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Idiom Meaning Example

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24/7 "24/7" means 24 hours a day, seven days a The convenience store on the corner is open
week. 24/7.

a tough break When something unfortunate happens, it It was a tough break for us when Caroline
can be called a "tough break." quit. She was one of our top performers.

ahead of the curve To be "ahead of the curve" means to be We're investing a lot of money in research
more advanced than the competition. and development so we can stay ahead of
the curve.

ahead of the pack To be "ahead of the pack" means to be If we want to stay ahead of the pack, we're
better or more successful than the going to have to work hard and continue to
competition. innovate.

ASAP "ASAP" is an acronym for "as soon as I need to finish these reports. My boss needs
possible." them ASAP.

at stake "At stake" means at risk. I'm a little nervous about giving this
presentation. There's a lot at stake.

back to square one To go "back to square one" means to start Our programmers identified what they
something over again. thought the problem was with the software.
After working for several hours, it turns out
that the problem is something different.
We're back to square one, unfortunately.

back to the drawing To go "back to the drawing board" means to The prototype wasn't successful. We have to
board start something over and go back to the go back to the drawing board.
planning stage.

backroom deal A "backroom deal" is an agreement or I think they got the government contract
decision that is made without the public because of a backroom deal.
knowing about it.

ballpark A "ballpark number" is a very inexact I'm not sure what a Super Bowl commercial
number/figure estimate. costs, but to give you a ballpark figure I'd say
about three million dollars.

behind someone's To do something "behind someone's back" She didn't think it would be fair to go behind
back means to do something without someone's his back and talk to management, so she
knowledge and in an unfair way. confronted him directly.

behind the scenes What happens in secret or not in front of the They make it look so effortless, but they do a
general public is said to happen "behind the lot of hard work and planning behind the
scenes." scenes.

big picture Everything that is involved with a particular Even though we all have very specific tasks
situation is called "the big picture." to do, our manager makes sure we don't lose
sight of the big picture.

blue collar A "blue collar worker" is someone who works It's a blue collar town with a lot of farmers
with his hands (manufacturing, construction, and factory workers.
maintenance, etc.). The opposite is a "white
collar worker." A white collar worker is

someone who works in an office (customer

service, management, sales, etc.). "Blue
collar" (and "white collar") can also be used
to describe a job, position, or a place.

by the book To do things "by the book" means to do We are regularly audited by several
things according to company policy or the regulatory agencies. It's important that we
law. It means to follow the rules 100%. do everything by the book.

call it a day To "call it a day" means to decide to stop Well, John, it's 7:00 and I'm getting hungry.
working for the day. How about we call it a day?

catch someone off To "catch someone off guard" means to Mike was caught off guard when they asked
guard surprise someone by doing something that him to direct the meeting.
he or she was not expecting.

cave (or cave in) To "cave" or "cave in" means to give in or The employees complained about the
agree to something that someone previously change in policy, but the supervisor refused
did not want to accept. to cave in.

change of pace "A change of pace" is something different It's nice to go on business trips because it's a
from a normal routine or schedule. change of pace.

come up short To "come up short" means to try to achieve The charity fund raiser was supposed to raise
something but fail. We often say that three million dollars, but we came up short.
someone has "come up short" when
someone fails to achieve a goal, but not

corner a market To "corner a market" means to dominate a Apple has cornered the market on mp3
particular market. players. They have a large percentage of
market share.

cut corners To "cut corners" means to take shortcuts and We don't cut corners on our luxury products.
find an easier or cheaper way to do

cut one's losses To "cut one's losses" means to stop doing Our advertising campaign was expensive and
something that is unproductive and won't not showing results, so we cut our losses.
ever generate results.

cut-throat "Cut-throat" is used to describe something In business school, the competition was cut-
that is very intense, aggressive, and throat.

diamond in the A "diamond in the rough" is something or He was a diamond in the rough. He was
rough someone that has a lot of potential but first intelligent and had great ideas, but his
requires a lot of work. management and English skills weren't very

easy come, easy go "Easy come, easy go," is an expression used A lot of people who inherit money waste it
to communicate that something gained on stupid things. I guess it's easy come, easy
easily is also lost easily. We often use this go.
expression after something has been lost.

fifty-fifty "Fifty-fifty" means something is divided My business partner and I split everything
equally -- 50% for one party, 50% for the fifty-fifty.
other party.

from the ground up If you start a business, project, or something Bill Gates built Microsoft from the ground
else from zero, you start it "from the ground up.

game plan A "game plan" is a strategy or plan. They're not sure what their game plan is for
the upcoming election.

get back in/into the To "get back in/into the swing of things" Our company shuts down operations for
swing of things means to get used to doing something again three weeks during the holiday season.
after having a break from that activity. When I go back to work in January, it's
difficult to get back in the swing of things.

get down to business To "get down to business" means to stop Now that everyone's here, let's get down to
making small talk and start talking about business and talk about the proposal.
serious topics related to business.

get something off To "get something off the ground" means to We're glad the planning process is over.
the ground start a project or business. We're looking forward to getting the project
off the ground.

get the ball rolling To "get the ball rolling" means to start We need to get the ball rolling on this
something (a project, for example). project. The deadline is in June, and it's
already April.

get/be on the good If someone likes you, you are "on the good I always remember my coworkers' birthdays
side of someone side" of that person. and get them a card or small gift. I like to get
on people's good side.

get/have one's foot To "get or have one's foot in the door" My son just took a low-paying internship
in the door means to take a low-level position with a position with a large company. He was
company with the goal of eventually getting happy to get his foot in the door at a well-
a better position with the same company. known, respected company.

give someone a pat To "give someone a pat on the back" means The boss gave Brian a pat on the back for
on the back to tell someone that they did a good job. coming up with such a good idea.

give the thumbs To "give something or someone the thumbs I can't believe she gave us the thumbs down.
down down" means to deny approval. I thought it was a great idea.

give the thumbs up To "give something or someone the thumbs They gave our new proposal the thumbs up.
up" means to give approval. We're going out to celebrate tonight.

go broke To "go broke" means to go bankrupt or to There was too much competition and their
lose all the money a person or business had. expenses were too high. They eventually
went broke.

go down the drain When someone wastes or loses something, He dropped out of college in his third year
it is said to "go down the drain." and never continued his studies. All of his
hard work and money went down the drain.

go the extra mile To "go the extra mile" means to do more We go the extra mile for our customers. If

than what people expect. someone is dissatisfied with a purchase, we

refund their money and offer them a
discount on their next purchase.

go through the roof If something is "going through the roof," it We're happy our number of Facebook
means it is rapidly increasing. followers has gone through the roof.

gray area If something is in a "gray area," it means that I asked our lawyers if it was legal, and they
it is something undefined and not easily said it wasn't clear. It's a gray area.

ground-breaking If something is "ground-breaking," it means The iPhone was a ground-breaking piece of

it is new and innovative. technology when it was released in 2008.

hands are tied Someone's "hands are tied" if they do not I would love to get you a job at my company,
have control over a situation. but my hands are tied. Management isn't
hiring any additional employees this year.

have someone's If you have a lot of work to do or a She has to sell $35,000 worth of products by
work cut out particularly difficult assignment, you "have the end of the month. She has her work cut
your work cut out for you." out for her.

hit the nail on the To "hit the nail on the head" means to do or I agree with John 100%. I think he really hit
head say something 100% correctly. the nail on the head.

in a nutshell "In a nutshell" means in a few words. In a nutshell, this book is about how to
motivate employees.

in full swing If a project is "in full swing," it means that it Construction on the new site is in full swing
has been completely started and that it is now.
progressing or moving as fast as it ever will.

in the black If a company is "in the black," it means that it We're not having a great year, but at least
is making a profit. we're in the black.

in the driver's seat To be "in the driver's seat" means to be in I'm not used to being in the driver's seat. I
control. should probably buy some management

in the red If a company is "in the red," it means that is When I started my own business, we were in
not profitable and is operating at a loss. the red for the first two years. We didn't see
a profit until the third year.

keep one's eye on To "keep one's eye on the ball" means to I know we can do it. We just need to keep our
the ball give something one's full attention and to eyes on the ball and not lose focus.
not lose focus.

last straw The "last straw" means the last annoyance, Our boss had been unhappy with Brian's
disturbance, or betrayal which causes performance for a while, but it was the last
someone to give up, lose their patience, or straw when he came to work three hours late
become angry. without calling.

learn the ropes To "learn the ropes" means to learn the I like my new position. I'm starting to learn
basics of something. the ropes.

long shot A "long shot" is something that has a very Winning the lottery is a long shot, but
low probability of happening. millions of people still buy lottery tickets.

loophole A legal "loophole" occurs if a law is unclear or Some people complain that millionaires
omits information. This lack of legal clarity avoid paying taxes by finding loopholes in
allows people or corporations to pay less in tax laws.
taxes or gain some other advantage.

lose ground To "lose ground" means to lose some type of Apple lost some ground to Samsung last
(opposite: gain an advantage (market share, for example) to quarter.
ground) a competitor.

lose-lose situation A "lose-lose situation" is when there will be a It's a lose-lose situation. If they lay off more
(or no-win situation) negative outcome regardless of what workers, they'll get bad press. If they don't
decision is made. lay off more workers, they won't be able to

nine-to-five A "nine-to-five" is a job during normal She was tired of working a nine-to-five job,
working hours. The term came into so she took her savings and opened a
existence because many work days start at 9 restaurant.
a.m. and end at 5 p.m.

no brainer If a decision is really obvious or really easy to Taking the new job was a no brainer. They
make, the decision is a "no brainer." offered me more money, a better schedule,
and more vacation days.

no strings attached If something is given without expecting They will let you try the product for free with
anything in return, it is given with "no strings no strings attached. If you don't like it, there
attached." is no pressure to buy it.

no time to lose If there is "no time to lose," it means that I told them I'd be finished by the end of the
there is a lot of pressure to finish something day and it's already 4:45. I need to get to
quickly. work. There's no time to lose.

not going to fly If a solution isn't effective, we can say that it I don't think that's going to fly. Let's keep
"isn't going to fly." generating ideas.

off the top of one's If someone says something "off the top of I have no idea how many branches they
head their head," it means that they give a have. Off the top of my head, I'd say about
response without thinking about it much or 20.
doing any research on the subject.

on a roll If someone is "on a roll," it means that he or Our profits have been above our projected
she has had several successes in a row. numbers for five months in a row. We're
really on a roll.

on the ball To be "on the ball" means to be alert and My new personal assistant is working out
aware of things. well. He's really on the ball.

on the same page If two people are "on the same page," they Let's go over the details of what we agreed
page are in agreement about something. on to make sure we're on the same page.

on top of something To be "on top of something" means to be in I read a lot to stay on top of the latest
control of a situation and aware of changes. changes in my industry.

on your toes To be "on your toes" means to be alert. Stay on your toes. Anything can happen.

out in the open If something is "out in the open," it is public I think it's good to do things out in the open
knowledge and not hidden from people. because people get suspicious if you do
things in secret.

out of the loop To be "out of the loop" means to not know I felt like I was out of the loop after being on
(opposite: in the something that a select group of people vacation for two weeks.
loop) knows. The opposite, to be "in the loop,"
means to be part of a select group with
knowledge that others do not have.

pink slip Someone who gets the "pink slip," has been They gave him the pink slip. He wasn't
fired by their employer. performing very well.

play hardball To "play hardball" means to be competitive He played hardball to get where he is, so I
in a cruel and merciless way. Playing hardball would be careful what you say and do
means doing anything possible to win. around him.

put all one's eggs in To "put all one's eggs in one basket," means It's not good to only invest in the stock
one basket to rely on only one thing to bring success. market. You don't want to put all your eggs
in one basket.

put the cart before To "put the cart before the horse" means to They were trying to find investors without
the horse do or think about things in the wrong order. even having a business plan. They were
putting the cart before the horse.

raise the bar To "raise the bar" means to set the standards The new software is getting great reviews. It
or expectations higher, usually by achieving looks like the bar has been raised for the
or creating something better than what had competition.
previously existed.

read between the To "read between the lines" means to He didn't say that he wants to leave the
lines understand something that isn't company, but I can read between the lines.
communicated directly. Reading between He's not happy here.
the lines involves understanding what
someone is implying or suggesting but not
saying directly.

red tape "Red tape" refers to excessive rules, The new law is going to create a lot of red
procedures, and regulations that make it tape, and we're going to have to pay our
difficult to accomplish something. We lawyers a lot more money.
usually use "red tape" to talk about
government requirements that create
difficult, time-consuming barriers for people
and businesses.

rock the boat To "rock the boat" means to cause problems I'd ask for a raise, but I don't want to rock the
or disrupt a peaceful situation. boat.

round-the-clock "Round the clock" means 24 hours a day. We have round-the-clock production at all
our manufacturing facilities.

run/go around in To "run (or go) around in circles" means to do Everyone kept restating their opinions but

circles the same thing over and over again without nothing was agreed on. We were running
getting any results. around in circles.

safe bet A "safe bet" means something that will It's a safe bet that smartphones will be much
probably happen. more advanced in 10 years.

same boat If people are in the same situation, they are We're all worried about losing our jobs.
in the "same boat." We're in the same boat.

second nature When someone does something so well that She's been a computer programmer for ten
it seems like they were born knowing how to years. At this point, programming is second
do it, we say that the activity is "second nature to her.
nature" to that person.

see eye to eye To "see eye to eye" with someone means to We don't always see eye to eye, but I respect
agree with that person. her opinions and appreciate her honesty.

see something To "see something through" means to do I told my boss that I really wanted to see this
through something until it is finished. project through before taking on another

sever ties To "sever ties" means to end a relationship. We had to sever ties with several of our
suppliers due to late shipments.

shoot something To "shoot something down" means to reject It's best not to shoot down people's ideas
down something, such as a proposal or idea. during a brainstorming session. The goal is
to generate ideas, not to criticize them.

sky's the limit "The sky's the limit" if there is no limit to With their commission structure, the sky's
what can be achieved. the limit to what you can earn.

small talk "Small talk" is conversation about We typically spend about 15 minutes making
unimportant topics that do not offend small talk before we start our meetings.
people (the weather, for example).

smooth/clear sailing "Smooth sailing" is a term used to describe a Once our largest competitor went out of
situation where success is achieved without business, it was smooth sailing.

snail mail "Snail mail" is the term used for the If you want to fill out form 52-E and send it to
traditional mail that goes through the post the government, you have to do it using snail
office. mail. They don't allow you to scan the

stand one's ground To "stand one's ground" means to not We tried to change the dress code, but
change one's opinion or position. Human Resources stood their ground.

start off on the right To "start off on the right foot" means to start We offered them a very generous price on
foot something in a positive way. their first order and everything shipped on
time. We really started off on the right foot.

start off on the To "start off on the wrong foot" means to I just switched cable companies. They
wrong foot start something in a negative way. overcharged me for the first month's service.
They really started off on the wrong foot.

state of the art Something that is "state of the art" is We have a brand new, state-of-the-art
modern and technologically advanced. facility.

take something lying To "take something lying down" means to The proposed law would kill our industry, but
down accept something unpleasant without we're not going to take it lying down. We're
fighting back. going to fight back and make sure the law
isn't passed.

take the bull by the To "take the bull by the horns" means to One of our mid-level managers wasn't very
horns directly confront a difficult situation. popular and was causing some problems, so
we took the bull by the horns and replaced
him with somebody else.

talk someone into To "talk someone into something" means to I was hesitant to redesign our website, but
something convince someone to do something. my employees talked me into it. I'm glad
they did. The new site looks great.

talk someone out of To "talk someone out of something" means I wanted to make a real estate investment,
something to convince someone not to do something. but my financial adviser talked me out of it.

the elephant in the "The elephant in the room" refers to an We should have been talking about our huge
room obvious problem or controversial issue that debt, but no one wanted to talk about the
no one wants to talk about. elephant in the room.

think big To "think big" means to have ambitious I'm not content with just opening one or two
goals and big plans for the future. more stores. I'm thinking big -- I think we can
open 10 stores in the next five years.

think outside the box To "think outside the box" means to think of Creating a product that no one has sold
creative, unconventional solutions instead of before is an example of thinking outside the
common ones. box.

throw in the towel To "throw in the towel" means to quit. I was trying to learn Portuguese, but I got
frustrated and threw in the towel.

time's up "Time's up" means that the time for I think his time's up as the CEO. They're
something or someone has ended. going to replace him as soon as they find a
suitable candidate.

touch base To "touch base" means to make contact with Let me make a few phone calls to try to get
someone. an answer to your question. I'll touch base
with you later today.

twist someone's arm To "twist someone's arm" means to The owner thought the budget was a little
persuade or convince someone to do high. We had to twist his arm to get him to
something that he or she does not want to agree to it.

under the table Something done secretly (and usually To avoid paying taxes, they paid some of
illegally) in the business world is done "under their employees under the table.
the table."

up in the air If something is undecided, it is "up in the air." We're looking for a test market right now,
but nothing has been decided yet.

Everything's still up in the air.

uphill battle Something that is difficult to achieve Winning the election is going to be an uphill
because of obstacles and difficulties is an battle. He doesn't have much support at the
"uphill battle." moment.

upper hand If someone has an advantage over someone John is more experienced and well
else, he or she has the "upper hand." respected, so he had the upper hand in the

white collar A "white collar worker" is someone who There are mostly manufacturing positions
works in an office (customer service, here. There aren't many white-collar jobs.
management, sales, etc.). The opposite of a
white collar worker is a "blue collar worker."
A blue collar worker is someone who works
with his hands (manufacturing, construction,
maintenance, etc.). "White collar" (and "blue
collar") can also be used to describe a job,
position, or place.

win-win situation A "win-win situation" is a situation where We were happy to get the contract, and they
everyone involved gains something. were happy to get such a good price. It was a
win-win situation.

word of mouth If something spreads by "word of mouth," Many local restaurants rely on word of
people hear about it through informal mouth to get new customers.
conversation with friends, family members,
acquaintances, etc.

writing on the wall The "writing on the wall" refers to the I'm going to get my resume ready. I can see
evidence and clues that something (usually the writing on the wall.
negative) is going to happen.

yes man A "yes man" is someone who always agrees The company isn't looking to hire someone
with his or her superiors. who is going to try to make a lot of changes.
They're just looking for a yes man.

 Rule of thumb: a generally accurate guide or principle based on

 Go the extra mile: to go beyond what is expected to please a customer
 Call a spade a spade: to be blunt and truthful
 Cost an arm and a leg: very costly or expensive
 Hit the nail on the head: to be accurate or correct
 Bitter pill: to accept an unpleasant situation
 I’m all ears: to listen intently or focus on what the customer is saying
 Best of both worlds: a win-win situation; customer gets all advantages
 Call it a day: to stop working or to end a task
 A silver lining: be optimistic there is still hope
 Hit two birds with one stone: to accomplish two tasks at the same
 Step up to the plate: to take action when something needs to be done
 The whole nine yards: give the customer everything
 You can say that again: Yes, I totally agree with you
 Straight from the horse’s mouth: to get information from a reliable
 Ball’s in your court: it’s the customer’s turn to act or make a decision
 Barking up the wrong tree: blame the wrong person or look at the
wrong place
 In a pickle: to be in a difficult situation
 Between a rock and a hard place: to be faced with two equally
difficult choices
 In the same boat: an empathy statement meaning you’ve been there
 Be on the same page: to understand each other
 Let’s shake on that: to reach an agreement with the customer
 Get the green light: get approval for a customer’s request
 I got you covered: to take care of everything for the customer
 Get the big picture: the general, overall or long-term plan

American Idiomatic Expressions

Hi guys!

Please search for the meaning of the following expressions:

"Wear your heart on your sleeves"

"John Hancock"
"give the cold shoulder..."
"right off the bat..."
"Cat got your tongue?"
"Rain check..."
"Bite one's head off..."
"hot potato"
"cold feet"
"out in the cold"

Here it is, the list of American Idiomatic expressions as promised.

American Idioms

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

 Our feeling for those we love increases when we are apart from them.
"Cheer up Dude, everybody knows that absence makes the heart grow fonder."

Back handed compliment

 A compliment that also insults or puts down at the same time.
They gave me a backhanded compliment when they said I was smart for a girl.

Blow off some steam

 To enjoy oneself by relaxing normal formalities.
He is a true workaholic who has misguided priorities, when he wants to blow off some steam he
comes to work on Saturday wearing blue jeans.

Botched up
 Substandard; messed up; make a shamble of
Man, you really botched up that project. Now the company will have to start all over costing
double and missing all of our deadlines.

Brand Spanking New

 New and unused.
What you really need is a brand spanking new Porsche turbo.

Break a leg
 A wish of good luck, do well.
Break a leg in your game today.

Bust your balls

 To harass with the intent to break one's spirit.
When I ask you if you settled that dispute with the IRS, I am not just trying to bust your balls. I
am trying to help.

Busting your chops

 To say things intended to harass.
Don't get mad, I am just busting your chops.

Clear as a bell
 Clearly understood.
You don't have to repeat yourself. Your message is clear as a bell.

Close, but no cigar

 Nearly achieving success, but not quite.
That free throw was close, but no cigar.

Cold turkey
 To quit something abruptly.
You will not lose weight until you give up chocolate, and I suggest you go cold turkey.

Don't Count Your Chickens Before They're Hatched

 Don't be overconfident and assume success before you know the outcome of a venture.
In the midst of this daydream, she did toss her curls, sending the pail of milk spilling. The moral
of the fable is: Such are the disappointments of those who count their chickens before they are

Face the music

 To accept the truth.
It's time to face the music on your donut addiction.

Jump on the bandwagon

 Do what everybody else is doing, whatever is popular.
When the Chicago Bears are winning, I will jump on the bandwagon and be a fan.

Keep your pants on

 Calm down, be patient.
I will be off the telephone in a minute, so keep your pants on.

Knock on wood
 Tap on a wooden surface for gook luck or to keep from putting a jinx on yourself for
having mentioned some hope or dream aloud.
If good luck is willing. I am sure that your tax returns will not be audited, knock on wood.

Once in a blue moon

 To happen only on rare occasions.
The Post Office regularly fails to deliver checks sent in payment to me, but bills sent to me fail to
be delivered only once in a blue moon.

Passed with flying colors

 To exceed expectations, to do better than expected.
The California smog test is tough, but my car passed with flying colors.

Put English on it
 To impart a spin to something in an effort to make it hard to control, usually a ball in
sports like tennis.
Your serve is dangerous when you put English on it.

Rings a Bell
 To sound familiar, to spark a memory.
I don't remember meeting him, but the name John Smith rings a bell.

Roll with the punches

 Weather through tough times, try to minimize the trouble.
Sometimes in life you just have to roll with the punches, even when the punches feel like they
are coming from Mike Tyson.

Rule of thumb
 A basic rule that is usually but not always correct.
As a rule of thumb, plant tomato seeds three inches deep.

Show your true colors

 To reveal your true intentions, personality, or behaviors.
Everyone is on best behavior on the first date, but soon enough you will show your true colors.

Sleep tight
 Sleep well.
Good night, sleep tight.

Strike while the iron is hot

 Act quickly while the opportunity is still available.
If you want the job, you need to strike while the iron is hot.

Tie the knot

 To get married.
I understand you want a baby, but don't you think you should tie the knot first. In fact maybe you
should get a girlfriend first.

Under the weather

 To be ill.
I'd love to help you move all your furniture next weekend, but I expect to be feeling a bit under
the weather.

Upper Hand
 Control of a situation.
If you are wondering who has the upper hand in your relationship, the next time you get up to
fetch drinks, take a look on the sofa. There you will find that person.


27 English Phrases Call Center

Representatives Can Use Over and Over
Do you know what company won the “Worst Company in America” award, given
by Consumerist, twice?


Well, a big part of it was due to its call center customer service.
What did the call center representatives do that was so bad? Of course, we can’t say that
any one representative did do anything wrong. But there were some complaints that
they failed to show customers empathy.
In order words, they failed to make the customers feel as if they understood how
they were feeling.

Not bothering to show empathy can make customers feel frustrated, embarrassed and
even angry.

As a call center representative, it is important to use the right words. That’s right:

Simply saying the right words during the call can make customers feel that the person
on the phone empathizes with them.
But it can be difficult to know what the right words are in English, especially if English
is your second language.
You may already have a lot of the English language you need to handle everyday
business conversations, customer complaints or even sales situations. Now you are
about to learn a few more great English phrases to ensure that you can create and show
empathy to customer

27 English Phrases Call Center
Representatives Can Use Over and Over
Do you know what company won the “Worst Company in America” award, given
by Consumerist, twice?



Well, a big part of it was due to its call center customer service.

What did the call center representatives do that was so bad? Of course, we can’t say that
any one representative did do anything wrong. But there were some complaints that
they failed to show customers empathy.
In order words, they failed to make the customers feel as if they understood how
they were feeling.

Not bothering to show empathy can make customers feel frustrated, embarrassed and
even angry.

As a call center representative, it is important to use the right words. That’s right:

Simply saying the right words during the call can make customers feel that the person
on the phone empathizes with them.
But it can be difficult to know what the right words are in English, especially if English
is your second language.
You may already have a lot of the English language you need to handle everyday
business conversations, customer complaints or even sales situations. Now you are
about to learn a few more great English phrases to ensure that you can create and show
empathy to customers.
Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can
take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

What Not to Say

Has a friend ever tried to make you feel better, but the words they chose actually made
you feel worse? That is what happens sometimes with call center situations.

So, before learning what to say during a call center call, it is helpful to look at what not
to say.

Here is an example of a bad call center experience:

Call Center Representative (CCR): Hello, Acme, Inc. Shelly speaking. How can I help
you today?

Caller (C): Yes, hello. I have a question about my bill.

(Silence on the other end of the line)

C: Hello? Are you still there?

CCR: Yes, but I don’t deal with that.

C: What do you mean, you don’t deal with that? I’ve been on hold for the last 30
minutes. I followed all of your prompts to talk to you and now you’re telling me that
you won’t help me?

CCR: Calm down, sir/ma’am.

C: Don’t tell me what to do. Just tell me how you’re going to help me with my billing

CCR: Sir/ma’am, if you don’t calm down, I’ll have to terminate this call.

C: What! And make me go through the process of waiting to talk to a real person all
over again?

CCR: Okay, I’ll just put you on hold…

C: Maybe I’ll just cancel my service.

CCR: Look, I’m new here. I don’t know how to answer your question. Would you like
to speak to my supervisor?

(Caller hangs up)

Ouch. What did the call center representative say to frustrate and anger the customer?

 Well, the first problem was the silence on the other end of the line. The customer is
already confused about his or her bill and frustrated because of the long wait to talk to someone.
Silence on the other end of the line only increases both feelings. The customer does not know
what is going on.
 Telling customers that you do not deal with their problem makes them feel as if they
are bothering you. These days, some customers might walk into a store with a problem and be
told to call customer service. Customers understandably feel that whoever they reach is
supposed to be there to help them. You are their last resort. It is only natural that customers
become frustrated when you tell them that you cannot help them.
 The call center representative makes the situation even worse by making the customer
feel as if he/she is the problem. The customer has to calm down or else the representative
will terminate the call. The customer feels as if the representative is treating him or her as a
child who does not know how to behave.
 The end of the call completes the negative experience for the customer. The call center
representative wants to put the customer on hold. What! The customer just complained about
the long wait time and now has to wait again?
 Then the representative admits not knowing what to do. The customer is now
wondering, “What kind of company is this to put such inexperienced people in contact with
What to Say
It is not a crime to be new on the job or to get a call that you do not know how to
handle. It is part of the job. However, just knowing the right words to use can make all
the difference in such situations. Remember the negative customer service experience
above? Well, below is how the call service representative could have handled the call in
a way that showed empathy.

Call Center Representative (CCR): Hello, Acme, Inc. Shelly speaking. How can I help
you today?

Caller (C): Yes, hello. I have a question about my bill.

CCR: It sounds as if you need the billing department. I’ll transfer you to that number.
Here it is, though, in case you get disconnected.

C: Really. You have to transfer me? I’ve been on hold for the last 30 minutes. I
followed all of your prompts to talk to you and now you’re telling me that you won’t
help me?

CCR: I understand how frustrating that can be—let’s see how we can work this out. We
can work together to answer your questions, but only if we can discuss the matter
C: Of course. I’m sorry. It’s not your fault that I have this problem. Thank you for
working with me. You see, here’s what happened…

CCR: I see. I’m going to have to consult with a colleague. I’ll be back with you soon—
in 2 or 3 minutes max.

C: Okay. Thank you.

(2 or 3 minutes later)

CCR: Thank you for holding. Here’s the answer to your question…

Much better, right? What did the call center representative do to give the customer a
positive experience? They showed empathy: “Of course you don’t want to have to talk
to another person. I understand. Let me see how I can help.”

The representative gets this message across by using phrases like:

 “It sounds as if you need the billing department” instead of “I don’t deal with that.”
The representative does not make the customer feel as if they are a burden. They are just in the
wrong place and the representative is helping them find the person who can answer their
 “We can work together to answer your questions, but only if we can discuss the
matter calmly” instead of “Calm down.” The customer representative shows the customer
willingness to work with him or her. The customer thinks, “Oh, okay,” and calms down.
 “I’m going to have to consult with a colleague” instead of “I’ll just put you on hold.”
Now the customer knows why he or she is being put on hold and the expected wait time. The
customer is willing to wait, knowing that the representative is working on his or her problem.
27 English Phrases for a Positive Call Center
Below are 27 phrases a customer center representative can use to create a positive call
center experience.

Phrases for Dealing with an Angry Customer

1. I understand that this has been inconvenient for you.

2. What I can do right away is…

3. I apologize for the inconvenience, and I assure you I’ll do everything I can to
help you.

4. I understand how frustrating that can be—let’s see how we can work this

5. I appreciate your patience in this matter.

6. I’m going to do everything I can to get this resolved as soon as possible.

C: Really. You have to transfer me? I’ve been on hold for the last 30 minutes. I
followed all of your prompts to talk to you and now you’re telling me that you won’t
help me?

At this point, the call center representative could use any of the following combinations
of phrases:

 “I understand that this has been inconvenient for you, and I apologize for the wait.”
 “I understand that you’ve been waiting for a long time and need to have this issue
addressed. What I can do right away is consult my colleague about your problem. It will only
take 2 or 3 minutes.”
 “I apologize for the inconvenience, and I assure you I’ll do everything I can to help
you. Now, what is your question?”
 “I understand how frustrating that can be—let’s see how we can work this out.”
 “I appreciate your patience in this matter. I’m going to do everything I can to get
this resolved as soon as possible. Can you hold for 2 to 3 minutes while I contact a co-worker
who would be better equipped to answer your question?”
Phrases for Advising a Customer
7. I would suggest / recommend…

C: I just spilled water on my keyboard. Now it doesn’t work. Can you fix it?

Here, the representative could use this phrase in the following way:

 “I would suggest that you buy an external keyboard and attach it to your computer.
That way, you won’t have to buy a new one.”
Phrases for Making a Process Sound Easy
8. All you need to do is…

9. An easy way to do that is to….

C: I think I’m going to need to upgrade my browser. How do I do that?

At this point, the call center representative can use any of the following phrases:

 “All you need to do is to click on the link that tells you that it’s time to upgrade your
browser. It will take you to the correct page.”
 “An easy way to do that is to click on the link that tells you that it’s time to upgrade
your browser.”
To Upsell (To Sell Other Areas of the Business)

There are times when your job may be to sell customers other products or services that
they did not ask for. When this happens, it is important to use the right phrases to gain
their interest and trust.

10. You will only be charged…

11. We offer a variety of options…

12. It’s a great service / product that gives you the option of / capability to ___.

13. This is the best plan / product for your particular needs.

14. For just ___ , you can ___.

15. For special customers like you…

Here is how you could use them in complete sentences:

 “I was just checking your account and I see that you are eligible for our in-home
security package. You will only be charged for the set-up and the first six months of the
service are free. You can cancel at any time.”
 “We offer a variety of security options that might interest you, since you’re often
away from home.”
 “It’s a great service that gives you the option of checking in on your apartment on a
regular basis no matter where you are. So instead of worrying about what’s going on when
you’re away, you can rest assured that everything is safe and sound in your absence.”
 “This is the best security plan for someone with your particular needs.”
 “For just $50 a month, you can feel secure about your home when you’re away.”
 “For special customers like you, I’m willing to give the first six months for free.”
To Show Your Willingness to Help
16. With pleasure.

17. I would be happy to help/assist you.

C: I was wondering if you could answer a question for me.

At this point, the call center representative can use either of the following phrases:

 “With pleasure.”
 “Certainly, I would be happy to assist you.”
To Make a Customer Feel You Are Their Partner in Solving a
18. Let’s take a look at this…

19. That’s a good question…

20. I would be more than happy to…

C: Hello. I’m calling from out of town because I noticed that I wasn’t billed this month.
This is a bit strange. Do you know why?

At this point, the call center representative could respond like this:

 “Hmm. Let’s take a look at this.”

 “That’s a good question. I would be more than happy to look into that for you.”
To Make a Customer Feel Good About Their Choice
21. That’s a good choice / a popular item.

22. We’ve had a lot of positive feedback on ___.

C: I think I’ll take the tablet upgrade.

At this point, the call center representative can use any of the following phrases:

 “That’s a good choice.”

 “That’s a popular item.”
 “We’ve had a lot of positive feedback on the new tablet.”
To Make a Customer Feel That They Are Part of a Tribe (A Group
of People Like Them)
23. A lot of people prefer to…

24. What other customers have done in your situation is…

C: I’m trying to choose the best computer for my home-based business.

At this point, the call center representative could use either of the following phrases:

 “A lot of people prefer to use a desktop for working at home and a tablet for when
they travel.”
 “What other customers have done in your situation is to use a desktop for working at
home and a tablet for when they travel.”
To Make a Customer Feel Special
25. Because you’re a valued customer…

26. It’s your right to know…

27. I’m happy to let you know…

The call center representative might use the phrases in the following ways:

 “Because you’re a valued customer, I’m happy to let you know that we’ll be sending
you a special gift. You will receive it on December 15, right in time for Christmas.”
 “Now, it’s your right to know that this offer is only valid for a year. Afterwards, you
will pay the market price.”

Now, wouldn’t you feel as if a call center representative empathized with you after
hearing those phrases?

Creating a positive call center experience is simply about creating empathy.

You can easily do that with the right choice of words. Using this list as your guide will
give you a great start.

Now go out there and create great experiences. Good luck!


Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can
take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

And One More Thing…

Want to sound like a native English speaker, on the phone and in person? Then you’ll
love FluentU. FluentU takes real-world videos—like inspiring talks, movie trailers,
news and more—and turns them into personalized and fun English learning lessons.
It’s got a huge collection of authentic English videos that people in the English-
speaking world actually watch on the regular.
More to the point, FluentU has an entire business category filled with authentic
business-related videos covering six language levels.

To show the variety of videos even inside this single category, real-world business
videos on FluentU include “Introducing Business Colleagues,” “Business Buzzwords,”
“Control Your Inbox!” and “What Warren Buffet Thinks About Cash.”

An added bonus is that if you want to work on other topics later, simply use the same,
familiar FluentU platform to learn with videos from other categories, such as “Science
and Tech,” “Politics and Society” or mix it up with “Arts and Entertainment” or “Health
and Lifestyle.”

Every spoken word is subtitled, complete with an in-context definition, image and
multiple example sentences.


24 hours a day, seven days a week.

a tough break
When something unfortunate happens
ahead of the curve
means to be more advanced than the competition.
ahead of the pack
means to be better or more successful than the competition.
"as soon as possible."
at stake
means at risk.
back to square one
means to start something over again.
back to the drawing board
means to start something over and go back to the planning stage.
backroom deal
is an agreement or decision that is made without the public knowing about it.
ballpark number/figure
is a very inexact estimate
behind someone's back
means to do something without someone's knowledge and in an unfair way.
behind the scenes
What happens in secret or not in front of the general public
big picture
Everything that is involved with a particular situation
blue collar
is someone who works with his hands (manufacturing, construction,
maintenance, etc.).
by the book
means to do things according to company policy or the law
call it a day
means to decide to stop working for the day
catch someone off guard
means to surprise someone by doing something that he or she was not
cave (or cave in)
means to give in or agree to something that someone previously did not want to
change of pace
is something different from a normal routine or schedule.
come up short
means to try to achieve something but fail
corner a market
means to dominate a particular market
cut corners
means to take shortcuts and find an easier or cheaper way to do something.
cut one's losses
means to stop doing something that is unproductive and won't ever generate
is used to describe something that is very intense, aggressive, and merciless
diamond in the rough
is something or someone that has a lot of potential but first requires a lot of
easy come, easy go
is an expression used to communicate that something gained easily is also lost
means something is divided equally
from the ground up
If you start a business, project, or something else from zero
game plan
is a strategy or plan
get back in/into the swing of things
means to get used to doing something again after having a break from that
get down to business
means to stop making small talk and start talking about serious topics related to
get something off the ground
means to start a project or business
get the ball rolling
means to start something
get/be on the good side of someone
If someone likes you
get/have one's foot in the door
means to take a low-level position with a company with the goal of eventually
getting a better position with the same company
give someone a pat on the back
means to tell someone that they did a good job
give the thumbs down
means to deny approval
give the thumbs up
means to give approval
go broke
means to go bankrupt or to lose all the money a person or business had
go down the drain
When someone wastes or loses something
go the extra mile
means to do more than what people expect
go through the roof
it means it is rapidly increasing
gray area
it means that it is something undefined and not easily categorized
it means it is new and innovative
hands are tied
if they do not have control over a situation
have someone's work cut out
If you have a lot of work to do or a particularly difficult assignment,
hit the nail on the head
means to do or say something 100% correctly
in a nutshell
means in a few words
in full swing
it means that it has been completely started and that it is progressing or moving
as fast as it ever will
in the black
it means that it is making a profit
in the driver's seat
means to be in control
in the red
it means that is not profitable and is operating at a loss
keep one's eye on the ball
means to give something one's full attention and to not lose focus
last straw
means the last annoyance, disturbance, or betrayal which causes someone to
give up, lose their patience, or become angry
learn the ropes
means to learn the basics of something
long shot
is something that has a very low probability of happening
occurs if a law is unclear or omits information.
lose ground (opposite: gain ground)
means to lose some type of an advantage (market share, for example) to a
lose-lose situation (or no-win situation)
is when there will be a negative outcome regardless of what decision is made
is a job during normal working hours
no brainer
If a decision is really obvious or really easy to make
no strings attached
If something is given without expecting anything in return
no time to lose
it means that there is a lot of pressure to finish something quickly
not going to fly
If a solution isn't effective
off the top of one's head
it means that they give a response without thinking about it much or doing any
research on the subject
on a roll
it means that he or she has had several successes in a row
on the ball
means to be alert and aware of things
on the same page page
they are in agreement about something
on top of something
means to be in control of a situation and aware of changes
on your toes
means to be alert, Anything can happen.
out in the open
it is public knowledge and not hidden from people
out of the loop (opposite: in the loop)
means to not know something that a select group of people knows.
pink slip
someone who has been fired by their employer
play hardball
means to be competitive in a cruel and merciless way. Playing hardball means
doing anything possible to win.
put all one's eggs in one basket
means to rely on only one thing to bring success. It's not good to only invest in
the stock market
put the cart before the horse
means to do or think about things in the wrong order
raise the bar
means to set the standards or expectations higher, usually by achieving or
creating something better than what had previously existed
read between the lines
means to understand something that isn't communicated directly
red tape
refers to excessive rules, procedures, and regulations that make it difficult to
accomplish something
rock the boat
means to cause problems or disrupt a peaceful situation
means 24 hours a day
run/go around in circles
means to do the same thing over and over again without getting any results.
safe bet
means something that will probably happen
same boat
If people are in the same situation
second nature
When someone does something so well that it seems like they were born
knowing how to do it
see eye to eye
means to agree with that person
see something through
means to do something until it is finished
sever ties
means to end a relationship
shoot something down
means to reject something, such as a proposal or idea
sky's the limit
if there is no limit to what can be achieved
small talk
is conversation about unimportant topics that do not offend people (the weather,
for example)
smooth/clear sailing
is a term used to describe a situation where success is achieved without
snail mail
is the term used for the traditional mail that goes through the post office
stand one's ground
means to not change one's opinion or position
start off on the right foot
means to start something in a positive way
start off on the wrong foot
means to start something in a negative way
state of the art
is modern and technologically advanced
take something lying down
means to accept something unpleasant without fighting back
take the bull by the horns
means to directly confront a difficult situation
talk someone into something
means to convince someone to do something
talk someone out of something
means to convince someone not to do something
the elephant in the room
refers to an obvious problem or controversial issue that no one wants to talk
think big
means to have ambitious goals and big plans for the future
think outside the box
means to think of creative, unconventional solutions instead of common ones
throw in the towel
means to quit
time's up
means that the time for something or someone has ended
touch base
means to make contact with someone
twist someone's arm
means to persuade or convince someone to do something that he or she does
not want to do
under the table
Something done secretly (and usually illegally) To avoid paying taxes etc.
up in the air
If something is undecided
uphill battle
Something that is difficult to achieve because of obstacles and difficulties
upper hand
If someone has an advantage over someone else
white collar
is someone who works in an office (customer service, management, sales, etc.)
win-win situation
is a situation where everyone involved gains something
word of mouth
people hear about it through informal conversation with friends, family
members, acquaintances, etc
writing on the wall
refers to the evidence and clues that something (usually negative) is going to
yes man
is someone who always agrees with his or her superiors

 (redirected from centers)
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Acronyms, Encyclopedia.

Related to centers: centers around

center field
1. In baseball, the area of the field beyond second base and in the middle of the outfield. Primari
ly heard in US, South Africa.He hit the  ball  into center  field—and right into  the glove  of  the ou

2. In baseball, the position of a player who occupies and defends the center of the field. Primaril
y heard in US, South Africa.My goal  is  to  be fast  enough  to  play  center field next  year.

3. A position between extremes or in line with what is generally accepted or understood. Often u
sed with "left of" or "right of" (usually referring to political ideology) to indicate a more biased pos
ition.The  president  has been accused by both political parties  of  wanting  to  stay  in center  fiel
d  on the  issue  of  tax  reform.Once  I heard John's  liberal ideas,  I knew his  beliefs were  left  of 
center field.

See also: center, field

center of attraction
A person, place, or thing that attracts the most attention among others.There  were many movie 
stars  at  the premiere, but  the leading lady was  the center  of  attraction.Temple  Bar  is  definitel
y the  center of attraction  in Dublin.

See also: attraction, center, of

be center stage
To be the main focus.I'm not  talking about  my  promotion  today  because my sister's  engagem
ent should be  center stage.Her photos  will be  center stage at the  exhibit.

See also: center, stage

center around (someone or something)

To focus on someone or something.But it's  Beth's  surprise  party, not  yours,  so  all the  decorati
ons and  games should center  around  her  and her alone.This novel  centers around the  prota
gonist's journey  to  self-discovery.
See also: around, center

the center of attention

The main focus of people's interest or attention. This phrase sometimes has a negative connota
tion when it refers to one who pursues or seems to crave attention.My little  sister always has  to 
be the  center of attention,  so  of  course her drama overshadowed my birthday party.And  in th
is  corner  of  the room, a gorgeous, three-tiered cake  will be  the center  of  attention.

See also: attention, center, of

center on (someone or something)

1. To focus on someone or something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "center" and "o
n."But it's  Beth's  surprise  party, not  yours,  so  all the  decorations and  games should center  o
n  her  and her alone.This novel  centers on  the protagonist's journey  to  self-discovery.

2. To position something in the center of a space, usually a wall. A noun or pronoun can be use
d between "center" and "on."That  picture just isn't centered  on the  wall—tilt  it a little  more to t
he left.

See also: center, on

dead center
Exactly in the middle of something.If you're  going  to  hang  that  painting, make sure you  put it 
dead  center—otherwise,  it will  just  look  weird.I want  you dead center  in this picture,  so  move 
a  little to the  left.

See also: center, dead

left, right, and center

In many different places or to many different people all at once. Primarily heard in US.Ever  sinc
e  the company started, we've had  financial issues left,  right,  and center.The  economy  has be
en devastating people  left, right, and  center in  this  country.

See also: and, center

left, right, and centre

In many different places or to many different people all at once. Primarily heard in UK.Ever  sinc
e  the company started, we've had  financial issues left,  right,  and centre.The  economy  has be
en devastating people  left, right, and  centre in  this  country.

See also: and, centre

take center stage

To be the main focus.I'm not  talking about  my  promotion  today  because my sister's  engagem
ent should take  center stage.Her photos  took center  stage  at  the exhibit.

See also: center, stage, take

front and center

In a very conspicuous or notable place; at the forefront of some space.I  can't believe  that  my  d
aughter is on  stage,  front and  center!That  painting is really  eye-catching,  so  be sure to put  it 
front and  center.

See also: and, center, front
1. Not perfectly lined up in the center of something.I don't know.  I still think  the picture  looks  a 
little off-center.

2. Not standard, typical, or usual; unique or odd.We've taken an  off-center  approach to solving 

this  problem.

on dead center
Exactly in the middle of something.Make sure that painting  is  on dead center  on the  wall—
otherwise,  it will  just  look  weird.The politician  has been criticized  by  his constituents for sittin
g  on dead center  when it  comes  to  the issue of immigration  reform.

See also: center, dead, on

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

center around someone or something

to make someone or something the central point in something; to be based on someone or som
ething. Your salary  increases center  around  your  ability  to  succeed  at  your  job. The  success 
of  the picnic centers  around  the weather next  week.

See also: around, center

center of attention
the focus of people's attention; the thing or person who monopolizes people's attention. She ha
d  a  way of making herself  the center  of  attention  wherever  she went.

See also: attention, center, of

center on someone or something

to focus on someone or something in particular. Let  us  center on  the basic problem and  try to 
solve  it. I want  to  center on  Liz and  her  contributions to the  firm.

See also: center, on

center something on someone or something
to base something on someone or something. Let  us  center the  discussion on  Walter. Our wh
ole  meeting  was centered  on the  conservation question.

See also: center, on

dead center
at the exact center of something. The  arrow hit the  target  dead  center. When  you put  the flow
ers on  the table, put  them  dead  center.

See also: center, dead

off center
not exactly in the center or middle. The arrow  hit  the target a little  off center. The  picture hang
ing  over  the chair  is  a  little off  center.

See also: center, off
on dead center

1. Lit. at the exact center of something. The  arrow hit the  target  on dead center. When you  put 

the flowers  on the  table,  put them on  dead  center.

2. Fig. exactly correct. Mary is quite  observant. Her  analysis  is  on dead center. My  estimate 

wasn't  on dead center, but  it was  very close to the  final  cost.

See also: center, dead, on

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc.

center of attraction, the

Something or someone that attracts the most interest or curiosity. For example, The Ferris whe
el is always the  center of attraction  at  our  carnival, or Jan  is  the center  of  attraction wherever 
she goes. This expression comes from physics, where since about 1770 it has denoted the poin
t to which bodies tend by gravity or the action of centripetal force.

See also: center, of

front and center

In the most prominent position, as in You  couldn't  miss  John-he  was front  and center  in that p
resentation. This expression alludes to the best and usually most expensive seats in a theater.

See also: and, center, front

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by
The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
All rights reserved.

left, right, and centre


left and right


You use left, right, and centre to show that something is happening or being done a lot. They'r
e  expecting the  state  to  pay out  money left right and  centre. The Postal  Service  has been lo
sing  customers left and  right.

See also: and, centre

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

left, right, and centre (also left and right or right and left)

 on all sides.

1996  Loaded  She relocated to New  York…  quickly  finding  herself heralded  left, right and  ce

ntre  as  The  Face  Of  The  '80s.

See also: and, centre

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

ˌfront and ˈcenter
 (American English) in or into the most important position: This is the  first TV  channel to put  ki
ds  front and  center.

See also: and, center, front

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

center around

1. To be primarily concerned with something: The  plot of this story centers  around  the life  of  a 


2. To make or do something that is primarily concerned with something else: We  centered our 
discussion around the  problem  of  homelessness.

See also: around, center

center on

1. To be concerned primarily with something: This chapter centers  on the  childhood of one  of 

the characters.

2. To make or do something that is concerned primarily with something else: We  centered our 
analysis  on the  best pieces  of  evidence.

3. To place something at the center of some location: We  centered the  painting on  the wall.

See also: center, on

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin
Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All
rights reserved.

front and center

In the most prominent position.

See also: and, center, front

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

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