Name of Institution Period Award: Curriculum Vitae
Name of Institution Period Award: Curriculum Vitae
Name of Institution Period Award: Curriculum Vitae
Education Background:
Name of Institution Period Award
National Diploma in Building and Civil
Uganda Technical College, Kyema 2016-2018
St Michael International schools Wakiso 2014-2015 Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education
St Michael International schools Wakiso 2010-2013 Uganda Certificate of Education
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Period Employing organisation. Country Summary of activities performed relevant to the
Positions held. assignment
Contact for references
Preparation of mix designs for mechanical
Contact: Mr. Kawoya modifications of sub base material and
Joseph cement mortar for stone pitching
UNRA Construction
Supervision Team Supervision of all indoor and outdoor tests for
quality control labs
Materials Technician
0773706298 Supervision of cement concrete batching,
mixing, placing, compaction and testing of
Contact: Mr. Odongo cubes.
UNRA Construction Supervision and testing of asphalt concrete at
Supervision Team major roundabouts and access junctions
Design Engineer
As an assistant senior laboratory technician I have gained hands on experience on the following tests
while working with RCC/SBI during road construction
1) Soil tests
Compaction test/moisture density relationship (MDD)
California bearing ratio (CBR)
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Dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP)
Particle density of soils
Soil sampling
Borrow pit investigation
In situ field density (by sand in cone method and troxler)
Moisture content determination
Atterberg limits using cone penetrometer
Sand calibration
Particle size distribution
Modification for sub base
Soil classification
2) Aggregate tests
Grading, flakiness index (FI) and average least dimension
Los Angeles abrasion test
Aggregate crushing value
Ten per cent fines value
Loose density
Unit weight
Specific gravity and water absorption
3) Concrete testing
Concrete mix design for concrete structures
Slump test
Making of concrete test cubes
Concrete cube strength using the compressive strength machine
Field concrete strength using the rebound hammer
4) Asphalt concrete and surface dressing/bituminous material tests
Penetration of bitumen
Marshal stability test
Determination of binder content & aggregate grading by extraction
Bulk density of asphalt mix samples by calliper measurement
Solubility of bituminous material
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Tray calibration
Specific gravity of bitumen
Relative compaction of asphalt layers by coring
5) Field tests
Field density test
Coring asphalt layers
6) Computer literacy
Data entry and analysis of all laboratory material tests
Making QA monthly and annual production reports
MS word, MS excel, MS power point
Language skills
Language Speaking Reading Writing
English Good Good Good
Luganda Good Good Good
Lunyankole Fairly Good Fairly Good Fairly Good
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I, the undersigned certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information written above
describes me, my qualifications and my experience.
……………………………. ………………………
Kiyingi Charles Date
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