Blood Groups and Diet
Blood Groups and Diet
Blood Groups and Diet
Blood groups and diet - part 1
The man, who was originally exclusively a hunter (group O), evolved, first (about 20,000 years ago) learning
to cultivate the land and feed on its fruits (group A) and subsequently (about 15,000 – 10,000 years ago) , on
the heights of the Himalayas, becoming a nomad and taking care of livestock (group B). Finally, about 1,000
years ago, the AB group was formed, the only one not to be the effect of an evolutionary process, but of the
mixture between the sedentary inhabitants of the Caucasian areas and the nomads from Mongolia.
When the human body is attacked by a pathogen (viruses, bacteria, etc.), it triggers a defense mechanism
that attacks and neutralizes these antigens thanks to the presence of plasma proteins called antibodies.
On the surface of the red blood cells two different antigens can be distinguished: the antigen A and the
antigen B. In the same way in the plasma anti-A antibodies and anti-B antibodies can exist. Both neutralize
and kill red blood cells carrying the corresponding antigen.
Each blood group is therefore characterized by the presence of specific antigens and the corresponding
1. each individual does not have antibodies to the antigens present in his blood, otherwise he would
2. each individual has antibodies to fight the antigens he does not have.
1. in the red blood cells antigen A is present in the plasma, then the anti-B antibody. the individuals in
question constitute the GROUP A.
2. in the blood cells is present the antigen B, in the plasma we therefore find the anti-A antibody. blood
type is B.
3. in the red blood cells are present both the antigen A and that B. In the plasma none of the two
antibodies will be present. The
blood is from the AB group.
4. In the blood cells there is no antigen in the plasma so both the anti-A antibody and the anti-B
antibody are present. the individuals in
question belong to the GROUP 0 (zero).
The subject carrying the AB blood group is the most fortunate given that, being free of specific antibodies,
it can receive blood from both type A, B, AB and 0 (universal receiver).
contrary speech for those with type 0 blood that can only receive similar blood (universal donor).
The individual of group A can instead receive blood from groups A and 0; while type B blood is compatible
only with groups B and groups 0
If these combinations are not respected the antibodies present in the plasma (agglutinins) attack the red
blood cells of the transfused blood, neutralizing them (agglutination reaction) and forming small lumps that
occlude the blood vessels causing very serious damage to the body.
The blood group to which we belong is inherited from our parents and is immutable from birth to death.
The frequency of these groups varies according to the ethnicity of the population: in England about 40% of
individuals are in group A and only 10% are in group B; in India group A is present in 27% of cases and group
B in 50%. Blood group AB is the rarest in Europe.
Subsequent research into Landsteiner’s studies revealed the existence of other antigens that are important
to take into account in the practice of transfusions. Among these, the most important is the so-called Rh
factor, an antigen discovered by a group of researchers led by the same Landsteiner, around 1940.
The discovery of the Rh factor was made possible by studies conducted on a group of Rhesus macaques,
from which the name Rh was derived.
In the circulatory stream, regardless of the blood group, the Rh antigen may be present or be completely
absent. In the first case we speak of Rh positive (Rh +), in the second case of Rh negative (Rh-) blood.
Human race’s history is marked by the struggle for survival, or rather by the ability of man to adapt to the
environment in which he found himself living and to the diet that he was forced to follow. Ultimately, the
real driving force of evolution was the food and migration that followed to find it.
Probably the prehistory of man began in Africa. The life of our ancestors was short, hard and rough. They
fed on wild plants, larvae and the carcasses of animals killed by other predators. In fact, they were more
than predators prey on germs and parasites responsible for terrible infections (many of the parasites and
microorganisms found in Africa do not activate the immune system responses, therefore they do not
produce antibody formation, probably because the first men with group blood 0 already had antibodies
with a protective effect at birth).
When our ancestors began to move from one place to another they were forced to adapt to a different diet.
The ingestion of new foods profoundly changed the digestive and immune systems. This allowed man not
only to survive but also to thrive in the new habitat.
These profound changes accompany the development of the different blood groups that seem to make
their appearance in critical stages of evolution:
1. The ascent of human beings towards the top of the food chain (the evolution of the type 0 blood
group is the most complete expression).
2. The transition from a diet based on hunting and gathering fruit and wild plants to a diet based on
rudimentary agriculture (appearance of the type A blood group).
3. The fusion of races and migrations from Africa to Europe, Asia and the Americas (type B blood group).
4. The mixing of disparate groups (appearance of type AB blood group).
Each of the blood groups embodies the genetic message linked to the diet and behavior of our ancestors.
Despite having a long journey behind them, many characteristics still connect us to the first men who
populated planet hearth.
There is a chemical reaction between blood and food that is part of our genetic background. It may seem
surprising but, even though we are at the first part of the twenty first century, the digestive and immune
systems still retain a predilection for foods consumed by the blood group ancestors similar to ours.
The reason lies in proteins called lectins. The latter are particularly abundant in different foods and have
agglutinating properties that are expressed in the blood.
When we eat a food containing lectins incompatible with our blood group, they settle in an organ (kidneys,
liver, brain, stomach, etc.) and begin to agglutinate red blood cells in that area. 95 percent of the lectins we
take with food are safely removed from the body. The remaining 5 percent, however, manages to reach the
blood where it triggers a series of reactions that lead to the destruction of red and white blood cells. But
they can also damage the walls of the stomach and intestines, triggering a violent inflammation of the
mucous membranes that causes disorders similar to those of a food allergy.
The secret is to eliminate only the lectins that are incompatible with our blood group from the diet. Gluten,
for example, that is the characteristic lectin of wheat and other cereals, can be attached to the wall of the
intestine causing painful inflammation: this reaction, however, occurs only in the presence of certain blood
groups, especially that 0.
However, it is important to note that the same lectins that damage a specific blood group do not activate in
contact with the blood of another group: therefore it is not necessary to eliminate all the foods that contain
them but only and exclusively avoid those that contain the non tolerated by one’s blood group.
Based on the knowledge of the characteristics of the four blood groups, in the early 50s the American
doctor James D’Adamo theorizes the connection between the onset of some diseases and food
His son, Peter D’Adamo, made his father’s theory official in the 1980s and carried out studies and
experiments that allowed him to identify the categories of foods that interact positively or negatively with
individual groups.
Subsequently, other scholars have constantly updated and improved the diet following new discoveries in
the field of the use of food as a prevention of some diseases.
More than a diet (in the traditional sense), it is a diet: it is not necessary to calculate the calories nor to weigh
the foods since losing weight is not the purpose but one of the effects of this new nutritional style.
The diet consists of three categories of foods for each blood group:
1. “favorite foods”, because they contain substances that favor the body’s physiological processes;
2. “neutral foods”, which do not interfere with the body, neither positively nor negatively;
3. “foods to avoid”, which with their characteristics can damage the body.
Of course, each of us is unique and despite belonging to a specific blood group, we have an absolutely
personal history, which could be characterized by diseases or intolerances that require a particular diet (eg,
diabetes, celiac disease, etc.).
In this case, it is important to integrate the indications of this diet with your dietary needs and eliminate any
foods that are harmful to your health even though they are positive or neutral for the category to which they
So, in the past 2 parts we have talked of how 40,000 years ago, the first men, having large herds of animals
available, inevitably became skilled hunters. The game was not lacking and therefore it was not necessary
to look for other sources of sustenance until the period of the great migrations: about 30,000 years ago, the
men, more and more numerous, began to settle in areas of the earth less generous in terms of game and
they had, as As a result, learning to alternate hunting with fishing and picking berries, nuts and roots,
gradually becoming omnivorous.
These characteristics are found today in members of group O, characterized by a robust digestive system
and an immune system that is particularly active against food-borne infections, but weak against viral
infections. Their immune system also sins of fragility in the face of radical dietary changes, favoring the
onset of allergies and autoimmune diseases. Those who suffer from food intolerances could largely solve
the problem by avoiding wheat-based foods, as gluten lectins cause a strong immune reaction in group O
Physical activity is fundamental for the heirs of the first hunters: their muscles are structured for a rapid and
massive use of energy but the changed conditions of modern life do not allow these people to burn a large
amount of calories if not through a intense sporting activity. Given the characteristics of their predecessors,
the recommended sports are those that require strength, endurance and skill, such as athletics, tennis,
wrestling and cross-country skiing.
Group 0 (ie without any antigen on the red blood cell membrane)
prefers a diet rich in animal protein and an intense physical
activity program. Its digestive system belongs to the most
ancient genetic thread: the primitive hunter and predator.
It is able to tolerate a slight state of ketosis well, that is an alteration of the metabolism in which a certain
amount of proteins and fats can be demolished only up to a certain limit, beyond which substances called
ketone bodies are formed: these last, if in the other groups they produce liver function disorders, in group 0,
within certain degrees, they can be used by the brain and heart as alternative energy to glucose.
Subject 0 is therefore available for a diet rich in meat, although it will still have to limit its consumption to
those that are lean to not charge itself with saturated fats and alter the wall of the arteries.
It does not tolerate dairy products and cereals, to which its digestive system has not yet completely
Type 0 must limit the consumption of cereals and legumes. The major cause of its weight gain is gluten
contained in wheat germ and, more generally, in wheat-based products. Gluten lectins inhibit insulin
activity and prevent the body from using calories for energy purposes. Even the lectins contained in certain
legumes, such as Spanish beans and lentils, have a strong affinity for muscle tissue, making it alkaline and
therefore less suitable for storing energy. People of type 0, in fact, if they manage to keep their muscles in a
slight state of acidity they keep the line because only in that way will they quickly burn the calories
introduced with food. Another element common to group 0 is a sluggish thyroid that fails to produce the
amount of hormones needed to make the metabolic processes work at full speed. Carbonated drinks
should also be avoided.
Wheat and maize gluten because they interfere with the efficiency of insulin and slow down the
metabolism. Spanish beans, white beans, lentils – alter the use of calories. Cauliflower, white and red
cabbage, Brussels sprouts, mustard – inhibit thyroid function.
Seaweed, fish and seafood, iodized salt because they contain iodine for thyroid function. Liver for vitamin B
content activates metabolism. Red meat, cabbage, spinach, broccoli because they activate the metabolism.
Meat and poultry The organism of group 0 has great need of animal proteins (but watch out for the portions:
not more than 180g per meal). It digestes and assimilates the meat well because the stomach produces a
good amount of hydrochloric acid and hormones that preside over gastric digestion. However, it is good to
balance the intake of protein with sufficient amounts of vegetables and fruit, otherwise the gastric juices
would become excessively acidic and therefore harmful to the wall of the stomach and duodenum.
Prefer lamb, beef, veal Indifferent duck, rabbit, chicken, quail, turkey To avoid pork, goose, cold cuts in
Fish, shellfish and seafood It is another excellent source of animal protein. Fish coming from cold waters,
such as mackerel, cod and herring contain, as is now known, fats that thin the blood because they reduce
platelet aggregation and thrombus formation. They are also rich in iodine and therefore suitable for
stimulating the sluggish thyroid of group 0.
Milk, dairy products and eggs Their consumption must be drastically limited, because group 0 fails to
subject them to adequate metabolism. This is not the most known food allergy since it is not caused by
digestive problems but by a reaction of the entire immune system that produces specific antibodies against
milk and derivatives. Instead, it is a food intolerance that involves only the digestive system, favoring less
massive disorders.
You can also eat 4 or 5 eggs a week but only small amounts of dairy products.
Indifferent butter, milk flakes, goat cheese, milk and soy cheeses, mozzarella Avoid all other cheeses
including yogurt.
Cereals Group 0 does not tolerate wheat-based products at all, since they contain some lectins that react
with both the blood components and the digestive system, interfering with proper absorption. Wheat is
primarily responsible for the weight gain of group 0 subjects. Couscous should also be avoided. Only the
rice flour, spelled, buckwheat, puffed millet, barley and puffed and polished rice, rye soy bread and gluten-
free bread, barley and rye flour (but not the Rye bread).
Vegetables They play an important role in the diet of group 0 but not all. To avoid some brassinaceae such
as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and mustard because they can inhibit the thyroid; some
solanaceous such as eggplant and potato, because they can cause joint disorders because their lectins
tend to settle at the level of the joints. Corn tends to favor obesity and diabetes by interfering with insulin
Fresh fruit The variety of beneficial fruit for group 0 is very high. Preferred are dried and fresh prunes and
figs because they tend to lower the acidity of the digestive tract avoiding group 0, which tends to
hyperacidity, to form gastritis and ulcers. Even the melon is alkaline but it is good to consume it in
moderation because it contains microscopic fungi that are not well tolerated in group 0. To avoid (or
moderate) oranges, mandarins and strawberries, coconut, avocado because they are very acidic. Grapefruit
is also acid but can be consumed in moderation because during the digestive process it behaves like an
alkaline product.
The spices By choosing the right spices it is possible to increase the efficiency of the digestive and immune
systems. Prefer parsley, cayenne pepper and curry because they stimulate the circulation of the digestive
tract. Algae are a source of fucose, which protects the stomach; they also stimulate the metabolism
contributing to weight loss. Avoid white and black pepper and vinegar because they irritate the gastric wall.
The blood group of type A appeared 20,000 years ago, as a result of the adaptation of the hunter to the
need to find new sources of livelihood due to the lack of game.
Some men first learned to feed on wild fruits and then to cultivate the land, turning from carnivores to
vegetarians; furthermore, having become sedentary, they organized themselves into more and more
numerous communities, exposing themselves to a greater risk of contracting diseases communicable by
their own kind.
It was a huge change to which these men would not have survived without an adjustment of their physical
characteristics: the triggered evolutionary process selected specimens capable of making the most of plant
nutrients and effectively defending themselves against infection.
All this could not have happened without a mutation of the characteristics of the blood (which plays a
fundamental role for the proper functioning of the digestive system and the immune system – see the
“Blood groups and nutrition” section), generating a new blood group: the group A.
The members of group A have inherited from their predecessors a poor tolerance of animal proteins and an
immune system effective against viral infections and resistant to changes but weak towards bacterial
diseases (eg: bronchitis) and not paying attention to of cancer cells that do not immediately recognize as
Even the physical needs of the new man changed: while the hunter man needed great strength and
physical resistance to successfully complete exhausting hunting parties, the peasant man carried out
activities that required above all patience, resistance and a spirit of solidarity.
All this can be found today in the typical impatience of the members of group A towards any kind of
stressful situation. For this reason, the heirs of the first peasant men should choose physical activities that
favor constancy, resistance and concentration, such as martial arts and yoga that promote relaxation, but
also stretching, cycling and swimming.
Type A characteristics Type A people (that is, in possession of the antigen A on the red blood cell
membrane) receive greater beneficial effects by carrying out a vegetarian diet, particularly with natural and
fresh foods. It belongs to the genetic thread of the first agricultural settlements and the domestication of
i t is the first vegetarian: it requires a peasant diet to stay in line and
conserve energy.
has a sensitive digestive system
has an immune system that is too tolerant and not very alert
suitable for stable environmental and dietary conditions
reacts well to stress by practicing relaxing activities
Type A is predisposed to cardiovascular disorders and hyperglycemia due to reduced pancreatic insulin
activity. After taking unsuitable foods (red meat), his renal apparatus performs less excretory activity with
fluid retention, his digestive system has a slower digestive process and generally feels numb and tired.
Group A, unlike group 0, suffers in particular from a lower acidity in the gastric cavity which does not allow a
total demolition of meat proteins. Dairy products also slow down their metabolism and because they are
rich in saturated fats, they are a danger to the artery wall.
Wheat is considered ambivalent: if ingested in excessive quantities it causes excessive acidity at the level of
the muscles leading to greater fatigue (unlike group 0 where the muscles tend to work better if maintained
in a slight acidosis condition)
Let’s now see together what determine weight gain for Group A
1. meat because it is poorly digested and favors the accumulation of fats and toxins
2. milk and dairy products because they slow down the metabolism of other nutrients
3. Spanish beans and lima beans because they interfere with digestive enzymes and slow down the
4. excess wheat because it inhibits insulin activity and hinders the utilization of calories
1. vegetable oils because they make digestion more efficient and prevent fluid retention
2. soy-based foods because they make digestion more efficient and are metabolized rapidly
3. vegetables because they are rapidly metabolized and increase intestinal motility
4. pineapple because it increases the utilization of calories and intestinal motility.
On part four of this mini series we have started to review the blood type A, from the ancient times till now
we have seen the change from a carnivore man into a more vegetarian type. On part 5 we will go straight
into talking of the particular foods that suit better the group A blood type. So Without further adding
anything let’s delve right into it.
To achieve the greatest benefits, type A should eliminate all types of meat from the diet; however it is
enough to increase the consumption of fish and prefer the leanest meat such as chicken and baked or
grilled turkey. Stay away from sausages because they contain nitrites, poorly tolerated by type A in
possession of acid acid. Avoid lamb duck rabbit heart liver pork beef goose salami veal Indifferent chicken,
Type A can take fish in small amounts three or four times a week but must avoid some fish such as sole
because it contains lectins that can irritate its digestive system.
Prefer grouper, cod, croaker, salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout. Indifferent pike, dogfish, swordfish, sea bass,
tuna, salmon trout. Eel, lobster, herring, squid, mussels, shrimp, hake, oysters, bass, octopus, sole and clams
are best avoided.
Type A tolerates small quantities of fermented cheeses, should limit the consumption of eggs but must
avoid dairy products based on whole milk as its immune system produces antibodies against one of the
main constituents of whole milk, D-galactosamine. This sugar, together with fucose, gives the B antigen the
main enemy of its immune system. If type A suffers from bronchial asthma or chronic bronchitis, allergic
reactions tend to worsen with the ingestion of dairy products.
Prefer cheese and soy milk Indifferent yoghurt ice cream, lean mozzarella, lean ricotta, fruit and lean yogurt
Best to avoid butter, camembert, emmental, cheese, fresh cheese, ice cream with whole milk, gorgonzola,
whole milk and skimmed milk, parmesan cheese.
Type A does not require a large fat intake, on the contrary it must limit them. In contrast, a tablespoon of
olive oil per day on the salad or on the vegetable contributes to a better function of the digestive process; it
is also rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids that help reduce LDL cholesterol and raise HDL. The lectins
contained in corn oil and peanut oil, on the other hand, cause digestive problems.
Type A thrives by ingesting the proteins contained in legumes. However, the white beans of Spain, those of
Lima, red beans and chickpeas contain a lectin that can reduce insulin production and promote
Type A is well suited to a cereal-based diet but should prefer less refined products. Wheat gluten, in
particular, produces an excessive amount of acid that could damage their muscular system. In that case
they should take fruit that generates an increase in alkalinity.
Preferably buckwheat, rice cakes, soy bread, rice rye oatmeal. Indifferent rice and oat bran, corn flakes, corn
and rice oatmeal, puffed millet, barley, puffed rice, spelled and millet bread, rye-only bread and gluten-free.
Avoid whole wheat bread, rye bread and other cereals, white flour and whole wheat flour, fresh wheat
pasta, durum wheat semolina pasta.
They are vital for type A because they provide enzymes and antioxidant minerals. Better, however, to take
them raw or cook them steamed or baked to reduce the loss of those substances as much as possible.
However, antioxidant-rich broccoli is recommended; reinvigorate the immune system (particularly
vulnerable in group A) and prevent cellular mutations. Also recommended are green cabbage, carrots,
cabbage, pumpkin and spinach; in particular the garlic that in the type A, besides the fluidification of the
blood, carries out in a more punctual way its defensive and antibiotic properties. Even white onions contain
a powerful antioxidant called quercetin.
Avoid the peppers and fermented olives that can cause gastric digestion disorders; also tomatoes,
potatoes, red and white cabbage contain lectins which in type A and B possess an agglutinative power
harmful to the digestive tract. In summary. Prefer garlic, beets, broccoli, artichokes, carrots, kohlrabi and
greens, chicory, yellow and Spanish red onions, romaine lettuce, leek, parsley, horseradish, turnips, endive,
spinach, dandelion, cabbage, pumpkin.
Indifferent asparagus, avocado, beetroot, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, chervil, cucumber, prey tops, green
onions, water cress, cumin, coriander, fennel, endive, other lettuces, corn, green olives, radicchio, radishes,
rocket , shallots, celery, zucchini. To avoid Chinese white and red cabbage, cultivated mushrooms,
aubergines, Greek, black and Spanish olives, white, sweet and red potatoes, red pepper, yellow, red and
green peppers, tomatoes.
Fresh fruit
Type A should eat fruit at least three times a day, (unless he has calorie problems for overweight). However,
it is important that you choose the most alkaline fruit such as berries and prunes to balance the action of
the cereals which tend to make the muscles more acidic. Also the honeyed melons are alkaline but since
they contain a high quantity of microscopic fungi (the molds) they could give digestive problems. Tropical
fruits, such as mangoes and papayas, contain a digestive enzyme that is not beneficial for type A as it is for
other groups. Pineapple is instead an excellent digestive.
Absolutely to be avoided are the oranges that irritate the type A stomach, poor in acid juices, and interfere
with the absorption of the essential minerals. Grapefruit, on the other hand, despite being acid, exerts a
beneficial action because at the end of digestion it tends to become alkaline. Even lemons, by controlling
the production of gastric mucus, perform a beneficial power in type A. To increase the intake of vitamin C, a
powerful antioxidant and anticancer agent, Kiwi can also be used. The lectin contained in the banana is not
well tolerated by type A. To take potassium, make use of apricots, figs and other varieties of melon.
Prefer apricots, pineapples, cherries, fresh and dried figs, lemons, blackberries, grapefruit, black, red, green
and dried plums, sultanas. Indifferent watermelon, avocado, persimmon, dates, prickly pears, strawberries,
kiwi, raspberries, pomegranate, apples, winter melon, Spanish and gialletone, pears, nectarine, peaches,
poses, black and red currants, grapes. To avoid oranges, bananas, mandarins, mangoes, honeydew melons,
coconuts, papayas, rhubarb.
Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds and walnuts are valuable foods for type A because they correct
the protein deficit due to the elimination of meat. However they contain a lot of calories and require a lot of
work on the liver system. They are therefore to be avoided in a diet that can lose weight and in those who
have hypercholesterolemia and liver failure problems.
A glass of red wine is a great help for the heart. Coffee and green tea are also fine (better if alternated)
because they stimulate the production of gastric acid. Preferred Coffee, green tea, red wine
Indifferent white wine Avoid soda and soda water, cola-based drinks, beer, liqueurs, even black tea.
Around 15-10,000 years ago, in the Himalayan area, the third blood group, the B group, originated. The
hostile climate and inhospitable territory seriously threatened the survival of the local populations.
These men could not get food with hunting, for the shortage of game, nor exclusively with agriculture, for
the aridity of the land. Herding and dairy products became an important source of livelihood and nomadic
life was the consequence of the search for pastures for livestock.
The man, who originally was not structured to withstand long periods of famine and cold infections,
survived thanks to a rapid but cruel natural selection that favored specimens extraordinarily resistant to
extreme living conditions.
As already explained in our past episodes of this mini series, the key to the success of any evolutionary
process is the ability to adapt to new food resources and the ability to defeat new diseases. Also in this
case, the nomadic populations changed their organism in this direction: the new blood group presented an
antigen compatible with the proteins of milk and fermented dairy products, the digestive system was
structured to easily absorb foods with different characteristics between them , such as meat, cereals and
dairy products, and accumulating energy supplies to be used in times of famine and, finally, the immune
system was extremely efficient.
Modern man belonging to group B are particularly suited for physical activities that require great resistance,
such as jogging, cycling and mountaineering and obtain excellent results in extreme sports such as
Group B, therefore, belongs to the genetic thread of human groups that have become nomads and
shepherds, whose organism was led to adapt to ever new cultures. It is endowed with unique and
sometimes chameleonic characteristics with a more evolved and alert immune system and therefore able
to withstand the changes and aggressions that affect the most developed societies, such as cardiovascular
disorders and tumors.
Weight loss To avoid weight gain, group B must refrain from maize, buckwheat etc that interfere with insulin
activity, hindering metabolism and causing hypoglycemia. Like group 0, it does not tolerate wheat lectin.
The thyroid instead works well and the dairy products are well tolerated.
Promote weight gain Maize, lentils, buckwheat, wheat because they reduce insulin activity. Peanuts
because they reduce insulin activity and liver function.
Promote weight loss green vegetables, meat, liver, eggs and dairy products because they activate the
Oils and fats Spine, sunflower, sesame and corn oil should be avoided because they contain lectins that are
harmful to group B.
Legumes Chickpeas, beans with an eye and lentils should be avoided because they contain lectins that
interfere with the insulin activity of group B.
Cereals and baked goods They are well tolerated, with the exception of wheat which contains a lectin that
attaches to insulin receptors present on fat cells. Bread of mixed cereals, whole wheat and soy is also to be
avoided. Indifferent rye bread, spelled bread and other cereals.
Vegetables Group B can use a large quantity of vegetables except tomatoes that contain a lectin badly
tolerated by the gastric wall; maize, whose lectins interfere with the efficiency of insulin and therefore alter
the metabolism of carbohydrates and olives that contain microscopic fungi potentially responsible for the B
group of allergic reactions. Also limit the artichokes, radishes, pumpkin. Since group B tends to be more
vulnerable to viral infections and autoimmune diseases, it is necessary to give a lot of privilege to green
leafy vegetables, rich in magnesium, a mineral that helps the body to fight fatigue and therefore to
safeguard the immunitary defense.
Fresh fruit To avoid only the avocado, the persimmons, the prickly pears, the coconut.
Dried fruit Some species such as peanut seeds, pistachios and pine nuts should be avoided because they
contain lectins that are harmful to group B.
This concludes the group B blood type episode. On our next article we will be talking of the modern era
man blood group type AB, stay tuned.
The AB group is a mixture between the two groups “parents” and this legacy can be in some cases a strong
point and in others a great limit. It has both antigens A and B and therefore cannot develop antibodies A or
B: this protects it from autoimmune diseases because the immune system is not induced to attack parts of
its own body.
The disadvantage is the tendency not to activate even in the presence of mutant cells in one’s system,
exposing oneself more to tumors. Its immune characteristics protected it during the great medieval
epidemics, such as typhus and plague. Instead it is more subject to bacterial infections of the respiratory
tract, Candida infections and intestinal parasites, while it is well protected from cold viruses. It has a rather
sensitive digestive system, able to tolerate only the foods that are advantageous for both groups A and B,
with due exceptions such as tomatoes and wheat lectins which, in excessive doses, can cause weight gain.
From the point of view of sporting activity, the members of this group are the ones who best reflect the
characteristics of the modern era: sport is not fundamental but nevertheless advantageous and therefore
they should prefer relaxing activities such as swimming, golf, yoga and long walks.
The AB group is relatively young, rare and even biologically complex. It appeared less than a thousand
years ago and is owned only by 2-5 percent of the population. In principle, most of the foods harmful to
group A or B are also harmful to the AB group with some exceptions.
Weight loss
The simultaneous presence of the two antigens A and B creates some problems. The genetic
predisposition to consume meat (characteristic of group B), remains unsatisfied in the AB group since the
cells of its stomach secrete, as in group A, scarce amounts of hydrochloric acid and hormones connected
to it: a condition that makes it difficult meat digestion. For a weight reduction, the AB group must therefore
drastically reduce the consumption of meat. The consumption of Spanish and Lima beans, maize,
buckwheat or sesame seeds must also be avoided, as in group B, as they limit the efficiency of insulin
activity in favor of carbohydrate metabolism. Although the AB group tolerates wheat-based foods well, it
must however limit its consumption because it would make its muscle tissue too acidic, while the AB group
metabolism is more efficient under alkaline conditions.
Fish and shellfish They are an excellent source of protein for the AB group. Only anchovies, eel, prawns,
oysters, octopus, sea bass, smoked salmon, clams should be avoided.
Milk, dairy products and eggs In this case, component B takes on a dominant role in relation to A. Green
light therefore for yogurt and low-fat cheeses. Component A, however, tends to produce an excess of
mucus responsible for respiratory disorders, sinusitis and otitis. In the presence of these problems and in
hypercholesterolemia, reduce the consumption of aged dairy products, butter and eggs.
Dried fruit To limit consumption because it contains lectins able to reduce insulin activity and therefore
carbohydrate metabolism in the AB group.
Legumes Only Spanish and Lima beans, chickpeas, green beans with eyes and broad beans should be
Cereals The AB group tolerates cereals well. Wheat is unique in that it can cause problems with excess
mucus, especially in people with problems with the respiratory tract, sinuses and ear. It is good, however,
that the AB group limits pasta consumption to once or twice a week.
Vegetables Fresh vegetables are, for the AB group, even essential because they reduce the cardiovascular
risk to which it is subjected. It is good to take them several times a day. Even tomatoes, poorly tolerated in A
or B, do not create problems. Some problems with artichokes, corn, peppers, black olives, radishes.
Fresh fruit The AB type must favor the most alkaline fruits such as grapes, prunes and berries. To avoid the
oranges because irritating the stomach and therefore able to interfere with the absorption of some
essential minerals. Grapefruit and lemon, on the other hand, at the time of digestion develop a certain
degree of alkalinity and therefore can be taken without problems. The banana produces absorption
problems in the AB group; in its place, for a good source of potassium, apricots, figs and melon are to be
Juices and drinks The AB group should start the day by drinking a glass of water flavored with the juice of
half a lemon, to eliminate excess mucus. Other preferred drinks are carrot, cherry, blueberry, grape and
papaya juice.
The spices The AB group must limit the intake of sodium salt and vinegar; avoid pepper, garlic, curry,
Preserves and sauces Avoid all pickled and pickled foods as well as ketchup containing vinegar.
Infusions and drinks The AB group must stimulate its too lazy immune system even with infusions of alpha
alfa, burdock, hawthorn, chamomile, echinacea, and dog rose. Excellent red wine for its activity on the
arteries that can reduce the cardiovascular risk; also one or two cups of coffee because it increases acidity
and therefore gastric digestion and contains the same enzymes present in soy. To obtain maximum
benefits, it is advisable to alternate coffee and green tea regularly.
This concludes our mini series regarding the blood groups types and the best suited diets for them. I would
like to thank all of you who have participated with comments and helped to shine even more light into this
broad topic. If you liked this series and would love to read more of this kind of “series” you are welcome to
leave your comment, we will take it in consideration for future posts.
Franco defines itself as a person trapped in a sedentary lifestyle, however, he is
an avid fitness "addict" and like, many more in his environment spends vast
parts of his leisure time on a gym, running, cycling.
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