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Waterloo-Stanford Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form C

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Waterloo-Stanford Group Scale of Hypnotic

Susceptibility, Form C

The Waterloo-Stanford Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form C (WSGC) is a

group adaptation of the individually administered Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale,
Form C (SHSS:C).


Cardeña & Terhune (2009) cautioned that negative reactions may be observed in
response to the WSGC age-regression item and recommend that, at the very least,
experiments should ensure the presence of a clinician with hypnotic experience during
the administration of the WSGC.

Materials needed

1. Scoring booklet & pencil for each participant

2. Clipboard for each participant
3. Stopwatch for timing item responses
4. 3 coloured balls

Note to experimenter concerning age regression

Participants should be asked to close their eyes and to keep them closed during the
administration of the scale. The experimenter should read the scale items verbatim in the
order they are presented. Alternatively the scale can be tape recorded.


Bowers, K. S. (1998). Waterloo-Stanford Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form

C: Manual and Response Booklet. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental
Hypnosis, 46, 250-268.


Preliminary Instructions
In a few minutes, I am going to administer a standard procedure for measuring hypnotic
ability. At the end of the standard procedure, you will be asked to report on your
experience in the response booklet, which has been given to you. Place the clipboard and
your pencil or pen on the floor in front of you.

This procedure is similar to the one that was administered to you earlier in the large
group test. If any of you are wearing contact lenses, you may wish to take them out now.

Now, I think we can begin.

Induction by eye closure

1. Now, please seat yourself comfortably and rest your hands in your lap. That’s right.
Rest your hands in your lap. Now, look at your hands and find a spot on either hand and
just focus on it. It doesn’t matter what spot you choose; just select some spot to focus on.
I will refer to the spot you have chosen as the target. That’s right... hands relaxed. ...
Look directly at the target.

I am about to help you to relax, and meanwhile, I will give you some instructions that
will help you to gradually enter a state of hypnosis. Please look steadily at the target, and
while staring at it, keep listening to my words. You can become hypnotized if you are
willing to do what I tell you to and if you concentrate on the target and on what I say You
have already shown your willingness by coming here today, and so I am assuming that
your presence here means that you want to experience all that you can. Just do your best
to concentrate on the target - pay close attention to my words, and let happen whatever
you feel is going to take place. Just let yourself go. Pay close attention to what I tell you
to think about; if your mind wanders, that will be okay; just bring your thoughts back to
the target and my words, and you can easily experience more of what it’s like to be

Hypnosis is perfectly normal and natural and follows from the conditions of attention and
suggestion we are using together. It is chiefly a matter of focusing sharply on some
particular thing. Sometimes you experience something very much like hypnosis when
driving along a straight highway and you are oblivious to the landmarks along the road.
The relaxation in hypnosis is very much like the first stages of falling asleep, but you will
not really be asleep in the ordinary sense because you will continue to hear my voice and
will be able to direct your thoughts to the topics that I suggest. What is important here
today is your willingness to go along with the ideas I suggest and to let happen whatever
is about to happen. Nothing will be done to embarrass you.

2. Now, take it easy, and just let yourself relax. Keep looking at the target as steadily as
you can, thinking only of it and my words. If your eyes drift away, don’t let that bother
you.., just focus again on the target. Pay attention to how the target changes, how the
shadows play around it, how it is sometimes fuzzy, sometimes clear. Whatever you see is

all right. Just let yourself experience whatever happens and keep staring at the target a
little longer. After a while, however, you will have stared long enough, and your eyes
will feel very tired, and you will wish strongly that they were closed. Then, they will
close, as if by themselves. When this happens, just let it happen.

3. As I continue to talk, you will find that you will become more and more drowsy, but
not all people respond at the same rate to what I have to say. Some people’s eyes will
close before others’. When the time comes that your eyes have closed, just let them
remain closed. You may find that I shall still give suggestions for your eyes to close.
These suggestions will not bother you. They will be for other people. Giving these
suggestions to other people will not disturb you but will simply allow you to relax more
and more.
You will find that you can relax completely, but at the same time, sit up comfortably in
your chair with little effort. You will be able to shift your position to make yourself
comfortable as needed without it disturbing you. For now, just relax more and more. As
you think of relaxing, your muscles will actually begin to relax. Starting with your right
foot, relax the muscles of your right leg... now the muscles of your left leg... Just relax all
over. Relax your right hand... forearm... upper arm... and shoulder... That’s right... Now
your left hand... forearm... upper arm... and shoulder... Relax your neck and chest... more
and more relaxed... completely relaxed... completely relaxed.

4. As you become relaxed, your body will feel deeply at ease... comfortably heavy. You
will begin to have this pleasant feeling of heaviness and comfort in your legs and feet ...
in your hands and arms... throughout your body... as though you were settling deep into
the chair. Your body feels comfortable and heavy... Your eyelids feel heavy too, heavy
and tired. You are beginning to feel very relaxed and comfortable. You are breathing
freely and deeply, freely and deeply. You are becoming more and more deeply and
comfortably relaxed. Your eyelids are becoming heavier, more and more heavy and
difficult to keep open.

5. Staring at the target so long has made your eyes very tired. Your eyes may hurt from
staring, and your eyelids feel very heavy. Soon, you will no longer be able to keep your
eyes open. Soon, you will have stood the discomfort long enough; your eyes are tired
from staring, and your eyelids will feel too tired to remain open. Perhaps your eyes are
becoming moist from the strain. You are becoming more and more relaxed and
comfortable. The strain in your eyes is getting greater and greater. It would be a relief just
to let your eyes close and to relax completely relax completely. The strain in your eyes
will eventually be so great that you will welcome your eyes closing of themselves, of

6. Your eyes are tired, and your eyelids feel very heavy. Your whole body feels heavy
and relaxed. You feel a pleasant, warm tingling throughout your body as you become
more and more deeply relaxed... deeper... deeper... more relaxed... completely relaxed
and drifting down into a warm, pleasant state of relaxation. Keep your thoughts on what I
am saying; listen to my voice. Your eyes are getting blurred from straining. You can
hardly see the target, your eyes are so strained. The strain is getting greater, greater and

greater, greater and greater. Your eyelids are heavy. Very heavy. Getting heavier and
heavier, heavier and heavier. They are pushing down, down, down. Your eyelids seem
weighted and heavy pulled down by the weight... so heavy... your eyes are blinking,
blinking... closing, closing.
Your eyes may have closed by now, and if they have not, they would soon close of
themselves. But, there is no need to strain them more. You have concentrated well on the
target and have become very relaxed. Now, we have come to the time when you may just
let your eyes close. That’s it, eyes closed now.

7. You now feel very relaxed, but you are going to become even more relaxed. It is easier
to relax completely now that your eyes are closed. You will keep them closed until I tell
you to open them or until I tell you to become alert... You feel pleasantly, deeply relaxed
and very comfortable as you continue to hear my voice. Just let your thoughts dwell on
what I’m saying. You are going to become even more relaxed and comfortable. Soon,
you will be deeply hypnotized, but you will have no trouble hearing me. You wlll remain
deeply hypnotized until I tell you to awaken later on. Soon, I shall begin to count from 1
to 20. As I count, you will feel yourself going down further and further into a deeply
relaxed, a deeply hypnotized state... But, you will be able to do all sorts of things I ask
you to do without waking up.

One... you are going to become more deeply relaxed and hypnotized... Two... down,
down deeper, and deeper... Three... Four... more and more deeply hypnotized... Five...
Six... Seven... you are sinking deeper and deeper into hypnosis. Nothing will disturb
you... Just let your thoughts focus on my voice and those things I tell you to think of. You
are finding it easy just to listen to the things I tell you. Eight... Nine... Ten... halfway
there... always deeper... Eleven... Twelve... Thirteen... Fourteen... Fifteen... Although
deeply hypnotized, you can hear me clearly. You will always hear me distinctly, no
matter how deeply hypnotized you become. Sixteen... Seventeen... Eighteen... deeply
hypnotized. Nothing will disturb you. You are going to experience many things that I will
tell you to experience... Nineteen... Twenty... deeply hypnotized now! You will not wake
up until I tell you to. You will wish to remain relaxed and hypnotized and to have the
experiences I describe to you.

Even though you are deeply relaxed and hypnotized, I want you to realize that you will
be able to write, to move, and even to open your eyes if I ask you to do so, and still
remain just as hypnotized and comfortable as you are now. It will not disturb you at all to
open your eyes, move about, and write things. You will remain hypnotized until I tell you
otherwise... All right, then.

1.Hand Lowering
Now, hold your right hand out at shoulder height, with the palm of your hand facing up.
Your right hand straight out in front of you, the palm up. There, that’s right... Attend
carefully to this hand, how it feels, what’s going on in it. Notice whether or not it’s a little
numb, or tingling; the slight effort it takes to keep from bending your wrist; any breeze
blowing on it. Pay close attention to your hand now. Imagine that you are holding
something heavy in your hand... maybe a heavy baseball, or a billiard ball... something

heavy. Shape your fingers around as though you were holding this heavy object that you
imagine is in your hand. That’s it... Now, the hand and arm feel heavy, as if the weight
were pressing down. ...And as it feels heavier and heavier, the hand and arm begin to
move down... as if forced down... moving... moving... down. ..down... more and more
down... heavier... heavier... The arm is getting more and more tired and strained... down...
slowly but surely... down, down... more and more down. The weight is so great, the hand
is so heavy... You feel the weight more and more... The arm is too heavy to hold back... It
goes down, down... more and more down.
(Allow 10 seconds.)

That’s good... Now, let your hand go back to its original resting position, and relax. You
probably experienced much more heaviness and tiredness in your arm than you would
have if you had not concentrated on it and had not imagined something trying to force it
down. Now, just relax... Your hand and arm are now as they were, not feeling tired or
strained... All right, just relax.

2. Moving Hands Together

Now, extend your arms ahead of you, with palms facing each other, hands about a foot
apart. Hold your hands about a foot apart, palms facing each other. I want you to think
about a force acting on your hands to pull them together, as though one hand were
attracting the other. You are thinking of your hands being pulled together, and they begin
to move together... coming together... coming together... moving together... closer
together... more and more toward each other... more and more.
(Allow 10 seconds.)

That’s fine. You notice how closely thought and movement are related. Now, place your
hands back in their resting position and relax... your hands back in their resting position
and relax.

3. Mosquito Hallucination
You have been listening to me very carefully, paying close attention. You may not have
noticed a mosquito that has been buzzing, singing, as mosquitoes do... Listen to it now...
hear its high-pitched buzzing as it flies around your right hand... It is landing on your
hand... Perhaps it tickles a little bit... There, it flies away again... You hear its high-
pitched buzz... It's back on your hand, tickling... It might bite you... You don‘t like this
mosquito... You'd like to get rid of it... Go ahead, brush it off... get rid of it if it bothers

It’s gone... That’s a relief... You are no longer bothered... The mosquito has disappeared.
No more mosquito. Now relax, relax completely.

4. Taste Hallucination
I want you to think of something sweet in your mouth. Imagine that you have something
sweet tasting in your mouth, like a little sugar... And, as you think about this sweet taste,
you can actually begin to experience the sweet taste... It may at first be faint, but it will
grow... and grow... Now, you begin to notice a sweet taste in your mouth... The sweet

taste is increasing... sweeter... and sweeter... It will get stronger. It often takes a few
moments for such a taste to reach its full strength... It is now getting stronger... stronger.
(Allow 10 seconds.)

All right. Now, notice that something is happening to that taste. It is changing. You are
now beginning to notice a sour taste in your mouth... an acid taste, as if you had some
lemon in your mouth, or a little vinegar... The taste in your mouth is getting more and
more sour... more acid... more and more sour.
(Allow 10 seconds.)

All right. Now, the sour taste is going away, and your mouth feels just as it did before I
mentioned any taste at all. Your mouth is normal now. There, it’s quite normal now, and
you just continue to relax... more and more relaxed.

5. Arm Rigidity
Please hold your right arm straight out in front of you, and fingers straight out too...
That’s right... right arm, straight out. Think of your arm becoming stiffer and stiffer...
stiff... very stiff... As you think of its becoming stiff, you will feel it become stiff... more
stiff and rigid, as though your arm were in a splint, so the elbow cannot bend... stiff...
held stiff, so that it cannot bend. A tightly splinted arm cannot bend. ... Your arm feels
stiff as if tightly splinted... Test how stiff and rigid it is... Try to bend it... try.
(Allow 10 seconds.)

That’s fine. You will have an opportunity to experience many things. You probably
noticed how your arm became stiffer as you thought of it as stiff, and how much effort it
took to bend it. Your arm is no longer at all stiff. Place it back in position, and relax.

6. Dream
We are very much interested in finding out what hypnosis and being hypnotized means to
people. One of the best ways of finding out is through the dreams people have while they
are hypnotized... Now, neither you nor I know what sort of a dream you’re going to have,
but I’m going to allow you to rest for a little while and you are going to have a pleasant
dream... a real dream... just the kind you have when you are asleep at night. When I stop
talking to you very shortly, you will begin to dream. You will have a pleasant dream
about hypnosis. You will dream about what hypnosis means... Now, you are falling
asleep... deeper and deeper asleep... very much like when you fall asleep at night... Soon,
you will be deep asleep, soundly asleep. As soon as I stop talking to you, you will begin
to dream. When I speak to you again, you will stop dreaming, if you still happen to be
dreaming, and you will listen to me just as you have been doing. If you stop dreaming
before I speak to you again, you will remain pleasantly and deeply relaxed... Now, sleep
and dream... Deep asleep!
(Allow 1 minute.)

The dream is over; if you had a dream, you can remember every detail of it clearly, very
clearly. You do not feel particularly sleepy or different from the way you felt before I
told you to fall asleep and to dream, and you continue to remain deeply hypnotized.

Whatever you dreamed, you can remember quite clearly, and I want you to review it in
your mind from the beginning so you could tell it to someone if asked to.
(Allow 20 seconds.)

All right. That’s all for the dream.

7. Arm immobilization (left hand)

Now, your left hand and arm should be in your lap. You are very relaxed and
comfortable, with a feeling of heaviness throughout your body. I want you now to think
about your left arm and hand. Pay close attention to them. They feel numb and heavy,
very heavy. How heavy your left hand feels... Even as you think about how heavy your
left hand is, it grows heavier and heavier... Your hand is getting heavier... heavier and
heavier... Your hand is getting heavier, very heavy, as though it were being pressed
against your lap. You might like to find out a little later how heavy your hand is... It
seems much too heavy to move... But in spite of being so heavy, maybe you can move it
a little; but maybe it is too heavy even for that... Why don’t you see how heavy it is... Just
try to lift your hand up, just try.
(Allow 10 seconds.)

That’s fine. You see how it was harder to lift than usual because of the relaxed state you
are in. Now, place your hand back in its resting position and relax. Your hand and arm
now feel normal again. They are no longer heavy. Just relax, relax all over.

8. Age Regression
Continue to go deeper and deeper into the hypnotic state. I am now going to give each of
you a clipboard with some paper on it and a pencil. When I do, hold the clipboard on
your lap and hold out your writing hand... and I will give you a pencil to write with. Keep
your eyes closed for all of this.

(Give each subject their clipboard and pencil. Remember to turn over the response
booklet so they will write on the back of it.)

You have a clipboard and a pencil with you, and now, I would like you to write your
name on the paper while keeping your eyes closed. Keep your eyes closed through all of
this. While you are writing your name, why don’t you also write your age and the date.
That’s fine. Keep the clipboard and the pencil in your hands and listen closely to me. I
would like you to think about a pleasant time when you were in the fifth grade of school;
and in a little while, you will find yourself once again a little child pleasantly enjoying a
nice day, sitting in class in the fifth grade, comfortably writing or drawing on some
paper... I shall now count to five, and at the count of five, you will be back on a pleasant
day in the fifth grade... But no matter what you experience, you will continue to hear my
voice, and you will continue to do what I tell you to do.

One, you are going back into the past. It is no longer (state present year), nor (state an
earlier year), nor (state an earlier year), but much earlier. Two, you are becoming
increasingly younger and smaller... Three, presently, you will be back having a pleasant

time in the fifth grade, and you will feel and experience exactly as you did once before on
a nice day when you were sitting in class, writing or drawing. Four, very soon, you will
be there... Once again a little child having a pleasant time in a fifth-grade class. You are
nearly there now... In a few moments, you will be right back there. Five! You are now a
small child in a classroom, sitting happily in school.
(Allow 30 seconds.)

You are sitting happily at school. You have a pad of paper and are holding a pencil. I
would like you to write your name on the pad with this pencil... That’s fine, and now,
please write down your age... (pause until almost all are through writing)... and now the
date, if you can... (pause until almost all are through writing)... and the day of the week.

Presently, you will no longer be in the fifth grade, but you will be still younger, back at a
happy day in the second grade. I shall count to two, and then you will be in the second
grade on a very happy day. One, you are becoming smaller still and going back to a nice
day when you were in the second grade, sitting happily in school with some paper and a
pencil... Two, you are in the second grade.
(Allow 30 seconds.)

You are sitting happily at school. Would you please write your name on the paper...
That’s good... And now, can you write how old you are?... Now, I would like you to write
down who I am, or if you are not sure who I am, write down who you think I might be.
(Allow 30 seconds.)

That’s fine... And now, you can grow up again and come right back to (state current day
and date) in (name of locale of testing). You are no longer a little child but a grown-up
person, sitting in a chair, deeply hypnotized.

Fine, everything is back as it was. You won’t need the pencil and clipboard for a while.
Continue to hold the pencil in your hand. Turn the clipboard over and put it on your lap.
Just place the clipboard face down on your lap. Your hand should be back in its resting
position, resting comfortably in your lap. Just keep your eyes closed and relax... deeply
and comfortable. That’s right, just relax completely.

9. Music Hallucination
In a few moments, a recording of “Jingle Bells” will be played for you. When the
recording starts, the volume will be turned way down, and you will probably not be able
to hear it, or you will hear it very faintly. Then the volume will increase, and I want you
to let me know when you can hear it satisfactorily by holding up your right hand. When
you can hear the music satisfactorily, hold up your right hand. Okay? Here we go... The
recording of ”Jingle Bells” has been turned on. This is Level 1.
(Allow 5 seconds.)
Now, it is being turned up a little. This is Level 2. Hold your hand up if you can hear it
(Allow 5 seconds.)
And now louder. This is Level 3.

(Allow 5 seconds.)
And now the loudest setting. This is Level 4. Hold your hand up if
you can hear the music now.
(Allow 5 seconds.)
Now, the music has been turned off. There now, there is no longer any music. You can
return your hand to its resting position and relax. Now... just sit back and enjoy being

10. Negative Visual Hallucination

Just relax and become even more deeply hypnotized, as you continue to breathe
comfortably and effortlessly. As you sit comfortably in your chair with your eyes closed,
I am going to place two balls in the center of the floor. I am going to place two colored
balls right in the middle of the floor, so that you will be able to see them clearly. In a
moment, I am going to ask you to open your eyes. You will see just two balls in the
center of the floor on a piece of wood... just two balls.

(Put three balls in the middle of the floor in a triangular configuration.)

Okay, now is the time to open your eyes and to look at the center of the floor in front of
you. See the two balls that I have placed there. Please make a mental note of the color of
the balls you see. Remember the color of the balls you see, so that you can report them
later. Okay, now, close your eyes and continue to relax... Now, I would like you to turn
over the clipboard that is on your lap and write down the color of the balls you saw. Just
write down the color of the balls... When you have written down the color of the balls, I
want you to hold the pencil you’ve been writing with in the air... keep the pencil in the air
until it is collected along with the clipboard... When your pencil has been collected, you
may let your arm go back to its original resting position and relax completely.

(Collect pencils, turn over the response booklets, and place each booklet and pencil on
the floor in front of the subjects. Remove the three balls from the floor and place them
out of sight.)

Okay, you've done very well. Just keep your eyes closed and relax... deeply and
comfortably. That's right, just relax completely.

11.and 12. Posthypnotic Suggestion (doodle) and Amnesia

Stay completely relaxed and pay close attention to what I'm going to tell you next. In a
moment, I shall begin counting backwards from 20 to 1. You will awaken gradually, but
for most of the count, you will remain in the pleasant, relaxed state that you are now in.
By the time I reach 5, you will open your eyes, but you will not be fully aroused. When I
get to 1, you will be fully alert, in your normal state of wakefulness. You probably will
have the impression that you have slept, because you will have difficulty in remembering
all the things I have told you and all the things you did or felt since you started looking at
the target. In fact, you will find it so much of an effort to recall any of these things, that
you will have no wish to do so. It will be much easier simply to forget everything until I
tell you that you can remember. You will remember nothing of what you did or felt from

the time that you started looking at the target, until I say to you, "Now, you can
remember everything!" You will not remember anything you did until then. After you
open your eyes, you will feel fine. I shall now count backwards from 20, and at 5, not
sooner, you will open your eyes but not be fully aroused until I say "one." At 1, you will
be awake... A little later, I will tell you to turn to page 2 of your response booklet. When
you turn to page 2, you will draw a small tree in the upper right-hand corner. You will
draw a small tree but forget that I told you to do so, just as you will forget the other
things, until I tell you, "Now, you can remember everything." Ready, now, 20... 19... 18...
17... 16... 15... 14... 13... 12... 11... 10, halfway... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1. Wake
up! Wide awake! Any remaining drowsiness that you may feel will quickly pass.

Now, turn to page 2 of your response booklet.
(Allow 10 seconds.)

Now, please write down briefly, in your own words, a list of the things that happened
since you began looking at the target. Do not go into detail. Spend 3 minutes, no longer,
in writing your reply. I will let you know when time is up.
(Allow 3 minutes.)

Listen carefully to my words. Now, you can remember everything. Now, please turn to
the next page of the response booklet. On this page, write down a list of anything else
that you now remember that you did not remember previously. Please do not go into
detail. Spend 2 minutes, no longer, on this section. Again, I will let you know when time
is up.
(Allow 2 minutes.)

Now, please turn to the next page of your response booklet. Please do not turn back to
earlier pages. You will find listed on page 4,and on the following pages, the specific
events that were suggested to you during the hypnosis session. Please read the
instructions and then answer the questions in the remainder of the booklet. Work right
through to the end, and let me know if you have any questions.

(When all subjects have completed the response booklet, make sure you have their
attention before continuing.)

You may recall that during the session today, you were asked to hold up your hand when
you heard a recording of ”Jingle Bells.” In fact, no recording was played-there was no
music in the room. Also, near the end of the session, you were told that when you opened
your eyes, you would see two balls in the middle of the floor. Actually, there were three
balls there. The purpose of these two items was not to deceive you. We know from past
research that the perception of persons who are highly responsive to hypnosis will
sometimes be altered to coincide with suggestions that do not accurately reflect the
stimuli presented. Our intention with respect to the two suggestions just mentioned was to
assess your responsiveness to suggestions that involve such perceptual alterations.


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