Candidates Are Required To Give Their Answers in Their Own Words As Far As Practicable. The Figures in The Margin Indicate Full Marks
Candidates Are Required To Give Their Answers in Their Own Words As Far As Practicable. The Figures in The Margin Indicate Full Marks
Candidates Are Required To Give Their Answers in Their Own Words As Far As Practicable. The Figures in The Margin Indicate Full Marks
No. of Test 1 2 3 4 5 6
Wt. of mould 3.526 3.711 3.797 3.906 3.924 3.882
and soil (kg)
Water content 7.33 9.40 11.23 15.20 16.92 19.39
The mould is 12.7 cm high and has an internal diameter of 10 cm.
The weight of the empty mould is 1.89 kg. Plot the moisture content-
dry density curve and determine the optimum moisture content and
the maximum dry density. Given, G = 2.68.
5. a) Derive the Baussinesq equations for the determination of vertical 7
stress due to concentrated load and list out the limitation of
boussinesq equation.
b) A 20 m high dam has a top width of 90 m and a free board of 3 m. 8
The dam is made of coarse sand having a coefficient of permeability
of 0.01 cm/sec. A 22.5 m long horizontal drainage blanket is placed
near the downstream end of the dam. Draw the flow-net and
determine the quantity of seepage loss if the width of the dam be 175
6. a) What do you know about the flow net. Derive the following 7
expression for the discharge through an earh mass.
q = A h Nf/Nd
A= coefficient of permeability.
h = head.
Nf = Number of flow channels
Nd = Number of equipotiential drop.
b) A sample of dry coarse soil and is tested in the laboratory triaxial 8
apparatus in the undrained condition. Under a cell pressure of 2
kg/cm2, the sample failed when the deviator stress reached 4.38
i) Determine the shear parameters of the soil
ii) At what deviator stress will the soil fail if the cell pressure be
3 kg/cm2?
7. Write short notes on (Any two) : 2×5
a) Quick Sand condition
b) Primary Consolidation
c) Overburden Pressure