The Desire To Dance
The Desire To Dance
The Desire To Dance
Broxton Zaugg
Dance 1010
professionally while others do it for fun. Dance is everywhere, in every culture and every century
we as mankind love dance, But why? For something so prevalent in our culture, dance is
Dance has changed and evolved over centuries, and dance as we know it today is very
different to dances performed by ancient peoples. Today dance is seen as entertainment more
than anything else, but dance has a much deeper and more meaningful origin than one would
expect. Ancient peoples used dances to “connect with the spirit world of ancestors and gods, a
means of ensuring health and good fortune and a vital part of major events in the community”
(Lihs 8).
Dances were believed to have power or to invite power into one's life. One example of
this is the performing of Medicine Dances.These dances were performed to restore health, and
also to protect from disease or illness. These diseases and illnesses were often believed to be
caused by spirits. Ancient peoples believed that dances should be performed by Shamans.
“Shaman, refers to a practitioners who canwill his or her spirit to leave the body and journey to
upper and lower words, seeking the underlying causes of events” (Lihs 9). These Shamans would
Though all the dances at ancient times were different, they all had a similar purpose. This
purpose was to connect with their gods or ancestors. One example of this, is the Yoruba people
of Nigeria. They would use dance as a “direct channel of communication with ancestors” (Lihs
12). This form of outreach was prominent in many cultures throughout the world. They would
also use dance to pay respects or serve those who are out of reach. These dances of respect were
found in many cultures including, the Indian, Jewish, Native American cultures, and many more.
These dances of respect were done to convey messages that could not be expressed through
words or writings.
Dance throughout the ages has served higher and holier purposes. They were used to
draw power, communicate, and pay respects to the gods and ancestors. Today we are losing the
culture and the meaning of these dances, many of the dances that were practiced anciently are no
longer practiced, or lost altogether. Many different cultures are having a hard time getting the
rising generation to embrace the dances practiced by their ancestors. Even though it is hard to
preserve these dances and traditions, there are some cultures that still teach and perform these
Dance is an ancient and unique art form that has always and will always be used to
communicate and connect. In ancient times, people were trying to connect with their gods and
ancestors, but today dance is performed more to connect with each other and with oneself. As we
continue with our evolution of dance, the ideas, the moves, and the reasons for dancing may
change, but the underlying purpose never will. We dance because we want to connect and
Works Cited
Lihs, Harriet R. Appreciating Dance: a Guide to the World's Liveliest Art. 4th ed. Princeton