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A New Gelling Agent and Rheology Modifier in
Cosmetics: Caesalpinia spinosa Gum
Luigi Rigano 1 , Miriam Deola 1 , Francesca Zaccariotto 2 , Thomas Colleoni 3 and
Nicola Lionetti 1, *
1 Rigano Laboratories Srl, 20125 Milan, Italy; rigano@thecosmetologist.com (L.R.);
deola@thecosmetologist.com (M.D.)
2 Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Trieste, 34127 Trieste, Italy;
3 Silvateam Food Ingredients Srl, 24126 Bergamo, Italy; tcolleoni@silvateam.com
* Correspondence: lionetti@thecosmetologist.com

Received: 17 April 2019; Accepted: 31 May 2019; Published: 1 June 2019 

Abstract: Caesalpinia spinosa gum is a vegetal polysaccharide obtained by grinding the endosperm of
Caesalpinia spinosa seeds. It is commonly used as a rheology modifier in food industry. Its rheological
behavior, compatibility with common cosmetic ingredients, and application as a thickener in
different types of cosmetic formulations were investigated in this article. At low concentrations
(0.1–0.2%) the behavior is Newtonian; at higher percentages (0.5–2.0%) it is pseudoplastic without
thixotropy. The gum was tested in combination with salts, chelating agents, humectants, thickeners,
pigments, nano UV filters, surfactants, conditioners, and ethanol, as well as in acidic/alkaline
conditions. The wide compatibility and the interesting sensory profile, even in association with other
thickeners, make the Caesalpinia spinosa gum a very promising ingredient for the thickening of various
cosmetic products.

Keywords: rheology modifiers; Caesalpinia spinosa gum; galactomannans; thickeners; formulation

1. Introduction
The rheology modifier category, which comprises all the raw materials that significantly participate
in the rheology of monophasic or biphasic systems, also includes ingredients called gelatinizers. These
increase the viscosity of oils, aqueous solutions, suspensions, emulsions, and surfactants, often giving
rise to systems with the thickness of a gel [1].
These substances might be classified according to their key application field, i.e. their use in
hydrophilic, lipophilic, or surfactant systems. Alternatively, if the origin criteria are taken into account,
they can be classified as natural, like guar, xanthan, and gellan gums or alginates [2], “natural-modified”,
for example cellulose derivatives (hydroxyethylcellulose, methylcellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose),
synthetic, like products from the oil industry (acrylates, polyesters, waxes), or finally mineral, like
clays and pyrogenic silica. As current market trends require greener, sustainable, and safe ingredients,
the importance of natural ingredients is on the rise in the rheology modifiers field. Indeed, they have
some limitations, such as, for instance, their high sensitivity to extreme pH or high ionic concentrations
and their relative susceptibility to microbial and environmental contamination. The non-perfect
reproducibility of the gelatinized system could be an additional drawback. Natural polymers
usually show more or less branched polysaccharide backbones which are quite hydrophilic, and the
gel formation is strictly related to their chemical structure and concentration, typically similar to
carbohydrates [3,4].

Cosmetics 2019, 6, 34; doi:10.3390/cosmetics6020034 www.mdpi.com/journal/cosmetics

Cosmetics 2019, 6, 34 2 of 13

Cosmetics spinosa
2018, 5, Gum

Caesalpinia spinosa
Caesalpinia spinosa gum,
Peruviancarob, is is
carob, a natural gum
a natural obtained
gum obtained by grinding the
by grinding
endosperm of Caesalpinia spinosa seeds. Caesalpinia spinosa is a plant belonging
the endosperm of Caesalpinia spinosa seeds. Caesalpinia spinosa is a plant belonging to theto the Leguminosae
family, native family,
Leguminosae to the Peruvian
native toandthe Bolivian
PeruvianAndes [5].
and Bolivian Andes [5].
Caesalpinia spinosa flour (Figure 1), an odorless
Caesalpinia spinosa flour (Figure 1), an odorless whitewhite to
to ivory-colored
ivory-colored powder,
powder, hashas been
been to
to date
been largely used in the food industry as a thickening agent. For this reason, it is internationally
been largely used in the food industry as a thickening agent. For this reason, it is internationally
recognized as
recognized as completely
completely safe
safe for
for other
other human
human applications.

Figure 1. Caesalpinia
Caesalpinia spinosa
spinosa gum,
gum, from
from the
the pod to the flour.

Chemically speaking,
speaking,Caesalpinia spinosaspinosa
Caesalpinia gum is agum
polysaccharide composed of (1-4)-β-D-manno-
is a polysaccharide composed of
pyranose linear chains, branched
(1-4)-β-D-manno-pyranose linear through (1–6) bonds
chains, branched with α-D-galactopyranose
through units in a 3:1 ratio
(1–6) bonds with α-D-galactopyranose
units in 2),
(Figure a 3:1 ratio (Figure 2),
a characteristic a characteristic
structure resemblingstructure
that ofresembling thatgums
other natural of other natural
such gums
as guar andsuch as
guar oncarob,
and the other hand,
which, onshow a different
the other mannose
hand, show to galactose
a different ratioto
mannose [6,7].
galactose ratio [6,7].

Figure 2.
Figure Caesalpinia spinosa
2. Chemical structure of Caesalpinia spinosa gum.

The dispersibility
The dispersibilityin water of these
in water of polymers is proportional
these polymers to the percentage
is proportional of galactopyranose
to the percentage of
units in the polysaccharide chains [8]. Caesalpinia spinosa
galactopyranose units in the polysaccharide chains [8]. Caesalpinia spinosa gum, with 25%agalactose
gum, with 25% galactose (meaning medium
(meaning alevel),
medium results partially
branching soluble
level), in cold
results water,
partially whileinit cold
soluble easily dissolves
water, whilein
it hot water,
easily fully
hydrating while forming a medium force gel of exceptional softness. The pH value
in hot water, fully hydrating while forming a medium force gel of exceptional softness. The pH of an aqueous
solution of Caesalpinia spinosa of
gum at 2% is spinosa ◦ C.
6.4 at 25gum
value of an aqueous solution Caesalpinia at 2% is 6.4 at 25 °C.
2. Materials and Methods
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Rheological and Viscosity Measurements
2.1. Rheological and Viscosity Measurements
Aqueous solutions of one grade of Caesalpinia spinosa gum (Biosericum, Silvateam) at 0.1%, 0.2%,
Aqueous solutions of one grade of Caesalpinia spinosa gum (Biosericum, Silvateam) at 0.1%, 0.2%,
0.5%, 1%, and 2% were prepared by homogenizing the powder in deionized water with a high shear
0.5%, 1%, and 2% were prepared by homogenizing the powder in deionized water with a◦ high shear
mixer (Silverson L4R, Silverson Machines Ltd, Waterside, Chesham HP5 1PQ, UK) at 65 C.
mixer (Silverson L4R, Silverson Machines Ltd, Waterside, Chesham HP5 1PQ, UK) at 65 °C.
Rheological measurements were performed by using a rotational rheometer (Discovery
Rheological measurements were performed by using a rotational rheometer (Discovery
HR-1Rheostress RS150, TA Instruments, New Castle, USA) at 25 ◦ C.
HR-1Rheostress RS150, TA Instruments, New Castle, USA) at 25 °C.
Viscosity measurements were carried out with a rotational viscometer (Brookfield DV-I+,
Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
Cosmetics 2019, 6, 34 3 of 13

Viscosity measurements were carried out with a rotational viscometer (Brookfield DV-I+,
Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
11 Commerce Boulevard, Middleboro, MA 02346 U.S.A.) at different concentrations (0.1%, 0.2%,
0.5%, 1%, 2%) at 25 ◦ C and at different temperatures (25 ◦ C, 35 ◦ C, 45 ◦ C, 55 ◦ C) at 1%.

2.2. Compatibility Trials

Compatibility trials were carried out by adding several common cosmetic ingredients to the
aqueous solution of the gum at 1%. The samples were checked visually and their viscosity was
measured immediately after the preparation, then after 24 and 48 hours.

- Salts: NaCl and MgSO4 up to 2% concentration.

- Chelating agents such as disodium and tetrasodium salts of ethylenediaminotetraacetic acid
(0.1%), sodium salts of ethylenediamine disuccinic and glutamic-diacetic acids (0.4%).
- Hydrotropes: betaine, glycerin, isopentyldiol, propylene glycol, and 1,3-propandiol up to 5%.
- Ethanol up to 40%
- Lactic acid up to pH 3 and NaOH up to pH 12.
- Five common natural or synthetic thickeners were added to the aqueous solution of Caesalpinia
spinosa gum at 0.5% by homogenizing: xanthan gum at 0.5%, carrageenan at 1%, carbomer at
0.5%, hydroxyethylcellulose at 1%, and the copolymer ammonium acryloyldimethyltaurate/VP at
0.5%. Sensory evaluations of the gels were carried out by a panel of trained experts.

The compatibility of the gum and its influence on the foam height and quality were tested with
the following common surfactants: sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), disodium cocoamphodiacetate,
disodium laureth sulfosuccinate, cocamidopropyl betaine, and coco-glucoside. Foam height was
measured by preparing an aqueous solution of each surfactant at 0.5% (100 mL in a 400-mL beaker);
the solution was homogenized with a high shear mixer (Silverson L4R,) equipped with a crown for
emulsions with circular holes during 1 min. Then the foam was poured slowly in a 250-mL cylinder
with an internal diameter of 35 mm. The foam height was measured with a ruler in millimeters
(mm), 1 min and 5 min after preparation. The quality was checked visually and with in-use trials.
The compatibility of Caesalpinia spinosa gum aqueous solution at 0.25%, 0.5%, and 1% was tested with
each mentioned surfactant at Washing Active Substance - WAS 15. Then, blends made of sodium
lauryl ether sulfate as main surfactant at 10% + secondary surfactant (disodium cocoamphodiacetate
or disodium laureth sulfosuccinate or cocamidopropyl betaine or coco-glucoside) at 2% and 4% were
tested in association with the aqueous solution of the gum at 0.5%. A visual analysis and viscosity
measurements were performed immediately after the preparation, and after 24 and 48 hours.
Then, 1% cetrimonium chloride was added to the aqueous solution of the gum at 0.5% to test their
compatibility. The sample was checked visually and its viscosity was measured immediately after the
preparation, and after 24 and 48 hours.
Additional trials were carried out in order to investigate the compatibility with make-up pigments
and the ability to keep them in suspension. The following inorganic solids were added to an aqueous
solution of Caesalpinia spinosa gum at 1%: titanium dioxide 10%, zinc oxide 5%, brown iron oxide
5% (CI 77499, CI 77491, CI 77492), and D&C Red n.7 Calcium Lake (CI 15850) 2% by homogenizing
with a high shear mixer (Silverson L4R). The dispersions were evaluated visually and by an optical
microscope (Optika M-699, magnitude 600×,
OPTIKA Srl, Via Rigla, 30 – 24010 Ponteranica, Italy) just after the preparation and after 24/48 h.
Moreover, nano UV filters, i.e. uncoated zinc oxide at 25% and silica-coated titanium dioxide at
20% were added to an aqueous solution of the gum at 1% by homogenizing. The ease of dispersion
during production and the appearance of the samples after 24/48 h were checked.
Cosmetics 2019, 6, 34 4 of 13

2.3. Suspending and Emulsification Power

In order
Cosmetics 2018, 5,to verify
x FOR PEERthe suspending power of some inorganic solids, even in comparison 4with
REVIEW of 13
xanthan gum, dispersions of the two gums at 1% with 25% micronized ZnOor 10% TiO2 and at 0.2%
25 °C
with 10%(Heraeus
TiO2 werecentrifuge,
prepared andMultifuge 1-SR,at Thermo
centrifuged different Fisher
speeds Scientific,
(1000, 3000,3rd
rpm) forWaltham,
5 min at
◦ US).
25 C (Heraeus centrifuge, Multifuge 1-SR, Thermo Fisher Scientific, 3rd Avenue, Waltham, MA, USA).
Finally, anadditional
of the gum. The assessment was performed by adding increasing amounts
of the gum. The assessment was performed by adding increasing amounts (0.3%, 0.6%, 0.9%, (0.3%, 0.6%, 0.9%, 1. 2%,
3%) of an oil blend of medium polarity (composed of caprylic/capric triglyceride,
1.2%, 3%) of an oil blend of medium polarity (composed of caprylic/capric triglyceride, dicaprylyl dicaprylyl ether,
ether, hydrogenated polydecene 1:1:1)1:1:1)
polydecene to Caesalpinia spinosa
to Caesalpinia gumgum
spinosa solution at 1%
solution at 1%bybyhomogenizing
maximum speed for 5 min (Silverson L4R,). The samples were evaluated
at maximum speed for 5 min (Silverson L4R,). The samples were evaluated visually and visually andbybyoptical
microscopic observation(Optika
measuringthe theaverage
drops (five measurements for each dispersion) immediately after the preparation, after
drops (five measurements for each dispersion) immediately after the preparation, after 48 hours and 48 hours and
one week.


view,very diluteCaesalpinia
verydilute Caesalpiniaspinosa
Newtonian behavior (Figure
behavior 3). In
(Figure 3).other words,
In other viscosity
words, does not
viscosity change
does when
not change
increasing the shear force. As concentrations progressively increase, the polymer solution
when increasing the shear force. As concentrations progressively increase, the polymer solution acquires
pseudoplastic characteristics
acquires pseudoplastic and its viscosity
characteristics and itsdecreases
viscosity when increasing
decreases the shear force.
when increasing the shear force.

Figure curvesofofCaesalpinia
Flowcurves Caesalpiniaspinosa
(Cone ◦
rheometer,atat2525 C).

concentrations,such as 2%,
such its behavior
as 2%, becomes
its behavior viscoelastic.
becomes Indeed,
viscoelastic. the polymer
Indeed, keeps
the polymer
constant viscosityviscosity
a constant at increasing shear forces,
at increasing shearup to a threshold
forces, value, where
up to a threshold it takes
value, whereonitatakes
on a
pseudoplastic behavior.
properly pseudoplastic behavior.
general,aqueous solutions
aqueous of Caesalpinia
solutions spinosa gum
of Caesalpinia do not
spinosa exhibit
gum do thixotropic
not exhibitcharacteristics,
and therefore their structure-rebuilding time is comparable to the initial part of the
characteristics, and therefore their structure-rebuilding time is comparable to the initial part of rheological path
rheological path (Figure 4). It is important to underline that viscosity is inversely proportional5),
4). It is important to underline that viscosity is inversely proportional to temperature (Figure to
as occurs frequently.
temperature (Figure 5), as occurs frequently.
Cosmetics 2018, 5, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 13

Cosmetics 2019, 6, 34 5 of 13
Cosmetics 2018, 5, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 13

Figure 4. Caesalpinia spinosa gum thixotropy at several concentrations (0.1%, 0.2% 0.5%, 1%, 2%).
Dotted lines refer to the return path.

Figure Figurespinosa
Caesalpinia 6spinosa
gum relationship
thixotropy atbetween
at several
thixotropy viscosity(0.1%,
several and concentration.
concentrations 0.2% 0.5%,
(0.1%, 0.2%1%, An1%,
0.5%, important
Dotted viscosity
to the
lines isto
refer returnfrom
the path.the 1% concentration.

Table 1 and Figure 6 show the relationship between viscosity and concentration. An important
increase in viscosity is observed from the 1% concentration.

Caesalpinia spinosa
Figure 5. Caesalpinia spinosa gum
gum viscosity
viscosity at
at different
different temperatures.

Table 1 and Figure 6 show the relationship between viscosity and concentration. An important
increase in viscosity is observed from the 1% concentration.
Figure 5. Caesalpinia spinosa gum viscosity at different temperatures.
Cosmetics 2019, 6, 34 6 of 13

Table 1. Viscosity values for each Caesalpinia spinosa gum concentration.

Viscosity (mPa·s)
Caesalpinia spinosa Brookfield DV-I+, 25 ◦ C
gum (%)
2.5 rpm 5 rpm 10 rpm 20 rpm
0.10 4 6 10 12
0.20 12 16 20 22
0.50 720 696 648 576
1.00 8320 7360 6120 4740
2.00 131,000 98,400 69,200 44,800

Figure 6. Caesalpinia spinosa gum viscosity at different concentrations.

3.2. Compatibility Trials

This grade of Caesalpinia spinosa gum showed an excellent compatibility with most ingredients
at concentrations usually adopted in cosmetics (such as sodium chloride and magnesium sulfate),
salts commonly used to thicken cleansing formulae or to stabilize water in oil (W/O) emulsions,
and chelating agents like sodium salts of ethylenediaminotetraacetic, ethylenediamine disuccinic,
and glutamic-diacetic acids. In fact, the appearance of the samples did not change after 48 h and the
viscosity slightly increased.
Hydrotropes, such as betaine, glycerin, isopentyldiol, propylene glycol, and 1,3-propandiol
showed perfect compatibility and gave a slightly higher viscosity to aqueous dispersions. In addition,
by preliminary wetting the gum with the fluid hydrotopes, the dispersion in water is easier, therefore
facilitating the swelling procedure.
Caesalpinia spinosa gum proved to be stable in a pH range from 3 to 12, without changes in
appearance nor viscosity. Moreover, it tolerated the addition of ethanol up to 10%, even if the viscosity
underwent a significant increase.
Cosmetics 2019, 6, 34 7 of 13

Caesalpinia spinosa gum showed in general good compatibility with the natural and synthetic
rheology modifiers tested, i.e., carrageenan, carbomer, hydroxyethylcellulose, and ammonium
acryloyldimethyltaurate/VP copolymer, with a strong viscosity increase. Additionally, there was an
interesting synergic effect with xanthan gum [9,10].
Indeed, the combination of the two polymers forms instantly a compact gel, sharing this
characteristic with other galactomannans, unlike what happens when they are used alone [11].
Moreover, Caesalpinia spinosa gum enhanced the sensorial properties of the binary gels in terms of
softness, spreading, thickness, velvety after-feel, and lower stickiness.
The foam height of surfactants solutions tends to decrease when adding Caesalpinia spinosa gum,
even if good foam stabilization is evident. The gum proved to be compatible at 0.25% with disodium
cocamphodiacetate (WAS 15) and with sodium laureth sulfate (WAS 15) up to 1%, showing in this
case an increase in viscosity. As far as the blends are concerned, the gum at 0.5% resulted compatible
with SLES 10% + coco-glucoside up to 4% and SLES 10% + disodium laureth sulfosuccinate up to 4%,
showing an increase in viscosity in both cases, and with SLES 10% + cocamidopropyl betaine at 2%,
showing a decrease in viscosity. The benefits imparted to surfactants by Caesalpinia spinosa gum, such
as improvement of foam quality, a thicker soft feeling during massaging, and the high safety level,
make it ideal for delicate cleansing, for example in personal and baby hygiene and cleansing recipes for
intolerant and hypersensitive skins. In addition, the gum proved to be compatible with the conditioner
cetyltrimethylammonium chloride, making it suitable for thickening hair products, from cleansers to
conditioning masks.
In the case of solid dispersions, Caesalpinia spinosa gum demonstrated good compatibility with
the pigments used in make-up formulations, such as iron oxides, titanium dioxide, and zinc oxide,
except the Calcium Lake, for which dispersion was difficult and not homogeneous. Even inorganic
micronized UV filters like uncoated ZnO and silica-coated TiO2 proved to be compatible with this gum.

3.3. Suspending and Emulsification Power

Caesalpinia spinosa gum showed good suspending power of some inorganic powders at 1%, slightly
more than xanthan gum. In fact, centrifuged samples of dispersions of both gums at 1% with nano
ZnO 25% or TiO2 10% did not show any precipitate at 1000 rpm. In contrast, at 3000 and 5000 rpm
they presented some precipitate, higher in case of xanthan gum, in particular with ZnO. Decreasing
the percentage of the gums to 0.2% by dispersing 10% TiO2 the samples did not show any precipitate
at 1000 rpm, similar amounts of precipitate at 3000 rpm, and a higher amount only in the case of
Caesalpinia spinosa gum at 5000 rpm. However, it is important to underline that the difference in
viscosity of the two gums at 0.2% influences the suspending properties (viscosity, Brookfield DV-I+,
25 ◦ C, Spindle 2, 2.5 rpm: xanthan gum 1,200 mPa·s, C. spinosa gum 12 mPa·s).
Trials carried out by dispersing an oil blend into Caesalpinia spinosa gum aqueous solutions at 1%
showed some oil emulsifying properties up to an oil concentration of about 1%. In fact, the average
diameter of the oil droplets just after the preparation was 3.8 µm at 0.3% oil, 10.3 µm at 0.9% oil,
and 20.0 µm at 3% oil. After one week, the values kept quite constant: 4.2 µm at 0.3% oil, 10.2 µm at
0.9% oil, and 21.8 µm at 3% oil. This characteristic, alongside its verified suspending power, makes
Caesalpinia spinosa gum a good alternative to xanthan gum as a thickening and stabilizing agent.

3.4. Optimal Concentration of Usage

The right concentration of Caesalpinia spinosa gum to maximize its suspending properties, while
avoiding any “gommage” effect after spreading the product over the skin, ranges between 0.1% and
1%. Indeed, the film forming properties become predominant above this concentration, even though
they might be needed in the preparation of make-up products with long-lasting characteristics, such as
eyeliners and mascaras or face masks and muds.
Cosmetics 2019, 6, 34 8 of 13

Formulation Examples

After shave fresh gel (transparent microemulsion).

Phase Ingredients (INCI* name) % w/w
Aqua to 100
Allantoin 0.10–0.30
A Xylitol 2.00–5.00
Zinc PCA 0.05–0.15
Panthenol 0.20–0.60
Trisodium Ethylenediamine Disuccinate, Aqua 0.30
A1 Carbomer 0.30–0.50
Isopentyldiol 3.00–6. 00
Caesalpinia Spinosa Gum 0.30–0.50
Phenoxyethanol 0.80
o-Cymen-5-ol 0.10
Parfum 0.10–0.30
Menthol, Menthyl Lactate 0.08–0.12
PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil 0.80–1.20
E Triethanolamine qs to pH 6

* INCI = International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients

Production technology:

1. Prepare phase A by mixing until complete solution.

2. Disperse A1 into phase A by homogenizing at room temperature.
3. Prepare phase A2 and add it to phase A while homogenizing.
4. Prepare phase B and add it into the main mixer while homogenizing.
5. Adjust pH to 6 by adding phase E and homogenize for 5 min.

pH: 6.0
Viscosity: (Brookfield DV-I+; S05; 25 ◦ C, t = 24 h, mPa·s)

- 2.5 rpm: 92,480

- 5. 0 rpm: 56,000
- 10.0 rpm: 33,880

Appearance: Transparent Gel

This formula shows the compatibility of Caesalpinia spinosa gum with common water-soluble
additives of a different chemical nature. This good compatibility is also reported when blending
Caesalpinia spinosa gum with other hydrophilic polymers. The result is an improvement of the sensorial
properties of the end product, imparting softness and freshness.
Cosmetics 2019, 6, 34 9 of 13

Discipline hair mask.

Phase Ingredients (INCI name) % W/W
A Aqua to 100
A1 Polyquaternium-10 0.05–0.15
A2 Caesalpinia Spinosa Gum 0.80–1.20
Behentrimonium Methosulfate, cetearyl alcohol 3.00–6.00
C12-13 Lactate 2.00–4.00
B Isostearyl Alcohol 0.50–1.50
Cetrimonium Chloride 0.50–1.50
Stearamidopropyl Dimethylamine 0.20–0.60
Butyrospermum Parkii Butter 1.00–3.00
C Aqua 20.00–30.00
D Glycerin 2.00–6.00
E Phenoxyethanol 0.60
F Amodimethicone, Cetrimonium Chloride, Trideceth-10 2.00–6.00
G Aminopropyl Dimethicone 0.50–1.50
H Parfum 0.20–0.50
I Sodium Hydroxide, Aqua 0.20–0.40
L Lactic Acid, Aqua 0.20–0.40
M Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Aqua 0.35

Production technology:

1. Add phase A in the main mixer, then firstly add phase A1 and secondly add phase A2, while
homogenizing at room temperature.
2. Heat up at 70 ◦ C while homogenizing.
3. Prepare phase B in a side mixer and heat up to 70 ◦ C.
4. Slowly add phase B into phase A, while homogenizing.
5. Add phase C gradually, while homogenizing.
6. Add phases D–H, homogenizing after each addition.
7. Add phases I–M, mixing after each addition.
8. Cool down to room temperature while mixing.

pH: 4.5
Viscosity: (Brookfield DV-I +; S06; 25 ◦ C, t = 24 h, mPa·s)

- 2.5 rpm: 118,000

- 5.0 rpm: 72,600
- 10.0 rpm: 43,800
Cosmetics 2019, 6, 34 10 of 13

Appearance: White Thick Emulsion

This formulation scheme shows the compatibility of Caesalpinia spinosa gum with different types of
monomeric and polymeric cationic conditioners, silicones and a vegetal butter. At high concentrations,
Caesalpinia spinosa gum provides a thick and firm gel structure, suitable for hair masks.

Oil/Water (O/W) foundation

Phase Ingredients (INCI name) % W/W
Aqua to 100
A Disodium EDTA 0.05
Betaine 0.50–1.50
Propylene Glycol 1.00–3.00
A1 Glycerin 4.00–8.00
Caesalpinia Spinosa Gum 0.20–0.60
A2 Glycerin, Inulin Lauryl Carbamate 1.00–3.00
Hydrogenated Polydecene 2.00–5.00
Butylene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate 5.00–10.00
Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride 5.00–8.00
Isoamyl Laurate 2.00–6.00
Limnanthes Alba Seed Oil, Butyrospermum Pparkii Butter Extract 2.00–6.00
Sorbitan Stearate 0.50–2.00
Glyceryl Stearate 1.00–2.50
BHT 0.05
CI 77891 8.00–12.00
B1 CI 77492 1.00–2.00
CI 77491, CI 77492, CI 77499 1.00–2.00
C Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin 1.00
D Parfum 0.10–0.30

Production technology:

1. After preparing phase A and phase A1 separately, slowly add phase A1 into phase A
and homogenize.
2. Add phase A2 in the main mixer, heat up to 60 ◦ C and homogenize again.
3. Prepare phase B in a side melting-vessel and heat up to 70 ◦ C.
4. Add phase B1 pigments, previously mixed and milled, to the fluid B phase, while homogenizing.
5. Add slowly phase B to phase A while homogenizing.
6. Cool to room temperature.
7. Add phase C and phase D, then homogenize.

pH: 5.7
Viscosity: (Brookfield DV-I+; S04; 25 ◦ C, t = 24 h, mPa·s)

- 2.5 rpm: 28,480

- 5.0 rpm: 19,600
Cosmetics 2019, 6, 34 11 of 13

- 10.0 rpm: 13,160

Appearance: Skin-Colored Fluid Emulsion

This example demonstrates the compatibility of Caesalpinia spinosa gum with mineral pigments,
favoring a long-lasting hiding and mat effect on the skin surface. It also shows the compatibility of
Caesalpinia spinosa gum with other emulsifying polysaccharides and its stabilization power, even at low
emulsifier concentration.

Personal hygiene cleanser.

Phase Ingredients (INCI name) % W/W
Aqua to 100
Panthenol 0.20–0.60
Sodium Benzoate 0.25
Caesalpinia Spinosa Gum 0.50–1.00
Trisodium Ethylenediamine Disuccinate, Aqua 0.30
Phenoxyethanol 0.80
Phenethyl Alcohol 0.10
Coco Glucoside, Aqua 2.00–5.00
C Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Aqua 3.00–6.00
Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate, Aqua 2.00–5.00
D Lactic Acid, Aqua to pH 4.70

Production technology:

1. Prepare phase A while homogenizing, then heat up to 60 ◦ C.

2. Cool down below 40 ◦ C, then add phase B while homogenizing.
3. Add phase C, while mixing.
4. Use phase D to adjust pH to a value between 4.5 and 4.8.

pH: 4.7
Viscosity: (Brookfield DV-I +; S02; 25 ◦ C, t = 0, mPa·s)

- 2.5 rpm: 3760

- 5.0 rpm: 3360
- 10.0 rpm: 2836

Appearance: Slightly Opaque Fluid

This example shows the compatibility of Caesalpinia spinosa gum with surfactants, a very useful
property to create delicate cleansing formulas. Using Caesalpinia spinosa gum, the foam is softer,
the bubbles are finer, and after the application the skin is smooth.
Cosmetics 2019, 6, 34 12 of 13

Toothpaste, sensitive gums

Phase Ingredients (INCI Name) % W/W
Aqua to 100
Sodium Saccharin 0.15–0. 30
A Sodium Monofluorophosphate 0.60–0.80
Sorbitol 25.00–35.00
PEG-400 2.00–6.00
Hydroxyacetophenone 0.20
A1 Caesalpinia Spinosa Gum 0.30–0.80
Aqua 2.00–6.00
Titanium Dioxide 0.50–1.50
Hydrated Silica 6.00–12.00
C Hydrated Silica 8.00–14.00
Silica 1.00–3.00
Aroma 1.00–1.50
CI 19140, CI 42090 0.03–0.06
Aqua 2.00–8.00
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 1.00–1.50
F Sodium hydroxide, Aqua 0.50–1.00

Production technology:

1. Prepare phase A, adding each ingredient separately, then heat up to 60 ◦ C, while stirring
2. Disperse Caesalpinia spinosa gum (A1), while homogenizing.
3. Pour phase B into phase A while homogenizing, then add phase C and homogenize again.
4. Cool down below 40 ◦ C, then add phase D, while homogenizing.
5. Add phase E, while mixing.
6. Cool down to room temperature, then adjust pH using phase F.

pH: 6.8
Viscosity: (Brookfield RVT, Helipath-D; 25 ◦ C, t = 24 h, mPa·s):

- 2.5 rpm: 328,000

- 5.0 rpm: 188,000
- 10.0 rpm: 100,000

Appearance: Light-Green Paste

Caesalpinia spinosa gum can be easily added in any toothpaste formulation, being extremely
compatible with abrasive agents such as hydrated silica. Caesalpinia spinosa gum gives the product a
soft perception while tooth brushing, a useful property especially in the case of sensitive gums.

4. Conclusions
The application data presented above highlight the strengths of a grade of Caesalpinia spinosa gum
as a novel rheology modifier for the cosmetic industry.
First of all, the good compatibility with a large amount of other common cosmetic ingredients
enables a wide range of possible formulations.
Cosmetics 2019, 6, 34 13 of 13

Secondly, the synergy of Caesalpinia spinosa gum with xanthan gum is useful to create peculiar
products such as jellies without the need to use large concentrations of the two thickeners.
Moreover, among the various properties, those of most impact are those linked to the enhancement
of sensorial properties of finished products in terms of softer and richer skin-feel and velvety after-feel,
completely free of any sticky perception.
Finally, other important key features of Caesalpinia spinosa gum include its low cost, its easiness
of dispersion especially when pre-wet in glycols, and the fact that it is an extremely safe ingredient.
These are all good reasons for its widespread use within the food industry. These characteristics make
Caesalpinia spinosa gum an added-value ingredient within modern cosmetic formulation strategies,
requiring, now more than ever, natural, safe, sustainable, economic, and versatile solutions.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.R.; Investigation, M.D. and F.Z.; Data Curation, M.D.; Writing-Original
Draft Preparation, M.D. and F.Z.; Writing-Review & Editing, L.R. and N.L.; Supervision, L.R. and T.C.
Conflicts of Interest: All authors Luigi Rigano, Miriam Deola, Francesca Zaccariotto, Thomas Colleoni and
Nicola Lionetti declare no conflict of interest.

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