First Restassured Handbook: S D P C
First Restassured Handbook: S D P C
First Restassured Handbook: S D P C
Ares(2018)6560048 - 19/12/2018
Deliverable D9.5
First RestAssured Handbook
Release 1.0
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s H2020 research
and innovation programme under grant agreement n◦ 731678.
RestAssured Consortium
Document History
List of Figures ........................................................................ 7
4 Conclusions....................................................................... 42
A Appendices....................................................................... 43
A.1 References to Open Source Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
A.1.1 Parquet encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
A.1.2 Flask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
A.1.3 Keycloak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
A.1.4 Apache Jena. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
A.1.5 Jersey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
List of Figures
Figure 1.4: Equality of the name and instance type of an added Cloud Element. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Figure 1.5: Instantiation of a Cloud Element of the instance type Data in a ReAs-CSAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Figure 1.6: Representation of the instantiated Cloud Element of the instance type Data in a ReAs-
CSAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Figure 1.7: Definition of Properties of the instantiated Cloud Element of the instance type Data . . . . . . 17
Figure 1.11: Remaining threats in the SCANT use case after applying standard controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
List of Tables
0.1 Introduction
This report presents V1 of the RestAssured handbook: an online, multi-media handbook that explains how
to use the RestAssured solutions in open source as well as commercial cloud environments.
The purpose of each of the RestAssured components is described in outline together with links to the
RestAssured code libraries; open-source components; licencing agreements.
The handbook includes as set of use case descriptions designed to show how to apply and validate the
RestAssured technologies. The Handbook therefore explains in a hands-on fashion how the RestAssured
solutions may be used and will thus be an important means to achieve uptake and impact in practice.
Specifically, the handbook covers the following: section 1 is an overview of RestAssured for those new to
the project objectives, technologies and delivery platforms. This is accompanied by a set of project videos,
screenshots or descriptions in section 0.1. These cover:
• an overview of the RestAssured concept illustrated through the Social Care use case,
Section 2 explains how to build a RestAssured business solution and offering. Each of the technical com-
ponents is first described and then the application of those components to the business cases is summarised.
For each use case we describe the architecture of the solution (as applied to the use case) and how the
solution is actually implemented including clear reference to the code libraries and how they are called.
The handbook includes a set of appendices which reference the open source libraries used and the RestAs-
sured APIs.
Because this is V1 of the handbook, section 3 explains the main additions to the handbook which we
expect to make in the final 12 months of the project.
1 Overview of RestAssured
RestAssured provides solutions to specific technical concerns of data protection in the cloud (such as
geo-location restrictions on personal data), which are imposed by the dynamic, multi-stakeholder and de-
centralized nature of federated cloud systems. These concerns mean that privacy and security by design
approaches are no longer sufficient, due to uncertainty at design time of how the cloud and privacy require-
ments may dynamically evolve and change at run time. To this end, RestAssured provides novel mechanisms
and cloud architectures for the runtime detection, prediction and prevention of data protection violations.
RestAssured assures the protection of sensitive business and citizen data in the cloud by combining four
pillars of innovation: (1) combination of fully homomorphic encryption to process data without decryption
with cloud enablement of SGX hardware for protected data processing, (2) sticky policies for decentral-
ized data lifecycle management, (3) models@runtime for data protection assurance, and (4) automated risk
management for run-time data protection.
RestAssured solutions are being demonstrated through three use cases driven by project partners; High
Performance Computing for commercial enterprises; Pay As You Drive usage based insurance; and self-
directed Social care for vulnerable adults and social care providers.
The RestAssured Handbook explains, in a hands-on fashion, how the RestAssured solutions may be used
and is thus an important means to achieve uptake and impact in practice.
Context definition
Risk Assessment
Risk Treatment
Definition of the context is needed for performing a risk assessment for a system. This context definition
has to represent information about the external and the internal context of a cloud computing service. With
respect to the external context, it is necessary to identify all the requirements that are indirectly relevant for
the provided service and the corresponding system.
Work package 7 provides the risk assessment methodology of RestAssured. The two design-time risk
assessment tools involved in risk assessment methodology are:
1. The Cloud System Analysis Pattern (CSAP) for establishing scope and context analysis of a system
(supports Context Definition in Figure 1.1)
2. The System Security Modeller (SSM) for identifying threats and controls based on design-time system
model (supports Risk Assessment and Treatment in Figure 1.1)
CSAP is a high-level context-oriented approach that employs patterns to identify the relationships between
the system and the stakeholders (cf. D7.1). Here stakeholders include Data Subjects, Data Controllers, and
Cloud Providers. CSAP represents a pattern for defining the context of a cloud computing service. Using
the CSAP ensure that crucial information is not overlooked, e.g. by ensuring that all potentially relevant
asset types are considered. For enabling a use of the CSAP in RestAssured the CSAP has been extended to
include a new pattern. This new pattern of the CSAP is called RestAssured-Cloud System Analysis Pattern
SSM employs graph-based models to model the assets of a system and the relationships between them
(cf. D7.1). A domain specific catalogue of threat patterns captures the possible threats within a domain,
and through pattern matching the specific threats in a system model can be identified. Moreover, by spec-
ifying the trustworthiness levels of certain attributes of system assets, the likelihood of those threats can
be computed. This includes two mechanisms by which the effects of threats can be propagated: automatic
secondary effect chaining, and loss of trustworthiness effects (cf. D7.1). Finally, by specifying the impact
levels for primary asset misbehaviours, risk levels can be computed.
The two approaches have been implemented and described in detail in the CSAP (cf. D7.1, Section 4.1)
and SSM (cf. D7.1, Section 4.2) tools, respectively.
The Designer-editor of the CSAP-tool enables designers to create specific Cloud System Analysis Patterns
(CSAP). The designers can build a specific cloud system analysis pattern in two different ways:
• by creating an empty CSAP that contains only an Indirect Environment, a Direct Environment and a
In case of starting with an empty CSAP, designers can create their own CSAP by adding appropriate
types of Indirect Stakeholders, Direct Stakeholders and Cloud Elements. Furthermore, associations between
Direct Stakeholders and Cloud Elements as well as between Direct Stakeholders among each other can be
created. If the original CSAP is used as basis, already existing CSAP-elements can be modified and/or
Figure 1.3 shows the definition of a new Cloud Element that is added to an empty CSAP. In the designer-
editor the name of a CSAP-element can be as the same as its instance type (see Figure 1.4).
In the User-editor, any defined pattern can be instantiated. The instantiation of our ReAs-CSAP is described
in D7.1. Figure 1.5 shows the instantiation of a Cloud Element of instance type Data during the instantiation
of the ReAs-CSAP. This Cloud Element instance specifies customers’ data and therefore is named Customer
The instantiation of the Cloud Element is marked by displaying the type name Data surrounded by angle
brackets under the name of the Cloud Element (see Fig. 1.6). For a subset of the properties of the instantiated
Cloud Element, the corresponding values can be specified in the according dialogue during its instantiation
(see Fig. 1.5). For all properties, except for the instance type, the corresponding values can be assigned in a
property panel (see Fig. 1.7).
Figure 1.4: Equality of the name and instance type of an added Cloud Element
Figure 1.5: Instantiation of a Cloud Element of the instance type Data in a ReAs-CSAP
Figure 1.6: Representation of the instantiated Cloud Element of the instance type Data in a ReAs-
Figure 1.7: Definition of Properties of the instantiated Cloud Element of the instance type Data
The tool has a canvas on which the user can create a model of the system by dragging assets from a palette
[Fig. 1.8 – (1)] on to the canvas [Fig. 1.8 – (2)] and adding the relationships between them [Fig. 1.8 – (3)].
Once this process is complete SSM applies machine reasoning techniques to:
• Added certain inferred assets that exist by virtue of the relationships between the assets. For example
this can include logical entities like paths between networks.
• Find threats that exist within the model using a knowledge base of threat patterns.
The next step is to identify the primary assets in the system, and specify the impact levels for the possible
misbehaviours of those assets. By default SSM assigns relatively low impact levels to asset misbehaviours.
This is entirely appropriate for supporting assets (as per ISO 27005), but not appropriate for the primary
assets of the system. In Fig. 1.9 the Subject Data has been identified as a primary asset, and Loss of
Confidentiality has been given a High impact level [Fig. 1.9 – (1)].
The threats identified by SSM have likelihoods, and these in turn determine the likelihood of the asset
misbehaviours that they cause [Fig. 1.9 – (2)]. The combination of the impact level of an asset misbehviour,
and the corresponding likelihood of that misbehaviour, determine the risk of that misbehaviour [Fig. 1.9 –
(3)]. (See Section 3.2.5 of D7.1 for details of this calculation.)
The threat likelihoods are determined by the trustworthiness of assets, or more specifically, by the trust-
worthiness levels of certain attributes of those assets. Again, SSM chooses default values for these attributes,
but the user can adjust these based upon their understanding of the system they are modelling. For example
in Fig. 1.10, which is taken from a model of the SCANT use case (Section 2.3.2), the AMI LAN is pro-
visioned in a public cloud. As this may be shared with other tenants outside of the control of the SCANT
operator, the user trustworthiness level is set to Low [Fig. 1.10 – (1)].
At this stage SSM will likely have identified a large number of potentially high risk threats. The next step is
to systematically apply standard security measures:
In Fig. 1.11 we have applied these controls to the SCANT use case model. SSM’s reasoning determines that
this addresses most of the threats, but leaves one high risk security threat [Fig. 1.11 – (1)], and one GDPR
compliance threat [Fig. 1.11 – (2)].
Figure 1.11: Remaining threats in the SCANT use case after applying standard controls
The high risk security threat can be examined in the Threat Explorer [Fig. 1.12 – (1)], where we see that the
this is a primary threat. Primary threats have entry points corresponding to trustworthiness attributes of the
involved assets (see Section 3.2.2 of D7.1 for more details). Here the relevant trustworthiness attribute is the
trustworthiness of the users of the Spark DB. Something is driving the trustworthiness level down from Very
High to only Medium. We can investigate this further using the Misbehaviour Explorer [Fig. 1.12 – (2)],
where we see another threat that is the root cause of the threat that we are investigating [Fig. 1.12 – (3)].
The root cause threat arises from the fact that the AMI Server is provisioned in a public cloud. The
management of the server is outside the control of the SCANT operator, and thus the data processed by
the Spark DB hosted on the AMI Server is potentially exposed. The available control strategy is run the
SparkDB in a secure enclave on the AMI Server [Fig. 1.13 – (1)].
The GDPR compliance threats can be examined in the Compliance Explorer [Fig. 1.14 – (1)], and each
individual threat examined in turn [Fig. 1.14 – (2)]. For the SCANT use case, SSM has identified that the
Spark DB may process the Subject Data in a way that is not compliant with the GDPR. The available control
strategy is to apply Sticky Policies to the Subject Data, and enforce them at the Spark DB [Fig. 1.14 – (3)].
1. The Data Protection Contract Manager is responsible for the registration of the Service providers, in
Data Protection Contracts. It collects the type of data that is needed by the Service Providers and their
usage (see figures 1.15 and 1.16). The Data Protection Contracts between the Data Gatekeeper and
the Service Providers are generated, signed and stored, as shown in figure 1.17.
2. The Sticky Policy Manager component allows a Data Subject to register its preferences on the pro-
cessing of its personal data, as shown in figure 1.18. In order to specify the possible options for data
processing, the structure of the Data Protection Contract of the requested service is used. The Data
Subject can verify the authorizations that he/she delivers to a service as seen in figure 1.19, and update
these preferences. These preferences are translated into sticky policies that are logically bounded to
personal data and checked before processing the data. The Sticky Policy Manager is able to sign and
store sticky policies.
3. The Data Protection Decision Point component is responsible for combining the various organiza-
tional access control policies and sticky policies in order to grant or deny the processing of the data.
4. The Data Protection Enforcement Point component is responsible for intercepting the request for
personal data from Services, forwarding the request to the Data Protection Decision Point component
and applying the decision made by this component. A Data Protection Enforcement Point is locally
deployed for each Service, in front of each databases storing personal information.
5. The Authentication component is responsible for authenticating a data consumer requesting data
through a service. When a data consumer logins on a service with authentication delegation, he is
directed to the Authentication component. He logins on the Authentication component and is redi-
rected to the service, being authenticated. The Authentication component is an authentication service,
using an implementation of the OpenID Connect protocol.
2.2 Components
2.2.2 Flask
Owner: 3rd party open source
License: BSD
Link: A.1.2
Web server framework for SCANT UI. Easy to use and flexible
2.2.4 Risk@Runtime
Owner: IT Innovation
License: Defined in Final version of Handbook
Link: Defined in Final version of Handbook
Risk@Runtime is a software component whose primary objective is to perform risk analysis of systems at
runtime (i.e. during the operation of the system). It is deployed as a software service, usable via a set of
REST APIs. These allow initial design time risk models (created using the System Security Modeller SSM)
to be uploaded (and updated dynamically) and set the initial context for the running system. Subsequent
changes to the system (and/or environment) will trigger potential adaptations of the system’s behaviour e.g.
to increase performance or maintain dependability – Risk@Runtime analyses every potential adaptation
(input via the risk analysis API) in terms of a new runtime model of the system and calculates the new risk
levels of this future state. The component can greenlight the suggested adaptation if it meets an acceptable
risk level, or highlight where threats are greatest and need to be further mitigated by an adaptation.
Owner: Thales
License: To be defined
Link: Not open source
The Data Protection Contract Manager is responsible for the registration of the Service providers, in Data
Protection Contracts. It collects the type of data that is needed by the Service Providers and their planned
usage. The Data Protection Contracts between the Data Gatekeeper and the Service Providers are generated,
signed and stored.
Owner: Thales
License: To be defined
Link: Not open source
The Sticky Policy Manager component is responsible for the registration of the Data Subject. It collects the
data subject security preferences through a Graphical User Interface. The Sticky Policy Manager component
translates the data subject requirements into Sticky Policies, and bounds them to the personal data. The
Sticky Policies are generated in RDF (Resource Description Framework) Format, using the framework
Apache Jena ( A.1.4), released under Apache License 2.0. This component is also responsible for signing
and storing the Sticky Policies, in a TripleStore. The TripleStore is also furnished by the framework Apache
Owner: Thales
License: To be defined
Link: Not open source
Open Source Alternatives: Authzforce:
The Data Protection Decision Point component is responsible for extracting and combining the organiza-
tional access control policies and sticky policies. It will output a response: grant or deny, for the processing
of the personal data within the Rest Assured environment. The Data Protection Decision Point component
is able to deliver fine-grained access control decisions, based on the individual sticky policies
• Refining the meta-model. As explained in D5.1, Section 2.2, the proposed approach for detecting
data protection risks is based on a meta-model. Both the run-time model of the cloud system and
the risk patterns depend on this meta-model. D5.1, Section 3.3 describes a possible meta-model.
This meta-model may have to be customized though, depending on the specific cloud system to be
targeted. As an example, the meta-model in D5.1 assumes that application components are deployed
in virtual machines. If the given system uses containers instead of or in addition to virtual machines,
the meta-model has to be modified or extended accordingly.
• Identification of risk patterns. A further design-time activity that is required as preparation for
the run-time data protection assurance is the elaboration of a catalog of relevant risk patterns. An
initial catalog of risk patterns has been described and made publicly available under https://
pdf. Similarly to the meta-model, this catalog can be used as a basis but may have to be extended or
modified according to the specific technologies used and their potential vulnerabilities. For identify-
ing – and continually updating – vulnerabilities, public databases such as the Common Vulnerabilities
and Exposures (CVE) database ( can be used as source.
• Implementation of monitoring adapters. Detecting changed data protection risks during run time
presupposes that the used run-time model is kept in line with the configuration of the cloud system
by means of monitoring. The monitoring system described in D5.1, Section 5.3.3, handles this in a
generic way and depends on specific monitoring adapters for the used systems. A monitoring adapter
extracts real-time monitoring information from the monitored system and forwards that information
to the monitoring gateway of the RestAssured Adaptation component. The monitoring adapter has
to be implemented in a system-specific way for the used applications and infrastructure management
systems, as different systems offer different interfaces or necessitate different monitoring probes to
extract information about their state.
• Handling identified risks. The run-time data protection system of RestAssured, as described in
D5.1, mainly focuses on detecting the appearance of data protection risks. When such a risk has
been detected during run time, an appropriate alarm mechanism should be used to notify the system
administrators and provide information about the found risk pattern to them. This can be in the form
of a dashboard or by integration with the incident reporting system of the organization.
• Optional: integration with design-time tools. The run-time model may be initialized with a de-
ployment plan created during the design phase with the help of some deployment planning tool. One
possibility for such integration could be through a standardized language for cloud deployments, such
as TOSCA (Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications). For this purpose, the
mapping between the run-time model and TOSCA, described in D5.1, Section 3.4, can be used to
implement an appropriate TOSCA import interface.
In the future, the RestAssured run-time data protection will also include adaptations for ensuring contin-
uous satisfaction of data protection requirements. For this purpose, also adaptation execution adapters will
have to be implemented, similarly to the monitoring adapters mentioned above.
Ami, developed and operated by Oxford Computer Consultants, is an online service in the United Kingdom
that connects (i) lonely people who need help and (ii) volunteers offering help. Matching volunteers to
people needing care is based on information such as the place where a person lives and their needs. These
pieces of information are displayed only in obfuscated form, so as to preserve the users’ privacy. The infor-
mation about people with loneliness and related needs is valuable to local authorities, who are responsible
for supplying social care to persons in need within their areas.
SCANT is a tool to assist the local authorities in identifying unmet needs, whilst also preserving the
privacy of the potentially vulnerable Ami users. For instance, local authorities can query with SCANT the
number of Ami users with particular needs in a broad geographical region, however, individual Ami users
who did not consent to the disclosure of their data will remain anonymous to the local authorities. The
stored sensitive data are protected against unauthorized access. Queries from local authorities are modified
automatically on the fly so that the data from Ami users who did not consent to the analytical use of their
data are excluded from the results. This guarantees that local authorities never get access to data of Ami
users who did not consent to this use of their data. Local authorities can still work with data of Ami users
who did consent to the disclosure, and with aggregated data of Ami users who consented to aggregated
The software architecture of SCANT is based on the assumption that the SCANT tool itself cannot be
entirely trusted. It may be hosted on a location, such as a public cloud, that provides opportunities for
hostile actors to interfere. There is also the possibility of an “inside threat” amongst the staff with access
to the SCANT tool at the Local Authority or Service Provider. Instead the SCANT tool delegates access to
the sensitive data to the Query Gateway components. As can be seen in Figure 2.1, the SCANT tool sends
its query to the Query Gateway, which uses the Data Gatekeeper to verify the data subject’s consent to the
usage requested.
The SCANT tool itself is designed as an easily deployable web app, which could be rolled out on user
premises. It is a python web app, hosted on a Nginx server process in a docker container. These technology
choices were made to provide the following benefits.
Python The python language provides great flexibility while we are developing the SCANT tool. The
current iteration of the tool is a prototype to demonstrate the feasibility of the RestAssured approach,
rather than a finished product. The ability to make revisions quickly is a more valuable feature than the
maintainability and guarantees of formal correctness of a more structured language. The availability
of excellent open source Python libraries is also a valuable asset.
Flask Flask is a lightweight and relatively unopinionated framework for building web apps. It has proved
ideal for our use case and has allowed a rapidly evolving prototype to mature as the project has
Nginx Flask comes with an in-built development web server, but this is not adequate for a production
system. Nginx is a performant and robust web server that handles the web request servicing and
thread management for our app.
Docker Docker provides isolation of our system from dependency on the details of the host platform. Our
app is deployed as a pre-built Docker image. This allows us to assemble our system dependencies
independent of the host operating system.
The SCANT code is responsible for parsing the user’s inputs, and using this to assemble a query relating
to the need of interest and the region under study.
The SCANT application was designed around a model of an untrusted application running in a potentially
insecure environment. The integrity of the system is guaranteed by the secure core of the Query Gateway,
which is considered reliable. This resulted in a set of design criteria:
This implies:
• SCANT acts as a user interface to the query gateway, for the purpose of querying the database, and
displaying the results.
• SCANT acts as a user interface to the data gatekeeper, for the purpose of registering users and updating
user consent.
Some further design constraints arose from technological concerns. Most significantly, the detailed design
of the system was under development concurrently with the development of the RestAssured core compo-
nents. As a result, SCANT had critical prerequisites the design of which was not stable. Flexibility and ease
of applying changes was thus a key priority. To achieve this we made 3 key decisions:
1. Keep the components loosely coupled.
This insulates SCANT from downstream changes. To a certain extent, this arises naturally from the
architecture of the RestAssured system. The components communicate via web APIs, which avoids
direct coupling. In addition to this the SCANT application was designed with a fairly generic query
creation system that used a simplified SQL-like structure to create queries. This proved especially
useful as limitations with the original Opaque implementation of the Query Gateway became apparent.
2. Develop in Python.
Python is a lightweight scripting type language, but with expressive syntax and a powerful set of
libraries. Especially relevant to our case are the Flask web server framework that allowed us to
quickly produce UI for our application, and the Requests HTTP request manager library. With
these components and the fairly flexible query library given above, it was fairly straightforward to
adapt to emerging constraints.
3. Containerise the application to reduce dependency on host platform configuration.
By deploying the application in its own Docker image, we avoided dealing with tiresome dependency
issues on deployed host environments. This was possible as the SCANT application itself did not
require exotic hosting such as SGX. Queries
The queries generated by SCANT and processed by the Query Gateway are essentially a limited subset of
SQL queries, with some attached metadata to identify the use the query is being put to and the queries it
requires. a sample query is given below:
Let’s break this down a bit:
• serviceA: This is the identity of the service using the Query Gateway. The SCANT use case was
called “ServiceA” during development. This value will be given you when you register with the
RestAssured service.
• index1: This is the index of the usage you are requesting. In this case, index1 is the use case
where a local authority user is accessing the data to plan care provision in their area. (As opposed to
index2, where a commercial user is planning their marketing activities with the same data.) When
setting up the service with the data gateway, a separate usage is required for each distinct scenario a
user may be requested to consent to.
• data=Outcode&data=NeedID: This section specified the column metadata: the columns that
that may be needed in this query. The names of the columns are highlighted in red.
The result of this query would be returned as a JSON object of the form:
{"PersonID": 1},
{"PersonID": 5},
{"PersonID": 7},
// etc...
Query Generation Much of the functionality of SCANT revolves around the generation of these query
URLs. The SCANT program dynamically generates the queries based on the input from the UI. The UI
itself is a relatively simple, consisting of a map control allow selection of a postcode region (Outcode) from
a map of Oxfordshire and a social care need from a list of options.
This UI results in the selection of up to two options: Zero or one Postcode Regions, and zero or one
needs. The query processor uses these to generate a tree of query terms describing the query. Unfortunately
the implementation of Opaque at the time of writing was quite limited, and SQL features were not available.
Most seriously, the use of the OR logical operator. This restricts the SCANT client to a maximum of 1 need
and postcode region.
The tree representation records the query terms as a tree of Left-Hand-Side / Operator / Right-Hand-Side
triples. Each of these triples is an example of a QueryTerm object. These assemble two pieces of data:
1) The query text itself (specifically the where clause) 2) The column metadata list of columns used in the
query terms.
In practice, the simple queries employed by the current version of SCANT do not require this mechanism
- it was created to support more general querying, and was designed before the limitations of Opaque were
fully appreciated.
SCANT also contains a facility to add new records to the database, to the extent permitted by Opaque.
This is handled by the Data Gateway aspect of the Query Gateway software, accessed via a web API as for
queries. The URL format for this feature is:
The data to be submitted is POSTed as a JSON object to the endpoint. For example, a SCANT object
would look like:
{"City": "Burford", "FirstName": "Carlos", "Title": "Ms", "PersonId":
304, "LastName": "Franklin", "Outcode": "OX18", "IsTopNeed": 0, "NeedId":
2, "AddressLine1": "64 Frethern Close", "Need": "Odd jobs", "AddressLine2":
None, "PostCode": "OX18 4NU"}
Once a new data subject is registered on the system by the mechanism above, their sticky policies need
to be updated (by default they consent to nothing.) This is handled by the Data Gatekeeper itself, which has
its own UI. The SCANT website redirects to the supplied URL in the Data Gatekeeper, using a form with
the PersonID and email address of the newly registered data subject.
In the past traditional car insurance policies have used basic static information about driver (age, gender, pro-
fession and previous claim history) and automobile (brand, model, year of manufacture) upon which to base
premiums for insurance. The introduction of vehicle telematics has enabled a number of new Usage-Based
Insurance (UBI) pricing models to emerge, allowing for a more fine-grained approach to risk assessment to
be carried out derived from empirical driving data:
• Pay-As-You-Drive (PAYD) describes an automotive UBI product with a pricing model based on
distance driven based on telemetric data collected while the car is being driven. The telemetric data
set collected for determining the policy premium for such products is often comparatively narrow,
mostly limited to odometer readings (distance travelled) and more recently in some cases including
geopositioning (GPS) data sets of date, time, speed, direction and location to be used for simplistic
usage analysis.
• Pay-How-You-Drive (PHYD) describes a more advanced UBI product with a pricing model based
on driver behaviour analysis. The telemetric data set collected for determining the policy premium is
a far wider telematic data set (with more resolution and accuracy) and it is processed more deeply than
traditional PAYD. Not only using more finely sampled location, time of day, and distance travelled,
but also taking in telematics streams of car controls (eg. streering wheel, brakes) instrumentation
(tachometer) and other sensors, a driver behavioural profile can be built up algorithmically by back
end analysis (such as machine learning) in cloud infrastructures.
Unless an explicit reference is made to a specific model (e.g. PHYD), this document will otherwise use the
term PAYD to refer interchangably to all the above insurance models and associated technical components
and back-end cloud analysis models.
OpenXC1 , developed by Ford and Bug Labs as an open standard for accessing
vehicle data, has been selected as the basis of the PAYD Data Model, as this
provides direct interoperability with a growing ecosystem of both open source
software and hardware for interacting with vehicle data, as well as access to
advanced instrumentation data that will be explored in Phase 2 of the project.
In the case of the PAYD use case, the data model involves 3 tables:
Event contains telemetry that forms part of a Journey, including sensitive in-
formation such as geolocational positioning data, speed, acceleration and
braking patterns, etc.
Of particular note is that while each of these tables contains different types of data, with the exception of
the Person data, none of the Auto or Event data is inherently a threat to the individual’s privacy until such
a time that the data is linked by a join operation across the tables. In RestAssured, not only is the sensitive
data encrypted, the entire series of inner joins that create the opportunity to single out the individual through
linkability or inference across the tables within a single complex query is run in an encrypted environment,
with only the results explicitly consented to by the driver being returned in the query result.
Purpose limitation is achieved by requiring each query to be run on a targeted service endpoint in the
Query Gateway for which the purpose of data access and collection is codified as part of the requesting URI
- assessed and decided upon by the Data Gatekeeper. The data subject is therefore able to pre-consent to a
number of different purposes and usages, providing fine-grained control over the types and amount of data
that can be accessed on a case-by-case basis. The requester then knows precisely what can be done with the
data, and in which context, facilitating their compliance with the GDPR.
The individual components of the PAYD environment are elaborated in Table 2.1 below:
Component Description
openxc-vehicle-simulator An application for generating simulated OpenXC vehicle trace data in real-
PAYD insurer client The insurer-facing client application where risks to be assessed for a spe-
cific driver are selected and an adjusted risk score is provided
PAYD driver app The driver-facing application that presents the latest risk and policy infor-
mation to the driver, allows them to manage their consent settings, and learn
more about their own driving behaviour
PAYD API gateway The main application-facing API gateway that arbitrates access to multiple
API/Edge service endpoints.
Consent manager An end-user facing application that models consent requests, obtains fine-
grained consent from the driver, and informs the creation of sticky policies
While the software architecture outlines the PAYD runtime environment, one aspect that has been omitted
is the method in which driving data is generated and inserted into the data stores. For the purpose of the
demonstration, driving data from a streaming source is pre-loaded into the Encrypted data store directly - as
the RestAssured technologies mature, this will be adjusted to include periodic batch updating. In preparation
for the validation, the pre-loading of the Encrypted data store is achieved by the following process:
Once this is done, all access to the driving data is carried out by the respective clients through the PAYD
API gateway, which communicates directly with the Query Gateway, in line with the defined high-level
software architecture.
3 RestAssured Handbook V2
V1 of the RestAssured Handbook has focused on the components developed in the first 21 months of the
project and how these have been used to build the use case solutions.
V2 of the handbook will expand this report to cover:
(a) IBM has implemented encryption for Apache Parquet files, which is a major contribution by
RestAssured to the Open Source community. Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format
widely used within the Hadoop ecosystem (e.g. including Spark). Storing database information
in columnar format allows for much more efficient loading of Big Data into an analytic engine,
such as Spark SQL, since only those columns required for the data are required to be transferred
from disk to memory. IBM has implemented encryption of Parquet files, where the decryption
of the data is now done within the Spark SQL engine. This allows for Big Data files to securely
reside in a public cloud, and then be utilized by a Spark SQL engine running either in a trusted
cloud, or within a secure enclave, such as the AMD enclave.
(b) Cost of security measures to be added to the SSM design time modelling tool.
(c) Extension of domain models used by SSM to improve modelling of data flows and data lifecycle
including anonymization.
(d) Introduction of run-time risk evaluation. Developing new methods to calculate system risk levels
on the fly, based upon adaptations that align with variation points in a systems design.
(e) Thales has integrated the Data Gatekeeper with an OpenID Connect server. This allows receiving
information about authenticated end-users of the Rest-Assured system, whether they are Data
Consumers, Data Subjects or Service Providers.
(f) Thales has extended the reasoning capabilities of the Data Protection Decision Point, providing
a matching against a context ontology, thus providing Context Based Access Control.
(g) Adaptant has extended the PAYD applications with support for the OAuth 2.0 protocol, which
will be further extended for OpenID Connect for authenticated communication with the Date
Gatekeeper by different roles.
2. The application of these technical components to the use cases. Specifically, the:
(a) High performance computing for commercial enterprises use case will be used to illustrate au-
thentication and authorization between components, providing end-to-end auditability across the
data-lifecycle, as well as exploring the application of RestAssured technologies to Apache Spark
and its related components (Shark SQL, MLlib).
(b) PAYD use case will explore the use of adaptation to handle country-level changes, service porta-
bility through amendment of the data protection contract, and will further explore shifting away
from a centralized Data Gatekeeper model in order to enable decision making and enforcement
at the Edge.
(c) IBM has implemented a version of the Pay As You Driver (PAYD) use case to illustrate the use
of Apache Parquet file encryption. This allows for data files, such as those holding client and
health care service provider personal information, to securely reside in a public cloud, and then
be utilized by a social care application running, for example, a Spark SQL engine, either in a
trusted cloud, or within a secure enclave, such as the AMD enclave.
(d) Social care for vulnerable adults will be used to illustrate the automated risk management for
run-time data protection tools
4 Conclusions
This First RestAssured Handbook outlines our progress in developing a replicable way of applying the
RestAssured technologies.
We have described, in a hand-on manner, how to use the RestAssured components through a set of imple-
mented use cases. We have ensured a full coverage of the material required to replicate our work through a
set of appendices which reference the open source libraries used and the RestAssured APIs.
As such, the handbook is well on the way to becoming an important means to achieve uptake and impact
in practice.
A Appendices
A.1.2 Flask
Open source Python web server. This library is available from the Flask website: http://flask.
A.1.3 Keycloak
Open source implementation of the OpenID Connect protocol. The documentation can be found at: http:
// The source code is available on github at:
A.1.5 Jersey
Open Source Framework for developing RESTful Web Services in Java. The documentation and latest
release are available at:
• GET https://DATAGATEKEEPER-ADDRESS/decisionpoint/services/{serviceID}/
This endpoint delivers the set of authorized entries for a query through a service. This endpoint is called by
the Enforcement Point, implemented as a Query Gateway component, specifying the serviceID and usageID
path parameters, as well as the set of concerned entries in the SQL Tables as query parameters. The endpoint
answers with the list of authorized entries (may be empty) associated with the registered primary identifier
of the service serviceID databases. The list of concerned data must be sent as query parameters.
• GET https://DATAGATEKEEPER-ADDRESS/decisionpoint/services/{serviceID}/
This endpoint delivers a signed JWT for a query on a specific data subject. This endpoint is called by the
Enforcement Point, implemented as a Query Gateway component, specifying the serviceID, dataSubjectID
and usageID as path parameters. The endpoint answers with a signed JWT stating which data are allowed
for the data subject. Thus implementing fine grained authorization. In the case where there is no authorized
data, an empty json object is sent.
• GET https://DATAGATEKEEPER-ADDRESS/decisionpoint/services/{serviceID}/
This endpoint delivers a Grant or Deny response for a query. This implement a coarse grained access control.
• GET https://DATAGATEKEEPER-ADDRESS/decisionpoint/dataSubject/{dataSubjectID}/
This endpoint displays a graphical representation of the security policy linked with the personal data of
• GET https://DATAGATEKEEPER-ADDRESS/decisionpoint/listServices
• POST https://DATAGATEKEEPER-ADDRESS/decisionpoint/services/request/registerFi
This endpoint creates a data subject as a graph with personal identifiers in the TripleStore of the Sticky
Policy Manager.
• POST https://DATAGATEKEEPER-ADDRESS/decisionpoint/createFirstPolicy
This endpoint populates a security Sticky Policy with the privacy requirements of the Data Subject.
• POST https://DATAGATEKEEPER-ADDRESS/decisionpoint/updatePolicy
• DELETE https://DATAGATEKEEPER-ADDRESS/decisionpoint/deletePolicy
This endpoint deletes a part or all of the Sticky Policy related to a Data Subject. The identity of the Data
Subject must be passed as query parameter.
This endpoint sign the Sticky Policy related to a Data Subject. The identity of the Data Subject must be
passed as query parameter.
• GET https://DATAGATEKEEPER-ADDRESS/validatePolicy
This endpoint validates the signature of the Sticky Policy related to a Data Subject. The identity of the Data
Subject must be passed as query parameter.
• GET https://DATAGATEKEEPER-ADDRESS/dataprotectioncontract/services/{serviceID
• POST https://DATAGATEKEEPER-ADDRESS/dataprotectioncontract/buildContract
This endpoint get as input Post Parameters and builds a template for data protection contract in the GUI.
This template will then be filled by the Service Provider in the generate contract endpoint.
• POST https://DATAGATEKEEPER-ADDRESS/dataprotectioncontract/generateContract
This endpoint can be based on the template from Build Template Contract endpoint. This endpoint gen-
erates a Data Protection Contract from Post Parameters. It checks the generated contract against a XSD
scheme, and if valid, an XML signature is generated for the contract. The contract is then stored by the Data
Protection Contract Manager.