5R110 Additional Info 6.15A.2018
5R110 Additional Info 6.15A.2018
5R110 Additional Info 6.15A.2018
Take heed and give this information some serious consideration. There are more
than a few ways to hurt, warp, weld or split the inner gear and generally bring the
pump to an untimely death. This information will save the pump, your pocket book
and your reputation!
Cause Bushing,
of Failure: Oil Starved
Electrical, or Tuning
Bushing, Failure?or Programming?
Oil Starved
Knowing how
Knowing how to
to tell
tell the
the difference
difference is
is half
half the
the battle.
No Damage Severe Damage Severe Damage
Here Here Here
Fig 1 Fig 2
Electrical ground failure or a tight Lack of oil, restricted filter, dry start-up or
pump bushing clearance will weld the aggressive TCM programming. Both
inner gear to the pump plate. gears are equally black & blued.
We have heard the reports of replacement bushings that will only provide .001”
clearance to a properly sized hub. Running the bushing this tight will seize the
bushing to the hub and spin the bushing in the pump body. The metal generated will
get between the inner gear and pump plate welding them together, this will look like
a ground failure, see fig 1. Tolerances and alignment are critical with this pump. See
TransGo 5R1-PMP-Align.
© TransGo 2018
Pump Bushing: Reuse the OE
bushing when possible.
Page 2
© TransGo 2018
Pump Gear ID Marks and Outer Gear Chamfer.
The Original Equipment pump gears have ID marks on the inner and outer gear.
These ID marks MUST be visible when the gears are installed into the pump body.
With original equipment gears this will ensure that the chamfered side of the outer
gear is facing into the pump body. Attention: If the outer gear ID mark is not visi-
ble when installed, the pump will seize on the road test or shortly after.
ID Mark
Never Install Pump Gears Dry. The gear pocket & both gears should be thor-
oughly lubed “with ATF only” during assembly. Also, please take the time to pour
3 to 4 quarts of ATF into the converter before installing it. This can be difficult and
time consuming however we feel it is necessary.
Oil Pan
G109 (on right front
(on left frame inner fender,
rail front of under Diesel Engine
engine battery) This is the main battery ground on the
compt) passenger side front of the engine,
#G101. This connection is the most
critical one. To clean it correctly, the
(at right front nut, cable and the stud that screws in-
frame rail or to the block MUST be removed and
inner fender cleaned, NO exceptions. If this
near battery) connection is dirty the current will take
an alternate path through the trans-
Dirty mission and damage the pump.
Ground Path
Proper Cooler Flushing: Remove and discard the filter cartridge and temporarily
plug the filter feed hole. See fig 2. Most housings have a .204” feed hole. Use a
6mm tap to carefully add enough threads to install a 6mm bolt 2-3 threads, hand
tighten the bolt so it will not fall out. Reinstall the filter bowl (leave cartridge out) and
flush the system. After flushing remove the filter bowl and bolt, clean out the hous-
ing and install a new filter cartridge and bowl.
Fig 1
Pump Interchange: 2008 and later trucks no longer have the in-line cooler filter.
These models use a different oil pump. In a pinch you can use a 2008 type pump
(2 notch) on the external filter models by permanently plugging the external filter
feed hole. The in line filter type pump (1 notch) should not be used in place of a 2
notch pump. If the 1 notch pump is installed on a truck with NO external filter you
run the risk of starving the gear train for lube if the oil cooler becomes restricted or
All pumps have this notch.
DO NOT use assembly gel or grease as lube for this pump. The gear pocket & both
gears should be thoroughly lubed with ATF before assembling. Pour 3 to 4 quarts of
the approved ATF into the converter before installing it.
This is a High Volume Pump and it will run out of oil very quickly.
Pre fill the unit with 8 quarts of ATF. Start engine and let it run for 15 seconds then
shut the engine off. Add 5 more quarts then re-start the engine and complete the
filling procedure. This along with the converter prefill will have the oil level within 1-3
qts of full depending on oil pan capacity. The ATF thermostat will not open until 150-
185 degrees.