Philippine Laws - Simplified: RA 4200: The Anti-Wire Tapping Law
Philippine Laws - Simplified: RA 4200: The Anti-Wire Tapping Law
Philippine Laws - Simplified: RA 4200: The Anti-Wire Tapping Law
The penalty for violating this law is imprisonment for 6 months to 6 years and, if the violator is a
government official at the time the offense was committed, perpetual absolute disqualification from
public office. In case of aliens, they'll be subjected to deportation proceedings.
For a valid court order to be granted, the crimes committed (or to be committed) by the suspects should
be the following:
1.) Treason
2.) Espionage
4.) Piracy
6.) Rebellion
9.) Sedition
12.) Violations of CA 616 (espionage and other offenses against national security)
To apply for a court order, examination of the witnesses must show the following:
1.) There are reasonable grounds to believe that the above crimes were committed, are being
committed or are about to be committed. In case of rebellion, conspiracy to commit rebellion, sedition,
conspiracy to commit sedition and inciting to sedition, the order will be granted only if there is prior
proof that a rebellion, etc., has actually been or is being committed.
2.) There are reasonable ground to believe that the evidence obtained will secure a conviction for the
suspects or provide a solution to or prevention of any such crimes.
4.) The period of authorization (60 days, extendable or renewable if public interest is on the line)
Within 48 hours after the end of the period the recorded matter is to be delivered in a sealed package to
the court that issued the order, together with an affidavit executed by the officer who did the
surveillance. The affidavit should state the number of recordings, the time each recording was made,
the number of recorded material (tapes, disks, USBs, etc.) and certify that no copies were made and if
there are such copies, they're included in the package. Only the court can order an opening of the
package for examination.
Information gathered in violation of RA 4200 can't be admitted in evidence.
Enrico at 6:55 PM
1 comment:
hi. My mother is a teacher in a public school, and they are being videotaped without their
consent and they already confronted the videotaper.. Is it considered as wire tapping since
it is recorded with voice? or what law covers this situations? Is this can be categorized as
harassment? Thank you. This will be a great help.
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