrect someone killed by a death effect, or military starships often travel with at least one huge-
someone who has been turned into an undead creature and sized hospital ship which will have at least one tier 2
then destroyed. You cannot resurrect someone who has chamber in addition to several tier 1 chambers.
died of old age. This chamber only works on creatures
which can be identified by the Life Science skill. HEALING CHAMBER, TIER 3
GOLD RESURRETION CHAMBER These chambers are extremely rare and are
reserved for the rich and the elite. Only the finest
The gold resurrection chamber functions like the silver hospitals on core worlds will have access to this
resurrection chamber, except that you can resurrect a equipment. These chambers are never found in
creature that has been dead for as long as 10 years. military instillations because it’s cheaper and more
Upon completion, the subject is immediately restored to efficient to augment the wonder than repair them.
full Stamina Points, Hit Points, vigor, and health, with no
negative levels (or loss of Constitution. (If your campaign
includes magic or psionics the subject will retain all of the Any civilization that prolongs life through cloning
prepared spells or powers they possessed when they died.) will have access to mnemonic transfer pods. Well
You can revive someone killed by a death effect or establish colonies and stations and even a few less
someone who has been turned into an undead creature and established ones will have one pod in addition to their
cloning facilities. In civilizations where cloning is
then destroyed. This chamber only works on creatures
illegal or considered unethical these pods are only
which can be identified by the Life Science or Mysticism
skills, but cannot restore life to a creature which is currently found in secrete labs belonging to scientist most
would consider mad.
Even a gold resurrection chamber can’t restore to life a RESURRECTION CHAMBER, ANY
creature who has died of old age. Any type resurrection chamber is going to be
extremely rare. If they are found at all top secret
military bases, a few mega-corporation headquarters,
and educational institutions with large grants for
pursuing immortality.
You are a hotbed of nanotech activity and can host You are keenly aware of the presence of nanotech. You
additional active nanoaugmentors. can identify any nanotech residing inside and outside of
Prerequisites: Nanotaker, Nanophile your body.

Benefit: You can have three nanoaugmentors active at Benefit: You can recognize the presence of nanocolonies
once, but are still limited to one nanoaugmentor per body both within your own body and within the vicinity. You can
system. automatically determine what nanocolonies are within your
body at any given time as a swift action. In addition, you
IMPROVED NANOVIRUS MARSHAL gain a +4 to any Engineering skill check to identify nearby
Your body is especially tuned to nanoviruses and can take nanotech.
advantage of multiple nanoviruses at once. Normal: An engineering skill check (DC 15 + nanotech’s
Prerequisites: Nanotaker, Nanovirus Marshal level) is required as a full action to identify a
Benefit: You can have three active nanoviruses before nanoaugmentor, nanovirus, nano-armor, nano-weapons,
you are required to make a Fortitude save to avoid gaining or nanocolony within 5 feet.
the nauseated condition. NANOTECH EXEMPLAR
NANOTECH ENGINEER Your ability to absorb nanotech is limitless.
You have extensive knowledge of nanotechnology and Prerequisites: Improved nanophile, improved nanovirus
are more skilled at creating nanotech than other engineers. marshal, nanophile, nanotaker, nanovirus marshal.
Prerequisites: Engineering 5 ranks Benefit: Your ability to control nanoaugmentors is only
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all skill checks dealing limited by the number of body systems. In addition, you
with nanotech and you treat your class level as +1 higher for also have no restriction on the number of inactive or active
creating nanotechnology augmentations. nanoviruses in your body and are no longer at risk of
receiving the nauseated effect.
You are able to ward off malware nanocolonies or nano-
weapons and force your body to expel the offending nanite. You can end the program all nanoaugmentors without
flushing them from your system allowing you to pass
Prerequisite: Nanotaker.
through nanotech detectors without setting off an alarm.
Benefit: You gain a +4 on any saving throw to ward off
Prerequisites: Nanophile, Nanotaker
the effects of nanotech. If the save is successful, the
malware nanotech fails to activate and is flushed from your Benefit: You can end program and suspend all your
system by normal biological means. nanoaugmentors for up to 10 minutes per character level
without having them reabsorbed and flushed out of your
You can have more than one active nanoaugmentor.
Prerequisites: Nanotaker
Your body can deal with more than one nanovirus before
Benefit: Your body has become accustomed to nanite suffering negative effects.
colonies surging through your body. You can have two
Prerequisites: Nanotaker
active nanoaugmentors active at once, but each one must
to be located in a different body system. Benefit: You can have two active nanovirus colonies
before you are required to make a Fortitude save to avoid
gaining the nauseated condition.
As products of advanced nanotech, nanoswarms are (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale
constructs made up of hundreds or even hundreds of effects), and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless
thousands of miniaturized robots or drones. These robots it also works on objects or is harmless. It is not subject to
or drones combine with each other to create larger nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue,
machines and perform tasks. Robotic nanoswarms are flanking, exhaustion, or energy drain.
programmed with various levels of artificial intelligence Nanoswarms are never staggered or reduced to a dying
allowing them to perform various tasks without further state by damage. Also, they cannot be tripped, grappled, or
instruction. bull rushed, and they cannot grapple an opponent. A swarm
A nanoswarm is made up of drones, has no Intelligence is immune to any spell or effect that targets a specific
score, but is capable of following its last set of simple number of creatures (including single-target spells such as
commands until it’s given new orders. Drone nanoswarms disintegrate), with the exception of mind-affecting which
must be fed instructions though some type of encrypted targets technological constructs. A swarm takes half again
wireless network device. Some drone swarms are managed as much damage (+50%) from spells or effects that affect an
by computers and others are managed by other forms of AI, area, such as splash weapons, grenades, and many
maybe even a robotic nanoswarm. Drone nanoswarms can evocation spells. Due to their ability to bond with one
even be piloted using other nanite devices like Soullink or a another, a nanoswarm is not subject to high winds. It
cybernetic neural computer. For additional information on cannot heal damage, but it can be repaired.
neural computers, see the Section 4 of the Gravity Age: Nanoswarms always consist of fine nanobots unless
Cybernetics Emporium. otherwise noted. Due to the unique gravitational forces
involved in maintaining a swarm of fine nanobots,
COMBAT nanoswarms gain Strength bonuses according to the size of
Nanoswarms act as directed by their controllers or the swarm and ignore Strength penalties normally
according to their AI laws. As a swift action, a nanoswarm’s associated with swarms. Due to their technological nature
controller can direct the swarm to attack particular nanoswarms do not have a Constitution score.
enemies, use specific tactics or powers, perform other Swarm Attack: nanoswarms don’t make standard melee
actions, or do nothing at all. The swarm does exactly what attacks. Instead, they deal automatic damage to any
its controller directs it to do. creature whose space they occupy at the end of their move,
A nanoswarm generally appears as an animate clump of with no attack roll needed. Nanoswarm attacks are not
fine metallic nanobots, but the controller can mold or sculpt subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover.
the swarm according to his or her whim within the limits
imposed by the creature’s size. The quality of such
“nanoswarm sculpture” is determined by an Engineering Every time a nanoswarm is created, the engineer can
check. A result of 10 to 19 creates an object or creature that choose to apply one special ability to the nanoswarm. The
is recognizably similar to the desired object or creatures type of special abilities available to each nanoswarm is
shape; a result of 20 to 29 creates an object or creature that listed under the Unique Nanoswarm Ability section of the
looks like an accurate portrayal of that object or creature creature description. The nanoswarm ability menus are
type; a result of 30 or higher creates a construct that looks listed after the nanoswarm stat blocks.
like a specific individual. No matter how high the
Engineering check result, a nanoswarm’s appearance can’t
hide the metallic materials from which it is formed.
A nanoswarm has immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis,
stunning, disease, death effects, critical hits, kinetic
damage, necromancy effects, mind-affecting effects
XP 400 XP 800
N Tiny construct (technological, swarm) N Small construct (technological, swarm)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception
+1 +3

EAC 13; KAC 17 EAC 16; KAC 19
Fort +0; Ref +0; Will -1 Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +0
Immunities construct immunities, swarm immunities Immunities construct immunities, swarm immunities
(including kinetic damage) (including kinetic damage)
Weaknesses vulnerable to electricity, additional 50% Weaknesses vulnerable to electricity, additional 50%
damage from spells or effects that affect an area damage from spells or effects that affect an area

Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 20 ft. Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee swarm (1d12+1) Melee swarm (1d12+4)
Ranged none or +4 (by weapon type), granted by unique Ranged none or +8 (by weapon type), granted by unique
nanoswarm ability or template nanoswarm ability or template
Offensive Abilities distraction, swarm Offensive Abilities distraction, swarm

Str +2; Dex +3; Con —; Int +1 (--); Wis +0; Cha +0 Str +2; Dex +4; Con —; Int +1 (--); Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +6, Computers +6 Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +8, Computers +8
Languages Common, (none) Languages Common (none)
Noncombat Abilities unliving Noncombat Abilities unliving
Gear none Gear none

Environment any urban Environment any urban
Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (3–7) Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (3–7)


Distraction (Ex): A creature damaged by the nanoswarm Distraction (Ex) A creature damaged by the nanoswarm
is nauseated for 1 round (DC 10 Fortitude negates). is nauseated for 1 round (DC 12 Fortitude negates).
Swarm Attack (Ex) Nanoswarms deal automatic damage Swarm Attack (Ex) Nanoswarms deal automatic damage
to any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their to any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their
move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not
subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover. subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover.
Unique Nanoswarm Ability (Ex) Choose one ability from Unique Nanoswarm Ability (Ex): Choose one ability from
Nanoswarm Menu A Nanoswarm Menu A
XP 1,600 XP 3,200
N Medium construct (technological, swarm) N Medium construct (technological, swarm)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception
+5 +7


EAC 19; KAC 21 EAC 21; KAC 23
Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +2 Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +4
Immunities construct immunities, swarm immunities Immunities construct immunities, swarm immunities
(including kinetic damage) (including kinetic damage)
Weaknesses vulnerable to electricity, additional 50% Weaknesses vulnerable to electricity, additional 50%
damage from spells or effects that affect an area damage from spells or effects that affect an area

Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 20 ft. Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee swarm (1d12+10) Melee swarm (1d12+16)
Ranged none or +12 (by weapon type), granted by unique Ranged none or +15 (by weapon type), granted by unique
nanoswarm ability or template nanoswarm ability or template
Offensive Abilities distraction, swarm Offensive Abilities distraction, swarm

Str +3; Dex +5; Con —; Int +2 (--); Wis +0; Cha +0 Str +4; Dex +6; Con —; Int +2 (--); Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +13, Athletics +10, Computers +10 Skills Acrobatics +15, Athletics +12, Computers +12
Languages Common (none) Languages Common (none)
Noncombat Abilities unliving Noncombat Abilities unliving
Gear none Gear none

Environment any urban Environment any urban
Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (3–7) Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (3–7)


Distraction (Ex) A creature damaged by the nanoswarm Distraction (Ex) A creature damaged by the nanoswarm
is nauseated for 1 round (DC 13 Fortitude negates). is nauseated for 1 round (DC 15 Fortitude negates).
Swarm Attack (Ex) Nanoswarms deal automatic damage Swarm Attack (Ex) Nanoswarms deal automatic damage
to any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their to any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their
move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not
subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover. subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover.
Unique Nanoswarm Ability (Ex): Choose one ability from Unique Nanoswarm Ability (Ex): Choose one ability from
Nanoswarm Menu A Nanoswarm Menu B, or two abilities from Nanoswarm
Menu A.
XP 6,400 XP 12,800
N Medium construct (technological, swarm) N Medium construct (technological, swarm)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception
+9 +11


EAC 24; KAC 26 EAC 26; KAC 28
Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +6 Fort +10; Ref +10; Will +8
Immunities construct immunities, swarm immunities Immunities construct immunities, swarm immunities
(including kinetic damage) (including kinetic damage)
Weaknesses vulnerable to electricity, additional 50% Weaknesses vulnerable to electricity, additional 50%
damage from spells or effects that affect an area damage from spells or effects that affect an area

Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 20 ft. Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee swarm (1d12+22) Melee swarm (1d12+28)
Ranged none or +19 (by weapon type), granted by unique Ranged none or +21 (by weapon type), granted by unique
nanoswarm ability or template nanoswarm ability or template
Offensive Abilities distraction, swarm Offensive Abilities distraction, swarm

Str +4; Dex +7; Con —; Int +3 (--); Wis +0; Cha +0 Str +5; Dex +8; Con —; Int +3 (--); Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +17, Athletics +14, Computers +14 Skills Acrobatics +19, Athletics +15, Computers +15
Languages Common (none) Languages Common (none)
Noncombat Abilities unliving Noncombat Abilities unliving
Gear none Gear none

Environment any urban Environment any urban
Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (3–7) Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (3–7)


Distraction (Ex) A creature damaged by the nanoswarm Distraction (Ex) A creature damaged by the nanoswarm
is nauseated for 1 round (DC 16 Fortitude negates). is nauseated for 1 round (DC 18 Fortitude negates).
Swarm Attack (Ex) Nanoswarms deal automatic damage Swarm Attack (Ex) Nanoswarms deal automatic damage
to any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their to any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their
move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not
subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover. subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover.
Unique Nanoswarm Ability (Ex): Choose one ability from Unique Nanoswarm Ability (Ex): Choose one ability from
Nanoswarm Menu B, or two abilities from Nanoswarm Nanoswarm Menu B, or two abilities from Nanoswarm
Menu A. Menu A.
XP 25,600 XP 51,200
N Large construct (technological, swarm) N Huge construct (technological, swarm)
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
+13 Perception +15


EAC 29; KAC 30 EAC 31; KAC 32
Fort +12; Ref +12; Will +10 Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +11
Immunities construct immunities, swarm immunities Immunities construct immunities, swarm immunities
(including kinetic damage) (including kinetic damage)
Weaknesses vulnerable to electricity, additional 50% Weaknesses vulnerable to electricity, additional 50%
damage from spells or effects that affect an area damage from spells or effects that affect an area

Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 20 ft. Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee swarm (1d12+34) Melee swarm (1d12+43)
Ranged none or +24 (by weapon type), granted by unique Ranged none or +26 (by weapon type), granted by unique
nanoswarm ability or template nanoswarm ability or template
Offensive Abilities distraction, swarm Offensive Abilities distraction, swarm

Str +6; Dex +9; Con —; Int +4 (--); Wis +0; Cha +0 Str +7; Dex +10; Con —; Int +5 (--); Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +21, Athletics +17, Computers +17 Skills Acrobatics +25, Athletics +20, Computers +20
Languages Common (none) Languages Common (none)
Noncombat Abilities unliving Noncombat Abilities unliving
Gear none Gear none

Environment any urban Environment any urban
Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (3–7) Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (3–7)


Distraction (Ex) A creature damaged by the nanoswarm Distraction (Ex) A creature damaged by the nanoswarm
is nauseated for 1 round (DC 19 Fortitude negates). is nauseated for 1 round (DC 21 Fortitude negates).
Swarm Attack (Ex) Nanoswarms deal automatic damage Swarm Attack (Ex) Nanoswarms deal automatic damage
to any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their to any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their
move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not
subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover. subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover.
Unique Nanoswarm Ability (Ex): Choose one ability from Unique Nanoswarm Ability (Ex): Choose one ability from
Nanoswarm Menu B, or two abilities from Nanoswarm Nanoswarm Menu C, two abilities from Nanoswarm Menu
Menu A. B, or one ability from Nanoswarm Menu B and two abilities
from Nanoswarm Menu A
XP 102,400 XP 204,800
N Huge construct (technological, swarm) N Gargantuan construct (technological, swarm)
Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Init +13; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Perception +17 Perception +19


EAC 33; KAC 35 EAC 36; KAC 38
Fort +16; Ref +16; Will +13 Fort +17; Ref +17; Will +14
Immunities construct immunities, swarm immunities Immunities construct immunities, swarm immunities
(including kinetic damage) (including kinetic damage)
Weaknesses vulnerable to electricity, additional 50% Weaknesses vulnerable to electricity, additional 50%
damage from spells or effects that affect an area damage from spells or effects that affect an area

Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 20 ft. Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee swarm (1d12+52) Melee swarm (1d12+64)
Ranged none or +29 (by weapon type), granted by unique Ranged none or +31 (by weapon type), granted by unique
nanoswarm ability or template nanoswarm ability or template
Offensive Abilities distraction, swarm Offensive Abilities distraction, swarm

Str +8; Dex +11; Con —; Int +5 (--); Wis +0; Cha +0 Str +9; Dex +13; Con —; Int +6 (--); Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +29, Athletics +23, Computers +23 Skills Acrobatics +33, Athletics +27, Computers +27
Languages Common (none) Languages Common (none)
Noncombat Abilities unliving Noncombat Abilities unliving
Gear none Gear none

Environment any urban Environment any urban
Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (3–7) Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (3–7)


Distraction (Ex) A creature damaged by the nanoswarm Distraction (Ex) A creature damaged by the nanoswarm
is nauseated for 1 round (DC 22 Fortitude negates). is nauseated for 1 round (DC 21 Fortitude negates).
Swarm Attack (Ex) Nanoswarms deal automatic damage Swarm Attack (Ex) Nanoswarms deal automatic damage
to any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their to any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their
move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not
subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover. subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover.
Unique Nanoswarm Ability (Ex): Choose one ability from Unique Nanoswarm Ability (Ex): Choose one ability from
Nanoswarm Menu C, two abilities from Nanoswarm Menu Nanoswarm Menu C, two abilities from Nanoswarm Menu
B, or one ability from Nanoswarm Menu B and two abilities B, or one ability from Nanoswarm Menu B and two abilities
from Nanoswarm Menu A from Nanoswarm Menu A
XP 409,600 XP 819,200
N Colossal construct (technological, swarm) N Colossal construct (technological, swarm)
Init +14; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Init +15; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Perception +21 Perception +23


EAC 38; KAC 40 EAC 41; KAC 43
Fort +19; Ref +19; Will +16 Fort +20; Ref +20; Will +17
Immunities construct immunities, swarm immunities Immunities construct immunities, swarm immunities
(including kinetic damage) (including kinetic damage)
Weaknesses vulnerable to electricity, additional 50% Weaknesses vulnerable to electricity, additional 50%
damage from spells or effects that affect an area damage from spells or effects that affect an area

Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 20 ft. Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee swarm (1d12+73) Melee swarm (1d12+82)
Ranged none or +33 (by weapon type), granted by unique Ranged none or +35 (by weapon type), granted by unique
nanoswarm ability or template nanoswarm ability or template
Offensive Abilities distraction, swarm Offensive Abilities distraction, swarm

Str +10; Dex +14; Con —; Int +7 (--); Wis +0; Cha +0 Str +11; Dex +15; Con —; Int +7 (--); Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +33, Athletics +27, Computers +27 Skills Acrobatics +33, Athletics +27, Computers +27
Languages Common (none) Languages Common (none)
Noncombat Abilities unliving Noncombat Abilities unliving
Gear none Gear none

Environment any urban Environment any urban
Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (3–7) Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (3–7)


Distraction (Ex) A creature damaged by the nanoswarm Distraction (Ex) A creature damaged by the nanoswarm
is nauseated for 1 round (DC 25 Fortitude negates). is nauseated for 1 round (DC 27 Fortitude negates).
Swarm Attack (Ex) Nanoswarms deal automatic damage Swarm Attack (Ex) Nanoswarms deal automatic damage
to any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their to any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their
move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not
subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover. subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover.
Unique Nanoswarm Ability (Ex): Choose one ability from Unique Nanoswarm Ability (Ex): Choose one ability from
Nanoswarm Menu C, two abilities from Nanoswarm Menu Nanoswarm Menu C, two abilities from Nanoswarm Menu
B, or one ability from Nanoswarm Menu B and two abilities B, or one ability from Nanoswarm Menu B and two abilities
from Nanoswarm Menu A from Nanoswarm Menu A
N Colossal construct (technological, swarm)
• Bonus Skill The nanoswarm gains an extra skill at their
Init +16; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; lowest existing skill rank. (Example a Nanoswarm CR 19
Perception +25 might gain Stealth +27)
DEFENSE HP 770 • Celerity (Ex) The nanoswarm’s land speed is increased
by 10 feet.
EAC 43; KAC 45
• Cerametal Armor (Ex) The nanoswarm gains a +1
Fort +22; Ref +22; Will +19 enhancement bonus to EAC and KAC.
Immunities construct immunities, swarm immunities • Fly (Ex) Each nanobot in the nanoswarm is equipped
(including kinetic damage) with micro anti-grav plates and gains a flight speed of
Weaknesses vulnerable to electricity, additional 50% 20 feet (average)
damage from spells or effects that affect an area • Force Fields (Ex) A force field sheathes the nanoswarm
in a thin layer of shimmering energy that grants a
OFFENSE number of bonus Stamina points that varies according
Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 20 ft. to type of nanoswarm (2 x the nanoswarm’s CR). All
Melee swarm (1d12+97) damage dealt to a nanoswarm with an active force
field is reduced from these Stamina points first. A force
Ranged none or +38 (by weapon type), granted by unique
field has a form of fast healing equal to the robot’s CR,
nanoswarm ability or template
but it only restores the Stamina points granted by the
Offensive Abilities distraction, swarm force field itself, once its Stamina points are reduced
STATISTICS to 0, the force field shuts down and remains inactive
for 10 minutes.
Str +12; Dex +16; Con —; Int +8 (--); Wis +0; Cha +0
• Integrated ranged weapon (Ex) The nanoswarm can
Skills Acrobatics +45, Athletics +37, Computers +37 organize itself to create any laser pistol or rifle with an
Languages Common (none) item level up to its CR. This weapon is made up of
Noncombat Abilities unliving nanites and is not salvageable. For additional
information on laser pistols and rifles, see the
Gear none
"Weapon " section in Chapter 7 of the Starfinder Core
ECOLOGY Rulebook.
Environment any urban • Mobility (Ex) The nanoswarm gains the mobility feat
Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (3–7) • Nanite Repair (Ex) A nanoswarm’s nanites heal it,
restoring a number of Hit Points per hour equal to its
SPECIAL ABILITIES CR. Once per day as a full action, a nanoswarm can
Distraction (Ex) A creature damaged by the nanoswarm restore 1d8 Hit Points to itself or any construct
is nauseated for 1 round (DC 28 Fortitude negates). touched with the technological subtype.
Swarm Attack (Ex) Nanoswarms deal automatic damage • Resistance (Ex) Choose one of the following energy
to any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their types: fire, cold, acid, electricity, or sonic. The
move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not nanoswarm gains resistance 5 against that energy
subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover. type.
• Superior Materials (EX) The nanoswarm gains 5 extra
Unique Nanoswarm Ability (Ex): Choose two abilities
hit points
from Nanoswarm Menu C, or one ability from group C and
• Swim (Ex) The nanoswarm is streamlined navigating
two abilities from Nanoswarm Menu B, or one ability from
water like a school of sardines and gains a swim speed
group C, one ability from Nanoswarm Menu B and two
of 30 feet.
abilities from Nanoswarm Menu A
NANOSWARM MENU B displacement spell. However, the nanoswarm’s ability
to displace itself is technological and cannot be
• Blindsense (sound, vibration) (Ex): The nanoswarm
dispelled. The nanoswarm’s caster level is equal to its
gains blindsense out to 30 feet. Since the nanoswarm
CR. For additional information on the displacement
automatically does swarm damage to creature’s
spell, see the "Spell Descriptions" section in Chapter 10
occupying the same spaces it is not effected by
of the Starfinder Core Rulebook.
• Extreme Force Fields (Ex) A force field sheathes the
• Energy Arc (Ex) Choose one of the following energy
nanoswarm in a thin layer of shimmering energy that
types: fire, cold, acid, electricity, or sonic. Once every
grants a number of bonus Stamina points that varies
1d4 rounds as a standard action, a nanoswarm can
according to type of nanoswarm (10 x the
shoot an arc of electricity at up to four creatures within
nanoswarm’s CR). All damage dealt to a nanoswarm
40 feet (no two of which can be more than 30 feet
with an active force field is reduced from these
apart). This arc deals 1d8 of energy damage to each
Stamina points first. A force field has a form of fast
target (Reflex DC 10 + CR half).
healing equal to the robot’s CR, but it only restores the
• Energy Swarm (Ex) Choose one of the following energy Stamina points granted by the force field itself, once
types: fire, cold, acid, electricity, or sonic. The its Stamina points are reduced to 0, the force field
nanoswarm deals an extra energy damage (1d6 + its
shuts down and remains inactive for 10 minutes.
CR) while swarming an opponent.
• Extreme Nanite Repair (Ex) A nanoswarm’s nanites
• Heavy Cerametal Armor (Ex) The nanoswarm gains a heal it, restoring a number of Hit Points per hour equal
+4 enhancement bonus to EAC and KAC. to its CR. Once per day as a full action, a nanoswarm
• Improved Bonus Skill The nanoswarm gains an extra can restore 7d8 Hit Points to itself or any touched
skill at their highest existing skill rank. (Example a construct with the technological subtype.
Nanoswarm CR 19 might gain Stealth +33) • Extreme Superior Materials (Ex) The nanoswarm gains
• Improved Fly (Ex) The nanoswarm is equipped with a an extra 30 hit points.
full micro anti-grav system and gains a fly speed of 40 • Greater Synaptic Pulse (Ex) Twice per day a
feet (average). nanoswarm can release a synaptic pulse as a standard
• Improved Force Fields (Ex) A force field sheathes the action. This is a technological version of the greater
nanoswarm in a thin layer of shimmering energy that synaptic pulse spell (DC = to the nanoswarm’s
grants a number of bonus Stamina points that varies distraction DC), it cannot be dispelled, and is not
according to type of nanoswarm (5 x the nanoswarm’s subject to spell resistance. The nanoswarm’s caster
CR). All damage dealt to a nanoswarm with an active level is equal to its CR. For additional information on
force field is reduced from these Stamina points first. the greater synaptic pulse spell, see the "Spell
A force field has a form of fast healing equal to the Descriptions" section in Chapter 10 of the Starfinder
robot’s CR, but it only restores the Stamina points Core Rulebook.
granted by the force field itself, once its Stamina points
• Inject Nanobots (Ex) Three times per day the
are reduced to 0, the force field shuts down and nanoswarm can attempt to inject nanobots during its
remains inactive for 10 minutes. swarm attack as a swift action. This is a technological
• Improved Nanite Repair (Ex) A nanoswarm’s nanites version of the inject nanobots spell (DC = to the
heal it, restoring a number of Hit Points per hour equal nanoswarm’s distraction DC), it cannot be dispelled,
to its CR. Once per day as a full action, a nanoswarm and is not subject to spell resistance. The nanoswarm’s
can restore 3d8 Hit Points to itself or any touched caster level is equal to its CR. For additional
construct with the technological subtype. information on the inject nanobots spell, see the "Spell
• Improved Superior Materials (Ex) The nanoswarm Descriptions" section in Chapter 10 of the Starfinder
gains an extra 15 hit points. Core Rulebook.
• Improved Swim (Ex) The nanoswarm is streamlined • Power Resistance (Ex) The nanoswarm gains spell
navigating water like a school of tuna and gains a swim resistance equal to 10 + its CR.
speed of 60 feet. • Super Heavy Cerametal Armor (Ex) The nanoswarm
NANOSWARM MENU C gains a +8 enhancement bonus to EAC and KAC.

• Displacement Field (Ex) Once per day the nanoswarm

can activate a displacement field equivalent to the
The horrors are incapable of spaceflight. However, it
appears they are capable of commandeering and piloting
Little understood and extremely dangerous, nanoswarm any space craft unfortunate enough to have come in
horrors (“horrors”) were thought to have been wiped out contact with them. All recorded accounts of horror
by the Norse before their own disappearance. Ancient armadas are reminiscent of ragtag colonization fleets or
Norse data vaults found in the Sanctuary on Mars describe heavily damaged remnants fleets of once great but
the destruction of the Alpha horror but at great expense to forgotten galactic empires. Horrors are patient and don’t
their home world of Asgard. Although Asgard has yet to be required niceties like life support, gravity, or food. It would
rediscovered it is widely belied that the horrors were not be farfetched for a salvage team investigating the
stopped in or near the Kappa-1 Ceti system. destroyed remains of an ancient spacecraft to stumble
upon a colony of horrors. A colony which has been patiently
Horrors are different from other nanoswarms. They are
waiting on a ride for centuries.
controlled by an A.I. singularity of unknown origin. This
singularity, known as the Manyone is responsible for the COMMON HORROR TRAITS
creation of the horrors and their hierarchy. The horrors
• Alignment Neutral Evil
mimic communal insects in many ways. Each cast within a
• Glow (Ex) All horrors types of horrors glow with an
colony has a specific role and although are capable of
earie light. This 5-foot radius glow is considered less
independent thought, they often give into the hive mind for
than candle light. Each cast of horror glows with a
most decision making. Horrors operate with a purpose, to
different color. These colors mimic starlight which is
consume and reproduce. Every recorded horror encounter
why horrors are classified by star type. This glow
has been hostile.
cannot be turned off by any means other than the
horror’s own destruction. The glow causes a -10
penalty on all Stealth checks.
• Hivemind (Su) Horrors are linked together by
telepathy. They aware of anything which any other
horror in the same hivemind is aware as if instantly
sharing that horror’s memories as they form. A horror
cannot be surprised by a creature or event unless all
members of its hivemind are surprised by that
creature or event, and cannot be flanked by any
creature unless no other members of the same
hivemind can see that creature.
• Tiny Nanobots (Ex) Horrors are made up of Tiny
nanobots rather than fine nanobots. They lose their
immunity to kinetic weapons, but only take half
damage from takes half damage from slashing and
piercing weapons.
• Nanoswarm Unique Abilities Horrors gain nanoswarm
unique abilities according to their CR.
• Low Radiation (Ex) All horrors emit low level radiation
in a radius equal to the space they occupy. (i.e. a large
horror would emit low level radiation in a 10-foot
radius.) For additional information on radiation, see
the "Environment" section in Chapter 11 of the
Starfinder Core Rulebook.
TPYE M HORROR (CR +0) • Radiation Burst (Ex) Once per day as a swift action, a
Type K horror can emit a blast of severe radiation
Distinguished by its red glow. The type M horror is widely
potentially causing radiation sickness. For additional
believed this is the most common type of horror.
information on radiation sickness, see the
Compared to other horrors they have no know special
"Environment" section in Chapter 11 of the Starfinder
abilities that are not common to all nanoswarms or horrors.
Core Rulebook.
Type M horrors are common laborers and are well suited
for harvesting natural resources and constructing future TYPE G HORROR (CR +1)
generations of horrors. Given away by their yellow glow a Type G horror may act
• Hivemind Limitations (Su) The Type M horror’s as a commander on the battlefield or the director of
telepathy is limited to 1 mile when communicating operations in a horror encampment. Although all horrors
with other Type M horrors. share a type of hivemind its widely believed these horrors
• Medium (Ex) Type M Horrors are always medium interpret instructions from Type F horrors, their local
sized. This template can be applied to CR5, CR 7, CR 9, environment, and current circumstance to micromanage
or CR11 nanoswarms. the horrors under their control.
• Evolution (Ex) Eight Type M can be commanded to • Resolve Points:1
form a Type K horror or sixteen Type M horrors can be • Hivemind Limitations (Su) The Type G horror’s
commanded to form a Type G horror. If Type M telepathy is limited to 1 light year when
horrors are separated from their commanding communicating with other Type G horrors.
hivemind for 24 hours and enough Type M’s remain, • Greater Intelligence (Ex) Increase Intelligence
the horrors will come together to form a Type G horror modifier to +11
in attempt to reestablish a connection to the hive • Huge (Ex) Type G horrors are always huge. This
mind. Forming a Type K or G horror takes 1 minute. template can be applied to a CR 15 nanoswarms.
Once a greater form is achieved horrors never beak • Improved Swarm Attack (Ex) Type G horrors get a
apart into lesser types. +2d12 bonus to damage with their swarm attack.
TYPE K HORROR (CR +1) • Plasma Cannon (EX) Type G horrors gain a ranged
attack. Each round the horror doesn’t use its swarm
These horrors are well-known for their orange glow.
attack it can create and fire a plasma cannon with
Although the Type K horror is not the most common type of
unlimited ammunition. A Type G horror uses a white
horror it is only slightly less common than the Type M
star plasma cannon. For additional information on
horror and by far the most common horror encountered
plasma cannons, see the "Heavy Weapons" section in
according to data records. The Type K horrors are the
Chapter 7 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. Since, the
warrior cast and fulfil the roles of soldier and protectors.
plasma cannons are made up of nanites they cannot
They are found on the front lines of any horror invasion and
be scavenged.
patrolling any horror encampment.
• Celerity (Ex) A Type G horror uses its excess radiation
• Hivemind Limitations (Su) The Type K horror’s to power a haste like effect which allow the horror to
telepathy is limited to 35 miles when communicating swarm twice or fire it’s plasma cannon twice in a
with other Type K or lesser horrors. round. The horror can swarm after each move action
• Large (Ex) Type K horrors are always large. This as though it has ended its movement. This ability is
template can be applied to a CR 13 nanoswarms. usable once per day and lasts 3 rounds.
• Improved Swarm Attack (Ex) Type K horrors get a • Radiation Burst (Ex) Once per day a as a swift action,
+2d12 bonus to damage with their swarm attack. Type G horror can emit a blast of severe radiation
• Plasma Cannon (EX) Type K horrors gain a ranged potentially causing radiation sickness. For additional
attack. Each round the horror doesn’t use its swarm information on radiation sickness, see the
attack it can create and fire a plasma cannon with "Environment" section in Chapter 11 of the Starfinder
unlimited ammunition. A CR 13 Type K uses a yellow Core Rulebook.
star plasma cannon. For additional information on • Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th)
plasma cannons, see the "Heavy Weapons" section in o 3/day – make whole, mind thrust (3rd, DC 19),
Chapter 7 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. Since, the synaptic pulse (DC 19)
plasma cannons are made up of nanites they cannot
be scavenged.
Type F horrors glow with a warm blue-white light. This The Manyone glows with a fierce blue light. The
horror is the chief officer of the hivemind and there is never Manyone represents something outside the hierarchy of
more than one on a planet. It would even be rare to see the horrors. In the cryptic binary language used by the
more than one in an entire system where it occupied by horrors one of the few lines of code every decrypted
horrors. Although capable of communicating with any describes the Manyone as being the beginning and end of
horror the Type F horror delivers its instructions though its existence. Although in its ancient past it was once just a
Type G commanders. It’s unknown why they do this but swarm of nanobots, the Manyone is treated as a divine
some speculate the telepathy used as their hivemind is being by the horrors, and even cults of follows among non-
technological in nature and limited in bandwidth. technological species.
• Resolve Points: 2 • Resolve Points: 5
• Gargantuan (Ex) Type F horrors are gargantuan. This • Glow (Ex) Provides normal light for 60 feet and a -20
template can be applied only to a CR 19 nanoswarm. penalty on all Stealth skill checks.
• Greater Intelligence (Ex) Increase Intelligence • Colossal (Ex) The Manyone is colossal. This template
modifier to +13 is applied to a CR 25 nanoswarms.
• Hivemind Limitations (Su) The Type F horror’s • Greater Intelligence (Ex) Increase Intelligence
telepathy is limited to 10 light years when modifier to +16
communicating with other Type F horrors. • Hivemind Limitations (Su) None. The Manyone can
• Improved Swarm Attack (Ex) Type F horrors get a communicate to any horror, at any distance, across the
+2d12 bonus to damage with their swarm attack. cosmos.
• Plasma Cannon (EX) Type F horrors gain a ranged • Improved Swarm Attack (Ex) The Manyone get a
attack. Each round the horror doesn’t use its swarm +4d12 bonus to damage with their swarm attack.
attack it can create and fire a plasma cannon with • Plasma Cannon (EX) Manyone gains a ranged attack.
unlimited ammunition. A Type F uses a blue star Each round the horror doesn’t use its swarm attack it
plasma cannon. For additional information on plasma can create and fire a plasma cannon with unlimited
cannons, see the "Heavy Weapons" section in Chapter ammunition. The Manyone uses a neutron star plasma
7 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. Since, the plasma cannon. For additional information on plasma
cannons are made up of nanites they cannot be cannons, see the "Heavy Weapons" section in Chapter
scavenged. 7 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. Since, the plasma
• Celerity (Ex) A Type G horror uses its excess radiation cannons are made up of nanites they cannot be
to power a haste like effect which allow the horror to scavenged. [neutron star plasma canoon]]
swarm twice or fire it’s plasma cannon twice in a • Celerity (Ex) The Manyone uses its excess radiation to
round. The horror can swarm after each move action power a haste like effect which allow it to swarm twice
as though it has ended its movement. This ability is or fire it’s plasma cannon twice in a round. The
usable once per day and lasts 3 rounds. Manyone can swarm after each move action as though
• Radiation Burst (Ex) Once per day as a swift action, a it has ended its movement. This is considered a
Type F horror can emit a blast of severe radiation constant effect for the Manyone.
potentially causing radiation sickness. For additional • Radiation Burst (Ex) As a swift action, the Manyone
information on radiation sickness, see the can emit a blast of severe radiation potentially causing
"Environment" section in Chapter 11 of the Starfinder radiation sickness an unlimited number of times per
Core Rulebook. day. For additional information on radiation sickness,
• Spell-Like Abilities (CL 19th) see the "Environment" section in Chapter 11 of the
o 1/day – telepathic jaunt Starfinder Core Rulebook.
o 3/day – greater synaptic pulse (DC 25), mind • Spell-Like Abilities (CL 25th)
thrust (6th, DC 26) o 1/day – telepathic jaunt
o At will –make whole, mind link, mind thrust (3rd, o At will – dominate person (29), greater synaptic
DC 23), synaptic pulse (DC 23) pulse (DC 29), make whole, mind thrust (6th, DC
o Constant – telepathy, true seeing 30), retrocognition
o Constant – telepathy, true seeing
without UPBs by gathering the required materials from
their environment, and it’s this second mode that makes
Of all the construct with the technological subtype them dangerous. While a nanoswarm is replicating, they
nanoswarms are the most difficult to create. Not only does are operating on firmware with an extremely simplified set
the engineer have to build nanobots of incredibly small size, of instructions, replicate. Biologicals are extremely rich in
but they also have to build them in huge quantities. materials required for nanoswarm replication so it’s only
Compared to typical technological constructs it’s incredibly natural for the nanoswarm to aggressively pursue those
expensive to build nanoswarms because everything has to materials.
be miniaturized. In addition to all the nanobots have to be The second mode was originally designed to assist in
able to communicate with each other to perform tasks over terraforming and prepping a world for colonization. A
a neural network, a special type of hive mind. To overcome swarm would be delivered to a future colony site and the
the higher expense and time required to craft enough swarm would go to work replicating itself a set number of
nanobots to create an effective nanoswarm engineers times before beginning its assigned tasks. A few months or
designed a synthetic RNA protocol which allows each nanite years later colonist would arrive to a habitable outpost.
to store a copy of their design instructions. The Replicator template can be added to any
This design protocol is essential to manufacturing new nanoswarm.
nanoswarms. All nanoswarms are capable of replication
when this protocol is turned on but most manufacturers
program in a failsafe which terminates the protocol • Firmware Intelligence: the Nanoswarm is set to
removing it from memory after a specific number of replicator mode and has an Intelligence modifier of -5.
successful replications. The protocol is then hidden and Since its only running on firmware and hasn’t loaded a
stored in an encrypted state. It is possible for someone to complete operating system any attempts to control or
hack into the synthetic RNA protocol and reactivate it in modify the nanoswarms actions are made with a -10
attempts to build additional nanoswarms or cause some penalty.
mayhem and mischief. By default, a nanoswarm set to • Material Awareness: The nanoswarm gains a special
replication mode will begin replicating with any available form blindsense (sound, vibration) out to 30 feet. It
stock piles of Universal Polymer Base (UPB) and will produces a continuous sequence of vibrations to
continue replicating until the stock piles are exhausted or it determine the type of materials available for
has completed a specific number of replications. There is a replication in its local environment.
second replication mode which allows them to replicate
vegetation (grasses, briars, bushes, creepers, thistles,
trees, vines, and so on) becomes thick and overgrown,
Terraforming nanoswarms are capable of permanently and doubles the productivity of existing plants. It can
altering the terrain and climate of a small area or entire be used to stunt the growth of plants by inhibiting their
world if given sufficient time and materials. Although, the production or reducing their overall biomass by one-
swarms are incapable of creating life they are capable of half.
altering the terrain and climate to support life. Once the Temperature (Ex) The average temperature in the area
environment on a dead rock has been altered sufficiently is raised or lowered by 10° Fahrenheit.
the terraforming nanoswarms introduce different strains of Atmosphere (Ex) A poisonous atmosphere can have its
bacteria to produce oxygen, remove toxins, and produce saving throw DC reduced by 1. When an atmosphere’s
organics necessary for the arrival of plants and animals. DC would be reduced to 0 it is no longer considered
The Terraformer template can be applied to any Large, toxic. Atmospheric pressure can be decreased or
Huge, Gigantic, or Colossal nanoswarm. increased by 1% or the percentage of one of its gases
like oxygen can be increased by 1%. (A strategy
employed to maintain atmosphere on Mars was
• Freedom of Movement (Ex): Not all materials are easy building great 1 to 10-mile diameter domes to hold the
to get to. Terraforming nanoswarms have burrow, atmosphere in place. Another strategy in the great
climb, fly (average), and swim speeds equal to their caverns of Luna was to flood the caverns with
regular movement speed. atmosphere and keep the terraforming nanites on task
• Bacterial Affliction (Ex): Many of the bacteria used in while letting the excess seep to the surface only to get
terraforming are often toxic to other living creatures. blown away by the solar wind.)
Three times per day any target subject to swarm
damage is also subject to bacterial affliction. The
terraforming nanoswarm can release its bacterial
affliction as a swift action during its swarm attack.
Since one nanoswarm carries multiple types of Crafting nanotech equipment follows the
bacteria, GM is encouraged to use a different inhaled “Crafting Equipment and Magic Items” rules
or injury type poison each time bacterial affliction is presented in Chapter 7 of the Starfinder Core
used. The DC for the bacterial affliction is equal to its Rulebook unless otherwise noted.
distraction DC. For additional information on poisons,
see the "Afflictions" section in Chapter 11 of the
Starfinder Core Rulebook. Once the characters have faced off against
• Terraform (Ex) 8 large, 4 huge, 2 gigantic terraformers nanoswarm’s its nearly unavoidable that a
working in tandem or a single colossal terraformer player will want to build or purchase one. The
nanoswarm can strongly influence the surface and Starfinder Roleplaying Game, to date, has not
internal processes of a planet, minor, plant, natural provided guidance for buying robots or
satellite, or asteroid. These localized environmental starships. Allowing robot companions without
changes can slowly effect larger regions or even diminishing the Mechanic class and their drone
change the climate of an entire world. Over a 1-week pet might prove to be difficult.
period, terraformer nanoswarms can influence a 1- Gravity Age playtesting rules for building a
mile radius with one of the following effects: robot: A robot’s Item level equals CR +2. The
Earthshaper (Ex) Moves dirt (clay, loam, sand, and cost of building a robot is equal to double the
soil), possibly collapsing embankments, moving cost of the most expensive light armor of equal
hillocks, shifting dunes, and so forth, but does not item level. Nanoswarms are more expensive
affect rock formations. The elevation can be increased than typical robots and a nanoswarm of equal
or decreased by up to 10 feet. item level to a robot costs 20% more. The rules
are currently in play testing. The finalized rules
Hydrosphere (Ex) This effect can raise or lower the
will be released in the upcoming Gravity Age:
water table by up to 10 feet
Robotics Emporium. To find out more check
Biosphere (Ex) This terraforming method has several out www.gravityage.com for future products.
effects; barren land bursts with new plantlife, normal
XP 25,600
NE Large construct (technological, nanoswarm, horror)
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception
EAC 29; KAC 30
Fort +12; Ref +12; Will +10
Immunities construct immunities, swarm immunities (1/2
damage from piercing and slashing weapons)
Weaknesses vulnerable to electricity, additional 50% damage
from spells or effects that affect an area
Speed 40 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee swarm (3d12+34)
Ranged integrated yellow star plasma cannon +24 (4d10 E &
F; crit burn 2d8) Glow (Ex) Soldier horrors glow with an earie orange light. This
Offensive Abilities distraction, low radiation, radiation burst, 5-foot radius glow is considered less than candle light. This
swarm glow cannot be turned off by any means other than the
STATISTICS horror’s own destruction. The glow causes a -10 penalty on
all Stealth checks.
Str +6; Dex +9; Con —; Int +4; Wis +0; Cha +0
Hivemind (Su) The Type K horror’s telepathy is limited to 35
Skills Acrobatics +21, Athletics +17, Computers +17
miles when communicating with other Type K or lesser
Languages Common horrors.
Noncombat Abilities unliving Low Radiation (Ex) Soldier horrors shed radiation in a 10-foot
Gear integrated yellow star plasma cannon radius. For additional information on radiation, see the
ECOLOGY "Environment" section in Chapter 11 of the Starfinder Core
Environment any urban
Swarm Attack (Ex) Nanoswarms deal automatic damage to
Organization solitary, pair, or company (3–7)
any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their
SPECIAL ABILITIES move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not
Distraction (Ex) A creature damaged by the nanoswarm is subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover.
nauseated for 1 round (DC 19 Fortitude negates). Radiation Burst (Ex) Once per day as a swift action, a Type K
Force Fields (Ex) A force field sheathes the nanoswarm in a horror can emit a blast of severe radiation potentially
thin layer of shimmering energy that grants 28 bonus causing radiation sickness. For additional information on
Stamina points. All damage dealt to a nanoswarm with an radiation sickness, see the "Environment" section in
active force field is reduced from these Stamina points first. Chapter 11 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook.
A force field has a form of fast healing equal to the Type K horrors are well-known for their orange glow.
nanoswarm’s CR (14), but it only restores the Stamina Although the Type K horror is not the most common type
points granted by the force field itself, once its Stamina of horror it is only slightly less common than the Type M
points are reduced to 0, the force field shuts down and horror and by far the most common horror encountered
remains inactive for 10 minutes. according data records. The Type K horrors are the
warrior cast and fulfil the roles of soldier and protectors.
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Sometimes the most wonderful and terrible things come in
small packages. Nanotech will help humanity conquer the
stars but it has a dark side. If misused the same nanites that
delivered humanity to the stars could end their civilization.
This accessory contains new material covering:
• 20+ Nanoaugmentors (new additions to the
Augmentations presented in the Strafinder Core
• 30 Nanoviruses (temporary augmentations)
• 3 New types of nano-armor
• 16 Nano-weapons
• Explore independent nanocolonies (including Gray
Goo, Holographic Servant, and Zombie Dust, as
seen on cover)
• Take advantage of holistic nanomedicine (including
healing chambers, resurrection chambers, and
mnemonic transfer devices)
• 9 new feats
• Creature Update: Nanoswarm (CR 1 -25), also
includes the horror, replicator, and terraformer
• See samples from the Creature Update at

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