Computer MCQs (Set-I)
Computer MCQs (Set-I)
Computer MCQs (Set-I)
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(d) Fraction
Answer: c
Which key performs a special function when used with another key?
(a) Control key
(b) Formula key
(c) Special key
(d) None of the above
Answer: a
What moves the cursor up, down, left or right without erasing characters?
(a) Return Keys
(b) Arrow Keys
(c) Control Keys
(d) Space Keys
Answer: b
A powerful key that lets you exit a program when pushed is known as:
(a) Space bar
(b) Escape key
Name the software developed to satisfy the needs of a broad group of users:
(a) Horizontal market software
(b) Freeware software
(c) Vertical market software
(d) Industry-specific software
Answer: a
(a) Core
(b) Hub
(c) Router
(d) Switch
Answer: a
In Java, what is the legal range of values for a variable declared as a byte?
(a) 0 to 256
(b) 0 to 255
(c) 128 to 127
(d) 128 to 128
Answer: c
Protocol such as FTP and Telnet (Terminal emulation) are popular application on:
(a) Network
(b) Server
(c) Internet
(d) File server
Answer: a
Name the OS that can be configured for five increasing levels of security?
(a) OS 390
(b) Windows NT
(c) OS/400
(d) Unix
Answer: c
Which one is a standard for security that is located at the network or packet-
processing layer of network communications, as opposed to the application layer?
(a) SSL
(b) TCP
(c) IPsec
(d) Passive FTP
Answer: c
What do you call a computer on the internet that is expressly set up to attract and
“trap” intruders?
(a) Honeypot
(b) Demilitarized zone
(c) Trojan horse
(d) Snoop server
Answer: a
See also: Computer and Internet MCQs for All Competitive Exams
Which system allows remote workers to have secure access to their organization’s
network while using Internet?
(a) Shoulder surfing
(b) Wingate
(c) Virtual Private Network
(d) Intrusion detection system
Answer: c
Which firewall facility can monitor the state of a active connections and use this
information to determine which network packets to allow though the firewall?
(a) Dynamic packet filter
(b) ICMP sweep
(c) Static packet filter
(d) Logic bomb
Answer: a