TCN Notebook Content
TCN Notebook Content
TCN Notebook Content
Student Notebook
Department Electronics & Communication Engineering
Year / Semester IV B. Tech (ECE) – I Semester
Subject Telecom and Computer Networks
Regulation R14
Subject Code UGEC7T02
Uses of computer networks, OSI, TCP/IP and other reference models, Arpanet, Internet,
Network Topologies, WAN, LAN, MAN, Protocols and Standards.
Introduction, ISDN architecture, ISDN interfaces, Functional Grouping, Reference Points, protocol
architecture, signaling, numbering, addressing, BISDN.
DSL Technology: ADSL, Cable Modem, Traditional Cable Networks, HFC Networks, CM & CMTS
Text Books
T1. Computer Networks---- Andrew S TANENBAUM, 4th Edition. Pearson Education/PHI.
T2. Telecommunication switching system and netwoks – Thyagarajan Viswanath, PHI, 2000
R1. An Engineering Approach to Computer Networks-S.Keshav, 2 nd Edition, Pearson
R2. Understanding Communications and Networks, 3rd Edition,,W.A. Shay,Thomson
R3. Data Communications and Networking----- Behrouz A. Forouzan. Third Edition TMH.
Basic Idea about Telecom and Computer Networks
Course Objective:
To cover the networking concepts and components and introduces various models. The course is
a highly efficient way of gaining networking awareness, understanding of the protocols and
communication techniques used by networks and vocabulary. To learn about Network hardware,
connecting hosts, Peer to Peer Networks, Client/Server Model.
Course Outcomes:
Lesson Plan:
No. of Reference
S.No hours Topic planed (Books with Page Remarks
1 2 Uses of computer networks ,The OSI T1 03- 12
Reference model T1 37- 41
2 1 The TCP /IP Reference model T1 41- 44
3 2 The ATM Reference model - T1 63- 65
Other net work models
4 2 Examples of Networks: Novell T1 49- 59
Networks, Arpanet, Internet
5 1 Network Topologies WAN, LAN, MAN, T1 14 - 25
Protocols and Standards.
27 1 The Transport Services T1 481-488
28 1 Connection Management T1 496- 506
Student Notebook
Department Electronics & Communication Engineering
Year / Semester IV B. Tech (ECE) – I Semester
Subject Telecome and Computer Networks
Regulation R14
Subject Code UGEC7T02
1. Give the Detailed Comparison of OSI and TCP/IP reference model?
2. Explain with neat sketches LAN, MAN &WAN Networks?
3. Distinguish between various Network Connections?
4. Give a detailed description of the Novell Netware reference model?
5. a) Differentiate between connection oriented and connection less service.
b) What is internetworking? Explain the purpose of internetworking devices used to
connect different LAN segments.
6. (a) List two advantages and two disadvantages of having international standards for network,
(b) Write short notes on interfaces and services of ISO layers
7. a) Explain in detail ISO-OSI reference model.
(b) Write short notes on interface, service and protocol.
1. Explain different types of transmission media used in Data communications?
2. Give the frame format of HDLC PROTOCOL &Explain each field in Details?
3. Explain the concept of Ethernet Cabling?
4. a) Explain Framing, Error control and flow control mechanisms of data link layer.
b) Give the frame format of HDLC protocol.
5. a) Explain how CRC method is used for error detection?
b) Illustrate the above with one example.
6. a) Compare and contrast a circuit-switched network and a packet switched networks.
b) What is the role of address field in a packet traveling through a virtual-circuit network?
c) Compare optical fiber cables with coaxial cables.
7. a) Briefly, explain about the DLL design issues.
(b) If the bit string 0111101111101111110 is bit stuffed. What is the output of the string?
8. a)What are the different types of error detection methods? Explain the CRC error detection
technique using generator polynomial x4 +x3 +1 and data 11100011
b) Explain the different frames types of HDLC protocol?
9. a) Discuss in brief MAC frame structure for IEEE 802.3?
b) Explain the following CSMA schemes: (i) Non-persistent (ii) 1-persistent (iii) p-persistent
10. a) Describe the data link layer services
b) Given the data word 101001111 and the divisor 10111, show the generation of the CRC
word at the sender site
1. a) Compare the virtual and data gram subnets
b) Explain Hierarchical routing algorithm
2. a) What is congestion? Explain the General principles of congestion prevention policies
b) Explain network layer in the Internet.
3. a) Explain store and forward switching and sink tree. What is the importance of Sink Tree?
b)Explain distance Vector Routing algorithm
4. Explain the following routing algorithms (a) Shortest path routing (b) Flooding
5. a) Explain Dynamic routing in detail b) Explain Leaky-bucket algorithm in detail
6. a) Explain the optimality principle and sink tree in detail
b) Explain Broad cast and Multicast routing algorithms
7. a) Compare the static and dynamic routing algorithms.
b) Explain Hierarchical routing algorithm.
8. Write short notes on following (i) Shortest path routing. (ii) Flooding. (iii) Distance vector
routing. 9. What is congestion? Write general principles of congestion control.
10.a) What is Broadcasting? With an example, explain about Reverse path forwarding
b) With an example, explain multicast Routing Algorithm.
11a) Discuss Virtual Circuit Packet Switching?
b) Explain the Count- to- infinity problem and solution in distance vector routing.
12a) Differentiate between unicast , multicast and broad cast
b) Explain the Count- to- infinity problem and solution in distance vector routing.
1,a) Explain TCP header format in detail
b) Explain Connection Management in TCP
2. a) Explain UDP Header format in detail
b) Explain the applications of UDP
3. Explain Transport Layer Protocols in detail?
4. Explain DNS with reference to its components and working.
5.a) What is Electronic mail? Explain the two scenarios of architecture of E-Mail.
b) What is a name server? List and explain the characteristic features of various name servers.
6.a) Explain the function of transport layer and the transport control mechanism.
b) How does DNS perform name resolution? Explain with example
7. a) Explain the Transport Layer Services b) Explain TCP timers in details
8. Explain in details WWW.
9.Explain about yhe basics of Multi Media
10. What are the two categories of encryption/decryption methods? What is the main difference
between the categories?
1) (a) Compare HDLC and LAPD protocols.
(b) Describe ISDN, functional architecture and standards of ISDN Channels
2) (a) What are the objectives of ISDN ? Explain.
(b) Describe the conceptual view of ISDN and what is meant by the term digital pipe.
(c) Discuss ISDN system connections and Interface units.
Student Notebook
Department Electronics & Communication Engineering
Year / Semester IV B. Tech (ECE) – I Semester
Subject Telecom and Computer Networks
Regulation R14
Subject Code UGEC7T02
1. Give the Detailed Comparison of OSI and TCP/IP reference model?
2. Explain with neat sketches LAN, MAN &WAN Networks?
3. Distinguish between various Network Connections?
4. Give a detailed description of the Novell Netware reference model?
5. a) Differentiate between connection oriented and connection less service.
b) What is internetworking? Explain the purpose of internetworking devices used to
connect different LAN segments.
6. (a) List two advantages and two disadvantages of having international standards for network,
(b) Write short notes on interfaces and services of ISO layers
7. a) Explain in detail ISO-OSI reference model.
(b) Write short notes on interface, service and protocol.
5. Explain different types of transmission media used in Data communications?
6. Give the frame format of HDLC PROTOCOL &Explain each field in Details?
7. Explain the concept of Ethernet Cabling?
8. a) Explain Framing, Error control and flow control mechanisms of data link layer.
b) Give the frame format of HDLC protocol.
5. a) Explain how CRC method is used for error detection?
b) Illustrate the above with one example.
6. a) Compare and contrast a circuit-switched network and a packet switched networks.
b) What is the role of address field in a packet traveling through a virtual-circuit network?
c) Compare optical fiber cables with coaxial cables.
7. a) Briefly, explain about the DLL design issues.
(b) If the bit string 0111101111101111110 is bit stuffed. What is the output of the string?
8. a)What are the different types of error detection methods? Explain the CRC error detection
technique using generator polynomial x4 +x3 +1 and data 11100011
b) Explain the different frames types of HDLC protocol?
9. a) Discuss in brief MAC frame structure for IEEE 802.3?
b) Explain the following CSMA schemes: (i) Non-persistent (ii) 1-persistent (iii) p-persistent
10. a) Describe the data link layer services
b) Given the data word 101001111 and the divisor 10111, show the generation of the CRC
1. What are the major components of telecommunication network?
(c) Draw the structure of ISDN and explain transmission rates supported.
4) (a) What are the data link protocols used by ISDN ? Explain.
(b) Describe the four categories of messages in the ISDN network layer
5) Discuss about the motivation for Integrated services digital network (ISDN)?
6) (a)Explain objectives and services of ISDN.
(b) Explain protocol architecture of ISDN.
7) Discuss about the new services supported by ISDN?
8) Explain ISDN architecture with a neat block schematics..
(a) Describe functional groupings and reference points of ISDN.
(b) Discuss numbering and addressing formats of ISDN.
9) (a) Explain the operation of cable modem
(b) Discuss features of HFC Networks
10) (a) How does ADSL divide the band width of a twisted pair cable ?
(b) How does ADSL Modulate a Signal?.
11) (a) Compare ADSL, VDSL, HDSL and SDSL Technologies (b) What is CM, CMTS and DOCSIS?
Student Notebook
Department Electronics & Communication Engineering
Year / Semester IV B. Tech (ECE) – I Semester
Subject Telecom and Computer Networks
Regulation R14
Subject Code UGEC7T02
1. When collection of various computers seems a single coherent system to its client, then it is
called [ ]
a) computer network b) distributed system
c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the mentioned
2. Two devices are in network if [ ]
a) a process in one device is able to exchange information with a process in another
b) a process is running on both devices
c) PIDs of the processes running of different devices are same
d) none of the mentioned
3. Which one of the following computer network is built on the top of another network?
a) prior network b) chief network [ ]
c) prime network d) overlay network
4. In computer network nodes are [ ]
a) the computer that originates the data
b) the computer that routes the data
c) the computer that terminates the data
d) all of the mentioned
5. Communication channel is shared by all the machines on the network in [ ]
a) broadcast network b) unicast network
c) multicast network d) none of the mentioned
6. Bluetooth is an example of [ ]
a) personal area network b) local area network
1. The data link layer takes the packets from _____ and encapsulates them into frames for
transmission. [ ]
a) network layer b) physical layer
c) transport layer d) application layer
2. Which one of the following task is not done by data link layer? [ ]
a) framing b) error control
c) flow control d) channel coding
3. Which sublayer of the data link layer performs data link functions that depend upon the type
of medium? [ ]
a) logical link control sublayer b) media access control sublayer
c) network interface control sublayer d) none of the mentioned
4. Header of a frame generally contains [ ]
a) synchronization bytes b) addresses
c) frame identifier d) all of the mentioned
5. Automatic repeat request error management mechanism is provided by [ ]
a) logical link control sublayer b) media access control sublayer
c) network interface control sublayer d) none of the mentioned
6. When 2 or more bits in a data unit has been changed during the transmission, the error is
a) random error b) burst error [ ]
c) inverted error d) none of the mentioned
1. The network layer concerns with [ ]
a) bits b) frames
c) packets d) none of the mentioned
2. Which one of the following is not a function of network layer? [ ]
a) routing b) inter-networking
c) congestion control d) none of the mentioned
3. The 4 byte IP address consists of [ ]
a) network address b) host address
c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the mentioned
4. In virtual circuit network each packet contains [ ]
a) full source and destination address b) a short VC number
c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the mentioned
5. Which one of the following routing algorithm can be used for network layer design? [ ]
a) shortest path algorithm b) distance vector routing
c) link state routing d) all of the mentioned
6. Multidestination routing [ ]
a) is same as broadcast routing b) contains the list of all destinations
c) data is not sent by packets d) none of the mentioned
7. A subset of a network that includes all the routers but contains no loops is called [ ]
a) spanning tree b) spider structure
c) spider tree d) none of the mentioned
8. Which one of the following algorithm is not used for congestion control? [ ]
a) traffic aware routing b) admission control
c) load shedding d) none of the mentioned
9. The network layer protocol of internet is [ ]
a) Ethernet b) internet protocol
1.Transport layer aggregates data from different applications into a single stream before passing
it to
a) network layer b) data link layer [ ]
c) application layer d) physical layer
2. Which one of the following is a transport layer protocol used in internet? [ ]
a) TCP b) UDP
c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the mentioned
3. User datagram protocol is called connectionless because [ ]
a) all UDP packets are treated independently by transport layer
b) it sends data as a stream of related packets
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of the mentioned
4. Transmission control protocol is [ ]
a) connection oriented protocol
b) uses a three way handshake to establish a connection
c) recievs data from application as a single stream
d) all of the mentioned
5. An endpoint of an inter-process communication flow across a computer network is called
a) socket b) pipe [ ]
c) port d) none of the mentioned
6. Socket-style API for windows is called
a) wsock b) winsock
c) wins d) none of the mentioned
7. Which one of the following is a version of UDP with congestion control? [ ]
a) datagram congestion control protocol
b) stream control transmission protocol
c) structured stream transport
d) none of the mentioned
8. A _____ is a TCP name for a transport service access point. [ ]
a) port b) pipe
c) node d) none of the mentioned
9. Transport layer protocols deals with [ ]
a) application to application communication
b) process to process communication
c) node to node communication
15. If a server has no clue about where to find the address for a hostname then [ ]
a) server asks to the root server b) server asks to its adjcent server
c) request is not processed d) none of the mentioned
16. Which one of the following allows client to update their DNS entry as their IP address
a) dynamic DNS b) mail transfer agen [ ]
c) authoritative name server d) none of the mentioned
17. Wildcard domain names start with label [ ]
a) @ b) *
c) & d) #
18. The right to use a domain name is delegated by domain name registers which are accredited
a) internet architecture board b) internet society [ ]
c) internet research task force d) internet corporation for assigned names and
A. inter-LATA
B. intra-LATA
D. local exchange carrierAnswer A
2. Type of signaling that have same circuit and is used for both signaling and voice
communication is called [ ]
A. out-band
B. in-band
C. signal transport ports
D. signal pointsAnswer B
3. If a subscriber needs to provide free connections for other subscribers, it can request the
[ ]
A. 800 service
B. 900 service
C. wide-area telephone service
D. digital data serviceAnswer A
A. bidirectional
B. unidirectional.
C. omnidirectional
D. None
1. ISDN integrates speech and data on [ ]
a) Different lines b) Same lines
Year: IV Semester: I
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 60
2. Explain TCP/IP reference model and how it is different from OSI reference model [15M]
3. a)What are the different types of error detection methods? Explain the CRC error detection
technique using generator polynomial x4 +x3 +1 and data 11100011 [10M]
b) Explain the different frames types of HDLC protocol? [5M]
4 a) What is congestion? Explain the General principles of congestion prevention policies [8M]
b) Explain network layer in the Internet [7M]
5. a) Explain about the connection establishment and connection release at transport layer. [8M]
b) Explain TCP header format with neat diagram. [7M]